STH :: Volume #1

#96: The life hates greatly

Chapter 96 life hates greatly 第96章人生大恨 In the Ye Fan heart is tranquil, oneself will adjust the optimum condition, prepares to display at any time swiftly and fiercely strikes, Gold Book is glittering strange magnificent light in his Sea of Bitterness. 叶凡心中非常平静,将自己调整到了最佳状态,随时准备展出凌厉一击,金书在他的苦海中闪烁着奇异的光华 Elder Han thinks ascended the sky to care, excited incomparable, shivers is extending the right hand, holds the cauldron lid, made an effort to raise, wants to come in him, furnace absolute grade precious pill soon will present, deciding however met magnificent light to be radiant, Divine Red Clouds radiate all around. 韩长老自认为受上天眷顾,心情激动无比,颤抖着伸出右手,抓住鼎盖,用力提了起来,在他想来,一炉绝品宝丹即将呈现,定然会光华璀璨,神霞四射 Really, golden light dazzling, is exceptionally brilliant, shining person cannot open eyes, flies instantly toward Elder Han. At first, he also thinks precious pill spiritual wisdom, ran out of the medicine cauldron automatically, but his ghost all braves in an instant, feels like enters Hell from the heaven by knock down directly. 果然,金光刺目,异常绚烂,耀的人睁不开双眼,刹那向着韩长老飞来。起初,他还以为宝丹通灵,自动冲出了药鼎,但是刹那间他亡魂皆冒,感觉像是从天堂直接被打落地狱 Where has what precious pill, clearly is piece of magnificent light dazzling divine iron, cuts fast toward his neck, and sits a pretty youngster in the bronze medicine cauldron central disk, perfect, simply had not been built up Medicinal Pill, staring that is flickering he. 哪里有什么宝丹,分明是一片光华炫目的神铁,快速向着他的颈项斩来,且在青铜药鼎中盘坐着一个眉清目秀的少年,完好无损,根本没有被炼成丹药,正在一瞬不瞬的凝视着他。 „It is not good!” The Elder Han whole body is the cold sweat, frightened is yelling, wants to fly upside down to go, but all, the golden light such as the lightning had flown to late generally, cut open his throat. “不好!”韩长老浑身都是冷汗,恐惧的大叫着,想要倒飞而去,但是一切都已经晚了,金光如闪电一般飞至,“噗”的一声切开了他的喉咙。 The blood spout, the severe pain makes the Elder Han mind murky, at present becomes dark, throws down to go at the scene backward, numerous falling down in pool of blood. 鲜血喷涌,剧痛让韩长老头脑昏沉,眼前发黑,当场向后摔倒而去,重重的栽倒在血泊中。 The golden paper is sharp, the neck incision of Elder Han, is only left over old skin also to link at the scene, bloody water gurgling spring wells up! 金色的纸张锋利无比,当场将韩长老的脖子切开,只剩下一层老皮还连着,血水汩汩泉涌! However, Elder Han after all is powerful cultivator, although is seemingly senile and inept, will die momentarily, but within the body contains to have the huge strength. Even if the neck was separated, has not been killed violently immediately, he extends the right hand, holds down own head, wants to continue on. 不过,韩长老毕竟是一名强大的修士,尽管看起来老迈不堪,随时会断气,但是体内却蕴藏有庞大的力量。纵然颈项被割裂,也没有立刻毙命,他伸出右手,按住自己的头颅,想要重新接续上。 Meanwhile, his Sea of Bitterness green light twinkle, blooms dazzling magnificent light, Divine Spring gurgling wells up, provides powerful life-force for him. At the same time, several green singlesticks flushed, flies toward Ye Fan here. 与此同时,他的苦海绿光闪烁,绽放出刺目的光华,神泉汩汩而涌,为他提供强大的生机。同一时间,几把绿木剑冲了出来,向着叶凡这里飞来。 In Ye Fan heart among imposing, different Realm, really probably is away from the heavenly moat gap, is unable to overstep! If not for he bears patiently carefully, finally the moment starts swiftly and fiercely this strikes, simply has not killed a ray of hope of Elder Han. 叶凡心中凛然,不同的境界间,果然像是隔着天堑鸿沟,根本无法逾越!若不是他小心隐忍,最后关头发动这凌厉一击,根本没有杀死韩长老的一丝希望。 He like the cheetah, rises with a spring agilely, hides in the rear area of bronze tripod, controls radiant Gold Book, cuts forward. 他敏捷如猎豹,一跃而起,躲在铜鼎的后方,控制璀璨的金书,向前斩去。 Elder Han suffered the heavy losses after all, Life and Death was unpredictable, when several green singlesticks just ran out was very radiant, sword qi was swift and fierce, green glow radiate all around, but quick ray dim, did several green singlesticks sway, will soon crash. 韩长老毕竟遭受了重创,生死难以预料,几把绿木剑刚冲出时还很璀璨,剑气凌厉,绿芒四射,但很快光芒就黯淡了下去,几把绿木剑摇摇晃晃,即将坠落下来。 Clang clang clang “锵锵锵” The golden paper is sharper than divine iron, shining divine shine probably fierce Yang general dazzling, probably burnt, in an instant intercepts several green singlesticks, the spin cuts, makes a sonorous sound, cuts off them completely! 金色的纸张比神铁还要锋锐,灿灿神华像是烈阳一般刺目,好像燃烧了起来,刹那间截住几把绿木剑,旋斩而过,发出一阵铿锵之音,将它们全部斩断! Ye Fan does not dare to have slightly negligently, Gold Book turns into the god rainbow, such as the bright moonlight cuts the dark vault of heaven, erupts a terrifying fluctuation of energy, charges into the Elder Han abdomen. 叶凡不敢有丝毫大意,金书化成进神虹,如明月划破黑暗的天穹,爆发出一股恐怖的能量波动,冲向韩长老的腹部。 In the dazzling brilliance, the blood light spatters in all directions, , the Elder Han Sea of Bitterness instantaneous disintegration, his body was divided to fly at the scene, numerous collisions on the wall of stone chamber, leave behind a blood-color human form mark, slowly falls to the lower part of wall place. 在炫目的光辉中,血光迸溅,“噗”的一声,韩长老苦海瞬间崩碎了,他的躯体当场被劈飞,重重的撞在石室的墙壁上,留下一个血色的人形印记,慢慢滑落到墙根处。 Golden-Red Clouds ten thousand, auspicious color thousand, Gold Book turns into together the brilliant ray, to Ye Fan's within the body. 金霞万道,瑞彩千条,金书化成一道绚烂的光芒,冲回叶凡的体内。 Elder Han had not died thoroughly, by right arm stubbornly is pressing own head, does not make it tumble from the neck. It can be imagined, exceeding Sea of Bitterness Realm's cultivator is fearful, at all is not the average person can cope. 韩长老还没有彻底死亡,以右臂死死的按着自己的头颅,不让其从脖子上滚落下去。可想而知,超越苦海境界的修士有多么可怕,根本不是一般人所能够对付的。 Ye Fan scratched cold sweat secretly, if not for calmly bore patiently for seven days, without the rash action, at all impossible to cut to kill Elder Han. 叶凡暗自擦了一把冷汗,若不是静静隐忍了七天,没有妄动,根本不可能将韩长老斩杀。 At this moment, Han Chang both eyes spit fire, he is unable to accept this fact! He has not seen absolute grade precious pill, waits is actually the god of death sickle, this makes him unbelievable simply, to drop Hell from the heaven all of a sudden, this uncomfortable feeling makes him go crazy. 此刻,韩长双目喷火,他无法接受这个事实!他没有见到绝品宝丹,等来的却是死神的镰刀,这简直让他难以相信,一下子从天堂跌落到地狱,这种难受的感觉让他发狂。 „............ gu......” that cut open throat of Elder Han is bleeding, simultaneously the corners of the mouth to the overflow blood, are also hard to say the words to come, the eye opens the eyes is very big, stubbornly is staring at Ye Fan. “呃……啊……咕……”韩长老的那被切开的喉咙在淌血,同时嘴角也在向外溢血,难以说出话来,眼睛睁的很大,死死的盯着叶凡 Why for............” finally, Elder Han put out some not clear words unexpectedly difficultly, he seems to be hard to swallow that final one breath, does not want such vexed dying. “为……为什么……”最后,韩长老竟艰难的吐出了一些不清晰的话语,他似乎难以咽下那最后一口气,不想这样窝囊的死去。 „Did you really regard Monkey me?” Ye Fan does not have the general idea/careless, very calm looks at Elder Han, said: Pitifully, you are not the remote antiquity.” “你真把我当成猴子了?”叶凡并没有大意,很冷静的看着韩长老,道:“可惜,你不是太上。” Wound overflow many blood of Elder Han, his difficult opens the mouth, said: You...... I...... hate......” 韩长老的伤口溢出不少血液,他艰难的开口,道:“你……我……恨啊……” “噗” He coughs up blood in the big mouth, in the eyes filled was unwilling with desperately, in the innermost feelings had a huge resentment, originally all were perfect, however final result actually so brutal, let him, even if were dies is unable to accept. 他在大口咳血,双目中充满了不甘与绝望,内心中有一股天大的怨气,本来一切都非常完美,但是最终的结果却是如此的残酷,让他纵然是死也无法接受。 You really think that I am the fruit cake, how wants to pinch how to pinch? Regards divine medicine to refine me unexpectedly, you such mean sinister person should obtain such fate.” Ye Fan stands in not far away, the brutal attack said: You die is not undeserved, I endured for seven days and seven nights, finally the time displays this to kill strikes, the next generation will mediate, otherwise is unable dead a natural death.” “你真以为我是软柿子,想怎么捏就怎么捏?竟然把我当成神药来炼,你这样阴狠毒辣的人就应该得到这样的下场。”叶凡站在不远处,无情的打击道:“你死的一点也不冤枉,我忍了七天七夜,最终时刻才展出这必杀一击,下辈子做个好人吧,不然的话还是无法善终。” The Elder Han anxious anger launches a psychological attack, the neck nearly breaks, but is still not willing to swallow the final one breath, in his mouth spurts the blood unceasingly, clenches jaws, does not enunciate clear, said: I...... am unwilling damn...... you............” 韩长老急怒攻心,脖子近乎断裂,但是依然不肯咽下最后一口气,他口中不断喷血,咬牙切齿,吐字不清,道:“我……不甘……你……该死……” Ye Fan looked at Elder Han, opens nearby several medicine-chests completely, immediately intermittent fragrance greets the nostrils to come, he all does not take out world spiritual medicine that rarely Phoenix divine herb is worse than that more than ten. 叶凡看了看韩长老,将旁边几个药柜全部打开,顿时阵阵馨香扑鼻而来,他将那十几株不比神草差的罕世灵药全部取出。 Old man, could see that you are industrious, the laborious life, can compare old Yellow Ox, collects so many rare spiritual medicine, the average man never have such thoughts, really to admire. Here I can only say, thank you, I kindly accepted!” “老梆子,看得出你非常勤劳,辛辛苦苦一生,堪比黄牛,收集到这么多的稀世灵药,常人想都不敢想,真是让人佩服。在这里我只能说,谢谢你了,我笑纳了!” You......” the Elder Han been mad big mouth coughs up blood, eyes spit fire, if active, he wishes one could to swallow down Ye Fan exactly. “你……”韩长老被气的大口咳血,双眼喷火,若是能动的话,他恨不得将叶凡活吞下去。 You could rest assured that I will not make your painstaking care cast to the winds, these rare heavenly material earthly treasure, I will use well, strives to attack Spring of Life Realm in two years.” “你放心,我不会让你的心血付之流水,这些稀有的天材地宝,我会好好的利用起来,争取在两年的时间内冲击进命泉境界。” You...... motherfucker!” These three characters stem from the Elder Han mouth, unavoidably is surprising, but actually real expression he biggest indignation. “你……妈的!”这三个字出自韩长老的口中,不免让人惊讶,但是却真实的表达出了他最大的愤慨。 Encountering a difficulty is calm, the opportunity always leaves person who is prepared......” the Ye Fan corners of the mouth have the light happy expression, ridicules saying: Ancient honest I do not bully!” “遇事要沉着冷静,机会总是留给有准备的人……”叶凡嘴角带着淡淡的笑意,揶揄道:“古人诚不我欺!” When hears ancient honest me not to bully these word-time, Elder Han thorough went wild, the blood in mouth seems like the mountain spring to yearn for the spout generally, puts out the final several characters, said: „The ancient...... I...... hates......” 当听到“古人诚不我欺”这几个字时,韩长老彻底的抓狂了,口中的鲜血像是山泉一般向往喷涌,吐出最后几个字,道:“古人……我……恨……” Elder Han was irritated while still alive, the right hand weak loosen, the head rolled one to tumble, died a violent death, his eyes opened the eyes was very big, dies with injustice unredressed. 韩长老被活活的气死了,右手无力的松了下去,头颅骨碌一声滚落了下来,死于非命,他的双眼睁的很大,死不瞑目。 „The next generation threw a wealthy family......” Ye Fan to say and Elder Han completely same words, can want to see both when speaking these words, the mood was completely same, but finally actually entirely different. “下辈子投个好人家吧……”叶凡说出了与韩长老完全一样的话,可以想见两者在说这些话时,心情完全一样,但结果却大不相同。 If Elder Han underground has the knowledge, certainly will spit blood again three rises, struggles to crawl. 韩长老若是地下有知,一定会再次吐血三升,挣扎着爬起来。 The Ye Fan stride arrived at the corner of stone chamber, grasped own Bodhi Seed from the stone table on, took in the bosom. 叶凡大步走到石室的一个角落了,自石桌上抓起自己的菩提子,收进怀中。 This mystical Bodhi Seed may helping other comprehending dao, its value be unquantifiable, if spreads, perhaps Eastern Wilderness' all Powerhouse must snatch. And, can expect, more is the powerful character more will regard as important this mysterious seed, because more cultivates backward is more difficult, touching each time and came to understand, is the big chance that is inconceivable. 这枚神异菩提子可助人悟道,其价值难以估量,若是传扬出去,恐怕东荒的所有强者都要来抢。且,可以预料,越是强大的人物越会看重这枚神秘的种子,因为越向后修炼越艰难,每次的触动与觉悟,都是难以想象的大机缘。 Ye Fan now Realm is low, is hard to have such experience, does not know cultivator late stage comprehending dao is difficult, to that time anything heavenly material earthly treasure and divine medicine no matter uses, true peak Powerhouse needs becoming aware to break through. 叶凡现在境界还低,难以有那样的体会,不知道修士后期的“悟道”有多么艰难,到了那个时候什么天材地宝神药都不管用,真正的顶峰强者需要“悟”才能突破。 《Shrouding the Heavens》 the on the shelf, 12 : 00 pm last time impact week click lists, renewed Chapter 2 on December 1 at that time, hopes that the online book friend comes under the support. 《遮天》十二月 1 日上架,今天晚上十二点最后一次冲击周点击榜,那时更新第二章,希望在线的书友过来支持下。
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