STH :: Volume #1

#98: One Artifact Breaking Ten Thousand Techniques

The day after tomorrow will want the on the shelf, hopes that VIP book friend when the time comes under subscription, gives me the power. This book under the premise of ensure quality, I will increase speed with every effort. I think that everyone has felt from the public version. 后天就要上架了,希望vip书友到时候订阅下,给我动力。这本书在保证质量的前提下,我会尽力提速的。我想大家从公众版就已经感觉到了吧。 Thanks support! 谢谢各位的支持! ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ —————————————————————————— Chapter 98 One Artifact Breaking Ten Thousand Techniques 第98章一器破万法 This is a different experience, Ye Fan stands is in the upper air, the astral wind flap flap makes noise, the mountains land that the clothing blows performs in the under foot, a control all the feeling well ups. 这是一种全新的体验,叶凡立身在高空中,罡风将衣衫吹的猎猎作响,山川大地尽在脚下,一种掌控“所有”的感觉涌上心头。 Obstructs day 98 遮天98 Wide open, looking out into the distance, this is an unprecedented feeling, rushes to the vault of heaven by own strength, overlooks the world that once lived, filled shock. 视野广阔,极目远眺,这是一番前所未有的感受,凭借自己的力量冲上苍穹,俯视曾经生活的世界,充满了震撼。 Grand Mountains and Rivers, the boundless land, all in the eye, making one have happy, has great ambitions, the Heaven and Earth myriad things, every bit of property, performs the having a change of heart bottom, making one cannot help but live to swallow the Mountains and Rivers determination heroic feelings all at once. 壮丽的山河,苍茫的大地,一切都在眼中,让人心怀舒畅,志存高远,天地万物,一草一木,尽收心底,让人不由自主生起一股气吞山河的壮志豪情。 This is Spring of Life Realm, I felt that the powerful strength......” Ye Fan stood is in the upper air, flesh dustlessness stainless, all over the body clear, is glittering a gloss, probably the artware of rose beautiful, making him have the feeling of shedding body, exchanging bones. “这就是命泉境界吗,我感觉到了强大的力量……”叶凡立身在高空中,血肉无尘无垢,通体晶莹,闪烁着点点光泽,像是瑰美的艺术品,让他有脱胎换骨的感觉。 Hence, he understands finally, different Realm had how big disparity, the meat shell has no time, is nearly perfect, if meets Sea of Bitterness Realm's cultivator, he feels to lift in the hands then to make the opposite party vanishes in a puff of smoke, is not the blind self-confidence, but is within the body really has growing continually certainly the strength. 至此,他终于明白,不同的境界到底存在了多么大的差距,肉壳无暇,近乎完美,若是遇上苦海境界的修士,他觉得抬手间便可以让对方灰飞烟灭,并不是盲目的自信,而是体内确实有生生不息的强绝力量。 The Ye Fan controlling rainbow the line, Between Heaven and Earth, the radiant rainbow cuts the expansive sky vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, a while such as the comet hit land, a while by and like Bright Moon Rises Above the Sea, the Blue Dragon lifts off. 叶凡驭虹而行,纵横天地间,璀璨长虹划破长空,一会儿如彗星撞击大地,一会儿由又如海上升明月,苍龙升空。 Until after 1 hour, he thoroughly is quiet, stands in the summit, no matter what the cool breeze blows the surface, the full black hair dances in the breeze gently, his double pupil seems like two stars, splendid. 直至半个时辰之后,他才彻底平静下来,站在山巅,任清风吹面,满头黑发轻轻飘舞,他的双眸像是两颗星辰,熠熠生辉。 Ye Fan is silent, the powerful and swift and fierce imposing manner completely collects, were many auspicious and tranquil makings, he does not have the flaw stainless, clothes sleeve flutters, probably exiles immortal descending to earth, is elusive and elegant, gives to rise above worldly affairs with the natural feeling. 叶凡寂静无声,强大与凌厉的气势尽敛,多了一股祥和与宁静的气质,他无瑕无垢,衣袂飘动,像是谪仙临尘,空灵而又飘逸,给人以绝俗和自然的感觉。 At this moment, in his body, half fist big Sea of Bitterness was completely tranquil, does not have wild volcano, does not have the turbulent rough seas, the rocket is no longer billowing. 此刻,在他的身体中,半个拳头大的苦海完全平静了下来,没有狂暴的“火山”,没有汹涌的大浪,不再狼烟滚滚。 golden Sea of Bitterness is tranquil, the dead center position, spring gurgling surges, the exuberant life aura fills the air, that is the divine force source is flowing. 金『色』苦海非常宁静,正中心位置,一口泉眼汩汩涌动,旺盛的生命气息弥漫而出,那是神力源泉在流淌。 Covers Wheel of Life under Sea of Bitterness to be communicated, the endless life of implication can spring wells up, this is the cultivator powerful basis is. 覆盖在苦海下的生命之轮被沟通,蕴含的无尽命能泉涌了上来,这是修士强大的根本所在。 Ripples 『』 ripple to go toward the Sea of Bitterness four directions from Spring of Life, turn into the gentle mighty waves, increased one nimble and resourceful with the nature, golden sea 『』 rippled, Divine Spring gurgling, both united, divine force was unceasing, the life was exuberant. 点点涟漪自命泉向着苦海四方『荡』漾而去,化成柔和的波澜,增添了一股灵动与自然,金海『荡』漾,神泉汩汩,两者合一,神力不绝,生命旺盛。 At this moment, that mysterious green copper changed a position, decides in the spring of seabed, accepts the life Divine Spring baptism unceasingly, but Gold Book was still pushed in the edge, is unable to approach the eye of Divine Spring. 此时此刻,那块神秘的绿铜换了一个位置,定在海底的泉眼中,不断接受生命神泉的洗礼,而金书依然被挤在边缘,无法靠近神泉之眼。 Ye Fan must temper cauldron, the fuzzy outlines, still have not taken shape now merely, can have the cherry size, float above Sea of Bitterness. 叶凡所要锤炼的“鼎”,如今仅仅有一个模糊的轮廓,依然没有成型,能有樱桃大小,悬浮在苦海上方。 According to the common sense, Sea of Bitterness, Spring of Life, Divine Bridge and Other Shore these four Great Realm, each Realm can offer a sacrifice to refine “Artifact”, but Ye Fan has achieved second Great Realm now, but actually “Artifact” has not become, making him frown, cauldron really the most difficult sacrifice to refine. 按常理来说,苦海命泉神桥彼岸这四大境界,每一个境界都可以祭炼一种“器”,但现在叶凡已经达到第二大境界,但却一“器”未成,让他不禁皱起了眉头,“鼎”果然最难祭炼。 However, he not anxious, has the explicit record in «Dao Scripture», more mysterious complex “Artifact” more is hard to take shape, they contain to have Between Heaven and Earth "Dao" and principle. 不过,他并没有过于忧虑,在《道经》中有明确的记载,越玄奥复杂的“器”越难以成型,它们蕴含有天地间“道”与“理”。 According to «Dao Scripture», can offer a sacrifice to refine “Artifact” single-mindedly, powerful “Artifact” can it be that four Great Realm unite becomes. Also in other words, wants strongly, Sea of Bitterness, Spring of Life, Divine Bridge and Other Shore, only the sacrifice refining up “Artifact”, rather than four types. 依据《道经》所述,可以专一祭炼一种“器”,强大的“器”莫不是四大境界合一所成。也就是说,想要得最强之器,苦海命泉神桥彼岸,只祭炼一种“器”,而非四种。 This is so-called Great Artifact comes to fruition slowly, once succeeds, can One Artifact Breaking Ten Thousand Techniques, after I spend , the hundred flowers kill. 这就是所谓的“大器晚成”,一旦成功,就可以一器破万法,我花开后百花杀。 In the trim Eastern Wilderness land, only then several ancient scripture records have this four Realm to temper “Artifact” abstruse Secret Art, general cultivator simply does not have the opportunity to touch. 在整片东荒大地,只有几部古经记载有这种四境界锤炼一“器”的深奥秘法,一般的修士根本没有机会触及。 However, even if grasps these ancient scripture's Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family, their disciple also few people dare to be like this risky, because the opportunity always coexists with the risk, wants are more, the paid price may be unable to withstand similarly. Tempers “Artifact” by four Realm, throughout the ages, most people are “Artifact” not become, idles one's time away in vain. Without own “Artifact”, then cannot the governing thing, be almost the same as the disabled person, therefore Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family disciple also few people make such choice. 不过,纵然是掌握有这几部古经的圣地荒古世家,他们的弟子也很少有人敢这样冒险,因为机遇向来与风险并存,想要得到的更多,付出的代价同样可能无法承受。以四境界来锤炼一“器”,古往今来,绝大多数人都是一“器”无成,白白蹉跎了岁月。没有自己的“器”,便不能御物,与废人相差无几,故此圣地荒古世家的的弟子也很少有人做出这样的选择。 Obstructs day 98 遮天98 When Sea of Bitterness Realm, Ye Fan cannot make the decision, only needed to temper cauldron to be OK wholly absorbed, but has broken now enters Spring of Life Realm, “Artifact” has not taken shape, he has to make the resolution. 苦海境界时,叶凡不需做决定,只需要专心致志的锤炼“鼎”就可以了,但是现在已经破入命泉境界,“器”并未成型,他不得不做出决断了。 Although filled hard and dangerously, possibly in the end entire life not becomes, but I do not have the escape route, the choice sacrifice refining up cauldron , because wants to obtain strongest 'Artifact', its day accumulated may give birth to 'Dao' and 'Truth' in Heaven and Earth. Tempers 'Artifact' by four Realm, does not contradict with my choice, and can say is very consistent, I do not have the truth to flinch.” “虽然充满了艰险,可能到头来一生无成,但我已经没有退路,选择祭炼‘鼎’,就是因为想得到最强的‘器’,它日可能会蕴生出天地中的‘道’‘理’。以四境界锤炼一‘器’,与我的选择并不相悖,且可以说很一致,我没有道理退缩。” Ye Fan was not worried that others “Artifact” are many, oneself “Artifact” are few, but presents the embarrassed shape, he believes One Artifact Breaking Ten Thousand Techniques that «Dao Scripture» records, after I spend, Zhuang that the hundred flowers kill. 叶凡并不担心别人“器”多,自己“器”少,而出现窘状,他相信《道经》所记载的一器破万法,我花开后百花杀的壮语。 Wants Great Artifact to come to fruition slowly, rather than wastes time entire life......” “希望大器晚成,而非一生蹉跎……” After achieving Spring of Life Realm, then can fly on the vault of heaven, Ye Fan starts to consider that Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land steps onto, but must prepare sufficiently, otherwise there is very likely the burial ground. 达到命泉境界后,便可以在天穹上飞行,叶凡开始考虑去荒古禁地走上一趟,不过必须要准备充足,不然的话那里很有可能是葬身之地。 He has not gone on a journey eagerly, but continued to remain, consolidated own Realm, after the cultivation base breakthrough, needed a process of adaptation. Following these days, immortal residence by looking awful of Ye Fan excavation, to obtain the spirit energy in Baleflame, he has opened cutting to the place bottom deep place, nearly causes to erupt the hot lineage/vein. 他并没有急于出行,而是继续留了下来,巩固自己的境界,修为突破后需要一个适应的过程。接下来的这段时间里,洞府叶凡挖掘的不成样子,为了获得火煞中的灵能,他一直开凿到地底深处,险些将火脉引得喷发上来。 The time in a hurry, Ye Fan practice for about a year, entire hot lineage/vein by his refining was nearly dry, his Realm is thorough, and promoted with steady steps much, Divine Spring that gurgling wells up was more active. 时间匆匆,叶凡又修行了将近一年,整条火脉都被他炼化的近乎干涸了,他的境界彻底稳固,且稳步提升了不少,那汩汩而涌的神泉更具有活力了。 Naturally, this is not the biggest harvest, most makes him feel what satisfied and excited, cauldron thick embryo offered a sacrifice to refine the formation, with the aid of the strange Baleflame spirit energy, after a lot of hundred million temperance, three foot round cauldrons finally initially becomes, arrived at this world. 当然,这并不是最大的收获,最让他感觉满意与激动的是,“鼎”的“粗胚”被祭炼成型,借助奇异的火煞灵能,经过千百亿次的锤炼,三足圆鼎终于初成,来到了这个世间 It seems like, wants to refine successfully the 'Artifact' sacrifice, needs the strange spirit to be able only then, without a doubt, various Divine fire can most effective. Similar to in the reality the casting weapon general, needs the fire hazard to smelt, can temper the Divine Weapon treasure blade, but casts cauldron in within the body is also so!” “看来,想要将‘器’祭炼成功,需要奇异的灵能方可,毫无疑问,各种神火之能最为有效。就如同现实中铸造兵器一般,需要火源熔炼,才能锤炼出神兵宝刃,而在体内铸‘鼎’亦是如此!” Above Ye Fan's Sea of Bitterness, a small cauldron thick embryo, having the cherry is so big, the shining god splendor is completely reserved, is seemingly plain and nature. In the past year, after a lot of hundred million temperance, carves on green copper repeatedly Dao Runes, small cauldron has very uncommon meteorology, a feeling of Dao charm as if made by heaven. 叶凡的苦海上方,一尊小鼎的粗胚,有樱桃那么大,灿灿神辉全部内敛,看起来古朴而自然。近一年来,经过千百亿次的锤炼,反复摹刻绿铜上的“道纹”,小鼎已经具有非常不凡的气象,给人一股道韵天成的感觉。 The Ye Fan intention moves, small cauldron runs out in outside the body immediately, silent, easily pierces the thickness to have more than ten meters stone wall fully, runs out of outside immortal residence directly, float in sky. 叶凡心念一动,小鼎顿时冲出体外,无声无息,轻易洞穿厚度足有十几米的石壁,直接冲出洞府外,悬浮在天空中。 „A cauldron, two ears, three feet. Dao gave birth to One, One gave birth to Two, Two gave birth to Three, Three gives birth to all living things, the myriad things hug negative Yang...... good! Good! Good!” “一尊鼎,两个耳,三只足。道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物,万物负阴而抱阳……好!好!好!” Ye Fan is satisfied, plain and natural small cauldron, making he has the Daoist magic natural feeling, seem indeed accumulated give birth to Between Heaven and Earth "Dao" with principle, appears mysterious and mysterious. 叶凡非常满意,古朴而自然的小鼎,让他有道法自然的感觉,似真的已经蕴生出天地间“道”与“理”,显得神秘而又玄奥。 I anticipate One Artifact Breaking Ten Thousand Techniques that moment......” “我期待一器破万法的那一刻……” small cauldron initially becomes, is a powerful weapon, may attack to defend, destroys the hardest defenses, the mysticalness on green copperDao Runesgave its strange strength, making it transform unceasingly. 小鼎初成,就已经算是一种强大的武器,可攻可守,无坚不摧,绿铜上的神秘“道纹“赋予了它奇异的力量,让它不断蜕变。 Ye Fan has arrived at this world three years, lived for a year in Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, practice for about two years in this immortal residence, his body grew much, can be about 170 centimeters, but still seems very immature, probably one about 14 -year-old child. 叶凡已来到这个世界三年了,在灵墟洞天生活了一载,在这座洞府又修行了将近两年,他的身体长高了不少,能有一百七十公分左右,但看起来依然很稚嫩,像是一个十四岁左右的孩子。 The past short hair is two chi (0.33 m), pitch-black and thick, naturally hung loose in his chest front with behind, with the wind however fluttered, he looked very delicate, no matter what no one thinks that such a youngster is Spring of Life Realm's cultivator. 当年的短发已经有两尺长,乌黑而又浓密,自然披散在他的胸前与背后,随风而轻扬,他看起来非常清秀,任谁也不会想到这样一个少年已经是命泉境界的修士 Was the time leaves......” Ye Fan then to look at behind immortal residence, is pasting the mountain forest in the low-altitude flying, flushed away to the mountain. “是时候离开了……”叶凡回头看了一眼身后的洞府,而后贴着山林在低空飞行,向山外冲去。 Ye Fan drags a red deer to enter a small town, after trading some money, first chose an appropriate clothing for oneself, for two years his body grew much, the original clothes are shabby, can be called ragged, when enters the town/subdues was directed. 叶凡拖着一头水鹿进入一座小镇,换了一些钱币后,首先为自己选了一身合适的衣衫,两年来他的身体长高了不少,原来的衣服早已破旧不堪,称得上褴褛,进镇时被人指指点点。 Is alive practices, must first do is integrates in mortal world.” “在世修行,首先要做的便是融入红尘中。” Ye Fan found an eating meal place, chose a position by the window. Several people of makings that side that table, sits in a circle are good, has different from the average man. 叶凡找了一个吃饭的地方,选了一个靠窗的位置。旁边那个桌位,围坐的几人气质不俗,与常人有异。 True cultivator and mortal have not happened together, generally not obviously reveal before the world uncommon, even if the opposite meets by chance, the average man also does not know. Obviously these people are cultivator, receives the consistent principle, does not want to alarm the surrounding mortal, is talking in a low voice, only if spiritual awareness is very keen, otherwise the average man is unable to hear anything. 真正的修士与凡人没有交集,一般不会在世人面前显『露』不凡,纵然对面相逢,常人亦不知。很显然这几人都是修士,秉承一贯的原则,不想惊动周围的凡人,正在低声交谈,除非灵觉特别敏锐,不然的话常人根本无法听到什么。 Obstructs day 98 遮天98 That monster Emperor Tomb tomb was really evil nature, more than two years died endless cultivator, but could not open.” “那妖帝坟冢真是太邪『性』了,两年多来死了无尽的修士,但就是打不开。” Trim Eastern Wilderness was alarmed, major Sect once dispatched expert to go to that stretch of ruins, simply does not have the means to open that Yin Grave.” “整片东荒都被惊动了,各大门派都曾派遣高手前往那片废墟,却根本没有办法开启那座阴坟。” Mainly is the genuine genuine peerless Powerhouse heart has the scruples, does not dare at will take action, because that Yin Grave unusual monster is evil, already nearly spiritual wisdom. Only if there is a Eastern Wilderness Human Race's most precious object, otherwise even if has outstanding Powerhouse to decode to kill situation, is unable immobilized Yin Grave, it to break under the Eastern Wilderness land, such as the dragon turns over to the sea, will not have the mark to seek.” “主要是真正的真正的绝世强者心有顾忌,不敢随意出手,因为那座阴坟非常妖邪,早已近乎通灵。除非有东荒人族的至宝,不然的话纵然有盖代强者可以破解必杀之局,也无法定住阴坟,它会冲入东荒大地之下,如龙归大海,将无迹可寻。” It is said that had died three great person ?” “据说,已经死了三位大人物,是真的吗?” Naturally real, for two years the cultivator casualty are innumerable, that deep deep pool was filled up by the corpse simply quickly, even if great person also connects die several, several great person it is said on the point of death.” “自然是真的,两年来修士死伤无数,那座深潭简直快被死尸填满了,纵然是大人物也接连殒落数位,还有几位大人物据说命在旦夕。” Ye Fan is surprised, has not thought that two years passed by, the monster Emperor Tomb tomb still had not been opened, in Yin Grave must kill situation to claim massive cultivator's lives. He eats meal calmly while is listening, does not have slight surprise look, does not want to be detected by that several cultivator. 叶凡非常吃惊,没有想到两年过去了,妖帝坟冢依然没有被打开,阴坟内的必杀之局夺去了大量修士的生命。他一边吃饭一边静静的听着,没有丝毫异『色』,不想被那几名修士发觉。 Around that deep deep pool the skeleton like the mountain, totally becomes demon earth, only waits and sees from afar, makes person feeling wool bone terrified, there resentment soars to the heavens, the land dyes the cultivator's blood every inchs.” “那座深潭周围尸骨如山,完全成为了一片魔土,仅是远远观望,就让人感觉『毛』骨悚然,那里怨气冲天,每一寸土地都染有修士的鲜血。” Since that deep deep pool has not to return, becomes mountains of corpses & seas of blood, why did not have cultivator completely to advance over the bodies of fallen comrades, goes to there unceasingly?” “既然那座深潭有去无回,成为了尸山血海,为什么还有无尽的修士前仆后起,不断前往那里?” Without the advantage, who will not attend to Life and Death like this, that unifies Eastern Wilderness Monster Race's one generation of Great Emperor's graves, whether there is inside definitely buries performs the treasure.” “没有好处,谁会这样不顾生死,那可是统一东荒妖族的一代大帝的坟冢啊,里面肯定葬有无尽宝物。” Right, even these aloof great person were alarmed, legends say is because in Monster Emperor Yin Grave has my Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object ---- Desolate Pagoda!” “没错,连那些超然的大人物都被惊动了,相传是因为妖帝阴坟内有我东荒人族至宝————荒塔!” „In that legend may crush to death Immortal Being Desolate Pagoda?” “是那件传说中可镇死仙人荒塔?” Naturally is it, how otherwise these great person may ignore the die danger, braves death thoroughly.” “自然是它,不然那些大人物怎么可能会不顾殒落的危险,冒死深入。” „The entire two years, disciple of various factions scared, had for fear that been assigned to that stretch of ruins, but various factions are actually not willing to give up, this way really does not know that must die many people.” “整整两年了,各派的弟子早已发『毛』,生怕被调往那片废墟,可是各派却不肯罢手,这样下去真不知道要死多少人呢。” Perhaps you have not known that the Central Province's people were even alarmed it is said that in the near future the somewhat mysterious character rushed to Eastern Wilderness.” “你们或许还不知道吧,据说连中州的人都被惊动了,近期有些神秘的人物赶到了东荒。” „Do they want to rob my Eastern Wilderness most precious object ---- Desolate Pagoda?” “难道他们想抢夺我东荒至宝————荒塔?” This, they so will not be actually long, even if the Central Province cultivator's strength that the hand extends is matchless, has pressed other four territories, but does not dare easily with trim Eastern Wilderness for the enemy, such great war, once erupts, is very difficult to imagine can die many people. It is said that they seem to seek for a Central Province's most precious object......” “这倒不是,他们不会将手伸的这么长,纵然中州修士的实力举世无双,压过其他四域,但也不敢轻易与整片东荒为敌,那样的大战一旦爆发,很难想象会死多少人。据说,他们似乎是为了寻找中州的一件至宝……” Not far away, the Ye Fan's heart thump, did not need to think that immediately he also knows, Central Province's great person definitely for mysterious green copper. 不远处,叶凡的心顿时“咯噔”了一下,不用想他也知道,中州的大人物们肯定是为神秘绿铜而来。
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