SISWMR :: Volume #8

#708: The day after tomorrow discusses ( 2 )

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After participating in the wedding of love rival and boyfriend, unemotional Shiratsuki Rin leaves Japan, returns to Eastern Europe, arrived at the Elizabeth Winter Palace. 参加完情敌和男朋友的婚礼后,面无表情的白月凛离开日本,返回东欧,来到了伊丽莎白的冬宫。 In the peaceful study room, she saw Winter Goddess. 在安静的书房中,她见到了冬之女神 Always pays great attention to Elizabeth of measuring appliance before the bystander, at this moment lies crooked on the sofa, the hanging down neckband revealed the fine collar bone, the long skirt cannot cover a pair of snow white calf. 在外人面前一向十分注重仪表的伊丽莎白,此刻斜躺在沙发上,低垂的领口露出精致的锁骨,长裙掩盖不了一双雪白的小腿。 Facing Shiratsuki Rin this with the girl who her soul melts, the Elizabeth not straight sitting posture, but gathers the books in seat of honor slowly. 面对白月凛这个与她灵魂相融的女孩,伊丽莎白并没有端正坐姿,只是缓慢地合上手中的书本。 She is sizing up the expression on Shiratsuki Rin face, asked in a soft voice: „Have you set firm resolve?” 她打量着白月凛脸上的表情,轻声问道:“你已经下定决心了吗?” Shiratsuki Rin nods earnestly: Yes, I have decided.” 白月凛认真地点了点头:“是的,我已经决定好了。” She wants to become the god! 她想要成为神! Not for strength, but to keep up with the Xu Cheng footsteps, to stand in his side. 不是为了力量,只是为了跟上许诚的脚步,为了站在他的身边。 For these years, can truly by the person who the body of mortal mounts god throne, only then Xu Cheng, therefore his experience has enough implication. 这么多年来,能够真正以凡人之躯登上神座的人,就只有许诚一个而已,所以他的经历有着足够的借鉴意义。 Although Shiratsuki Rin does not have the help of supervisor, but she also has oneself advantage- she is the Valkyrie descendant, is the Spiritual God descendant, aptitude are too more than Xu Cheng. 虽然白月凛没有管理器的帮助,但她也有自己的优势-她是女武神的后裔,也是神灵的后裔,本身的资质比许诚强太多。 She does not lack the power, god's heart also has the means solution, the only soul is also not enough to evolve is the state of mind. 她不缺权能,神之心也有办法解决,唯独灵魂还不足以进化为神魂。 Therefore, she plans to take the Xu Cheng road again, enters in the gate of hell informed and experienced, strengthens own soul. 为此,她打算重走许诚的路,进入地狱之门中历练,强化自己的灵魂。 But the danger of gate of hell is obvious to all, once War God Cronus planted in inside, wanted to live, the strength and luck were indispensable. 但地狱之门的危险有目共睹,就连曾经的战神克洛诺斯都栽在里面,想要活着出来,实力和运气都缺一不可。 Therefore Shiratsuki Rin somewhat hesitates, she fears death actually not, but fears to be gone forever, parted forever with Xu Cheng. 所以白月凛有些犹豫,她倒不是怕死,而是怕一去不复返,就此跟许诚永别了。 unable sets firm resolve slowly, Shiratsuki Rin returns to Japan to see the old friend, relaxes, has not thought that deeply was actually stimulated by Akimiya Tsuki. 迟迟无法下定决心,白月凛返回日本见一见老朋友,散散心,没想到却被秋宫月深深地刺激到了。 Not is only the attitude that her keeps aloof, she and Xu Cheng wedding, urge Shiratsuki Rin to set firm resolve. 不仅仅是她那高高在上的态度,还有她和许诚的婚礼,都促使着白月凛下定决心。 Elizabeth is sizing up the face of Shiratsuki Rin, understands that she receives the stimulation. 伊丽莎白打量着白月凛的脸,就明白她是受到刺激了。 Although you have set firm resolve, but I hope you can consider again.” “虽然你已经下定决心,但我还是希望你能够再考虑一下。” Elizabeth said in a soft voice: You actually have another road to walk, does not need to take such big risk.” 伊丽莎白轻声说道:“你其实还有另一条路可以走,不需要冒这么大的风险。” So long as Xu Cheng acts, the ease can make Shiratsuki Rin obtain the Spiritual God level the strength, does not need to enter the gate of hell to be risky. 只要许诚出手,轻而易举就能够让白月凛获得神灵级的力量,不需要进入地狱之门冒险。 I know that also has a easier choice to wait for me!” “我知道还有更轻松的选择在等着我!” Shiratsuki Rin shows a faint smile: But, that is not I wants!” 白月凛微微一笑:“但是,那不是我想要的!” If she chooses to accept the help of Xu Cheng, then cannot gain ground in front of Akimiya Tsuki for a lifetime. 如果她选择接受许诚的帮助,那在秋宫月面前一辈子都抬不起头。 Elizabeth listened to her having made up mind from the Shiratsuki Rin tone, sighed slightly: I understood, needs to inform Xu Cheng?” 伊丽莎白白月凛的语气中听出了她的决意,微微叹了口气:“我明白了,需要通知一下许诚吗?” Shiratsuki Rin shakes the head, if informs Xu Cheng, he will definitely prevent himself to enter the gate of hell. 白月凛摇了摇头,如果通知许诚,那他肯定会阻止自己进入地狱之门的。 Asked you to help me keep secret.” “拜托你帮我保密。” You are feeling embarrassed me.” “你这是在为难我呀。” Although words saying, Elizabeth has not rejected, stands from the sofa: Then on Let's go. 话虽然这么说,伊丽莎白也没有拒绝,从沙发上站起来:“那就出发吧。 Shiratsuki Rin nods, lifts the hand to summon Magic Ring, passes through Magic Ring with Elizabeth, bridged over the distance of most Earth all of a sudden, arrived at the gate of hell entrance from Winter Palace. 白月凛点了点头,抬手召唤出一个魔环,和伊丽莎白一起穿过魔环,一下子就跨过了大半个地球的距离,从冬宫来到了地狱之门的入口。 Before trading does, Shiratsuki Rin definitely is unable moves such remote distance, the after consciousness of Star Lake arrives to her body, the strength of her bloodlines was also activated thoroughly, now the distance promotes as the power, only misses one step. 换作以前,白月凛肯定是无法移动这么遥远的距离,不过星湖的意识降临到她的身上之后,她的血脉之力也被彻底激活,如今距离升级为权能,也就只差一步而已。 This is also Shiratsuki Rin enters the gate of hell energy, before Xu Cheng went , the strength was not stronger than her. 这也是白月凛进入地狱之门的底气,以前许诚进去的时候,力量并不比她更强。 I have been waiting for you in out of the door.” “我会一直在门外等着你的。” Elizabeth urged to Shiratsuki Rin: Goes morning to return early.” 伊丽莎白白月凛叮嘱道:“早去早回。” Shiratsuki Rin nods, looks is just liking abyss crack the gate of hell at present, she not slightly hesitant, leaps to enter directly. 白月凛点了点头,望着眼前犹如深渊裂缝的地狱之门,她没有丝毫犹豫,直接一跃而入。 When Shiratsuki Rin vanishes in the gate of hell, Elizabeth then said: You determined that she really doesn't have the danger?” 等到白月凛消失在地狱之门中,伊丽莎白这才回头说道:“你确定她真的没有危险吗?” Xu Cheng walks from void: Relax, I determine not to have the danger, dares to make her go.” 许诚从虚空中走出来:“放心吧,我就是确定没有危险,才敢让她进去的。” If Shiratsuki Rin, she will discover oneself every action and every movement here, already in grasping of Xu Cheng. 如果白月凛在这里的话,她会发现自己的一举一动,早就在许诚的掌握之中。 Even, she enters the gate of hell action, is actually Xu Cheng is promoting in secret. 甚至,她进入地狱之门的举动,其实都是许诚在暗中推动的。 Elizabeth to her disclosed that existence of gate of hell, is Akimiya Tsuki to her stimulation, behind this is the arrangements of Xu Cheng. 无论是伊丽莎白向她透露地狱之门的存在,还是秋宫月对她的刺激,这背后都是许诚的安排。 Otherwise, enters the gate of such dangerous action hell, how Elizabeth possibly to help her keep secret. 否则的话,进入地狱之门这么危险的举动,伊丽莎白怎么可能会帮她保密。 I am very curious.” “我很好奇。” The Elizabeth doubts said: At your present strength, to help Shiratsuki Rin to become God, should have many simple methods, why to move unnecessarily?” 伊丽莎白疑惑道:“以你现在的力量,如果想帮助白月凛成神,应该有很多简单的方法,何必多此一举呢?” Xu Cheng walks, with Elizabeth stands side-by-side: Because of me, cures her worry in this way.” 许诚走过来,跟伊丽莎白肩并肩站在一起:“因为我是在用这种方法,治愈她的心病。” Worry?” “心病?” „The view that yes, this sickness, emotional quotient high stronger, the view of lowly emotional quotient is artificial.” “是的,这种病,高情商的说法是要强,低情商的说法是矫情。” The people who the character stronger have this sickness, does not want others' bestowment or the gift, only wants to achieve through own goal. 性格要强的人都有这种病,不想要别人的施舍或赠予,只想通过自己的目标达成。 Akimiya Tsuki also had this sickness, afterward she saw through, the psychological barrier has not accepted the help from Xu Cheng slightly. 秋宫月本来也有这种病,后来她看开了,没有丝毫心理障碍地接受来自许诚的帮助。 But in the Shiratsuki Rin heart also has this sickness, particularly after seeing Akimiya Tsuki turns into Shadow Goddess, the condition was more serious. 白月凛心中还有这种病,尤其是在见到秋宫月变成阴影女神之后,病情就更加严重了。 Therefore Xu Cheng can only select the circuitous method , to promote Shiratsuki Rin to enter the gate of hell in secret, making her gain the strength in the gate of hell, cures her worry indirectly. 所以许诚只能采用迂回的方式,暗中推动白月凛进入地狱之门,让她在地狱之门中获取力量,间接治愈她的心病。 After listening to the explanation of Xu Cheng, Elizabeth is somewhat speechless, she is unable understands this mood. 听完许诚的解释后,伊丽莎白有些无语,她是无法理解这种心情的。 I prepare to go to look, so as to avoid has what accident/surprise.” “我准备进去看一看,免得出什么意外。” Xu Cheng puts out a hand toward Elizabeth: Can come together?” 许诚伊丽莎白伸出手:“要不要一起来?” Is glad utmost.” “乐意之至。” Elizabeth is smiling, grips the hand of Xu Cheng: Said, I delivered your two people, oneself have not gone.” 伊丽莎白微笑着,握住许诚的手:“说起来,我先后把你们两个人送进去,自己还从来没有进去过呢。” Xu Cheng is holding the hand of Elizabeth, leading her to enter to the gate of hell in together. 许诚牵着伊丽莎白的手,带着她一起进入到地狱之门中。 ...... …… After the boundless darkness , the consciousness of Shiratsuki Rin returns gradually. 经过无边的黑暗中,白月凛的意识渐渐回归。 The five senses lost the sensation, but she not flustered, calmly and is waiting for patiently. 五官都失去了感知,不过她没有慌张,冷静且耐心地等待着。 Before entering the gate of hell, she has considered the innumerable plans, regardless of will meet what situation is not panic. 进入地狱之门前,她早就考虑过无数的预案,无论遇上什么情况都不会惊慌失措。 Regarding the security of Elizabeth, Shiratsuki Rin does not care, she even suspected after entered the gate of hell, perhaps Elizabeth will tell this matter immediately to Xu Cheng. 对于伊丽莎白的保密,白月凛并不放在心上,她甚至怀疑等自己进入地狱之门后,伊丽莎白也许马上就会把这件事告诉给许诚 But no matter, she has come, Xu Cheng is fierce, can fish oneself? 但无所谓,她已经进来了,许诚再厉害,难道还能把自己捞出去吗? The darkness vanishes gradually, the Shiratsuki Rin five senses start to return, she hears the sound that makes a tearful scene noisily, the picture in field of vision is gradually bright. 黑暗渐渐消失,白月凛的五官开始回归,她听到嘈杂哭闹的声音,视野中的画面渐渐明亮。 Quick, Shiratsuki Rin discovered, oneself places in a spacious space, over a thousand children gather are weeping and wailing here with one voice, the grown robust man who more than ten wear the mask is guarding in periphery. 很快,白月凛就发现,自己身处在一个宽敞的空间内,上千孩童汇聚在这里齐声哭喊着,十几个戴着口罩的成年壮汉正在周围看守着。 The Shiratsuki Rin surprise blinks, oneself return to young to be seized by Heavenly God Clan unexpectedly. 白月凛诧异地眨了眨眼,自己竟然回到年幼被天神族抓走的时候。 Is here, she and Xu Cheng first meet. 就是在这里,她和许诚的第一次相遇。 The gate of hell makes her come again one time, made up for once regret? 难道地狱之门让她重来一次,弥补曾经的遗憾吗? When the Shiratsuki Rin thinking, a cute young boy pushes the crowd, arrives at her front. 白月凛思索的时候,一个可爱的小男孩挤开人群,来到她的面前。 Shiratsuki Rin decides to look at the young boy, deeply buries in the memory of mind deep place turns to well up suddenly. 白月凛定定看着小男孩,深埋在脑海深处的记忆忽然翻涌而出。 Hey, can you hear me to speak?” “喂,你能听到我说话吗?” Young Xu Cheng holds the hand of Shiratsuki Rin, another hand is rocking before her ; I must take off your pants!” 年幼的许诚牵起白月凛的手,另一只手在她面前晃动着;“我要脱你裤子咯!” Shiratsuki Rin recovers, she opens both hands suddenly, made an effort to grasp Xu Cheng. 白月凛回过神来,她忽然张开双手,用力地抱住了许诚 Xu Cheng is all of a sudden in-situ, then somewhat wants to shove open her flustered. 许诚一下子愣在原地,然后有些慌张地想要推开她。 Waits for, we were first meeting, too quick?” “等一下,我们才第一次见面,是不是太快了?” Shiratsuki Rin loosens Xu Cheng amenable, but firmly grabs his hand not to put. 白月凛顺从地松开许诚,不过却紧紧抓住他的手不放。 Was too quick?” “太快了吗?” She shows a faint smile: Doesn't matter, we have enough time.” 她微微一笑:“没关系,我们有足够的时间。” The Xu Cheng surprise looks at Shiratsuki Rin, felt that she has does not conform to the age the maturity, she is also like oneself, never back and forth to the present? 许诚诧异地看着白月凛,感觉她有着不符合年龄的成熟,难道她也和自己一样,从未来回到现在? Xu Cheng probed several, but Shiratsuki Rin smiles is not speaking. 许诚试探了几句,可是白月凛只是微笑着不说话。 Xu Cheng has to lead her to leave together. 许诚只好带着她一起离开。 Shiratsuki Rin follows cleverly behind Xu Cheng, looks at his back, said in the heart silently. 白月凛乖巧地跟在许诚背后,看着他的背影,在心中默默说道。 This time, changes me to protect you!” “这一次,换我来保护你!” In the distant place that Shiratsuki Rin has not noticed, Xu Cheng and Elizabeth stand, is gazing at two small forms of departure. 白月凛没有注意到的远处,许诚伊丽莎白站在一起,注视着离去的两个小小身影。 The surrounding person looks but not see two people, probably they do not exist. 周围的人都对两人视而不见,好像他们不存在。 Originally you in childhood in this place understanding.” “原来你们小时候是在这种地方认识的。” Elizabeth turns head to look to the Xu Cheng profile. 伊丽莎白扭头看向许诚的侧脸。 Xu Cheng smiles afraid: Yes, has no recourse!” 许诚心虚地一笑:“是啊,迫不得已嘛!” He feared matter that very much then has, will make Elizabeth be mistaken oneself are loli controls. 他很怕接下来发生的事情,会让伊丽莎白误以为自己是萝莉控。 Holds up a baby so it can urinate, takes a bath, inspects physical growth, all sorts of behaviors enough make one choose the warning immediately. 把尿,洗澡,检查身体发育情况,种种行为足够让人在第一时间就选择报警。 Another side, Shiratsuki Rin follows Xu Cheng to go to assign to their prison cells. 另一边,白月凛跟着许诚前往分配给他们的牢房。 On the road, she attempts to use oneself ability, finally discovered although own present ability also not by the Heavenly God Clan seal, but also very small and weak, and is not enough to protect in this environment and Xu Cheng safety. 在路上,她尝试着使用自己的能力,结果发现自己现在的能力虽然还没有被天神族封印,但也十分的弱小,并不足以在这种环境下保护好自己和许诚的安危。 You whether needs: External?” “你是否需要:外挂?” Suddenly, a grinning sound, resounds in the Shiratsuki Rin heart. 忽然间,一个笑嘻嘻的声音,在白月凛的心底响起。 Shiratsuki Rin is quite surprised: How can you here?” 白月凛极为惊讶:“你怎么会在这里?” Her ancestor, follows to enter the gate of hell unexpectedly together. 她的祖先,竟然也跟着一起进入地狱之门。 Why can't I in this?” “为什么我不能在这?” Star Lake laughs: You run away to see my father unexpectedly secretly, my is the daughter, naturally must follow to look at the situation.” 星湖嘻嘻一笑:“你竟然偷偷跑来见我的父亲,我这个做女儿的,当然要跟着进来看情况了。” Own descendant unexpectedly is father's young sweetheart, this relations are true is a little difficult to stretch. 自己的后代竟然是自己父亲的小情人,这关系属实有点难绷。 The Shiratsuki Rin complexion is somewhat embarrassed, she thinks after entering the gate of hell, oneself can get rid of Star Lake. 白月凛的脸色有些难堪,她原以为进入地狱之门后,自己就能摆脱星湖 However changes mind thinks, this ancestor comes just in time! 不过转念一想,这位祖先来得正是时候! Shiratsuki Rin smiles suddenly: Star Lake, you do not hope your father, here was bullied?” 白月凛忽然一笑:“星湖,你也不希望你的父亲,在这里受到欺负吧?” Star Lake: „......” 星湖:“……” Xu Cheng brings Shiratsuki Rin to arrive in the prison cell, just passed through the gate, was occupied by several children here staring. 许诚带着白月凛来到牢房中,刚刚进门,就被住在这里的几个小孩给盯上了。 Although they young, but was detained for a long time, has turned into the violent people. 他们虽然年幼,但是被关押许久,早就变成暴力分子。 Quick, stature grandiose young short and stocky stands, prepares to two rookie demonstration of authority. 很快,一个身材壮硕的小胖墩就站起来,准备给两个新人一个下马威。 Xu Cheng the Shiratsuki Rin protection after behind, will counter-attack, finally at present a flower, Shiratsuki Rin keeps off in his front unexpectedly. 许诚白月凛保护在身后,正要反击,结果眼前一花,白月凛竟然挡在他的面前。 She lifts the hand, Magic Ring emerge out of thin air at present the under feet of these little rascal, throws outside them the prison cell directly. 她抬起手,一个个魔环凭空出现在眼前这几个小鬼的脚下,直接将他们丢出牢房外面。 When she turns around, sees on the Xu Cheng face the shocking expression. 等她转过身来,看到许诚脸上震惊的表情。 Not to Ah! 不对啊! The Xu Cheng whole person was ignorant, if Shiratsuki Rin is so fierce, oneself have no reason to run to protect her from the future specially. 许诚整个人都懵了,白月凛要是这么厉害,那自己没理由专门从未来跑回来保护她。 Do not fear!” “别怕!” Shiratsuki Rin firmly holds the palm of Xu Cheng: I will protect your.” 白月凛紧紧抓住许诚的手掌:“我会保护你的。” Xu Cheng showed the awkward smile. 许诚露出了尴尬的笑容。 Should be obviously I protects you to be right, how situation in turn? 明明应该是我来保护你才对,怎么情况反过来了? Quick, steps on the voice of ground along with the high-heeled shoes, the named Katherine's warden appeared. 很快,伴随着高跟鞋踩踏地面的声音,名为凯瑟琳的监狱长出现了。 She does not have to pay attention to Xu Cheng this pony again, the vision closely is staring at Shiratsuki Rin. 她没有再关注许诚这匹小马,目光紧紧盯着白月凛 Shiratsuki Rin is looking at each other with her fearlessly. 白月凛无所畏惧地与她对视着。 I will feel at ease am treating here, will not try to escape, but you best not annoy me.” “我会安心在这里待着,不会试图逃跑,但你们最好也别惹我。” Although her strength had been strengthened by Star Lake, but is also not enough to resist Heavenly God Clan, requires the enough much time to save the strength. 她的力量虽然已经被星湖强化过,但还不足以对抗天神族,需要足够多的时间来积蓄实力。 Katherine licked the red lip, reveals look that is interested in: I waited.” 凯瑟琳舔了舔红唇,流露出感兴趣的眼神:“那我就拭目以待了。” Said that she turns around to depart, from beginning to end has not looked at Xu Cheng one. 说罢她就转身离去,从头到尾都没有多看许诚一眼。 Then, Shiratsuki Rin and Xu Cheng were arranged to another prison cell area, here detains is these is activated the experiment body of ability. 接下来,白月凛许诚被安排到另一个牢房区,这里关押的都是那些已经被激活能力的实验体。 Under Katherine's guidance, these experiment bodies start to aim at Shiratsuki Rin, openly or covertly launches the attack to her. 在凯瑟琳的引导下,这些实验体都开始针对白月凛,或明或暗地向她发起攻击。 Shiratsuki Rin saves the strength, while resists various attacks with ease. 白月凛一边积蓄力量,一边轻松抵御各种攻击。 Xu Cheng under her asylum, lives just like taking vacation the prison life, has not bumped into any danger. 许诚在她的庇护下,过着宛如度假般的监狱生活,没有碰到任何危险。 But this is not right, he is to make the duty, does not come to the prison to take vacation. 但这不对,他是来做任务的,不是来监狱度假的。 Regardless of but how he inquired, the dog manages a sound not to have. 可无论他怎么询问,狗管理一点动静都没有。 Those who most embarrass Xu Cheng is every night, Shiratsuki Rin must take a bath with him together. 最让许诚难堪的是每天晚上,白月凛都要跟他一起洗澡。 Comes in Ah! “进来啊! Has removed completely Shiratsuki Rin of clothes to stand in the bathroom, like strange aunt greeting young basin friend. 已经脱光衣服的白月凛站在浴室中,就像怪阿姨在招呼小盆友一样。 Therefore, in future Xu Cheng and Elizabeth, under the gaze of Star Lake, young Xu Cheng strips off the clothes coyly, enters in the bathroom, takes a bath with Shiratsuki Rin. 于是,在未来的许诚伊丽莎白,还有星湖的注视下,年幼的许诚扭扭捏捏地脱光衣服,进入浴室中,和白月凛一起洗澡。 Elizabeth is very surprised: Your childhood relations already such?” 伊丽莎白十分惊讶:“你们小时候的关系就已经这么好吗?” Xu Cheng showed the awkward expression, does not know how should explain. 许诚露出了尴尬的表情,不知道该怎么解释。 Was the childhood he is helping Shiratsuki Rin take a bath? 难道说小时候是他在帮白月凛洗澡的? Is considered as the copper smelting master with it, is misunderstood now like this quite well. 与其被认为是炼铜术士,还是现在这样被误会比较好。 The time passes rapidly, even if Shiratsuki Rin has concealed the strength, but she fights all over unmatched in the world in the prison, no experiment body dares to be hostile with her, new Ringo also turned into her little fan younger sister. 时间飞速流逝,哪怕白月凛已经隐瞒实力,可她还是在监狱中打遍天下无敌手,没有哪个实验体敢跟她敌对,新来的林檎也变成了她的小迷妹。 But young Xu Cheng totally has also given up struggling, mixes to eat to wait for death under the asylum of Shiratsuki Rin directly. 而年幼的许诚也已经彻底放弃挣扎,直接在白月凛的庇护下混吃等死。 Several years later, saw that the Shiratsuki Rin strength is getting stronger and stronger, warden Katherine prepares to apply for the help of Heavenly God Clan, the Shiratsuki Rin strength seal. 几年之后,眼看白月凛的力量越来越强大,监狱长凯瑟琳准备申请天神族的帮助,将白月凛的力量封印。 But several years later, Shiratsuki Rin had also grasped the strength of own bloodlines thoroughly. 而几年下来,白月凛也已经彻底掌握了自己的血脉之力。 She no longer played the role of the pig to eat the tiger, brings Xu Cheng and Ringo starts to escape from prison. 她不再扮猪吃老虎了,带着许诚林檎开始越狱。 How possibly?!!” “怎么可能?!!” Cut and bruised Katherine Station in the ruins, sent out unable to accept the realistic squeal. 遍体鳞伤的凯瑟琳站在废墟中,发出了无法接受现实的尖叫声。 She brings people to want the Shiratsuki Rin seal, finally the opposite party sticks out suddenly suddenly, will put in order a prison to destroy directly. 她带人想要将白月凛封印,结果对方突然暴起,直接将整座监狱都破坏掉。 Nothing is impossible!” “没有什么不可能的!” Shiratsuki Rin puts out a hand, summons Magic Ring, slivers the fragment Katherine directly. 白月凛伸出手,召唤魔环,直接将凯瑟琳切成碎块。 She has turned around, greets Ringo that just like confusing younger sister's worship vision, but Xu Cheng thorough was numb in one side. 她转过身,迎接林檎那宛如迷妹的崇拜目光,而许诚在一旁彻底麻木了。 What overbearing female president did I astray or the Mary time line? 我是不是误入了什么霸道女总裁或者玛丽苏的时间线? Stood is also speechless in Xu Cheng and Elizabeth of distant place. 站在远处的许诚伊丽莎白也无语了。 The gate of hell is so obviously dangerous, why after Shiratsuki Rin comes , seems like taking vacation equally with ease? 地狱之门明明那么危险,为什么白月凛进来后就像是在度假一样轻松? Grasped Star Lake this external Shiratsuki Rin, sweeps away all barriers, then brings Xu Cheng and Ringo leaves the prison, returns to Japan. 掌握了星湖这个外挂的白月凛,横扫一切障碍,然后带着许诚林檎离开监狱,返回日本。 When Shiratsuki Rin found own foster parents, young Xu Cheng is about quietly to leave, finally actually by Shiratsuki Rin stopping up. 白月凛找到了自己的养父母时,年幼的许诚正准备悄悄离开,结果却被白月凛给堵住了。 The look that she uses to ponder looks at Xu Cheng, the faint smile: You want to leave me, when more than ten years later met with me?” 她用玩味的眼神看着许诚,似笑非笑:“你想离开我,等十几年后再跟我见面?” Seen through Xu Cheng is awkward: No, I am just about to have the matter, prepares to go out some time.” 被识破的许诚一脸尴尬:“没有,我只是正要有事,准备出门一段时间而已。” The smile on Shiratsuki Rin face disappears does not see: „It is not accurate, you can only side me, which not permit!” 白月凛脸上的笑容消失不见:“不准,你只能在我身边,哪都不准去!” She can come with great difficulty heavily one time, naturally must more regret in bushing, not make Xu Cheng leave oneself more than ten years is so long again. 她好不容易才能够重来一次,当然要弥补心中的遗憾,不会再让许诚离开自己十几年那么久。 Xu Cheng does not certainly want, but present he is not the Shiratsuki Rin opponent, was overpowered after by her directly, closed/pass. 许诚当然不愿意,可现在的他根本就不是白月凛的对手,直接被她制服后关起来了。 Shiratsuki Rin locks Xu Cheng in the side plays to foster, several years later he also accepted fate thoroughly. 白月凛许诚锁在身边玩养成,几年后他也就彻底认命了。 After all runs and cannot run away, hits and cannot be victorious, that can only the level. 毕竟跑又跑不掉,打又打不过,那就只能躺平呗。 Depends the Prophet advantage, Shiratsuki Rin enters in Spirit Particle Grave to gain the God Slayer strength ahead of time, she prepares first to bring with, later gives back to Xu Cheng. 仗着先知的优势,白月凛提前进入灵子墓中获取弑神者的力量,她准备先拿来用一下,以后再还给许诚 Later, Shiratsuki Rin enters Takamagahara, convinced Amaterasu to cooperate with her. 之后,白月凛进入高天原,说服天照与她合作。 With the assistance of Amaterasu, she will hide to tempt in Xu Fu in secret, then defeats Xu Fu. 紧接着,在天照的协助下,她将躲藏在暗中的徐福引诱出来,然后击败徐福 This fight bad risk, Shiratsuki Rin faced the Life danger very several times. 这场战斗十分凶险,白月凛数次面临生命危险。 Xu Cheng and Elizabeth want to intend to assist several times, but Shiratsuki Rin depends upon own strength to turn defeat into victory finally. 许诚伊丽莎白几次想要出手协助,但白月凛最后还是依靠自己的力量反败为胜。 After defeats Xu Fu, Shiratsuki Rin attained Artificial God Heart. 击败徐福后,白月凛拿到了人造神之心 She goes to Eastern Europe, found another Spirit Particle Grave, attained God Slayer another strength. 她前往东欧,找到了另一座灵子墓,拿到了弑神者的另一份力量。 Afterward, Shiratsuki Rin looked for international Super Power Association, took the powerful strength to receive the association for oneself has. 随后,白月凛找上了国际超能协会,以强大的力量将协会收为己有。 Several years later, World Tree crashes, Shiratsuki Rin contacts various group of Spiritual God that regains consciousness in secret, combined threats with inducements to force them to cooperate. 十几年后,世界树崩塌,白月凛暗中联络上苏醒的各路神灵,威逼利诱迫使他们合作。 This time Heavenly God Clan is completely ignorant, world collection god's heart, preparation resurrecting Saint. 此时的天神族还茫然无知,正在满世界收集神之心,准备复活圣者 But Shiratsuki Rin brings Super Power Association to attack and occupy Bestower of Death Mt. Radiance, and found to take revenge Akimiya Tsuki that to the grandfather rushes about. 白月凛已经带着超能协会攻占了赐死者光明山,并且找到正在为了向祖父复仇而奔波的秋宫月 You said that I am the Shadow Goddess state of mind?” “你说我是阴影女神的神魂?” Akimiya Tsuki is pointing at itself with the hand, the whole face does not dare to believe. 秋宫月用手指着自己,满脸都是不敢置信。 No matter you do believe that waited to see the Shadow Goddess god's heart, you can understand all.” “不管你信不信,等见到了阴影女神的神之心,你就能明白一切。” Shiratsuki Rin enjoys by the magnanimous attitude and Akimiya Tsuki dialogue. 白月凛非常享受以高姿态和秋宫月对话。 Akimiya Tsuki pondered for a long time, looked suddenly to standing in Shiratsuki Rin Xu Cheng, asked: Who is he?!” 秋宫月沉思了许久,忽然看向站在白月凛身旁的许诚,问道:“他是谁?!” He is my husband!” “他是我的丈夫!” Some Shiratsuki Rin stress reactions, put out a hand to grasp Xu Cheng: Our love, do not want to skid my corner very!” 白月凛有些应激反应,伸手将许诚抱住:“我们夫妻俩十分恩爱,你别想撬我的墙角!” Akimiya Tsuki showed the angry expression, she spoke thoughtlessly asked that does this woman slander her to work as three unexpectedly slightly? 秋宫月露出了着恼的表情,她只是随口一问而已,这个女人竟然污蔑她会当小三? Xu Cheng has totally given up struggling, because the dog management did not give him to end the duty the opportunity. 许诚已经彻底放弃挣扎了,因为狗管理根本就不给他结束任务的机会。 Hey!” “喂!” Star Lake was instead discontented: Doesn't the opportunity that your my parents know give? I what to do?” 星湖反而不满起来了:“你连我爸妈认识的机会都不给吗?那我怎么办?” This is false.” “这都是假的。” Shiratsuki Rin is also very discontented: „Do I satisfy a craving in the false history am not good?” 白月凛也十分不满:“难道我连在虚假的历史中过一把瘾都不行吗?” Star Lake was speechless immediately. 星湖顿时无话可说了。 Distant place, Elizabeth with pondering the expression looks at Xu Cheng, but Xu Cheng holds the volume directly, has been speechless. 远处,伊丽莎白用玩味的表情看着许诚,而许诚直接扶额,已经无话可说了。 Shiratsuki Rin doubtful Akimiya Tsuki will lead into the shadow mystical place, retrieves to be her god's heart and power. 白月凛将半信半疑的秋宫月带入阴影秘境中,找回属于她的神之心和权能。 Hence, Shiratsuki Rin spends for more than ten years, has been building an influence on stretch across the entire Earth in secret, has massive Spiritual God as the top battle efficiency strong organization. 至此,白月凛花费十几年的时间,已经在暗中打造出一个势力横跨整个地球,拥有大量神灵作为顶尖战斗力的超强组织。 In some day of glorious weather, Shiratsuki Rin leads the gods, starts the war to Heavenly God Clan, exterminates it at one fell swoop, opportunity that Golden Supreme King or Saint, have not reactivated. 在风和日丽的某天,白月凛率领众神,向天神族发起战争,一举将其剿灭,无论是黄金至高王还是圣者,都没有复活的机会。 Later, Shiratsuki Rin collects the World Tree fragment, and returns god's heart and God Slayer power by her, as soon as strips Xu Cheng that flies. 之后,白月凛收集世界树碎片,并且将神之心和弑神者的权能都返还给被她一路带飞的许诚 With the assistance of dog management, Xu Cheng plants World Tree in own within the body, then defeats World Tree consciousness of Great Lord. 在狗管理的协助下,许诚在自己的体内种下世界树,然后击败世界树中的伟大之主的意识。 Finally, under the testimonies of god, Shiratsuki Rin and Xu Cheng held an extremely grand wedding 最后,在众神的见证下,白月凛许诚举行了一场极为盛大的婚礼 Other Akimiya Tsuki women, can only be the observer to appear, no one can rob with her. 无论是秋宫月还是其他女人,都只能作为旁观者出现,没有人可以跟她抢夺。 Finally finished......” “终于结束了……” The hell out, Xu Cheng and Elizabeth look at each other one, sees each other exclamation in eye. 地狱之门外,许诚伊丽莎白对视一眼,都看到彼此眼中的惊叹。 Two people have not thought, Shiratsuki Rin can do unexpectedly such well. 两人都没有想到,白月凛竟然能干得这么好。 In the Xu Cheng heart even emits a thought that the person who if the dog management chose initially is Shiratsuki Rin, will that result be better? 许诚心中甚至冒出一个念头,如果狗管理当初选择的人是白月凛,那结局是不是会更好一点? No, to him is not good. 不,对他来说一点都不好。 If Shiratsuki Rin attains the supervisor, that Xu Cheng can only be forced to turn into the pure love party from the harem party, enters to his injured world! 如果白月凛拿到管理器,那许诚就只能从后宫党被迫变成纯爱党,进入到一个只有他受伤的世界! She came out!” “她出来了!” Xu Cheng and Elizabeth look up to the gate of hell, saw that Shiratsuki Rin comes out from inside. 许诚伊丽莎白抬头看向地狱之门,看到白月凛从里面出来。 Sees Xu Cheng here, Shiratsuki Rin is not surprised, instead the both hands fork waist, said with the dangerous smile: Dear, how can you here?” 见到许诚在这里,白月凛一点也不惊讶,反而双手叉腰,用危险的笑容说道:“亲爱的,你怎么会在这里?” She shot a look at Elizabeth: Is hiding the truth from me, with this Winter Goddess appointment?” 她瞥了一眼伊丽莎白:“难道是瞒着我,跟这位冬之女神约会吗?” Xu Cheng knows Shiratsuki Rin before oneself is the same, fell into the gate of hell false life unable to extricate oneself. 许诚知道白月凛和自己之前一样,陷入到了地狱之门中虚假的人生无法自拔。 He walks directly, shoulders Shiratsuki Rin. 他直接走过去,将白月凛扛起来。 Shiratsuki Rin is startled, is whipping the shoulder of Xu Cheng with the hand: „Do you want to do? Puts me to get down quickly!” 白月凛吃了一惊,用手拍打着许诚的肩膀:“你要干嘛?快放我下来!” In the gate of hell, after she saves the world, Xu Cheng thoroughly turns into the family to boil the husband, cherishes the respect about her, never has such arbitrary time. 在地狱之门中,她拯救世界后,许诚就彻底变成家庭煮夫,对她也十分爱护尊重,从来没有这么蛮横的时候。 Does? Naturally does you!” “干什么?当然是干你!” Xu Cheng looked on for more than ten years in the hell, has suppressed a lot of anger, wants to revive the husband outline! 许诚在地狱之中旁观了十几年,早就憋了一肚子火气,想要重振夫纲! His palm of the hand claps ruthlessly on the buttocks of Shiratsuki Rin, lets her honestly. 他狠狠一巴掌拍在白月凛的屁股上,让她老实一点。 Shiratsuki Rin was hit to wake by this palm of the hand, realized oneself had left the gate of hell. 白月凛被这一巴掌打醒过来,才意识到自己已经离开了地狱之门。 She is somewhat moved, but also the feeling somewhat loses face, lies on the shoulder of Xu Cheng motionless. 她有些怅然若失,还感觉有些丢脸,趴在许诚的肩膀上一动不动。 Elizabeth smiles to say in the one side: I did not disturb you.” 伊丽莎白在一旁笑眯眯说道:“那我就不打扰你们了。” Came, together.” “来都来了,一起吧。” Xu Cheng grabs the hand of Elizabeth, makes an effort in her screams, draws in her own bosom. 许诚抓住伊丽莎白的手,在她的惊呼声中用力一拉,将她拖入自己的怀抱中。 No!” “别!” Elizabeth is struggling panic-stricken, but the next second was shouldered around the middle by Xu Cheng. 伊丽莎白惊慌失措地挣扎着,但下一秒就被许诚拦腰扛起来。 His turns around, carries two women to return to Winter Palace belongs to the Elizabeth bedroom, makes an effort to throw two people on the bed. 他一个转身,扛着两个女人返回到冬宫属于伊丽莎白的卧室中,将两人用力丢在床上。
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