SHMS :: Volume #19

#1850: Leech 2

Yao Mengjie walks, holds her hand saying: Shortly afterward, you should be able to assume sole responsibility for an important task again, extraordinary businesswoman, but also such young is attractive.” 姚梦洁走上来,拉着她的手说道:“再过不久,你应该就可以独当一面了,了不起的女企业家,还这么年轻漂亮。” Zhou Jingru smiles lightly, who cherishes.” 周静茹淡淡一笑,“谁稀罕呢。” Immediately perceived oneself these words have the mood, making people not good to meet, immediately said to Ye Shaoyang: Big Brother Shaoyang, we go out to dine, tonight I invite.” 随即觉察到自己这句话带着情绪,让人不好接,随即对叶少阳说道:“少阳哥,我们出去吃饭吧,今天晚上我请。” Good, I change clothes first.” Ye Shaoyang sets out to go upstairs, Yao Mengjie follows hastily. “好,我去换个衣服先。”叶少阳起身上楼,姚梦洁连忙跟上。 Arrives at second floor, Ye Shaoyang hears singing sound immediately, transmits from a corridor room, from nearby process time, Ye Shaoyang looked in one by the window, sees Eva to lead several nun apprentices, kneels on the ground, grasps the cross, is conducting the week and so on activity, several people are singing together. 来到二楼,叶少阳立刻听到一阵歌声,从过道左侧的一间房里传来,从跟前经过的时候,叶少阳透过窗户看了一眼里面,见伊娃带着几个修女徒弟,跪在地上,手持十字架,正在进行礼拜之类的活动,几个人一起唱着歌。 Yao Mengjie patted the shoulder of Ye Shaoyang from behind, gave a hand signal of hiss to him, Ye Shaoyang nods, peeped others' religious behavior is not polite, therefore left softly, making Yao Mengjie wait outside, returned to Room oneself, saw Lin Sansheng in the room, standing was speechless in the window. 姚梦洁从后面拍了拍叶少阳的肩膀,对他做了一个嘘声的手势,叶少阳点点头,偷窥别人的宗教行为本来就是不礼貌的,于是轻手轻脚地离开,让姚梦洁在外头等着,回到自己,见林三生在屋里,站在窗口呆。 When comes back?” Ye Shaoyang closes the door, looks for the clothes while asked. “什么时候回来的?”叶少阳把门关上,一边找衣服一边问道。 Had come back, which did you go?” “早就回来了,你去哪了?” Is a long story, I must go out to dine, where do you...... in do?” “一言难尽,我得出去吃饭去,你……在哪干啥呢?” Lin Sansheng shrugs, I am all right, originally in this you, must go Blue Sky Realm with you in the evening together, tonight what you want to go right?” 林三生耸了耸肩,“我又没什么事,本来在这等你,晚上要跟你一起去青冥界,你是要今晚去的是吗?” Yes, otherwise do you have meal with me together?” “是,不然你跟我一起去吃饭?” I could not eat, do anything, I in this you.” “我又吃不了,去做什么,我还是在这等你吧。” Among them the relations, Ye Shaoyang does not demand, chatted several then to go out with him. Yao Mengjie has not led the steward, the car(riage) that three people ride Zhou Jingru goes out. 他们之间的关系,叶少阳也不强求,跟他聊了几句便出门了。姚梦洁没带管家,三人乘坐周静茹的车出去。 Big Brother Shaoyang, right, you did not drive?” Yao Mengjie thinks of this suddenly, asked curiously. 少阳哥,对了,你不开车的吗?”姚梦洁突然想到这茬,好奇地问道。 Study, has not been illuminating, does not have money to buy.” “正在学,没照啊,也没钱买。” Can't?” Yao Mengjie smiles, a little cannot believe. “不会吧?”姚梦洁笑起来,有点不敢相信。 Ye Shaoyang said: Really does not have money to buy.” The oneself beforehand complete family belongings were used to purchase homes, Zhou Jingru hitting reluctantly the booklet, bought, although recently just gained 300,000, Old Guo also hit to oneself, but this was the wife itself/Ben, Ye Shaoyang has not thought was used to buy the car(riage). 叶少阳道:“真的没钱买。”自己之前全部家当都用来买房了,还是周静茹给打的折,才勉强买的起,最近虽然刚赚了三十万,老郭也打给自己了,不过这算是老婆本,叶少阳从没想过用来买车。 Zhou Jingru said: Big Brother Shaoyang, what car(riage) do you like?” 周静茹说道:“少阳哥,你喜欢什么车?” I......” Ye Shaoyang grasped scratching the head, oneself also really knew nothing about the car(riage), basically only knows that BMW ran quickly anything. “我……”叶少阳抓了抓头,自己对车还真是一无所知,基本上只知道宝马奔驰什么的。 Zhou Jingru thinks of this point, smiles, said: When you study, then told me the model, I delivered you one to be good.” 周静茹想到这一点,笑了笑,说道:“什么时候有空你研究一下啊,然后告诉我车型,我送你一辆好了。” Delivered me one......” Ye Shaoyang to stare in a big way the eye, smiled, beckoned with the hand saying that „, although we related, but this was not really applicable, when I learned to drive, asked you to open taking advantage of the car(riage).” “送我一辆……”叶少阳瞪大了眼睛,笑起来,摆手说道,“虽然咱俩关系好,但这个真使不得,等我学会开车,找你借辆车开还是可以的。” Zhou Jingru had not insisted, oneself starts to think of a way. 周静茹也没有坚持,自己开始打主意。 Yao Mengjie as a French in fact, has to taste to the Chinese dish very much **, particularly typical hot pot, therefore Zhou Jingru asked a seabed to fish. With Zhou Jingru in the same place, Yao Mengjie has not kept up appearances, making the steward deliver what red wine, Zhou Jingru oneself brings the champagne, chats while eating. 姚梦洁作为一个实际上的法国人,对中国菜很有品尝的**,尤其是地道的火锅,于是周静茹请了一顿海底捞。跟周静茹在一起,姚梦洁也没摆谱,让管家送什么红酒,周静茹自己带了香槟酒,边吃边聊。 Although and Zhou Jingru has the time period not to see, but Ye Shaoyang and between her 1 point not strange, chatted was very happy, went to the time of bathroom while Yao Mengjie, Zhou Jingru asks Ye Shaoyang suddenly: How do you feel Catherine?” 虽然跟周静茹有阵子没见,不过叶少阳跟她之间一点也没陌生,聊的很开心,趁着姚梦洁去卫生间的工夫,周静茹突然问叶少阳:“你觉得凯瑟琳怎么样?” „, Did the person, how ask this?” “呃,人还可以吧,怎么问这个?” Zhou Jingru smilingly said: She has not married, does not have the boyfriend.” 周静茹笑咪咪地说道:“她还没结婚,也没男朋友。” Ye Shaoyang recovers suddenly, feeds, I may not have the idea to her!” 叶少阳猛然回过神来,“喂,我对她可没想法!” Cracks a joke.” Zhou Jingru traded a serious face, lies on the table, said in a low voice: „The Catherine family background, you had also known, you best leave depart from her too near......” “开玩笑啦。”周静茹换了一张严肃脸,趴在桌子上,低声说道:“凯瑟琳的家世,你也已经知道了,你最好别离她太近……” Ye Shaoyang shrugs saying: Hey, you regarded the sexual harasser me, I also know that could not seek friendships, no idea.” 叶少阳耸肩道:“喂,你把我当成色狼了,我也知道高攀不起,更加没什么想法的。” Zhou Jingru said: Big Brother Shaoyang, you are the bodyguard I not to have the opinion to her, but leaves shows off ability to go all out, protecting good oneself is first.” 周静茹道:“少阳哥,你给她当保镖我没意见的,但是别太逞能拼命,保护好自己才是第一位的。” Ye Shaoyang said with a smile: You with her are not a good friend, she must hear you saying that is very definitely unhappy.” 叶少阳笑道:“你跟她不是好朋友吗,她要听见你这么说,肯定很不开心。” She is my good friend right, but you......, my selfish, who have an accident I to be able in brief even, no matter, so long as you safely good.” Zhou Jingru decides visits him, glancing is pure like the water. “她是我好朋友没错,但是你……嗯,总之就算我自私一把吧,谁出事我都可以不管,只要你安全就好。”周静茹定定地看着他,眼波如水般纯净。 The Ye Shaoyang heart vibrated, nods, said: You felt relieved that I have the discretion.” 叶少阳内心深处震动了一下,点了点头,说道:“你就放心吧,我有分寸。” I did not feel relieved, Zhou Jingru was angry his eyes, I know your, saw the beautiful woman seemed to be in a trance, others spoke a word of praise, why making you.” Said that oneself cannot bear cover mouth to smile. “我就是不放心,”周静茹嗔了他一眼,“我可是知道你的,一见到美女就丢魂了,人家说点好话,让你干什么都屁颠屁颠地去了。”说完自己忍不住捂嘴笑起来。 Ye Shaoyang flexure scratched the head awkwardly, then sincere, said: That, I actually am not to each younger sisters this.” 叶少阳尴尬地挠了挠头,尔后正了正色,说道:“那个,我其实也不是对每个妹子都这样的。” Two people are away from the table to look at each other to look, Zhou Jingru understood the meaning of his these words, smiles. 两人隔着餐桌相视望着,周静茹听懂了他这句话的意思,微笑起来。 Finished eating the food, Zhou Jingru also wants to ask them to watch a modern drama, Ye Shaoyang is keeping thinking with the agreement of Dao Feng, with her truth truth, Zhou Jingru also understood, therefore drove to deliver them to go back. 吃完饭,周静茹本来还想请他们去看一场话剧,叶少阳惦记着跟道风的约定,跟她实话实话,周静茹也理解,于是开车送他们回去。 Mengjie, you and other.” In the living room, Ye Shaoyang stopped by calling out Yao Mengjie, said the matter of afternoon experience, after Yao Mengjie listened, the expression also had a change slightly, imploring the air/Qi saying: They were really look.” 梦洁,你等一下。”客厅里,叶少阳叫住姚梦洁,把下午经历的事说了一遍,姚梦洁听了之后,表情也略微起了一点变化,吁气说道:“他们果然是找来了。” Ye Shaoyang is looking at her, said: I did not compel you saying that but I truly want to know that who they were, I feared that they continued to injure innocently. If others die because of you, this is also your original sin.” 叶少阳望着她,说道:“我不逼你说,不过我确实很想知道他们是谁,我怕他们继续伤害无辜。如果别人因你而死,这也算是你的原罪。” The Yao Mengjie dangling view, stands, said to Ye Shaoyang: You lift start.” 姚梦洁垂下眼帘,站起来,对叶少阳道:“你抬起脚。” Ye Shaoyang gawked, does not understand what meaning. 叶少阳愣了一下,不懂什么意思。 Lifts your left leg, has a look at your shoe sole.” “抬起你的左脚,看看你的鞋底。” Ye Shaoyang one hear, the doubt lifts the left leg, looked at a shoe sole, probably anything does not have. 叶少阳一听,狐疑地抬起左脚,看了一下鞋底,好像什么也没有。 Yao Mengjie makes him lift the right foot, sees only on the sole board to moisten a leaf. Ye Shaoyang thinks little, the doubts said: What do you want me to look at?” 姚梦洁又让他抬起右脚,只见脚底板上沾着一片树叶。叶少阳不以为意,疑惑道:“你到底要我看什么?” Yao Mengjie walks, puts out a hand to hold that piece leaf, ripped, throws on the ground, the leaf contracts the body unexpectedly, wriggles on the ground. 姚梦洁走过来,伸手抓住那片“树叶”,撕了下来,扔在地上,树叶居然收缩身体,在地上蠕动起来。 This is anything!” Ye Shaoyang has a scare. “这是什么东西!”叶少阳吓了一跳。 „A water trematode, is one of the leech.” Yao Mengjie said, frequently was put by vampire, pastes on the clothing of person, is used to trace the opposite party, where no matter arrives, vampire can the sensation to its existence.” “一种水吸虫,是水蛭的一种。”姚梦洁说道,“经常被吸血鬼放出来,贴在人的衣物上,用来追踪对方,不管走到哪里,吸血鬼都可以感知到它的存在。” Yao Mengjie is saying, referred to still saying in the leech that the ground wriggled: You have the cigarette lighter, burns it, this thing is very difficult to kill, a knife kind does not have the means.” 姚梦洁说着,指了指还在地上蠕动的水蛭说道:“你有打火机吗,烧死它吧,这东西很难杀,刀子一类的对它都没办法。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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