SISWMR :: Volume #8

#709: The day after tomorrow discusses ( 3 )

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Takamagahara, behind shrine Japanese-style yard. 高天原,神社后面的日式小院。 Amaterasu sits on the deck chair, turns upwards a snow white foot, another hand is carrying the tobacco pipe, once for a while pulls out two, smokes like a chimney. 天照坐在躺椅上,翘起一只雪白的脚丫子,另一只手拎着烟斗,时不时地抽两口,吞云吐雾。 Xu Cheng sits in her directly opposite, two people middle are putting the checkerboard, above has proliferated the black white. 许诚坐在她的正对面,两人的中间放着棋盘,上面已经遍布黑白子。 The witch young lady kneels to sit in the one side silently makes the tea, the steaming hot tea will place in front of two people. 巫女小姐默默地跪坐在一旁煮茶,将热气腾腾的茶水放在两人面前。 Xu Cheng falls a white to the checkerboard on, then looks up Amaterasu. 许诚将一颗白子落到棋盘上,然后抬头看着天照 I won!” “我赢了!” Amaterasu lowered the head to shoot a look at one, confused the checkerboard with the snow white delicate sole directly, acts shamelessly to say ; This game does not calculate, again come.” 天照低头瞥了一眼,用雪白细嫩的脚掌直接把棋盘搅乱,耍赖道;“这局不算,重新来。” Xu Cheng is not angry, but holds her foot: How long can you also treat in the body of Chizuru?” 许诚也不生气,只是一把抓住她的脚:“你还要在千鹤的身体里面待多久?” Amaterasu struggled two, without breaking away, whatever he grabs, teased: What's wrong, loved dearly?” 天照挣扎了两下,没挣开,也就任由他抓着,调侃道:“怎么,心疼了?” Xu Cheng shakes the head: I will give you to make a new god's heart, really kind?” 许诚摇了摇头:“我会给你制造一个新的神之心,够意思吧?” Before trading does, if can look for the heart of getting back one's composure, Amaterasu will certainly be wild with joy, but obtains the commitment of Xu Cheng now, she smoked a smoke, said lightly: „Are you are Mitera Chizuru come today specially?” 换作以前,如果能够找回神之心,天照一定会欣喜若狂,可现在得到许诚的承诺,她只是抽了口烟,淡淡道:“你今天就是专门为御寺千鹤来的?” Xu Cheng nods: Otherwise?” 许诚点了点头:“不然呢?” Hehe, Mitera Chizuru is my god causes now.” “呵呵,御寺千鹤现在是我的神使。” Amaterasu will fall on the deck chair in the future: I felt that shares a body to be good with her, god's the matter of heart does not need to worry.” 天照往后倒在躺椅上:“我感觉跟她共用一具身体挺好的,神之心的事情不用着急。” Saying, her is also extending another foot to the Xu Cheng front. 说着,她还把另一只脚伸到许诚的面前。 Xu Cheng pats her foot ill-humoredly: „Can you do? I urged you do not pedal the nose upper eyelid.” 许诚没好气地拍开她的脚:“伱到底要干什么?我劝你不要蹬鼻子上脸。” He has said several times, but Amaterasu is not willing to come out from Mitera Chizuru within the body. 他已经说过几次了,但天照就是不肯从御寺千鹤的体内出来。 Does?! 干什么?! Amaterasu slightly somewhat absent-minded, she does not talk clearly herself to do, but, recently, Xu Cheng returns to Takamagahara each time, for Mitera Chizuru. 天照稍稍有些失神,她也说不清楚自己到底要干什么,只不过,最近一段时间,许诚每次返回高天原,都是为了御寺千鹤而来。 He more must help Mitera Chizuru, the Amaterasu more not want to make him succeed at heart. 他越是要帮助御寺千鹤,天照心里就越不想让他成功。 My god.” “我的神啊。” The Mitera Chizuru helpless sound resounds in the Amaterasu heart: You should not refuse, letting my younger brother only intentionally to come back to look for you frequently, meets several with her?” 御寺千鹤无奈的声音在天照的心底响起:“你该不会是故意拒绝,让我弟弟只能经常回来找你,借此跟她多见几面吧?” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Amaterasu like stepped on to the cat of tail, bans the word Mitera Chizuru directly. 天照就像被踩到尾巴的猫一样,直接将御寺千鹤禁言。 Then, she said to Xu Cheng: I do not want to leave her body in any case now, which day waited for my mood to say well again.” 然后,她对许诚说道:“反正我现在不想离开她的身体,等哪天我心情好再说。” The Xu Cheng expression sinks gradually, he stands from the chair, occupies a commanding position to look at Amaterasu: „Do you believe that do I begin to clutch directly you?” 许诚的表情渐渐沉下去,他从椅子上站起来,居高临下看着天照:“你信不信,我直接动手把你揪出来?” Nearby witch frightens kneels trembles on the ground. 一旁的巫女吓得跪在地上瑟瑟发抖。 Amaterasu is also the whole body ties tight, she believes that present Xu Cheng completely has this strength, but her not agrees admitted defeat, said obstinate argumentative: You begin Ah! 天照也是浑身紧绷,她相信如今的许诚完全有这种力量,不过她还是不肯服软,嘴硬道:“那你就动手啊! Xu Cheng is staring at her silently, Amaterasu makes an effort to stare. 许诚默默盯着她,天照用力地瞪回来。 The atmosphere as if solidified in this moment, suddenly, the Xu Cheng reveal tooth smiles: „Do you still remember, initially our first meeting times.” 气氛仿佛在这一刻凝固了,忽然间,许诚露齿一笑:“你还记不记得,当初我们第一次见面的时候。” Amaterasu is startled slightly, the subconsciousness recalls. 天照微微一怔,下意识回忆起来。 Initially the first meeting time, this boy before her, but trembling, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. 当初第一次见面的时候,这小子在她面前可是战战兢兢,大气都不敢喘一下。 Which like the present, rode her head to come directly. 哪像现在这样,直接骑到她头上来了。 I remember very clearly.” “我记得很清楚。” Xu Cheng said with the recollection tone: Meets for the first time , you make fun of me intentionally, frightened unbearably, me me pledged at that time, later had the opportunity to retaliate.” 许诚用回忆的口吻说道:“第一次见面时,你故意捉弄我,把我吓得够呛,那时候我就发誓,以后有机会一定要报复回来。” The Amaterasu complexion changes: „Do you want to do?” 天照脸色一变:“你要干嘛?” „Do you guess?!” “你猜?!” Finishes speaking, the entire mystical place instantaneously changes. 话音刚落,整个秘境瞬间一变。 Amaterasu feels dizzy, when recovering, she discovered that she places unexpectedly in a disorderly living room, on the table piles up with various types of food and beverage bottle. 天照感到天旋地转,等回过神来时,她发现自己竟然身处在一个凌乱的客厅中,桌上堆满各种食物和酒瓶子。 Two grown men lie on the tea table, is drunk unconscious. 两个大男人趴在茶几上,正醉得不省人事。 It is not her memory, swamps into her brain. 一段不属于她的记忆,涌入她的大脑。 She called Amaterasu, is the wife who just married, the husband was promoted recently raises in salary, was happy when invited in the family/home to be a guest the boss specially. 她叫天照,是一个刚刚结婚的人妻,丈夫最近升职加薪,高兴之余专门将上司邀请到家中做客。 But this leadership named Xu Cheng, holds to Amaterasu improper ambition. 而这位叫做许诚的领导,却对天照抱有非分之想。 After read memory, Amaterasu stands shocking from the ground, then since carries the beverage bottle, to a man of alcoholic intoxication makes an effort to pound. 读取记忆后,天照震惊地从地上站起来,然后拎起酒瓶,对其中一个醉酒的男人用力砸过去。 Pretends to be sleeping Xu Cheng to lift the hand to hold the beverage bottle, stands with a laugh from the ground. 正在装睡的许诚抬手抓住酒瓶,笑呵呵地从地上站起来。 Amaterasu angry is staring him: „Is this very fun?” 天照愤怒的瞪着他:“这样很好玩吗?” Naturally.” “当然。” Xu Cheng unties the tie, takes off the coat, said to Amaterasu: I give you again for the last time the opportunity, so long as you leave the body of Chizuru, I let off you.” 许诚解开领带,脱下外套,对天照说道:“我再给你最后一次机会,只要你离开千鹤的身体,我就放过你。” Amaterasu said loudly: You have a dream!” 天照大声道:“你做梦!” Xu Cheng has walked, holds her wrist/skill: That do not blame me not being impolite!” 许诚已经走过来,一把抓住她的手腕:“那就别怪我不客气!” Amaterasu is somewhat flustered, but sneers saying: Plays casually, when you I haven't experienced?” 天照有些慌张,但还是冷笑道:“随便玩,你当我没见识过?” As living does not know how long Spiritual God, her what scene hasn't experienced? 作为活了不知道多久的神灵,她什么场面没见识过? Xu Cheng shows a faint smile: That if so?” 许诚微微一笑:“那如果是这样呢?” Amaterasu blinks, discovered with amazement one strength as Spiritual God completely disappear, the body is incapable weakly. 天照眨了眨眼,惊讶发现自己身为神灵的力量完全消失,身体虚弱无力。 What made her panic-stricken was, she is also disappearing as the Spiritual God memory, in the mind was only left over the newly-married wife's memory. 更令她惊恐的是,她作为神灵的记忆也在消失,脑海中只剩下新婚人妻的记忆。 Stop, do not act unreasonably!” “住手,你别乱来!” Startled of Amaterasu face, quick, in her mind on remaining false memory as wife. 天照一脸的惊慌,很快,她脑海中就剩下作为人妻的虚假记忆。 Mr. Xu!” 许先生!” She exudes the angrily rebuking sound that blustered: „Does my husband still in the one side, you want to do?” 她发出虚张声势的怒斥声:“我丈夫还在一旁,你要干什么?” Xu Cheng approaches, the threat said: Madame, you do not think that your husband does lose this hard-won work?” 许诚凑近过来,威胁道:“太太,你也不想自己的丈夫丢掉这份来之不易的工作吧?” You...... despicable!” “你……卑鄙!” Amaterasu double pupil with tears, not only grief and indignation and fear looks at him. 天照双眸含泪,既悲愤又害怕地看着他。 Xu Cheng makes an effort to push directly, overthrows Amaterasu on the tea table. 许诚直接用力一推,将天照推倒在茶几上。 The husband of alcoholic intoxication lies on the tea table, as before deep sleep. 醉酒的丈夫趴在茶几上,依旧沉睡着。 ...... …… ! !” “呼!呼!” Amaterasu sobers suddenly, she sits from the bed, both hands makes an effort to pull own hair, non-stop panting for breath. 天照忽然清醒过来,她从床上坐起来,双手用力扯着自己的头发,不停喘息着。 She brought back the Spiritual God memory finally, realized that actually in the half year what happened. 她终于取回了神灵的记忆,也意识到这半年究竟发生了什么事。 For does not make husband lose the work, her being forced committee body Xu Cheng, encountered his humiliation training. 为了不让“丈夫”丢掉工作,她被迫委身许诚,遭到了他的凌辱调教。 Xu Cheng even also uses the power of boss, husband will send the business trip, then openly is admitted to her home. 许诚甚至还动用上司的权力,将“丈夫”派去出差,然后堂而皇之地住进她的家里面。 Waits for husband six months to return, Amaterasu thorough has fallen wickedly, the body and mind falls to the enemy under conquering of Xu Cheng. 等“丈夫”半年后归来,天照已经彻底恶坠,身心都沦陷在许诚的征服之下。 Half year memory, to her simply is the shame in shame. 这半年的记忆,对她来说简直就是耻辱中的耻辱。 Xu Cheng, rolls!” 许诚,滚出来!” Amaterasu rises with a spring from the bed, yelled angrily. 天照从床上一跃而起,愤怒地大叫起来。 Xu Cheng appears on the bed, with pondering the expression looks at her: Hasn't come to give regards with the master quickly?” 许诚出现在床上,用玩味的表情看着她:“还不快过来跟主人问好?” The physical condition reflection of Amaterasu wants to kneel down, but she suppresses to throw, both hands holds the Xu Cheng neckband, is angry: „Do you dare unexpectedly like this to me? I have not ended with you!” 天照的身体条件反射地想要跪下,但她还是强忍着扑过去,双手抓住许诚的领口,愤怒道:“你竟然敢这样对我?我跟你没完!” Xu Cheng presses her in turn directly on the bed: Happen, I have not played enough.” 许诚反过来直接将她压在床上:“正好,我还没玩够呢。” Amaterasu struggles angrily, she who however loses the Spiritual God strength, in the hand of Xu Cheng like the yeanling, does not have the strength of resistance. 天照愤怒地挣扎起来,然而失去神灵力量的她,在许诚的手中就像小绵羊,毫无反抗之力。 What makes me have a look at the next status to act?” “让我看看下一个身份要扮演什么?” The hand of Xu Cheng rocks gently, pictures flash through on the wall, finally stays in a picture of subway. 许诚的手轻轻晃动,一幅幅画面在墙壁上闪过,最后停留在一幅地铁的画面上。 „The wolf of subway!” “地铁之狼!” A picture revolution, Amaterasu discovered oneself wear the LO jumper, the right person is in the subway one by one. 画面一转,天照发现自己穿着LO套裙,正身处在人挤人的地铁中。 Suddenly, she felt that the back some people press layer on layer/heavily, presses all her of a sudden on the window. 忽然,她感到背后有人重重压上来,一下子将她压在窗户上。 Xu Cheng!” 许诚!” Amaterasu makes the sound that clenches jaws. 天照发出咬牙切齿的声音。 Xu Cheng is sticking to Amaterasu in the back, lifted the hand to hit a sound to refer. 许诚在背后紧贴着天照,抬起手打了个响指。 In the Amaterasu mind the memory about Spiritual God vanishes again , she reveals the fear gradually the expression, turn head looks at Xu Cheng panic-stricken. 天照脑海中关于神灵的记忆再次消失,渐渐地,她露出害怕的表情,惊恐地回头看着许诚 Crazy...... crazy man (Han)?” “痴……痴汉?” Do not move, otherwise I dig up the light your clothes, making in the subway everyone see your naked.” “别动,不然我就把你的衣服都扒光,让地铁里所有人都看到你的裸体。” Under the threat of Xu Cheng, the Amaterasu double pupil with tears, the whole body ties tight, moves does not dare to move, was practiced fraud by him. 许诚的威胁下,天照双眸含泪,浑身紧绷,一动也不敢动,被他上下其手。 After the subway arrives, Amaterasu under forcing of Xu Cheng, is forced to follow he to enter in the restroom of subway. 等地铁到站后,天照更是在许诚的胁迫下,被迫跟着他进入地铁的厕所内。 I know that your status and address, will should better to continue to make this subway tomorrow, otherwise you will regret.” “我知道你的身份和住址,明天最好继续做这趟地铁,否则你会后悔的。” After Xu Cheng departs, Amaterasu falls in the restroom, both hands covers the face to weep bitterly. 许诚离去后,天照跌坐在厕所里面,双手捂着脸痛哭起来。 After intertwining of over night, next morning, Amaterasu will change a subway specially. 经过一夜的纠结后,第二天一早,天照特意换了一趟地铁。 In the compartment one by one, she saw that Xu Cheng in crowd reveals to sneer to oneself, immediately the whole body is icy cold. 在人挤人的车厢中,她见到人群中的许诚对自己露出冷笑,顿时浑身冰凉。 ...... …… Takamagahara, shrine. 高天原,神社 Is tidying up the witch of checkerboard to have a scare suddenly, Xu Cheng and Amaterasu that vanished a moment ago suddenly, came back suddenly. 正在收拾棋盘的巫女忽然被吓一跳,刚才突然消失的许诚天照,又突然回来了。 Amaterasu both hands is hugging one's shoulders, the whole person looks like receives to frighten same shrinks on the deck chair. 天照双手抱着肩膀,整个人就像是受到惊吓一样缩在躺椅上。 She does not know actually oneself got through many pitiful lives, she acts too many status, the wife, female staff, school girl, daughter-in-law, Teacher, neighbor young married women...... 她不知道自己究竟度过了多少次悲惨的人生,她扮演太多太多的身份,人妻,女员工,女学生,儿媳,老师,邻家少妇…… Regardless of she is what status, cannot escape the Xu Cheng evil clutches, was humiliated training by him unceasingly. 无论她是什么身份,都逃不开许诚的魔爪,不断地被他凌辱调教。 From the beginning angry, to afterward numbness, again to final perishing. 从一开始愤怒,到后来的麻木,再到最后的沉沦。 Knows obviously is false, when she raised the head to see to sit when opposite Xu Cheng, the body cannot bear shiver, the subconsciousness had the stress reaction. 明明知道是虚假的,可是当她抬头看到坐在对面的许诚时,身体还是忍不住颤抖起来,下意识产生了应激反应。 Sees her fear the appearance, Xu Cheng smiles awkwardly, discovered oneself did probably too overdone. 看到她一副害怕的模样,许诚尴尬一笑,发现自己好像做得太过火了。 I...... I will leave the Chizuru body......” “我……我会离开千鹤身体的……” Amaterasu made the low and deep sound, arrogant she, admitted defeat finally. 天照发出了低沉的声音,高傲的她,终于服软了。 Did not admit defeat good, she feared that was dragged into that inexhaustible purgatory by Xu Cheng again. 不服软不行,她就怕再次被许诚拉入那无穷无尽的炼狱中。 She does not fear is suffered, but feared oneself will perish in inside, finally unable extricates oneself. 她不是怕被折磨,而是怕自己会沉沦在里面,最终无法自拔。 Xu Cheng is sizing up Amaterasu, seems tasting anything, suddenly said: „...... You do not continue to remain.” 许诚打量着天照,似乎在回味着什么,忽然说道:“不……你还是继续留在。” He tried to make Mitera Chizuru also come out a moment ago, disguises as the geminate heavy personality with Amaterasu the status. 他刚才试过让御寺千鹤也出来,和天照一起假扮成双重人格的身份。 A body double soul, simply should not be too crisp! 一体双魂,简直不要太爽! Amaterasu gawked staring, she remembers the picture that anything found it unbearable to recall, the mood of fear is shamed the anger to replace immediately. 天照愣了愣,她想起了什么不堪回首的画面,害怕的情绪顿时被羞怒取代。 She clenches jaws, throws directly toward Xu Cheng! 她咬牙切齿,直接朝许诚扑过来! Your this bastard, I fought you!” “你这个混蛋,我跟你拼了!” She falls down Xu Cheng on the ground, two people roll in the same place, starts to fight! 她将许诚扑倒在地上,两人滚在一起,开始打架! Nearby witch frightens helplessly, does not know that should come up to try to break up a fight, is quick, she discovered that Xu Cheng and Amaterasu fight way changed, small face immediately one red. 一旁的巫女吓得不知所措,不知道该不该上去拉架,可是很快,她就发现许诚天照的打架方式变了,小脸顿时一红。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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