STH :: Volume #1

#97: Promotes Spring of Life Realm

Chapter 97 promotes Spring of Life Realm 第97章晋升命泉境界 When all settle down, completely solves Elder Han, 『after nature life no worries, Ye Fan is tranquil, sits on the stone chair, starts seriously to think deeply about what course to follow. 当一切尘埃落定,彻底解决韩长老,『性』命无忧后,叶凡平静下来,坐在石椅上,开始认真思索何去何从。 Jiang Family's Knight is chasing down him, at this moment he does not have the strong strength, is unable with it contending, is not really suitable throws appearance, at present the best choice is hides , to promote cultivation base. 姜家的骑士在追杀他,此刻他没有强大的实力,根本无法与之抗衡,实在不宜抛头『露』面,眼下最好的选择就是躲藏起来,提升修为 Without a doubt, this established immortal residence in mid-hill is a very good hiding place, Elder Han once had the word, on the rock inscribes many Dao Runes, the bystander is unable the sensation, could not discover this place. 毫无疑问,这座建立在山腹中的洞府是一处非常好的藏身之所,韩长老曾有言,山石上刻有很多道纹,外人根本无法感知,发现不了此地。 Good, I practice here.” “好,我就在这里修行。” Obstructs day 97 遮天97 After Ye Fan makes the decision, starts to clean up the stone chamber, first puts in that the Elder Han corpse medicine in cauldron, cauldron cover press above. 叶凡做出决定后,开始清理石室,首先将韩长老的尸体放入那个『药』鼎中,将鼎盖扣在上面。 Your refining medicine life, uses pill cauldron as the coffin, secure silent/solitary in own immortal residence.” “你炼『药』一生,就以丹鼎为棺,安寂在自己的洞府中吧。” This immortal residence is extremely broad, probably fan palace is ordinary, under Ye Fan careful doing some marks, led the way, move medicine cauldron to arrive at mid-hill most deep place, then its in Cave. 这座洞府极其广阔,像是『迷』宫一般,叶凡小心的做下一些标记,一路前行,搬着『药』鼎来到了山腹最深处,而后将其封在了一个石洞中。 After returning to the stone chamber, Ye Fan starts to continue to clean up, several medicine cabinet was placed same place, he more than ten rare Spirit Medicine will put, there is most suitable to preserve medicine grass. 回到石室后,叶凡开始继续清理,几个『药』柜被摆放回原地,他将身上的十几种稀世灵『药』重新放了进去,那里最适合保存『药』草。 This open stone chamber besides medicine outside cabinet, more than ten bronze medicine cauldron, as well as several stone tables and several stone chairs. On a stone table, is placing two old books, is the animal skin makes unexpectedly, seeming like the age is very remote, at least have several hundred years. 这座开阔的石室除了『药』柜外,还有十几个青铜『药』鼎,以及几张石桌与数把石椅。在一张石桌上,摆放着两本古籍,竟是兽皮制成的,看起来年代很久远,最起码有数百个年头了。 Obviously, Elder Han reads frequently, this stone table and stone chair rubbed smoothness , the book is opening, above also has Elder Han some annotations. 很显然,韩长老经常翻看,这张石桌与石椅都被摩擦的很光滑,有一本书打开着,上面还有韩长老的一些注释。 Well!” “咦!” Ye Fan show(s) surprised expression, opened old book several are animal skin that's all, above inscribes many strange runic patterns, almost no writing, seeming like scribbles is ordinary, is unable to identify. If were not Elder Han left behind some annotations, Ye Fan was really also hard to understand the meanings of these strange runic patterns. 叶凡『露』出惊讶的神『色』,被翻开的古籍不过几张是兽皮而已,上面刻有很多奇异的纹络,几乎没有什么文字,看起来像鬼画符一般,无从辨认。如果不是韩长老留下了一些注释,叶凡还真是难以明了那些奇异纹络的意思。 Is...... Dao Runes!” In his heart one startled, although several pages of that's all, but actually records the Dao Runes precious old book. “是……道纹!”他心中一惊,虽然不过几页而已,但却是记载道纹的珍贵古籍。 It is said that Dao Runes is the Supreme Being insight Heaven and Earth nature of ancient times, after having obtained , the thing that carving gets down, had the part to spread in the world, Inheritance. 据说,“道纹”是古时的大能感悟天地自然,有所得后“摹刻”下来的东西,有部分流传于世,传承了下来。 In some sense, Dao Runes is ancient times carving of Supreme Being insight, is powerful cultivator likes researching in thorough detail to spread in the world Dao Runes. 从某种意义上说,“道纹”是古时的大能感悟的摹刻,越是强大的修士越喜欢精研流传于世的“道纹”。 Ye Fan carefully looked, from limited several ancient character, knew this merely is one ordinary Dao Runes old book, above has the foundation two characters. 叶凡仔细看了看,从有限的几个古字中,得知这仅仅是一篇普通的“道纹”古籍,上面标有基础二字。 However, an ordinary «Dao Runes» old book also makes Elder Han have enough to do, writes down many annotations, many places he cannot be insightful. 然而,一本普通的《道纹》古籍却也让韩长老很吃力,写下不少注释,许多地方他都不能通透。 It seems like Dao Runes is really broad and profound, non- powerful cultivator cannot study, even Elder Han can only pace back and forth in the threshold.” Ye Fan thinks instantaneously, Dao Runes outside this immortal residence is Elder Han acts according to this book to carve mostly. “看来道纹果然博大精深,非强大的修士不能研究,连韩长老都只能在门槛徘徊。”叶凡瞬间想到,这座洞府外的道纹多半就是韩长老依据此书刻出的。 This book, although is unable to understand, under these things that but he labels actually must ponder over thin, otherwise may be unable to go out of this immortal residence very much.” “这本书虽然无法看懂,但是他标注的那些东西却要细琢磨下,不然很有可能走不出这座洞府。” Ye Fan opens another animal skin old book, similarly several pages of that's all, merely are thin book, above recorded some ancient Pill recipe, after building up, has the greatest advantage to cultivator. 叶凡打开另外一本兽皮古籍,同样不过数页而已,仅仅是一个薄册,上面记载了一些古老的丹方,炼成后对修士有莫大的好处。 However, Ye Fan knows limitedly about Spirit Medicine, inside mentioned medicine grass puts at his at present, not necessarily can recognize, do not say furnace pill concocting. 但是,叶凡灵『药』了解有限,里面提到的『药』草就是摆在他的眼前,都不见得能够认出,更不要说开炉炼丹了。 In the animal skin old book has the clear record, if seeks to let person shedding body, exchanging bones Sacred Medicine, may refine strange precious pill, not only can increase cultivator's life essence, but can also promote cultivation base sharply, advantage to any Realm's cultivator. 兽皮古籍上有清晰的记载,若是寻到能让人脱胎换骨圣『药』,可炼成奇异的宝丹,不仅可以增加修士的寿元,还可以大幅提升修为,对任何境界的修士都大有益处。 No wonder this old man must catch me is not possible......” “难怪这个老梆子非要抓我不可……” Obstructs day 97 遮天97 Afterward, Ye Fan discovers a mountain spring in immortal residence, many grain of Elder Han preserve, this solved his extra worries immediately, can definitely cultivation in this safely. 随后,叶凡洞府中发现一处山泉,还有韩长老储藏的不少粮食,这顿时解决了他的后顾之忧,完全可以安心在此修炼了。 In the following several days, he reads illustration of Elder Han carefully in Dao Runes old book, finally saw some ways, successfully goes out of immortal residence. 在接下来的几天里,他仔细研读韩长老道纹古籍上的注解,终于看出了一些门道,成功走出洞府 After that Ye Fan lives in seclusion, occasionally goes out to pick some berries and wild herbs, most time are leading a pious life, comprehend Dao Scripture. 此后,叶凡深居简出,偶尔出去采摘一些浆果与野菜,绝大多数时间都在修行,参悟道经 The time in a hurry, over the past year, Ye Fan had taken all Spirit Medicine in an instant completely, golden Sea of Bitterness had been opened to half fist is so big, dazzling, Essence Qi grows continually. 时间匆匆,转眼已经过去一年,叶凡将所有灵『药』全部服食了,金『色』苦海已经被开辟到半个拳头那么大,璀璨夺目,精气生生不息。 In the Sea of Bitterness center, the rosy cloud like the rocket, the direct impact is rolling upward, no longer is fills the air and winds around, probably active volcano is erupting! 苦海的中心处,云霞滚滚如狼烟,直冲向上,不再是弥漫与缭绕,像是有一座活火山在喷发! Ye Fan's golden Sea of Bitterness is hard stays quiet, always spout, seems going to communicate Wheel of Life, the release Divine Spring is ordinary. 叶凡的金『色』苦海难以保持平静,无时不刻不在喷涌,似乎将要沟通生命之轮,释放出神泉一般。 Whenever he falls into the elusive boundary, in Sea of Bitterness then meets the roaring to be intermittent, has, if hidden the ocean waves sound that if no spreads outside the body, all over the body by a sacred ray covering. 每当他陷入空灵之境,苦海中便会涛声阵阵,有若隐若无的海浪声传出体外,通体都被一层神圣的光芒过笼罩。 And, in Sea of Bitterness will even give birth to some visions, most central location unceasingly spout, just like Submarine volcano, often will have the lightning to cut the expansive sky. 且,苦海中甚至会生出一些异象,最中心位置不断喷涌,犹如海底火山,经常会有闪电划破长空。 After revolving the profound law of «Dao Scripture» recording, his within the body will have the powerful life fluctuation immediately, golden Sea of Bitterness seems like round Sun to be brilliant. Essence Qi continuously, his all the limbs and bones were therefore moistened, the meat shell becomes exceptionally powerful, compared with before, was more tyrannical. 当运转《道经》所记载的玄法后,他的体内顿时会有强大的生命波动,金『色』苦海像是一轮太阳般绚烂。精气源源不绝,他的四肢百骸都因此而受到滋润,肉壳变得异常强大,同以前相比,强横了很多。 Spring of Life Realm is really hard to break through......” Ye Fan somewhat to be slightly regrettable, he have attacked Spring of Life Realm five times, but has not succeeded. 命泉境界果然难以突破……”叶凡稍微有些遗憾,他已经五次冲击命泉境界,但都没有成功。 In more than one year time always, he comprehends Dao Scripture earnestly, tempers own “Artifact” unceasingly, that „the divine iron lump after smelts repeatedly, carves Dao Runes on green copper unceasingly, has the uncommon meteorology initially, had some plain and natural flavors unexpectedly. 在这一年多的时光总,他认真参悟道经,不断锤炼自己的“器”,那块“神铁疙瘩”经过反复熔炼,不断摹刻绿铜上的道纹,已经初具不凡气象,竟有了一些古朴与自然的味道。 In the past such a long time, Ye Fan believes, Jiang Family's Knight should depart, was impossible rigid also in traced him. 过去了这么长时间,叶凡相信,姜家的骑士应该早已离去了,不可能还在执着的追查他。 On this day, he leaves immortal residence, attempts to control divine force in the barren hill, in Sea of Bitterness the great waves soars to the heavens, piece of blazing divine light runs out in outside the body, surrounds him, leads him to takeoff unexpectedly more than three chi (0.33 m) high, goes to the forward flight. 这一日,他离开洞府,在荒山中尝试控制神力,苦海中浪涛冲天,一片炽烈的神光冲出体外,将他包围,竟带着他离地三尺多高,向前飞去。 pū tōng 噗通 What a pity, flies merely thirty meters, he then crashed on the ground. 可惜,仅仅飞出去三十几米,他便坠落在了地上。 Does not enter Spring of Life Realm, flight that is hard to be lasting radically, needing divine force source gurgling is unceasing, escapes only then.” “不进入命泉境界,根本难以持久的飞行,需要神力源泉汩汩不绝,方可遁地。” Although cannot rush to the upper air, but this short distance flight, still makes Ye Fan feel very novel, the unceasing practice, he discovered that most can fly more than hundred meters away. Gets up compared with his rush through, the speed wants to be faster, can the foot not moisten the place oversteps on the vegetation, probably light breeze is common. 尽管不能冲上高空,但是这种短距离飞行,依然让叶凡感觉很新奇,不断的练习,他发现最多可以飞行出去百余米远。比他奔行起来,速度要快很多,可以脚不沾地的在草木上踏过,像是一阵轻风一般。 Has not achieved Spring of Life Realm, Ye Fan does not want to leave this immortal residence, he thought that the strength is too low, going out to take a walk will be very dangerous. And, Baleflame in mid-hill can also help him practice, that special spirit energy, although is not heavy richly, but wins continuously. 没有达到命泉境界,叶凡不想离开这座洞府,他觉得实力太低,出去走动会很危险。且,山腹中的火煞也可以助他修行,那种特殊的灵能,虽然不是重么浓郁,但胜在源源不断。 I should go to Purple Yang Sanctuary to step onto, seeks that source......”, although feels not the suitable long journey, but he left here, his physique too much was different, probably a bottomless pit is ordinary, needs magnanimous spirit power to speed up practicing. “我应该去紫阳洞天走上一趟,将那块源寻回来……”尽管觉得不适合远行,但他还是离开了这里,他的体质太特殊了,像是个无底洞一般,需要海量的灵力才能加快修行。 Ye Fan side inquired on the road, Jiang Family's Knight had really departed, did not become to other party will threaten, present Land of Yan is very tranquil. 叶凡在路上侧面打听到,姜家的骑士果然早已离去了,不会对他造成威胁了,如今的燕地很平静。 Arrives in mountain range that Purple Yang Sanctuary is , the Ye Fan great care, avoids running into the person in this Sect. Shortly , before he arrived at rivers, a dive gripped, after 7½ minutes, the water splash turns wells up, Ye Fan floated from the water, in his hand were many sparklingly source. 来到紫阳洞天所在的山脉中,叶凡格外谨慎,避免遇到这个门派中的人。不久后,他来到了一条河流前,一个猛子扎了进去,直至半刻钟后,水花翻涌,叶凡自水中浮了上来,他的手中多了一块亮晶晶的“源”。 Lucky also here......” “万幸还在这里……” Obstructs day 97 遮天97 At first, when he comes this place, in the heart is still beating a drum, was for fear that taken the source by others. 起初,他来此地时,心中还在打鼓,生怕被别人将源取走。 In fact, here is very secluded, only if Purple Yang Sanctuary top Powerhouse passed by from here, otherwise others are impossible to induce to source aura. 事实上,这里很僻静,除非紫阳洞天的顶级强者从这里路过,不然的话其他人根本不可能感应到“源”的气息。 Ye Fan does not want to stay for a long time in this, along old route to returning. 叶凡不想在此久留,沿着原路向回走。 Was she......” Ye Fan stopped the figure suddenly, he saw several young silhouette, middle had person of precisely Li Xiaoman. “是她……”叶凡突然止住了身形,他看到几条年轻的身影,当中有一人正是李小曼 Ye Fan has not settled down, goes far away fast, until vanishing in hills. 叶凡没有驻足,快速远去,直至消失在群山中。 Half a month later, in immortal residence that Elder Han opened, transmitted rumble the sound, later huge tsunami sound penetrating Heaven and Earth, the intermittent startling thunderclap was deafening. 半个月后,韩长老开辟出的洞府中,传来隆隆之响,随后巨大的海啸声响彻天地,阵阵惊雷震耳欲聋。 Bang “轰” In this moment, a powerful aura eruption, entire immortal residence is shaking, Ye Fan whole body Essence Qi rushes, golden Divine fire in his outside the body flaming combustion. 就在这一刻,一股强大的气息爆发而出,整座洞府都在摇动,叶凡浑身精气澎湃,黄金神火在他的体外熊熊燃烧。 His in the eyes divine light deep and clear, two lightnings shooting, especially was probably radiant in immortal residence. 他的双目中神光湛湛,像是两道闪电『射』了出来,在洞府中格外璀璨。 Ye Fan long body, standing up, at this moment he was many a dignified imposing manner, the aura that is released externally, entire violent shaking of vibration, has giant cracks. 叶凡长身而起,站起身来,此刻他多了一股凝重的气势,外放出的气息,震动的整座猛烈摇动,出现一道道巨大的裂缝。 Finally crashes in Spring of Life Realm suddenly!” “终于突冲进命泉境界!” He turns into the golden lightning to run out of immortal residence together, then the blazing god rainbow covers him together, he ascended slowly in the midair. 他化成一道金『色』的闪电冲出洞府,而后一道炽烈的神虹将他覆盖,他缓缓升腾到了半空中。 At this moment, Ye Fan's Sea of Bitterness center, presents spring, communicated Wheel of Life, Divine Spring is welling up in gurgling, is winding around fan the color fog of ignorant/veiled. 此刻,叶凡的苦海最中心,出现一口泉眼,沟通了生命之轮,神泉正在汩汩而涌,缭绕着『迷』蒙的彩雾。 Chen Dong needs the member click and recommendation ticket, fellow book friends jack 《Shrouding the Heavens》, the last week flushed the list. 辰东需要会员点击、推荐票,各位书友将《遮天》顶起吧,最后一周冲榜了。 Strong call, member click and recommendation ticket. 强烈呼唤,会员点击与推荐票。 Thank the support of fellow brothers and sisters. 感谢各位兄弟姐妹们的支持。
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