SRW :: Volume #5

#428: Foreign occupation compiles

Chapter 428 foreign occupation compiles 第428章境外职业汇总 The 6 p.m. to midnight was the occupation and skill of native Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic compiles, covered unusual and saint stage, without control stage. 前半夜是本土灵境行者的职业、技能汇总,涵盖了超凡和圣者阶段,没有主宰阶段。 The Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic occupation of local, Zhang Yuanqing has known, swept one sketchily, beats to the overseas occupation directly. 本土的灵境行者职业,张元清早已知晓,粗略的扫了一眼,直接跳动到海外职业。 Defends foreword camp 【守序阵营】 Wind master( unusual): Driving skill: The wind recited, the wind blade and controlling wind. Passive skill: Lithe and agile, glide.】 【风法师(超凡):主动技能:风吟、风刃、驭风。被动技能:轻盈、敏捷、滑翔。】 Gust of wind( saint): Driving skill: The hurricane, wind wall, the wind monster and wind clone. Passive skill: The pupil and flight wind king.】 【疾风者(圣者):主动技能:飓风、风墙、风妖、风分身。被动技能:风王之瞳、飞行。】 The main feature of wind master has two: Flight and AOE. 风法师的主要特点有两个:飞行和AOE。 Can I probably hit ten that. 是能“我要打十个”的那种。 The occupation that the saint stage can fly is very few, but the wind master can, this/should occupation definitely be able to use the air superiority, displays the hurricane and wind blade, strikes at the ground enemy. 圣者阶段能飞行的职业少之又少,但风法师可以,该职业完全可以利用空中优势,施展飓风、风刃,对地面敌人进行打击。 Is the air force in Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic, has the absolute command of the air. 属于灵境行者中的空军,拥有绝对制空权。 Master thunder( unusual): The close combat master and thunder ball, flicker to move. Passive skill:, Unyielding and sufficient energy paralysis.】 【雷法师(超凡):近战法师、雷球、瞬移。被动技能:麻痹、不屈、充能。】 Disciplinary punishment knight( saint): Lightning almighty troops and thunder territory, thunder lord. Passive skill: Fast can sufficiently, disciplinary punishment.】 【惩戒骑士(圣者):闪电神兵、雷域、雷霆之主。被动技能:快速充能、惩戒。】 A very powerful occupation, then works as the soldier, there is an ultra-high continuous cruise capability, has both the unequalled destructive power. 一个很强大的职业,即可当战士,又有超高续航能力,兼具无与伦比的破坏力。 The skill of Master thunder is easy to understand, looked that the name knows the actual result. 雷法师的技能通俗易懂,看名字就知道实际效果。 In the skill of disciplinary punishment knight, the lord of thunder is thunder territory the prerequisite skill, opens the thunder the master mode, can display thunder territory, thunder territory has the fearful lethality, the price is the rapid consumption within the body spirit strength. 惩戒骑士的技能里,雷霆之主是雷域的前置技能,开启雷霆之主状态,才能施展雷域,雷域拥有可怕的杀伤力,代价是迅速消耗体内灵力。 However can absorb the electric charge that in the world drifts away fast sufficiently, supplements the spirit strength, making the disciplinary punishment knight who displays thunder territory be insufficient to fall into the weak condition. 不过快速充能可以吸收天地间游离的电荷,补充灵力,让施展雷域的惩戒骑士不至于陷入虚弱状态。 But the disciplinary punishment knight true core skill, is the passive skill disciplinary punishment. 但惩戒骑士真正的核心技能,是被动技能惩戒。 The disciplinary punishment knight is coming across the criminal incident, when facing criminal, various abilities will obtain the large amount of increase, must be blessed by God. 惩戒骑士在遇到犯罪事件,面对罪犯时,各项能力都将获得巨额的增幅,如有神助。 Loves and wants( unusual): Driving skill: Claim. Passive skill: The charm, beautiful, demands and fawns on.】 【爱与欲(超凡):主动技能:索取。被动技能:魅力、美丽、索取、逢迎。】 Queen( saint): Driving skill: Attracts, entice and petrify. Passive skill: Infatuated, sexual affection Grandmaster.】 【女王(圣者):主动技能:魅惑、勾引、石化。被动技能:痴迷、性爱大师。】 The Zhang Yuanqing spirit inspires, the heart said that this I came the interest. 张元清精神一振,心说这我就来兴趣了。 His dedicated looks at end of the occupation the information of note, likes wanting the occupation has almost not attacked the skill, the only attack skill is petrification, to own beautiful appearance and a body more infatuated goal, petrifying the effect is better. 他专注的看着职业末尾备注的信息,爱欲职业的几乎没有攻击技能,唯一的攻击技能是“石化”,对自身美貌、身体越痴迷的目标,石化效果越好。 The unusual stage, likes wanting the occupation to be only a driving skill, is famous claim. 超凡阶段,爱欲职业只有一个主动技能,正是大名鼎鼎的索取。 The exploitation conditions of this/should skill go to bed. 该技能的使用条件是上床。 In the passive skill, the charm and beauty, respectively on behalf of the makings and body, each love want the occupation to have the extremely strong charm, the frown and smile incomparably attract the opposite sex, emerges in many beautiful women. 被动技能里,魅力和美丽,分别代表气质和身体,每一个爱欲职业都拥有极强的魅力,一颦一笑都无比吸引异性,在众多美人中脱颖而出。 But is beautiful, then can make their statures tend to be perfect, is the golden proportion, making their skins be in top form throughout, making their tone fragrant, sweat profusely, in brief, lets like the small female celestial that they change, is everywhere perfect. 而美丽,则能让她们的身材趋于完美,达到黄金比例,让她们皮肤始终处于最佳状态,让她们口气芬芳,香汗淋漓,总之,让她们变的像小仙女一样,处处完美。 Fawns on, then can let like wanting the occupations, in a short time understands a person fast, to his liking, is familiar with his character, then according to fondness and personality of opposite party fawns on. 逢迎,则能让爱欲职业们,在短时间内快速了解一个人,对他的喜欢,对他的性格了如指掌,然后根据对方的喜好和性情进行逢迎。 Let the opposite sex and homogeneity, has the favorable impression to oneself fast. 让异性、同性,对自己快速产生好感。 The saint stage, attracting is the enhancement version of charm, is likes wanting the professional prometaphase main maintaining life skill, it can make the enemy lose the fighting spirit, fills to feel attached, under being hard pain killer. 圣者阶段,魅惑是魅力的加强版,也是爱欲职业前中期最主要的保命技能,它能让敌人失去斗志,充满爱怜,难以痛下杀手。 Entices through the spoken language and look, stimulates the opposite sex or the homogeneous desire, to go to bed with the opposite party most in a short time, thus achieves claim condition. 勾引则是通过言语、眼神,激发异性或同性的欲望,以最短时间内和对方上床,从而达到“索取”条件。 Passive skill- infatuated and sexual affection Grandmaster. 被动技能-痴迷和性爱大师。 Infatuated: With liking wanting the occupation to contact is longer, the beautiful appearance of more infatuated opposite party. 痴迷:与爱欲职业接触越久,越痴迷对方的美貌。 With liking wanting the occupation to maintain the sweetheart to relate is longer, the body of more infatuated opposite party. 与爱欲职业维持情人关系越久,越痴迷对方的身体。 Sexual affection Grandmaster: In bed technique, likes wanting the occupation to have the extremely strong talent and skill, with other women is two different lifeform. 性爱大师:在床技方面,爱欲职业有着极强的天赋和技巧,和其他女人是两个不同的生物。 Suddenly understands that demon Monarch wallowed to like wanting the occupation individually uncorrectable reason. The Zhang Yuanqing innermost feelings complained. 突然就明白魔君沉迷爱欲职业不可自拔的原因了.张元清内心吐槽起来。 He then looks downward: 他接着往下看: Sea-nymph( unusual stage): Driving skill: The controlling horse and sea-nymph song. Passive skill: The body of sea-nymph.】 【海妖(超凡阶段):主动技能:驭马者、海妖之歌。被动技能:海妖之躯。】 Sea monster( saint stage): Driving skill: Sea monster, dilution. Passive skill: The disaster of sea.】 【海怪(圣者阶段):主动技能:海怪,稀释。被动技能:海洋之灾。】 The skill of sea-nymph occupation is quite simple, in defending the foreword occupation is the downstream, the operational capacity on land, is mainly controlling horse, they can summon the horses fight. 海妖职业的技能比较简单,在守序职业里属于下游,在陆地上的作战能力,主要是“驭马者”,他们能召唤马匹战斗。 The horses have dashing, for dying, speedily the ability. 马匹拥有冲撞、替死、疾速能力。 Is has the singing sound that again confuses the will of the people, this and merman looks like very much. 再就是拥有迷惑人心的歌声,这点和鲛人很像。 Moreover, note mentioned, the sea-nymph had the ultra-high face value. 另外,备注里提及,海妖都拥有超高的颜值。 Merman is not the sea monster and Water Ghost hybrid.” Zhang Yuanqing remembered merman in Qin wind the school. “鲛人不会就是海怪和水鬼的混血吧.”张元清想起了秦风学院里的鲛人。 Sea-nymph occupation, some abilities and Water Ghost superpose, but is only also restricted to control the water, after saint stage, Water Ghost starts to transform to the plague. 海妖这个职业,部分能力与水鬼重合,但也仅限于控水,圣者阶段后,水鬼就开始向瘟疫转变。 But the sea-nymph continues to strengthen in the water the operational capacity, the strength on the land are average, but once to sea, is terrifyingly the most fearful occupation. 而海妖则继续强化水中作战能力,他们在陆地上战力平平,可一旦到了海洋,则是最恐怖最可怕的职业。 Void( unusual stage): Driving skill: Sneaks, steals and treasure hunts. Passive skill: Agile, concealment and flexible mind.】 【虚空(超凡阶段):主动技能:潜行、窃取、寻宝。被动技能:敏捷、隐匿、灵活的头脑。】 Merchant( saint stage): Driving skill: Trades and transmits, wrestles. Passive skill: Commercial sense of smell.】 【商人(圣者阶段):主动技能:交易、传送、格斗家。被动技能:商业嗅觉。】 The skill of unusual stage is to look at the name knows the meaning, only then concealment is quite interesting, it is not a stealth, but reduces own existence feeling infinitely. 超凡阶段的技能都是看名字就知含义的,只有“隐匿”比较有意思,它并不是隐身,而是无限降低自身的存在感。 This makes Zhang Yuanqing remember Mr. Bill had sold „the hat of junkman, it is said can make on the woman bosom be pregnant, the woman cannot think that who the child father is. 这让张元清想起了比尔先生曾经推销过的“拾荒者之帽”,据说能让女人怀上孕,女人也想不起来孩子父亲是谁。 Is more exaggerating than the stealth. 比隐身还要夸张。 At first sight, the transmission skill seems like most flamboyant, but reads the complete note, Zhang Yuanqing realizes transaction terrifyingly skill. 乍一看,传送技能好像是最牛逼的,但看完备注,张元清才意识到“交易”技能有多恐怖。 Each saint is a profiteer, they will mislead in the spoken language, making you unconscious trades with them, even the slightest misstep, the best quality goods item trades trash the matter to happen common. 每一位圣者都是奸商,他们会用言语蛊惑,使你不自觉的跟他们交易,稍有不慎,极品道具换一个垃圾的事都常有发生。 According to note introduced, to the control boundary, the transaction skill will promote, to turn forces to trade. 根据备注里介绍,到了主宰境,交易技能会提升,变成强制交易。 Trades your item and skill with the trash goods, but to half god stage, even can trade the thing in concept, for example breath ability, elaborative faculty, sense of touch, vision wait/etc. 用垃圾物品换走你的道具、技能,而到半神阶段,甚至能交易走概念上的东西,比如呼吸能力、思考能力、触觉、视觉等等。 Well, how is this bit like slightly teases the ratio the ability?!” Zhang Yuanqing gawked staring. “咦,这怎么有点像小逗比的能力啊?!”张元清愣了愣。 His heart said that the waste son who my will only crawl everywhere, does have this similar ability unexpectedly? 他心说,我那只会满地爬的废物儿子,居然也有这种相似的能力? Naturally, slightly teases compared with the present rank, but also is not enough to trade the skill and thought that can only exchange some quite shallow level the thing, for example vision, sense of hearing, sense of touch wait/etc. 当然,小逗比现在的等级,还不足以换走技能和念头,只能交换一些比较浅层次的东西,比如视觉、听觉、触觉等等。 Knight( unusual stage): Driving skill: The contract, defends the oath and charge, to cut to strike sacredly. Passive skill: Dauntless heart, the body of knight.】 【骑士(超凡阶段):主动技能:契约、守誓、冲锋、神圣斩击。被动技能:无畏之心,骑士之躯。】 Judge( saint stage): Law ; Judgement. Passive skill: Fair.】 【法官(圣者阶段):律令;裁决。被动技能:公正。】 The contract and defends to vow two skills, Zhang Yuanqing has experienced to cross, the charge and cuts to strike sacredly as the name suggests, should attacks the skill. 契约和守誓两个技能,张元清已经见识过了,冲锋和神圣斩击顾名思义,应该是攻击技能。 The fearless heart is the willpower increase, the body of scouting the body of knight and scouts is similar, enhances the physical quality sharply, has the inherent combat capability, and has the strong fight talent. 无畏之心是意志力的增幅,骑士之躯和斥候的斥候之躯相似,大幅提升身体素质,拥有与生俱来的战斗能力,且具备超强的战斗天赋。 The skill of saint stage is very interesting, law: The promulgation regulation, formulates the rule. 圣者阶段的技能很有意思,律令:颁布律法,制定规则。 Once some people violate the rule of formulation, then judgement skill triggered, the knight will obtain supernatural power in addition to hold, gives the violator to punish. 一旦有人违背制定的规则,那么“裁决”技能就触发了,骑士会得到神力加持,给予违背者惩罚。 Very powerful, fights very interesting occupation. 一个很强大,战斗起来又很有意思的职业。 Is worth mentioning, note mentioned, becomes this/should professional person, is in the reality has very strong sense of justice, the behavior and conduct very fair person. 值得一提,备注里提到,成为该职业的人,都是现实里拥有很强正义感,为人处世很公正的人。 This also caused, this/should professional quantity is quite scarce, majority is living the ascetic person life. 这也导致了,该职业的数量极为稀少,大部分都过着苦行僧般的生活。 Demon eye should like knight occupation very much “魔眼应该很喜欢骑士职业” Zhang Yuanqing then looks at compiling of foreign evil occupation. 张元清接着看起境外邪恶职业的汇总。 Dying poison master( unusual stage): Driving skill: Toxin Grandmaster and dissemination. Passive skill: The bodies of ten thousand poison.】 【绝命毒师(超凡阶段):主动技能:毒素大师、传播。被动技能:万毒之体。】 Distortion( saint): Driving skill: Devil, distortion and toxic smoke. Passive skill: Cold blood.】 【畸变者(圣者):主动技能:恶魔、畸变、毒烟。被动技能:冷血。】 This is Zhang Yuanqing has seen, skill least evil occupations, but looked that the complete note discovered, this is the operating space biggest occupation. 这是张元清见过,技能最少的邪恶职业,但看完备注才发现,这是操作空间最大的职业。 The toxin Grandmaster, the bringing recognition toxicant, manufactures the toxicant the ability, can make various different functions, the virus of different effect, only this, this/should professional operationality is very high. 毒素大师,自带识别毒药、制作毒药的能力,能制造各种不同功能,不同效果的病毒,单凭这点,该职业的操作性就很高。 The dissemination, can make the toxicant disseminate through air, water, saliva, contact and other ways. 传播,可以让毒药通过空气、水、唾沫、接触等方式传播。 Same can play to spend. 一样可以玩出花来。 Saint stage, devil supplementary many abilities, for example flame, fight, self-recovery, mental manipulation. 圣者阶段,恶魔附带很多能力,比如火焰,战斗,自愈,精神控制。 The core skill distortion, can make one, animal and plant disassimilation become the monster, according to own training, each distortion plants will have the different abilities, or flame, either toxin, either flight, either mental manipulation, either close combat. 核心技能畸变,可以让人、动物、植物异化成怪物,根据自身的培养,每一种畸变种都会拥有不同的能力,或火焰,或毒素,或飞行,或精神控制,或近战. The passive skill, the bodies and the cold blood ten thousand poison, the former hundred do not invade poisonously , the whole body is poisonous, the aura that even exhales, can contain the fatal toxin. 被动技能,万毒之体和冷血,前者百毒不侵,又浑身是毒,即使是呼出的气息,都可以蕴含致命毒素。 The cold blood can make the mind time keep sober, forever is one calm, the cold blood hunter. 冷血则能让头脑时刻保持清醒,永远是一个冷静、冷血的猎手。 Intemperant( unusual stage): Driving skill: The cerebral palsy, sense being out of balance and cognition are wrong. Passive skill: The anger of male drunkard, alcohol dependence.】 【酗酒者(超凡阶段):主动技能:大脑麻痹、感官失调、认知错误。被动技能:醉汉之怒,酒精依赖。】 Loses foreword( saint): Driving skill: Outside revelry and law avid follower and inversion. Passive skill: Brewmaster.】 【失序者(圣者):主动技能:狂欢、法外狂徒、颠倒者。被动技能:酿酒大师。】 Wields the chaotic occupation, the unusual stage is primarily the control class skill, the destructive power is insufficient. 一个执掌混乱的职业,超凡阶段以控制类技能为主,破坏力不足。 The saint stage still so, the revelry is the AOE control skill, can let the goal within certain range, reckless singing loudly and dance, disregard the practical danger, heartily revelry. 圣者阶段依然如此,狂欢是AOE控制技能,可以让一定范围内的目标,不顾一切的高歌、舞蹈,无视现实危险,尽情狂欢。 Outside law the avid follower is the core skill, excels at the drill gauge loophole. Arrived control boundary, even can revise the rule, cancels the rule, is quite fearful. 法外狂徒是核心技能,擅长钻规则漏洞。到了主宰境,甚至能修改规则,抹去规则,极为可怕。 This professional passive skill a little meaning, alcohol dependence: Average per person drunkard. The anger of male drunkard: After being drunk , the strength rises suddenly, but also abandoned the brain. 这个职业的被动技能有点意思,酒精依赖:人均酒鬼。醉汉之怒:喝醉酒后战力暴涨,但也抛弃了脑子。 The brewmaster is strongest, loses foreword to brew the attractive good wine, can let the enemy alcoholic intoxication depending on the liquor air/Qi, without bearing taste the good wine, will then lose the ability to act thoroughly. 酿酒大师最强,失序者们能酿造出诱人的美酒,光凭酒气就能让敌人醉酒,一旦没忍住品尝美酒,则会彻底失去行动能力。 Long night( unusual stage): Driving skill: Quiet, dormancy and seal. Passive skill: Fears the light and longevity.】 【永夜(超凡阶段):主动技能:沉寂、休眠、封印。被动技能:畏光、长寿。】 Abyss apostle( saint): Driving skill: Abyss and curtain of night. Passive skill: Silent.】 【深渊使徒(圣者):主动技能:深渊、夜幕。被动技能:寂静。】 In the note writes such a few words: This professional whereabouts are rare, hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse. 备注里写着这样一句话:该职业行迹罕见,神龙见首不见尾。 This professional Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic, or the self- seal, either falls into the deep sleep. 这个职业的灵境行者,要么自我封印,要么陷入沉睡。 They do not like speaking, does not like going out, likes sleeping, whole time lie down in the coffin, if need to go out, the coffin will fly round, the place visited, all lives will fall into the deep sleep, or falls into silent. 他们不爱说话,不爱出门,喜欢睡觉,大部分时间躺在棺材里,如果需要出门的话,棺材就会飞来飞去,所过之处,一切生灵都会陷入沉睡,或陷入沉默。 The unusual stage excels at the seal and sleeping, the weakness is afraid the ray, the merit is the longevity. 超凡阶段擅长封印和睡觉,弱点是害怕光线,优点是长寿。 The saint stage becomes the abyss that a behind-the-scenes plotting covers( domain), the Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic who enters this/should domain, the ability will gradually drain, falls into sinks the dormancy. 圣者阶段自成一片黑幕笼罩的深渊(领域),进入该领域的灵境行者,能力会逐渐流失,陷入沉眠。 Once the abyss condition were awakened will vanish, therefore passive skill silent, can make them shield disturbance, has rested. 深渊状态一旦被唤醒就会消失,因此被动技能“寂静”,能让他们屏蔽外界的打扰,一直睡下去。 „A very pure occupation, is single-skilled, is very fearful.” “一个非常纯粹的职业,技能单一,却无比可怕.” Zhang Yuanqing looks at the overseas occupation all information, silent putting out one breath. 张元清看完海外职业的所有信息,无声的吐出一口气。 Well, compared with our local few occupation.” The red chicken elder brother said. “咦,比我们本土少一个职业。”红鸡哥说。 No matter it seems like that the local overseas, evil occupation is strange and fearful.” Yuan Ting sighs with emotion one, raises hand to ask: “看来不管是本土还是海外,邪恶职业都又诡异又可怕啊。”袁廷感慨一声,举手问道: Foreign evil occupation is also the peak occupation.” “境外的邪恶职业也是巅峰职业吗。” Yes.” The chief gives the affirmation to answer. “是的。”院长给出肯定答复。 Defends in the foreword occupation, which is the peak occupation?” Sanyang opens the wife to ask, lowers the head rapidly, does not want to annoy the attention of students. “守序职业里,哪个是巅峰职业?”三阳开太太问道,迅速低头,不想惹来学员们的关注。 He has not walked from yesterday's shadow. 他尚未从昨日的阴影里走出来。 Overseas defend in the foreword camp not to have the peak occupation, defends the peak occupation of foreword camp, currently speaking, only has Nightwalking God.” Chief Li Yanqi takes advantage of opportunity to sweep a front four Nightwalking God, said: “境外守序阵营里没有巅峰职业,守序阵营的巅峰职业,目前来说,只有夜游神。”院长李言蹊顺势扫一眼前排的四位夜游神,道: Scholars guessed, Nightwalking God possibly is the most special occupation, but is why special, does not know.” “学者们猜测,夜游神可能是最为特殊的职业,但为何特殊,就不知道了。” Sees has the student to raise the head one after another, moves out of the way the vision from the paper, chief Li Yanqi said: 见陆续有学员抬起头,从纸张上挪开目光,院长李言蹊道: Foreign professional characteristics, write on the paper, I am not redundant, now said that foreign organization, just like us, each occupation has a corresponding organization. “境外职业的特点,都写在纸上,我就不重复了,现在说说境外组织,和我们一样,每一个职业都有一个相应的组织。 Wind master and Master thunder composed the famous day to punish, is now the most powerful defending foreword organization, the day punished is not only then Master thunder gentle breeze master, it almost resisted included all defending foreword occupations, in five lines of pledges many great people, in the past was a day of punishing member. “风法师和雷法师组成了著名的天罚,是当今最强大的守序组织,天罚不是只有雷法师和风法师,它几乎攘括了所有的守序职业,五行盟里很多大人物,当年都是天罚的成员。 Loved and wants the occupation to form beautiful god association, the core member were not many, but the member proliferated the major organizations, in foreign defending foreword organization, many high levels were the members of beautiful god association, hehe, they became the reason of beautiful god association member, did not need me to say.” “爱与欲职业组成了‘美神协会’,核心成员不多,但会员遍布各大组织,境外的守序组织里,很多中高层都是美神协会的会员,呵呵,他们成为美神协会会员的原因,不用我多说吧。” The female student reveals to disdain with the color of despising. 女学员露出不屑和鄙夷之色。 As beautiful God Association Zhang Yuanqing, feels weak at heart. 作为美神协会一员的张元清,心里一阵发虚。 „The organization that sea-nymph composes, called sea god church, at the beginning of the century, changed the name as ocean shipping company, was the running ship, rarely moved in the land. Even if the day punishes with the evil organization, does not dare to provoke them in the sea.” Chief Li Yanqi drinks water: “海妖组成的组织,原本叫‘海神教会’,本世纪初,更名为‘远洋运输公司’,就是跑船的,很少在陆地活动。就算天罚和邪恶组织,也不敢在海洋上招惹他们。”院长李言蹊喝了一口水: „ The organization that void occupation establishes is merchant association, is in the Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic the biggest merchant community, so long as is willing to disburse money, you can buy anything from their, including the rule class item. “虚空职业建立的组织是‘商人公会’,是灵境行者中最大的商人群体,只要肯出钱,你能从他们那里买到任何东西,包括规则类道具。 Their wealth are unquantifiable, various defends the foreword organization greatly, even the evil organization, once loaned to them, the merchant association is everyone's donor. “他们的财富难以估量,各大守序组织,甚至邪恶组织,都曾经向他们贷款,商人公会是所有人的金主。 „ The organization of knight occupation, asking knight to roll, this/should organization population was scarce, disperses across Europe and US, the internal structure was quite loose, most knights like the ascetic person life, walked each region, practice difficultly. Remember, their strength is quite fearful. “骑士职业的组织,叫‘骑士团’,该组织人数稀少,分散在欧美各地,内部结构极为松散,大部分骑士如苦行僧般生活,行走各地,艰苦修行。记住,他们战力极为可怕。 Evil organization is as follows: The lifeform gold metallurgy meeting, the Bacchus club and abyss church, are many branch in European and US everyone “邪恶组织分别是:生物炼金会、酒神俱乐部、深渊教会,在欧美各位都不少分部” When the people chew the major organization information, Yuan Ting enthusiastic asking: 众人嘴嚼各大组织信息之际,袁廷兴匆匆的问道: Chief, you said a moment ago, in five lines of pledges has many great people are the day punishes the family background? It can be said that who concrete is, I will not say absolutely.” “院长,伱刚才说,五行盟里有不少大人物是天罚出身?能说说具体是谁吗,我绝对不会说出去的。” Li Yanqi shoots a look at his one eyes, said: 李言蹊瞥他一眼,道: „The marshal of white tiger soldier numerous, the frightened Son of Heaven of soldier bishop, said, these two schoolmates, once learned/studied in Qin wind the school. Un, before the fear, is five lines of pledges.” “白虎兵众的元帅,兵主教的恐惧天王,说起来,这两位还是同学,都曾在秦风学院学习。嗯,恐惧以前也是五行盟的。” What?!” “啥?!” Yuan Ting shock. 袁廷震惊了。 The students also raised the head, shock looks at the chief. 众学员同样抬起头,震惊的看着院长。 „, Waited.” Xiahou Aotian with astonishment said: „Isn't the frightened Son of Heaven Bewitching Demon? How can he be five lines of pledges member?” “等,等一下.”夏侯傲天惊愕道:“恐惧天王不是蛊惑之妖吗?他怎么会是五行盟的成员?” PS: After wrong character first, changes. PS:错字先更后改。
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