Xu Chengnon-stoppaireturningoutside the bathroom, listens to the sound of water that in the bathroomis hearing, in the beast and beastwere inferior that intertwines.许诚在浴室外不停徘回,听着浴室内传来的水声,在禽兽与禽兽不如之间纠结。Finally, the beastwantedto defeat the reason.
最后,还是兽欲战胜了理智。„Ihad helpedhertake the innumerablebathsin childhood, nowevencomesstillnoproblemagain a time, let alonetakes pleasure in serving othersismyconsistentstandard of conduct, because a pointintertwines, candisregard the person who needsto helphelplessly?”
“我小时候就已经帮她洗过无数次澡,现在就算再来一次也没什么毛病,何况助人为乐是我一贯的行为准则,难道就因为自己心里的一点纠结,就要眼睁睁无视需要帮助的人吗?”Xu Chengdecidesto comply withownfaith, is a generousperson, walks upto open the bathroomdoorgently.许诚决定遵从自己的信念,做一个助人为乐的人,走上前去轻轻推开浴室门。
The area of bathroomis big, the mistis dim, the whitebathcurtainhas pulled open, cansee the followingperson's shadowoutlineby the lightindistinctly.
浴室的面积不小,雾气朦胧,白色的浴帘已经拉开,透过灯光隐约可以看到后面的人影轮廓。Xu Chengtakes off the clothes, walksto open the bathcurtain, reveals the followingbathtub.许诚脱下衣服,走过去拉开浴帘,露出后面的浴缸。Shiratsuki Rinlies downin the bathtub, hit the fullbubble the taking a bathwaterto submergehercollar bonefollowingbody, revealed the snow whiteclearshoulders.白月凛躺在浴缸中,打满泡泡的洗澡水淹没了她锁骨以下的身体,露出雪白圆润的双肩。Saw that Xu Chengcomes infinally, Shiratsuki Rinsmiles: „After Ialsothoughtyougrew up , the couragechangeam instead young.”
看到许诚终于进来,白月凛轻轻一笑:“我还以为你长大后胆子反而变小了呢。”During the speeches, shesits the straightbodyslightly, the chest frontmighty wavesare partly visible.
说话间,她微微坐直身体,胸前波涛若隐若现。Xu Chengenters the bathtub, sits downin the Shiratsuki Rinopposite, immediatelytouchesherto hidein a underwatersmoothpair of biglong leg.许诚进入浴缸,在白月凛的对面坐下,立刻触碰到她藏在水下光滑的一双大长腿。
The fleshis sticking tostroking gently, two peopleheartstrembleslightly, the breathbecomessomewhatloud.
肌肤紧贴着摩挲,两人的心都是微微一颤,呼吸变得有些粗重。„How long didn't wehaveto take a bathtogether?”
“我们有多久没有在一起洗过澡了?”Shiratsuki Rinis inquiringtoXu Cheng, the followingfootis dishonest, draws a circleonhisthighgently.白月凛向许诚询问着,下面的脚却不老实,轻轻在他的大腿上画圈。„12years.”
“十二年吧。”Xu Chengholds the foot of Shiratsuki Rin, inherfootpalmgentlyflexure.许诚抓住白月凛的脚,在她的脚掌心轻轻一挠。Shiratsuki Rinun, feelingbodysoft.白月凛嗯了一声,感觉身体都软了下来。„These12years, whichwoman have youwithalso taken a bathtogether?”
“这十二年,你还跟哪个女人一起洗过澡?”„No, has only washedwithyoutogether.”
“没有,只跟你一起洗过。”Xu Chengrecalled, discovered that has not really taken a bathwithotherwomen, soaks the hot springnot to calculate, is not calculatedbyHoshizaki Yukinawhentaking a bath.许诚回忆了一下,发现还真没有和其他女人一起洗过澡,泡温泉不算,在洗澡时被星崎雪奈啪也不算。HeardXu Cheng saying that Shiratsuki Rinwas somewhat surprised, thenobviouslycheered up, took a bathwithXu Cheng, to herhad the special significance.
听到许诚这么说,白月凛有些惊讶,然后明显高兴起来,和许诚一起洗澡,对她来说是有特殊意义的。„Lateryoudo not permitto take a bathwithotherwomentogether.”
“以后你不准跟其他女人一起洗澡。”„I can only sayas far as possible.”
The attitude that Xu Chengis perfunctory, makingShiratsuki Rinlightsnort/hum, thenstands.许诚敷衍的态度,让白月凛轻哼一声,然后站起来。WithoutXu Chengappreciatedherbeautifulnaked body, shehas turned away fromXu Chengto seathisbosom: „Helpsmetake a bath.”
没有等许诚欣赏她美丽的酮体,她就已经背对着许诚坐进他的怀里:“帮我洗澡吧。”Canlisten, hersoundbringsslightlightto tremble, cheeksunnaturalis ruddy.
可以听出,她的声音带着细微的轻颤,脸颊也不自然的红润起来。Xu Chengdeeplyinspires, thenhas taken the gel, like the childhood, smudgedin conducting the back of Shiratsuki Rin, startedto helphertake a bath.许诚深吸一口气,然后取过沐浴露,就像小时候一样,涂抹在白月凛的背上,开始帮她洗澡。In childhoodShiratsuki Rinhad not opened, skinbesidessnow whitedelicatealsonothingspecial.
小时候白月凛还没有张开,皮肤除了雪白细嫩之外也没有什么特别的。Butnow, herskinnot only and childhoodequallywas much whiter, but also were manymaturelyfemalesoftslidtenderly, the feel more splendid than the most superiorjade carving.
而现在,她的皮肤不仅和小时候一样白得耀眼,还多了成熟女性的柔软嫩滑,手感比最上等的玉器还要出色。Xu Chengis suppressing the heartdistracting thoughts, helpingShiratsuki Rinwash the back, thenboth handsbypassesherbodyslowly, helpingherclean the upfront.许诚强忍着心头的杂念,帮白月凛洗完后背,然后双手缓缓绕过她的身体,帮她清洗正面。Shiratsuki Rindependsbackwardin the Xu Chengbosom, the doublepupilshuts, is nipping the lower lip.白月凛向后靠在许诚怀里,双眸微闭,咬着下唇。
The temperature in bathroomgraduallyrises, the dimsteamis coveringtwo people.
浴室内的气温逐渐攀升,朦胧的水蒸气笼罩着两人。Xu ChenghelpsShiratsuki Rinwash the upfront, discovered that herraise one's headlooks at itself, cheeksfire, pupillightlikewater.许诚帮白月凛洗完正面,发现她正仰头看着自己,脸颊似火,眸光如水。Shecloses the eyesgently, redlipslightly.
她轻轻闭上双眼,红唇微张。Xu Chengnothesitant, lowers the headto kissherlip, both handscontinues the redpalmto dial the clearwave.许诚没有犹豫,低头亲吻她的唇,双手继续红掌拨清波。
After dozen minutes, twotalentsseparate.
十几分钟后,两人才分开。Xu Chengalsowantsto go a step further, Shiratsuki Rinactuallyholds downhisboth hands: „Whatstatus do youwithhelpmetake a bathnow?”许诚还想更进一步,白月凛却按住他的双手:“你现在是用什么身份来帮我洗澡呢?”Xu Chengdoes not calculate that emotional quotient the lowperson, knows how shouldreply: „Yourlover.”许诚也不算情商低的人,知道该怎么回答:“你的爱人。”Shiratsuki Rinis satisfiedthisanswer, turns aroundto look at the eyes of Xu Cheng: „Sinceis a lover, youcanmarryme?”白月凛非常满意这个答桉,转身看着许诚的双眼:“既然是爱人,那你能跟我结婚吗?”Xu Chengnaturallydoes not have the issue: „Ok.”许诚当然没问题:“可以啊。”Shiratsuki Rinfaint smile: „Bride can only myOh?”白月凛似笑非笑:“新娘只能我一个哦?”Xu Chengwas been silentimmediately, unable.许诚顿时被沉默了,无法施法。In the Shiratsuki Rineyeis somewhat darkhowever, at this moment, outsideheardhercell phone ring tone.白月凛眼中有些暗然,就在这时,外面传来了她的手机铃声。„Yourselfwash, Imustwork.”
“你自己洗吧,我要去工作了。”Shekisses/intimateonetoward the Xu Chenglipon, thensets outto leave the bathtubto walk out.
她朝许诚唇上亲一口,然后起身离开浴缸向外走。Withwantedto giveXu Chengto have a childa while agoimpatientlydifferently, afterthis period of timecalmness, Shiratsuki Rinalsorealized that the Xu Chenggenopathyis notwhatincurable illness.
和前段时间迫不及待想要给许诚生孩子不同,经过这段时间的冷静之后,白月凛也意识到许诚的基因病并非是什么绝症。After allentiretwentyyears, wantsto even up the gene technologyis not the unablecompletesmatter.
毕竟还有整整二十几年的时间,想要找齐基因技术并不是什么无法完成的事情。Oncecalms down, the unfaithful/stamen of Xu Chengmadeherveryuncomfortable.
The Korean dramarepertoireis not the percentagehundredeffective, only ifXu Chenghas a traffic accidentagain.
韩剧套路也不是百分百管用的,除非许诚再出一次车祸。Looks the back that Shiratsuki Rinis leaving, Xu Chengalsosighs.
望着白月凛离开的背影,许诚也叹了口气。Hisunablegives the commitment, changes intoAkimiya TsukiorHoshizaki Yukinaasksthisquestion , is the same.
他无法给予承诺,换成秋宫月或者星崎雪奈来问这个问题,也是一样。Thisis the difficult problem that eachdregsmalewill facefinally.
这就是每一个渣男最终都会面对的难题。Xu Chengsank tobyownheadunderwater, gives upponderingthisheadache the issue.许诚让自己的脑袋沉入水下,放弃思考这个头疼的问题。Un, but can also soakto the taking a bathwater, does not owe.
嗯,还能泡到洗澡水,不亏。Comes outfrom the bathroom, Shiratsuki Rinhad departedin a hurry, but before departure, shealsocleanscleanly the kitchen.
从浴室里出来时,白月凛已经匆匆离去了,不过离去前,她也将厨房打扫干净。On the main hall, could go to the kitchen, lies the bed, so long asShiratsuki Rinwanted, shewas the most qualifiedgood wife and loving mother.
上得厅堂,下得厨房,趴得了床,只要白月凛愿意,她就是一个最合格的贤妻良母。Xu Chengchangedclothes, before arriving at the computersits down, observes the situation in the world through the network, finallyunexpected happeningopensownnovel.许诚换了一身衣服,来到电脑前坐下,通过网络观察一下世界各地的局势,最后鬼使神差的打开自己的小说。Hehashad not reneweda long time, originallythinks that had been abandonedby the readers, has not thought after opening, looks, latest messageunexpectedlyoverthreefigures.
他已经有很长一段时间没有更新了,本来以为已经被读者们抛弃,没想到打开后一看,最新留言竟然超过三位数。Overwhelming majorityreaders the concernedmessagewere inquiring that the authorhas an accident, naturallyalsohasslightlysomecurses his deadcourt eunuchto be battered to deathby the World Treefragmentvirulently.
After the pleasurepersonstartswrites the court eunuchreaderto be battered to death, to pass throughto the differentworld, becomes a replymaster.
还有乐子人开始写太监读者被砸死后穿越到异世界,成为一个回复术士。Xu Chengis quite affected, does not haveto thinkoneselfbreak is so longer, the readers are actually still caring abouthissafety.许诚颇为感动,没想到自己断更这么久,读者们竟然还在关心他的安危。Excited, Xu Chengonlythought that the train of thoughtliketo gush, starts writingsuch asbrightly, wishes one couldto give the readersto renew100,000charactersimmediately, repaystheirconcern.
激动之下,许诚只觉得文思如泉涌,下笔如有神,恨不得马上就给读者们更新十万字,报答他们的关切之情。Heturns on the symbolsoftwareimmediately, the keyboardknocks.
他马上打开码字软件,键盘一敲。【Duty: ChongGodevening banquet】
【任务:崇神的晚宴】【Difficulty: Simple】
【难度:简单】【Content: The camouflagestatussneaksevening banquet that Worship God Secret Meetingholds】
【是否接受任务】Xu Cheng: „......”许诚:“……”Hewas aboutto forget, reason thatoneselfunablerenewed, is completely because the dogmanagedthisblackpowder.
他都快忘记了,自己之所以无法更新,完全就是因为狗管理这个黑粉。Hewantsto reneweach timesincerely, the dogmanagementwill jump the issueduty, hindershisrenewalimportant matter.
每次他诚心想要更新,狗管理就会跳出来发布任务,阻碍他的更新大计。„Lyingtrough, givesmeand other!”
“卧槽,给我等一下!”Xu Chengdiscovered that ownboth handstypeson the keyboardunexpectedlyfast, relies on the willto preventhastily.许诚发现自己的双手竟然在键盘上飞快打字,连忙凭借着毅力阻止。What a pityis too late, the leave sliphad been writtenbyboth hands, andtransmitted.
可惜已经太晚了,请假条已经被双手写好,并且发送出去了。„Thankscare, Inowam very safe, iswithdisaster, the careeristsalsostartedto be ready to make trouble, wantedto harm this tattered and tornworld, was the writerIcannotsit by and do nothing, mustpreventthem, renewedIcame backon, next timecertainly.”
“完了!”Xu Chengpatsownfacewith the hand, hecanimagine,sees the renewalreminderreaders, butselecthappily, afterseeing the leave slipwill be angry.许诚用手一拍自己的脸,他可以想象到,看到更新提醒而开心点进来的读者们,在看到请假条后会有多么愤怒。
When the handclick when heusesto shiverrenovates, thisleave sliphas presenteddozensthis chapterto say.
当他用颤抖的手点击刷新时,这张请假条就已经出现了几十个本章说。„Breaking is so longer, suddenlysees the renewal, Iwas happy that the pantstook off/escaped, point(s)youto read the leave sliptome?”
“断更这么久,突然看到更新,我高兴得裤子都脱了,点进来你就给我看请假条?”„Authorwas definitely battered to death, nowthisleave slip that isherenewsfixed time, buried.”
“作者肯定被砸死了,现在这个是他定时更新的请假条,埋了吧。”„World crisiswith the relations that your writerhas.”
“世界危机跟你一个写手有个屁的关系。”„Iheard that Japannowis the anarchy, everyonenumerousplanplease a killer, sinksTokyo Bay the author.”
“我听说日本现在是无政府状态,大家众筹请个杀手,把作者沉东京湾吧。”Looks attheseto taunt, Xu Chengfaceonered, switches off the computerto lie downtoward the bedon, the choicereceives the duty, the whole personchanges to a white lightto disappear.
看着这些冷嘲热讽了,许诚老脸一红,关掉电脑往床上一躺,选择接受任务,整个人化作一道白光消失。Osaka, sometatteredblock.
大坂,某条破破烂烂的街区。With a white light, Xu Chengappearsin the block, the promptsound of dutyalsofollowsto resound.
伴随着一道白光,许诚出现在街区上,任务的提示音也跟着响起。【Mission Starts】【任务开始】【Opportunity that youonlycomefivetimesagain, pleasetreasurewell】
【你仅有五次重来的机会,请好好珍惜】【Yourstatusforkillerorganizes‚Bestower of Death’killer, pleasesneakinevening banquet that Worship God Secret Meetingholds, helpingAkimiya Tsukibe out ofdanger, ifexposestask managerto exist, thenregards asMission Failure】
【你的身份为杀手组织‘赐死者’的杀手,请潜入崇神秘会举办的晚宴中,帮助秋宫月脱离危险,若暴露任务管理器存在,则视为任务失败】【Pleasefindwayto get so far aswritten invitation, enters the Santa Mariacathedral】
【请想办法弄到请帖,进入圣玛利亚大教堂】【Attachmentcipher: When has the US conducted the fighting against corruptionmovement?】
【接头暗号:美国在什么时候进行过扫黑运动?】Never expected thatthisdutyreallyhas the relationswithAkimiya Tsuki, will shealso bump into the dangerunexpectedly?
没想到这个任务竟然跟秋宫月有关系,而且她竟然还会碰到危险?Xu Chengfrowns, by the Akimiya Tsukipresentstrength, brushesProtectoratea little to be difficultslightlyonly, butProtectoratealsounablecreates the Lifedangertoherabsolutely.许诚微微蹙眉,以秋宫月现在的实力,单刷护国会可能有点困难,但护国会也绝对无法对她造成生命危险。Worship God Secret Meeting can actually makeAkimiya Tsukifall into the dangerous situation, the strengthis definitely stronger than Protectorate.崇神秘会竟然能够让秋宫月落入险境,实力肯定比护国会还要强。Xu Chengreceives the dignifiedthoughts, loadsKiller Card, thenwalkstoward the blockoutside.许诚收起凝重的心思,加载杀手卡,然后朝街区外走。OsakaisJapan'ssecondlivelycity, the populationis over3.53 millionpeople, iscity of the non-night.
大坂是日本第二繁华的城市,人口超过353万人,是一座不夜之城。Butthis timeOsakawas coveredby the deepdim light of night, the lightis few, under the curtain of nightcansee the brokenconstruction that towers.
但此时的大坂被深沉的夜色笼罩,灯光寥寥无几,夜幕下可以看到耸立的残破建筑。By the streetalsoeverywherewreckedruinsconstruction, the roadsideis stopping the vehicles of manyabandonment, evenexposedcorpseoutside.
街道两侧也到处都是被击毁的废墟建筑,路边停着很多报废的车辆,甚至还有裸露在外的尸体。Xu Chengarrives on the street, discovered that a manis disassembling a side gate of car(riage)in the violence.许诚来到街道上,发现有个男人正在暴力拆卸一辆车的侧门。„Hello.”
“你好。”Xu Chenggreetedtohim, asked the way: „Youknow how the Santa Mariacathedraldoes walk?”许诚向他打招呼,同时问路:“你知道圣玛利亚大教堂怎么走吗?”
The menare then sizing upXu Cheng, particularlylooks athecleanneatclothes, suddenlypulls out a daggerfrom the body, saidwickedly: „Hands overmoney and clothes, youdo not want injured.”
男人回头打量着许诚,尤其是看着他一身干净整洁的衣服,忽然从身上掏出一把匕首,恶狠狠道:“把钱和衣服都交出来,你也不想受伤吧。”Thismanis dirty, the suit of statureis tattered, before the disaster, shouldbe an office worker, nowactuallydegeneratesto become the robber, is a poor man.
这男人灰头土脸,身材的西装破破烂烂,灾难发生前应该是一个上班族,现在却退化成为劫匪,也是一个可怜人。„Onme, only thenso much money.”
“我身上只有这么多钱。”Robbermisterboth handsholds a coin, kneelsin front ofXu Cheng, begging for mercy of nasal mucustears: „Iseveraldayshad not eaten meal, askingyoudo not harmme.”
劫匪先生双手捧着一把硬币,跪在许诚面前,一把鼻涕一把泪的求饶:“我已经好几天没吃饭了,求求你不要伤害我。”Originallythinks that bumps into a fatsheep, has not thought that the fatsheeppinches the iron ballhisdaggerwith the hand.
本来以为碰到一只肥羊,没想到肥羊用手把他的匕首掐成铁球。„Iaskyouto ask the way, do not stealyourmoney, Ialsoto the reward that youwill ask the way.”
“我只是找你问路,不是要抢你的钱,我还会给你问路的报酬呢。”Xu Chengallbrings the coin in hishand, thenputs outoneto placehispalm: „Thisisyourreward, toldme, how did the Santa Mariacathedralwalk? Do not tellmeyounot to know,Iwill be angry.”许诚把他手里的硬币全拿过来,然后拿出一枚放在他的手掌心:“这是你的报酬,告诉我,圣玛利亚大教堂怎么走?别告诉我你不知道,我会生气的。”
In the robberslookto begin the coin, reveals a ratioto cryalsoto want the ugly/difficult to look atsmile: „You are really a person of good intention.”
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