STH :: Volume #1

#95: cloud and steam luxuriant glow

Chapter 95 cloud and steam luxuriant glow 第95章云蒸霞蔚 Elder Han has not given birth for the first time like today, the face on wrinkle melted, excited dancing with joy, laughs. 韩长老从来没像今天这样开怀过,老脸上的皱纹都化开了,激动的手舞足蹈,哈哈大笑不已。 But at this moment, Ye Fan ancient well does not have the wave, opens Sea of Bitterness with single-hearted devotion, calms the mind to practice. 而此时此刻,叶凡早已古井无波,专心开辟苦海,静下心来修行。 The roaring is unceasing, the tsunami is shocking, has the thunder, the huge sound reverberates in the stone chamber, in the Elder Han heart was full of the hope, earnestly hopes that seven days pass sooner. 涛声不绝,海啸震天,更有电闪雷鸣,巨大的声响在石室中回荡,韩长老心中充满了渴望,迫切希望七日早些过去。 The bronze medicine cauldron was covered by the silver flame, absorbs the spirit energy unceasingly, the holy brilliance overflows to go toward the surroundings, entire stone chamber one dimness. 青铜药鼎被银色的火焰笼罩,不断吸收灵能,圣洁的光辉向着周围四溢而去,整座石室都一片朦胧。 Continued more than two double-hour on this, the ocean waves sound abates slowly, deafening thunderous also gradually vanishes, in the bronze medicine cauldron is tranquil, only then the silver flame in flaming burns. 就这样足足持续了两个多时辰,海浪声才慢慢消退,震耳欲聋的雷鸣也逐渐消失,青铜药鼎内平静下来,只有银色的火焰在熊熊燃烧。 Elder Han was not worried, must boil down can remove the cauldron lid for seven days and seven nights, vision is impossible always to follow, in his heart had recognized that this is furnace top grade spiritual pill, because and in the old book records complete is the same. 韩长老并不担心,要熬炼七天七夜才能揭开鼎盖,异相不可能总是伴随下去,他心中早已认定这是一炉极品灵丹,因为与古籍上记载的完全一样。 Passes one day and one night on this, the medicine cauldron is still very tranquil, only then Baleflame is beating steaming, twinkle that the milky white brilliance non-stop. 就这样足足过去一天一夜,药鼎依然很平静,只有火煞在腾腾跳动,乳白色的光辉不停的闪烁。 In the bronze medicine cauldron, Ye Fan falls into to an elusive boundary, awakes to turn around until this time gradually, golden Sea of Bitterness was opened again, expanded much, can have the litchi chinensis that has not skinned is so big, shining, probably radiant stars in universe were picked, decided in within the body. 青铜药鼎内,叶凡陷入到一种空灵之境,直到此时才渐渐醒转过来,金色的苦海再次被开辟,壮大了不少,能有没剥皮的荔枝那么大,金灿灿,像是宇宙中的一颗璀璨星辰被摘了下来,定在了体内。 divine marks all of a sudden were many 27, probably divine iron chains, such as lightnings, horizontally in the Sea of Bitterness sky. But the most unusual change is, in Sea of Bitterness had the faint trace ripples unexpectedly, the center had the air bubble to gush out unceasingly, after bursting, forms the hazy color fog, covered above golden Sea of Bitterness. 神纹一下子多了二十七道,像是一根根神铁链,又如一道道闪电,横在苦海的上空。而最为奇特的变化是,苦海中竟然起了丝丝涟漪,中心处不断有气泡涌出,破裂开后形成迷蒙的彩雾,笼罩在金色的苦海上方。 Ye Fan opens the eye, the clear sensation to the change of Sea of Bitterness, vigorous life-force appeared in his within the body, in the eyes projects two profound divine light, he does not satisfy this, put out a hand to grasp the fruit of that green jade snow lotus. 叶凡睁开眼睛,清晰感知到了苦海的变化,有一股蓬勃的生机在他体内出现,双目中射出两道湛湛神光,他并不满足于此,伸手将那枚青玉雪莲的果实抓了过来。 The big green fruit of this egg, one wipes the shining sight of green to past, intoxicated, probably the emerald Divine Marrow polish, is pasting the gentle ray, glittering and translucent, green magnificence twinkle. 这枚鸡蛋的大的绿色果实,有一抹灿灿的绿意在流转,让人心醉,像是绿玉神髓打磨而成,流转着柔和的光芒,晶莹剔透,绿华闪烁。 The green jade smallanthus sonchifolius is extremely rare, mother plant grows on several tens of thousands meters high snowy mountain, the millenniums do not see the sunlight to produce, the surroundings have the powerful evil spirit protection, consumed Elder Han eight years of time enough, picks to one by luck. 青玉雪莲果极其罕见,母株生长在数万米高的雪山上,千年不见阳光方能生成,周围有强大的妖物守护,耗费了韩长老足足的八年光阴,才侥幸采摘到一枚。 After the fruit starts, Ye Fan felt that the piercing icy coldness, the boiling medicine thick liquid had not melted the green jade smallanthus sonchifolius, he bites the apple to be common probably, careful tastes. Naturally, this time he is careful, has not caused the tiny bit sound, all in quiet conducts, after all had passed one day and one night, according to the common sense he had been boiled thoroughly. 果实入手后,叶凡感觉到了刺骨的冰凉,沸腾的药浆也没有将青玉雪莲果化开,他像是咬苹果一般,细细的品尝起来。当然,这一次他非常小心,没有弄出一丝一毫声响,一切都是在悄无声息的进行,毕竟已经过去了一天一夜,按照常理来说他已经被煮熟了。 The emerald fruit flavor is sweet, but actually cold Ruhan ices, making the Ye Fan's body not control self to tremble, exuberant life Essence Qi rapidly spreads to his four limbs hundred lineage/vein. 绿玉般的果实味道甘甜爽口,但却冷如寒冰,让叶凡的身体不自禁打颤,旺盛的生命精气快速蔓延向他的四肢百脉。 Finally, green lights covered Ye Fan, his flesh like emerald green and lush, is glittering the strange gloss, making the temperature in medicine cauldron drop unceasingly, medicine thick liquid no longer boiling. 最终,一道道绿光将叶凡笼罩了,他的肌肤如翡翠般绿莹莹,闪烁着奇异的光泽,让药鼎内的温度不断下降,药浆都不再沸腾 After 1 hour, in the bronze medicine cauldron spreads the tsunami again the sound, the momentum was vaster, along with the thunder, large cauldron is shivering gently. 半个时辰之后,青铜药鼎中再次传出海啸的声响,声势更加浩大了,伴随着电闪雷鸣,大鼎都在轻轻颤动。 The entire stone chamber in rumble makes noise, making Elder Han feel that in the surface along with the vast boundless angry sea, the state of mind of his heart is following to surge up, talked to oneself: vision gets up, precious pill must become!” 整座石室都在隆隆作响,让韩长老感觉正在面随浩瀚无垠的怒海,他心的心绪跟着波澜起伏,自语道:“异相又起,宝丹必成!” Elder Han as if all of a sudden young over ten -year-old, he laughs, in the heart filled with the anticipation, wishes one could seven days to pass immediately. 韩长老似乎一下子年轻了十多岁,他开怀大笑,心中充满了期待,恨不得七天的时间立刻过去。 raging waves ten thousand heavy, deafening, the stone chamber that the lightning across the sky, the thunderous vault of heaven, shakes shivers unceasingly! 惊涛万重,震耳欲聋,闪电横空,雷动苍穹,震的石室都不断颤抖! pill became day, then when was I breaks through!” Elder Han was high-spirited, felt the sense of achievement, he thought that had such furnace absolute grade precious pill in the hand, broke through the bottleneck, on again several stairs were not the issues. “丹成之日,便是我突破之时!”韩长老意气风发,充满了成就感,他觉得有这样一炉绝品宝丹在手,突破瓶颈,再上几个台阶不是问题。 In the bronze medicine cauldron, the sound is shocking, vision numerous, but outside can only hear the sound, Elder Han difficult to be calm, circles the cauldron unceasingly the line, is in the situation in the extreme excitedly. 青铜药鼎内,响声震天,异相纷呈,不过外面只能听到声音,韩长老难以平静,不断绕鼎而行,激动到无以复加的地步。 This time, the tsunami and thunderous continues three double-hour, subsides gradually, in the stone chamber slowly returns to normal. 这一次,海啸与雷鸣足足持续三个时辰,才渐渐平息下去,石室中慢慢恢复平静。 „After medicine cauldron seals up, then cannot open again, what can only wait for seven days later......” the Elder Han only feeling to be a pity, is extremely careful, without all puts other rare spiritual medicine, will otherwise perhaps present many visions, the day in the ancient book mentioning falls the auspicious color, can perhaps to become true. “药鼎封闭后便不能再打开,只能等七日后了……”韩长老唯一感觉可惜的是,太过小心谨慎,没有将其他稀世灵药全都放进去,不然的话也许会出现更多的异象,古书上所提到的天降瑞彩,说不定便可成真。 For all this, Elder Han is still fully-confident, he believes that firmly holds a big chance, nothing can change all these. 尽管如此,韩长老依然信心百倍,他相信已牢牢抓住一场大机缘,没有什么可以改变这一切了。 Also passed one day and one night, Ye Fan opened eyes slowly, eye of accumulated divine shine, within the body life-force is vigorous, wound on his four limbs and chest vanished thoroughly, even the scar has not stayed behind. 又过去了一天一夜,叶凡缓缓睁开了双眼,目蕴神华,体内生机勃勃,他的四肢与胸膛上的伤口彻底消失了,连疤痕都没有留下。 Ye Fan's golden color Sea of Bitterness changed, big entire, fierce that most center, the ripples fluctuate, the air bubble like the spring, runs out unceasingly, after the breakage, forms the hazy color fog, covers there thoroughly, making Sea of Bitterness extremely mysterious. 叶凡的金色苦海又发生了变化,大了整整一圈,最中心处,涟漪波动的更加剧烈,气泡如泉,不断冲出,破裂后形成迷蒙彩雾,彻底将那里笼罩,让苦海变得极其神秘。 At this moment, Ye Fan is ordinary with Elder Han, in the heart also felt the sense of achievement, both mood at this moment not the slightest difference. 此刻,叶凡韩长老一般,心中也充满了成就感,两者此刻的心情可谓一般无二。 He is impossible to satisfy this, put out a hand to grasp that Phoenix divine herb, started fiery, making people feel that intermittent divine force fluctuated. The legend, only contaminates Pure Land of Phoenix Divine Blood to grow this divine herb, Elder Han consumes more than ten times, goes all over endless ancient land and vestige, seeks such a, is it may be said that priceless! 他不可能满足于此,伸手将那株神草抓了过来,入手火热,让人感觉到阵阵神力波动。传说,唯有沾染过神血净土才能生长出这种神草,韩长老耗费十几光阴,走遍无尽古地与遗迹,才寻到这样一株,可谓价值连城! Nine Phoenix divine herb, like the red agate shining god splendor, exotic fragrance is fluttering all over the body, refreshing, lets immersing that the person does not control self. 九叶神草,通体如红玛瑙般灿灿神辉,有一股异香在飘动,沁人心脾,让人不自禁的沉醉。 Ye Fan puts in the mouth, chewed merely several, this divine herb turned into brilliant scarlet rosy clouds, breaks in his within the body, immediately makes his body cover on mysterious blushing, has probably the red flame to burn. 叶凡放入口中,仅仅嘴嚼了几下,这株神草就化成了一片绚烂的赤霞,冲入他的体内,顿时让他的身体笼罩上一层神秘的红晕,像是有通红的火焰在燃烧。 If the body of average man, at this moment already turn into ashes, but the Ye Fan's physique is extremely special, Sea of Bitterness seems like a bottomless pit, forever is unable to fill up, all shining scarlet rosy clouds seem like ten thousand classes to turn over to the sea, finally was all absorbed. 如果是常人的躯体,此刻早已化成灰烬,但是叶凡的体质极其特殊,苦海像是一个无底洞,永远也无法填满,所有灿灿赤霞像是万流归海,最终全都被吸收了。 In this moment, his flesh, internal organs and skeleton are clear, dustlessness stainless, probably the artware of rose beautiful, lives the splendor brilliantly, the flesh twinkle clear gloss, the strength of Life quantity is also pasting slowly. 在这一刻,他的血肉、脏腑、骨骼晶莹无比,无尘无垢,像是瑰美的艺术品,绚烂生辉,肌肤也闪烁晶莹的光泽,生之力量在缓缓流转。 When the tsunami and happened thunderously, Elder Han by being startled stood again, walks back and forth regarding bronze large cauldron unceasingly, said: this Han really ascended the sky to care......” 当海啸与雷鸣发生时,韩长老被惊的再次站了起来,围绕着青铜大鼎不断走来走去,道:“韩某果然受上天眷顾……” After Ye Fan awakes once again turns around, discovers golden Sea of Bitterness big, but has not opened oversized. Because, practicing backward is more difficult, three spiritual medicine, the drug efficacy differs not much, therefore the first time opening biggest. 叶凡又一次醒转过来后,发现金色的苦海大了一圈,但并没有开辟过大。因为,修行越向后越艰难,前后三种灵药,药效相差不多,故此第一次开辟的最大。 After three rare spiritual medicine by refining, Ye Fan's Sea of Bitterness had the remarkable change, most center, the color fog transpiration, winds around innumerable divine marks, under Sea of Bitterness has a volcano to recover probably, air/Qi the spring to well up, has the multi-colored sunlight to run out of the sea level unceasingly. 三种稀世灵药炼化后,叶凡的苦海发生了惊人的变化,最中心处,彩雾蒸腾,缭绕着数不清的神纹,苦海下像是有一座火山在复苏,气泡泉涌,不断有霞光冲出海面。 Ye Fan understands, does not feel confusedly. 叶凡对此明了,并不感觉迷茫。 Sea of Bitterness Realm's cultivator must undergo several processes. At first, few life Essence Qi wind around sky over Sea of Bitterness, accumulates over a long period of time, Essence Qi becomes many, will condense divine marks, such as divine iron chain generally horizontally above Sea of Bitterness. 苦海境界的修士要经历几个过程。起初,只有少量生命精气缭绕在苦海上空,日积月累,精气变多,会凝聚成神纹,如神铁链一般横在苦海上方。 When Sea of Bitterness continually opens, after cultivation base deepens day after day, will have the air bubble to gush out, after the breakage, will form the rosy cloud. Until arrived afterward, under Sea of Bitterness the air bubble like the spring, recovers like the volcano, the rosy cloud ascension fills the air, brilliant eye-catching. 苦海不断开辟,修为日渐加深后,会有气泡涌出,破裂后会形成云霞。直至到了后来,苦海下气泡如泉,有如火山复苏,云霞升腾弥漫,绚烂夺目。 When some day, under Sea of Bitterness „when volcano recovers thoroughly, the brilliant rosy cloud will gradually turn into liquid, can attempt to attack Spring of Life Realm by that moment, if succeeds, crater will have Divine Spring gurgling to gush out. 当有朝一日,苦海下的“火山”彻底复苏时,绚烂的云霞将会逐渐化成液态,到了那一刻便可尝试冲击命泉境界了,如若成功,“火山口”将有神泉汩汩涌出。 Sea of Bitterness Realm's cultivator must undergo these three processes, can attack Spring of Life Realm, Ye Fan undergoes the second process today, the golden Sea of Bitterness center, almost boiling, the air/Qi such as spring wells up, there cloud and steam luxuriant glow, recovers like the volcano, unceasingly spout, is extremely bright. 苦海境界的修士必须要经历这三个过程,才能冲击进命泉境界,叶凡今日经历了第二个过程,金色的苦海中心,几近沸腾,气如泉涌,那里云蒸霞蔚,有如火山复苏,不断喷涌,极其灿烂。 I, if Elder Han acquired more than ten rare spiritual medicine all refining, looks for place hidden cultivation, comprehends Dao Scripture carefully, can perhaps attack Spring of Life Realm...... Ye Fan to talk to oneself in the heart in 1-2 years, he has an anticipation faintly. “我若将韩长老采集到的十几种稀世灵药全都炼化,找个地方隐修,仔细参悟道经,说不定在一两年内便可冲击进命泉境界……”叶凡在心中自语,他隐隐有一种期待。 However, he must first get out of the present crisis, saves own life, otherwise all fantasize. 不过,他必须先摆脱眼前的危局,将自己的性命保住,不然一切都是空想。 After Ye Fan three spiritual medicine completely refining, has not acted rashly, he in the static waiting opportunity, has passed now three days of time, but must wait for four days to operate the cauldron. 叶凡将三种灵药全部炼化后,并没有妄动,他在静静的等待机会,如今已经过去了三天时间,还要等四天才能开鼎。 The size in bronze medicine cauldron may be used to extract all various grassy plants fluid, enough half cauldrons, although is unable to compare with nine Phoenix divine herb and other spiritual medicine, but also contained massive life essence, the time early, Ye Fan has naturally not been able to let off, the static sitting in meditation cultivation, integrates own within the body Essence Qi completely. 青铜药鼎内的浆液可用来萃取百草液,足足有半鼎,虽然无法与九叶神草灵药相比,但也蕴含了大量的生命精华,时间还早,叶凡自然不会放过,静静的打坐修炼,将一道道精气全部纳入自己的体内。 After two days, Elder Han feels somewhat strangely, because has no vision to happen again, and medicine that in the bronze tripod flutters is fragrant getting more and more pale, to almost did not have any fragrant flavor finally. 两日后,韩长老感觉有些奇怪,因为再无任何异相发生,且铜鼎内飘出的药香越来越淡,到了最后几乎没有了任何芬芳的味道。 What's the matter......” his some doubt, remembered anything finally probably, talked to oneself: Is precious pill initially becomes, is the essence reserved?” “怎么回事……”他有些狐疑,最后像是想起了什么,自语道:“难道是宝丹初成,精华内敛?” Right, certainly is this! When the legend, top grade precious pill becomes, all essence are completely reserved, no longer the overflow tiny bit fragrance, does not waste a drug efficacy.” Elder Han is excited, said: Now, can determine, I refine precious pill in legend!” “没错,一定是这样!传说,极品宝丹将成时,所有精华全部内敛,不再溢出一丝一毫的芬芳,不浪费一点药效。”韩长老非常激动,道:“现在,可以确定了,我炼成了传说中的宝丹!” These two days, Ye Fan absorbed the essence that the medicine thick liquid embodiment contained completely, in his Sea of Bitterness the air/Qi such as spring wells up, the rosy cloud ascended, such as the volcano recovered, soon spout, it may be said that the multi-colored sunlight wound around, the spiritual energy was dense, the color fog was hazy. 这两日来,叶凡将药浆内蕴含的精华全部吸收了,他的苦海中气如泉涌,云霞升腾,如火山复苏,即将喷涌,可谓霞光缭绕,灵气氤氲,彩雾迷蒙。 Calculates the time, but also needs two days to operate the cauldron, Ye Fan is calm, the static waiting opportunity, starts refining Baleflame implication the spirit energy, a silver brilliance crashes in his body unceasingly. 算算时间,还需要两日才能开鼎,叶凡非常镇定,静静的等待机会,开始炼化火煞”蕴含的的灵能,点点银色的光辉不断冲进他的身体。 Quick that the time passes, two days fly in a flash, Elder Han laughs, such as the night owlet is crying aloud, he prepares to open the cauldron lid, takes out precious pill. 时间过的很快,两日转瞬飞逝而过,韩长老大笑不已,如夜枭在啼哭,他准备打开鼎盖,取出“宝丹”。 Young animal only blamed you to take holy fruit and Divine Spring in legend strangely, the next generation throws a wealthy family, this you were doomed to help me come.” “小崽子怪只怪你服食了传说中的圣果神泉,下辈子投个好人家吧,这一世你注定是为成全我而来。”
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