SH :: Volume #8

#713: Trains the opponent

Leaves the Hanzo den, Orochimaru walks on the Amegakure avenue, mood very joyful. 离开半藏的老巢,大蛇丸在雨之国的大街上,心情十分的愉悦。 In now, his board game piece told him an important news, Nagato and Yahiko, southern joined the resistance organization of country's of rain, because it strikes to kill the astonishing score that a lot of rain endure, becomes the cadre of organization. 就在今,他的棋子告诉了他一个重要的消息,长门和弥彦、南三人加入了雨之国的反抗组织,并且因为其击杀大量雨忍的惊人战绩,成为了组织的干部。 This board game piece is one that Orochimaru is very early to disperse, revolts against the Hanzo organization to be many, after all the Hanzo actions Amegakure civilians look like get angry the person to be resentful. 这个棋子是大蛇丸很早就散出去的一个,反抗半藏的组织很多,毕竟半藏的所作所为在雨之国平民看来是怒人怨的。 Although these organizations look like the spray in sea to be the same, presently extinguishes, hard to bring about climate. 虽然这些组织就像是大海中的浪花一样,现了又灭,难成气候罢了。 Therefore Orochimaru sent out many undercovers to enter these organizations, finally hard work pays off, a board game piece saw in that Orochimaru mouth with own eyes „the child of prediction. 于是大蛇丸派出了很多卧底进入这些组织,终于功夫不负有心人,一个棋子亲眼见到了那个大蛇丸口中的“预言之子”。 Actually thinks also to know, leaves Jiraiya time, the Yahiko three people as before are very young, if this time not, when Hanzo rain hand/subordinate endures, then they also can only taking to the heather, join these insurrectionary army. 其实想想也知道,离开自来也的时候,弥彦三人依旧是十分年幼的,这个时期若不当半藏手下的雨忍,那么他们也就只能“落草为寇”,加入这些“起义军”。 The Akatsuki official tenable time is unclear, when it replaces the rule of Hanzo finally, time-consuming least also ten several years, it may be said that quite difficult. 晓组织正式成立的时间不详,但是当其最终取代半藏的统治,耗时最少也有十数年之久,可谓是相当的艰难。 In this process, the partners in organization died in battle one after another, Yahiko relies on three bountiful strengths to become Boss quickly, person fight that leads to remain, but also more does is stronger. 在这个过程中,组织里的伙伴相继战死,弥彦很快就凭借三饶实力成为了老大,带领剩的人战斗,还越做越强。 Later Yahiko buries alive by Hanzo and Danzo jointly, Nagato then took the road of blackening. 之后弥彦被半藏团藏联手坑杀,长门这才走上了黑化之路。 Also is several years later, Nagato used the acquired corpse to refine Pain Rikudō (Six Path), this becomes that indifferently brutal god, south also becomes in tempering of war causes. 又是几年后,长门利用收集到的尸体炼制成了佩恩六道,这才成为了那个冷漠无情的“神”,南也在战争的磨砺中成为了“使”。 Also in this long years, Hanzo rubbed off once Jin lofty aspirations and high ideals, is getting more and more senile and lethargic, finally was struck to kill by Nagato of youthful days in own den Zheng 也就是在这漫长的岁月中,半藏磨去了曾今的雄心壮志,越来越衰老、暮气沉沉,最后被青年时期的长门击杀在了自己的老巢郑 From this Akatsuki laid the foundation of country of rule rain, starts to recruit the talent wantonly, becomes afterward known Ten Commandments help/gang. 由此晓组织才奠定了雨之国统治的根基,开始大肆招募人才,成为了后来为人所知的“十戒帮”。 However some pattern deviations of this space and time, Hanzo, when Second Shinobi World War finished unified country of throughout rain thoroughly, and obtained the unequalled prestige, suppressed all nights at the absolute strength, by not original chaos. 不过这个时空的格局有些偏差,半藏第二次忍界大战结束的时候就彻底统一了雨之国全境,并且获得了无与伦比的声望,以绝对的力量镇压了一切宵,被没有原本的混乱局面。 Although Hanzo wasted all one's money the reputation in the three years thoroughly, because of the involvement of country's of Konoha and fire, the powerful strength suppression of Orochimaru, Hanzo on outwardly as before is the absolute control. 虽然这三年半藏彻底败光了名声,但是因为木叶、火之国的介入,大蛇丸的强大实力镇压,半藏明面上依旧是绝对的主宰。 Although Nagato because also this type error becomes reincarnation of Indra accidentally/surprisingly, but the present aspect is also more difficult. 虽然长门也因为这种“误差”意外成为了因陀罗的转世者,可是眼前的局面也是更加艰难。 Without special situation, by Hanzo regarding the control of country's of rain, the life that even if endures with the rain goes to the pile, can pile Nagato that dies to make a debut with ease, nothing accident/surprise. 如果没有特殊的情况,以半藏对于雨之国的掌控力,哪怕用雨忍的命去堆,也可以轻松堆死初出茅庐的长门,没有任何意外。 After all, Ninja World is not Kage level can the unscrupulous place. 毕竟,忍界可不是一个影级就可以肆无忌惮的地方。 Naturally, but Nagato „the child of prediction, is in the innumerable big shot checkerboards an important step, will not be really strangled. 当然了,长门可是“预言之子”,是无数大佬棋盘中至关重要的一步,并不会真的被扼杀。 Yahiko killed the national wealth of business meter/rice fire facing the street many and Genin, by Orochimaru in the Konoha influence, actually has not heard including a wind sound/rumor, even after it happened surplus that three Genin also missing. 弥彦当街杀死了火之国富商米多和一个下忍,以大蛇丸木叶的势力,竟然连一点风声都没听到,甚至事发之后剩余那三个下忍也“失踪”了。 This is certainly or the method of spot, Orochimaru can certainly mix in the board game piece without a doubt revolts against the organization, country of so many people rain, the good and bad people mixed up, inside decides however has their informers, even other countries inevitably are also many, is virtually impossible to guard against by the characteristics matter of country's of rain. 毫无疑问这一定是绝或者斑的手段,大蛇丸可以把棋子混入反抗组织,雨之国这么多人,鱼龙混杂,里面定然有他们的眼线,甚至其他国家的也必然不少,以雨之国的特性这种事情防不胜防。 The academy of science that establishes should also some countless people stare, this is not no one knows the Akatsuki secret in Konoha. 就连自己建立的科学院应该也有无数人盯着的,这在木叶也不是无人知的秘密。 Only can affirm is no one knows that Orochimaru and Ye Long are this organization's true direct head. 唯一能够肯定的就是没有人知道大蛇丸叶龙是这个机构真正的直接负责人。 Orochimaru enrolls as the scientific researchers, in the Ye Long surface basic has nothing to do with this. 大蛇丸只是作为科研人员挂名罢了,叶龙表面上则根本与此无关。 On outwardly, the head of this academy of science actually Is Danzo. 在明面上,这个科学院的负责人其实是-团藏 Before Danzo in the fight in country's of ghost promised Orochimaru won more right to control. 之前团藏在鬼之国的战斗中许诺大蛇丸的就是在其中获得更多的支配权。 At this time, lost the Rinnegan spot and Black Zetsu temporarily should place on Nagato the complete attention, so long as the normal development, the rise of Akatsuki is irresistible. “这个时候,暂时失去轮回眼的斑和黑绝应该把全部注意力放在长门身上了,只要事情正常发展,晓组织的崛起是势不可挡的。 In order to prevent the spot Amegakure manufacture unnecessary trouble, Orochimaru makes Hanzo give them to open door greatly, without the opportunity will also give the Akatsuki creation opportunity. 为了防止斑在雨之国制造不必要的麻烦,大蛇丸半藏给他们大开“方便之门”,没有机会也会给创造机会。 However Yahiko should die, perhaps will also include south, looked like Obito to lose Nohara, this was planning of spot. 不过弥彦应该还是会死掉,或许还会包括南,就像是带土失去了野原琳,这都是斑的算计。 both sides are planning and acting in a play, most difficult controlled Hanzo, can only look at all these to plan to become the reality helplessly. 双方都在算计和演戏,最难的就是被操控的半藏了,只能眼睁睁看着这一切算计成为现实。 In the future if no too big surprise, subsequent hand who when the country's of Akatsuki unification rain, the spot will also make a preparation, is Obito assists and to monitor Nagato collect Bijuu (Tailed Beast) chakra, then he will die. ” 日后若是没有太大意外,在晓组织统一雨之国的时候,斑还会制造一个预备的后手,也就是带土来协助、监视长门收集尾兽查克拉,然后他才会死去。” Orochimaru or Ye Long do not want deliberately to prevent the appearance of Obito, because is not Obito, can still be other Uchiha, even is the vortex slightly Senju person acts as this subsequent hand. 大蛇丸或者叶龙都不想刻意阻止带土的出现,因为即使不是带土,也会是其他一个宇智波,甚至是漩微千手的人来充当这个后手。 Prevented the Obito tragedy, perhaps some meanings, will have others to lose the life in the plot of spot the pivot, falls into becomes his spokesman dark. 阻止了带土的悲剧,或许很有些意思,也会有其他人在斑的阴谋中失去生命的支点,堕入黑暗成为他的代言人。 Since prevents not to have the significance, that might as well such as allow nature to take its course, if as before is Obito, then they have the innumerable ways to cope even stir up rebellion him. 既然阻止没有意义,那还不如如顺其自然,如果依旧是带土,那么他们就有无数种方式对付甚至是策反他。 Regarding Nagato, two bountiful ideas watched changes quietly as before, use this unmanned the time increase strength of hindrance, to study Forbidden Technique to be OK. 对于长门,两饶想法依旧是静观其变,利用这段无人妨碍的时间提升实力、研究禁术就可以了。 From some significance, they are also training the enemy and opponent. 从某种意义上来,他们也在培养敌人和对手。 But all these training, the ultimate goal is actually for a better harvest! 而这一切的培养,最终的目的却是为了更好的收获! Un?” “嗯?” Saw Hanzo, Orochimaru had been preparing Konoha to handle a business, saw Jiraiya not seen for a long time and the others while convenient, actually stopped the footsteps at this time. 见过了半藏,大蛇丸正准备回木叶处理一下事务,顺便见一见好久不见的自来也等人,却在这个时候停下了脚步。 All wore the person's shadow in cape to bring to his attention. 一个全身披在斗篷中的人影引起了他的注意。 This fellow brings the bamboo hat, cannot see the face, looks like the ordinary vagrant warrior or Rouge Shinobi. Has not seen his weapon, looks like shinobi. 这个家伙带着斗笠,根本看不到脸,就像是普通的流浪武士或者叛忍。没有看到他的武器,更像忍者 Reason that notices this fellow , because the Orochimaru sensation does not arrive at the aura of this fellow, a feeling of nihility, like does not exist. 之所以注意到这个家伙,是因为大蛇丸感知不到这个家伙的气息,给人一种虚无的感觉,就像根本不存在一样。 However the careful sensation will find that his strength is very reserved and strange, looks like... existence of energy body. 不过仔细感知就会发现他的力量十分的内敛而古怪,就像是...能量体的存在。 Strange, this fellow what's the matter, why I thought that he doesn't seem like human?” “奇怪,这个家伙到底是怎么回事,为什么我觉得他根本不像是人类?” His strength is reserved, perhaps if will be beforehand Orochimaru will not have cared, however Orochimaru at this moment can actually the sensation to the evil aura that this mysterious person will lend. 他的力量内敛,如果是之前的大蛇丸或许还不会在意,然而此刻的大蛇丸却可以感知到这个神秘人身上散发出来的邪恶气息。 This person does not think simply. 这个人觉不简单。 „Is he... Black Zetsu?!” “难道他是...黑绝?!” Orochimaru or Ye Long have not personally seen Black Zetsu this fellow, but isn't the opposite party some energy body life? 大蛇丸或者叶龙都没有亲眼见过黑绝这个家伙,不过对方不就是某种能量体生命吗? However thinks slightly is impossible, even if Black Zetsu will appear in the rain endures the village, possibly does not appear in this shape! 但是稍微想想就不可能,黑绝即使会出现在雨忍村,也绝不可能是以这种形态出现的啊! „, What does he come the rain to endure the goal of village is?” “那么,他来雨忍村的目的又是什么呢?” Orochimaru cannot find out his background, but felt like that this fellow should be once Jinjian, cannot help but more curious. 大蛇丸摸不清他的来路,但是隐隐觉得这个家伙应该是曾今见过的,不由得更加好奇了。 He does not remember that knew such person, decided in carefully observes in secret. 他不记得认识这样的人,决定在暗中仔细观察一下。 However at this moment, the opposite party seemed like the sensation to his spying on, suddenly looked to the Orochimaru direction! 然而就在这时,对方似乎感知到了他的窥探,突然望向大蛇丸的方向! Was discovered by him?!” “难道被他发现了?!” Orochimaru is startled, restrains own spiritual force hastily. 大蛇丸大吃一惊,连忙收敛自己的精神力 His spiritual force is very powerful, far exceeds Kage level shinobi, the strength of opposite party also in his unexpected? 他的精神力无比强大,远超过影级忍者,对方的实力难道还在他的意料之外? Brushes-” “刷-” It seems like detected that anything, this fellow turned the head to walk. 似乎是察觉到了什么,这家伙转头就走。 Orochimaru looks at the back of this fellow, narrowed the eye gradually. 大蛇丸看着这个家伙的背影,渐渐眯起了眼睛。
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