SRW :: Volume #5

#430: Destiny magic mirror

Chapter 430 destiny magic mirror 第430章命运魔镜 Lies on the bed, slows down to breathe, Zhang Yuanqing is recalling father's appearance in the mind repeatedly, with beforehand different, now he can unite the spirit quickly, making the psychic force revolve high-speed. 躺在床上,放缓呼吸,张元清在脑海里一遍遍回忆着父亲的容貌,和以前不同,现在他能很快凝聚精神,让精神力高速运转。 Like a top race car, 2-3 seconds can the wind to the extreme speed. 就像一辆顶级的跑车,2-3秒就能飙到极速。 The quick, white noise starts to flood the ear bank, the chaotic picture slide flashes through, the covering head of Zhang Yuanqing pain, the forehead blue vein jumps, the pore discharges the cold sweat crazily. 很快,白噪音开始充斥耳畔,混乱的画面幻灯片般闪过,张元清痛苦的捂住脑袋,额头青筋直跳,毛孔疯狂排出冷汗。 Suddenly, the white noise and chaotic picture vanish together, a world silence. 霍然间,白噪音和纷乱画面齐齐消失,世界一片寂静。 In the Zhang Yuanqing mind, presents bakes the scene of party, flashing through, saliva in Song Man the look, being intimate in peony fairy maiden smile, Xiahou Aotian tries hard to seek the eyeball, annoyed that but no one pays attention, Yuan Ting restless pain 张元清脑海里,呈现出烧烤晚会的情景,一帧一帧的闪过,宋蔓眼神里的垂涎,牡丹仙子笑容里的亲近,夏侯傲天努力想博取眼球,但又没人关注的恼火,袁廷如坐针毡的痛苦 Everyone's expression and movement, clear presents in his mind. 所有人的表情和动作,都清晰的呈现在他脑海。 Zhang Yuanqing at baking party, has had the attention student, but sweeps, does not keep the flaw. 张元清在烧烤晚会上,一直有关注学员,但都是一扫而过,不留破绽。 Long recollection, Zhang Yuanqing discovered eight suspicious people, they pay attention to the merman lake when long and other number of times by far people. 漫长的“回溯”中,张元清找出了八位可疑人物,他们关注鲛人湖的时长和次数远胜其他人。 They are as follows: Zhu Ming xu, title cicada Monarch and Sanyang open the wife and thanks Lingzhou, the world to turn over to the fire and kui Yang Ze, Yuan Ting, Xiahou Aotian. 他们分别是:朱明煦、衔蝉君、三阳开太太、谢灵舟、天下归火、夔阳泽、袁廷、夏侯傲天。 “呼” Zhang Yuanqing comes to an end the recollection, puts out foul air layer on layer/heavily, thinks the nasal cavity to be warm suddenly, puts out a hand to wipe, full palm dark red blood. 张元清终断回溯,重重吐出一口浊气,忽觉鼻腔温热,伸手一抹,满手心的殷红鲜血。 „Before comparing, my spirit body obviously powerful innumerable times, but why hasn't a vigorous symptom changed? It is painful, flows the nosebleed, most does not need to depend upon the medicine, the spirit physical ability restores.” “相比起以前,我的灵体明明强大了无数倍,可为什么头疾症状没变?还是很痛,还是流鼻血,最多就是不需要依靠药物,灵体能自行恢复。” Recalling this ability is also very strange, my recollection does ability originate from some palace Lord souls? Such important issue, hadn't my asked late? It is not quite right “回溯这个能力也很奇怪,我的‘回溯’能力来源于宫主的部分灵魂?这么重要的问题,我那晚怎么没有问?不太对劲” He has not continued to intertwine, because now is not a ponder vigorous time. 他没有继续纠结,因为现在不是思考头疾的时候。 Yuan Ting and Xiahou Aotian can remove, one is the surface is in a daze toward the merman lake, one is to do intentionally the aloof seeks the attention, in the remaining six people, the world turns over to the fire I is quite familiar, he saw yesterday the merman lake is unusual, and displays certain curiosity, arrives at the lakeside rarely, pays attention to several to be very normal, if he is the armor person, I can chat with him actually 袁廷和夏侯傲天可以排除,一个是面朝鲛人湖发呆,一个是故作高冷博取关注,剩下六人里,天下归火我比较熟悉,他昨天就看出了鲛人湖非同一般,并表现出一定的好奇,难得来到湖边,多关注几眼很正常,他如果是铠甲人,我倒是可以和他聊聊” As for other five people, Zhang Yuanqing is not quite familiar, by the words of suspicion, Zhu Ming xu, thanks of Lingzhou Spirit Territory aristocratic family family background is highest. 至于其他五人,张元清都不太熟悉,论嫌疑的话,灵境世家出身的朱明煦、谢灵舟最高。 Naturally, the armor person not necessarily in them, first pays attention with emphasis.” “当然,铠甲人未必就在他们之中,先重点关注一下。” Zhang Yuanqing turns over/stands up to sit up, enters the washroom cleaning palm and nasal cavity bloodstain. 张元清翻身坐起,进洗手间擦拭掌心和鼻腔血迹。 When he returns to the bedroom, sits before the desk straight, both hands place the silver Yao princess of knee, conveys the spirit to fluctuate: 等他回到卧室,端正坐于书桌前,双手放在膝盖的银瑶郡主,传达出精神波动: Your spirit body has the issue, you best ask the teacher to help you have a look.” “你的灵体有问题,你最好找师尊帮你看看。” I know, before my spirit body, has broken, afterward sewed.” Zhang Yuanqing said. “我知道,我的灵体以前破碎过,后来缝补好了。”张元清说。 If the silver Yao princess can knit the brows, now the brow is certainly locked, she said slowly said: 银瑶郡主如果能皱眉,现在眉头一定是锁着的,她缓缓“说”道: This is what magic arts. Un, the ability of what occupation.” “这是什么法术.嗯,什么职业的能力。” She changes the view. 她改变说法。 Musician.” Zhang Yuanqing replied, „, you doesn't know? In your active that age, the musician has exterminated.” “乐师。”张元清回答,“咦,伱不知道?在你活跃的那个年代,乐师已经灭绝了吗。” The silver Yao princess think, said: 银瑶郡主想了想,说: „Do you refer to these enlivening in the instruction office the chief among flowers of division and brothel?” “你指的是那些活跃在教坊司、青楼的花魁?” „, The musician in the ancient times was the chief among flowers, yes, they were good at enticing the man very much.” Zhang Yuanqing hears the instruction office division and brothel, the production of instinct is curious and interest. “啊,乐师在古代是花魁吗,也是,她们很擅长勾引男人。”张元清听到教坊司和青楼,本能的产生好奇和兴趣。 Pours does not entice the man, that age that I live, the saint number is scarce, almost vanishes, such as my so master has few of prestigious family. Although these musicians are the cultivators, but the strength is mean, does not excel at fighting, only has by singing songs, can the abundant whole body riches and honor.” The silver Yao princess answered. “倒也不是勾引男人,我生活的那个年代,圣者数量稀少,几乎绝迹,如我这般师出名门的屈指可数。那些乐师虽是修行者,但实力低微,不擅战斗,唯有凭借唱曲,才能博满身富贵。”银瑶郡主解释道。 Zhang Yuanqing remembers the ability of unusual boundary musician, nods: Reasonable! What a pity now in the brothel does not have the musician, otherwise the banister listens to the tune daily, to be how could it not be beautiful.” 张元清想起超凡境乐师的能力,点点头:“合理!可惜现在青楼里没有乐师了,否则天天勾栏听曲,岂不美哉。” Next day, he stays behind beats a drum the purple gold hammer, the Yin-Yang law robe and easy appearance/allow Jiezhi, the king of beasts bracelet, the slippery shovel shoes and gust of wind glove, the Mother Earth boots and Takamagahara jade plate, loads room bringing the cloth wrapper, the giving silver Yao princess of treating a matter seriously. 次日,他留下擂鼓紫金锤,阴阳法袍、易容戒指、兽王手镯、滑铲鞋、疾风者手套、后土靴、高天原玉盘,装入房间自带的布包,郑重其事的交给银瑶郡主。 This is my most net worth, hopes after Shimenbei , the years are static, do not leave accidentally/surprisingly, otherwise I can only on rooftop Zhang Yuanqing whisper at heart. 这可是我大半的身家,希望石门背后岁月静好,不要出意外,否则我只能上天台了张元清心里嘀咕。 In the afternoon the first class is the refiner class, the small garret of place in lakeside. 下午第一节课是炼器课,地点在湖边的小阁楼。 Two story-high, first is the refiner room, second is the item storage room. 两层高,第一层是炼器室,第二层是道具储藏室。 The refiner room is very big, the area endures the ratio half soccer field, builds dozens Zhangtaizi with the cement and brick, each platform provided the stove, air blower and hammering stage. 炼器室很大,面积堪比半个足球场,用水泥、砖块砌起数十张台子,每个台子边配备了炉子、鼓风机、打铁台。 The platform that the cement builds chocks up various types of clips, hammers and cutting tool. 水泥砌成的台子摆满各种夹子、锤子、刀具。 Takes a quick look around, just like the heaven of manual dwelling. 一眼看去,宛如手工宅的天堂。 The teaching teacher black ink rock, wears the white shirt, the black pants, neat that the hair combs. 授课老师墨磐,穿着白色衬衣,黑色西裤,头发梳的整整齐齐。 Can see that is works is very earnest, mentality very straight teacher. 可以看出是个做事很认真,心态很端正的老师。 The average not wonderful five senses, the facial features are temperate, an image of refined teacher. 平平无奇的五官,眉眼温和,一副斯文教师的形象。 Today's classroom duty is to refine the consumables, evades the water drop, the material will be the teardrops of merman, the manager will deliver the material to come later.” Saying that the black ink rock follows a prescribed pattern: “今天的课堂任务是炼制消耗品,避水珠,材料是鲛人的泪珠,管理员稍后会送材料过来。”墨磐一板一眼的说道: Now, I first lead everyone to visit two buildings, inside is exhibiting the item of many hundred flowers meeting “现在,我先带大家去二楼参观,里面陈列着不少百花会的道具” The words have not said, Xiahou Aotian exciting interruption: 话没说完,夏侯傲天兴奋的打断: I understood, inside is certainly hiding the divine tool, only waits for the lead to arrive, its then little darling recognizes the lord.” “我明白了,里面一定藏着神器,只等着主角到达,它便乖乖认主。” black ink rock teacher silent one second, the patience advised: 墨磐老师沉默一秒,耐心劝告道: This matter, Schoolmate Xiahou, the pointless book has not little looked, our bachelors, should read deeper books.” “并没有这回事,夏侯同学,没意义的书少看,我们学士,就应该看更有深度的书籍。” For example «Quantum mechanics» «Black hole Theory» these Zhang Yuanqing secret unstated criticism. 比如《量子力学》《黑洞理论》这些吗张元清暗暗腹诽。 I first stated, the item of exhibition room cannot touch, I can 11 introduce to you, remember, do not touch, otherwise custo attack by exhibition room.” black ink rock teacher's sincere warning: “我先声明,陈列室的道具不能触碰,我会一一介绍给你们,记住,千万不要触碰,不然会被陈列室的看守员攻击。”墨磐老师语重心长的告诫: You should study beyond the transit the vocational course, the custo is a puppet, the swordsman and puppet of judge ability fusion, cannot touch is the stipulation of exhibition room, the violator, by disciplinary punishment.” “你们应该学过境外职业课程了,看守员是一具傀儡,剑客和法官能力融合的傀儡,不可触碰是陈列室的规定,违背者,当受惩戒。” After pointing out is formidable, he gets the students to go upstairs, before arriving at one leaf of two meters high double opens the wooden door . 点明利害后,他领着众学员上楼,来到一扇两米高的双开木门前。 Big double opens near the wooden door, stands to lean on the sword to stand, wears the person of knight armor occasionally. 高大的双开木门边,站着一具拄剑而立,身披骑士铠甲的人偶。 Its height one meter eight, wear middle ages knight heavy armor, the knight long sword of cruciform was plain. 它身高一米八,穿着中世纪骑士重甲,十字形的骑士长剑古朴锋利。 The black ink rock takes out the work tickets printed with number of workpoints, gave the knight person occasionally. 墨磐取出工牌,递给了骑士人偶。 Person who this does not have the life lowers the head occasionally, the neck joint hears ka ka sound, the body has the slight gear-driven sound. 这具没有生命的人偶低下头,颈部关节传来“咔咔”声,身体内部则有细微的齿轮转动声。 It stared at the work tickets printed with number of workpoints to look for several seconds, lifted to carefully examine the black ink rock. 它盯着工牌看了几秒,又抬起审视起墨磐。 Its face hidden in the iron mask, only reveals eyes of pair of ruby embed, jumps projects the red light, scans the black ink rock. 它的脸隐藏在铁面内部,只露出一双红宝石镶嵌的双眼,迸射出红光,扫描墨磐。 After several seconds, the red light restrains, the knight person is stepping the sonorous step occasionally, shoved open the wooden door of exhibition room. 几秒后,红光收敛,骑士人偶迈着铿锵的步伐,推开了陈列室的木门。 In the black ink rock gets the student to enter, the knight person carries the plain long sword to follow occasionally in the rear area, that stance, as if who must dare to move item in a lower chamber, it gives you a sword. 墨磐领着学员入内,骑士人偶拎着古朴长剑跟在后方,那架势,仿佛谁要敢动一下室内的道具,它就给你一剑。 Indoor the exhibition, suspends glass showcases, in the cabinet is depositing the item. 陈列室内,摆着一台台玻璃展柜,柜子里存放着道具。 In the left four rows of showcases, is the items of unusual quality, the right two rows of showcases are the saint qualities, middle that platoon is controls the quality the item, a total of 42.” The black ink rock teacher explained: “左边的四排展柜里,都是超凡品质的道具,右边的两排展柜是圣者品质,中间那排是主宰品质的道具,总共42件。”墨磐老师讲解道: Here is the hundred flowers meets the headquarters to deposit one of the item warehouses, I must remind one again, do not have the crooked thoughts, before had the student night to submerge the exhibition room, tried to steal the item, but was cut to kill by the knight. “这里是百花会总部存放道具的仓库之一,我必须要再提醒各位一句,千万不要动歪心思,以前有学员夜里潜入陈列室,试图盗取道具,但被骑士斩杀。 It is not you of present stage can cope.” “它不是现阶段的你们能对付的。” Who is so stupid, this and robs the bank, snatches the natural science collection treasure to have anything to distinguish. The Zhang Yuanqing heart said. 谁那么蠢啊,这和抢银行,抢博物馆藏宝有什么区别.张元清心说。 At this time, he saw the red chicken elder brother to move toward the showcase of exhibition control level item directly, side pointed at a brass to bind the whole body mirrors, asked: 这时,他看见红鸡哥径直走向陈列主宰级道具的展柜,指着一面黄铜裹边的全身镜,问道: Teacher, what item is this?” “老师,这是什么道具?” The black ink rock said: 墨磐说道: This item called the destiny magic mirror, was a work of 9 levels of refiner, fused the stargazing technique and trigram technique skill, the function was to observe a destiny of person, as well as answered the issue. “这件道具叫命运魔镜,是一位九级炼器师的作品,融合了观星术和卦术技能,功能是观测一个人的命运,以及回答问题。 Issue must be the destiny is related, for example, you can ask him, what you in the future fresh is the son or the daughter, it can reply you. But if asked it, what at night the day before yesterday submerged the merman lake was, it is unable to reply you, because this and destiny had nothing to do. “问题必须是命运相关的,比如,你可以问他,你将来生的是儿子还是女儿,它能回答你。但如果问它,前天晚上潜入鲛人湖的是谁,它就无法回答你,因为这和命运无关。 Stands before the mirror, read own Spirit Territory ID, then asked that had problems on the line.” “站在镜子前,念出自己的灵境id,然后问出问题就行。” As soon as the students listen, immediately came the interest, welling up altogether before the mirror. 众学员一听,顿时来了兴趣,一股脑儿的涌到镜子前。 Gets out of the way, I first come!” Red chicken elder brother's overbearing action of driving away students. “走开走开,我先来!”红鸡哥霸道的驱赶学员们。 The people draw back in abundance, being glad makes him work as the white mouse. 众人纷纷退开,乐得让他当小白鼠。 „!” The red chicken elder brother clears throat, is staring in mirror, said: “咳咳!”红鸡哥清了清嗓子,盯着镜子里的自己,说: I called the red chicken elder brother, who is my issue the future wife is?” “我叫红鸡哥,我的问题是未来媳妇是谁?” The mirror surface ripples like the wave, subsequently returns to normal, presents a girl of delicate big eye. 镜面如水波般荡漾,继而平复,出现一个清秀大眼的女孩。 The mirror surface ripples again, girl who also has an enchanting sex appeal. 紧接着,镜面再次荡漾,又出现一位妖娆性感的女郎。 Finally presents an appearance to be ordinary, makings composed woman. 最后又出现一位模样普通,气质婉约的女人。 I, will I have three wives?” The red chicken elder brother is pleasantly surprised, unbelievable. “我,我会有三个老婆?”红鸡哥惊喜起来,难以置信。 black ink rock silent, said with a pitying tone: No, the correct explanation is, you will leave twice marriage.” 墨磐沉默一下,用一种怜悯的语气说:“不,正确的解读是,你会离两次婚。” „!!!” “!!!” The red chicken elder brother looks at dumbly same place. 红鸡哥呆立原地。 The people cast the vision that sympathizes with toward him. 众人朝他投去同情的目光。 Go away, making me try.” Xiahou proud heaven as class leader, pushes the development red chicken elder brother, before being situated in the mirror, asked: “走开,让我试试。”身为班长的夏侯傲天,挤开发愣的红鸡哥,立于镜前,问道: My name was Xiahou Aotian, the magic mirror, replied me, I can become half god.” “我叫夏侯傲天,魔镜,回答我,我能成为半神吗。” The frame is wrapping the whole body mirrors of brass, fell into silently. 边框包裹着黄铜的全身镜,陷入了静默。 Some little time, five large characters appear: 好一会儿,五个大字浮现: You is a final word!】 【你是煞笔吗!】 How does this broken mirror also curse at people?” Xiahou Aotian is angry, but looks at a person occasionally knight in distant place, calms down. “这破镜子怎么还骂人?”夏侯傲天大怒,但看一眼远处的人偶骑士,冷静下来。 The black ink rock calm explanation information, said: 墨磐沉稳的解读信息,道: „The meaning of mirror is, it controls the quality the item, could not forecast that the position standard of half god, this went beyond its area of competence.” “镜子的意思是,它只是主宰品质的道具,预测不了半神的位格,这超出了它的能力范围。” I come me to come ~ Sun Miao Miao shoves open Xiahou Aotian excitedly, hugs slightly is teasing the ratio, said: “我来我来~”孙淼淼兴奋的推开夏侯傲天,搂着小逗比,道: I am Sun Miaomiao, excuse me, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning give me the child.” “我是孙淼淼,请问,元始天尊会把孩子送给我吗。” The mirror surface ripples like the wave, in a moment, in the mirror will present one to support big belly, will be pregnant Sun Miao Miao of seven August. 镜面如水波般荡漾,俄顷,镜子里出现一个挺着大肚子,怀胎七八月的孙淼淼。 Sun Miaomiao: „???” 孙淼淼:“???” The black ink rock hurried explanation said: „The meaning of magic mirror is, if you must attain a child from his there, in the future only then such a way.” 墨磐急忙解读道:“魔镜的意思是,如果你非要从他那里拿到一个孩子,在未来就只有这么一种方式。” Many female students relax secretly. 不少女学员暗暗松了口气。 Then, each student experienced a destiny magic mirror, asks matter that in the heart longs, some have been satisfied the answer, is wild with joy, some disappointed pain, depressed low-spirited. 接下来,每一位学员都体验了一次命运魔镜,问出心中渴望的事,有的得到满意答案,欣喜若狂,有的失望痛苦,沮丧黯然。 Finally remained two people. 最后就剩两个人了。 Sanyang opens the wife and Zhang Yuanqing. 三阳开太太和张元清 I first?” Sanyang opens the wife to see Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning not to have the idea of inquiry. “我先?”三阳开太太见元始天尊没有提问的想法。 Zhang Yuanqing nods, he does not want to experience the magic mirror, because secret were too many, was worried that was seen anything by this item. 张元清点点头,他并不想体验魔镜,因为身上的秘密太多了,担心被这件道具看出点什么。 ID is coquettish, but the semblance is quite simple and honest simple and honest Sanyang to open the wife, before being situated in the whole body mirrors, deeply inspires, with anxious and mood of anticipation, asked: ID风骚,但外表极为憨厚淳朴的三阳开太太,立于全身镜前,深吸一口气,怀着紧张和期待的心情,问道: My name was Sanyang to open the wife, the magic mirror, I will have the happiness of wish in the future.” “我叫三阳开太太,魔镜,我将来会拥有想要的幸福吗。” He may I ask is too straightforward, feared that gets not the good answer. 他不敢问的太直白,怕得到不好的答案。 The mirror surface appears slowly two characters: 镜面缓缓浮现两个字: Cannot.” “不会。” Sanyang opens the wife complexion one white, unwilling asking: 三阳开太太脸色一白,不甘心的问道: „Will I have the girlfriend or the wife in the future?” “我将来有没有女朋友或者老婆?” No.” “没有。” Damn!” “操!” This does not have.” “这个也没有。” Indoor the exhibition falls into the strange silence. 陈列室内陷入诡异的寂静。 Sanyang opens the wife to open mouth, suddenly wept and wailed is plunging the magic mirror: 三阳开太太张了张嘴,突然哭喊着扑向魔镜: I must break this broken mirror, I must perish together with it!” “我要砸碎这个破镜子,我要跟它同归于尽!” Then, a fist pounds to the destiny magic mirror. 说罢,一拳砸向命运魔镜。 Red chicken elder brother and Ren Monarch Chinese catalpa responded quickly, one fell down him. 身边的红鸡哥、任君梓反应最快,一下将他扑倒。 The students close, opens the wife to tow wailing Sanyang one side. 众学员一拥而上,把嚎啕大哭的三阳开太太拖到一边。 The person knight put down the big sword occasionally silently. 人偶骑士默默放下了大剑。 In life ultimately must have sometimes, when the life does not have demands red chicken elder brother do best to convince to urge not, could not bear, smiles to make noise. “命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求”红鸡哥苦口婆心的劝道,没忍住,“噗”的笑出声。 The students want to smile and feel sincerely, do not bear forcefully, put on the painful mask. 学员们想笑又觉得不厚道,强行忍住,一个个戴上了痛苦面具。 The calm moderate black ink rock teacher, looks to Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning: 沉稳温和的墨磐老师,望向元始天尊: You must experience.” “你要体验一下吗。” What asked? Is demon Monarch dies lives? What did my father keep in my soul? Can I rescue the demon eye smoothly? Zhang Yuanqing silent complained. 问什么?魔君是死是活?我爸在我灵魂里留了什么?我能不能顺利救出魔眼?张元清无声吐槽。 Teacher, I have not thought now, can retain the experience quota, turn head thought that do I look for you again?” He thought a compromise method. “老师,我现在还没想好,能不能保留体验名额,回头想到了,我再找您?”他想了个折中的法子。 The black ink rock teacher thinks, the nod: 墨磐老师思索一下,点头: Good!” “好!” Merman lake. 鲛人湖。 On the neck is hanging the cloth wrapper, wears the silver Yao princess of Yin-Yang law robe, slow fluttering to hundred beast islands. 脖子上挂着布包,身披阴阳法袍的银瑶郡主,缓慢的飘向百兽岛。 At nightwalking condition she, does not need to worry that was seen, but the merman is inborn Water Ghost, surges to the undercurrent is quite sensitive, therefore she does not dare to control the water current unscrupulously. 处在夜游状态的她,不用担心被人看见,但鲛人是天生的水鬼,对暗流涌动极为敏感,因此她不敢肆无忌惮的驾驭水流。 The princess according to the route of Zhang Yuanqing prompt, travel slowly, after one hour, finally arrives in hundred beast islands, sees a butte that stands and waits for a long time in the lake bottom. 郡主按照张元清提示的路线,缓慢潜游,一个小时后,终于抵达百兽岛,看见一座伫立在湖底的孤峰。 Sees two merman that grasps the long spear/gun, goes on patrol in stone door nearby roaming drag. 看见两名手持长枪的鲛人,在石门附近游曳巡逻。 Silver Yao princess swinging big long leg, lithe by approaching two mermen. 银瑶郡主摆动大长腿,轻盈的靠向两名鲛人。 She just approached the opposite party in 20 meters, two mermen detected undercurrent unusual surging, subconscious looks, but in next second, two beautiful mermen of peonies, body one stiff. 她刚靠近对方二十米内,两名鲛人就察觉到了暗流不同寻常的涌动,下意识的看过来,但在下一秒,两位国色天香的美艳鲛人,身躯一僵。 Their forehead appears two black talisman. 她们眉心浮现两道黑色符箓 Deep sleep symbol. 沉睡符。 Their spirit bodies fell into the deep sleep. 她们的灵体陷入了沉睡。 The time is limited, the silver Yao princess control the water current fast, flees to stone door, she swinging both legs, while from hanging takes out the jade plate in the heavy cloth wrapper of nape of the neck. 时间有限,银瑶郡主快速驾驭水流,窜向石门,她一边摆动双腿,一边从挂在脖颈的沉重布包里取出玉盘。 She stops before stone door, inserts in round holes two leaves of stone door the jade plate. 她停在石门前,将玉盘嵌入两扇石门中间的圆孔。 The jade plate shone the dazzling red light immediately, the wave of rippling twisted the ray. 玉盘当即亮起刺眼的红光,荡漾的水波扭曲了光线。 Only listens to click-clack in depressed sound, stone door opens slowly inward. 只听“轧轧”的沉闷声里,石门缓缓朝内打开。 PS: After wrong character first, changes. PS:错字先更后改。
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