SH :: Volume #8

#715: Fights shortly

Bang-!” “轰-!” In the giant bellow, in the forest blasts open column of smoke, the innumerable crushed stones splash, collapses including the surrounding trees. 巨大的轰鸣声中,森林里炸裂出一股烟柱,无数碎石飞溅开来,连周围的树木都倒塌下来。 Is the tiger's head monster of head stands in the middle of the giant gulf, stares mysterious person who is turning around to walk, the under foot is completely is the dense and numerous cracks. 为首的虎头怪物站在巨大的深坑当中,盯着转身就走的神秘人,脚下尽是是密密麻麻的龟裂。 Very powerful big strength!” “好强大的力量!” Orochimaru is startled, can only achieve such destructive power by the strength of pure physical body, moreover speed also very fast, it seems like not that volume huge actually good to look at but of no use enduring beast. 大蛇丸大吃一惊,仅凭借纯粹的肉体的力量就能达到这样的破坏力,而且速度还十分迅捷,看来并不是那种体积庞大却中看不中用的忍兽啊。 Gives me dead!” “给我去死!” The mysterious person just avoided bombing, the sheep's head monster flushed from another side, every step can cross 20-30 meters astonishing distance. 神秘人刚刚躲开刚才的轰炸,羊头怪物就从另一边冲了上来,每一步都能越过20-30米的惊人距离。 Brushing, several meters silver long swords wield to cut fully, changes arrives as if can chop to cut all rays. “刷”的一声,足有数米的银色长剑挥砍过来,化作一到仿佛能劈砍一切的光芒。 ka-cha-” 咔嚓-” The surrounding trees look like worthlessly, are broken neatly, but the mysterious person who the sickle truncates dashes about wildly in the grove as before. 周围的树木就像是被镰刀削断的草芥,齐刷刷地断裂,而神秘人依旧在树丛中狂奔。 Although is the pure physical attack, but if the speed and strength were some terrifying degree, similarly will be quite thorny, but at present this mysterious person appears is distressed. 虽然是纯粹的物理攻击,但若是速度、力量都达到了某种恐怖的程度,同样会相当棘手,而眼前这个神秘人就显得狼狈起来。 You cannot escape!” “你逃不掉的!” The monster mouth that last is growing the antler is meditating anything, pounds the wooden stick layer on layer/heavily on the ground, at the same time black firewall suddenly from underground braving, flaming is burning, blocked the route of mysterious person. 最后一个长着鹿角的怪物嘴里默念着什么,重重将木杖砸在地上,一面黑色的火墙骤然从地下冒起,熊熊燃烧着,阻断了神秘人的路线。 , but can also use the special ability?” Orochimaru looks that the antler monster expressed admiration, that flame gloomy, mysterious person has not broken through very forcefully. “唔,还能使用特殊的能力吗?”大蛇丸看着鹿角怪物啧啧称奇,那种火焰十分的阴森,神秘人也没有强行突破。 „! The running dogs of your group of evil gods may this be troublesome.” “嘁!你们这群邪神的走狗可这是麻烦。” The mysterious person backs on the firewall coldly looked to encircling three monsters have not actually feared intent slightly, „, since you chose the death, then do not blame me being brutal!” 神秘人背靠着火墙冷冷看向围上来的三头怪物却是丝毫没有惧意,“既然你们选择了死亡,那么就别怪我无情了!” Small mixed up, but we waiter of evil god, so long as we or are impossible to let off your!” “小杂碎,我们可是邪神的侍者,只要我们或者就不可能放过你的!” Three monster raves, were plunging the mysterious person simultaneously, like three fierce giant beasts! 三个怪物狂吼着,同时扑向了神秘人,如同三头凶恶的巨兽! Right? Then made me use the strength of that bastard to kill you to be good!” “是吗?那么就让我用那个混蛋的力量杀死你们好了!” The mysterious person lifts the palm, the powder green ray in his palm sparkle, saw only in the space to present four color rays, changed to one group of energies, was swayed ruthlessly by him. 神秘人抬起来手掌,粉绿色的光芒在他的掌心闪耀,只见空间中出现了四种颜色的光芒,化作一团能量,被他狠狠挥洒出去。 That unflustered appearance does not seem like by the enemy is surrounded radically, instead is the resembles gives the prey finally the first-level hunter! 那从容不迫的样子根本不像是被敌人包围,反而是像给猎物最终一级的猎人! „-!” “哐-!” In the radical explosion, the surrounding trees changed to the detritus, the mysterious person seizes the opportunity to retreat toward the one side, his front had been embezzled by the energy mighty current bright with many colors. 剧烈的爆炸中,周围的树木化作了碎屑,神秘人乘机朝一旁退去,他的面前已经被五光十色的能量洪流吞没了。 The storm, flame, turbulent current and rock... four abilities are interweaving, then changes to a minute of green ray to be detonated. 风暴、火焰、激流、岩石...四种能力交织着,然后化作分绿色的光芒被引爆。 „Isn't that... once that evil god envoy dredges the ability of suo use now?” “那不是...曾今那个邪神使者浚娑使用的能力吗?” Orochimaru recognized this ability, after all the powder green ray recognition of four attribute fusions were too high, does not know how this fellow will obtain. 大蛇丸一眼就认出了这种能力,毕竟四属性融合的粉绿色光芒辨识度太高了,就是不知道这家伙怎么会得到的。 Now recalled that at that time dredged suo and kasaya ancient sacrificial utensil , in the laboratory died accidentally/surprisingly has not presented the evil god to give them Nuclear, Then certainly in the middle of the soul bead of these two. 现在回想起来当时浚娑和裟俎在实验室里意外死掉的时候并没有出现邪神赋予他们的【核】,那么就一定在这两人的魂珠当中了。 But through the dialogues of beforehand both sides, this mysterious person should at least obtain dredged suo Nuclear, Therefore had her strength, moreover got angry with the evil god! 而通过之前双方的对话,这个神秘人应该是至少得到了浚娑的【核】,所以拥有了她的力量,而且还和邪神翻脸了! This was very strange, for evil god Nuclear The security, does not grasp the soul bead of envoy in own hand? How to fall to his hand in? 这就很奇怪了啊,邪神为了【核】的安全,不都是把使者的魂珠掌握在自己手中的吗?怎么会落到他的手里呢? Orochimaru cannot think through completely, moreover is this fellow Katou Dan? 大蛇丸完全想不通,而且这家伙到底是不是加藤断呢? If this fellow is Katou Dan, then he also did obtain the abilities of other messengers? 如果这家伙是加藤断,那么他是否还获得了其他使者的能力? „! Damn rebel!” “嗷!该死的叛徒!” The mysterious person doubtful with dredging the suo same four attribute attacks erupted destructive power that endured compared with Forbidden Technique, when the energy subsided gradually, in the field has changed to stretch of ruins. 神秘人疑似和浚娑一样的四属性攻击爆发出来了堪比禁术的破坏力,当能量渐渐平息,场中早已化作一片废墟。 Three human form monsters had vanished do not see, what replaces it is three huge giant beasts! 原本三个人形怪物已经消失不见,取而代之的是三头更加庞大的巨兽! Three eye scarlet incomparable fierce tiger, goat and elk shape giant beasts. 三头眼睛猩红无比的猛虎、山羊和麋鹿形态巨兽。 They are scarred under the attack of mysterious person, actually seemed wilder. 在神秘人的攻击下它们都伤痕累累,却显得更加狂暴了。 Domestic animal is the domestic animal, your wait on evilly are the same, was controlled the fellow of intelligence thoroughly, didn't the fear that therefore even died have?” “畜生就是畜生,你们这些邪侍都是一样,彻底被控制了神智的家伙,所以连死亡的恐惧都没有了吗?” The strength of mysterious person is obviously more powerful than these four limbs developed monsters, at least also has the Kage level strength. 神秘人的实力显然比这些四肢发达的怪物更加强大,至少也有着影级的实力。 At this time his on the whole person braves the spooky blue light, unexpectedly floats in in the air, suddenly overlooked below monster, the eyes under bamboo hat is releasing the substantive blue rays of light. 此时他整个人身上冒着幽幽的蓝光,居然就这么漂浮在空中,蓦然地俯视着下方的怪物,斗笠下的双眼释放出了实质性的蓝色毫光。 Roar-!” “吼-!” Similar to, the fellow who these evil gods who this fellow said send indeed has no scruples, plunged the mysterious person of float again in upper air, sent out powerful, is the final attack. 就如同这家伙所说的,这些邪神派来的家伙的确没有任何顾忌,再次扑向了漂浮在高空中的神秘人,发出了最强大,也是最后的攻击。 Buzz-” “嗡-” Invisible spiritual shock-wave slightly crosses the air, forms the meat however obvious terrifying ripple. 一道无形的精神冲击波略过空气,形成肉然可见的恐怖波纹。 The in the air mysterious person whole body covers under substantive spiritual force, before him, three close fierce giant beast figure solidified instantaneously, in the eye the scarlet gloss gradually extinguishes, then fell dejected. 空中的神秘人全身都笼罩在实质般的精神力下,在他面前,三头近在咫尺的狰狞巨兽身形瞬间凝固了,眼中猩红的光泽逐渐熄灭,然后颓然地掉落了下去。 Bamboo hat and gown were blown to fall in this share dividend, revealed familiar facial features. 身上的斗笠和袍子被在这股力吹落,露出了一个熟悉的面容。 Really is that missing Katou Dan! 果然是那个失踪的加藤断! However has to have a pale blue with that beautiful hair, Katou Dan of mild amiable image is entirely different, the person who at present presents is a blood-color long hair, the indifference of whole face, in the eye socket is actually sparkling the dazzling soul flame! 然而和原本那个有着有头淡蓝色秀发,温润谦和形象的加藤断截然不同,眼前出现的人却是一头血色长发,满脸的冷漠,眼眶中更是闪耀着耀眼的灵魂火焰! This fellow......” “这个家伙......” Orochimaru is staring at this mysterious stranger, suddenly did not determine unexpectedly he is that Danzo disciple, once Jin has regarded him for the mortal enemy, but also has, when the Hokage ambition, has pursued Tsunade Katou Dan! 大蛇丸凝视着这个神秘的陌生人,一时间竟然不确定他到底是不是那个团藏的弟子,曾今一直视他为死敌,还有着当火影的野心,追求过纲手加藤断了! Moreover when the opposite party erupted that powerful spiritual force impact a moment ago, Orochimaru also some fantastic discovery, the body of this fellow seems not the genuine physical body! 而且刚才对方爆发那股强大的精神力冲击时,大蛇丸还有了一个惊人的发现,这个家伙的身体似乎并不是真正的肉体! His whole body seems by a powerful energy constitution, including the natural strength, the evil energy and spiritual force, included shinobi chakra. 他的全身似乎都是由一股强大的能量构成,其中包括了自然力量、邪恶的能量、精神力,也包括了忍者查克拉 This all sorts of energies blend in his within the body, before has been camouflaged the aura by a barrier of Qiyi, moreover should also be this unusual barrier maintained the stabilities of equilibrium state of various energies, when until erupted a moment ago was detected by Orochimaru. 这种种的能量在他的体内交融,之前一直被一种奇艺的屏障遮蔽了气息,而且应该也是这个奇特的屏障保持了各种能量的平衡稳定,直到刚才爆发时才被大蛇丸察觉到。 This doubtful Katou Dan fellow condition is quite strange, the words that must describe... look like maintain Black Zetsu of human appearance, his energy heterogeneous and complex, even Orochimaru also hears something never heard of before. 这个疑似加藤断的家伙状态相当诡异,非要形容的话...就像是保持人类样貌的黑绝,不过他的能量更加的驳杂和复杂,连大蛇丸也是闻所未闻的。 Cannot cut off the relations with the evil god strength that he captures. 想必和他夺取到的邪神力量脱不了关系。 „, These have a brute force actually spirit feeble-minded fellow spatially.” “嘁,这些空有一身蛮力却精神意志薄弱的家伙啊。” The mysterious person who reveals the appearance/portrait is overlooking the giant beast corpse that falls on the ground, the energetic storm killed their second directly, huge and strange body actually impressive. 露出真容的神秘人俯视着掉落在地上的巨兽尸体,刚才的精神风暴直接将它们秒杀,庞大而怪异的身躯却还是让人惊叹。 Does not know how that evil god thinks, hand/subordinate no one? However this huge bloodlines cannot waste.” “也不知道那个邪神是怎么想的,手下没人了吗?不过这庞大的血脉可不能浪费了。” Three evil different incantations appear in the forehead of mysterious person, bright red such as incantation ray greatly hold of blood, the mysterious person spread out the palm, in the hand dropped three blood-color flame, burnt fiercely on the corpses of three giant beasts. 三颗邪异的咒文在神秘人的额头显现出来,其中一颗鲜红如血的咒文光芒大盛,神秘人摊开手掌,手中落下了三朵血色的火焰,在三头巨兽的尸体上剧烈燃烧起来。 Really, this fellow even/including woman luo and did the ability of kasaya ancient sacrificial utensil that two envoy also obtain?” “果然,这家伙连婆猡和裟俎那两个使者的能力也得到了吗?” The Orochimaru surprised say/way, fight of once Jin and messengers has a vivid memory as before, although Orochimaru did not have to act personally, actually also knew the abilities of three messengers. 大蛇丸惊讶道,曾今和使者们的战斗依旧记忆犹新,大蛇丸虽然没有亲自出手,却也知道三个使者的能力。 The blood-color incantation should be dredges suo the flame of blood sacrifice, has the ability that burns down all matter energies, can offer sacrifices oneself or the body of enemy stimulates and extract the powerful strength. 血色咒文应该是浚娑的血祭之焰,拥有焚烧一切物质能量的能力,更是可以献祭自己或者敌人的身躯来激发、萃取强大的力量。 That green incantation was needless saying that was dredges suo to condense and control four attribute nature energy abilities. 那绿色的咒文不用说就是浚娑凝聚、操控四属性自然能量的能力了。 But finally that brown incantation, is the barrier that the Orochimaru sensation arrives, should be the ability of kasaya ancient sacrificial utensil: Mirror wall! 而最后那土黄色的咒文,同时也是大蛇丸感知到的屏障,应该就是裟俎的能力:镜壁! Scoffs......” “嗤啦......” The blood flame flaming is burning, like the genuine flame, the corpse in just ten minutes flesh of three giant beasts is not withered, finally changed to the giant skeleton directly, then the avalanche, changed to the powder dust loudly. 血焰熊熊燃烧着,又不像真正的火焰,三头巨兽的尸体在短短十分钟内血肉干瘪起来,最后直接化作了巨大的骨架,然后轰然崩塌,化作了碎末。 The blood flame sacrifice refine their powerful mortal bodies, within the body that the red energy that is sending out the rich smell of blood poured into the mysterious person, making his aura enrich powerful, scarlet long hair also monster different. 血焰祭炼了它们强大的肉身,一股散发着浓郁血腥味的红色能量注入了神秘人的体内,让他的气息更加强大充实起来,猩红的长发也更加妖异了。 ..., if has had such sacrificial offering to deliver, perhaps I really can be getting more and more powerful? “唔...如果一直都有这样的祭品送上门来,我或许真的能越来越强大呢? Someday, I can also become that type to destroy day of a monster that extinguishes the place, then... makes these bastards also taste my anger, ha! ” 说不定有一天,我也可以成为那种毁天灭地的怪物,然后...让这些混蛋也尝尝我的怒火,哈哈哈!” The mysterious person is laughing wildly, he falls to the ground, skin becomes transparent, can see that indistinctly the blood-color energy spreads in within the body, very strange. 神秘人狂笑着,他落到地面上,身上的皮肤都变得透明起来,隐约可以看到血色的能量在体内蔓延开来,十分的诡异。 Never expected that Ninja World also has your such fellow to exist, does not know that who you are?” “没想到忍界还有你这样的家伙存在啊,不知道你到底是什么人?” Finally, when the mysterious person preparation left Orochimaru appears on own initiative. 终于,在神秘人准备离开的时候大蛇丸主动出现了。 He looks interestingly this appearance looks like the Katou Dan fellow, directly asked own doubts. 他饶有兴趣地看着这个容貌酷似加藤断的家伙,直接问出了自己的疑惑。 Un? Also some people here?” “嗯?还有人在这里吗?” The mysterious person leans slowly comes excessively, then sneers, was, you were that in the rain endured the fellow in village, I felt like some people to spy on me, never expected that you have also followed here!” 神秘人缓缓侧过头来,然后又冷笑起来,“是了,你就是那个在雨忍村里的家伙,我就感觉似乎有人在窥探我,没想到你还一直跟到了这里啊!” The mysterious person is sizing up Orochimaru unscrupulously, naturally he has not recognized Orochimaru after camouflage. 神秘人肆无忌惮地打量着大蛇丸,当然他没有认出伪装后的大蛇丸 Fought you to see a moment ago? Your this being haunted by the ghost fellow, I told you to be good, this world was is not so simple, later do not raise what Ninja World that you thought again, shinobi not necessarily was this world's control.” “刚才的战斗你应该看到了吧?你这个阴魂不散的家伙,我就告诉你好了,这个世界可不是你以为的那么简单,以后不要再提什么忍界了,忍者未必是这个世界的主宰啊。” The mysterious person has not been serious Orochimaru obviously, perhaps in his opinion, the country of rain was praised give an exaggerated account of things Hanzo except for one, other are the mixed fish. 神秘人显然没有把大蛇丸当回事,或许在他看来,雨之国除了一个被夸得天花乱坠的半藏,其余都是杂鱼罢了。 „, Yes, did I as if hear you to mention the evil god a moment ago?” “哦,是啊,刚才我似乎听到你提到了邪神是吗?” Orochimaru is saying with a smile pale, he also wants to know the information of opposite party. 大蛇丸淡笑着道,他也很想知道对方的情报。 Hehe, you hear were too many.” The mysterious person is sneering, obviously did not prepare to say. “呵呵,你听到的太多了。”神秘人冷笑着,显然不准备多说。 Since you saw the fight, but also evaded my energetic sensation, the initiative appearance, your strength seems powerful, moreover... you are not that Hanzo, who are you?” “不过既然你看到了刚才的战斗,还躲过了我的精神感知,主动出现,你的实力似乎很强大,而且...你又不是那个半藏,你到底是谁?” Looks at the Orochimaru self-poise appearance, the mysterious person is vigilant gradually. 看着大蛇丸镇定自若的样子,神秘人渐渐警惕起来。 Although Orochimaru has camouflaged, but his purple informer and dark golden vertical pupil make the opposite party feel familiar as before! 虽然大蛇丸伪装过,但是他那紫色的眼线和暗金色的竖瞳依旧让对方感到一丝熟悉! Hehe, hits to call, Katou Dan!” “呵呵,重新打一下招呼吧,加藤断!” What?!” “什么?!” Katou Dan these three characters seem like his taboo, as Orochimaru that teased, but hoarse voice, the mysterious person facial color big change, looks at Orochimaru finally inconceivable, later in the eye ray hold, erupted substantive killing intent greatly! 加藤断这三个字似乎是他的禁忌,随着大蛇丸那戏谑而沙哑的嗓音,神秘人终于面色大变,不可思议地看着大蛇丸,随后眼中光芒大盛,爆发出实质般的杀意! „-!” “哐-!” The powder green ray erupts from the palm again, the four energies in this space condense a mighty current to swallow the present all directly. 粉绿色的光芒再次从掌心爆发,这次空间中的四种能量直接凝聚成了一道洪流吞噬眼前的一切。 In the huge explosion, the trim forest is shivering, the present field of vision presented a giant opening, the attacks of four attribute fusions annihilate the thing within several hundred meters range instantaneously! 巨大的爆炸中,整片森林都在颤抖,眼前的视野出现了一个巨大的豁口,四属性融合的攻击将数百米范围内的事物瞬间湮灭! Brushes-” “刷-” A shadow ran out of the smog, is Orochimaru. 一道黑影冲出了烟雾,正是大蛇丸 The figure of mysterious person vanishes instantaneously, the ray in eye locked his position stubbornly. 神秘人的身形瞬间消失,眼中的光芒死死锁定了他的位置。 Gives me dead!” “给我去死!” The wind blade, fireball, water current and stone lance, nature energy between world change to four attribute attacks to shell the Orochimaru position crazily, the latter delimits a long trace in the ground, a palm pats on the ground. 风刃、火球、水流、石矛,天地间的自然能量化作四属性的攻击疯狂地轰击着大蛇丸的位置,后者在地面上划出一道长长的痕迹,一掌拍在地上。 Ninja Art tertiary Rashomon!” 忍法・三重罗生门!” The tertiary huge thick ugly face door rises straight from the ground, was Orochimaru blocked the dense and numerous attacks, but was also quick by the wild energy annihilation. 三重巨大厚实的鬼脸门扉拔地而起,为大蛇丸挡住了密密麻麻的攻击,不过又很快被狂暴的能量湮没。 This Ninjutsu is... you cannot escape!” “这个忍术是...你逃不掉的!” The mysterious person angrily roars, his spiritual force had solidly locked Orochimaru, with not losing. 神秘人怒吼一声,他的精神力已经牢牢锁定了大蛇丸,并没有跟丢。 Brushes-” “刷-” His body looks like one group of light groups that does not have the weight flew instantaneously to the Orochimaru direction, was far in excess of the spiritual attack of Kage level shinobi energetic intensity to erupt, has spread instantaneously the Orochimaru position! 他的身体就像是一团没有重量的光团瞬间飞向了大蛇丸的方向,一股远远超越了影级忍者精神强度的精神攻击爆发出来,瞬间蔓延过大蛇丸的位置! Buzz, the second killed under three big evil god hand/subordinate attacks before, the Orochimaru facial color is still invariable, the eyes release the sparkling stone white ray, simultaneously on the body covered a purple black ray. “嗡”的一声,之前秒杀了三大邪神手下的攻击下,大蛇丸面色依旧不变,双眼释放出莹白色的光芒,同时身体上覆盖上了一层紫黑色的光芒。 The spiritual impact of mysterious person blew off Orochimaru purple ray, however is actually not able to shake the Orochimaru powerful energetic will. 神秘人的精神冲击吹散了大蛇丸身上的紫色光芒,然而却无法撼动大蛇丸强大的精神意志。 After the moment, the invisible energetic ripple dissipates, the mysterious person falls on the ground, looks at Orochimaru surprisedly, the shining white colored light glow in opposite party eyes restrains gradually, on the face has the relaxed happy expression. 片刻后,无形的精神波纹消散,神秘人落在地上,惊讶地看着大蛇丸,对方眼中的莹白色光芒渐渐收敛,脸上却带着轻松的笑意。 This is impossible!” “这不可能!” The opposite party somewhat roared hysteric in the tone full is incredible, he never thought the opposite party to be able such wind light cloud Dan anti- under such attack. 对方有些歇斯底里地咆哮起来语气中满是不可置信,他从未想过对方可以这么风轻云淡地抗下这样的攻击。 Must know the evil god ability that and obtain, dredges suo and attack of woman luo, although is also very powerful, but he is proud, regards as the card in a hand is actually powerful spiritual force. 要知道和获得的邪神能力,浚娑和婆猡的攻击虽然也很强大,但是他引以为傲,视为底牌的却是自己强大的精神力 That was he discarded own physical body, changed to the strength that the body of spiritualisation had thoroughly! 那可是他舍弃了自己的肉体,彻底化作灵化之身才拥有的力量! Where is this fellow sacred? If only by the spiritual force quantity, Hanzo also and not on at present this fellow. 这个家伙到底是何方神圣?如果单论精神力量,半藏也及不上眼前这个家伙。 Hehe, looks at your response, you should be Katou Dan right, never expected that you are also living, but also becomes now this appearance, is really... the human affairs is variable!” Orochimaru spooky say/way. “呵呵,看你的反应,你应该就是加藤断没错了,没想到你还活着,还成为了现在这个模样,真是...世事无常啊!”大蛇丸幽幽道。 Yes, I become this appearance, is because once were too naive, longs for that the strength is actually not able to undertake to obtain the strength the price, for this reason, once I lose all now, fell into the boundless darkness.” “是啊,我成为这个样子,全都是因为曾经的自己太天真了,渴望力量却又无法承担获得力量的代价,为此,曾今我失去了一切,堕入了无边的黑暗。” Katou Dan looks at own hand, with the hand of average man seemingly exactly the same spiritualisation. 加藤断看着自己的手,和常人看上去一模一样的灵化之手。 Does not have the temperature, does not have the body of entity. 却是毫无温度,也没有实体的身躯。
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