SRW :: Volume #5

#429: Sneaks the plan

Chapter 429 sneaks the plan 第429章潜入计划 The frightened Son of Heaven of soldier bishop once was five groups of pledge members, the shocking index of this news, was as good as moral value the essence was the causes and effects class item. 兵主教的恐惧天王曾经是五行盟成员,这个消息的震惊指数,丝毫不亚于“道德值”的本质是因果类道具。 But after shock, the students to the excuse of chief, are the questions, does not believe. 但震惊过后,学员们对院长的说辞,是质疑,是不相信。 It is well known, defends the foreword and evil potential like the water and fire, five lines of pledges as official, defends the model of foreword camp, to evil occupation always zero tolerance. 众所周知,守序和邪恶势如水火,五行盟作为官方,是守序阵营的表率,对邪恶职业向来零容忍。 The frightened Son of Heaven of soldier bishop, in evil organization character second to none, how possibly is five lines of pledges member. 兵主教的恐惧天王,邪恶组织里首屈一指的人物,怎么可能会是五行盟的成员。 Chief you leaves blindly, afternoon tea time haven't you, yourself hidden in the office secretly drink?” The red chicken elder brother always some words saying, and suspected wholeheartedly the chief drinks the adulterated liquor secretly. “院长你别瞎哔哔啊,下午茶的时候你没在啊,自己偷偷躲在办公室喝酒了?”红鸡哥向来有话就说,并真心实意的怀疑院长偷喝假酒。 How otherwise to say the so incredible uninhibited joke. 不然何以说出如此荒诞不羁的笑话。 Facing look that the students questioned, the senior chief sighed: 面对学员们质疑的眼神,老院长叹息一声: Many years, I had forgotten which they are. The fear truly is five lines of pledges member, he scouted, is not Bewitching Demon.” “很多年了,我已经忘记他俩是哪一届的了。恐惧确实是五行盟的成员,他原本是斥候,不是蛊惑之妖。” „Does the frightened Son of Heaven scout?” A Yuan Ting scream, pats like the dog young reporter to suddenly, when the red small fresh meat and 50 -year-old aunt comes and goes out the hotel, the exciting expression twisted. “恐惧天王是斥候?”袁廷陡然一声尖叫,就像狗仔记者拍到当红小鲜肉和五十岁阿姨出入酒店,兴奋的表情都扭曲了。 The frightened Son of Heaven scouts. The students brain buzzes. 恐惧天王是斥候.学员们脑子嗡嗡作响。 The Zhaocheng tutelary god of city knits the brows the sinking sound said: 赵城隍皱眉沉声道: Is impossible, the big elder scarlet day official who administers punishments had fought with the frightened Son of Heaven, I can determine, the fear is Bewitching Demon.” “不可能,大长老赤日刑官曾经与恐惧天王战斗过,我可以确定,恐惧是蛊惑之妖。” Zhang Yuanqing also finds it hard to believe that is not unacceptable, but unexpected happening thought in the clothing store, frightened Son of Heaven that pair as if can see through the will of the people eye. 张元清也觉得不可思议,无法接受,但鬼使神差的想到了服装店里,恐惧天王那双仿佛能看穿人心的眼睛。 At that time the frightened Son of Heaven did not seem to use the item, can actually see that he has not lied. 当时恐惧天王似乎没有使用道具,却能看出他没有说谎。 This truly conforms to seeing clearly that scouts. 这确实符合斥候的洞察。 Naturally, Zhang Yuanqing did not determine that the opposite party uses the item, after all he cannot look, does not represent does not exist. 当然,张元清不确定对方有没有使用道具,毕竟他看不出来,不代表不存在。 The chief recalled in the past, sighed with emotion: 院长追忆往昔,感慨道: He became Bewitching Demon afterward, I know that this matter, is many years later. Five lines of pledges, knows that frightened Son of Heaven predecessor many, after you leave the transcription, can the elder to the family/home and higher authority elder inquire.” “他是后来成为蛊惑之妖的,我知道这件事,已经是很多年后了。五行盟内部,知道恐惧天王前身的不少,你们离开副本后,可以向家里长辈、上级长老打听。” hears word, people, even if difficult to accept, still cannot help but letter/believed several points. 闻言,众人即便再难接受,也不由得信了几分。 How does he turn into Bewitching Demon? How scouts probably to turn into Bewitching Demon?” Yuan Ting to/clashes forever is eating the melon first line, practices to closely examine: “他怎么变成蛊惑之妖的?斥候怎么可能变成蛊惑之妖?”袁廷永远冲在吃瓜第一线,练练追问: Is certainly inspiring, soul-stirring history of blood and tears, un, degeneration history. The chief please must tell me, I killed not to say.” “一定有非常可歌可泣,惊心动魄的血泪史吧,嗯,堕落史。院长请务必告诉我,我打死也不说出去。” Defends the foreword occupation to transfer evilly, hears something never heard of before. 守序职业转成邪恶,闻所未闻。 The students look at the chief, in the eye urgently and not covers up curiously. 众学员看着院长,眼里的迫切和好奇不加掩饰。 Chief Li Yanqi shakes the head slightly: 院长李言蹊微微摇头: How I am also very frightened curious transfer Bewitching Demon, if the you future knows, must come Qin wind the school to tell me. Has an inspiring degeneration history as for him, I am not clearer.” “我也很好奇恐惧是怎么转为蛊惑之妖的,如果伱们将来知道,一定要来秦风学院告诉我。至于他有没有一段可歌可泣的堕落史,我就更不清楚了。” Isn't clear? Was not clear why you must mention this matter the Yuan Ting pain grabbing head, probably drug addict of drug dependence outbreak. “不清楚?不清楚你为什么要提这件事”袁廷痛苦的抓着脑袋,像是个毒瘾发作的瘾君子。 Defends the foreword to transfer evilly. Hiss, is not not possible, initially in slaughtering transcription, the old man spies on dark through blood pond boss unsurpassed existence, I am only the glance, felt oneself are turning toward the Bewitching Demon transformation 守序转邪恶.嘶,也不是不可能,当初在杀戮副本里,老梆子通过血池boss窥探冥冥中的无上存在,我只是惊鸿一瞥,就感觉自己在向着蛊惑之妖转变 Zhang Yuanqing remembered that fearful eye. 张元清想起了那双可怕的眼睛。 If, if the frightened Son of Heaven has similar bitter experience, he from scouting to turn into Bewitching Demon, can understand completely. 如果,如果恐惧天王有类似的遭遇,那他从斥候变成蛊惑之妖,完全是可以理解。 But according to the frightened past rank, should not have the qualifications and ability spies on to slaughter that in transcription. 但按照恐惧当年的等级,应该没资格和能力窥探杀戮副本里的那位吧。 The old men also use blood pond boss as the medium, the additional high-rank standard is high, places Spirit Territory, and Nightwalking God biting spirit, many condition unions spy on that to exist. 老梆子也是以血池boss为媒介,再加上位格高,身处灵境,以及夜游神的噬灵,诸多条件结合才窥探到那位存在。 The chief Li word stepping on just right passing over gently and swiftly topic, the vision has swept the students, accidentally glimpses the face of Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning silent ponder, immediately stares. 院长李言蹊正好掠过话题,目光扫过众学员,偶然间瞥见元始天尊沉默思考的脸庞,顿时一愣。 In his expression not surprised, in the dedicated ponder, in his look has very strong assured mood, but some doubts, this, Li word steps on raises the sound suddenly: 他表情里没有惊讶,处于专注的思考中,他的眼神里有很强的笃定情绪,但有些许疑惑,这,难道李言蹊忽然拔高声音: Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, you know anything.” 元始天尊,你是不是知道些什么。” Un? What meaning is chief saying?! 嗯?院长这话是什么意思?! The student present gawked staring, suddenly has not responded. 在座的学员愣了愣,一时间没反应过来。 The chief scouts, did he notice my expression a moment ago? Zhang Yuanqing takes back the train of thought that confident looks to the chief. 呃,院长是斥候,他刚才注意到我的表情了?张元清收回思绪,坦然的看向院长。 Sees his expression, chief is suddenly excited, „do you actually really know? You know that the frightened Son of Heaven transforms the Bewitching Demon reason not, what you know is defends the foreword occupation to transfer the evil occupation the secret.” 见到他这副表情,院长心情霍然激动,“你竟然真的知道?你知道恐惧天王转变成蛊惑之妖的原因不,你知道的是守序职业转邪恶职业的秘密。” Does Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning know? This hearing something never heard of before matter, does he know unexpectedly? 元始天尊知道?这种闻所未闻的事情,他居然都知道? In the classroom in an uproar. 课堂上哗然起来。 Is chief, I know the guard foreword, even other two big evil occupations, transform the Bewitching Demon means that naturally, this is not I can achieve, even is not half god can achieve.” Zhang Yuanqing said. “是的院长,我知道把守序,甚至其他两大邪恶职业,转变成蛊惑之妖的办法,当然,这不是我能做到的,甚至不是半神能做到的。”张元清说。 „The words that does not mind, can share with everyone.” The chief endures to say excitedly. “不介意的话,能和大家分享一下吗。”院长忍着激动说道。 Student neat looking to Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, the curiosity and hope that just extinguished, turns to well up all of a sudden. 众学员齐刷刷的望向元始天尊,刚熄灭的好奇和渴望,一下子翻涌上来。 Oh, this is not good!” Zhang Yuanqing flatly refuses: Secret that this inside concerns, is not the saint should know that the control is not good.” “噢,这个不行!”张元清一口拒绝:“这里面关乎的秘密,不是圣者该知道的,主宰也不行。” His words, like a basin cold water pouring in people top of the head. 他的话,就像一盆凉水浇在众人头顶。 Yuan Ting stubbornly holds the arm of Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning: Told me, told me, asked you, so long as you told me the truth, regardless of what price I am willing to pay.” 袁廷死死的抓住元始天尊的胳膊:“告诉我,告诉我,求你了,只要你告诉我真相,无论什么代价我都愿意支付。” Let you betray Taiyi Sect also to want. The Zhang Yuanqing innermost feelings mumbled, coldly shake the head. 让你背叛太一门也愿意吗.张元清内心嘟囔,冷冷摇头。 Sighing that Li Yanqi regrets: „, This matter is too remote to us, the time is limited, everyone returns to the class, then, said internal structures of major organizations again 李言蹊惋惜的叹口气:“罢了,这件事离我们太遥远,时间有限,大家回到课上,接下来,再说说各大组织的内部结构” Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, you cannot such to me!” 元始天尊,你不能这么对我!” The sobbing sound reverberation of Yuan Ting pain in classroom. 袁廷痛苦的呜咽声回荡在课堂上。 7 : 00 pm, today's end of course. 晚上 7 点,今日的课程结束。 Under teaching with skill and patience of Zhang Yuanqing, the red chicken elder brother proposed that in the evening conducts to bake the congress in the merman lakeside, earned the support of cafeteria chef. 张元清的循循善诱下,红鸡哥提议晚上在鲛人湖畔举办烧烤大会,获得了食堂厨师的鼎力支持。 Finished eating bakes, coming one bowl to live to roll the gruel, matches the deity simply, who does not come who is a bedding!” The red chicken elder brother invited everyone. “吃完烧烤,来一碗生滚粥,简直赛神仙嘛,谁不来谁是铺盖!”红鸡哥是这么邀请大家的。 Has the free dinner, does not eat does not eat white/in vain, the students comply. 有免费的晚餐,不吃白不吃,学员们纷纷答应。 This training class meeting is, he invites today, tomorrow I will invite, will never be short of manpower to treat. 这种培训班聚会就是如此,今天他请,明天我请,永远都不缺人请客。 Three chefs have one crowd to manage the labor to bustle about, builds the grill in the shore quickly, draws the electric wire, pushes the food, lights the charcoal fire, the fragrance of quick barbecue then flutters in the lakeside. 三名厨师带着一群办工忙碌起来,很快在岸边架起烤架,拉来电线,推来食材,点燃炭火,很快烤肉的香味便在湖畔飘荡。 The night falls, a merman lake darkness. 夜幕降临,鲛人湖一片漆黑。 The lakeside light is bright, the students sit near the table, enjoys cool breeze that the lake surface is blowing, is eating food focusing on fish and shrimp, sings and dances. 湖畔灯光明亮,学员们坐在桌边,享受着湖面吹来的凉风,吃着以鱼虾为主的食物,载歌载舞。 Xie Jia's thanks Lingzhou drank a young wine, sang loudly loudly, the musician was the musician, the singing sound easily provokes the mood of students worthily, brought in one piece to applaud with the applause. 谢家的谢灵舟喝了点小酒,放声高歌,乐师不愧是乐师,歌声轻易撩拨起学员们的情绪,引来一片叫好和掌声。 Really envies, if I were the musician am good.” Sanyang opens the wife to sigh with emotion one, looks to another side, near the round table more than ten meters away, sees only the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning left hand to hug the simple and beautiful delightful Niulanshan small female celestial, the right is hugging the mature moving peony fairy maiden. “真羡慕啊,我如果是乐师就好了。”三阳开太太感慨一句,又看向另一边,十几米外的圆桌边,只见元始天尊左手搂着清丽甜美的牛栏山小仙女,右边搂着成熟动人的牡丹仙子。 Hey the grilled fish, feeds the liquor water. 一个喂烤鱼,一个喂酒水。 Near the table also had Teacher Song Man to rest one's chin in one's hands, tenderly crazy smiled looks. 桌边还有宋蔓老师托着腮,痴痴娇笑的看着。 Also the female saints of some official keep urging to drink, was saying the day reveres the master to be really good, the day reveres the master to come one bottle again. 又有官方的女圣者不停劝酒,说着天尊老爷真棒,天尊老爷再来一瓶。 Their wants to get drunk Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, then encroaches upon his appearance in turn, hateful, this group of female sexual harasser!” Sanyang opens the wife angry racket table, wails suddenly: “她们一副想灌醉元始天尊,然后轮流侵犯他的样子,可恶,这群女色狼!”三阳开太太愤怒拍桌,忽地嚎啕大哭起来: They can come to me, I do not revolt absolutely.” “她们可以冲我来啊,我绝对不反抗的。” You will not revolt, but you will run away.” The good friends let Monarch Chinese catalpa comfort saying: Accepts fate, the psychiatrist also looked in any case, I also delivered so many girls to you, you are not good, sees clearly itself.” “你是不会反抗,但你会逃走。”好友任君梓安慰道:“认命吧,反正心理医生也看了,我也给你送了那么多姑娘,你就是不行啊,看清楚自己呗。” Sanyang opens the wife to visit him: Inserting my two blades are you very happy?” 三阳开太太愣愣的看着他:“插我两刀你很开心?” I plead the fact, naturally, the truth most offends somebody.” The swordsmen let Monarch Chinese catalpa to sigh, said: “我只是在陈诉事实,当然,真话最伤人。”剑客任君梓叹了口气,说: Or do I go to invite Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning? He seems like the appearance of realm of love expert, could offer advice to you.” “要不我去把元始天尊请来?他看起来是个情场老手的样子,说不定能给你出出主意。” Near table saints eye one bright. 桌边的圣者们眼睛一亮。 Brothers, by you.” Sanyang opened the wife as if to see the dawn. “兄弟,靠你了。”三阳开太太仿佛看到了曙光。 Quick, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning was invited. 很快,元始天尊被请过来了。 Day reveres, he imagines you to be equally outstanding, teaches him several moves.” Lets Monarch Chinese catalpa to smile, the vision looks to peony fairy maiden and other females. “天尊,他想像你一样优秀,教他几招。”任君梓笑了笑,目光瞄向牡丹仙子等女性。 Zhang Yuanqing expressed very happily, felt oneself were paid homage to like the life teacher. 张元清表示很高兴,感觉自己像人生导师那样受人膜拜了。 He looked that opens the wife to Sanyang, the appearance of this mountain spirit, is typical simple and honest simple-hearted, the eyelid without a fold, the five senses are mediocre, the lip favors. 他看向三阳开太太,这位山神的面相,是典型的淳朴木讷,单眼皮,五官平庸,嘴唇偏厚。 Pursuing the girl may be too simple, I teach you two moves, one, selects the goal that you admire, then makes her feel that oneself received special being partial and giving favored treatment, making her feel own colorful pressure beautiful and fragrant flowers.” Zhang Yuanqing spoke with confidence: “追女孩子可太简单了,我教你两招,一,挑中你心仪的目标,然后让她觉得自己受到了特殊的偏爱和优待,让她觉得自己艳压群芳。”张元清侃侃而谈: Two, must learn backward compatible, chooses these family circumstances, wealth and ability to be inferior own. Do not pursue the goddess, such will only degenerate into licks the dog.” “二,要学会向下兼容,选择那些家境、财富、能力都不如自己的。千万不要去追女神,那样只会沦为舔狗。” Makes sense reasonable.” Lets Monarch Chinese catalpa and the others to nod again and again. “有道理有道理.”任君梓等人连连点头。 Zhang Yuanqing is filling the liquor, eats is roasting the skewer, boasts shamelessly: Dandy you know that he often studies to be in love the experience with me, said that listens to Monarch words victory to read ten years of book.” 张元清灌着酒,吃着烤串,大言不惭:“花公子你们知道吧,他经常跟我学习谈恋爱经验,说听君一席话胜读十年书。” But my issue is not this,” Sanyang opens the wife to sigh, mentioned own psychological disease: “可我的问题不是这个,”三阳开太太叹息一声,说起自己的心理疾病: I one and woman tremble in a moment , like the allergy, let alone bumped. The psychiatrist said, the cause of disease is I from infancy to maturity, almost the disagreement/not with female student has to do, and feels inferior at heart extremely, gradually, this.” “我一和女人说话就发抖,就跟过敏一样,更别说碰了。心理医生说,病因是我从小到大,几乎不和女生打交道,且心里极度自卑,久而久之,就这样了。” This, how does your situation need to do? The teacher has not taught me. Zhang Yuanqing feels thornily, gets a sudden inspiration, said: 啊这,你这种情况要怎么搞?导师没教我.张元清顿感棘手,灵机一动,道: This is not difficult, the prices of some items are to stimulate the desire.” “这个不难,有些道具的代价是激发欲望。” He has tried, then between the attractive girls and both hands, chose the latter.” “他试过了,然后在漂亮姑娘和双手之间,选择了后者。” Ha haha a person of table laughs, filled the merry air. “哈哈哈”一桌子的人大笑起来,充满了快活的空气。 Has on the companion lying down bed obviously, actually chooses washroom self- unblocking? This fellow Zhang Yuanqing, remembered oneself probably also this certainly with a smile suddenly, the smile disappears suddenly. 明明有伴侣躺床上,却选择进洗手间自我疏导?这家伙绝了张元清笑着笑着,忽然想起自己好像也这样,笑容突然消失。 „!” He clears throat, said: „The price of item is one of the steps, you also need an outstanding companion, I knew the miss who a love wants the occupation, turn head I make her give you to introduce the female of beautiful god association, has the price of item to love provoking of desire in addition, your certain line.” “咳咳!”他清了清嗓子,道:“道具的代价是步骤之一,你还需要一个优秀的伴侣,我认识一个爱欲职业的姑娘,回头我让她给你介绍美神协会的女性,有道具的代价加上爱欲的撩拨,你一定行的。” Sanyang opens the wife to think, feels feasible, is overjoyed, expressed gratitude again and again, the tone admiration said: 三阳开太太想了想,觉得可行,大喜过望,连连道谢,语气钦佩道: Day reveres the master, although you are young, but the experience in this aspect, is ten I am not able to be on par.” “天尊老爷,你虽然年纪不大,但这方面的经验,是十个我也无法比肩的。” Zhang Yuanqing modest beckoning with the hand: 张元清谦虚的摆摆手: „, Without is so exaggerating. I and you are the same, is the young lad chickens.” “哦,没那么夸张。我和你一样,都是童子鸡。” „???” “???” Sanyang opened the wife to be shocked. 三阳开太太愣住了。 Zhang Yuanqing from his eye, saw some type of thing is disappearing, that is person and person's trust. 张元清从他眼里,看到了某种东西在消失,那是人与人的信任。 In the world turns over to under supporting by the arm of fire, Zhang Yuanqing drunken return dormitory. 在天下归火的搀扶下,张元清醉醺醺的返回宿舍。 The world turns over to the fire to open 404 door, said lightly: 天下归火打开“404”房门,淡淡道: Do not install, your fans not with.” “别装了,你的粉丝们没有跟过来。” Zhang Yuanqing opens eyes, relaxes, teased with a smile: Really dangerous, they thought day I.” 张元清睁开眼,松了口气,笑着自我调侃:“真危险啊,她们都想日我。” The world turns over to the fire to carefully examine his one eyes, said: 天下归火审视他一眼,道: You make me very surprised, by character that you display, will not seem like will maintain one's moral integrity. Naturally, the behavior honest is not the misdemeanor, seeks after the beauty the person hard to bring about great talent.” “你让我很惊讶,以你表现出的性格来看,不像是会守身如玉的。当然,生活作风正派不是坏事,贪图美色的人难成大器。” I seem like the person of that loose overflowing sentiment, although I am demon Monarch teach others, but I am not demon Mr . Zhang Yuanqing is relying on the gate, said: 我看上去是那种风流滥情的人么,我虽然是魔君传人,但我又不是魔君.张元清倚着门,道: That red chicken elder brother you can become friends with, he is the flowered branch member, the person who the sauce explodes the elder, the adopted son common character. The sauce explodes the elder to have the extremely high position in the scarlet hot help/gang.” “那个红鸡哥你可以结交一下,他是花都分部一把手,酱爆长老的人,义子一般的人物。酱爆长老在赤火帮拥有极高的地位。” The world turns over to the fire to frown: In fact, I want to be separated from the scarlet hot help/gang, joins the white tiger soldier numerous.” 天下归火皱起眉头:“事实上,我想脱离赤火帮,加入白虎兵众。” Why?” Zhang Yuanqing is startled. “为什么?”张元清吃了一惊。 The world turns over to the fire sinking sound said: 天下归火沉声道: The high level that scarlet fire helps wants to wear down my reason, disintegrates my wisdom, they believe, the calm hot master is the different kind, the future is limited. In fact, my violent anger skill truly must weakly in the normal hot demon.” “赤火帮的高层想消磨我的理智,瓦解我的智慧,他们认为,冷静的火师属于异类,前途有限。事实上,我的‘暴怒者’技能确实要弱于正常的火魔。” In fact, how I am very curious you to obtain hot master Character Card.” Zhang Yuanqing said. “事实上,我很好奇你怎么获得火师角色卡的。”张元清说。 Flame is not hot tempered and impulsive, calm prairie fire, can burn completely all in world.” The world turns over to the fire to throw down these words, goes toward the corridor deep place line directly. “火焰并不只有暴躁和冲动,冷静的野火,也能焚尽世间的一切。”天下归火丢下这句话,径直朝着走廊深处行去。 The tone is really big, waits for the wrestle class, I instigate the red chicken elder brother to ask you to fight. Zhang Yuanqing enters the room, closes the door. 口气真大,等格斗课,我就怂恿红鸡哥找你打架.张元清进入房间,关上门。 I came back, today the teacher taught the much knowledge.” “我回来了,今天私塾先生教了很多知识。” Spoke well.” “好好说话。” This did not consider that the princess is ancient people.” “这不是考虑到郡主是古代人嘛。” But you said was not the ancient words.” “可你说的也不是古代话。” Looks down upon me? I am the outstanding student of University, does not believe to give you to come one.” Zhang Yuanqing sits in the bedside, looks at the beautiful peerless princess, air/Qi the sinking dantian, the strength gathers the tip of tongue: “看不起我?我可是松海大学的高材生,不信给你来一句。”张元清坐在床边,看着美艳绝伦的郡主,气沉丹田,力聚舌尖: „Does seeking of thou other mother perish to shout?” “汝彼母之寻亡呼?” A silver Yao princess fist overturns him in the bed. 银瑶郡主一拳把他打翻在床。 Princess princess, had the words to say well.” “郡主郡主,有话好好说.” Two people created a disturbance the moment in the room, Zhang Yuanqing comforted the silver Yao princess, says knowledge that in today's classroom learned. 两人在房间里打闹了片刻,张元清把银瑶郡主安抚好,讲起了今天课堂里学到的知识。 After the princess digests the content, Zhang Yuanqing said: 待郡主消化内容后,张元清道: Tomorrow only then two classes, the refiner class and refine the pill of immortality class, I planned that while the student attending class time action, enters stone door to explore by you, like this I had the perfect alibi.” “明天只有两节课,炼器课和炼丹课,我打算趁着学员上课时候行动,由你进入石门探索,这样我就有了完美的不在场证明。” The silver Yao princess shake the head slightly: 银瑶郡主微微摇头: Enters in the stars of school, only then you brought the Yin corpse.” “进入学院的星官里,只有你带了阴尸。” Zhang Yuanqing hey: 张元清嘿了一声: Tonight I have observed in the lakeside, since some people submerged the merman lake last night, the manager starts to go on patrol in the lake surface, the ashore has the school teachers to go on patrol in turn, the sky has the birds to circle.” “今天晚上我在湖边观察过了,自从昨晚有人潜入鲛人湖,管理员就开始在湖面巡逻,岸上有学院老师轮流巡逻,天空有鸟类盘旋。” Therefore?” “所以?” Therefore under this surveillance, the Yin corpse is layer upon layer impossible to submerge the merman lake silently, because the Yin corpse cannot retain before death skill. But you are different, you and Nightwalking God, stars have not distinguished, but no one knows your specialness.” Zhang Yuanqing is confident. “所以在这样层层监视下,阴尸是不可能无声无息潜入鲛人湖的,因为阴尸不会保留生前的技能。但你不一样,你和夜游神、星官没有区别,而没有人知道你的特殊。”张元清信心满满。 The silver Yao princess think, said: 银瑶郡主想了想,道: Good, tomorrow you manipulate me to enter the lake are, after stone door, fears the crisis, you must prepare completely.” “好,明日你操纵我入湖就是,石门后恐有危机,你要准备周全。” Unusual, this arrogant tender princess worried unexpectedly my Zhang Yuanqing said with a smile: Relax, once there is a danger, I withdraw from your body, you solve.” 稀奇,这傲娇郡主居然担心我张元清笑道:“放心,一旦有危险,我就退出你的身体,你来解决。” „.” “.” Zhang Yuanqing lies down toward the bed on, said: 张元清往床上一躺,道: I rest, if later I display very painful appearance, you do not need to be worried.” “我休息一下,待会儿如果我表现出很痛苦的模样,你不用担心。” He plans to trigger the chronic illness, recalls a next tonight's students' performance. 他打算引发旧疾,回忆一下今晚学员们的表现。 He proposed that the red chicken elder brother conducts the bonfire to bake the party in the lakeside, two goals ; first, the student gathers at the lakeside massively, will bring in the attention of teachers inevitably, the patrol effort will strengthen. 他提议红鸡哥在湖边举办篝火烧烤晚会,有两个目的,一是学生大规模聚集在湖边,必然引来老师们的关注,巡逻力度会加强。 Second, if the armor person conspires to stone door, will definitely also take the opportunity to observe. 二是铠甲人如果对石门图谋不轨,肯定也会借机观察。 Bakes at the party, who most watches the situation in lake surface, who is the probability of armor person is big. 烧烤晚会上,谁最关注湖面的情况,谁是铠甲人的概率就大。 This time enters Spirit Territory, he has not brought the blue small pill, but doesn't matter, at his current spirit body tenacious degree, does not need the blue small pill. 这次进入灵境,他没有带蓝色小药丸,但没关系,以他目前的灵体坚韧程度,已经不需要蓝色小药丸了。 PS: After wrong character first, changes. PS:错字先更后改。
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