SHMS :: Volume #19

#1849: Leech 1

Said, blood bat that we saw before, was the murderer, this thing can take possession, moreover really also had ability that made the dry corpse.” “这么说,我们之前看到的血蝙蝠,就是凶手了,这玩意能附身,而且确实也有制造干尸的能力。” Xie Yuqing knits the brows: How do you know?” 谢雨晴皱眉道:“你怎么知道?” Ye Shaoyang puts out a hand to draw the collar of clothes, comes out the left shoulder reveal, on the skin has a row of tooth seal, is inflamed. 叶少阳伸手拉衣服的领子,把左肩露出来,皮肤上有一排牙印,已经红肿。 How to make! You are all right!” Xie Yuqing sees the wound, immediately is anxious. “怎么弄的!你没事吧!”谢雨晴看到伤口,顿时紧张起来。 Is all right is all right, but it wants to hemophagia at that time, if the average person, 80% can by its suck dry flesh.” Ye Shaoyang looked at Old Guo one, says with emotion, „is also the coincidence, we catch up, happen to runs into this fellow to kill people to run away, afterward it also summoned to cope with me their eldest child werewolf, what a pity made its soul run.” “没事是没事,不过它当时是想吸血的,如果是普通人,八成能被它一口气吸干血肉。”叶少阳看了老郭一眼,感慨道,“也是巧合,我们赶过来,正好就遇到这家伙杀了人逃走,后来它又把它们老大狼人召唤过来对付我,可惜让它魂魄跑了。” Remembers this matter, Ye Shaoyang feels very sorry. 想起这件事,叶少阳就觉得很是遗憾。 Xie Yuqing hesitates, the vision has swept from the Flat Head face unknowingly, the brow wrinkles, said: Who is this?” 谢雨晴沉吟起来,目光不经意地从扁头脸上扫过,眉头皱起来,说道:“这是谁?” „An apprentice, I accept newly, you called him Flat Head, Flat Head this was Officer Xie, our good friends.” Old Guo quickly makes fun, feared actually not Xie Yuqing knows the Flat Head status, but does not talk clearly suddenly, moreover Qi Chen on the scene, fears them to ask that east asked the west. “哦哦,我新收的一个徒弟,你叫他扁头吧,扁头这是谢警官,我们的好朋友。”老郭急忙打哈哈,倒不是怕谢雨晴知道扁头的身份,只是一时间说不清楚,而且祁宸在场,怕他们问东问西。 His long quite strange.” Xie Yuqing goes forward to shake hand with Flat Head, is tilting the head stares at him to look, always felt his where is not right, but also cannot say. “他长的好奇怪啊。”谢雨晴上前跟扁头握手,歪着头盯着他看,总感觉他哪里不对,但是又说不上来。 Old Guo coughs two: Said the proper business, werewolf, this blood bat, is the evil thing of West, how to come here to come, moreover is the goal that they kill people what?” Ye Shaoyang hesitates saying: Has a possibility, or this matter is related with me.” 老郭干咳两声:“说正事,狼人,还有这种血蝙蝠,都是西方的邪物,怎么会到我们这里来,而且他们杀人的目的是什么呢?”叶少阳沉吟道:“有一种可能,或者这件事还跟我有关。” With you?” Xie Yuqing is looking at him with Old Guo surprised. “跟你?”谢雨晴老郭都吃惊地望着他。 Ye Shaoyang, and oneself spoke the related Yao Mengjie situation to the matter that she made the personal bodyguard. 叶少阳把有关姚梦洁的情况、和自己给她做贴身保镖的事讲了一遍。 The Xie Yuqing criminal police family background, listened to his such saying after all, immediately thinks of some possibility: You said, these werewolf bat what, are to cope with the Yao Mengjie evil thing?” 谢雨晴毕竟刑警出身,听他这么一说,立刻想到了某种可能:“你是说,这些狼人蝙蝠什么的,就是要对付姚梦洁的邪物?” I suspected that is very likely, otherwise did not have the truth to come evil thing of such a crowd of West suddenly, everywhere committing a crime . Moreover the time that and Yao Mengjie presented was up, must say that between both are not related, I have really not believed.” “我怀疑极有可能,不然没道理突然来了这么一群西方的邪物,到处作案,而且跟姚梦洁出现的时间差不多,要说两者之间没关系,我还真不相信的。” Xie Yuqing said: That this was blamed, what these evil thing must cope was she, so to be why long does not look for her, can kill these strangers to do on the contrary?” 谢雨晴道:“那这还是怪了,这些邪物要对付的是她吧,干啥这么久不去找她,反倒要杀这些陌生人干什么?” This issue, three people no one replied. Xie Yuqing wants to ask Yao Mengjie, but Ye Shaoyang thinks that Yao Mengjie will not say: If she wants saying that does not need to wait till now. 这个问题,三个人谁都回答不了。谢雨晴本想去问姚梦洁,但是叶少阳认为姚梦洁是不会说的:假如她想说的话,早就不用等到现在了。 Ye Shaoyang decided that oneself went back to tell her slowly. 叶少阳决定自己回去慢慢跟她说。 Old Guo brought Flat Head to drive, Xie Yuqing must hurry back the processing case, Ye Shaoyang oneself takes taxi to get in Yao Mengjie home. 老郭带着扁头开车走了,谢雨晴还要赶回去处理案件,叶少阳自己打车回到姚梦洁家里。 Some Shicheng open country mountainous area, the jungle covers, the occupation is airtight, phantom, across the grove, arrives at the jungle together most deep place, under a thickest tree, the open area, the above luxuriant branches and leaves covers like the canopy generally. 石城野外某山区,密林覆盖,职业密不透风,一道虚影,穿过树丛,来到丛林的最深处,在一株最粗的树下,有一块空地,上面繁茂的枝叶如同伞盖一般覆盖。 Under the tree is standing a young men who wears the white suit, a gold/metal combs meticulously after the brain, in the hand is carrying tall Jiaohong a wine glass, inside is the shining scarlet liquid, the deportment is noble, on face ancient well without ripples, no expression. 树下站着一个身穿白色西装的青年男子,一头金一丝不苟地梳在脑后,手里端着一只高脚红酒杯,里面是明晃晃的猩红液体,仪态高贵,脸上古井无波,没有一丝表情。 In him behind, is standing seven person who wears the black cape, the long hat has covered the face. 在他身后,站着七个身穿黑色斗篷的人,长长的帽子一直遮住脸。 The ghost flies in front of him, immediately kneels on the ground, the whole body is shivering, called one: Your highness.” 鬼影飞到他面前,立刻跪在地上,浑身颤抖着,叫了一声:“殿下。” The men lowered the head to sweep his one eyes, said: Said.” 男子低头扫了他一眼,道:“说。” I told according to your highness, dispatching blood bat to continue to create the strange case, finally runs away, meets China Law Master, almost strangles to death it, latter braves death to inform me, I go personally, does not think that Law Master method , the subordinate does not beat, was cut the mortal body, the poor soul is also captured, escaped at risk of life, reports after carrying out orders like your highness.” “我按照殿下吩咐,派遣血蝠继续制造灵异案件,结果逃走的时候,遇到一个华国法师,差点将其绞杀,后冒死通知我,我亲自前往,不想那个法师手段十分了得,属下不敌,被斩了肉身,差一点魂魄也被擒住,拼死逃了回来,像殿下复命。” The male brow congealed slightly, said: „Aren't you his opponent?” 男子眉头稍微凝了一下,道:“你不是他对手?” Is bad.” “差得很远。” The men look down him. 男子低头看着他。 The ghost associative compound, thinks saying: Even if our eight big werewolf send out together, is still not necessarily able to fight him.” 鬼影会意,想了一想说道:“就算我们八大狼人一起出动,也未必能斗得过他。” The men these wear the person of cape to hear this saying behind, the face that hat below covers, showed the unthinkable facial expression. Some cold snort/hum, said that does not believe. 男子身后那些戴斗篷的人听见这话,帽子下面遮盖的脸,都露出了匪夷所思的神情。有的出冷哼,表示不信。 The men do not have on the expression face, appeared wiped the smile. Should be he. Do you track him?” 男子没有表情的脸上,却是出现了一抹微笑。“应该就是他了。你跟踪他没有?” I patted the leech track, he is Law Master of Huaxia, too does not know our situations, should not presently.” “我拍了水蛭跟踪,他是华夏的法师,不太了解我们的情况,应该不会被现。” Good.” The men nod satisfied, sipped red liquid in cup, to beckons behind, seven cape men arrive at front, bows to salute. “好。”男子满意地点点头,抿了一口杯子里的红色液体,对身后招了招手,七个斗篷男子走到前面,躬身行礼。 You first pass together, according to the prompt of leech, the locking target, acts tonight.” “你们一起先过去,根据水蛭的提示,锁定目标,今晚就行动。” Seven people receive an order, just about to walks, was stopped by calling out by the man, the proceeding front lies in the ghost of ground said: You as werewolf, without mortal body , there would be no use, was the time contributes your soul.” 七人领命,刚要走,又被男子叫住,往前面前趴在地上的鬼影说道:“你身为狼人,没了肉身,也就没有用处了,是时候贡献出你的灵魂了。” Then, hit a sound to refer, seven cape men closed, in a pitiful yell sound, bare-handed soul tearing of man, swallowed down respectively...... 说完,打了个响指,七个斗篷男子一拥而上,在一片惨叫声中,徒手将男子的魂魄撕裂,各自吞下去…… The men looked that has not looked, is rocking the wine glass, is staring in the cup the scarlet liquid. The drinking glass is producing an inverted image a he nearly perfect appearance. 男子看也没看,晃动着酒杯,凝视着杯中猩红色的液体。玻璃杯倒映着他一张近乎完美的容颜。 Suddenly, in the drinking glass screened a face, should say that is one group of person shapes black air/Qi, from underground leapt, has the void general sound: „Can your highness start to take action?” 突然,玻璃杯上又映出了一张脸,应该说是一团人形状的黑气,从地下腾了起来,出虚空一般的声音:“殿下要开始行动了吗?” The men have turned the head, looks at behind that group of strong black air/Qi, probes, becomes then becomes, tries to find other solution inadequately again. Has the work.” 男子转过头去,看着身后那一团浓重的黑气,“去试探一下,成便成,不成再想别的办法。有劳。” Eastern Law Master, I want to experience actually.” The tone of black air/Qi is very light, brings to wipe light despising. “东方法师,我倒是很想见识一下。”黑气的语气很平淡,却带着一抹淡淡的蔑视。 The men said with a smile: Has you to go into action, is inevitably successful.” 男子笑道:“有你出马,必然成功。” Ye Shaoyang gets in Yao Mengjie home, goes from the living room, saw that two younger sisters sit in the living room, the vision sweep, on the face shows the smile immediately: Little Ru you came!” 叶少阳回到姚梦洁的家里,从客厅一进去,看到两个妹子坐在客厅,目光一扫,脸上顿时露出笑容:“小茹你来了!” Zhou Jingru also walks with a smile, said: Catherine told me the matter, happen to I finish today, came to have a look at you specially.” 周静茹也笑着走过来,说道:“凯瑟琳把事情都告诉我了,正好我今天忙完了,特意过来看看你呀。” Ye Shaoyang has not seen her a while, is very happy, high and low takes a look at her, sees her to wear clothes of one similar woman suit, seems like very capable nimble and efficient, very professionalism feeling, with before was not quite the same. 叶少阳也是好一阵子没见她,挺开心的,上下打量她,见她身穿一套类似女士西装的衣服,看上去很干练爽利,很职业化的感觉,跟以前是不太一样了。 Zhou Jingru is tilting the head asks him: Always looks at me to make anything, but also is dull.” 周静茹歪着头问他:“老看我做什么,还呆。” No, thought that you now are initially maturer.” “没有,觉得你现在比当初可是成熟多了。” Zhou Jingru shrugs, but was actually not mature, is only the present family's matter, I handled were more, was very busy, sometimes was also involuntary, after all I only then brothers and sisters.” 周静茹耸了耸肩,“倒也不是成熟了,只是现在家族的事,我打理的更多了,真的很忙,有时候也是身不由己,毕竟我只有兄弟姐妹一个。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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