The 777 th Ms. Zhangfemale genitals
The gudragonstopsin the distant place, the manefluctuates, the Dragon's Taillightswayed, the rubydoublepupiloverlooksto defend the halfgod of forewordcampindifferently.
The frightenedSon of Heavenjoyfulbringing backcorners of the mouth of the dragon conducts the back, saidloudly:
龙背上的恐惧天王愉悦的勾起嘴角,大声道:„, Togetherhowweform a teamto brushboss, share the Spirit Territorydutytogether. ThisSon of Heavenispushesboss, nointerestandyoufight, do a thankless job.”
“诸位,咱们一起组队刷boss怎么样,一起分享灵境的任务。本天王是来推boss的,没什么兴趣和你们打架,吃力不讨好。”Defends the halfgod of forewordcampnot to respondhim, becauseknows that thisisteasing and ridicule of opposite party.
The evilcampmakes the ideacompel the insanedaypunishingtwoseats of honor, the goalisto letthemturnsis the target of public criticism, forms the aspect that the whole worldbesieges, as the matter stands, defends the halfgod of forewordcampto only havetwochoices:
邪恶阵营使计逼疯天罚的两位首席,目的就是让他们变成众矢之的,形成举世围攻的局面,这样一来,守序阵营的半神只有两个选择:First, completesto issue a warrant for arrest the dutywith the halfgod of evilcampjointly, subsidesthisdisaster.
The priceis, defends the forewordcampto losetwo11 -and-a-half levels of godssince then, is unable to contendwith the evilcampagain.
代价是,守序阵营从此失去两位11级半神,再也无法和邪恶阵营抗衡。Because the Spirit Territorymechanismassigns the rewardaccording to the degree of contribution, this pointmanifestsin the transcription, the godbesieges the wind and thunderdoublegodmostlyjointly, the finalresult can only be the dilutedreward.
因为灵境的机制是按贡献度来分配奖励,这一点在副本里就有体现,这么多半神联手围攻风雷双神,最后的结果只能是摊薄奖励。Defends the rewardsum total of the forewordcampobtaining, is impossibleto arrive at the loss.
守序阵营这边得到的奖励总和,不可能抵过损失。Second, resists the halfgod of evilcamp, protects the wind and thunderdoublegod.
二,对抗邪恶阵营的半神,保护风雷双神。Thischoicetodefendingforewordhalfgod, the bravedriskis too big, because the wind and thunderdoublegodrefuses to acknowledge family, the choiceprotectsher, mustresistwith the evilhalfgods, as well aswith the wind and thunderdoublegodresistance, carelessly, thento want the godto perishtoday.
这个选择对守序半神来说,冒的风险太大,因为风雷双神六亲不认,选择保护她,既要和邪恶半神们对抗,又要和风雷双神对抗,一个不慎,今日便要神殒。Moreover the wind and thunderdoublegodis an unstabilizing factor, after guaranteeingher ? Whatevershestarts the hurricaneeverywhere, destroys the city?
而且风雷双神是个不稳定因素,保下她之后呢?任由她到处掀起飓风,摧毁城市?How manypeople will thatdie?
那会死多少人?Sunny, the blue skysuch aswashes, the halfgod of twobigcampsencirclesBolivianLancetincentral, thisgodfeels nothing, is lowering the head, crazyrotation of twoeyeballsineye socket, immersesinownenergeticstorm, the mouthis muttering:
阳光明媚,蓝天如洗,两大阵营的半神将玻瑞阿斯围在中央,这位神主浑然不觉,垂着头,两只眼球在眼眶里疯狂转动,沉浸在自己的精神风暴里,嘴里喃喃着:„Am IBolivianLancet? Am IBolivianLancet?”
The three partiesbecome the potential of attacking from a pincer-like positionmutually, is looking for the opportunityto act, orand other opposite partyfirstmake a move.
三方互成掎角之势,都在寻找机会出手,或者等对方先出手。Wears the association president of silvermask, glances right and left, takes out a microphonefrom the goodscolumn, the gatheringmouth, said:
戴银色面具的会长,左顾右盼一番,从物品栏取出一个麦克风,凑到嘴边,道:„I believe that before the fight, wedefend the halfgod of forewordcamp should firstto reach the agreement.”
“我认为,战斗之前,咱们守序阵营的半神应该先达成共识。”Hissoundsiftsfivehegemonandin the seasovereignearsaccurately, the halfgod of evilcampturns a deaf ear.
The voidoccupationalwayshas all kinds ofitems, gaudy, everyonehas been unalarmed by strange sights, halfgodsinquiredwith the vision,onlyhas the red hairsuch asMasterJiang of fire the highsound said:
虚空职业总是有各种各样的道具,花里胡哨,大家早已见怪不怪,半神们纷纷用目光询问,唯有红发如火的姜帮主高声道:„How do youwant?”
“你想怎么样?”Brings in the gaze of evilhalfgodsdoubtsuspicion.
引来邪恶半神们狐疑猜忌的注视。Association presidentmisterresists the mouthwith the microphone, sends out, only thendefends the sound that the forewordhalfgodcanhear:
„ Is wind and thunderdoublegodguaranteesorkills? Ifyouchooseto make the duty, myminority must obey the majority, Iwill send into exileBolivianLancettoSpirit Territory, thendeliversyou.
“风雷双神是保还是杀?如果你们都选择做任务,那我少数服从多数,我会把玻瑞阿斯放逐到灵境中,然后再把伱们送进去。„ButtwopointsImustremind;first, is unable to judgeBolivianLancetinsanelytowhatdegree, ifshealsoknows that the openingfactiontranscription, ourhunting and killingplanswill be defeated.”
“但有两点我要提醒,一是无法判断玻瑞阿斯疯到什么程度,如果她还知道开启帮派副本,那咱们的猎杀计划就会失败。”Halfgodis unable on own initiativeshuttleSpirit Territory, but the factiontranscriptionis not one of them.
After being delivered toSpirit Territory, BolivianLancet can definitely openfactionSpirit Territory, shuttles back and forthfrom a transcriptiontoanothertranscription, uses the factiontranscriptionas the bridgeagain, returns to the real world.
被送到灵境后,玻瑞阿斯完全可以开启帮派灵境,从一个副本穿梭到另一个副本,再以帮派副本为桥梁,回到现实世界。„TwoareBolivianLancet'spositionstandardis very high, is orthogonalwithAsura, even ifwecollaborate, is unable to guarantee that canlosslessstrikingkillher. Any -and-a-half godreturns toSpirit Territory, is the evilcampis gladto see.”
“二是玻瑞阿斯的位格很高,与修罗平齐,哪怕我们联手,也无法保证能无损的击杀她。任何一位半神回归灵境,都是邪恶阵营乐意看到的。”Stops for severalseconds, hementioned the secondchoice:
停顿几秒,他说起第二个选择:„Ifmustguarantee. Good, Icannot think how shouldguaranteeher, whatidea do youhave?”
“如果要保的话.好吧,我想不到该怎么保她,你们有什么想法?”FuQingxuansnatchesto seize the microphone, near the gatheringlip, said:
身边的傅青萱劈手夺过麦克风,凑到唇边,说道:„Ihave means that not only can preserve the wind and thunderdoublegod, andcansubsidethisdisaster. Association president, youknowlong nightchurch the place of nightfirstdeep sleep.”
“我有一个办法,既能保全风雷双神,又能平息这场灾难。会长,你知道永夜教会的夜首沉睡之地吗。”Does not needto sayis too clear, defends the forewordhalfgodsto understandhermeaning.
不需要说的太明白,守序半神们已经明白她的意思。Association presidentmisternods.
„ Youopen a transfer passage, the wind and thunderdoublegodtransmissionin the past, therewas the forbidden area that halfgoddoes not dareto visit, so long asthere, the wind and thunderdoublegodinevitabledeep sleep, the control of evilcampdoes not dareto approach.
“你打开一条传送通道,把风雷双神传送过去,那里是连半神都不敢踏足的禁区,只要进了那里,风雷双神必然沉睡,邪恶阵营的主宰不敢靠近的。„Moreovercandivert the nighthead of long nightchurch, loses the deep sleepdomainlong nightoccupation, scoutingis frailer, once the wind and thunderdoublegodregains consciousness, thehalfgod of firstdying, therefore, hedoes not dareto regain consciousness.”
“而且还能牵制永夜教会的夜首,失去沉睡领域的永夜职业,比斥候还要脆弱,一旦风雷双神苏醒,第一个死的这位半神,所以,他绝不敢苏醒。”Association presidentmisterreceived the microphone, „canattempt. Howeverinmypositionstandard, wantsto send into exileshe, the failure rateis very high, needsto attemptunceasingly, youhelpmedelay the time.”
会长先生接过麦克风,“可以尝试.不过以我的位格,想放逐她,失败率很高,需要不断的尝试,你们帮我拖延时间。”At this time, bluethunderball in association presidenthanddissipatedslowly, changes totreelightnings, dividedintoBolivianLancetwithin the body.
The trading hoursended, thunder and lightningsourceauto-regressionmain body.
The doublepositionstandardhascertaindisparity, the transactionis unable to be long-time.
双方位格存在一定的差距,交易无法长久。Association presidenttoneoneanxious: „Preparesto defend, shemustgo crazy!”
The voicefalls, in the airBolivianLancetis suddenly demented, screams: „It is not right, is not right, Iam the god of thunder, the daypunishingAttorney-General!”
话音落下,空中的玻瑞阿斯忽然癫狂,尖叫道:“不对,不对,我是雷神,天罚的首席检察官!”Shegrasps the head, sends out the sad and shrillscream.
她抱住头,发出凄厉的尖叫。Treelightningslike the spider web, such as the crack, the crawlingfulltrimsky, the bright blueelectric lighthave even pressed the sunlight.
The nextsecond, BolivianLancetdisappearsin the peoplefield of vision, the frightenedSon of Heaven who the gudragon conducts the backexplodes the clothessuddenly, appears the superhumanDharmakaya, the ancient bronzescastingbodycrawlsfullMowen.
下一秒,玻瑞阿斯消失在众人视野,蛊龙背上的恐惧天王忽然爆衣,现出三头八臂法身,古铜浇铸般的身躯爬满魔纹。Hiskneessink, eightarmcross battenskeep offinchest/heart.
“咚!”In the world a mighty bellLü, onegroup of diameterdozensmetersair wavesblast outgreatly, the frightenedSon of Heavenshellflew, poundslayer on layer/heavilyon the ground, pounds a giantgulf, the soil blockcrushed stonesputtering.
天地间一声洪钟大吕,一团直径数十米的气波炸开,恐惧天王炮弹般飞了出去,重重砸在地上,砸出一个巨大的深坑,土块碎石溅射。FrightenedSon of Heavenchestandfaceobviouslyhollow, probablywas groundby the road-leveler.
恐惧天王胸口、脸部都有明显凹陷,像是被压土机碾了一遍。ForBewitching Demon that the mortal bodyis famousintrepidly, wasonemovethenbroke the defensemerely.
The dragon conducts the back, the position that hestood, was replacedbynakedBolivianLancet, the halfgod of thispresent ageonlydoubleoccupation, counts on the fingers the claw, covered the face of south schoolimaginarygod.
龙背上,他原本站立的位置,被赤身的玻瑞阿斯取代,这位当世唯一双职业的半神,屈指成爪,扣住了南派幻神的面孔。Inthisprocess, the spiritualattack, falls asleep, mooddetonationand otherskills, violent stormfallingonBolivianLancet, expiredwithout exception.
The positionstandardsuppresses, the skillis not the expirationweakens.
位格压制,技能不是失效就是削弱。BolivianLancetpalmemits the dazzlingelectric arc, pours into the south schoolimaginarygodwithin the body, bringssad and shrillshouting.
The south schoolimaginarydeificationmakes the light smoketo dissipate, appearsbeyondseveral hundredmeters, hisaurawas weaker.
南派幻神化作青烟消散,于几百米外浮现,他的气息弱了许多。Even if unconscious, is hostile to the instinct of evilcampto letherearliest possible timeattack judgment
The gudragonbodyleaps the air/Qi of intermittentcontamination, the thick smokebindsBolivianLancet, in an instant, the chief executive officerfairtenderbody has the wrinkle, flows out the kakidrosis, grows the abscess, the facealsohas the change, the dark pouche, bigpouch, wrinkles, black spotwait/etc.
The Celestialsfivefade!
天人五衰!Thisis the truncationluck of halfgodlevel.
The giantwindbladecuts, the gudragoncleaves in twoinstantaneously, the hardscalecannotdisplay the properdefense, twosections of dragonbodiesare incapable ofcrashing, in the process the hurricanehowls, the innumerablesay/waywindbladeinterweaves, becomes the powder dustdragonQuzhan.
Less than tenseconds, the halfgod of threeevilcampscomes under attackone after another.
“放逐!”Association presidentmisterseizes the BolivianLancetweakenedopportunity, makes the soundto refer tounceasingly, triesto transmithimto the fixedplace.
The exilehas not succeeded, attractedBolivianLancet'sattentionon the contrary, thischief executive officerlooked, the bright blueleft eyerayflashes.
放逐没有成功,反倒吸引了玻瑞阿斯的注意,这位首席执行官望了过来,亮蓝色的左眼光芒一闪。Bang! Bang! Bang!
The lightning that destroy the aurachops, swallowedassociation presidentmister.
一道道毁灭气息的闪电劈下,吞噬了会长先生。Hisbodyat onceempty, as ifprojectionfromdifferentworld, whatever the lightningadds the body, does not injure the slightest.
他的身躯旋即虚化,仿佛来自异世界的投影,任凭闪电加身,不伤分毫。Distant placeoldwheat, opens the palm, made a movement of inversion.
远处的老麦呵一声,张开手掌,做了一个颠倒的动作。Association presidentmisterbody of emptysways, is separated from the condition that ten thousandlawsdo not invade.
The halfgod in Bacchusclubinvertedhiscondition, making the nihilitychange into, saw with own eyes that the thunder and lightningmustswallow the association president, rubble stonearmorcondensestogetherfast, covers the whole body.
酒神俱乐部的半神颠倒了他的状态,让虚无化为真实,眼见雷电就要吞噬会长,一块块石甲快速凝聚,覆盖全身。Stonearmordifficulthas supported for threeseconds, thencrushesin the thunder strike, association presidentmisterhas transmittedflees.
石甲艰难的撑过三秒,便在雷击中粉碎,会长先生则早已传送逃离。BolivianLancet who loses the goal, will look atoldwheatimmediately.
失去目标的玻瑞阿斯,立刻将目光投向老麦。oldwheatonestartled, looks all around, the three -and-a-half gods in seconddistricthave spread outby far, defending the forewordhalfgodis notBolivianLancet'sfirst choice.
After the association presidentruns away, hebecame the prey.
会长逃走后,他成了猎物。„Wū wū~”
The sad and shrillwindhowlcovers the oldwheatsurroundingdozensmeters, thispresent ageBacchusbodyvanishesbaseless, heappearsbeyondseveralkilometersat once, planned that evadeslies low until something blows over.
凄厉的风啸声覆盖老麦周围数十米,这位当世酒神身体凭空消失,他旋即在几公里外出现,打算避一避风头。However, hejustcame, the bottomthenfinds out the greathand, grows the vine, fettershim, the dazzlingthundernetcovers, bodyinthunderlightunbending, carbonizesinstantaneously, leaps the intermittentblack smoke.
The greathanddisintegrates, the vinewithers, the body that oldwheatcarbonizesgives full play to the vitality, before the thunder and lightningarrivesagain, the distortiondistance, makes a getaway.
巨手瓦解,藤蔓枯萎,老麦碳化的身躯焕发生机,在雷电再次降临前,扭曲距离,逃之夭夭。AgainBolivianLancet who loses the goal, finallyhalfgod who the spearheadturns tofivelines of pledges, as forthatin the horizon, sitsin the chariotin the seasovereign, temporarilywas disregardedbyher.
The halfgods of fivelines of pledgesare not silly, no onewantswhen the resistancewind and thunderdoublegod, to be knocked the staggering blowby the enemies of evilcamp, immediatelyretreats.
五行盟的半神们不傻,谁都不想在对抗风雷双神时,被邪恶阵营的敌人敲闷棍,立刻撤退。FuQingxuanhighsound said:
傅青萱高声道:„Three partiesoperate independently, no onecan ask for the cheap, insignificantseesaw battle, ifyouwantto continue, weare gladto accompany, butthisgracefulbelieves,overpowers the wind and thunderdoublegodjointly, benefits the respectivebenefit, how?”
“三方各自为战,谁都讨不到便宜,无意义的拉锯战如果你们想持续下去,我们乐意奉陪,但本帅认为,联手制服风雷双神,更有利于各自的利益,如何?”Althoughsheis youngest, the qualificationsare shallowest, has the great generaldemeanor, lets the personunconsciousbelief.
The south schoolimaginarygodformdoes not know the trace, the soundactuallytransmitsdistantly: „Ok!”
南派幻神身影不知所踪,声音却遥遥传来:“可以!”FuQingxuansaidimmediately: „Myseveralthree, enter the stadiumtogether.”
The frightenedSon of Heavenrespondedin the distant place.
恐惧天王在远处回应。„Three, two, one”
A flameraisesfromBolivianLancetside, the red hairsuch asMasterJiang of firedisplaysfireline of returns.
就他一个。MasterJiangglances right and left, immediatelygets angryexclaims: „Motherfemale genitals, fatherdayyourold mothers”
The nextsecond, hewas then coveredby the terrifyinglightning, was coveredby the sharpwindblade.
The body of thishalfgodis split upinstantaneously, the strongvitalityinfillingto destroy the aurain the lightningto carbonize.
这位半神的身躯瞬间四分五裂,强大的生命力在充满毁灭气息的闪电中碳化。In the ashes, the lavabrightflameraisestogether, condenses a heighthundredmetersflameDjinn, thiselementSpiritual Godis lifelike, must the long hair, wear the flamelong gownsteadily, wears the dark redroyal crown, the five sensesare upright, the eyesflood the anger.
A flameDjinn of emperorimage.
一尊帝王形象的火焰巨灵。„Daresto destroy the fathermortal body!” The flameDjinnroared: „Death!”
他自爆了。Explodeslike a nuclear bomb, beyonddazzlingflameinstantaneousdozenskilometersclearly discernible, the flameresponse, forms the mushroom cloudin the upper air, the shock-wavesweeps across the four directionsby the easily accomplishedpotential, the surrounding areainseveralkilometers, allthingschange to the fragmentpowder, alllivesvanished in a puff of smoke.
如同一颗核弹爆炸,刺眼的火光瞬间几十公里外都清晰可见,火焰层层迭迭反应,于高空形成蘑菇云,冲击波以摧枯拉朽之势席卷四方,方圆几公里内,一切事物化作齑粉,所有生灵灰飞烟灭。PS: After wrong characterfirst, changes.
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