SRW :: Volume #5

#425: the san value falls crazily

Also can collect fees? 还要收费? A students disappointment, white Piao was the human ultimate joy, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning takes away their joys. 学员们一阵失望,白嫖是人类终极的快乐,元始天尊把他们的快乐拿走了。 Important information needs to purchase, the important knowledge needs to pay expenses, is very reasonable.” The senior chief smiles, everyone, you outside, spends much money , is not necessarily able to inquire the information of unsolved mystery.” “重要的情报需要购买,重要的知识需要付费,很合理。”老院长笑笑,“各位,你们在外面,花再多的钱,也未必能打听到未解之谜的情报。” Yearly salary of managing universal over 1 million, does the side occupation, fishes to take a cut, sells the material, the yearly salary is not the difficult matter. 执事的年薪普遍一百万以上,搞搞副业,捞捞油水,卖卖材料,年薪千万不是难事。 Therefore 1 million school expenses are everyone can withstand. 因此一百万的学费是大家能承受的。 After being approved by student, the senior chief brings the written records immediately, establishes the written agreement, writes the bill signed in acknowledgment of debt. 在获得众学员的同意后,老院长当即取来纸笔,立下字据,写下欠条。 This crying out for technical skills old person covers the pen cap, took the lead according to the hand imprint. 这位求知若渴的老人盖上笔帽,率先按了手印。 Then gives the class leader the written agreement, transmits by the class leader to the students according to the hand imprint. 接着把字据交给班长,由班长传递给众学员按手印。 Quick, on the paper presses the full hand imprint, hands over in Zhang Yuanqing. 很快,纸条上按满手印,交到张元清手里。 22 million succeed in obtaining, all of a sudden was on hand ample...... Zhang Yuanqing to stare at the written agreement, the mood was happy. 2200万到手,手头一下子宽裕起来了……张元清盯着字据,心情美好。 Since after all things room refining up the divine tool, in his hand the useless item almost empties, but does not sell the situation of item and in material, Zhang Yuanqing discovered, money is really is difficult to gain. 自从万事屋里炼出神器后,他手里无用的道具几乎清空,而不卖道具、材料的情况下,张元清发现,钱是真特么的难赚。 This also explained why majority[ in 8-2-- article- net- head- sends-- new] the Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic, the especially wild traveler/ascetic generally does not have money, only if were starving, otherwise some extremely few people will choose to sell the item. 这也解释了为什么大部分[8-2-中-文-网-首-发-更-新]灵境行者,尤其野生行者普遍手头拮据,除非快饿死了,不然极少有人会选择卖道具。 Compares, the bachelor and musician are easiest to make money. 相比起来,学士和乐师是最容易赚钱的。 The former has the technology and knowledge, can meet the personal work, the latter sings for a living to live, the ample earthen bowl that can also gain is full. On the contrary, the occupation that is good at fighting, under the restraint of moral value, is short of the earning method. 前者拥有技术和知识,可以接私活,后者卖唱为生,也能赚的盈满钵满。相反,一些擅长战斗的职业,在道德值的约束下,欠缺营收手段。 The well satisfied booklet the written agreement, takes in the pocket. 心满意足的折好字据,收进兜里。 Good, thank everyone's supporting.” Zhang Yuanqing leaves the seat, steps onto the tribune, shoots a look at chief Li Yanqi. “好,感谢大家的捧场。”张元清离开座位,走上演讲台,瞥一眼院长李言蹊。 The gray-haired senior chief gawked, silently setting out stand one side. 头发花白的老院长愣了一下,默默起身站一旁。 Under Zhang Yuanqing takes advantage of opportunity to take a seat, looks at the vision brilliant student, said: 张元清顺势入座,看着底下目光灼灼的学员,道: According to the overseas Spirit Territory scholar analyzes, what the third district correspondence is the Norse mythology, confirms the basis of this view to have two, one, the overseas Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic collects few, is not the professional item of first second district. “根据境外灵境学者分析,第三大区对应的是北欧神话,验证这个说法的依据有两个,一,海外的灵境行者收集到少量的,不属于第一第二大区的职业道具。 „ After explaining the goods attribute, discovered that in certain Spiritual God with Norse mythology can correspond on. “解读了物品属性后,发现与北欧神话中的某些神灵能对应上。 Two, the result of Norse mythology: various God dusk. “二,北欧神话的结局:诸神黄昏。 In various God the dusk description, all Spiritual God, because slaughters to fall from the sky mutually, the myth enters dies out greatly, waits for opening of next samsara. The third district, opens in the waiting.” “在诸神黄昏的描述中,所有的神灵因为互相杀戮而殒落,神话进入大寂灭,等待下一个轮回的开启。第三大区,在等待开启。” Originally the third district is the Norse mythology, since there is a item attribute to support this view, will not make a mistake...... Xiahou Aotian and the others to nod again and again. 原来第三大区是北欧神话,既然有道具属性支撑这个说法,想必不会出错……夏侯傲天等人连连点头。 Was too forced!” Zhao flying asked opens the mouth suddenly, attracts looking askance of student, he said: “太牵强了!”赵飞问突然开口,吸引众学员的侧目,他说道: Perhaps the third district corresponds the Norse mythology, but why you said the reason that has not opened is various God dusk, whether various God dusk happened , waits for confirming.” “第三大区或许对应北欧神话,但你凭什么说未开启的原因是诸神黄昏,诸神黄昏是否真实发生,有待确认。” hears word, the students is lost in thought that and looks to the chief, wants to listen to his suggestions. 闻言,众学员们陷入沉思,并纷纷看向院长,想听取他的意见。 Li Yanqi has not expressed the opinion, as if said and other Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning. 李言蹊没有发表意见,似乎在等元始天尊说下去。 various God dusk has happened , because in the legend of the world, has the similar catastrophe, is not the Norse mythology is in sole possession.” “诸神黄昏是真实发生过的,因为世界各地的神话传说里,都有相似的大灾难,并非北欧神话独有。” Facing question, Zhang Yuanqing tone even Dan: 面对质疑,张元清语气平澹: We know, the legend is another history of Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic, thinks not to have, why in the major myths has to extinguish the record of the world, is the coincidence?” “我们都知道,神话传说是灵境行者的另一部历史,想过没有,为什么各大神话里都有灭世的记载,是巧合吗?” Zhao flying asked frowns, was a bachelor, he approved the speculation of Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning. 赵飞问皱起眉头,身为学士,他认可元始天尊的推测。 That spiritual energy failure reason?” Niulanshan small female celestial excited raises hand to ask. “那灵气衰竭的原因呢?”牛栏山小仙女兴奋的举手发问。 What various God is the dusk result?” Zhang Yuanqing asked back. “诸神黄昏的结局是什么?”张元清反问。 Spiritual God dies out, since the third district seals up.” Sun Miaomiao vies to answer first. “神灵寂灭,第三大区封闭至今。”孙淼淼抢答。 Has this possibility, the reason of spirit strength failure, is the catastrophe creates.” Zhang Yuanqing spoke with confidence: “有没有这种可能,灵力衰竭的原因,就是大灾难造成的。”张元清侃侃而谈: „ After catastrophe, ancient times the cultivator casualty completely, the civilization presented the fault/chasm, only left behind some “大灾难之后,远古修行者死伤殆尽,文明出现断层,只留下一些口 Mouth handing down myth, innumerable years later, new cultivator rise, was the ancient cultivator in our mouth. 口相传的神话,无数年后,新的修行者崛起,也就是我们口中的古代修行者。 Because the disaster had certain irreversible influences, the spirit strength failure, until the end of Ming, the cultivator left the historical arena gradually.” “但因为灾难造成了某些不可逆的影响,灵力逐步衰竭,直到明末,修行者退出历史舞台。” Satisfying a craving that the students listen. 学员们听的很过瘾。 Was the circle came back logically, supported the basis of your set of theory?” As the user of spending, the world turns over to the fire actively to safeguard own rights, raised the question. “逻辑上是圆回来了,支撑你这套理论的依据呢?”作为花了钱的用户,天下归火积极维护自己的权益,提出质疑。 Although splendor of very Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning analysis, even if telling the story, draws the attention of everyone. 尽管元始天尊分析的很精彩,哪怕是在讲故事,也让人眼前一亮。 „Did spirit strength failure stem from the remote ancient catastrophe? Very splendid breakthrough point, the speculation ingredient excessively are what a pity many, is unable to write the paper.” Shaking the head that Xiahou Aotian regrets. “灵力衰竭源于遥远古代的大灾难?很精彩的切入点,可惜推测成分过多,无法写成论文。”夏侯傲天惋惜的摇头。 Zhang Yuanqing sinking sound said: 张元清沉声道: I can only show that the disaster truly exists . Moreover, it will also happen again.” “我只能证明灾难确实存在,而且,它还会再次发生。” Such remarks, the student complexion on the scene changes, the senior chief also reveals the astonished and serious color. 此言一出,在场学员脸色顿变,就连老院长也露出惊愕和沉重之色。 Nonsense!” Zhu Ming xu high sound said: „ You said, in the future will have in the legend various God dusk such disaster, whish the numerous take the clown simply. “胡说八道!”朱明煦高声道:“你是说,未来会发生神话传说中诸神黄昏那样的灾难,简直哗众取丑。 No one believes Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, and thought that his speech is incredible, is frightening them. 没人相信元始天尊,并觉得他的发言荒诞无聊,是在吓唬他们。 Only then Xiahou Aotian flashes through a thought: Did this lead save the opportunity in the world to come? 只有夏侯傲天闪过一个念头:本主角拯救世界的机会来了? Chief Li Yanqi hesitates saying: 院长李言蹊沉吟道: Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, why will you think so?” 元始天尊,你为什么会这么觉得?” Zhang Yuanqing bright sound said: „ More than 20 years ago, has had an important matter, the mysterious most precious object bright compass present world, the compass prediction, in the near future, the fearful catastrophe will approach again. 张元清朗声道:“二十多年前,发生过一件大事,神秘至宝光明罗盘现世,罗盘预言,不久的将来,可怕的大灾难会再次来临。 Predicts one, causes the stir in the major organization tops, the experts of the world half god level participated in competition of compass, the white tiger soldier first marshal , the body in that fight perishes, the ordinary student possibly does not know this matter, but several of Spirit Territory aristocratic family family background, should listen to the elder to say.” “预言一出,在各大组织高层引起轰动,全世界半神级的高手都参与了罗盘的争夺,白虎兵众的第一任元帅,就是在那场战斗中身殒,普通学员可能不知道此事,但灵境世家出身的几位,应该都听长辈说过吧。” Liu Yushu, Zhao flying asked that Zhu Ming xu and the others, expression strange looking at each other in blank dismay. 刘玉书、赵飞问、朱明煦等人,表情古怪的面面相觑。 Yes, they have heard. 是的,他们听说过。 But only knows that has such a matter, does not know the bright compass prediction the content. 但只知道有这么一件事,不知道光明罗盘预言的内容。 Even their elders do not know the prediction the content, except for various ancestors. 甚至他们的长辈都不知道预言的内容,除了各家的老祖宗。 The students see the expressions of several aristocratic family sons of the influential, has several at heart. 众学员们看见几个世家公子哥的表情,心里就有数了。 What is the prediction content of compass?” Liu Yushu sinking sound asked. “罗盘的预言内容是什么?”刘玉书沉声问道。 Under the people spunk up instantaneously. 底下众人瞬间打起精神。 Zhang Yuanqing: This was not 1 million matters, if you want to know, published the transcription to look for me, five hundred million sold you.” 张元清呵一声:“这就不是一百万的事了,你要想知道,出了副本来找我,五个亿卖你。” How don't you snatch? ” Liu Yushu extremely angry say/way. 你怎么不去抢?”刘玉书愤愤道。 Zhang Yuanqing disregards his complaining, summarized: 张元清无视他的吐槽,总结道: In summary, I believe, the reason of spirit strength failure is the fearful extinguishing world catastrophe, the third district close reason, is so. At least it opens, I do not know. “综上所述,我认为,灵力衰竭的原因是可怕的灭世大灾难,第三大区封闭的原因,亦是如此。至少它什么时候开启,我就不知道了。 Last unsolved mystery, is the birth of Spirit Territory. Very sorry, I do not know, but can provide some mentalities. One: Opening of transcription, is not Spirit Territory is in sole possession , the Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic of half god level can also achieve. “最后一个未解之谜,就是灵境的诞生。很抱歉,我不知道,但可以提供一些思路。一:副本的开辟,并非灵境独有,半神级的灵境行者也能做到。 Two: In the ancient times the cultivator was not fettered by Spirit Territory, the community that but, they grew after the catastrophe, threw the inertia thought to have a possibility, in the ancient times existence of cultivator, did not conform to the common sense. The Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic is the normal state. “二:古代修行者不受灵境束缚,但是,他们是在大灾难之后成长起来的群体,抛来惯性思维有没有一种可能,古代修行者的存在,才是不符合常理的。灵境行者才是常态。 According to the bright compass prediction, the catastrophe as if in the samsara, the long years will happen every other one time. According to this logic, supposes boldly, will be post-disaster, Spirit Territory will stop revolving, falls into the dormancy, therefore presented the ancient cultivator.” “根据光明罗盘预言,大灾难似乎在轮回,每隔漫长岁月就会发生一次。按照这个逻辑,大胆假设一下,灾难过后,灵境停止运转,陷入休眠,因此才出现了古代修行者。” At this point, he stands up: I must say said that only for reference.” 说到这里,他站起身:“我要说的都说完了,仅供参考。” In the classroom a silence, everyone fell into the long ponder. 课堂上一片寂静,所有人都陷入了漫长的思考。 Because the red chicken elder brother depends upon the military force and[ in 8-2-- article- net- head- sends-- new] chef achieves consistently, the lunch cafeteria only provides a food: The moonlight fish lives to roll the gruel. 由于红鸡哥依靠武力和[8-2-中-文-网-首-发-更-新]厨师达成一致,中饭食堂只提供一种食物:月光鱼生滚粥。 Although the dish is unitary, but the gruel is the good gruel, Zhang Yuanqing ate three large bowls. 菜品虽然单一,不过粥是好粥,张元清吃了三大碗。 In the afternoon the first class at 2 : 00, the red chicken elder brother greeted the students to play cards in the library, the female students raised to the school 下午第一节课在两点,红鸡哥招呼学员们在图书馆打牌,女生们则向学院提 Handed over went to plant the application that the island went for a walk spirit. 交了前往灵植岛踏青的申请。 The peony fairy maiden and Niulanshan small female celestial take the lead. 牡丹仙子和牛栏山小仙女带头。 The Zhaocheng sovereigns also teacher submitted to starry sky observer landed on the island to apply, the islands that naturally, he chose were not plant the island spirit, but was the chicken heart island. 赵城皇也向“星空观测者”老师提交了登岛申请,当然,他选择的岛屿不是灵植岛,而是鸡心岛。 Sipping gruel time, Zhaocheng sovereigns rare looks for Zhang Yuanqing on own initiative, said: 喝粥的时候,赵城皇罕见的主动找上张元清,说: „Did I buy one private to teach in the afternoon, go to the chicken heart island to absorb the strength of Sun, the starry sky observer accompany, do have the interest same place?” “我下午买了一节私教课,去鸡心岛吸收太阳之力,星空观测者陪同,有没有兴趣一起?” Zhang Yuanqing complied. „ 张元清答应了。“ He truly must consult the fight skill of stars to the senior saint, sooner or later must buy private teaches. Moreover, the Zhaocheng sovereigns seem like major in the strength of moon. 他确实要向资深的圣者请教星官的战斗技巧,早晚得买私教课。另外,赵城皇似乎是主修太阴之力的。 So far, he has not known how should major in the moon, the stars and Sun. 目前为止,他还不知道该如何主修太阴、星辰和太阳。 Promotion routinely is not definitely good, Zhang Yuanqing guessed that needs to supplement with the special method, can exactly to the Zhaocheng sovereigns and starry sky observer inquiry. 按部就班的升级肯定不行,张元清猜测需要辅以特殊手段,恰好可以向赵城皇和“星空观测者”打探。 The people travel by the pleasure boat revisit to associate with people the lake, Zhang Yuanqing are blowing the cool breeze of coming, is recalling the content in classroom, emerges doubts at heart. 众人搭乘游船重游交人湖,张元清吹着迎面而来的凉风,回忆着课堂上的内容,心里涌现一个疑惑。 Doesn't supporting of Wa sovereign, stop kills the palace Lord item? 娲皇之拥,不是止杀宫主的道具吗? According to the chief said that item was the hundred flowers big elder will unearth from Qin wind the school transcription, how to fall to the insane batch of hands. 按照院长所说,那件道具是百花会大长老从秦风学院副本里挖掘的,怎么会落到疯批的手里。 This is also not main, since stops kills the palace lord to have supporting of Wa sovereign, how she possibly does not know Wa sovereign. 这还不是最主要的,既然止杀宫主拥有娲皇之拥,那她怎么可能不知道娲皇呢。 Previous time asked her time, why can conceal? 上次问她的时候,为什么要隐瞒? She knows existence of Wa sovereign, therefore she will say that night, the thing in Takamagahara, might change her destiny...... this smelly woman, when I leave the transcription, must teach her well......” “她知道娲皇的存在,所以她那天晚上才会说,高天原里的东西,很可能会改变她的命运……这个臭女人,等我离开副本,一定要好好教训她……” Hangs to hit! Zhang Yuanqing in pledged at heart silently. 吊起来打!张元清在心里默默发誓。 You are very interesting in the thing that in the classroom said.” The Zhaocheng sovereigns open the mouth to say. “你在课堂上说的东西很有意思。”赵城皇开口道。 Actually truly has the nutrition , the prediction of bright compass, other speculates and alien makes the view of Spirit Territory to have no difference...... the Zhang Yuanqing sincere say/way: 其实真正有营养的,也就光明罗盘的预言,其他的都是推测和外星人制造灵境的论调没什么区别……张元清正色道: „To be able the knowledge transmission to everyone, I was well satisfied.” “只要能把知识传递给大家,我就心满意足了。” The Zhaocheng sovereigns visit him silently. 赵城皇默默的看着他。 What's wrong?” Zhang Yuanqing asked. “怎么了?”张元清问。 The sincerity share will not ask for money is not really concerned about face...... the Zhaocheng sovereign undulating say/way: It‘s nothing.” 真心分享就不会要钱真不要脸……赵城皇澹澹道:“没什么。” Quick, the chicken heart island arrived, Zhang Yuanqing and Zhaocheng sovereign, the starry sky observer leaps to the shore. 很快,鸡心岛到了,张元清和赵城皇,星空观测者跃至岸边。 Is the official female saints delightful delightful voice: 身后是官方女圣者们甜美悦耳的嗓音: Day reveres the master, bye!!” “天尊老爷,再见!!” Zhang Yuanqing without hesitation, turn head gave them a thrown kiss: Returns sees, loves the imperial concubines.” Annoys a euphonious tenderness to smile. 张元清毫不犹豫,回头给了她们一个飞吻:“回见,爱妃们。”惹来一阵银铃般的娇笑。 Gazes after the pleasure boat to transfer leaves, the makings indistinct mysterious middle-aged person teased: 目送游船调动离开,气质缥缈神秘的中年人打趣道: On receives the woman to welcome, is dandy Ling Jun.” “上一个这么受女人欢迎的,还是花公子灵钧。” Zhang Yuanqing kept a serious look said: Family/Home master!” 张元清表情严肃道:“正是家师!” The starry sky observer stares, expression cold Dan, said suddenly: 星空观测者一愣,表情忽然冷澹,道: Right, I was also Taiyi Sect, Ling Jun has picked up my younger sister.” “对了,我也是太一门的,灵钧泡过我妹妹。” Zhang Yuanqing is angry, tears down a T-shirt corner/horn, high sound said: 张元清大怒,撕下T恤一角,高声道: Ling Jun is crazed, my severs a friendship with him.” 灵钧丧心病狂,我这就跟他割袍断义。” The starry sky observer said with a smile: You are very humorous.” 星空观测者笑道:“你很幽默。” The Zhaocheng sovereign expression aloof, did not say a word. 赵城皇表情高冷,一言不发。 Three people of leisurely strolling vanguards, enter the gloomy woods, in lodges under the resentful spirit locust tree to sit cross-legged. 三人信步前行,进入阴森树林,在一株寄宿着怨灵的槐树下盘坐。 The pocket ticket on tree trembles 树上的兜票瑟瑟发抖 After the Zhaocheng sovereigns sit cross-legged, immediately closes eyes to control one's breathing, the starry sky observer said: 赵城皇盘坐后,立刻闭目调息,星空观测者说道: I mainly am responsible for visiting him, avoids him absorbing the strength of many moon. City sovereigns except for getting up the expense of island, but also bought one private to teach additionally, making me teach some skills and knowledge of your stars.” “我主要是负责看着他,避免他吸收过多的太阴之力。城皇除了上岛的费用,还额外买了一节私教课,让我教你星官的一些技巧和知识。” This was equal to that the Zhaocheng sovereigns treat. 这等于是赵城皇请客。 This boy semblance aloof, actually understands to feel grateful very much, knows that in slaughtering the transcription owes me the huge favor, catches an opportunity also point...... Zhang Yuanqing saying: 这小子外表高冷,其实很懂得感恩嘛,知道在杀戮副本里欠我天大人情,逮着机会就还一点……张元清道: Stars deviation assists right.” “星官偏向辅助对吗。” The starry sky observer hesitates, „ can only say, the forms of combat of stars do not come toward. First said the skill of star escaping technique, majority 星空观测者沉吟一下,“只能说,星官的战斗方式不是直来直往。先说说星遁术的技巧吧,大多数 The stars, will prepare two items to oneself, a close combat, attacks. Respectively coordinate nightwalking and star escaping technique. ” 星官,会给自己准备两件道具,一件近战,一件远攻。分别配合夜游和星遁术。” Meets to excel at the close combat, for example the hot master , swordsman and Bewitching Demon, that pulls using the star escaping technique, hits the consumption. Meets does not excel at the close combat, for example Water Ghost, musician and imaginary technique master these, attack using the nightwalking. “遇到擅长近战的,比如火师、、剑客、蛊惑之妖,那就利用星遁术拉扯,打消耗。遇到不擅长近战的,比如水鬼、乐师、幻术师这些,就利用夜游袭击。 Our Nightwalking God occupation, is the hexagon soldier, the close combat is not contrasts swordsman these occupations.” “咱们夜游神职业,是六边形战士,近战不强是对比剑客这些职业而言。” Zhang Yuanqing frowns: But the star escaping technique consumes the spirit strength very much.” 张元清皱起眉头:“但是星遁术很耗灵力。” The popular explanation is- blue strip is insufficient. 通俗的解释就是-蓝条不够用。 The starry sky observer said with a smile: 星空观测者笑道: So long as majors in the strength of stars, is not the issue. You now is a saint, should choose a road. This said later. We[ in 8-2-- article- net- head- sends-- new] first spoke the using skill of astrology and physiognomy technique. “只要主修星辰之力,便不是问题。你现在已经是圣者,该选一条路了。这个稍后再说。我们[8-2-中-文-网-首-发-更-新]先讲星相术的使用技巧。 Astrology and physiognomy technique, although assists the skill, but it is easy-to-use, your development to astrology and physiognomy technique, to what degree? “星相术虽然是辅助技能,但它非常好用,你对星相术的开发,到什么程度了? Zhang Yuanqing thinks, oneself from the Wanbao room battle, the experience of harvest spoke. 张元清想了想,把自己从万宝屋战斗中,收获的经验讲了出来。 „The appearance of observed object, confirms own plan...... well good, you have the talent very much, became the stars moon/month to grasp the correct usage of astrology and physiognomy technique, I initially was the Taiyi Sect seniors' guidance, knows that the astrology and physiognomy technique can also use.” “以观测目标的面相,来验证自己的计划……不错不错,你很有天赋,成为星官月余就掌握了星相术的正确用法,我当初是太一门前辈们的教导,才知道星相术还可以这么用。” The middle-aged teacher carefully examines Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning carefully, as if saw a best quality goods uncut jade, highly praises to his talent. 中年老师仔细审视元始天尊,彷佛看到了一块极品璞玉,对他的天赋大加赞赏。 The Zhaocheng sovereign forehead is quietly dignified. 赵城皇眉宇悄然凝重。 By your current rank, the development of astrology and physiognomy technique was the pinnacle. When you rise to five levels, the feedback of appearance will be clearer, for example, you can in the disaster of blood light, see picture that oneself died. Meanwhile, you will learn the stargazing technique.” The starry sky observer said “以你目前的等级来说,星相术的开发算是极致了。等你升到五级,面相的反馈会更加清晰,比如,你能在血光之灾中,看到自己死去的画面。同时,你将学会观星术。”星空观测者说道 Then, I must explain the characteristics of stars stage.” “接下来,我要讲解星官这个阶段的特点。” This is like the functions of eight late mirrors, can know in advance the death ahead of time, as well as other pictures, stars occupation is very suitable to hide in the back plans, goes for some schemes and tricks patiently...... Zhang Yuanqing is listening. 这和八迟镜的功能一样,能提前预知到死亡,以及其他画面,星官这职业很适合躲在背后算计,搞一些阴谋诡计……张元清耐心的听着。 Because of the astrology and physiognomy the reason of technique and stargazing technique, the stars is the fearful chess player, they can through observing the stars, see the world myriad things the trend, thus ahead of time layout. For example because of younger sister's matter, I wants to kill Ling Jun, but Ling Jun is the gate Lord son, I cannot make a move. “因为星相术和观星术的缘故,星官是可怕的棋手,他们能通过观星,看到天地万物的走向,从而提前布局。比如因为妹妹的事,我想杀灵钧,但灵钧是门主的儿子,我不能出手。 Therefore my night view celestial phenomenon, found that he will attend a banquet in the future some day, love matters, un, he not, therefore I start to look for the evil occupation, transmits the information to him, or a more vague guidance, making him mix in the banquet, slaughters. Naturally, in this also has many slightly exercises, the evil occupation that for example, I must seek, has certainly a grudge with Ling Jun, or the personality is ominous, does not keep any living witness......, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, is your complexion not quite as if good?” “于是我夜观天象,发现他在未来某天会参加一场宴会,有一段风流韵事,嗯,他不是在松海吗,于是我开始物色松海的邪恶职业,向他传递情报,或更隐晦的引导,让他混入宴会,大开杀戒。当然,这里面还有很多微操,比如,我要寻找的邪恶职业,一定是与灵钧有仇的,或性情凶狂,不留任何活口的……咦,元始天尊,你的脸色似乎不太好?” No, all right ,” Zhang Yuanqing is pale, at heart 10,000 damn galloping. “没,没事,,,,,”张元清脸色发白,心里一万头草泥马奔腾。 He associated to the Pure Yang palm taught. 他联想到了纯阳掌教。 The starry sky observer continues saying: „ For example, you through the stargazing technique, discovered oneself in the near future, will be in danger. The star chart will give the dim prompt, where the danger stems from, stems from what danger. 星空观测者继续道:“又比如,你通过观星术,发现自己不久的将来,会有生命危险。星象会给出朦胧的提示,危险源于何方,源于什么危险。 At this time, you must start the layout, who the enemy is, what the danger is, what method and helper can effectively contain the enemy, the layout plans step by step, finally successfully lives......, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, you how?” “这时候,你就要开始布局,敌人是谁,危险是什么,什么手段和帮手能有效遏制敌人,一步步布局谋划,最后成功活下来……咦,元始天尊,你怎么了?” I have nothing......” “我没什么……” No, your face was white.”Zhang Yuanqing deeply inspires: Teacher, how to resist the ability of stars?” “不,你脸都白了。””张元清深吸一口气:“老师,怎么对抗星官的这种能力?” Only if can know all layouts of opposite party, otherwise does not have the means. But we are the stars, the stargazing technique each other repel one another, looked that who was fiercer. Then majors in the strength of moon, is the control stage, you can restrain the stars.” The starry sky observer is explaining the knowledge earnestly: “除非能知道对方的所有布局,否则没有办法。但我们是星官,观星术彼此相克,就看谁更厉害了。然后就是主修太阴之力,达到主宰阶段,你就能克制星官。”星空观测者认真讲解着知识: What moon symbol is the secret, looked that „ nightwalking skill knew, the strength of moon can hide the truth from the deduction of stars. ” “太阴象征的是隐秘,看“夜游”技能就知道了,太阴的力量可以瞒过星官的推演。” The Zhang Yuanqing brain is chaotic, originally buried doubts, well up. 张元清脑子乱糟糟的,一个原本被埋藏的疑惑,重新涌上心头。 Did demon Monarch really die? 魔君真的死了吗? Demon Monarch is half step to high, even if not major in the strength of stars, his stargazing technique attainments still no small matter. 魔君是半步至高啊,即便不是主修星辰之力,他的观星术造诣也非同小可。 He stayed behind so many east 他留下了那么多东 west, Character Card, the black full moon, without the electronic watch of watch band, gave concealed treasure chart of the female friends...... him really dead. 西,角色卡,黑色圆月,没有表带的电子表,送给红颜知己们的藏宝图……他真的死了吗。 Father did Zhang Zizhen, really die? 老爸张子真,真的死了吗? Perhaps the fierce Yang Shuangzi rank has not arrived at half god, but the scratch coat is the peak control, the father is also Nightwalking God, majors in anything not to know, but he also has to leave behind the subsequent hand. 烈阳双子的等级或许没到半神,但打底是巅峰主宰,老爸也是夜游神,主修什么不知道,但他同样有留下后手。 On the current clue, after the bright compass competed to finish in how many years, he has been planning the layout, his cause of death was unreasonable, his funeral processing very simple...... did he really die? 就目前的线索来看,光明罗盘争夺结束后的几年里,他一直在谋划布局,他的死因不合理,他丧事处理的很简单……他真的死了吗? The Pure Yang palm teaches to submerge the banquet, is really accidental? 纯阳掌教潜入宴会,真的是偶然吗? He just entered Qin wind the school, thousand crane groups send Ryo Asano to seek help, Takamagahara and connection of Qin wind school surfaced, was this also the coincidence? 他刚进秦风学院,千鹤组就派浅野凉求助,高天原和秦风学院的关联浮出水面,这也是巧合? Also, the dark night rose leader is Nightwalking God, the rank is also very high that type, small solar such important treasure, unexpectedly easy by our truncation reckless? 还有,暗夜玫瑰首领也是夜游神,级别很高那种,小太阳这么重要的宝贝,居然就轻而易举的被我们截胡了? Really by our truncation reckless. 真的被我们截胡了吗。 changed/easy Rongcheng the demon Mr.'s person, knows Black Impermanence, knows all that here has, conform to the status of chess player perfectly, who is he? 易容成魔君的人,认识黑无常,知道这里发生的一切,完美符合棋手的身份,他到底是谁? Cannot think downward, cannot think, the san value falls...... a Zhang Yuanqing at heart mess crazily. 不能往下想了,不能想了,san值狂掉……张元清心里一头乱麻。 …… …… :. Encoffins the master strange record: :。入殓师灵异录:
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