Chapter 775buildingwill lean
第775章大厦将倾Heard the words of scarletdayofficial who administers punishments, the elderson the scenesomewhatwere for a while vacant, the suspicionwasmisunderstood, or a scarletdayofficial who administers punishmentsYuangodcame undersomeinfluence, becametalks nonsense.
听到赤日刑官的话,在场的长老们一时有些茫然,怀疑是自己听错了,或者赤日刑官元神受到某种影响,变得胡言乱语。SawSunElderand the othersor the vacantordumbstruck, scarletdayofficial who administers punishmentsthenhaving the matterinSpirit Territorytranscription, saidbriefly and to the point.
见孙长老等人或茫然或发懵,赤日刑官便把发生在灵境副本里的事情,简明扼要的说了一遍。End, hestirred the strength of soul, aggravates„tone”, said:
„ Youare very clear, swallows the spiritbody of samerankpowerhouseforcefully, toownspiritual burdenbig. The fusionhas not succeeded, the will of wind and thunderdoublegodpullsin the samevice-body, the mutual influence, causes the dementia, lost the reason.
“你们很清楚,强行吞噬同级别强者的灵体,对自身的精神负担有多大。融合没有成功,风雷双神的意志在同一副躯体里拉扯,互相影响,导致精神错乱,丧失了理智。„The characteristics of wind and thunderspiritstrengthare wild, lose the sanerestraint, theywill destroyall that seesat present.”
“风雷灵力的特性狂暴霸道,失去理智的约束,他们会摧毁眼前所见的一切。”Helookstooneselfcorpseblock, „Iam the example.”
他看向自己的尸块,“我就是例子。”Untilthis time, redYingelderand othertalentsrealized the gravity that situation, the brainbuzzes, compares„wind and thunderdoublegod”dementiathismatter, the bigelderscarletdayofficial who administers punishmentsreturned toSpirit Territory, sawtrivial, minor matter.
直到这时,红缨长老等人才意识到事态的严重性,脑子嗡嗡作响,相比起“风雷双神”精神错乱这件事,大长老赤日刑官回归灵境,就显得微不足道,小事一桩了。Loses a peakto control, todefending the forewordcampis nothas a fracture, but the daypunishingtwochiefinternal strifes, are both crazy, issued a warrant for arrestbySpirit Territory, thisprovodes the worldchaossufficiently.
损失一位巅峰主宰,对守序阵营来说并不算伤筋动骨,但天罚的两位首席内讧,双双疯狂,被灵境通缉,这足以引发世界大乱。Even the slightest misstep, the ordercrashes.
稍有不慎,秩序崩盘。ZhaoElderknits the browsto fix one's gaze on, sighs:
赵长老皱眉凝眸,叹息道:„Suchit seems like, thatfallenis the bait that the evilcampthrowsintentionally, please the bigeldergo to the dayto punish the purificationfallen, isonepoint that the evilcampplans, theynot onlywantto ruintwoseats of honor, but alsowantsto seize the chanceto remove the bigelder. The spiritdevelops, the spiritdevelops.”
“这么看来,那位堕落者是邪恶阵营故意抛出来的鱼饵,请大长老去天罚净化堕落者,也是邪恶阵营计划的一环,他们不但想毁掉两位首席,还想趁机除掉大长老。灵拓,灵拓啊.”Speaking offinally, the tonesomewhatclenches jaws.
Before the spiritdevelopshas not degenerated, oncefollowedin the eldersto study the magic arts, had the scarletdayofficial who administers punishments, both sidesdid not have the name of masters and disciples, butthere is the reality of masters and disciples.
灵拓没有堕落前,曾经跟着门中长老们学习法术,其中就有赤日刑官,双方没有师徒之名,但有师徒之实。„Rubbish, oldZhao, youinforms the gatelord, Igo tofivelines of pledgeheadquarters, a Yuangod who redYing, youraises the eldergoes to a Xie Jia, asking the Xieancestorto helpremould the mortal body.” The grandsonelderwhole faceis anxious, hates bitterly:
“别废话了,老赵,你去通知门主,我去一趟五行盟总部,红缨,你带大长老的元神去一趟谢家,求谢家老祖宗帮忙重塑肉身。”孙长老满脸急切,痛心疾首:„BolivianLancetis muddled”
“玻瑞阿斯糊涂啊”Suddenly, the peopleeartransmits the Spirit Territorypromptsound:
突然,众人耳边传来灵境提示音:【Ding! Thunder GodandBolivianLancetmoralsvaluereset, strikesto killtwo people to obtain the richreward.】
The property panel that the numerouscontrolseparatesautomatically, appears a total informationprojectionmap, on the mapreddot flickernon-stop.
众主宰的属性面板自动弹开,浮现一张全息投影地图,地图上一个红点闪烁不停。【Ding! Thunder GodandBolivianLancetmoralsvaluereset, strikesto killtwo people to obtain the richreward.】
The marshalstudy room, is swayingassociation presidentmister of stem glass, is persuading the marshalto abandonstronglythrowsclear(ly)secretly, supports the lord of Sunwithhimtogether, near the eartransmits the Spirit Territorypromptsoundsuddenly.
元帅书房,摇晃着高脚杯的会长先生,正竭力劝说元帅弃暗投明,与他一起扶持太阳之主,耳边忽然传来灵境提示音。Sways the hand of stem glassto stiffensuddenly, association presidentmister who alwayslooks down on the world, in the lookrevealshas never had the dignityandserious.
摇晃高脚杯的手忽然僵住,向来玩世不恭的会长先生,眼神里流露出从未有过的凝重和严肃。FuQingxuanis the complexionbig change.
傅青萱更是脸色大变。„Bad.” The association presidenttalked to oneselfin a low voice: „Thunder GodandBolivianLancethad no consideration for facethoroughly.”
“糟了.”会长低声自语:“雷神和玻瑞阿斯彻底撕破脸了。”FuQingxuan and association presidentshave the sense of crisis that a type of buildingwill lean, even if halfgod, issued a warrant for arrestbySpirit Territory is also the extreme danger.
傅青萱和会长都有种大厦将倾的危机感,哪怕是半神,被灵境通缉也是极端危险的。First, the Spirit Territorywarrant for arrestcanmake the halfgod of evilcampachieveconsistently, pulling together to do something, thisis the effect that the campwaris not necessarily ableto bring.
首先,灵境通缉令可以让邪恶阵营的半神达成一致,拧成一股绳,这是阵营战争都未必能带来的效果。Next, even ifdefends the forewordcamp, stillhalfgodsbecause ofrewarding, butheart movement, becauseissues a warrant for arrest the reward of halfgod, inevitablyis the goodsanditem of samelevel.
其次,就算是守序阵营,也会有半神因为奖励而心动,因为通缉半神的奖励,必然是同层次的物品、道具。Daypunishingtwoseats of honorinthis timemoralsvaluereset, todefendingforewordcamp, without a doubtis the destructiveattack.
天罚的两位首席在这个时候道德值清零,对守序阵营来说,毫无疑问是毁灭性的打击。black inkAncestorMechanism/Organizationcity.
墨宗机关城。Is condensing the supernatural power of dayto change to the long blade, withSandouyamaempresspointed weaponsopposite directionZhang Yuanqing, is shockedsuddenly, the expression becomes vacantandastonishedat once.
正凝聚日之神力化作长刀,与三道山娘娘兵刃相向的张元清,忽然愣住,表情旋即变得茫然又惊愕。Golden lightlong sword that the straight thrustcomesonecrooked, scratchedhisnape of the neckto pass over gently and swiftly.
The Sandouyamaempressesare pressed the delicateeyebrow, reprimandedlightly: „What matterdiverts attention!”
A Zhang Yuanqingfacedamn the appearance, muttered: „The daypunishingtwoseats of honor, the quilt, issued a warrant for arrestbySpirit Territory.”张元清一脸见鬼的模样,喃喃道:“天罚的两位首席,被,被灵境通缉了.”Inwhat?
发生了什么?Why will twoseats of honorissue a warrant for arrestbySpirit Territory?
为什么两位首席会被灵境通缉?Issued a warrant for arrestbySpirit Territorynaturallybecause of the moralvaluereset, whymayreset! Why is also the day of punishingtwoseats of honoralsoresets?
被灵境通缉当然是因为道德值清零,可为什么会清零!又为什么是天罚的两位首席同时清零?Hecloses up for twodaysinSpirit Territory, is nottwoyears, the outside worldexactlyhadwhataccident.
The Sandouyamaempresseshave not disturbedZhang Yuanqing of god, after allthisisherold age, the disciple is also.
三道山娘娘没打扰愣神的张元清,毕竟这位是她晚年得子,弟子也是子。Shecasts the vision that inquiredtowardanotherdisciple.
The silverYaoprincesshold up the smallloudspeaker, „the daypunishingtwoseats of honorwill be the personfairyland, the moralvalueresetwill issue a warrant for arrestbySpirit Territory, Spirit Territorywill issueposts a rewardhigh, position of publicissuing a warrant for arrest.”
The Sandouyamaempressesnod the headslightly, looktoZhang Yuanqing: „Can have otherperson of immortalsto issue a warrant for arrest?”
三道山娘娘微微颔首,望向张元清:“可还有其他人仙被通缉?”Zhang Yuanqingshakes the head.张元清摇了摇头。Sandouyamaempressfinal judgment on a person's life can be made only after he is dead and buriedsaid: „That was twopersonimmortalshad the dispute, causing the mortalcasualtywere innumerable.”
三道山娘娘盖棺定论道:“那便是两位人仙起了争执,造成凡人死伤无数。”„Empressstands to reason, but the demonic pathrampanttime, twopersonimmortalsissued a warrant for arrestbySpirit Territoryon this occasion, the disciplefearsthis matterto have the profound and abstruse principles, the outside worldfears the important matter is not wonderful.”Zhang Yuanqingbowsto salute:
“弟子返回一趟。”Then, hisformdisappearsin the Sandouyamaempress and silverYaoprincessat presentbaseless.
The silverYaoprincesshold up the smallloudspeaker, „teacher, thisboymixed for severaldayswithyou, the speechwas genteel.”
银瑶郡主举起小喇叭,“师尊,这小子跟伱混了几天,说话文绉绉起来了。”Sheshows absolutely no concern the bustling placeearthliness, is the worlddestroys, passed awaymanyyears of Yincorpseto have nothing to dowith this.
她丝毫不关心红尘俗世,便是世界毁灭,也与她这个作古多年的阴尸无关。Reviews the Sandouyamaempress, in the foreheadsflashes throughwipes the anxiety: „Demonic pathis rampant, the common peoplecommon peoplemustsuffer hardships and calamities.”
松海,傅家湾。In the drafting room, bitesto set pen to paper the pole, bringsXiahouproudheaven who scholarXiahou Familyis drawing up the mechanism/organizationblueprint, heardnear the earSpirit Territorypromptsound.
绘图室里,咬着笔杆子,带着夏侯家学士绘制机关图纸的夏侯傲天,听见了耳边的灵境提示音。XiahouarrogantHeavenly Eyelightdoes not leave the blueprint, bitesto set pen to paper the pole, unclearjokes:
夏侯傲天目光不离图纸,咬着笔杆子,含糊不清的讥笑道:„Wherehidden dragonphoenixThunder GodandBolivianLancetareyoung, Ilongam so big, has not seensuchstupidSpirit Territorytraveler/ascetic.”
A clanoldwhole bodyshivers, trembles saying:
一位族老浑身颤抖,哆哆嗦嗦道:„Arrogant, proudheaven. Thisis the daypunishesheadquarterstwochiefSpirit TerritoryID, youusuallynotonwellgeneral knowledge course.”
The 2 Bpen of XiahouAotianmouthbitestwosections.
夏侯傲天嘴里的2B笔咬成两截。【Ding! Thunder GodandBolivianLancetmoralsvaluereset, strikesto killtwo people to obtain the richreward.】
【叮!雷神、玻瑞阿斯道德值清零,击杀两人可获得丰厚奖励。】In the study room, bends over one's deskFu Qingyangfierceraising the head of work, the pupilcontractsfiercely.
书房里,伏案工作的傅青阳猛的抬起头,瞳孔剧烈收缩。At this moment, allSpirit Territorytravelers, includingbeing in transcription, no matterunusualsaint, no matter the controlishalfgod, received the Spirit Territorypromptsound.
The worldissues a warrant for arrest!
全球通缉!Capital City, inspirationaltemple.
The planter„rustle”swaysin a backyardhundredyears of ficus religiosa, the branches and leavesare elegant a continuouslydeep greenray, condensestogether the facefuzzymanon the crown.
种植在后院的百年菩提树“簌簌”摇晃,枝叶飘逸出一缕缕碧绿光芒,在树冠上凝聚成一道面孔模糊的男子。Helooks out the distantmoment, shoots up to the skyunexpectedly, changes totogether the deep greenrainbow, has delimited the horizon.
他遥望远方片刻,蓦地冲天而起,化作一道碧绿长虹,划过天际。At the same time, inside the valley of Capital Citysuburb, a gray-hairedold man, sank to the bottom, unceasinglydownward, unceasinglydownward, until the placebottomdeep place that the tool of humanis unable to explore, along the land features, hurries totoward the address that Spirit Territorygives.
The dark cloudis billowing, has flutteredspeedily the sky, vanishesin the distant place, the place visited, the rainstormpouring.
The remotenorthwest, soldierbishopHoly Mountain„bang”vibration, the soil blockrustletumbles, just likeearthquake.
In Bewitching Demon of soldierbishopheadquarters, feels a fearfulaurarecoveryin abundance, regains consciousnessjust like the big dragon of deep sleep, takes to the peripherallifetrembles the fear.
身在兵主教总部的蛊惑之妖们,纷纷感受到一股可怕的气息复苏,宛如沉睡的巨龙苏醒,带给周边生灵战栗般的恐惧。FourSon of Heaven and silverQueen of night, will run out of the roomin abundance, viewing platformaccumulationatmountainside.
The silverQueen of nightrouses the expressionalsofears: „Repairs, does Asurawantto regain consciousness?”
银月神将表情振奋又恐惧:“修,修罗要苏醒了?”Exterminates the facial expression of Son of Heavento be similartohim, is licking the lip, „the warrant for arrest of halfgodlevel, Spirit Territoryis born for more than 100yearsalsoneverto appear, the daypunishingtwoseats of honordeliver the equipmenttoAsurasimply.”
After the moment, Holy Mountaintremorstops, thataurarestrainsslowly, falls intoagainsinks the dormancy.
片刻后,圣山颤动停止,那股气息缓缓收敛,再次陷入沉眠。Exterminating the Son of Heavenwhole faceis disappointed, doubtsandunwillingness: „Why? Does Asuralink the reward of halfgodlevel unable to have a liking for?”
灭绝天王满脸失望,又疑惑又不甘:“为什么?修罗连半神级的奖励都看不上?”Heis unable to understand.
The frightenedSon of Heavencrosses the hands behind the backto stand, said with a smilelightly: „Thatfor the enemy who Asuraprepares, Asuraby the aura of isotopicstandardis awakened. Youjust wait, good playalsoinbehind.”
An demoneyeSon of Heavenfacewas vigilant: „Whatgood play?”
The frightenedSon of Heavenlooked backlooked atone, received the smile, saidlightly:
恐惧天王回眸看了一眼,收起笑容,淡淡道:„Did not tellyou! So as to avoidyougiveto defendsomebody in forewordcampto disclose secret information. Do not think that Idid not knowyoucouple days agodry/does these mattersin the transcription of Bacchusclub.”
“不告诉你!免得你给守序阵营里的某人通风报信。别以为我不知道你前几天在酒神俱乐部的副本里干的那些事。”New Testamentcounty, bankbuilding.
新约郡,银行大楼。Zhang Yuanqingreturns to the reality, runs out of the bedroomwithout delay, directly soars the WeiBohlenoffice, on the way, a turmoil of war, running of back and forthdaypunishingmemberheadless fly, orgathers togethervigorousdiscussion, eitheris shouting loudly: why?张元清返回现实,二话不说冲出卧室,直奔薇妮・伯伦特的办公室,途中,一片兵荒马乱,天罚的成员无头苍蝇似的来回奔走,或聚在一起激烈讨论,或大喊大叫着:why?Heacross the majoroffice districts, goes intoWeiOfficedirectly, discovered that thispublic prosecutorcomplexionis gloomy, is dialingto telephonerepeatedly, the young ladyChrisall roundchaoticrevolutions, the whole faceis terrified.
The fish bowlwas placedon the tea table, small fishRuthlefthas a look, righthas a look, does not dareto speak.
鱼缸被放在茶几上,小鱼露丝左看看,右看看,不敢说话。„What's the matter?”Zhang Yuanqingaskedright in the face: „Why the twoseats of honor of headquartersissued a warrant for arrestbySpirit Territory!”
“怎么回事?”张元清劈头就问:“总部的两位首席为什么被灵境通缉!”Weiputs down the plane, deeplyinspires, the expressionfor a long time, said:
薇妮放下座机,深吸一口气,措辞许久,道:„The headquarters in Huachengwere under the destructiveattack, the membercasualtyare innumerable, including the control, the communicationinterrupt, I am relatingtheseto livediligently, colleague who flees from the headquarters.”
“华城的总部遭遇了毁灭性的打击,成员死伤无数,其中包括主宰,通讯中断,我在努力联系那些活着的,逃离总部的同事。”Zhang Yuanqingis startled: „Did evilcampattackdayto punish the headquarters?”张元清大吃一惊:“邪恶阵营攻打天罚总部了?”
The Weislimlipcloselyis sipping.
薇妮纤薄的嘴唇紧紧抿着。Zhang Yuanqingclosely examinescontinually, nearbyChrisimpatientexclaiming: „IsBolivianLancet and Thunder Godtwoseats of honordoes.”张元清连番追问,一旁的克莉丝不耐烦的吼道:“是玻瑞阿斯和雷神两位首席干的。”Zhang Yuanqingdull in same place, it got stuck for a long time, withoutspeech.张元清呆愣在原地,半天没有反应,没有说话。Crossingwas very long, hehears his sound of trembling: „Is, why.”
过了很久,他才听见自己的发颤的声音:“为,为什么.”Weicloses the eye, shakes the head.
薇妮闭上眼睛,摇了摇头。Small fishRuthshyunfamiliar road: „A Huachengconfusion, twoseats of honorslaughterin the city, no onedaresto stop, weare very anxious, buthas no alternative, can only wait to defend the forewordcamphalfgodto intendto subside.”
小鱼露丝怯生生道:“华城一片混乱,两位首席在城中大开杀戒,没人敢去阻拦,我们很焦虑,但无可奈何,只能等待守序阵营半神出手平息。”Zhang Yuanqingturns headto walk, pulls out the cell phone, dials the telephone of association president.张元清扭头就走,掏出手机,拨通会长的电话。
The voice prompt, the association presidentclosed down.
Has herushed toHuachengto process? Zhang Yuanqinginsteadrelaxes, althoughwantsto understand the first-handinformation, buthispositionstandardis too low, found that or not, is of little significance.
他已经赶往华城处理了?张元清反而松了口气,虽然很想了解第一手信息,但他位格太低,了解与否,都无关大局。Compares, the association presidentcan the earliest possible timerush to the scene, is most importantimmediately.
相比起来,会长能第一时间赶到现场,才是当下最重要的。Hangs up the telephone, Zhang Yuanqingthendials the Fu Qingyangcell phone.
The bellsoundwas very long, Fu Qingyangputs through: „Youwantto askmatter that the daypunishesheadquarters.”
铃声响了很久,傅青阳才接通:“你想问天罚总部发生的事吧。”„Does eldest childyouknow?” The Zhang Yuanqingspiritinspires.
“老大你知道?”张元清精神一振。„A moment agoinmeeting, the Taiyi Sectbigelderat the scene”Fu Qingyanghearing in conference, rephrasing in own words of omitting a single wordgave the trusted aide the subordinate.
The Zhang Yuanqinghear, falls into the brainstormat the scene, asexperiencing of New TestamentCountyCampwar, heplants„originallyisthis”and„especiallyunexpectedlyisthis” the frightenedfeeling and sudden enlightenmentfeelingsuddenly.张元清听完,当场陷入头脑风暴,作为新约郡阵营战争的亲历者,他忽然有种“原来是这样”、“特么居然是这样”的惊悚感和顿悟感。
The soldierbishop, the darknightrose and south school, dispatching the saintteamto go tosincethat day of New Testamentcounty, the spiritdevelopedrefers totwoseats of honorin the sword.
The saintteamis only the bait, to letQianningLu„reasonable” the exposition, thentakes advantage of opportunitythistime bombdelivers toperimeter/thunder pool.
The Taiyi Sectbigelderscarletdayofficial who administers punishmentsnearlyreturned toSpirit Territory, inplanning that the bigprobabilityis also developingspirit, after doing the insanetwo -and-a-half gods, removed a peakto controlagainconveniently.太一门的大长老赤日刑官险些回归灵境,大概率也在灵拓的算计中,搞疯两位半神后,再顺手除掉一位巅峰主宰。Naturally, Zhang Yuanqingalsohasmanydoubts, how the evilcampknows that the wind and thundertwobigoccupationscandoublecultivate/repair?
当然,张元清还有很多疑惑,邪恶阵营怎么知道风雷两大职业是可以双修的?WhyBolivianLancetknows, the god of thunderactuallydoesn't know?
为什么玻瑞阿斯知道,雷神却不知道?WhyBolivianLancetwill easily believe the evilcamp, was shereally promotedbecomes confused?
玻瑞阿斯为什么会轻易相信邪恶阵营,她真被晋升冲昏头脑了?Zhang Yuanqingpunishes the situation in headquarters the day, fed backtoFu Qingyang, pulled out the cold air saying:张元清把天罚总部的情况,反馈给了傅青阳,抽着凉气说道:
„ Eldest child, howIfelt that defended the forewordcamp to end the calf, iftwoseats of honor the rescue, can only packto return toSpirit Territory, the daypunished the headquartersto destroy, diedmanycontrol and saints.
“老大,我怎么感觉守序阵营要完犊子了啊,两位首席要是抢救不回来,只能打包送回灵境,天罚总部毁了,死了很多主宰和圣者。„Ifsuppressesintwochiefprocesses, halfgodsdo fall from the skyagain, defendforewordcampbigcrashing?”
The Fu Qingyangsilentseveralseconds, saidlightly:傅青阳沉默几秒,淡淡道:„Hasposting a reward of Spirit Territory, twoseats of honorhave not leftus, butchanged a wayto continueto protect the order.”
“有灵境的悬赏,两位首席没有离开我们,只是换了一种方式继续守护秩序。”Posting a reward of Spirit Territoryis inevitably rich, hunts and kills the wind and thunderdoublegodto receive in exchangelarge amount ofposts a reward, trulycanmake up forcertainloss, but the halfgod of doubleoccupation, without is so perhaps goodto hunt and kill the Zhang Yuanqingforced smile saying:灵境的悬赏必然丰厚,猎杀风雷双神换取巨额悬赏,确实能弥补一定的损失,但双职业的半神,恐怕没那么好猎杀张元清苦笑道:„Ifdefends the forewordto crash, Iturn to the soldierbishop, when the Son of Heavengoes.”
“要是守序崩盘,我就投靠兵主教,当天王去。”PS: Recommendsthisbook«YouNot to wantTo be knownSecretly», the synopsislosesbehind.
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