SHMS :: Volume #19

#1848: werewolf 3

This is almost the uncertain formal mechanical damage. 这几乎是不定式符的硬伤。 Ye Shaoyang recently in magic art that on heavenly book learned, was extremely mysterious and practical, through Dawson 12, three spread out the myriad things the principle, can in different uncertain formal between found some rule, connected in together, forms the attack to the opponent unceasingly. 叶少阳最近在天书上学到的法术,极其玄妙而且实用,通过道生一二,三衍万物的原理,能够在不同的不定式符之间找到某种规律,串联在一起,不断对对手形成打击。 This regarding the tally seal technique, simply was flying upwards of quality, Ye Shaoyang silently cultivation some time, at present can also uncertain connect formal dozens, as for will have the einstellung symbol series of root, at present could not have achieved, today is also the first practice, Ye Shaoyang controlled, while also in remembered the spirit strength change at heart silently, further refined rule. 这对于符印术来说,简直就是一种质的飞升,叶少阳默默修炼了一段时间,目前也只是能够将数十道不定式符串联起来,至于将有根的定势符串联,目前还做不到,今天也是第一次实践,叶少阳一边操控,一边也在心里默默记住其中的灵力变化,进一步提炼其中的规律。 Dozens seal large characters, superimpose unceasingly, the stack of spirit strength, making werewolf gradually feel unable to endure, space solidify, its movement is also getting more and more slow. 数十个封印大字,不断叠加,灵力的堆砌,让狼人逐渐感到吃不消,空间一点点凝固起来,它的动作也越来越慢。 Ye Shaoyang felt that the opportunity arrived, has not vanished while the strength of spell, forms a sword mudra, in the mouth the clear and resonant voice discussed: 叶少阳感觉机会到了,趁着符咒的力量没有消失,捏了剑诀,口中朗声念道: Lang Lang sun and moon universe, the brilliance protects my golden body, the square monster evil ghost, will change to the light dust shortly! The Seven Stars homing, Dragon Spring kills the enemy! Executes evilly!” “郎朗日月乾坤,光辉护我金身,四方妖邪鬼怪,顷刻化作轻尘!七星归位,龙泉杀敌!诛邪!” The long sword shakes, lets go, changes to together the purple glow, during dragon recited, according to the head of werewolf cut. 长剑一抖,脱手而出,化作一道紫芒,在龙吟之中,照着狼人的脑袋斩下去。 Tittered one, the long sword has delimited, broke out from the middle the head. 噗嗤一声,长剑划过,将脑袋从中间劈开。 The werewolf whole body twitches, flinches backward, in split heads, without skeleton flesh, but is some yellow mucilage, such as the silk thread is common, in two halves heads connected, looks very disgusting. 狼人浑身抽搐,向后退缩,裂开的脑袋中间,没有骨骼血肉,而是一些黄色粘液,如丝线一般,在两半脑袋中间相连,看上去十分恶心。 Hasn't died? 没死? Ye Shaoyang holds Seven Stars Dragon Spring Sword, the flying goes forward, wants to make up again, finally in the blood puddle of ground departs dozens blood bat suddenly, before the body throws. 叶少阳一把抓住七星龙泉剑,飞身上前,想再补一下,结果地上的血水潭中突然飞出数十只血蝙蝠,朝身前扑来。 In the Ye Shaoyang heart keeps thinking about werewolf, cinnabar brush flies high a picture, the spell toward the opposite dozen, controls opposite several blood bat together, moves sideways to jump from the encirclement ring, opens werewolf again, is ripping open barrier, wants to run away. 叶少阳心中惦记狼人,朱砂笔凌空一画,一道符咒朝对面打去,控住对面几只血蝙蝠,一个闪身从包围圈中跳出去,再开狼人,正在撕开结界,想要逃走。 Sunset sand clear(ly), heaven and earth opens but actually, universe Limitless, dao technique is boundless!” “日落沙明,天地倒开,乾坤无极,道法无边!” The thumb pressed on the Seven Stars Dragon Spring Sword sword hilt, threw, a sword passed through from werewolf within the body, its nail on the ground. 拇指在七星龙泉剑剑柄上一按,掷了出去,一剑从狼人体内穿过,将其钉在地上。 With the pitiful yell sound, the werewolf body withers immediately, phantom, actually departs barrier together, flew toward the distant place, Ye Shaoyang fixed the eyes on looks, was the shape of person, immediately understands: werewolf should discard the mortal body, obtained the soul to preserve, escapes. 伴随着惨叫声,狼人身体顿时萎缩下去,一道虚影,却是飞出结界,朝远处飞去了,叶少阳定睛一看,是人的形状,立刻明白过来:狼人应该是舍弃了肉身,求得魂魄保全,逃命去了。 If oneself thinks of this point early, can definitely control its soul with magic art, but fears that now, Ye Shaoyang has put out spiritual talisman without enough time, wanting the approach to try, suddenly felt that on the shoulder a hemp, turns the head to look, was blood bat lies on the oneself shoulder, bit one, immediately Right Hand pinched to decide, the direct palm patted, destroyed it, finally the right shoulder sank, was a bat lay, opened mouth to be just about to nip, sudden black air/Qi from behind, curled up blood bat, drew backward it. 如果自己早想到这一点,完全可以用法术控住它的魂魄,不过现在怕是已经来不及了,叶少阳拿出灵符,想要作法试试,突然感到肩上一麻,转头一看,是一只血蝙蝠趴在了自己肩上,咬了一口,当下右手捏决,直接一掌拍了上去,将其打碎,结果右肩一沉,又是一只蝙蝠趴了上去,张嘴正要咬下去,突然一道黑气从后面袭来,卷起血蝙蝠,将其向后拉去。 Ye Shaoyang turns the head to look, a gigantic centipede, last half a lifetime stands on the ground, is only nipping this blood bat in the mouth, a pair of chela tooth makes an effort to extrude, twists two halves, swallows into the abdomen, then sprays the black air/Qi to other blood bat. 叶少阳转头看去,一只硕大的蜈蚣,上半生立在地上,正在将这只血蝙蝠咬在口中,一对螯牙用力挤压,绞成两半,吞入腹中,接着又对其余的血蝙蝠喷射出黑气。 Old Guo stands, shouts to Ye Shaoyang: Helps help!” 老郭站在旁边,对叶少阳喊道:“帮一把帮一把!” Ye Shaoyang rolled the eyes at him, starts the approach, took some efforts, with about ten spiritual talisman combination city barrier, surplus these blood bat will all encircle in the middle, cannot escape, then centipede spirit eats to the heart's content, all swallows in them the lower belly, then appears the human form, is Flat Head, sits on the ground, within the body, because swallowed too many evil thing, the monster strength is extremely exuberant, for a while cannot digest, the complexion is seemingly black the belt/bring to be red, the expression seems like the appearance that the person feels nauseated. 叶少阳白了他一眼,开始作法,也费了一些力气,用近十张灵符组合城结界,将剩余的那些血蝙蝠全都围在中间,逃脱不得,然后蜈蚣精大快朵颐,将它们一个个全都吞下腹中,然后现出人形,正是扁头,坐在地上,体内因为吞了太多的邪物,妖力太过旺盛,一时消化不掉,脸色看上去黑中带红,表情像是人要吐的样子。 Comes, ate this.” “来来来,把这个吃了。” Old Guo puts out one section not to know that from the backpack is the sealwort or what magical medicine, making Flat Head eat, monster qi that the body braved outward gradually restrained, the expression was more attractive, raised the head, looked at Ye Shaoyang one grateful, the jar sound jar air/Qi expressed gratitude to Ye Shaoyang. 老郭从背包里拿出一截也不知道是黄精还是什么法药,让扁头吃了,身上往外冒的妖气才逐渐收敛,表情好看了些,抬起头,感激地看了叶少阳一眼,瓮声瓮气地对叶少阳道谢。 Do not eat to become addicted, finds the person to attract everywhere.” Ye Shaoyang warned. “你别吃上瘾了,到处去找人吸。”叶少阳警告道。 Flat Head said: Celestial Master Ye, I, you will not give me with the uncle the opportunity of metaplasia human form, I will certainly treasure, in the future must repay a debt of gratitude to you.” 扁头道:“叶天师,我绝不会的,你跟大叔给了我化生人形的机会,我一定会珍惜,将来要对你们报恩。” Ye Shaoyang looked that he is very honest, the attitude is satisfying, the nod said: This was right, if you go out evil cultivator, even if injured an ant, I will also extinguish you unrestrained/no trace of politeness.” 叶少阳看他挺老实的,态度让人满意,点头说道:“这就对了,假如你出去邪修,哪怕只是伤了一只蚂蚁,我也会毫不客气地灭了你。” Immediately stares to say to Old Guo: You are also honest, be not always thinking these shortcuts help his cultivation.” 随即瞪眼对老郭说道:“你也老实一点,别老想着走这些捷径帮他修炼。” Old Guo lets go saying: I really am not intentionally, I am looked that fellow is very probably fierce, you quite a while have not divided the victory and defeat, fears you to suffer a loss, therefore called Flat Head, wants to help your one, swallowed monster cultivation, was only while convenient, while convenient.” 老郭摊手说道:“我真不是故意的,我是看那个家伙好像很厉害,你们半天没分胜负,怕你吃亏,所以把扁头叫来,想帮你一把来着,吞妖修炼,只是顺带,顺带。” Ye Shaoyang is also disinclined earnestly, these blood bat are the evil cultivator life, oneself must destroy completely in any case, swallowed to Flat Head , is to make use of waste, pours also has no relations. Recalled carefully with the process that werewolf fights, feels some fishy. 叶少阳也懒得较真,反正这些血蝙蝠都是邪修生灵,自己也是要灭掉的,给扁头吞了,也算是废物利用,倒也没什么关系。仔细回想了一下跟狼人打斗的经过,感觉有些蹊跷。 At this time Old Guo asked: Was just extinguished the mortal body by you, what thing is that?” 这时候老郭问道:“刚被你灭了肉身的,那是个什么东西?” If I have not guessed wrong, should be werewolf.” “如果我没猜错,应该是狼人。” werewolf......” Old Guo inspires, strength very fierce appearance?” 狼人……”老郭吸了口气,“实力很厉害的样子?” „, The independent combat words, it is estimated that can resist Celestial Master fortunately reluctantly.” Ye Shaoyang said, I with the long time that it hits, because the first time is met werewolf, the path is not ripe, will otherwise not take time.” “还好吧,单打独斗的话,估计勉强能抵得住一个天师。”叶少阳道,“我跟它打的久,因为是第一次遇到狼人,路子不熟,不然也不会这么费事。” Although these words acting cool, but has not lied, Ye Shaoyang weighed a werewolf real strength, felt, if oneself has prepare, a person copes with 56 werewolf should not be the major problem. 这句话虽然装逼,但也没撒谎,叶少阳衡量了一下狼人的真实实力,感觉假如自己有所准备的话,一个人对付五六个狼人应该不是什么大问题。 The Old Guo being entrusted chin, muttered: These blood bat, 80% are also the evil thing of West, how did these fellows rush to our country to come?” 老郭受托下巴,喃喃道:“这些血蝙蝠,八成也是西方的邪物,这些家伙怎么跑到我们国家来了?” Ye Shaoyang thinks indistinctly some possibility, just about to discusses, the Old Guo cell phone makes a sound. 叶少阳隐约想到某种可能,刚要讨论一下,老郭的手机响起来。 Is Xie Yuqing hits , indicating that oneself is catching up, how asked him the situation. 谢雨晴打来的,表示自己正在赶来,问他这边情况怎么样了。 Old Guo replied that here she, is helping the Ye Shaoyang same place, dried out the blood stain of ground with Earth Fire Talisman, cleaned up, then remove barrier. At this time Xie Yuqing is driving to catch up, got out with Qi Chen together, sees Ye Shaoyang to be all right, this felt relieved, inquired account. Ye Shaoyang said. 老郭回答在这边等她,然后帮着叶少阳一起,用地火符把地上的血污烤干,清理了一下,然后撤掉结界。这时候谢雨晴开着车赶来,跟祁宸一起下车,见叶少阳没事,这才放心,打听事情的经过。叶少阳说了一遍。 Xie Yuqing hears werewolf two characters is also the shock, was startled for quite a while, said: That what bat, it is estimated that was the murderer.” Then said the case of it previous existence: With beforehand several similar, receives the warning, said that has the case to live, when the police rush, the warning person has been murdered, moreover seemed like the death to be very long...... 谢雨晴听到“狼人”两个字也是震惊不已,怔了半天,说道:“那个什么蝙蝠,估计就是杀人凶手了。”接着把之前生的案件说了一遍:跟之前几次差不多,都是接到报警,说有案件生,等警察赶到,报警人已经遇害,而且看上去死亡已经已经很久了…… ( First three chapters, go out management) (先三章,出门办事) ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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