New book«Gets off work, ThenTurns intoVampire»has sent!
新书《下班,然后变成吸血鬼》已发!Sorry, originallyreaches an agreementsends in September, finallyin the midwayfamily/homemustuse a vehicle, has torunto test the driver's license, tested for severalmonths.
抱歉,本来说好九月就发的,结果中途家里要用车,不得不跑去考驾照,考了几个月。Moreoverbeforealsosaid that musttry a gametheme, has not thought that wroteseveralopenings is not unsatisfied, finally can only receive in exchange the theme that oneselfexcelled, thenretained the draft, has towednow, reallyto sorry.
The new bookcalled«To get off work, ThenTurned intoVampire»
简介:MynamewasShenCheng, 21 years old, livedintootombcityChengdong District, unmarried, have not been pregnant.
我的名字叫沈诚,21岁,住在太陵市城东区一带,未婚,未孕。Related the harmonious, deceasedfatherwith the family memberfearsmesingle, but alsomailed an attractivevampireto nipmetomespecially.
与家人关系和睦,已经去世的父亲怕我单身,还特意给我邮寄一只漂亮的吸血鬼过来咬我。Iin the public securitybureauwork, musttouch the corpsemoldto be ableevery dayto go hometo9 : 00 pm, Iamvoluntaryworking overtime.
我在治安局工作,每天都要摸尸体模到晚上9点才能回家,我是自愿加班的。Ido not smoke, does not drink, every dayrestsless than8hours, staying up lateis the romantic of societylivestock, before resting, Idrink certainlyonecup of iceblood, thenenjoys the service of vampiremother.
我不抽烟,不喝酒,每天睡不足八个小时,熬夜是社畜的浪漫,睡前,我一定喝一杯冰鲜血,然后享受吸血鬼娘的服务。Goes to bed, immediatelysleeps soundly. Realizes the dawn, notkeepsweary and pressurenext day. The colleaguessaid that learnsfromme.
……Alsoiseveryonemost familiarElder Brother Cheng, being interestedcansurround.
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