STH :: Volume #1

#99: Birds

Chapter 99 第99章 Birds 物以类聚 Ye Fan is was not worried, mysterious green copper lump quiet in his Sea of Bitterness, still no one knows, some people will not definitely seek his trouble for this reason. 叶凡并不是多么担心,神秘绿铜块沉寂在他的苦海内,至今没有人知晓,肯定不会有人为此来寻他的麻烦。 Perhaps Central Province can cooperate with Eastern Wilderness, after all both sides can have the most precious object to lose in Yin Grave under deep deep pool.” “或许中州会与东荒合作,毕竟双方都能有至宝失落在深潭下的阴坟中。” Legend, Desolate Pagoda can crush to death Immortal Being, if enter the world, sufficiently immobilized monster Emperor Tomb tomb.” “传说,荒塔可以镇死仙人,若是出世的话,足以定住帝坟冢。” Desolate Pagoda in Monster Emperor Yin Grave, the words that you spoke like this, if when the thorough non-solution, did not have the means to break open the grave again.” 荒塔就在妖帝阴坟内,你这样说的话,等若彻底无解了,再也没有办法破开坟冢。” Obstructs day 99 遮天99 What the Central Province's most precious object is, how to lose in our Eastern Wilderness?” 中州的至宝到底是什么,怎么会失落在我们东荒?” Central Province is ancient and mysterious, it is said their most precious objects and worlds with saving, is not the people of this level can know.” 中州古老而又神秘,据说他们的至宝与世同存,不是我们这个层次的人能够知晓的。” Loses in the Eastern Wilderness' probably together fragment, concrete is anything, few knows.” “失落在东荒的好像只是一块残片,具体是什么,几乎没有人知道。” Several cultivator eats while discussed that making Ye Fan obtain many useful information. 几位修士边吃边议论,让叶凡得到了不少有用的信息。 „More than two years, that piece of ruins mountains of corpses & seas of blood, really does not know when can have a result, does not know that must die many people. Now wants to come, is our these itinerant cultivator is free, not so words, if in big Sect, perhaps will also be dispatched there, so long as is close to deep deep pool inevitable a narrow escape.” “两年多了,那片废墟可谓尸山血海,真不知道什么时候才能有个结果,不知道要死多少人。现在想来,还是我们这些散修自由,不然的的话,若是身在一个大门派中,说不定也会被派遣到那里,只要接近深潭必然九死一生。” Zhu-school listened to the suggestion of some great person probably, must conduct the blood sacrifice by the endless life, opens that deep deep pool forcefully. I have a premonition, does not come out Lane Desolate Pagoda, Eastern Wilderness will not be peaceful, there will be doomed to become the demon earth that a piece of blood will dye. Monster Race's Great Emperor was too fearful, perhaps expected that in the past years this result, really left a legacy of trouble ten thousand years.” “诸派好像是听取了某位大人物的建议,要以无尽的生命进行血祭,强行打开那座深潭。我有一种预感,不将荒塔出来,东荒绝不会安宁,那里注定将成为一片血染的魔土。妖族大帝太可怕了,恐怕在当年就预料到了这一结果,真可谓遗祸万载啊。” Yes, many Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family win to Desolate Pagoda, is impossible to receive the hand carelessly.” “是啊,诸多圣地荒古世家荒塔志在必得,不可能草草收手。” Ye Fan feels is very relaxed, after he Central Province's green copper takes, to Desolate Pagoda has no idea, that is not he can thing, mysterious green copper lump in hand and foot. The matter that he must consider now is, how to enter Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, he will not participate to seize the valuable the matter, many hides far. 叶凡感觉很轻松,他将中州的绿铜取到手中后,对荒塔根本没有任何想法,那不是他能够得到的东西,神秘的绿铜块在手足矣。他现在要考虑的事情是,怎样进入荒古禁地,他绝不会参与夺宝的事情,有多远躲多远。 When will soon depart, Ye Fan heard an important news, his motionless sound color, sat. 就在即将离去时,叶凡听到了一则重要的消息,他不动声『色』,重新坐了下来。 Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family have several great person on the point of death, want the Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land's idea it is said.” 圣地荒古世家有几位大人物命在旦夕,据说想打荒古禁地的主意。” Is impossible, but also do some people dare to intrude? Since the ancient times, the person of exploration is countless, but does not have the accident/surprise, almost all extinguishes. In the past, some Immortal Gate Holy Land was in history the most prosperous period in them, leaned the complete strength, collection several tens of thousands powerful cultivator killed, did not unravel, there was alive the purgatory simply......” “不可能吧,还有人敢闯入?自古以来,探索的人不计其数,但是没有意外,几乎是全灭。当年,某一仙门圣地在他们达到有史以来最鼎盛的时期,倾全部力量而出,集数万强大的修士杀至,不也是灰飞烟灭了吗,那里简直就是在世炼狱……” That Holy Land of unravelling, they perish are because they were proud, wants to kick Abyss, projects on most deep place. This time Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family also be forced, among them some great person are in danger, wants to collect Divine Medicine on that Nine Holy Mountains to save a life, does not want to enter in Abyss.” “灰飞烟灭的那个圣地,他们之所以灭亡是因为他们太自负了,想攻进深渊,打到最深处。这次一些圣地荒古世家也是迫于无奈,他们当中的一些大人物名生命垂危,想要采集那九座圣山上的神『药』来救命,并不是想进入深渊内。” I guessed the person who can all extinguish, that life-forbidden zone is absolutely more terrorist than the monster Emperor Tomb tomb!” “我猜测进去的人会全灭,那处生命禁区绝对比妖帝坟冢还要恐怖!” This also not necessarily, since the ancient times, some people successfully collected Sacred Medicine, actually naturally to pay what kind of price, was unknown. These Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family background is deep, since they intend to pick medicine, will decide however will have the complete preparation, the chance of success will be very big.” “这也不见得,自古以来,还是部分人成功采集到了圣『药』,当然究竟付出了怎样的代价,就不得而知了。那些圣地荒古世家底蕴深厚,他们既然有意去采『药』,定然会有周全的准备,成功的希望还是很大的。” This is one vibrates the Eastern Wilderness' important matter similarly, Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land is one of the Eastern Wilderness Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, after endless years, finally some people set out to there.” “这同样是一件震动东荒的大事啊,荒古禁地东荒七大生命禁区之一,时隔无尽岁月后,终于又有人向那里进发了。” When these Holy Land and do Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family leave? Was inferior that we also join in the fun, their touring Nine Holy Mountains, collects Sacred Medicine, we only pick some ordinary Spirit Medicine in the surrounding, wants to come not to have any major problem.” “那些圣地荒古世家什么时候动身?不如我们也去凑个热闹,他们登临九座圣山,采集圣『药』,我们只在外围采摘一些普通灵『药』,想来不会有什么大问题。” May wait for previous some time, now the precisely Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land most dangerous period......” “可能还要等上一段时间,现在正是荒古禁地最危险的时期……” Finally, Ye Fan left this small town, in the mind was recalling these itinerant cultivator words, he thought that had necessity earnest consideration. 最终,叶凡离开了这座小镇,脑海中回想着那些散修的话语,他觉得有必要认真的思量一番。 That life-forbidden zone compared with the danger that I imagine, initially can live mostly is because nine dragon corpse have existence of Bronze Giant Coffin.” “那处生命禁区远比我想象的危险,当初能够活下来多半是因为九具龙尸还有青铜巨棺的存在。” Obstructs day 99 遮天99 Ye Fan has not flown, but stand forth, passed by Yan Capital City on the way. This city is grand, the occupying land area is extremely broad, the city wall seems like the Great Wall general, horizontally in front. 叶凡并没有飞行,而是一路向前走去,途中路过燕都。这座城池非常雄伟,占地极广,城墙像是长城一般连绵不绝,横在前方。 In Yan Capital City is lively, looks on the avenue the bustling stream of people, the Ye Fan feelings quite a lot, for two years practice in the remote mountain alone, that silent and present noise contrast, is completely two extremes. 燕都内非常繁华,看着大街上熙熙攘攘的人流,叶凡感触颇多,两年来独自在深山中修行,那种寂静与眼前的喧嚣对比,完全是两个极端。 Every day facing the mountain forest, stone cliff and mountain stream, suddenly the lively capital city that returns to like this babel of voices, making him feel kindly. 每天面对山林、石崖、溪涧,突然回到这样人声鼎沸的繁华都城,让他感觉非常的亲切。 Gold thread candied date, is big and sweet.” “金丝蜜枣,又大又甜。” Crispy chicken wing, not delicious does not ask for money.” “香酥鸡翅,不好吃不要钱。” Zhang fills the minced meat and gravy-filled steamed dumplings, skin Baoxian big juice multi- taste beautiful, tastes quickly.” “张氏灌汤包,皮薄馅大汁多味美,快来品尝啊。” Crystal sugar bottle gourd, one string wants a copper coin.” “冰糖葫芦,一串只要一枚铜币。” Various types called to buy the sound of hawking to be lingering on faintly. The street corner also has the person who various vaudevilles earn living, assembled many Sirs and children. But before each shop, has the enthusiasm waiter to draw in customers to, the words of pleasant to hear can say a wicker basket. 各种叫买叫卖之声不绝于耳。街道拐角处还有各种杂耍卖艺的人,围聚了很多大人与孩童。而各个店铺前都有热情的伙计在向里拉客,好听的话语能够说上一箩筐。 Practices too impoverished, mortal world is charming......” Ye Fan somewhat to be sigh with emotion. He felt that all these are vivid and kind, contrast impoverished practicing, this simple life makes him yearn very much. “修行太清苦,红尘多妩媚……”叶凡不禁有些感慨。他感觉这一切非常的生动与亲切,对比清苦的修行,这种简单的生活让他很是向往。 However, he cannot shake the basis that practices, because he wants to go home, returns to live him to raise his place truly. 但是,他不能动摇修行的根本,因为他想回家,回到真正生他养他的地方。 Ye Fan arrived at this world already three years, now painstaking cultivation finished, returns in mortal world, his thoughts constantly welling up, thought of all of hometown inevitably. 叶凡来到这世界已经三年了,如今苦修结束,重新回到红尘中,他思绪万千,不可避免想到了故乡的一切。 Time in a hurry, three years, do not know how other schoolmates......” Ye Fan first thought of Pang Bo, for its worried very much, later he thought of Liu Yiyi, Zhang Ziling, Lin Jia, Wang Ziwen, Zhou Yi et al . “时间匆匆,三年了,不知道其他同学怎样了……”叶凡首先想到了庞博,很是为其担忧,随后他想到了柳依依张子陵林佳王子文周毅等人。 Perhaps, before entering Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, I should have a look at the past schoolmate.” He wants to have a look at Liu Yiyi and Zhang Ziling, distinguishes for three years later, how wants to know their present conditions. “或许,在进入荒古禁地前,我应该去看看昔日的同学。”他想去看看柳依依张子陵,分别三年后,想知道他们如今的境况如何。 Big Brother...... I am hungry, buys a steamed stuffed bun to eat for me, asked you, the baby was hungry.” At this moment, Ye Fan discovered that a whole body is dirty, the pitiful little girl is winking the big eye, raises head to look at him, her clothes are tattered, on the face full is the stain, only has a pair of eyes very clear. 大哥哥……我饿,给我买个包子吃吧,求求你了,囡囡非常饿。”就在这时,叶凡发现一个浑身脏兮兮,可怜巴巴的小女孩正眨着大眼,仰头望着他,她身上的衣服破破烂烂,脸上满是污迹,唯有一双眼睛很清亮。 Ye Fan most must not exposed to this scene, will bump into each time will have the bitter feeling, he will buy several steaming hot filling minced meat and gravy-filled steamed dumplings from nearby steamed stuffed bun shop, will wrap securely with the oiled paper, gives the pitiful little girl, then all money will pull out, will not pay attention to force in her bosom while the passer-by. 叶凡最见不得这种情景,每次碰到都会有辛酸的感觉,他从旁边的包子店买来几个热气腾腾的灌汤包,用油纸包好,递给可怜兮兮的小女孩,而后将身上所有的钱币都掏了出来,趁路人不注意塞进她的怀中。 Until he has disappeared on the street, that little girl is still lost in thought dull. 直到他已经消失在街道上,那个小女孩还在呆呆出神。 The Ye Fan stride left this city, discovered that at present is recent from Jade Cauldron sanctuary, to more than 400 li (0.5 km), he remembers that Liu Yiyi becomes disciple of this/should faction, decides first to go to there to look. 叶凡大步离开了这座城市,发现目前距离玉鼎洞天最近,相距不过四百余里,他记得柳依依成为了该派的弟子,决定先去那里看一看。 North and south Yan Country long two thousand li (500 km), thing long three thousand li (500 km), Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land situated in this/should country , the surroundings are the endless mountain, Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, Jade Cauldron sanctuary and other Sect all revolve around the outside of this primitive region. 燕国南北长两千里,东西长三千里,荒古禁地位于该国中部,周围是无尽大山,灵墟洞天玉鼎洞天等六个门派全都围绕在这片原始区域的外部。 Jade Cauldron sanctuary was surrounded by a celestial mountain, the fog winds around, looks very indistinctly, probably piece of extra mundane Pure Land is ordinary. 玉鼎洞天被一片仙山环抱,云雾缭绕,远看非常飘渺,像是一片世外净土一般。 Before Ye Fan arrives at the entrance, felt that nature and auspicious aura, here peak azure valley emerald, the natural flow waterfall, the vegetation is prosperous, birds spiritual wisdom, in the world like picture. 叶凡来到山门前,感觉到了自然与祥和的气息,这里峰青谷翠,流泉飞瀑,草木繁盛,鸟兽通灵,如同画中的世界。 Before Jade Cauldron sanctuary entrance, Mutant Beast is protecting, body Barbaric Ox, head Qilin, the body is 89 meters, crouches/submits Wo in the puddle, giant eye opens the eyes, in bad is staring at Ye Fan. 玉鼎洞天山门前,有一头异兽在守护,身体似莽牛,头颅似麒麟,躯体长达89米,伏卧在水潭中,巨目微睁,正在不善的盯着叶凡 „Who you are, what matter coming my Jade Cauldron sanctuary to have?” At this moment, defended mountain protecting gate disciple also to discover him. “你是什么人,来我玉鼎洞天有何事?”就在这时,守护山门的弟子也发现了他。 Obstructs day 99 遮天99 I come Jade Cauldron sanctuary to visit friends.” After Ye Fan said the Liu Yiyi name, defended mountain protecting gate disciple expression to relax immediately much, said: You wait a bit, I let under the person circular.” “我来玉鼎洞天是为访友。”当叶凡说出柳依依的名字后,守护山门的弟子神『色』顿时缓和了不少,道:“你稍等,我去让人通报下。” After 7½ minutes, Liu Yiyi has not appeared, the youth who actually walks a graying at the temples, saw after Ye Fan, he yelled immediately, said: Ye Fan, is really you!” 半刻钟后,柳依依没有出现,却走来一名两鬓斑白的青年,看到叶凡后他顿时大叫了起来,道:“叶凡,真的是你!” Ye Fan is startled, show(s) is then happy color, said: Originally you also practice in Jade Cauldron sanctuary.” 叶凡一怔,而后『露』出喜『色』,道:“原来你也在玉鼎洞天修行。” When coming the person was past schoolmate Zhang Wenchang, whether it is went to school, after is the graduation, he has been very ordinary and ordinary, natural disposition was simple-hearted, did not like speaking, if many to meet together , were very together easy to forget his existence. 来人是昔日的同学张文昌,无论是上学时,还是毕业后,他一直都很平凡与普通,生『性』木讷,不怎么爱说话,如果很多人相聚在一起时,很容易让人忘记他的存在。 Ye Fan goes forward, beat his fist with a smile, said: You restored the youth, congratulations!” 叶凡上前,笑着捶了他一拳,道:“你恢复青春了,恭喜!” A Zhang Wenchang show(s) forced smile, said: I was also only the skin no longer fold that's all, you looked, I was still two temples such as the frost.” 张文昌『露』出一丝苦笑,道:“我也只是皮肤不再褶皱了而已,你看,我依然是两鬓如霜啊。” Score must be much better another time, but at that time you were senile, now seems like the youth who the white hair took root early.” “比分别时要好多了,那个时候你可是老态龙钟,现在像是白发早生根的青年。” I quite envy you, experienced youngster Era.” natural disposition simple-hearted Zhang Wenchang also learned teasing. “我好羡慕你,重新经历了少年时代。”生『性』木讷的张文昌也学会了打趣。 Two people look at each other to laugh, the old friend meets, is proceeds from the sincerity the happiness. 两人相视大笑,故人相见,都是发自真心的高兴。 Initially, six Sanctuary and Blessed Land picked two people respectively, divided equally the Pang Bo some people, having Ye Fan was an exception. 当初,六座洞天福地各自选走了两人,将庞博一干人平分,只有叶凡是个例外。 Zhang Wenchang and Liu Yiyi were picked by Jade Cauldron sanctuary, has led a pious life for three years in this. 张文昌柳依依玉鼎洞天选走,在此已经修行三年了。 Yiyi is in the one's favorite of elder, the potential is very big, now already seclusion. It is said that may very much promotes into Spring of Life Realm in a half year or one year, this cultivation speed is terrifying.” 依依是门中长老的心头肉,潜力很大,现在已经闭关了。据说,很有可能会在半年或者一年内晋升入命泉境界,这个修炼速度非常恐怖。” You are also good, looked that you are mad color to be very good.” “你也不错啊,看你气『色』很好。” I have no way compared with Yiyi, in the gate is under the capital, my appearance can restore this appearance, is Yiyi requested that Supreme Elder is the result.” “我没法和依依相比,在门中不过算是中下之资,我的容貌能够恢复成这个样子,是依依请求一位太上长老所致。” Zhang Wenchang ushers in Jade Cauldron sanctuary Ye Fan, inside is magnificent, verdant celestial mountains just like the emerald, magnificent light, the immortal fog winds around, has the waterfall to let fall , the white bolt of white silk star light condenses. 张文昌叶凡领进玉鼎洞天,里面非常瑰丽,一座座青翠的仙山犹如绿玉,光华点点,仙雾缭绕,更有瀑布垂落而下,白『色』的匹练似星光凝聚而成。 On many fog dim mountain peaks, is indistinct can see some palace towers, is indistinct, has the flavor of fairyland very much. 不少云雾朦胧的山峰上,隐约间可以看到一些殿宇楼台,非常飘渺,很有仙境的韵味。 But what is most surprising, the hills center has a snow white mountain, all over the body like jade, infertile, is glittering a gloss, the shape such as a round cauldron. 而最让人惊讶的是,群山中央有一座雪白的高山,通体如玉,寸草不生,闪烁着点点光泽,形如一座圆鼎。 Distinguished for three years, today we must be stewed to the gills.” Zhang Wenchang appears was very excited and happy. “分别三年了,今天我们一定要大醉一场。”张文昌显得很激动与高兴。 Your immortal cultivator does Sect have the wine and meat?” Ye Fan when Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, he and Pang Bo is a vegetarian daily, that day feeling is a suffering. “你们修仙门派有酒肉吗?”叶凡灵墟洞天时,他与庞博天天吃素,那段日子感觉是一种煎熬。 Felt relieved, had the liquor to have the meat, now I have taken the path that practice officially, does not need to look like just basic disciple to eat the mastication heart like that.” “放心好了,有酒有肉,如今我已经正式踏上修行的道路,不需要像刚入门的弟子那般吃素炼心了。” Jade Cauldron sanctuary is broad, has gone through several mountain ranges, Zhang Wenchang the Ye Fan belt/bring before a peach blossom forest, side has many small taverns, looks has rich in poetic and artistic flavor very much. 玉鼎洞天非常广阔,穿行过几座山峦,张文昌叶凡带到一片桃花林前,旁边有不少小酒馆,看起来很有诗情画意。 cultivator is also a person, needs to relax.” Zhang Wenchang explained with a smile: Naturally, impossible such as this mortal world cup debauchery and lust for power to smoke the day like that here can only the small feast slightly think, some good meals.” 修士也是人,也需要放松。”张文昌笑着解释道:“当然,不可能如尘世那般杯灯红酒绿、权欲熏天,我们这里只能小饮小酌,品些美味佳肴。” This cannot pervert.” Ye Fan nods, says with a smile: Otherwise, I really think that cultivator must cut the seven emotions certainly six sexual attractions.” “这倒不错。”叶凡点了点头,笑道:“不然的话,我真以为修士都要斩七情绝六欲呢。” Two people looked for a small wineshop to sit down, the pear table for eight, the peach wooden four full chairs, seemed like color ancient fragrant, on swayed near say/way, facing peach blossom forest, some Concept. Other wineshops so, the furniture all reveal day is also placed outside. 两个人找了个小酒肆坐下,梨木八仙桌,桃木四足椅,看起来古『色』古香,就摆在道边上,面对桃花林,很有些意境。其他酒肆也都如此,桌椅皆『露』天摆在外面。 They ordered some food and wine, starts to have a drink together, arrives at this strange world, saw the past schoolmate again, two people were very sigh with emotion, have the words that cannot speak. 他们点了一些酒菜,开始对饮起来,来到这个陌生的世界,重见昔日的同学,两人都很感慨,有着说不完的话语。 Arrives at this strange world, I stay up all night for a long time, have a dream want to go back, I miss the parents, thought of that friend......” natural disposition simple-hearted Zhang Wenchang, today the words are many, true feelings class/flow reveal, saw probably the family member is common. “来到这个陌生的世界,我在很长时间里都彻夜难眠,做梦都想回去,我思念父母,想念朋友……”生『性』木讷的张文昌,今日话语很多,真情流『露』,像是见到了亲人一般。 Li Xi­aoman's is indifferent, the Zhang Wenchang enthusiasm, the rooms on either side contrast, making Ye Fan very sigh with emotion. 李小曼的冷漠,张文昌的热情,前后两厢对比,让叶凡很是感慨。 Perhaps, we can go back in the future.” Ye Fan leaves said. “或许,将来我们可以回去。”叶凡出言道。 Went back...... me no longer to cherish this fantasy.” Zhang Wenchang bitter and astringent shaking the head, said: In the three years, you cross how, in Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, lives in the mediocre world, how I heard that Pang Bo did vanish?” “回去……我已经不再抱这种幻想了。”张文昌苦涩的摇了摇头,道:“这三年来,你过的怎样,是在灵墟洞天,还是在凡俗世界生活,我怎么听说庞博消失了?” Sees the old schoolmate, Ye Fan wants to say the truth, but he bore, his experience was very complex, said the words that will bring the trouble to two people, can only nod, said: Pang Bo truly vanished, I worried. I have left Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, now travels in each region.” 见到老同学,叶凡很想说出实情,但是他忍住了,他的经历很复杂,说出去的话会给两人都带来麻烦,只能点了点头,道:“庞博确实消失了,我非常担忧。我早已离开灵墟洞天,如今在各地游历。” Oh, we are not easy, the mortal is not easy, practicing is not in the imagination is so happy, is arid, from now on will also possibly face various Life and Death tribulations.” “唉,我们都不容易,凡人不易,修行也不是想象中那么美好,非常枯燥,今后还可能会面对各种生死磨难。” You are careful, best practice, little goes out to take a walk.” The Ye Fan reminder said. “你要小心啊,最好还是多修行,少出去走动。”叶凡提醒道。 Zhang Wenchang nods, then bitter and astringent saying with a smile: I calculate that looked, whether it is where, I will not become outstanding, in the past so, so, my whole life can only now the mediocre life. Perhaps, some day I will leave here, goes to the world of average person, opens a small tavern, light has ended the next half a lifetime.” 张文昌点了点头,而后苦涩的笑道:“我算看出来了,无论是在哪里,我都不会出人头地,过去如此,现在还如此,我这辈子只能庸庸碌碌一生了。也许,有一天我会离开这里,去普通人的世界,开一个小酒馆,平平淡淡过完下半生。” Does not need...... Ye Fan to console such negatively. “不用这么消极……”叶凡劝慰。 You do not know that the cultivator's world is very brutal, if I do not leave to depart, sooner or later will die in the hands of others. When the time comes silent dying, looked like in the rivers an ordinary spray, no one knows, no one will sob for me, only then I did not know in this world.” “你不知道的,修士的世界很残酷,我如果不抽身离去的话,早晚有一天会死在其他人的手里。到时候无声无息的死去,就像是河流中一朵普通的浪花,没有人会知道,没有人会为我哭泣,只有我自己知道不在这个世上了。” After Ye Fan hear, the heart has the feelings, he has not marched into the cultivator's world truly, now looks like, is very brutal. 叶凡听后,心有感触,他还没有真正步入修士的世界,现在看来,真的很残酷。 Zhang Wenchang sighed: I heard that Lin Jia, Zhou Yi, Wang Ziwen and Li Xiaoman receive their Sect to attach great importance to very much, where some it seems like people regardless, can emit the brilliance.” 张文昌感叹道:“我听说林佳周毅王子文李小曼都很受他们的师门重视,看来有些人无论在哪里,都可以放出光辉。” Two people drank while chat, talked about many past events, spoke of the present difficult position, finally Zhang Wenchang thorough was drunk, lay wū wū cried on the table unexpectedly, said: I really want to go back, does not want to stay in this strange world, I leave, my wife has the pregnancy, our children must be born immediately, she most needs my time, I actually disappeared, arrived here......” 两人一边喝酒一边聊天,谈到了很多往事,又说到了眼下的困境,最终张文昌彻底的醉了,趴在桌子上竟呜呜的哭了起来,道:“我真的很想回去,不想呆在这个陌生的世界,我离开的时候,我的妻子已有身孕,我们的孩子马上就要出生了,她最需要我的时候,我却消失了,来到了这里……” His sentiment difficult self-made, a child is likely common, cries. 他情难自制,像个孩子一般,失声痛哭。 I good to go back...... my child, now should three years old, I have a dream wants to have a look at him, hugs him, he......” “我好想回去……我的孩子,现在应该三岁了,我做梦都想看看他,抱起他,亲亲他……” Saw that Zhang Wenchang is so painful, cries loudly, in the Ye Fan heart surges up, unceasing spoke calmly and steadily. 看到张文昌如此痛苦,放声大哭,叶凡心中波澜起伏,不断的出言安稳。 Whom I consider to cry, originally is that useless waste old man.” Not far away hears several to laugh, several youngster not mince matter despising color, is walking to here. “我当是谁在哭呢,原来是那个没用的废老头啊。”不远处传来几声嗤笑,几个年轻人毫不掩饰蔑视之『色』,正向这边走来。 Hair was white, half waste person also has a face to cry.” “头发都白了,半废的人还有脸哭。” Really is laughable!” “真是可笑!” Several people are almost twenty -year-old appearance, all disregarding another's feelings satire. 几人差不多都是二十几岁的样子,皆毫不留情面的讽刺。 A Ye Fan sigh, he knows finally, Zhang Wenchang in Jade Cauldron sanctuary is very unpleasant. His in the eyes shooting two Dao Spirit light, compelling regards the front several people, said: Under your mouths keeps a virtue.” 叶凡一声叹息,他终于知道,张文昌玉鼎洞天过的很不如意。他双目中『射』出两道神光,『逼』视前方几人,道:“你们嘴下还是留点德吧。” Who are you? Minds others' business must first think over own weight/quantity.” “你是谁?管闲事也要先掂量掂量自己的分量。” Really thinks oneself were Spring of Life Realm's expert, laughable!” “真以为自己是命泉境界的高手了,可笑!” Half waste old man's friend can be what expert......” “半废老头的朋友能是什么高手……” Do not say, if known by that Liu Yiyi, perhaps also complained.” “别这么说,万一被那个柳依依知道,说不定又去告状了。” Is you!” At this moment, middle that youngest, can have the 18 or 19 years old youngster both eyes circle to open the eyes, show(s) angry expression, observed closely Ye Fan stubbornly. “是你!”就在这时,当中那个年龄最小,能有十八九岁的少年双目圆睁,『露』出愤怒的神『色』,死死的盯住了叶凡 Junior Brother Han do you know him?” Nearby several youngster asked. 韩师弟你认识他?”旁边的几个年轻人问道。 That youngster both eyes are torching, clench teeth saying: I knew certainly, he is not your Jade Cauldron sanctuary person, had stayed in our Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, is a waste worthy of the reputation!” 那个少年双目在喷火,咬牙道:“我当然认识,他不是你们玉鼎洞天的人,曾经在我们灵墟洞天呆过,是一个名副其实的废物!” Ye Fan sighs secretly, felt that this world is very sometimes small, has not thought that here met Han Feiyu. 叶凡暗自叹了一口气,感觉这个世界有时候真的很小,没有想到在这里遇到了韩飞羽 Right, is a waste, is really the birds of a feather flock together like attracts like, half waste old man's friend also is really a waste.” Side, that several youngster all laughed unscrupulously. “是吗,原来是个废物,果然是物以类聚人以群分,半废老头的朋友还真是个废物。”旁边,那几个年轻人全都肆无忌惮的大笑了起来。
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