SISWMR :: Volume #8

#712: The new book revised completes.

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The new book revised completes. 新书修改完成了。 The new book slightly makes the modification besides second Chapter 3, other plots revise completely, the person of female role supposed with the presence order also made a change. 新书除了第二第三章略作改动以外,其余剧情全部修改,女角色的人设和出场顺序也做了个改变。 I do not know that changes everyone also to satisfy, but since the new book is unsatisfied, that can only change. 我不知道改完大家还能不能满意,但既然新书都不满意,那就只能改了。 Thought original text chapters of revisions, but this must review was too troublesome, therefore opens the new book directly, this applied to terminate, everyone can step to collect another itself/Ben. 本想原文一章章修改,但这样还得重新审核太麻烦了,所以直接开新的书,这本就申请完结了,大家可以移步收藏另外一本。 Book title «Vampire Does not die of Curse» 书名《吸血鬼不死于诅咒》 Synopsis: 简介: Shen Cheng passes through to the patient on, to treat an illness turns into the vampire on own initiative, actually the accident/surprise caught the curse. 沈诚穿越到白血病患者身上,为了治病主动变成吸血鬼,却意外染上了诅咒。 However doesn't matter, gives him a gold/metal finger, how he can teach all vampires to cultivate the behavior. 但是没关系,给他一个金手指,他可以教所有吸血鬼如何做人。 Gives him again a gold/metal kidney, he can make the girlfriends respond the national triplets policy. 再给他一个金腰子,他能让女友们响应国家三胎政策。 He only need make a move slightly, is the limits of all demons and monsters. 他只需略微出手,就已经是所有妖魔鬼怪的极限。 Renowned five-star general MacArthur comments: Shen Cheng is I sees has also most spoken the polite vampire powerful, was he prevented mores of society are declining daily demise of morals, all blood kings should abdicate to give up one's post to a more qualified person, making Shen Cheng mount the immortal throne, brought a stressing civilization and fostering new practices to the world the new wave.” 著名五星上将麦克阿瑟对此评价道:“沈诚是我见过最强大也最讲礼貌的吸血鬼,是他阻止了世风日下道德沦丧,所有鲜血君王都应该退位让贤,让沈诚登上不朽王座,给世界带来一场讲文明树新风的新潮流。” Large-scale documentary film «Vampire Does not die of Curse», is continue broadcast for you. 大型纪录片《吸血鬼不死于诅咒》,正在持续为您播出。 ...... …… Spare book title «My Girlfriends Are Demons and monsters» 备用书名《我的女友都是妖魔鬼怪》 Synopsis: 简介: My No. 1 girlfriend is in a family/home the squatting vampire, is the renowned little yellow writing author, she easily can let innumerable reader hand crotch simultaneous/uniform to rush. 我的一号女友是一个家里蹲吸血鬼,也是著名小黄文作者,她轻易就能让无数读者手裆齐冲。 My No. 2 girlfriend is a mysterious female investigator, her hobby sweets, likes looking at little yellow writing, frequently drew in the small black room to press out three days and three nights me. 我的二号女友是一个神秘的女调查员,她嗜好甜食,也爱看小黄文,经常把我拖进小黑屋里榨个三天三夜。 My No. 3 girlfriend is an iceberg cold beautiful woman, is a talent scientist, but I divide do not have several her clearly, because she has many slices, but also likes also slivering the piece me. 我的三号女友是一个冰山冷美人,也是一个天才科学家,但我分不清楚有几个她,因为她有很多切片,还喜欢把我也切成片。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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