Terminates the words expressing feelings!
The thirdbookterminatedfinally.
第三本书终于完结了。Thisbooknothing more to be said that violatedwith the blood groupsimilarproblem, the force systemis not clear, later the plotis a little chaotic, has spunonEarth, the mapwas too small.
还有写了太多的女角色。From the beginning, whatIdesignis only the doublefemalelord, Akimiya TsukiandShiratsuki Rin, resultbehindwriteswrites, cannot control itselfto want the hand of harem, thisis the old problem, can only striveto correctnext time.
一开始,我设计的只是双女主,秋宫月和白月凛而已,结果后面写着写着,就控制不住自己想要开后宫的手,这是属于老毛病了,只能争取下次改正。About the new book, Ihad writtentwosimilarnovelscontinuously, thenpreparesto tryothertypes, if as expected, nextshouldwrite the game, the fourthdisastertype.
The new booksaid goodbye!
( This chapterends)
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