SH :: Volume #8

#714: Discovery of Orochimaru

The mysterious person turns around to walk, Orochimaru follows by far behind. 神秘人转身就走,大蛇丸远远跟在身后。 Here is the rain endures the village, on is status in secret, Orochimaru can incite the rain to endure outwardly to deal with this fellow. 这里是雨忍村,无论是明面上还是暗中的身份,大蛇丸都可以指使雨忍对付这家伙。 However Orochimaru does not have, should for him discover, once divert attention, loses the trace of this fellow very much easily. 但是大蛇丸没有,应为他发现一旦自己分心,很容易就失去这个家伙的踪影。 Finally, this fellow is moving fast, left the rain to endure the village, arrived in the middle of woods. 终于,这个家伙飞快地移动着,离开了雨忍村,来到了一处树林当中。 When Orochimaru cannot bear makes a move to test this fellow, this mysterious person actually stopped the footsteps. 就在大蛇丸忍不住出手试探这个家伙的时候,这个神秘人却停下了脚步。 Discovered me, therefore directed intentionally me...? It is not right!” “发现我了,所以故意把我引出来...嗯?不对!” Orochimaru in secret discovered suddenly the distant place does not know were when many three to give a thought to the fluctuation of energy of Qiyi, at the same time, three rich evil arrogance revealed, locked this fellow completely. 暗中的大蛇丸骤然发现远处不知道什么时候多了三顾奇艺的能量波动,与此同时,三股浓郁的邪恶气焰显露出来,全部锁定了这个家伙。 This is......” “这是......” In Orochimaru snake eye is glittering the purple ray, this is the strength of evilly seeing, can make him feel the evil intention in his person heart, or evil thought. 大蛇丸蛇瞳中闪烁着紫色的光芒,这是邪见的力量,能够让他感受到他人心中的恶意,或者说,邪念。 In three years, Ye Long through sees the will cultivation of clone evilly, own spirit with the evil thought washout and tempering, had controlled this strength thoroughly. 三年里,叶龙通过邪见分身的意志修炼,把自身的精神用邪念冲刷、磨炼,已经彻底掌控了这种力量。 Once Ye Long calms the mind, achieved a heart such as Shisui, not to read does not have the absurd marvelous boundary, this was his spiritual cultivation achievement, was the reason of Orochimaru spiritual force quantity benefit. 一旦叶龙静下心来,就达到了一种心如止水、无念无妄的奇妙境界,这是他的精神修炼成果,也是大蛇丸精神力量受益的原因。 This cultivation can make them filter the distracting thoughts in heart, feels the natural strength between world well, has achieved the inconceivable boundary regarding other spiritual the resistance of impact and will attack. 这种修炼可以让他们过滤掉心中的杂念,更好地感受天地间的自然力量,对于其他精神冲击、意志侵袭的抵抗已经达到了不可思议的境界。 Meanwhile, has the ability that sees evilly, Ye Long also uses such tempering to obtain a special capability: Investigates the evil thought of opposite party innermost feelings sending out, thus feels to know that the aura and trend of opposite party, are somewhat similar to the Mount Myōboku Mystique Palm ability, is the quite powerful sensation. 与此同时,拥有邪见的能力,叶龙还利用这样的磨炼获得了一个特殊能力:侦查对方内心散发的邪恶意念,从而感知道对方的气息和动向,有些类似于妙木山仙术能力,是相当强大的感知。 Once wang liang also misled some innermost feelings evil people to become own subordinate by this ability. 曾经魍魉也就是靠这个能力来蛊惑一些内心邪恶之人成为自己的手下的。 But now, obtained this ability with Orochimaru that the Ye Long strength was closely linked. 而现在,和叶龙的实力息息相关的大蛇丸也获得了这种能力。 In his sensation, three evil thoughts transformed three strange fellows, the appearance probably was fierce and huge devil. 在他的感知中,三股邪恶意念幻化成了三个奇怪的家伙,样子像是狰狞而巨大的恶魔。 When Orochimaru felt strange their origins, that faintly surrounded fellow also released own strength unexpectedly! 就在大蛇丸奇怪他们的来历的时候,那个隐隐被包围的家伙居然同样释放出了自己的力量! Is huger , the heterogeneous and fearful evil aura these three fellows erupts, formed shape that scarlet and earth yellow and powder green tricolor aura interwove. 一股比这三个家伙更加庞大、驳杂而可怕的邪恶气息爆发出来,形成了赤红、土黄和粉绿三色气息交织的形态。 Three strengths fuse faintly, an evil different man appears in his eyes, in the eye full kills intent! 三种力量隐隐融合,一个邪异的男子在他眼中出现,眼中满是杀意! This... this fellow!” “这...这个家伙!” Orochimaru looks at these odd people surprisedly, their evil and wang liang is not same, but actually cannot be underestimated as before. 大蛇丸惊讶地看着这几个怪人,他们的邪恶和魍魉并不相同,但是却依旧不容小觑。 However Orochimaru understood quickly, these fellows absolutely are not pure shinobi! 不过大蛇丸很快明白了,这几个家伙绝对不是单纯的忍者 Who is?” “到底是谁呢?” That familiar feeling can hardly be removed as before, but Orochimaru cannot find out his status. 那种熟悉的感觉依旧挥之不去,不过大蛇丸还是想不出他的身份。 Hehehe, your fellow, stole the strength of Sir also to dare to appear unexpectedly swaggering, acted recklessly simply.” “嘿嘿嘿,你这个家伙,窃取了大人的力量竟然还敢大摇大摆地出现,简直是不知死活。” Fellow who three seem the average person from woods, their eye blood red piece, is staring at that fellow stubbornly, in the mouth seems like the wild animal common dropping saliva. 三个好似普通人的家伙从树林中走了出来,他们的眼睛血红一片,死死盯着那个家伙,口中像是野兽一般滴落涎水。 Walks with us, stands the trial of evil god Sir, perhaps you have the opportunity of starting with a clean slate.” “和我们走吧,接受邪神大人的审判,或许你还有改过自新的机会呢。” What? Evil god?! 什么?邪神?! Orochimaru is startled, restrains own aura discretely, is listening to several people of conversations carefully. 大蛇丸大吃一惊,更加谨慎地收敛自己的气息,仔细听着几人的交谈。 Hehe, I have known that plot, the so-called envoy is some pitiful vessels. “呵呵,我已经知道了那个阴谋,所谓的使者不过是一些可悲的容器罢了。 In order to know this secret, I have paid the serious price, falls to such result, can survive with great difficulty. ” 为了知道这个秘密,我已经付出了惨重的代价,以至于落到这样的结局,好不容易才能存活下来的。” The fellow who that cannot see the look sneers is looking at these three odd people, „ now, my life already and strength of that fellow is closely linked, once loses it, I will unravel. You said, I am possible and you go back? 那个看不到相貌的家伙冷笑着看着这三个怪人,“如今,我的生命已经和那个家伙的力量息息相关,一旦失去它,我就会灰飞烟灭。你们说,我怎么可能和你们回去呢? I fall to so the situation, already and that evil god did not die continuous, your running dogs, I saw to kill one time one time! ” 况且,我落到这般地步,早就和那个邪神不死不休了,你们这些走狗,我见一次杀一次!” Bold!” “大胆!” Courts death!” “找死!” Three odd people are roaring angrily, the facial features twist immediately, but Orochimaru responded finally, surprised of whole face. 三个怪人愤怒地咆哮着,面容顿时扭曲起来,而大蛇丸终于反应了过来,满脸的惊讶。 „Is this sound, Katou Dan?!” “这个声音,难道是加藤断?!” Katou Dan became matter Ye Long and Orochimaru of evil god envoy had long known, this fellow to obtain the strength and evil god made the transaction, but also tried to attack the god tree, finally was occupied the body by the envoy of evil god. 加藤断成为邪神使者的事情叶龙大蛇丸早就知道了,这家伙为了获得力量和邪神做交易,还试图袭击神树,最后被邪神的使者占据了身体。 On the same day Ye Long intended to beat that three evil god messengers, but was occupied the envoy of Katou Dan body to escape. 当日叶龙出手击败了那三个邪神使者,不过被占据了加藤断身躯的使者逃跑了。 They think Katou Dan has long evaporated, has not thought that here runs into the doubtful Katou Dan fellow. 原本他们都以为加藤断早就烟消云散了,没想到在这里遇到疑似加藤断的家伙。 What meaning... are his words? 只是...他的话到底是什么意思? If Katou Dan is living, got angry strangely, they with the evil god has not known in the white Snake Sage mouth after all the evil god trained the goal of envoy: 如果加藤断活着,和邪神翻脸一点都不奇怪,毕竟他们已经在白蛇仙人口中知道了邪神培养使者的目的: Acts in the outside world using the envoy, cultivates the ability to lodge Nuclear, And swallows the envoy when needed, restores the strength for oneself. 利用使者在外界行动,培育自己能力寄宿的【核】,并在需要的时候吞噬使者,为自己恢复力量。 The so-called envoy, in the evil god eyes is the sacrificial offering, was brainwashed by the evil god thoroughly, the subordinate of being dead set on is willing to become this type of sacrificial offering. 所谓的使者,在邪神眼中不过是祭品罢了,只有一些被邪神彻底洗脑,死心塌地的手下甘愿成为这种祭品。 Katou Dan is in any case impossible to be glad. 反正加藤断是不可能乐意的。 However if Katou Dan, how he gets rid of the evil god envoy, how also to get so far as now this appearance? 不过如果是加藤断,他是怎么摆脱邪神使者,又怎么会弄到现在这个样子的? That three odd people without doubt are the subordinates of evil god, looks Katou Dan to be troublesome, the Orochimaru preparation observes in secret! 那三个怪人无疑是邪神的手下,来找加藤断麻烦的,大蛇丸准备暗中观察! Roar! Since you are impenetrably thickheaded, is killed you by our three brothers, eliminates your strength to give the evil god Sir personally!” “吼!既然你冥顽不灵,那么就由我们三兄弟杀死你,亲手剥夺你的力量交给邪神大人吧!” The conversation failure, three odd people angrily roared, the body had the radical change. 交谈失败,三个怪人怒吼一声,身体发生了剧烈的变化。 ka-cha-” 咔嚓-” The leather bag of human instantaneously was stave, three people of figure rose suddenly, change had ten several meters big monsters fully! 原本人类的皮囊瞬间破碎,三人身形暴涨,化作了足有十数米高大的怪物! Roar-!” “吼-!” The middle monster is roaring loudly, it has the tiger common head, the sharp incomparable fist claw, the whole body is the grandiose muscle, black tattoos are especially conspicuous, obviously has the astonishing strength. 中间的怪物大声咆哮着,它有着老虎一般的头颅,锋利无比的拳爪,浑身都是壮硕的肌肉,身上一道道黑色的纹身格外显眼,显然有着惊人的力量。 The left monster is also big, the whole body snow white fur/superficial knowledge, the upper body puts on to wear the golden armor, very military might. 左边的怪物同样高大,全身雪白的皮毛,上身穿戴着金色的铠甲,十分威武。 It has the curving corner, the hoof foot of funny beard and counter- joint, looks like a goat of erectness, in the hand also takes a silver long sword. 它有着弯曲的犄角,滑稽的胡子和反关节的蹄足,就像是一头直立的山羊,手中还拿着一把银色长剑。 Last monster is slightly more diminutive, is wearing the camouflage same animal skin gown muddily, the head grows elk general steep, in the hand is grasping a plain wooden club, cannot see the details. 最后一个怪物稍微矮小一些,浑身披着迷彩一样的兽皮袍子,头上长着麋鹿一般的大角,手中握着一根古朴的木棍,看不出底细。 These fellows......” “这些家伙......” Three monster exaggerating modeling Orochimaru still are very even accidental, if such modeling appears in the rain directly endures the village, will regard some special enduring beast them probably? 三个怪物夸张的造型即使大蛇丸也很是意外,这样的造型如果直接出现在雨忍村,大概会把他们当成某种特殊的忍兽吧? If that mysterious fellow is really Katou Dan, for that was not exposed by own existence, arouses the interest of shinobi world, directed to be excusable them on own initiative. 如果那个神秘的家伙真的是加藤断,那么为了不让自己的存在暴露出去,引起忍者世界的关注,主动把他们引出来就情有可原了。 „! This such level, you are bring death?” “嘁!这这样的水准,你们是来送死的吗?” The mysterious person noticed that these three monsters are completely not as if surprised, appearance that instead a taunt disdains.. 神秘人看到这三个怪物似乎完全不惊讶,反而一副嘲讽不屑的样子。。 Suffers to death your base and low human!” “受死吧你这卑微的人类!” In the roaring sound, three monsters launched the fierce offensive toward this mysterious person. 咆哮声中,三个怪物朝这个神秘人发动了猛烈的攻势。
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