Akimiya Tsukileaves the ladies' room, returnsto the evening banquet.秋宫月离开女厕,返回到晚宴中。
After dozen minutes, Walkeralsobrought the redspiderto come back, seestwo peopleintimateappearances, Akimiya Tsukicannot bearrememberXu Cheng.
十几分钟后,沃克也带着红蛛回来,看到两人亲密无间的模样,秋宫月忍不住想起了许诚。Thatdogmanis crossing the happytwo peopleworldwithShiratsuki Rinprobably.
呵,那个狗男人大概正在和白月凛过着幸福的两人世界吧。Beforewas madebyXu Chengwith the Korean dramarepertoireto the lake, afterwardAkimiya Tsukicalmed downto think,twentyyears of life spanthis was very not long, moreovercanseek for the gene technologyto treat an illness.
之前被许诚用韩剧套路给湖弄了一下,事后秋宫月冷静下来想一想,还有二十几年的寿命这不是很长吗,而且还能寻找基因技术治病。Whatincurable illness is this? Might as wellhas a traffic accidentto be createdto consider as finished.
这算什么绝症?还不如出个车祸被人创死算了。Thinks ofXu ChengnowpossiblywithShiratsuki Rininaffectionately, even may also infamily/home that inoneselfdisburse moneyto purchase, onownbedintimate, Akimiya Tsukicannot bear the moodbe greatly bad.
一想到许诚现在可能跟白月凛在卿卿我我,甚至还有可能在自己出钱购买的家里面,在自己的床上亲热,秋宫月就忍不住心情大坏。Sheregretsnow, to reston several dayshad not installed the monitoringto the family/home, nowwantsto understand that the situationis not good.
After Walker and redspidercome out, the Akimiya Tsukiitself/Benthinks that thismustcarry out the taskto the lover, will not respond itselfagain, never expected thattwo peopleinsteadoriginallyripecollects.沃克和红蛛出来后,秋宫月本以为这对情侣要执行任务,不会再搭理自己,没想到两人反而自来熟的凑过来。
The redspiderlikereallybumps into the old friend, drawsAkimiya Tsukito ask that east asked the west, asked about the matter of JapaneseBranch.
红蛛就像真的碰到老朋友一样,拉着秋宫月问东问西,也询问日本分部发生的事情。Sitting of Walkerunusualgentlemaninside, interruptedoccasionallyseveral, the speech and behaviorhas the trainingson of upper-class familyjust likeone.沃克非常绅士的坐在旁边,偶尔才插嘴几句,言谈举止宛如一个非常具有修养的贵公子。Akimiya Tsukiwas somewhat sickfrom the beginning, butchanges mindthinks, startsto inquire the situation in Bestower of Deathheadquartersfrom the mouth of redspider.秋宫月一开始有些厌烦,但转念一想,又开始从红蛛的口中打听赐死者总部的情况。
When sheyoungoncefollowed the familyto go to the headquartershousingafter a period of time, returned toJapanafterward, to the memory of headquartersalreadymoldlake.
The evening banquet conducts tohalf oftimes, the host in cathedralappearedfinally.
晚宴进行到一半的时候,大教堂的主持人终于出现了。Isonehas the dignifiedmiddle-agedmale, a little bald person, puts on the luxurioussacrificeto throw over.
是一个颇具威严的中年男性,有点秃顶,穿着奢华的祭披。So long asis the follower in Osakachurch parish, will know the head in thisSanta Mariacathedral, Gutianbishop.
只要是大坂市教区的信徒,都会认识这位圣玛利亚大教堂的负责人,古田主教。Saw that Gutianbishopappears, the Ability Userattentionwas attracted.
看到古田主教出现,能力者们的注意力都被吸引过来。„Hey, ancientTakuwa.”
“喂,古田桑。”A littledrinksmanyAbility Userto scream: „Howto appearnow, looks down uponus?”
Others alsoechoto shout,abouthundredAbility Usercreate a disturbancetogether, making the entirefeasthallnoisy.
其他人也附和着叫嚷起来,近百个能力者一起起哄,让整个宴厅变得嘈杂。Although the cathedralservesverywellthem, had the good winegood food, the nun was also full of the stimulation of difference, but the hostdid not appear, madethemfeel the contempt.
虽然大教堂将他们伺候得很好,有美酒美食,修女也充满了异样的刺激,但主持人迟迟不出现,也让他们感受到轻视。„Sorry, everyone, something delayed.”
“抱歉,各位,有些事情耽误了。”FurutatsuchiYuanshows the temperatesmile, withoutdrawing support fromanyamplifyingequipment, hissoundspreads over the spaciousfeasthall, spreadsto everyone earinclearly: „Toexpressapology, Iwill givesatisfactoryanswer.”
古田土元露出温和的笑容,没有借助任何扩音设备,他的声音就传遍宽敞的宴厅,清晰传入到每个人耳朵中:“为了表达歉意,我会给各位一个满意的答复。”Followsinhisbehindtwofathersimultaneouslyforwardonesteps, spreads outHoly Bible in hand, highsound said: „With the name of lord, judged that and otherswere guilty!”
跟在他身后的两个神父齐齐向前一步,摊开手里的圣经,高声道:“以主之名,宣判尔等有罪!”Theirsoundsjust like the sound wave, spreadto the entirefeasthallinstantaneously.
他们的声音宛如音波,瞬间扩散到整个宴厅。Everyonewas shocked, suspectedoneselfdrinktoopresents the auditory hallucination, theyare the guests who the cathedralinvited, unexpectedlyjudged that theywere guilty?
所有人都愣住了,怀疑自己是不是喝太多出现幻听,他们可是大教堂邀请来的客人,居然宣判他们有罪?„What did yousay?!”
“你们说什么?!”Ability Usermakes an effortto pound on the table, standscourageous.
一个能力者用力一拍桌子,勐地站起来。But the nextquarter, does hesway, the eyesturnwhite, falls downface up, remains unconscious.
His falls, as if the plaguerapidencirclestowardall aroundspreads, along with the sound of kicking, massiveAbility Userlikeby the wheat that the windblows down, simultaneouslydrops down.
他这一摔,仿佛瘟疫般迅速朝四周围传开,伴随着扑腾扑腾的声音,大量能力者就像被风吹倒的麦子一样,齐齐倒下。SitsXu Chengincorneris startledslightly, whichhehad not foundAkimiya Tsuki, hasthissituation.
坐在角落里的许诚微微一怔,他还没有找到秋宫月在哪,就发生这种情况。Although the bodyhas no unusual condition, but after hesitating for severalseconds, Xu Chengalsofollowsto lie downtoward the ground, the eyesshut, ate at a banqueton.
虽然身体没有任何异状,但迟疑几秒后,许诚也跟着往地上一躺,双眼一闭,就等吃席。Nearbynunwas shocked, shepersuasionXu Chengdiligentlyis drinkingthis period of time, almostraises one's wine cupto pour intohismouthnot to succeeddirectly.
旁边的修女愣住了,她这段时间都在努力的劝说许诚喝酒,差点直接把酒灌入他的嘴巴都没成功。Withoutdrinking, whywill faint?
既然没有喝酒,为什么会昏倒?Shesquats, triesto inspect the Xu Chengsituation.
A Xu Chengfist the nunwill hitto fall face down, thencontinuesto lieon the groundfeigns death.许诚一拳将修女打趴下,然后继续趴在地上装死。Another side, Akimiya TsukiandredspiderWalkeralsolieson the groundfeigns death, threepeopleare the experiencedkillers, naturallycannotrashlyanything in eating and drinkingevening banquet.
另一边,秋宫月和红蛛沃克也都趴在地上装死,三人都是经验丰富的杀手,自然不会贸然吃喝晚宴上的任何东西。Nowlooks like, at the evening banquetthesegood food and famous name wineshave the issue, after the food and drink, coordinates the mysteriousabilities of twofathers, the directgroupextinguishesthisabouthundredstrength not weakAbility User.
现在看来,晚宴上这些美食和名酒都有问题,吃喝后配合两个神父的神秘能力,就直接团灭这近百个实力不弱的能力者。Butarranges the nuns and membercomes outto receive a guest, shouldalsotoreducetheirvigilanthearts.
而安排修女和修士们出来接客,应该也是为了降低他们的警惕心。„You...... you......”
“你……你们……”Ability Userhas not fainted, swayedinsistencelives, clenching jawsis looking angrily atFurutatsuchiYuan.
一个能力者还没有昏倒,摇摇晃晃的坚持住,咬牙切齿的怒视着古田土元。Back, justwithhisnun of lost/carryingdistanceexchange, unemotionaltakes up a beverage bottle, aims athisback of the headto poundlayer on layer/heavily.
背后,刚刚才和他负距离交流的修女,面无表情的抄起一个酒瓶,对准他的后脑重重砸下去。Bang, thisfinalAbility Useralsofollowsto drop down.
After tothiscrowd of Ability Usersatisfactoryconfession, FurutatsuchiYuanis maintaining the temperatesmile, turn headordersto saytotwofathers: „After the loadsends back, thencontinuestootherAbility Userround of written invitations.”
给这群能力者一个满意的交代后,古田土元保持着温和的笑容,回头对两个神父下命令道:“装车后送回去,然后继续向其他能力者发请帖。”And a fathercannot bearask: „GutianSi doesn't Ji, whywewin overto enter the secretmeetingthesepeople? Theirstrengths not weak......”
其中一个神父忍不住问道:“古田司祭,我们为什么不把这些人拉拢进入秘会呢?他们的实力并不弱……”OnFurutatsuchiYuanface the temperatesmiledisappearsgradually, staresto stare atthisfather.
The voice of fatherstops suddenly, quick becomes sweating profusely, terrified.
神父的声音戛然而止,很快就变得满头大汗,惶恐不已。FurutatsuchiYuanthenundulatingsay/way: „Whatyoumustdois the command prompt, rather thanquestioned the decision of higher authority.”
两个神父连忙点头回答。FurutatsuchiYuandeeplyshot a look atonenot to darewith the father who looked at each other, turned aroundto leave.
古田土元又深深瞥了一眼不敢与自己对视的神父,转身离开。Anotherfatherthrew the meanlooktoward the colleague.
另一个神父朝同僚投来了幸灾乐祸的眼神。Onegroup of memberenterin the feasthall, Ability User that will remain unconsciousbeat the hands and feet, thenputs on the gunnysackto carry off.
一群修士进入宴厅中,将昏迷不醒的能力者们拷住手脚,然后套上麻袋带走。Xu Cheng is also, hehas not revolted, whateveroneselfwere walkedby the gunnysackwrap/sets.许诚也是其中一员,他没有反抗,任由自己被麻袋套走。Henowis very curious, Worship God Secret Meetingthinks of every meansto graspso manyAbility User, mustdo.
他现在十分好奇,崇神秘会费尽心思抓这么多能力者,到底要干什么。ThisbehaviorremindedhimofLife Tree, but after Life Treewasplundered the child, trains, did not catch the adultlikeWorship God Secret Meetingdirectly.
这种行为让他想起了生命树,但是生命树是掠夺儿童后自己进行培养,不像崇神秘会这样直接抓成人。Quick, Xu Chengfeltoneselfpossiblyforced on a freight vehicle, canfeelslightrocking, does not knowAkimiya Tsukialsointhis.
很快,许诚就感觉自己可能被塞进一辆货车上,能够感受到轻微的晃动,不知道秋宫月是不是也在这里面。What a pityhedoes not have the Lulustrongpsychic force, unableto separatesummons the Akimiya Tsukinamespatially.
可惜他没有路路的强大精神力,无法隔空呼唤秋宫月的名字。Onanotherfreight vehicle, Akimiya Tsukiveryluckybystops upin the uppermost, underherbodyis the redspider, butWalkerdoes not know where was arrivedbystops up.
另一辆货车上,秋宫月很幸运的被塞在最上面,在她身下是红蛛,而沃克不知道被塞到什么地方去了。Akimiya Tsuki and redspiderare away from the gunnysackto exchangelow voice, the redspidersuggested that threepeoplecollaborate, Akimiya Tsukishows neither approval nor disapproval.秋宫月和红蛛隔着麻袋小声交流,红蛛建议三人联手,秋宫月不置可否。Shedoes not wantto participate in the duty of opposite party, butwantsto maintain the distancenowalsolate.
After onehour, Xu Chengfeltoneselfwere towedfrom the freight vehicle, after the gunnysackunties, hangshiswhole person.
一个多小时后,许诚感觉自己被人从货车上拖下来,麻袋解开后,将他整个人吊起来。All around the Xu Chengquietlyopening eyesseamobservation, discovered that hereseems likesomewhere the factory, orshouldbe the slaughter houseis more accurate.许诚悄悄睁开眼缝观察四周,发现这里像是某处工厂,或者应该是屠宰场更加准确。BecauseAbility Usertreat the bigfat pig that butcherslike a leader, was hungin the assembly line, slowlyis movingforward.
The assembly lineendis a constrainedchair, severalvigorous and healthyworkers the Ability Userbundle that the assembly linedeliversonrestricting the chair, more than tenrubber tube that has the needleinsertstheirwithin the body.
After finishing, presses down the switch, the ominouscourageouselectric currentflashes through, fetteredAbility Userwill send out the intensepitiful yell, a lot ofbloodscreened outby the rubber tube.
The shortdozensseconds, Ability Userwill pull out the appearance of skin and bones, is only left over the one breath.
短短几十秒,能力者就会被抽成皮包骨的模样,只剩下一口气。SeveralworkersuntieAbility User, throw into nearbybigtrashcan, thenprocessingnextAbility User.
几个工人将能力者解开,丢进一旁的大垃圾箱里,然后处理下一个能力者。Ability User of manystuporwere awakenedby the pitiful yellsound, saw that thisfrightens the ghostgreatlyto brave.
很多昏迷的能力者被惨叫声惊醒,看到这一幕吓得亡魂大冒。Butthey are also at the weakcondition, let alonestruggled, shoutedcontinuallyshouteddoes not make noise, can only reveal the panic-strickenlookextremely, lookshelplesslyoneselfwere escorted tothatto execute the stageto restrict the chair.
可他们还处于虚弱状态,别说挣扎了,连喊都喊不出声,只能露出惊恐万分的眼神,眼睁睁看着自己被送往那个行刑台般的拘束椅。WhyXu ChengverycuriousWorship God Secret Meetingmustdraw the blood of Ability User, hecloses the eyes, whenopens, a cross-eyepupilhas turned into the blood red.许诚十分好奇崇神秘会为什么要抽取能力者的血液,他闭上双眼,等重新睁开时,一对眼眸已经变成血红色。
The eye of seeing clearly!
洞察之眼!Not onlyhas the X-ray Visionability, but can also observe the energy flowMagic Eye.
不仅拥有透视能力,还能够观察到能量流动的魔眼。Facebelt/bringpanic-strickenAbility Userwas delivered the constrainedchair, inserts the needle, the switchpresses, evenagainweaklystill the pitiful yell of instinct.
一个脸带惊恐的能力者被送上拘束椅,插上针头,开关一按,就算再虚弱也本能的惨叫起来。Xu ChengobservesthroughMagic Eye, thisAbility Userbloodwas found timerapidly, at the same time, gathersinmassiveSpirit Particles (Reishi) of Ability Userwithin the body , the followingbloodescapestogether.许诚通过魔眼观察到,这个能力者身上的血液被迅速抽空,与此同时,汇聚在能力者体内的大量灵子,也跟着血液一起流走。Originallyscreens outincessantlyis the blood, Spirit Particles (Reishi) of Ability Userwithin the body.
原来抽走的不止是血液,还有能力者体内的灵子。It is well known, the birth of Ability UserisbecauseSpirit Particles (Reishi)gathers in within the body, has the spiritenergyundersomemarvelousresponse, but the spiritenergyisSuper ability(superpower).
众所周知,能力者的诞生是因为灵子在体内汇聚,在某种奇妙的反应下产生灵能,而灵能就是超能力。NowSpirit Particles (Reishi)screened out, means that Ability Userwill lose the ability.
A Xu Chengeyerevolution, observesafterMagic Eyethesewere found timethrows intoAbility User of trashcan, discovered that theirwithin the bodydoes not haveSpirit Particles (Reishi), turns into an average personcompletely.许诚眼睛一转,用魔眼观察那些被抽空后丢进垃圾箱的能力者,发现他们体内已经没有灵子,完全变成一个普通人。
Is the Worship God Secret MeetinggoalSpirit Particles (Reishi) of Ability Userwithin the body?崇神秘会的目标是能力者体内的灵子?However, nowin the airin the worldhas the highly concentratedSpirit Particles (Reishi), is as good asSpirit Particle GraveandTakamagahara.
但是,现在全世界的空气中都存在着高浓度的灵子,不亚于灵子墓和高天原。Worship God Secret Meetingputsso manygiving for nothingSpirit Particles (Reishi)not to want, whyto go round the sun to meet the moon, extractsSpirit Particles (Reishi) of Ability Userwithin the body?崇神秘会放着这么多白给的灵子不要,何必舍近求远,去抽取能力者体内的灵子?Only iftheseSpirit Particles (Reishi)have the specialfunction, is worth the Worship God Secret Meetingsuchbigfee/spentbeing flustered.
除非这些灵子具有特殊的作用,才值得崇神秘会这么大费周章。When the Xu Chengthinking, Ability Userlike the bigfat pig of slaughter house, were delivered the killing bed, finds timeSpirit Particles (Reishi) and blood.
在许诚思索的时候,一个个能力者就像屠宰场的大肥猪一样,被送上屠宰台,抽空灵子和血液。Quick, was one's turnWalker.
很快,就轮到了沃克。Walkerwas still feigning death, buthecould not have installedat this time.沃克本来还在装死,但此时他已经装不下去了。BecausepreviousAbility Useris a female, onrestricting the chair the feces and urine/size thenincontinence, makes the whole piecechairbody wastecrossflow.
因为上一个能力者是女性,在拘束椅上大小便失禁,弄得整张椅屎尿横流。Even if no body waste, heis not willingto sitto restrict the chairto experience an electric shockanddraws bloodisanythingfelt.
就算没有屎尿,他也不会愿意坐上拘束椅体验一把电击和抽血是什么感觉。Sees onlyhisboth handsto turngently, wrenches apart the handcuff, fromin the airfalls, landinglifts the handto raiseinstantaneously, severalsteel needlesflyto shoot, spike the foreheads of severalworkers.
只见他双手轻轻一扭,就把手铐扭断,从空中落下来,落地的瞬间抬手一扬,数根钢针飞射而出,钉入几个工人的额头。Another side, the redspideralsobreaks free of the handcuff, jumps downfrom the assembly line, turn headlooked,discoveredAkimiya Tsukiis still feigning death.
The gratingalarm soundresoundssuddenly, the ceilingspurts the smog that irritates the noseinstantaneously, turns into a dimness the entirespace.
刺耳的警报声骤然响起,天花板瞬间喷下来刺鼻的烟雾,将整个空间变成一片朦胧。【Wordssaid,at presentreads aloudlistens to storytellingeasiest-to-useapp, the wild fruitreads, www.yeguoyuedu.cominstallsmostupdate.】
【话说,目前朗读听书最好用的app,野果阅读,www.yeguoyuedu.com安装最新版。】„Be careful!”
“小心!”Walkerremindedone: „Theseare the anaesthesiagas of strongeffect.”沃克提醒一句:“这些是强效的麻醉气体。”Heturns very quiet, turn headdiscovered that Akimiya Tsukiis still feigning death, realized that shewantsto work as a darkchild.
他屏住呼吸,回头发现秋宫月还在装死,也意识到她是想当一个暗子。„With the name of lord, grantsme the flame, burns down the enemy.”
“以主之名,赐予我火焰,焚烧敌人。”Asdrinkscoldly, the turbulentflameinstantaneouslyraidstowardWalker and redspider.
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