With the warm-heartedhelp of robber, Xu Chengarrived around the Santa Mariacathedralquickly.
在劫匪的热心帮助下,许诚很快就来到了圣玛利亚大教堂附近。Inneighborisin a jet blacksituation, Santa Mariacathedralactuallybrilliantly illuminated, the lightprojectsfrom the stained glass of window, brings the colorfulbrilliance, is very strikingin the darkness.
The entirecathedraldoes not look like the design of traditionalchurchthattype of apex, butis the pure whiteoutward appearance of block, the areais huge
整个大教堂并非像传统教堂那种尖顶的款式,而是方块形的洁白外观,占地面积巨大Side the front dooris also standing and waiting for a long timein the HosokawaGarcia'sweakresembles that the Warring States periodsacrificed.
大门侧面还伫立着在战国时代牺牲的细川加西亚的凋像。Outside the churchis stoppingmanyvehicles, wears the person of black clothesinnearbypatrol, the wanderer who the action of driving awayapproaches, will also open fire.
教堂外停着不少车辆,还有很多身穿黑衣的人正在附近巡逻,驱赶靠近的流浪者,甚至还会开枪。Peripheralby the ruins and wanderer who the disasterdestroys, represents the benevolentcathedralto be perfect, is actually driving away the homeless personto approach, reallysatirized.
The words that wantsto submergeare not difficult, butmission requirementsXu Chenggets so far as the written invitation, he can only wait forin the outsidepatience.
想要潜入的话并不难,但任务要求许诚弄到请帖,他只能在外面耐心等待着。Occasionallywill havesomevehiclesto approach, after showing the written invitation, entersto the church.
偶尔会有一些车辆靠近,出示请帖后进入到教堂内部。Shortly, alsoyouth who is riding the motorcycletowardchurch.
没多久,又有一个骑着摩托车的青年向着教堂而来。Howeverin the field of visionjustsaw the bright of cathedral, hesees the dead aheadto present a person, keeps offinroute that in the motorcyclewent forward.
不过视野中刚刚看到大教堂的亮光,他就看到正前方出现一个人,挡在了摩托车前进的路线上。On the youthfacerevealsto sneer, not onlyhas not stopped, insteadspeeds up the accelerator, the motorcyclesends out a roaringfilial piety, hitsruthlesslytoward the frontperson.
Before the disaster, although the youthawakened the ability, butdoes not have the criminal case, doesmanydoes a changeusing the abilitytooneself.
After the disasterapproaches, the ability of youthsuddenlybecomesverystrong.
等到灾难来临后,青年的能力忽然变得很强。Whenheuses the abilityto tryforhimselfto gain the commodity, but after withoutreceivinganypenalty, startedonce started , it can hardly stop.
当他利用能力试图为自己获取物资,而没有受到任何惩罚后,就开始一发不可收拾了。For several days, the youthchanged a personthoroughly, dies the human lifein his handsto haveseveral.
短短几天,青年就彻底变了一个人,死在他手里的人命已经有好几条。Hestartsto plunder the commodityusing the abilitywantonly, money, the woman, is trampling the originalmoral bottom line, regards asdoes not haveLife the thing, embraces the world of thisanarchythoroughly.
他开始利用能力大肆掠夺物资,金钱,女人,践踏着原先的道德底线,将生命视为无物,彻底拥抱这个无政府的世界。Facing the person of stop, tradesto be the beforehandyouthonlyto stoporavoid, grinding that buthe can only laughnowin the past.
面对阻拦的人,换做以前青年只会停下或者躲开,但他现在只会哈哈大笑的碾过去。Saw that the motorizedfront surfacehits, Xu Chenglifts the handto grasp, the motor that will speed awayforcefullyhigh-speedstops.
The motorstops, but the powerfulinertiamakes the youth on seatsoar, has flownfrom the Xu Chengtop of the head, numerousfallingbeyondseveralmeters.
The youthfelt that oneselfwaist seemed to be broken, exudes a painfulpitiful yellsound.
青年感觉自己的腰似乎被摔断了,发出一声痛苦之极的惨叫声。Xu Chengputs down the motorto walk, the calling out pitifullyyouth, lifts the handto flingsuddenly, a neck of invisiblewindbladecourageoustangentialXu Cheng.许诚放下摩托走过来,正在惨叫的青年,忽然抬手一甩,一道无形的风刃勐地切向许诚的脖子。Helifted the handto wieldwielding, likeaction of driving awayfly, the windblade that will comecrushes.
The youthsneak attacked the successfuljoyfulcolorjustto reveal, immediatelyturned intodamnexpression.
“我投降!”„Grass, do Igrowoneto kindly treat the face of captive?”
After severalminutes, Xu Chengmadefinallyfrom the youthmouth, evening banquetnotbyWorship God Secret Meeting, butconvenedin the name ofcathedral.
The object of invitation, isAbility User that Osakatheseshow talent for the first time, the content of evening banquetisto invitethemcomesto rebuild the ordertogether.
邀请的对象,都是大坂市这些崭露头角的能力者,晚宴的内容是邀请他们来一起重建秩序。SuchcontentmakesmanyAbility Userbe interested . Moreover the cathedralalsoexposedcertainstrength, theyare willingto keep an appointment.
这样的内容让很多能力者感兴趣,而且大教堂也展露了一定的实力,他们才愿意赴约。Otherwise, nowtheseunabledo not havedayAbility User, whyto respond a church, will play the youngboydepending on the fathers?
After thisfailed to studyyouthprocesses, Xu Chengexchangeshisface, rides the Santa Mariacathedral of motorizedtowarddistant placeto drive.
Before arriving at the churchfront door, hetakes out the invitationfrom the bosom, gives the entrance the father who welcomes the guest.
来到教堂大门前,他从怀里取出邀请函,交给门口正在迎接客人的神父。„Mister, invitationnotwrong.”
The fatherhas the apology: „Reason that because the beforehandsomepeoplecause trouble, but alsopleasedisplay the ability, confirms the status.”
神父带着歉意道:“不过因为之前有人闹事的缘故,还请您施展能力,验证一下身份。”Xu Chenghas not refused, to lift a handball, the tinyastral windwas shotto go outbyhimtogether, just like the sharp blade, cutstogether the gashon the ground.许诚也没有拒绝,抬手一弹,一道细小的罡风被他弹出去,宛如利刃般,在地上切出一道深痕。Cancontrol the windto formAbility User of sharp blade, is not wrong.
The fatherfelt relieved,smilesis invitingXu Chengto enterin the cathedral.
神父放下心来,微笑着邀请许诚进入大教堂内。Goes from the front door, comingis a brilliantly illuminatedauditorium, under the station of the cross of keeping aloof, is standing a row of nun.
从大门进去,迎面而来的就是一个灯火通明的大礼堂,高高在上的耶稣受难像下方,站着一排修女。Butthesenunsyoungpretty, is graceful, the facial featurescontain the spring.
但这些修女一个个年轻貌美,身材窈窕,眉眼含春。Does not seem like any propernun, is more liketechnician who opens the doorto receive a guest.
The fathersmiledwas giving a hand signal of invitationtoXu Cheng: „Pleasechoose a nun, leadingyouto tour the Santa Mariacathedral, youwill pass a happynight.”
神父微笑着对许诚做了一个请的手势:“请挑选一位修女,带您游览圣玛利亚大教堂,你们会度过一个美好夜晚的。”My goodness, is not only a technician, even the competitioncame out, your cathedralalsoconcurrent jobofficebusiness?
The fathertoneis ambiguous, suggestingXu Chengcando anything tothesenuns.
神父语气暧昧,暗示许诚可以对这些修女做任何事。ButXu Cheng is to make the dutytonight, the sidedoes not wantwithsuch an informer, moreoverhewasevery daydailybyHoshizaki Yukina of goddesslevel, cannot take a likingtothesecommonfatvulgarpowders.
“抱歉。”Xu Chengturns down saying: „Ido not like the woman.”许诚婉拒道:“我不喜欢女人。”Somefatheras ifexpectations, pattedclappingearly, oneteam of youngcharmingmalememberwalkfrom the side gate, is the statureselectshigh, the physiqueis tall and straight, is doubtabletheywhetherhas the concurrent jobin the cowherd boyshop.
The fathergives the hand signal that pleasechoosetowardXu Cheng.
神父朝许诚做了一个请挑选的手势。Xu Chengopens mouth, saidtohim: „Ido not like the man.”许诚张了张嘴,对他说道:“我也不喜欢男人。”
The fatherfrownsthinking, thenhit a soundto refer , a chestgreatlyprettynunwalked.
神父蹙眉思索,然后打了个响指,一位胸大貌美的修女走进来。Xu Chenglooksagainto the father: „Isaiddoes not want the woman.”许诚再次看向神父:“我说不要女人的。”„Mister.”
The chestgreatlyprettynunwhole faceis shy, says a Zhang Feivoice: „Othersare not a woman.”
胸大貌美的修女满脸羞涩,说出一口张飞嗓音:“人家不是女人哦。”Xu Cheng: „......”许诚:“……”Histhoroughclothing/taking, thiswasdemons and monsters where onlooked.
他彻底服了,这都是上哪找来的妖魔鬼怪。Refusedto get down to perhapsagainbe suspected, the evil that oneselfmade can only withstand, Xu Chenghasto choosethischestgreatlypretty‚nun’.
再拒绝下去恐怕要被怀疑了,自己造的孽只能自己承受,许诚只好选这位胸大貌美的‘修女’。Nunhappyis hugging the hand of Xu Cheng, leadinghimto leave the auditorium, entersto the interior of cathedral.
The churchareais broad, the inner spaceendurescompared with the museum . Moreover the historical relics of somereallymanyreligionsare displaying.
教堂占地面积广阔,内部空间堪比博物馆,而且还真有很多宗教的历史文物在展览。InXu Chengthinks when thisshouldbe only a vegetariantravel, in the cornerbroadcast the sound of being revolting to the earfaintly, shouldbesomeinvitedAbility Usercould not wait, with the communicationexchangereligious culture of nunlost/carryingdistance.
“先生……”Xu Chengnuncoquettish looklike the silk, gathersnearhisear, saidin a low voice: „Othersinflated.”许诚身旁的修女媚眼如丝,凑到他耳边,低声道:“人家膨胀了哦。”Xu Chengshoves openher: „Inflatedrubbed the sandpaper, do not cometo look forme.”许诚一把推开她:“膨胀了就去磨砂纸,别来找我。”Hea littledistressedfleeing to the wilderness, overestimatedowncarrying capacity.
The nunis not angry, insteadlicked the redlip, excitedwith.
修女并不生气,反而舔了舔红唇,兴奋的跟上去。Eachamateurfrom the beginningis the attitude of thisdiscrimination, buttheyimmersedafterwardunableextricates oneself.
After visitcathedral, Xu Chengwas being led the top layer that arrived at the cathedral, the evening banquetis heldhere.
参观完大教堂后,许诚被带领着来到了大教堂的顶层,晚宴就在这里举行。MuchinvitedAbility Userhas arrived here, becomes the evening banquetfishy, bad people running wild.
The groundthrewcompletelyfood and trash, Ability Userclamorsloudly, acted like a fool, evenalsosomepeople conducted lost/carryingdistanceexchangewith the nunat the scene, ignored the line of sight of others.
地上丢满了食物和垃圾,能力者们大声喧哗,丑态百出,甚至还有人当场就和修女进行负距离交流,不顾旁人的视线。Looks here luxuriousarrangement, Worship God Secret Meetingshouldwantto hold a bigonevening banquet, is full of the highatmosphere, inviteesneatly and immaculately dressedwell-manneredthat.
The resultcameonegroup of nouveau riches, turns into the joyhouse the churchdirectly.
结果来了一群暴发户,直接把教堂变成窑子。TheseAbility Userexperience the unrestrainedhappinessafter the disastermostly, exposesone side the wickedhuman nature, naturallyis not willingto obeywhatruleagain.
这些能力者大部分在灾难后体验到无拘无束的美好,暴露出恶的人性一面,当然不愿意再遵守什么规则。Althoughwithexpectedincompatible, but the churchhas not prevented, insteadgreets with a smile, whateverthisgroup of peoplevented.
虽然与预期不符,但教堂也并未阻止,反而笑脸相迎,任由这群人发泄。ThismakesXu Chengquitestrange, althoughthiscrowd of Ability Userare very strong, buton average is also the Ryo Uehararank, but the Worship God Secret Meetingstrengthis not weak, whateverhowtheywill act sloppilylike this.
这让许诚颇为奇怪,这群能力者虽然很强,但平均也就是上原良级别,而崇神秘会的实力并不弱,怎么会任由他们这样胡来。Xu Chengthinks, whilewaits and sees, seeks for the Akimiya Tsukiform.许诚一边思索,一边四下观望,寻找秋宫月的身影。
……Akimiya Tsukisecuresits in meditationin the corner, is alooffacing the fishysituationat present.秋宫月安静坐在角落里,面对眼前乌烟瘴气的情况无动于衷。Onherfacewears a falseface, turns into the negative number the facevalue, in the clothesalsoforces ina lot offilling materials, oneselfwill turn into a fatuglyfull-figured woman.
她脸上戴着一张假脸,把颜值变成负数,衣服内也塞进大量的填充物,将自己变成一个胖胖的丑陋肥婆。Suchappearance, naturallymakesmanypeoplekeep at a respectful distance, no onedisturbs.
这样的外貌,自然让许多人敬而远之,无人打扰。In order tomix inthisevening banquet, Akimiya Tsukithinks of every meansto build the personto supposeahead of timesome time, receives the invitation.
为了混入这个晚宴,秋宫月可是提前一段时间费尽心思打造人设,才收到邀请函。According toherthoroughinvestigationin the Osaka, Worship God Secret Meeting the first time was notheld the evening banquet, before the disaster, will periodically hold the evening banquetin the name ofchurchoccasionally.
根据她在大坂的深入调查,崇神秘会并不是第一次举办晚宴了,在灾难发生前,就偶尔会以教会的名义定期举办晚宴。Herbest friendIto Rika, attended the evening banquet that Worship God Secret Meetingheld after initiallymissing.
她的闺蜜尹藤梨香,当初就是参加了崇神秘会举办的晚宴后才失踪的。Arakawa WentaidispatchesIto Rikato assassinate the killerfromheadquarters, finallysheactually the killerswithheadquartersattended the evening banquettogether, is missing.荒川文泰派遣尹藤梨香暗杀来自总部的杀手,结果她却和总部的杀手们一起参加了晚宴,然后下落不明。Not onlythisis relatedwithWorship God Secret Meeting, inheritsrelated to the assassin, the killer who because the headquarterscome, for the whereabouts that to trace the assassininherits.
这不仅和崇神秘会有关,也涉及到刺客传承,因为总部来的杀手,就是为了追查刺客传承的下落。Because the situationis complex, cannot obtainwhatclueby the investigationonly, Akimiya Tsukimustparticipate in the evening banquetpersonally, can actually clarifyonIto Rikato haveanything.
因为情况过于复杂,单靠调查已经得不到什么线索,秋宫月必须亲自参与晚宴,才能弄清楚尹藤梨香身上究竟发生了什么。However, the Akimiya Tsukipresentattentionis not at the evening banquet, butonanotherwoman.
不过,秋宫月现在的注意力并不在晚宴上,而是在另一个女人身上。Thatisstrangemen and women, securesits in meditationin the corner, does not exchangewith others.
那是一对陌生男女,安静坐在角落里,也不和其他人交流。Akimiya Tsukiafterwomanlooks at each otherone, each otherhas a specialfamiliarity, sawboth sidesto make the camouflage.秋宫月与其中的女人对视一眼后,彼此都有一种特殊的熟悉感,也都看出双方做过了伪装。Two peopleuse the lookto exchangesilently for severalseconds, Akimiya Tsukisets outto leave.
After thatwoman and malecompanionexchangeone, sets outto leave.
那个女人与男同伴交流一句后,也起身离开。In the ladies' room, Akimiya Tsukiwaited for a meeting, heard the sound of footstepsto turn head, seesthatwomanwithcoming.
女厕所中,秋宫月等了一会,听到脚步声才回头,看到了那个女人跟进来。both sidesare away fromseveralmeters, silentlylooking at each other, is also opening the mouthsuddenly.
双方隔着几米,默默对视着,忽然同时开口。„New Moon?”
The womenrip the false face that removes the fine hairs from face, reveals a snow whiteelegantface, the pleasant surprisesaid: „Reallyisyou, Ilookedyourlookrecognizes.”
女人撕开脸上的假面,露出一张雪白的俏脸,惊喜道:“果然是你,我一看你的眼神就认出来。”Akimiya Tsukidoes not havemanypleasant surprise, is onlyslightlyfrowns: „Didn't yougo to the headquarters? Whenreturns toJapan.”秋宫月却没有多少惊喜,只是微微蹙眉:“你不是去了总部吗?什么时候回日本的。”
The redspiderisshein the femalekiller who in the trainingbaseknows, Innate Skillunusual, but alsowithoutmakes a debutofficially, was chosenby the headquarters, both sideshave78yearsnot to meet.
红蛛是她在培训基地中认识的女杀手,天赋非常的强,还没有正式出道,就被总部挑选走,双方已经有七八年没见过面。„Naturallyiscomes backto carry out the task.”
The redspiderapproacheswith a smile: „What's wrong? Sees the old friendtrue colorsnotagrees?”
红蛛笑着凑近:“怎么?看到老朋友连真面目都不肯露一下?”Akimiya Tsukislightlyfrowns, butistakes down the falseface.秋宫月微微蹙眉,但还是将假脸取下。Naturally, under the falseface was still the falseface of New Moon, rather thanoriginal feature.
当然,假脸下仍然是新月的假脸,而非本来面目。Butredspiderbyshocking: „Manyyearsdo not see, youunexpectedlybecamesuchattractive.”
The enthusiasm of Akimiya Tsukitoredspiderdoes not adaptvery much, both sidesin the training base are also the nodding acquaintance, toomanyfriendship, cannotrecognizeeach other, because the impressionis profound.秋宫月对红蛛的热情不是很适应,双方在训练基地中也是点头之交而已,并没有太多交情,能够认出彼此,只是因为印象深刻。„Whattask do youcome backto carry out?”
“你回来执行什么任务?”„Ifothersaskedme, Iwill definitely not say, butyouwere different.”
The redspiderdisclosed: „The previousheadquarterssenttwokillersto come toOsakato carry out the taskto be missing, wewereinvestigatethemto fall.”
红蛛透露道:“上次总部派遣两个杀手来大坂执行任务失踪了,我们是来调查他们下落的。”Akimiya Tsukiknows that shehas not saidcompletely, thattwomissingkilleristraces the whereabouts that the assassininherits, thatredspiderdefinitelyalsoinheritsfor the assassin.秋宫月知道她没有说完整,那两个失踪的杀手是来追查刺客传承的下落,那红蛛肯定也是为了刺客传承而来。„You? What do youcome tohereto make?”
“那你呢?你来这里做什么?”„Someprivate affairsmustinvestigate.”
“有些私事要调查。”Two peopleare talking, outsidesuddenlywalks a person, is the escort of redspider, Caucasianyouth who camouflages the person of Asian descent.
“你们……”Hiswordsjustsaidhalf, the visionfallswhen the Akimiya Tsukiface, dumbfoundedslightly, in the eyereveals the obviousshockingfeeling.
“喂!”Redspiderquitediscontentedpinchedhis: „Looks atotherbeautiful womanbeforeme, youdid not fear that Iam jealous?”
The menrecover, are saying with a smile: „Sorry, ItoMoon Clanend the lineageiscurious.”
男人回过神来,笑着道:“抱歉,我只是对月之族的末裔感到好奇而已。”Obviously, the redspiderhad told the Akimiya Tsukistatusa moment agotohim.
显然,刚才红蛛就已经将秋宫月的身份告诉给他。Akimiya Tsukipupillightslightlyonecold, puts on the falsefaceagain: „Sinceyouhave the duty, Ido not disturb.”秋宫月的眸光微微一寒,重新将假脸戴上:“既然你们有任务,那我就不打扰了。”„No rush.”
The redspiderblocksher: „Givesyouto introduce, thisismyboyfriend, Walker. Wade.”
“维德?”Understanding of Akimiya Tsuki the headquartersare not many, butWadethisis surnamedherto know: „Darkassassin?”秋宫月对总部的了解并不多,但维德这个姓她还是知道的:“黑暗刺客?”
The Bestower of Deathheadquartershaveseveraltime-honoredfamilies, hasto be honored as the Wadeclan of darkassassin, excels athanded down in the familyDarkness Secret Technique, canwalk randomlyin the darkness.赐死者总部有好几个历史悠久的家族,其中就有被誉为黑暗刺客的维德一族,擅长家传的黑暗秘术,能够游走在黑暗当中。
A Wadeclanhas hadmanyblack robearchbishopandFifth LayerBreathing Techniquepowerhouse, is a veryprominentfamily.
维德一族出过不少黑袍大主教和五层呼吸法的强者,是一个非常显赫的家族。Redspiderwithhavingglorysaying: „Right, Walkeris a direct linemember of Wadeclan.”
红蛛与有荣焉的说道:“没错,沃克就是维德一族的直系成员。”Walkershows some smiles of acting with constraint: „Thatisfamily'sglory, I must manyefforts, be able to be joined tothissurname.”沃克露出有些矜持的微笑:“那都是家族的荣耀,我还需更多的努力,才能配得上这个姓氏。”
The redspideris holdinghisarm: „Iwill helpyour, dear.”
红蛛抱着他的手臂:“我会帮助你的,亲爱的。”Akimiya Tsuki of mouthdoggrainwas been unemotionalbystops up, has no interestin a Wadeclan: „Youare busy.”
被塞了一嘴狗粮的秋宫月面无表情,对维德一族也没兴趣:“你们忙吧。”Said that bypassestwo peopleto leave the ladies' room.
说完就绕过两人离开女厕。Walkeris staring at the Akimiya Tsukiback, leavestoher.沃克盯着秋宫月的背影,一直到她离开。
The redspiderput out a handto shakeshakingbeforehim: „Personwalked, but alsolook?”
红蛛伸手在他面前晃了晃:“人都走了,还看啊?”Walkerrecovers, spokemeaningfulwords: „The battle that archbishops and goddesssendis very intense.”沃克回过神来,说了一句意味深长的话:“大主教们和女神派的争斗很激烈啊。”
The redspiderholds downhischestwith the hand: „Should younot have a liking formyold friend?”
红蛛用手按住他的胸口:“你该不会看上我的老朋友了吧?”„Did yousay?”
“你说呢?”Walkergrabs the hand of redspider, advances the restroomhercompartmented, pulls downherclothes, lookedat the evening banqueta moment agomet the live broadcast, has madehimsuppressa lot ofanger.沃克抓住红蛛的手,将她推进厕所隔间,扒下她的衣服,刚才在晚宴上看了一会现场直播,早就让他憋着一肚子的火气。
The redspiderdeeplybends the waist, turn headlicked the redlip, the coquettish looksuch assaid: „Icanhelpyoutakeher.”
红蛛深深弯下腰,回头舔了舔红唇,媚眼如丝道:“我可以帮你拿下她哦。”Walkeronlythought that the whole bodybloodlights.沃克只觉得浑身的血液都点燃起来。„Yourthiswhore.”
“你这个婊子。”In the ladies' roomquickresounds the sound that is revolting to the ear.
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Comments for Chapter #301: I do not like the woman not liking the man