The Xu Chengspeedwas too fast, in an instantbridges overmore than tenmetersdistanceto arrive atsideFuseya Teru, when the peoplehave not responded, has seizedhisneck, holds uphimsingle-handed.许诚的速度太快了,刹那间就跨过十几米的距离来到伏屋辉身边,在众人还没反应过来时,就已经掐住他的脖子,将他单手举起。Meanwhile, the palm of Xu Chengwieldsgently, like the sharpknife, grasps the hand of telecontrolled bombkeyto cut offFuseya Teru.
The severe painmakesFuseya Terusend out a pitiful yell, awakenedotherthreefathers.
剧痛让伏屋辉发出一声惨叫,惊醒了其余三个神父。„Bends down the roomdeacon!”
“伏屋助祭!”AlthoughdreadsPeace Envoy, butthreepeopleclash the rescuesubconsciously.
To the forefrontmusclefather, feltsuddenly the chestshakes, is been difficultto see the speed that to kick a footby the naked eyebyXu Cheng.
冲在最前面的肌肉神父,忽然感到胸口一震,已经被许诚以肉眼难见的速度踢了一脚。Hischestblasts out, tall and strongsuch as the body of mountainflies upside down, hitsonbehindanothermusclefather.
他的胸口炸开,魁梧如山的身躯倒飞出去,撞在身后另一个肌肉神父身上。Two peoplestraightflyingshoot, dashes the wall of distant placechurch, vanishesin the room.
Last fatherdepends the speed, circlestoXu Chengbehind.
最后一个神父仗着速度,绕到许诚的身后。Alsowithouthelaunched the attack, Xu Chenghas backhandedwields, slaponhisface, hitshisheadrevolves for three -and-a-half weeks, the necktwists the bread twist.
还没等他发起攻击,许诚就已经反手一挥,一巴掌扇在他的脸上,将他的头打得旋转三周半,脖子拧成麻花。„...... TriesyouwithLord...... the name...... the feebledisability......”
“以主……之名……审判你……病弱残疾……”Fuseya Teruanotherhandis also pinching the cross, strugglesis sending out the trialtoXu Cheng.伏屋辉另一只手还掐着十字架,挣扎着向许诚发出审判。Xu Chengfelt that the bodysomewhatis slightly unusual, probablywas bittenoneby the mosquito.许诚感觉身体微微有些异样,好像被蚊子叮咬了一口。Thistohisconsumption, compared withHoshizaki Yukinamight as well.
这对他的消耗,比星崎雪奈还不如。At least the succubayoung lady can hisbackache.
至少魔女小姐能啪到他腰酸。Xu Chengbrings the cross in Fuseya Teru, after breaking offputs aside, immediately of banghas the explosion, thisthingis a miniaturebomb.许诚将伏屋辉手里的十字架拿过来,折断后丢开,立刻轰的一声发生爆炸,这玩意还是一颗微型炸弹。„You......”
“你……”Saw that ownabilitydoes not have the effect on himunexpectedly, butthreeefficienthand/subordinateinstantaneouslyoncasualtycompletely, Fuseya Teruall of a suddendesperategave upstruggling.
眼看自己的能力竟然对他不起效,而三个得力手下又瞬间就死伤殆尽,伏屋辉一下子绝望的放弃挣扎了。„I...... admitted defeat......”
“我……认输了……”Hesaiddejected: „, FamousPeace Envoy, will appearinthissmallplaceunexpectedly.”
他颓然道:“没想到,大名鼎鼎的和平使者,竟然会出现在这个小地方。”Xu Chengnowis the Ability Cardappearance, therefore not the accidental/surprisedopposite partywill know himself.许诚现在是能力卡的外貌,所以也不意外对方会认识自己。Seikai Hikarithisface, is it can be said that well-knowninJapan, hisevil reputationis known to everybodytoHokkaidoufromKagoshima.星海光这张脸,在日本可以说是家喻户晓,他的恶名从鹿儿岛到北海道无人不知。Another side, Nagumo NarumiandLuluhave rescuedfrom the undergroundjail the friendfragrance, on the neckreallyhascollar that installed the bomb.
另一边,南云鸣海和路路已经将友香从地下监牢中救出来,脖子上果然有个安装了炸弹的项圈。Xu ChenglosesFuseya Teruon the ground, the ordersaid: „Disassembles the bomb.”许诚将伏屋辉丢在地上,命令道:“把炸弹拆开。”DesperateFuseya Teruhas been coveringownbroken hand, saidin a low voice: „Opensdirectly, will not explode.”
“什么?!”Nagumo Narumiindignantis pointing athim: „Makes a dummy bombto come to the laketo makemeunexpectedly?”南云鸣海气愤的指着他:“竟然弄个假炸弹来湖弄我?”Because of the threat of bomb, shewill not use the summontechnique, feared that Xu Chengthinkssheis a child, mustshout that each timehehelps.
要不是因为炸弹的威胁,她也不会使用召唤术,就怕许诚以为她是小孩,每次都要喊他帮忙。Fuseya Terushakes the head: „It is not false, was the expiredshort circuit.”伏屋辉摇摇头:“不是假的,是过期短路了。”
The bombinstallsseveralyears ago, howeverinundergroundjailthatmoistenvironment, has short-circuited.
炸弹是在几年前安装的,但是在地下监牢那种潮湿的环境下,早就已经短路了。Fuseya Teruhas also applied for the funds of replacementcollarbombto the higher authority, but the fundshad fallen into the nightclubseveralprettyyoung ladies'pockets, therefore the bomb of short circuithas hungon the friendfragrantneck.伏屋辉也向上级申请过更换项圈炸弹的经费,不过经费已经落入了夜总会几个漂亮小姐的口袋里,所以短路的炸弹就一直挂在友香的脖子上。Fuseya Terutakesto threatenNagumo Narumi, is actually also hitting the psychology of cheating.伏屋辉拿出来威胁南云鸣海,其实也是打着诈骗的心理。Although the bombshort circuitis a good deed, topreventFuseya Terulies, Luluusesownbodyto wrap the collar, thendisassembles.
The processlives in peace with each other, reallysaidwithFuseya Teru, is a short-circuitedbomb.
过程相安无事,果然和伏屋辉说得一样,是一个已经短路的炸弹。„Are youLulu?”
“你是路路吗?”FriendsfragrantexcitedinquiredtoNagumo Narumi, becausesheis also being wrappedbyLulunow, withoutexposing the appearance, was given the admitting mistakespersonby the friendfragrant.
友香激动的向南云鸣海询问道,因为她现在还被路路包裹着,没有暴露出容貌,被友香给认错人了。„IsI, Teacher Tomoka.”
The Luludrivingopens the mouth, pleadedNagumo Narumito disguise asherwith the psychic forcesimultaneously.路路主动开口,同时用精神力恳求南云鸣海假扮她一下。„Lulu, is really you.”
“路路,果然是你。”Friendsfragrantexcitedis huggingNagumo Narumi: „Youlong are never so expected that big, youwere all right are too really good.”
友香激动的搂着南云鸣海:“没想到你已经长这么大了,你没事真的太好了。”Nagumo Narumiquite not comfortablestanding in same place, whateversheis hugging.南云鸣海颇为不自在的站在原地,任由她搂着。Xu ChenglookstoFuseya Teru: „Confesses, IwantWorship God Secret Meetingallinformation.”许诚看向伏屋辉:“交代一下吧,我要崇神秘会的所有情报。”„Plantsin your hands, Iam convinced.”
“栽在你手里,我服气。”AlthoughFuseya Teruhas admitted defeat, hope that buthas not given upseeking livehood: „Icantell you Worship God Secret Meetinginformation, butyoumustguarantee that lets offme.”伏屋辉虽然已经认输,但还没有放弃求生的希望:“我可以把崇神秘会的情报告诉你,但是你必须保证放过我。”„It is not good!”
“不行!”Luluangryquirk: „HesufferedTeacher Tomoka is so long, cannotlet offhim.”路路恼火道:“他折磨了友香老师这么久,不能放过他。”Xu Chengalsonods: „Right, a Teacher Tomokafemalewas detainedbyyousuchfor a long time, was sufferedby the insult, laterperhapsdid not marry, youthought that cantreat ashas not happened?”许诚也点点头:“没错,友香老师一个女性被你们关押这么久,备受侮辱折磨,以后说不定嫁不出去了,你觉得能当做没发生过吗?”Fuseya Terulooked up a friendto be fragrant, thensaidtoXu Cheng: „Youcanquestionmyconduct, butpleasedo not insultmyaesthetic appreciation, Iam the patron in nightclub, is not the wanderer of eating what is offered.”伏屋辉抬头看了一眼友香,然后对许诚说道:“你可以质疑我的品行,但请不要侮辱我的审美,我是夜总会的常客,不是饥不择食的流浪汉。”Xu Chengthencarefullylooked atfriendfragrantoneeyes, discovered that Fuseya Teruhas not possibly lain.许诚这才仔细看了友香一眼,发现伏屋辉可能没撒谎。Because the friendwas fragrant longtoosafely, makingFuseya Teruplay blindman's buffon, hepossiblyhard.
因为友香长得太安全了,让伏屋辉蒙着眼上,他都可能硬不起来。Fuseya Terucontinues saying: „Moreoverwehave not sufferedher, time that shewas just grasped, is a thin person.”伏屋辉继续道:“而且我们也没有折磨她,她刚刚被抓过来的时候,可是一个瘦子。”Hearstwo peopledialogues, the slightlyfatfriend is quite fragrant embarrassed.
听到两人的对话,微胖的友香颇为不好意思。Xu Cheng: „......”许诚:“……”My goodness, your is the criminal organizationor the charity, howto provide the hostagesfat?
好家伙,你们这是犯罪组织还是慈善组织,怎么把人质都给养胖了?Fuseya Teruclenches teethto insist: „In brief, ifyouwant the Worship God Secret Meetinginformation, mustlet offme.”伏屋辉咬牙坚持:“总之,如果你想要崇神秘会的情报,就必须放过我。”Xu Chengabsolutelyhas no interest inmanipulating strategicallywithFuseya Teru, callsLuluto come, urgesherone.许诚根本就没兴趣跟伏屋辉勾心斗角,招呼路路过来,叮嘱她一句。
The Lulunodcomplies, to useteleportto vanish, less thanoneminutecomes back, the sidewere many a PersonAragaki Ayase.路路点头答应,使用瞬移消失,不到一分钟就重新回来,身边还多了一个人-新垣绫濑。„Makes a mistake, youdo not know that Iam busy at the footnot being well-groundednow?”
“有没有搞错啊,你不知道我现在忙得脚不着地吗?”Aragaki AyasediscontentedcomplainedtoXu Cheng: „Iam notyourtoolperson, wantsto useto askmeto come, usuallyhaswhatgood deednot to seeyouto thinkme.”新垣绫濑不满的向许诚抱怨:“我可不是你的工具人,想用一下就叫我来,平时有什么好事也没见到你想着我。”both sidesknew that was so long, sheknowsperson who Xu Chengisonedoes not have the rack, the speechis impolite.
双方认识这么久了,她知道许诚是一个没有架子的人,说话也就不客气。„Next timepleaseeat meal.”
“下次请你吃饭。”Xu ChengcomfortsAragaki Ayasewith the moodGrandmaster, is pointing atFuseya Teru: „Thisis the goal, gaveyou.”许诚用情绪大师安抚一下新垣绫濑,然后指着伏屋辉:“这个就是目标,交给你了。”Fuseya Terusizes upAragaki Ayase: „Canusehoney traptome? Was longwell, is the chest is too actually small, tradedin a big way.”伏屋辉打量一下新垣绫濑:“要对我用美人计吗?长得倒是不错,就是胸太小了点,换个大的吧。”Aragaki Ayase: „......”新垣绫濑:“……”Herforeheademits the blue veininstantaneously, points atFuseya Teruto stamp one's footsaid: „Immediatelykillshimto the old lady, makinghisnext generationreincarnationnot have the milkto drink.”
她的额头瞬间冒出青筋,指着伏屋辉跳脚道:“马上给老娘弄死他,让他下辈子投胎也没奶喝。”Xu ChengandNagumo Narumicannot bearlaugh.许诚和南云鸣海都忍不住哈哈大笑起来。Until the Aragaki Ayasecomplexionblacklikebottom of the pot, twotalentsstop the laughter.
直到新垣绫濑的脸色黑如锅底,两人才止住笑声。WhenXu Chengintroduced the Aragaki AyaseabilityafterFuseya Teru, Fuseya Teruthencomplexiondrastic change: „Waits for, has no needsuchruthlessly, Iam willing saying that you, so long ascombined threats with inducementsIto confess that slightly, Idid not have the bottom linespecially.”
“太晚啦。”Xu Chengshiverswith easehisneck, thenAragaki Ayasegoes forwardto displayregards the abilityspirit, startsto communicatewith the Fuseya Terusoul.许诚轻松敲碎他的脖子,然后新垣绫濑上前施展灵视能力,开始跟伏屋辉的灵魂沟通。According to the Fuseya Terusouldisclosed,Worship God Secret Meetingis a time-honoredorganization.
根据伏屋辉的灵魂透露,崇神秘会是一个历史悠久的组织。Fuseya TerujoinedWorship God Secret Meetingat age 20, nowalready over 40 years old, butas far as he knows, inWorship God Secret Meetingalsohasmassiveveteransandseveralgenerations of inheritance.伏屋辉20岁时加入崇神秘会,现在已经四十多岁,而据他所知,崇神秘会中还有大量的老资格和几代人的传承。Thismeant that the Worship God Secret Meetingexistencetime, lowlyalsooverhundredyears, withProtectoratesameareglorious.
这意味崇神秘会的存在时间,最低也超过百年,和护国会一样是悠久。But the Worship God Secret Meetingunusuallow key, theycamouflage the religionto moveinJapan, neverdeclaredowngiven nameto the outside, butis developing the membersilentlyin private.
但崇神秘会非常的低调,他们伪装成宗教在日本活动,从来不对外宣称自己的名号,只是默默在私下发展会员。ThereforeJapanhasHeavenly God Clan, Super Power Association, Resistance ArmyandProtectorate, are extremely fewsomepeopleto listen toWorship God Secret Meeting.
所以日本有天神族,超能协会,反抗军和护国会,却极少有人听崇神秘会。Tosome time ago, Worship God Secret Meetingchangedin those days the low-keyappearancesuddenly, started the rapid expansioninfluence, attractedlots ofmembers.
一直到不久前,崇神秘会忽然一改往日低调的模样,开始快速扩张势力,吸纳大量成员。Thatthis period of timewhat happenedcausesWorship God Secret Meetingto change the approach?
那这段时间发生什么事才导致崇神秘会改变做法?Fuseya Teruhear of higher authoritieshave said that presseshas vanishedintheirheadhindrance, Worship God Secret Meetingcanstart the Radianceuprightenlivened.伏屋辉听上级说过,压在他们头上的阻碍已经消失,崇神秘会可以开始光明正大的活跃起来了。Hearshere, Xu Chengrealizedsuddenlywaswhatreason.
The recentimportant matter, nothing butwasHeavenly God ClanGlorious Lightbyhisdefeats.
最近发生的大事,无非就是天神族的耀光被他击败。Worship God Secret Meetingis possibly dreadingGlorious Light, will choose the low-keydevelopment, but after Glorious Lightbyhisdefeats, thismysteriousorganizationenlivensimmediately.崇神秘会可能是在畏惧耀光,才会选择低调发展,而耀光被他击败后,这个神秘组织马上活跃起来。As for the origin and history of Worship God Secret Meeting, Fuseya Teruis not clear, after allhemixed for twentyyearsin the secretmeeting, onlybecomes a deacon.
至于崇神秘会的起源和历史,伏屋辉并不清楚,毕竟他在秘会内混了二十几年,也只成为一个助祭。AlsohasSiJiagainupward, Priest, Great Priestand otherpositions, the genuinesecret, is not his floorcanunderstand.
再往上还有司祭,主祭,大主祭等职位,真正的隐秘,不是他一个底层能够了解的。A few years ago, after Fuseya Teruwas promoted as the deacon, was sentthischurchfoothold, the primary missionwasto stare at the tightorphanage, waited forthatreturn that duplicatedAbility User.
几年前,伏屋辉被升为助祭后,就被派到这个教堂据点来,主要任务就是盯紧孤儿院,等待那个复制能力者的回归。ButwhyWorship God Secret Meetingmustseekto duplicateAbility User, but alsocontinuesfor a long timenot to give up, Fuseya Teru not clearreason.
而崇神秘会为什么要寻找复制能力者,还持续这么久都不放弃,伏屋辉也不清楚原因。BecauseWorship God Secret Meetingwill not explain the dutyto the subordinate, will only makethemcarry out the task.
因为崇神秘会并不会向下属说明任务,只会让他们执行任务。Moreover the systemis very similartoResistance Army, todeaconposition, with the higher authorityis the single line link, can only look forhimby the higher authority, buthecould not find the higher authority.
After allinformationsqueeze, Xu Chengdiscovered that thisWorship God Secret MeetingpossiblyisProtectorate, mysteriouspowerful, time-honored.
将所有情报都压榨出来后,许诚发现这崇神秘会可能又是一个护国会,神秘强大,历史悠久。Butnowin the situation of thisdisaster, the opposite partystartsto expandwantonly, obviouslywants to remain in limelight.
而现在这种灾难发生的情况下,对方开始大肆扩张,显然是不甘寂寞。Xu Chengshot a look atonewithfriendfragrantexchangeLulu.许诚又瞥了一眼正在跟友香交流的路路。Worship God Secret Meetinglooked forsuchlongduplicationAbility User, had not given up, it seems likeLuluis very importanttothem.崇神秘会找了这么久的复制能力者,一直都没放弃,看来路路对他们很重要。Iftheyknow that thisfootholdwas ruined, said that will not guesswasLulucomes back.
如果他们知道这个据点被人毁掉,说不会猜测到是路路回来了。Ifwere discovered the trail, isterrible business.
要是被发现踪迹,又是一件麻烦事。It seems likefrom now onmustletNagumo Narumilaw-abidingly, do not letherrun around.
看来今后得让南云鸣海安分点,别让她到处乱跑。Xu Chengis decidingat heart, casts the genialvisiontoNagumo Narumi, makinghershiversubconsciously.许诚在心里打定主意,向南云鸣海投去和善的目光,让她下意识打了个冷颤。Leaves, Xu Chengfliesin the air, throws down a MissQiu, changes into the ash the churchcompletely, camouflagesby the appearance that the World Treefragmentbreaks, hopes that candelayinvestigation of Worship God Secret Meeting.
离开的时候,许诚飞到空中,投下一颗邱小姐,把教堂化为灰尽,伪装成被世界树碎片砸碎的模样,希望可以延缓崇神秘会的追查。Hefearedthismysteriousorganizationactually not, just before understanding the completeinformation of opposite party, does not needto makeone's own sideexpose, increases the risk.
……Over time, the confusion in the world is still continuing.
随着时间推移,世界的混乱还在持续中。Somegreat nationshave regained the order, suppresses the unrestrapidly, entersto the condition of military control, somegreat nationshave enteredtothoroughlyeat the chickenpatternjoyfully, the holding a spear/gunfervorshootmutually, rob the commodity.
一些大国已经恢复秩序,迅速扑灭骚乱,进入到军管的状态,有些大国已经彻底进入到快乐吃鸡模式,持枪激情互射,抢夺物资。Japanbelongsto clampin the middlecountry, Tokyohad announced that sets up the provisional government, forms the disaster response forcewith the help of plutocrat, triesto regain the nationalorder.
日本属于夹在中间的国家,东京已经宣布成立临时政府,在财阀的帮助下组建救灾部队,试图恢复全国秩序。Onlycansay that theyhave madegesturediligently, how the concrete effectonly thengod knows, doesin any case not well, bowedfinished up.
只能说他们已经做出努力的姿态,具体效果如何只有天知道,反正做得不好,鞠个躬就完事了。Compared with the confusion, anotherwill profoundly change the matter of the world to happen- massiveawakeningAbility User, blowout-typeemergence.
比起混乱,另一件将深刻改变世界的事情正在发生-大量觉醒的能力者,正在井喷式的出现。Probablystemming fromshowing offpsychology, after the disasterseveraldays, in the networkhaslots ofInternet usersvariousabilities that shows off itselfto awaken, the quantitytens of thousands, has no wayto countmany.
大概是出于炫耀的心理,在灾难发生后的几天,网络上有大量的网民在炫耀自己觉醒的各种能力,数量成千上万,根本没法统计有多少。Butthisisafter the disaster, the infrastructurehad not been comparedgreat destruction, region that but can also access the net.
而这还是灾难发生后,基础设施没有遭到较大破坏,还能够上网的区域。Entire worldseveral billionspeople, nowat leastover2/3personunablesurfers, butinthisgroup of peoplesomeactually many person who awakened the ability, revolvingfearsextremely.
全世界数十亿人,现在至少有超过三分之二的人无法上网,而这群人里面究竟有多少觉醒了能力的人,细思极恐。Currentlyonlyhasfewcountriesto regain the orderin the world, remainingin the confusion, the governments of mostsmall countries still has collapsed, whatever the nationalruns its own course.
现在全世界仅有寥寥几个国家已经恢复秩序,剩下的都还在混乱中,大部分小国的政府都已经崩溃,任由国民自生自灭。In the condition of thistype of anarchy, Ability Userwill emergerapidly, usurpsmoreresources.
在这种无政府的状态下,能力者们会迅速脱颖而出,强占更多的资源。When the governmentreconstructs, do theseAbility Usermeetinglittle darlingsreturn the resources?
等到政府重建,难道这些能力者们会乖乖将资源交还回去?Collapse of World Tree, butbegins that the timechanges, the whole worldunablehas returned tooriginallythatoverallpeaceobviously the condition.世界树的崩溃,只是拉开时代变化的序幕而已,整个世界显然已经无法回到原本那种整体和平的状态了。Xu Chengalso the computereach region the browsingbefore the condition, suddenlyhears the Shiratsuki Rinsoundto transmit.许诚还在电脑前浏览各地发生的状况,忽然听到白月凛的声音传来。„Ate meal.”
“吃饭了。”Shecarries the trayto walkfrom the kitchen, the bodyis the apron, a appearance of housewife.
她端着盘子从厨房里走出来,身上还系着围裙,一副家庭主妇的打扮。Althoughmoved the request that lived togetherto be overruled, butShiratsuki Rinbought the house in next doorimmediately, thenmade a connection with the fence, realizedliving togetherfrom the physicallevel.
虽然搬进来同居的要求被否决了,但白月凛马上就买下隔壁的房子,然后打通围墙,从物理层面上实现了同居。Recentlyhas been busyexpandingto strike the fallingdeity the influence, Shiratsuki Rinis busy at the footnot being well-grounded, butevery two days, shewill put downto work, went to the kitchentoXu Chengpersonally.
Before Xu Chengarrives at the table, the discoveryis a bigtablesumptuousvegetable/dish, cannot bearsaidtoShiratsuki Rin: „The plague year, was excessive.”许诚走到餐桌前,发现是一大桌子丰盛的菜,忍不住对白月凛说道:“大灾之年,过分了。”Shiratsuki Rinhas not carried the carpto bake the surface, is only charmingly angry: „Hurriesto eatyour.”白月凛没有端出鲤鱼焙面,只是娇嗔道:“赶紧吃你的吧。”Although the commodityis now short, butagainhowshortnotshortXu ChengandShiratsuki Rinsuchperson.
The second day of disaster, the majorplutocratsgaveShiratsuki Rinto bestowa lot ofcommoditiessecretly, asshowing good will.
灾难发生的第二天,各大财阀就偷偷给白月凛赠送了大量的物资,作为示好。Xu Chengsits downto eat meal, whatbecauseShiratsuki Rindoesis the Chinese meal, makinghimhave the appetite.许诚坐下吃饭,因为白月凛做的是中餐,让他非常有食欲。Shiratsuki Rinsitsin the one side, is supporting the chinsingle-handed, the lip anglehas a smile, the visionsuch as the waterlooks athim.白月凛坐在一旁,单手撑着下巴,唇角含笑,目光如水看着他。
Before thisisher, had fantasizedfuture- becomes the housewife, eachAmaterasuGulover'sdaily life.
“味道怎么样?”Shiratsuki Rinclampedsweet and sourspareribstoXu Cheng, somewhatanxiousasking, after thisissheknows the Xu Chengnationality, finds timeto study, the craftsmanshipdoes not knowto satisfy one's liking.白月凛给许诚夹了一块糖醋排骨,有些紧张的问,这是她知道许诚国籍后抽空学的,手艺不知道合不合胃口。„Good, the flavorwithmesimilar that eatsin the native place.”
“不错,味道跟我在老家吃的差不多。”Xu Chengeatswhileis praising, thensuddenlythinks, before Akimiya Tsuki, has prepared foodtohim.许诚一边吃一边夸奖着,然后忽然想起来,秋宫月之前也给他做过饭。
The peoplecanmeettwoto study the Chinese mealforyoufor a lifetime, forwoman who yougo to the kitchen, is very lucky.
After finishing eating the food, Shiratsuki Rinstretches oneself, thencrawledto the shoulder of Xu Chengon, aspiratedorchidsuch asinhisear: „Imusttake a bath.”
吃完饭后,白月凛伸了个懒腰,然后爬到许诚的肩膀上,在他耳边吐气如兰:“我要去洗澡咯。”Sheis nipping the redlip, saidshyly: „Can you...... helpme?”
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