SH :: Volume #8

#716: Cooperation that has to accept

Orochimaru spiritual force is not necessarily able body of immunity spiritualisation the spiritual force attack of Katou Dan, but Orochimaru and are main body Ye Long link including other clone energetic wills mutually. 大蛇丸本身的精神力未必就能够免疫灵化之身的加藤断精神力攻击,不过大蛇丸、包括其他分身的精神意志都是和本体的叶龙互相链接的。 In other words wants truly misleads with Illusion technique, routs him with the spiritual attack or other clone wills, was equal to that needs to rout together with their energetic wills together. 也就是说想要真正的用幻术蛊惑、用精神攻击击溃他或者其他分身的意志,就等于需要连同他们所有人的精神意志一起击溃。 It can be said that... this is almost impossible. 可以说...这几乎是不可能的。 The Orochimaru energetic resistance by far compared with being stronger that he exposes. 大蛇丸的精神抵抗性远远比他展露出来的要强。 Although I do not know that who you are, what goal also there is, however is your real status very certainly familiar with me? Perhaps... are you Konoha spy?” “虽然我不知道你到底是谁,又有什么目的,但是你的真实身份一定对我很熟悉?或许...你是木叶的间谍?” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Orochimaru shows neither approval nor disapproval, says the Katou Dan name, the opposite party has such guess to be normal. 大蛇丸不置可否,说出加藤断的名字,对方有这样的猜测是正常的。 Orochimaru must stand firm Katou Dan, to understand the information of more evil god. 大蛇丸之所以要稳住加藤断,为的是了解更多邪神的情报。 Evil god regarding him, regarding the entire Ninja World threatening nature, although hides, actually is also , self-evident. 邪神对于他、对于整个忍界的威胁性虽然是潜藏的,却也是实实在在、不言而喻的。 Katou Dan as if had the strength of evil god, through understanding him, could have the attack that plans unable to think to the evil god? 加藤断似乎拥有了邪神的力量,通过了解他,或许能够对邪神有着意想不到的打击? Katou Dan is staring at Orochimaru, result that because once mistake caused, I thorough and past made mediation.” 加藤断盯着大蛇丸,“不过因为曾经的错误导致的结局,我已经彻底和过去的自己做出了了断。” Katou Dan is pointing at own forehead, the expression becomes somewhat complex: Present I had not once been that naive Katou Dan, will also be fantasizing becomes the Hokage such laughable dream!” 加藤断指着自己的额头,表情变得有些复杂:“现在的我早已经不是曾经那个天真的加藤断了,还会幻想着当上火影这样可笑的梦想!” Perhaps present I, Rouge Shinobi was not even!” The Katou Dan facial features pain twists, my physical body discarded, depends on this strength to exist in this world, wasn't this appearance even human?!” “现在的我,或许连叛忍都算不上了!”加藤断的面容痛苦而扭曲,“我连肉体都舍弃了,靠着这种力量存在于这个世界,这种样子甚至连人类都算不上了吧?!” This......” “这样啊......” Orochimaru is silent, even if the ordinary person suffered the major accident to become Rouge Shinobi, for example corner/horn, Akatsuki everyone, as before by the shinobi status. 大蛇丸默然,普通的人即使遭受重大变故成了叛忍,例如角都、晓组织的各位,依旧是以忍者的身份。 But Katou Dan already completely and passing broke off, falls to this paddies, could not say is a satire...... 加藤断已经完全和过往决裂了,落到这幅田地,也说不出算不算是一种讽刺...... Like this with person who the past profession broke off, perhaps also Obito of original space and time. 这样和过去的生涯决裂的人,或许也只有原时空的带土了吧。 Similarly had fantasized fellow who becomes Hokage, although their starting points and natural dispositions are entirely different, at this moment had fallen into the thorough darkness. 同样是幻想过当上火影的家伙,虽然他们两个的出发点和本性都截然不同,此刻已经堕入了彻底的黑暗。 Hehe, aren't you probably very surprised appearance? It seems like good that I guess, we are familiar!” Sees Orochimaru to be silent, Katou Dan actually sneered. “呵呵,你好像并不是很惊讶的样子?看来我猜的不错,我们原本是熟悉的啊!”看到大蛇丸沉默不语,加藤断却是冷笑了起来。 Actually, how I am very more curious you to live, hadn't you taken possession by that evil god envoy?” “其实,我更很好奇你是怎么活下来的,你不是已经被那个邪神使者附体了吗?” Orochimaru shifted the topic ingeniously, past years was I tidied up that three fellows, does not know that you also did have your consciousness at that time?” 大蛇丸巧妙地转移了话题,“当年还是我收拾了那三个家伙呢,就是不知道你那个时候还有没有自己的意识?” What... you were that time...?!” “什么...你就是那个时候的...?!” Katou Dan is startled, before he arrested Nawaki by the evil god's order and woman luo three messengers, was actually shattered to pieces by a mysterious fellow. 加藤断大吃一惊,之前他受邪神的命令和婆猡三个使者抓捕绳树,却被一个神秘的家伙打得落花流水。 Also was that time woman luo to stay for temporary lodging his body fight the reason to occupy his body, and tried to swallow his soul after escaping thoroughly, but under the accident of sorts failed, oneself and dredged suo and kasaya ancient sacrificial utensil to grasp Nuclear All falls on Katou Dan, this had him of body of present spiritualisation. 也就是那个时候婆猡以借住他身体战斗的理由占据了他的身体,并且在逃脱后试图彻底吞噬他的灵魂,只是机缘巧合下失败了,自己和浚娑、裟俎掌握的【核】全落在加藤断手上,这才有了现在灵化之身的他。 At that time what acted is Ye Long. 只不过那个时候出手的是叶龙而已。 Hehe, we have indeed seen several times, previous time in the battlefield of Ninja World war you are that distressed.” “呵呵,我们的确见过几次了,上次在忍界大战的战场上你还是那么的狼狈。” Orochimaru is confusing the thought of Katou Dan, did to faint him thoroughly, I was the Uchiha dragon.” 大蛇丸混淆着加藤断的思维,彻底把他搞晕了,“我就是宇智波龙啊。” „Are you Uchiha dragon?!” “你是宇智波龙?!” Katou Dan looks at Orochimaru, the first response does not believe. 加藤断愣愣地看着大蛇丸,第一个反应就是不信。 However changes mind thinks, in his heart had a clear(ly) to become aware faintly. 不过转念一想,他的心中隐隐有了一丝明悟。 The Uchiha dragon not necessarily is a true person, this perhaps is a code name, perhaps is an organization? 宇智波龙未必就是真正的一个人,这或许是一个代号,又或许是一个组织? However, will hang the person of Uchiha dragon given name always to mysteriously appear and disappear without a doubt appears, will then vanish neatly, no one will know his details and standpoint. 但是毫无疑问的,挂着宇智波龙名号的人总是会神出鬼没地出现,然后又干脆利落地消失,没有人知道他的底细和立场。 Can identify the status only should be his Sharingan, the Sharingan ability is indefinite, various guesses have. 唯一能辨认身份的应该就是他的万花筒,却连万花筒的能力都不确定,各种猜测都有。 Analyzes from the existing information, the Uchiha dragon is very familiar with Konoha, seems observing Konoha and entire Ninja World every action and every movement in secret, and has to be above the intelligence capability of imagination, can appear in the special time. 只是从已有的情报中分析,宇智波龙对于木叶很熟悉,似乎在暗中观察着木叶和整个忍界的一举一动,而且拥有超乎想象的情报能力,才能在特殊的时机出现。 And... the same person, the strength of this fellow is very whether or not strong. 并且...不论是不是同一个人,这个家伙的实力很强。 Katou Dan from short fight also confirmed this moment ago. 从刚才短暂的交手中加藤断也确认了这一点。 Katou Dan once heard that the Uchiha dragon said is the period that Konoha establishes revolts the Uchiha clansman, but at this moment saw the Orochimaru young appearance, Katou Dan affirmed his speculation. 加藤断曾经听说宇智波龙自称是木叶建立的时期就叛出宇智波的族人,而此刻看到大蛇丸年轻的容貌,加藤断就更肯定了他的猜测。 Uchiha dragon? Hehe.” 宇智波龙?呵呵。” Katou Dan sneers saying that „ I did not understand in the final analysis as before your details, is this very as if disadvantageous to me? 加藤断冷笑道,“说到底我依旧不了解你的底细,这对我似乎很不利啊? You say the Uchiha dragon, but is this you, or is only clone? ” 你自称宇智波龙,但是这到底是不是你本人,亦或者只是一个分身呢?” Does not wait for Orochimaru to reply, Katou Dan smiled, considers as finished, your status I have no interest in knowing, in any case I already and once now broke off thoroughly, later I break! Cuts off all breaking!” 不等大蛇丸回答,加藤断又笑了起来,“算了,你的身份我已经没有兴趣知道了,反正我已经和曾今的自己彻底决裂,以后我就是断!斩断一切的断!” Mediates? Really can thorough mediation?” “了断?真的能够彻底的了断吗?” Orochimaru smiled spookily, „ you fall to such paddies, doesn't have the reasons of Konoha these people? 大蛇丸幽幽地笑了,“你落到这样的田地,难道就没有木叶那些人的原因? Sees the person who you know well again, or is the fellow of hatred, can you be aloof? ” 再次见到你熟识的人,或者是痛恨的家伙,你就能够无动于衷吗?” Snort! Your this fellow, will not say that wants to win over me to cope with Konoha?” “哼!你这个家伙,不会说想要拉拢我对付木叶吧?” Katou Dan sneers saying that present I no longer have the standpoint , without to hold to read, I have looked to understand, this world wanted to be competent, can free and unrestrained be good, other and present I have not related!” 加藤断冷笑道,“现在的我不再有立场,也不在有执念了,我已经看明白了,这个世界只要有实力,能够逍遥自在就行了,其他的和现在的我已经没有关系了!” This......” “这样啊......” The Orochimaru slightly difference, present Katou Dan really and that mouthful benevolence, is thinking initially at heart manipulating strategically Katou Dan was completely different. 大蛇丸微微差异,现在的加藤断果然和当初那个满嘴仁义道德,心里想着勾心斗角的加藤断完全不同了。 Under his mistake arising out of chance circumstances shook off the evil god's control, was reborn, greatly is indeed influential regarding the state of mind. 他阴差阳错下摆脱了邪神的控制,获得了重生,的确对于心境大有影响啊。 Is only... you really thinks did oneself break away from the evil god's control?” “只是...你真的以为自己脱离了邪神的控制吗?” Orochimaru referred to own forehead with a smile, „ that is not your strength eventually, so long as he in your within the body one day, the evil god can the sensation to you, you unable to get rid of these messengers as the destiny of evil god sacrificial offering eventually! 大蛇丸笑着指了指自己的额头,“那终究是不属于你的力量啊,只要他在你体内一天,邪神就能够感知到你,你终究无法摆脱那些使者作为邪神祭品的命运啊! You want to cut off all, even can the strength of your attitude of life also discard? ” 你想要斩断一切,难道连你立身之本的力量也能舍弃吗?” What did you say?!” “你说什么?!” Listened to the Orochimaru words, the Katou Dan complexion big change, the ray in eye to flash on and off finally erratically! 听了大蛇丸的话,加藤断终于脸色大变,眼中的光芒明灭不定! This damn bastard said right, before that three monsters can find itself, obviously is related with the strength of his within the body, oneself are also far from getting rid of the evil god, that powerful to the shadow of terrifying fellow! 这该死的混蛋说的没错,之前那三个怪物能够找到自己,显然和他体内的力量有关,自己还远远没有摆脱邪神,那个强大到恐怖的家伙的阴影啊! Although oneself used soul Secret Technique to suspend him together, this escaped the destiny of direct destruction, actually does not know that which day will be annihilated. 虽然自己用灵魂秘术摆了他一道,这才摆脱了直接毁灭的命运,却不知道哪一天就会被消灭掉。 Even if had the present strength, Katou Dan is still impossible to forget, initially under woman luo the evil god empty shadow that led to see, that vast pressure, even if projected the great strength that together was not he can resist! 即使拥有了现在的实力,加藤断依旧不可能忘记,当初在婆猡带领下看到的邪神虚影,那种浩瀚的威压,即使只是一道投影也不是他能够抵抗的强大! The strength that but... gives up obtaining is impossible, lost the physical body, present Katou Dan depends entirely on the mirror wall ability of kasaya ancient sacrificial utensil to maintain the stability of body of spiritualisation, supplements own energy with the blood flame of woman luo. 可是...放弃得到的力量又是不可能的,失去了肉体,现在的加藤断全靠裟俎的镜壁能力维持灵化之身的稳固,用婆猡的血焰补充自己的能量。 If discarded these strengths, Katou Dan of body of spiritualisation will dissipate quickly in the world, is no different brings about own destruction! 若是舍弃了这些力量,灵化之身的加藤断很快就会消散在天地间,无异于自寻死路! Katou Dan will not discard the strength and life, then has to face the threat of evil god. 加藤断不会舍弃力量和生命,那么就不得不面对邪神的威胁。 He has deliberately neglected this issue, was actually referred to nakedly by Orochimaru! 只是他一直刻意忽略这个问题,却被大蛇丸赤裸裸地指出来了! Hateful fellow! 可恶的家伙! In the Katou Dan eye appears to kill intent, the body glitters is flashing on and off the uncertain blue light. 加藤断眼中浮现出一股杀意,身体闪烁着明灭不定的蓝光。 Hehe, was said the painful foot, did become angry out of shame?” “呵呵,被说中痛脚,恼羞成怒了吗?” Orochimaru smiled ridiculing, he must win over Katou Dan to find his demand or the point of descent. 大蛇丸戏谑地笑了起来,他要拉拢加藤断就要找到他的需求或者落点。 The Katou Dan innermost feelings are to understand own situation, but is not willing to accept. 加藤断内心是明白自己的处境的,只是不愿意接受罢了。 So long as controlled Katou Dan, will discover the traces of evil god eventually. 只要控制了加藤断,终究会发现邪神的蛛丝马迹。 Although the evil god is thorny, wants the information to be enough, any has appeared the thing that can describe, has the way of coping. 邪神虽然棘手,不过只要情报足够,任何已经出现的、可以描述的事物,都是有对付的方式的。 Orochimaru believes this point! 大蛇丸坚信这一点! The situation really bad words... the strength of evil god originates from his nine Nuclear The fusion, is held by Ye Long thoroughly, hardly with worry. 情况实在不济的话...邪神的力量来源于他的九枚【核】的融合,一枚已经被叶龙彻底占有,几乎不用担心。 A Katou Dan person had three, this simply is the unthinkable matter, perhaps is the negligence of evil god. 加藤断一个人就拥有了三枚,这简直是匪夷所思的事情,或许是邪神的疏忽。 Orochimaru does not know how the evil god thinks, sends out to seize the Katou Dan subordinate strength does not seem strong, or weak? 大蛇丸不知道邪神是怎么想的,派出抓捕加藤断的手下实力似乎不强,或者不够强啊? Is the evil god does not attach great importance, is hand/subordinate limited? 是邪神不重视,还是手下有限? Is the strength of evil god is feeble, either is unable to locate the Katou Dan exact location, can only so? 或者是邪神的力量衰弱严重,又或者无法确定加藤断的具体位置,只能如此? Whatever, if destroys three that Katou Dan has at crucial moment Nuclear, Beyond which day of evil divine will even got out of trouble, the strength was affected?! 无论怎样,如果在关键时候毁灭加藤断拥有的三颗【核】,即使哪一天邪神意外脱困了,实力怎么也得受到影响吧?! ... Orochimaru has not really considered as for the later Katou Dan life...... 至于之后加藤断的死活...大蛇丸真的没有考虑过...... Your meaning is, wanted me and your fellow cooperates?” Katou Dan coldly said. “你的意思是,要我和你这个家伙合作了?”加藤断冷冷道。 Right, I thought that you as if do not have too to choose.” The Orochimaru light say/way, I killed that two messengers personally . Moreover the strength of I also to evil god is interested, this point we are consistent.” “没错,我觉得你似乎没有太多选择。”大蛇丸淡淡道,“我亲手杀死了那两个使者,而且我也对邪神的力量感兴趣,这一点我们可是一致的啊。” Hehe...?” “呵呵...是吗?” Katou Dan hesitated, looks at the Orochimaru evil different face, really cannot believe that this fellow is called the Uchiha dragon of Ninja World biggest disaster? 加藤断犹豫了,看着大蛇丸邪异的面孔,实在不能相信这个家伙就是被称为忍界最大祸害的宇智波龙? Sorry! I not with the idea that the unidentified fellow cooperates!” “抱歉!我没有和身份不明的家伙合作的想法!” Brushes-!” “刷-!” Katou Dan acted suddenly! 加藤断突然出手了! His figure seems the spirit of nihility, grasps to the chest of Orochimaru, if the speed quickly the lightning, in the palm is also burning the blood-color flame! 他的身形好似虚无的幽灵,一抓抓向大蛇丸的胸口,速度快若闪电,手掌中还燃烧着血色的火焰! Sudden launching an attack, Orochimaru gave his pressure on be too big, Katou Dan is unable to feel relieved! 突然的发难,大蛇丸给他的压力太大了,加藤断根本无法放心! Katou Dan knows that the spiritual force quantity is unable to suppress Orochimaru, but by the characteristics of blood flame, once goes well, perhaps the fight will end quickly. 加藤断知道精神力量无法压制大蛇丸,但是以血焰的特性,一旦得手,战斗或许就会很快结束了。 Is unwise.” “太不明智了。” The Orochimaru form disappears instantaneously, beyond exceeded the speed of Katou Dan imagination to spread out, pulled off the long smog in the ground. 大蛇丸的身影瞬间消失,以远超过加藤断想象的速度拉开了距离,在地面上拖出长长的烟雾。 Under function that own strength escapes rapidly, Katou Dan absolutely does not have the opportunity! 自身的实力迅遁的作用下,加藤断完全没有机会! Hateful!” “可恶!” Katou Dan has not thought that Orochimaru has been guarding against him, in the eye the red light explodes flashes, the evil flame changes to the firing line to plunge the retreat together Orochimaru. 加藤断没想到大蛇丸一直在防着他,眼中红光爆闪,邪焰化作一道火线扑向后退的大蛇丸 Your ability is useless to me.” “你的能力对我无用。” In the eye of Orochimaru changes to a scarlet similarly, the Sharingan design appears, blood red gloomy and cold chakra covered his half body, congealed the giant skeleton arm to keep off before the body. 大蛇丸的眼中同样化作一片猩红,万花筒的图案浮现,血红色的阴冷查克拉覆盖了他的半边身体,凝结出了巨大的骨骼手臂挡在了身前。 Hu-hu......” “呼哧......” The blood flame is evil, even Susanoo chakra were still lit, flaming burns. 血焰邪恶无比,即使是须佐能乎查克拉也被点燃,熊熊燃烧起来。 However Orochimaru separated that chakra, the Susanoo arm dissipated, the blood flame fell on the ground, a while extinguished reluctantly. 然而大蛇丸只是分离出了那一股查克拉,须佐能乎手臂消散,血焰就落在了地上,一会儿就无奈地熄灭了。 Hateful!” “可恶!” Katou Dan is dark, although the blood flame is thorny, in the opposite party had in the situation of preparation the might to sell at a discount greatly, how otherwise woman luo will defeat. 加藤断暗恼,血焰虽然棘手,在对方有准备的情况下威力就大打折扣了,否则婆猡又怎么会败。 Really is Sharingan, are you really the Uchiha dragon?” Katou Dan does not want with such fellow cooperation, the preparation to continue to act. “果然是万花筒,你难道真的是宇智波龙?”加藤断不想和这样的家伙合作,准备继续出手。 However Orochimaru both hands rapid knot seal, fierce racket on the ground. 然而大蛇丸双手迅速结印,猛的拍在了地上。 Ninja Art Edo Tensei!” 忍法秽土转生!” As thunders, three coffins from underground raised, keep off before the Orochimaru body. 随着一阵轰鸣,三口棺材从地下升起,挡在了大蛇丸身前。 This is Ninjutsu...?!” “这个忍术是...?!” In the Katou Dan surprised gaze, three coffin boards fall, three whole body gloomy and cold forms walked slowly. 加藤断惊讶的注视中,三口棺材板落下,三个浑身阴冷的身影缓缓走了出来。 The rain endures the sky overhead, has Storm Release Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit), has the Kage level battle efficiency certainly. 雨忍天心,拥有岚遁血继限界,有着准影级别战斗力。 The Kusagakure shinobi high-rising tooth, is skilled in Secret Technique, similarly accurate shadow battle efficiency. 草忍兀牙,精通秘术,同样准影的战斗力。 Last by the Sand Ninja elder barren soil that Gao Tian defeats deeply, has the Kage level strength, but should be destroyed for the puppet, the strength that can display similarly is the accurate shadow. 最后一个是被高天冥击败的砂忍长老石田,原本有着影级的实力,不过应为傀儡被毁,能发挥的实力同样是准影。 Hehe, what move is this?” “呵呵,这又是什么招数?” Katou Dan sneers is looking at three Edo Tensei, showed the disdaining expression, they by the corpse that you do control? You imprisoned their soul, controls their actions, never expected that you have such strange style.” 加藤断冷笑着看着三具秽土转生,露出了不屑的表情,“他们都是被你操控的尸体吗?你禁锢了他们的灵魂,控制他们的行动,没想到你还有这么奇怪的招式啊。” Hehe, discovered quickly? This is only my research, my puppet may continue these.” “呵呵,这么快就发现了吗?这只是我的一项研究罢了,我的傀儡可远不止这些。” Orochimaru has not summoned too strong Edo Tensei, the goal constrains Katou Dan with these three not being able to kill puppets, making him know that own ability, gives way before difficulties. 大蛇丸并没有召唤出来太强的秽土转生,目的只是用这三个打不死的傀儡拖住加藤断,让他知道自己的能力,知难而退罢了。 What a pity Katou Dan acted. 可惜加藤断还是出手了。 Some mixed fish also take, you also underestimated me!” “一些杂鱼也拿出来,你也太小看我了!” The powder green ray appeared in the Katou Dan palm, the natural strength in space gathers wind fire clay water four energies of natures, started saturation bombing toward three Edo Tensei, submerged them instantaneously. 粉绿色的光芒出现在加藤断手心,空间中的自然力量汇聚出了风火土水四种性质的能量,朝三个秽土转生发动了地毯式的轰炸,瞬间将他们淹没。 Hehe, useless.” “呵呵,没用的。” Orochimaru calm say/way. 大蛇丸淡定道。 The fluctuation dissipation of quick energy, the land changes to stretch of ruins, however gathers piece by piece in Edo Tensei strength next rubbish together, three were rumbled powder shinobi to recover quickly, rushes over toward Katou Dan unemotionally again. 很快能量的波动消散,大地化作一片废墟,然而在秽土转生的力量下一片片秽土汇聚到一起,三个被轰成粉末的忍者很快就复原了,面无表情地朝加藤断再次冲了过去。 „! This is what strange move!” “嘁!这是什么怪招!” The Katou Dan brow big wrinkle, is the body of spiritualisation he has the powerful energetic sensation, can the general sensation to the principle of Edo Tensei. 加藤断眉头大皱,已经是灵化之身他拥有强大的精神感知,能大概感知到秽土转生的原理。 These controlled puppet will not die, does not have the consciousness, can the self-reset. 这些被控制的傀儡并不会死亡,也没有知觉,能够自动复原。 Looked the appearance that Uchiha dragon accomplishes a task with ease, has not used many strengths obviously. 看那个宇智波龙游刃有余的样子,显然没有用出多少实力啊。 This conceited fellow! 这个自以为是的家伙! Katou Dan is sneering, plunged three Edo Tensei directly. 加藤断冷笑着,直接扑向了三个秽土转生 I acknowledged that your Ninjutsu quite thorny, dealing with others is certainly handy?” “我承认你这个忍术相当的棘手,对付其他人一定得心应手吧?” Un?” Hears the Katou Dan words, a Orochimaru brow wrinkle, discovered oneself neglected anything probably, stared in a big way the eye quickly! “嗯?”听到加藤断的话语,大蛇丸眉头一皱,发现自己好像忽略了什么,很快瞪大了眼睛! Pitifully, using one move to cope with me is the huge mistake! I acknowledged that your spiritual force is exceptionally stable, even I am still at a loss, does not dare to use such style to you rashly, but......” “可惜,用着一招对付我就是巨大的失误啊!我承认你的精神力异常稳固,即使我也束手无策,不敢贸然对你使用这样的招式,不过......” The body of Katou Dan changed to the blue light, easily avoided three Edo Tensei clumsy attacks, then a palm according to them. 加藤断的身体化作了蓝光,轻易躲开了三个秽土转生笨拙的攻击,然后一掌按在了他们身上。 Ninja Art Spirit Transformation Technique!” 忍法灵化之术!” The translucent soul body was pulled the body of Edo Tensei by Katou Dan forcefully, under the Katou Dan powerful spiritual force role, Edo Tensei fetter curse seal cannot prevent his soul to assassinate Secret Technique! 半透明的灵魂体被加藤断硬生生拉扯出了秽土转生的躯体,加藤断强大的精神力作用下,秽土转生的束缚咒印并没能阻挡他的灵魂暗杀秘术! „......” “啪嗒......” Lost the sky overhead and high-rising tooth of soul falls down quickly, the rubbish changed to place detritus, revealed in as the cultivation person of sacrificial offering. 失去了灵魂的天心和兀牙很快倒在了地上,秽土化作一地碎屑,露出了里面作为祭品的培植人。 The quick barren soil also dropped down, Katou Dan is panting for breath slightly, actually looks at the Orochimaru whole face to be cloudy. 很快石田也倒下了,加藤断微微喘息着,却看得大蛇丸满脸阴沉。 Hehe, I forgot your ability actually.” “呵呵,我倒是忘了你的能力啊。” Edo Tensei this move, the shinobi allied armies of original space and time can only the seal, however Katou Dan can actually with pulling out the way of soul decodes directly. 秽土转生这一招,原时空的忍者联军只能封印,然而加藤断其实是能够用拉出灵魂的方式直接破解的。 The soul ascends to heaven, Edo Tensei naturally untied, even Katou Dan can also conduct the radical destruction to the soul! 灵魂升天,秽土转生自然解开了,甚至加藤断还可以对灵魂进行彻底的破坏! Except for Spirit Transformation Technique, the Pain person by-path also has the similar ability, naturally the strength of Rikudō (Six Path) condenses asked a jade more powerful. 除了灵化之术,佩恩人间道也有着同样的能力,当然六道之力凝聚的求道玉就更强大了。 Copes with you, indeed cannot use these fellows.” “对付你,的确不能用这几个家伙。” Orochimaru shows a faint smile, „, but, this fellow how?” 大蛇丸微微一笑,“不过,这个家伙又如何呢?” Under the Orochimaru knot seal, another coffin raises, opens slowly. 大蛇丸的结印下,又一口棺材升起,缓缓打开。 Hateful, this fellow...!” “可恶,这个家伙...!” „Should you be very familiar?” Looks at complexion ugly Katou Dan, Orochimaru teases. “你应该很熟悉吧?”看着脸色难看的加藤断,大蛇丸戏谑道。
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