STH :: Volume #1

#94: Ancient honest I do not bully

Chapter 94 ancient honest I do not bully 第94章古人诚不我欺 Flame flicking of silvery, continuous from underground gushes out, is sending out the gentle brilliance, spirit power is fluctuating, holy magnificent light submerges medicine unceasingly in cauldron. 银『色』的火焰闪烁,源源不断的自地下涌出,散发着柔和的光辉,有一股灵力在波动,圣洁的光华不断没入『药』鼎中。 The entire stone chamber has the pure white brilliance to past, the probably light mist is winding around, seems like one piece fan ignorant/veiled, resembles Immortal Being immortal residence general, the spiritual energy is dense. 整座石室都有洁白的光辉在流转,像是淡淡的雾气在缭绕,看起来一片『迷』蒙,似仙人洞府一般,灵气氤氲。 This type Baleflame unusual, the abatement has beyond the appropriate temperature, what is main is can provide unique spirit power, melts medicine grass, condenses the life essence, offers a sacrifice to spiritual pill. 这种“火煞”非同一般,除却具备合适的温度外,最主要的是能够提供特有的灵力,化开『药』草,凝聚生命精华,祭成灵丹 The flame beat of silvery, bronze medicine cauldron the white spiritual energy was covered by breast, seemed like had the life, above runic patterns as if lived. 银『色』的火焰跳动,青铜『药』鼎被『乳』白『色』的灵气笼罩,看起来像是有了生命,上面的纹络都似乎活了过来。 Obstructs day 94 遮天94 Elder Han static sitting cross-legged in the one side, shuts tightly both eyes, is protecting medicine cauldron, a withered body life has not fluctuated. 韩长老静静的盘坐在一旁,紧闭双目,守护着『药』鼎,干枯的身体没有一点生命波动。 At this moment, seal medicine in cauldron, Ye Fan, only then a feeling, that is the severe pain, the four limbs were pierced, the chest was also punctured thoroughly, the blood flows, five wounds are very serious, he feels incomparably weakly. However, just like Elder Han said that in a short time he not nature the sorrow of life, body immersion in deep green color medicine in thick liquid, after the wound was moistened, the blood has stopped gradually. 此刻,封闭的『药』鼎内,叶凡只有一个感觉,那就是剧痛,四肢被洞穿,胸膛也被刺透,鲜血流淌,五处伤口都很严重,他感觉无比虚弱。但是,正如韩长老所言,短时间内他并无『性』命之忧,躯体浸泡在碧绿『色』的『药』浆中,伤口被滋润后,血已已经渐渐止住。 At this moment, in large cauldron is getting more and more hot, medicine in thick liquid presents many air bubbles, the temperature steadily is rising. Medicine thick liquid had not arrived at the Ye Fan's lower jaw place, he wants to make, but the body was sealed up by Elder Han, is hard to move radically. 就在这时,大鼎内越来越热,『药』浆中出现不少气泡,温度在持续上升。『药』浆没到了叶凡的下颌处,他想要挣动,但是身体被韩长老封住,根本难以动弹一下。 This cause of death is too aggrieved, my really non- sinus “这种死法太憋屈,我真是不竇 **** **** ?? Wraps br > ??包br> Thump thump “咕咚咕咚” Ye Fan starts the big mouth to drink medicine thick liquid, he now also only then mouth active, if the hand can also move, he first will certainly grasp to swallow down nine phoenix grass of not far away that scarlet rosy cloud twinkle. 叶凡开始大口喝『药』浆,他现在也只有嘴巴能动,若是手也能够动,他一定会先将不远处那株赤霞闪烁的九叶凤凰草抓过来吞下去。 Because loses blood too, the Ye Fan's consciousness somewhat blurred, he is biting the lip, said: I cannot die!” 由于失血太多,叶凡的意识有些模糊了,他咬着嘴唇,道:“我不能死!” He lost a lot of blood, when were others already died to be many, although the wound under moistening of thick liquid has no longer bled in medicine, but he was somewhat weak, fell into -and-a-half dusks fan in condition. 他失去了大量的鲜血,如果是旁人早已死去多时了,尽管伤口在『药』浆的滋润下已经不再流血,但他还是有些不支了,陷入一种半昏『迷』的状态中。 Cannot faint thoroughly fan......, otherwise I can die......” Ye Fan is murky, half sober half fan sticks, he is insisting diligently. “不能彻底昏『迷』……不然我会死的……”叶凡昏昏沉沉,半清醒半『迷』糊,他在努力坚持着。 In this absent-minded condition, many familiar person and scene one by one appears in his hearts, the gray-haired parents are summoning him to go home, present the cousin who the child gets married to urge him to attend the wedding, the 18-year-old younger female cousin tests into the ideal school to put out a hand with a smile to him wants the gift, why the good friends are blaming him to disappear for a long time...... 在这种恍惚的状态下,很多熟悉的人与情景一一浮现在他的心间,头发花白的父母在呼唤他回家,奉子成婚的表哥叮嘱他一定要去参加婚礼,18岁的堂妹考上理想的学府笑着伸手向他要礼物,好友们在责备他为什么消失这么长时间…… The family members and friends in hometown all appear in the Ye Fan's mind, many people great shout, are reaching out him, want to draw him, he runs unceasingly forward, but is not always actually able to approach these people. 故乡的亲人与朋友全都出现在叶凡的脑海中,很多人都在大声呼喊,向他伸手,想要将他拉过去,他不断向前跑,但却总是无法靠近那些人。 Afterward, the person and matter in this world also appear in his hearts one by one, Pang Bo that Monster Qi soars to the heavens is struggling, Little Tingting is fuzzy in the Jiang Family tearful eyes, Elder Han show(s) fierce sneers...... 随后,这个世界的人与事也逐一出现在他的心间,妖气冲天的庞博在苦苦挣扎,小婷婷的在姜家泪眼模糊,韩长老『露』出狰狞的冷笑…… Even Li Xi­aoman's silhouette flashes before, from facing each other across the sea to forgets, again to final indifferent relative, told him immortal every two world, do not cherish the impractical fantasy, well was a mortal. 甚至连李小曼的身影都闪现而过,由隔海相望到相忘,再到最后的冷漠相对,告诉他仙凡是两个世界,不要抱不切实际的幻想,好好的做一个凡人。 I cannot die...... I to go home...... also so many family members and friend I...... Ye Fan consciousness fuzzily in, makes the sleep talking sound. “我不能死……我要回家……还有那么多的亲人与朋友在等我……”叶凡意识模糊,发出梦呓般的声音。 Medicine by cauldron Elder Han opens eyes, said: Chewed the death slowly the flavor.” 『药』鼎旁的韩长老睁开双眼,道:“慢慢嘴嚼死亡的味道吧。” At this moment, spirit power that medicine Baleflame under cauldron overflows were more, the holy silvery flame steaming beat, medicine cauldron covers bronze unexpectedly gradually. 就在这时,『药』鼎下的火煞溢出的灵力更多了,圣洁的银『色』火焰腾腾跳动,竟将青铜『药』鼎渐渐笼罩。 Medicine in cauldron, green color thick liquid fluid presents the innumerable air bubble, Ye Fan surrounding, and silvery magnificent light is pasting, that is the Baleflame unique spirit energy. 『药』鼎内,青碧『色』的浆『液』出现数不清的气泡,将叶凡包围,且有一道道银『色』光华在流转,那是火煞特有的灵能。 Obstructs day 94 遮天94 In Ye Fan will soon lose the consciousness instantly, in his heart presents a trickle, several hundred ancient character flow slowly, consolidated his mind, making him recover slowly. 叶凡即将失去意识的刹那,他的心田中出现一股涓涓细流,数百个古字缓缓流淌而过,稳固了他的心神,让他慢慢复苏。 Ye Fan sobers gradually, in heart one startled, previous Jiang Family's Knight causes heavy losses to him, when falling into dusk fan is ancient scripture awakens him, these is also time so. 叶凡渐渐清醒过来,心中一惊,上一次姜家的骑士将他重创,陷入昏『迷』时就是古经将他唤醒,这一次亦是如此。 At this moment, medicine the temperature in cauldron is getting higher and higher, green color thick liquid fluid is going boiling, other Ye Fan means that not to meditate ancient scripture, clenches teeth to endure. 此刻,『药』鼎内的温度越来越高,青碧『色』的浆『液』将要沸腾,叶凡没有其他办法,默念古经,咬牙坚忍。 At this moment, he felt that a strange change, the silvery brilliance crashed in his body, unceasing random walk in his flesh, is dynamic. 就在这时,他感觉到了一丝奇异的变化,一道道银『色』的光辉冲进他的身体,在他的血肉中不断的游走,非常具有活力。 That is the spirit energy that Baleflame contains, can melt medicine grass, condenses the life essence, the sacrifice refining up spiritual pill, at this moment regarded Spirit Medicine Ye Fan completely, after crashing in his by the body of seal, unceasing hovering, life essence of imprisonment but therefore enlivened, the seal strength that Elder Han leaves behind is becoming less crowded slowly. 那是火煞所蕴含的灵能,可以化开『药』草,凝聚生命精华,祭炼灵丹,此刻完全将叶凡当成了灵『药』,冲进他那被封印的身体后不断的游动,禁锢的生命精华因此而活跃了起来,韩长老留下的封印力量在慢慢松动。 Finally, Ye Fan is pleasantly surprised, he discovered that can move unexpectedly, broke out of the fetter! Regardless of how Elder Han does not think, special spirit power that Baleflame has broke open his seal. 最终,叶凡又惊又喜,他发现竟可以动了,摆脱了束缚!韩长老无论如何也不会想到,火煞所具有的特殊灵力破开了他的封印。 At this moment, medicine the thick liquid in cauldron fluid boiling, Ye Fan had felt that the bruised and lacerated severe pain, he revolved the profound law of hastily «Dao Scripture» recording, massive life Essence Qi from his Sea of Bitterness overflow, flow to all the limbs and bones, his body surface glitters a gloss, blocked boiling medicine thick liquid. 此时此刻,『药』鼎内的浆『液』已经沸腾,叶凡感觉到了皮开肉绽般的剧痛,他连忙运转《道经》所记载的玄法,大量的生命精气从他的苦海溢出,流向四肢百骸,他的体表闪烁出点点光泽,挡住了沸腾的『药』浆。 Ye Fan is quiet, static sitting there, revolves unceasingly " Dao Scripture » profound law, medicine the massive life essence accumulation in cauldron will come, for him uses, to recuperate the wound body. 叶凡沉寂不动,静静的坐在那里,不断运转《道经》玄法,将『药』鼎中的大量生命精华聚集而来,为他所用,调理伤体。 After half double-hour, Ye Fan opened eyes, medicine in cauldron presents two cold lightning immediately, he put out a hand that lotus seed that had black jade divine lotus to grasp. 半颗时辰后,叶凡睁开了双眼,『药』鼎中顿时出现两道冷电,他伸手将乌玉神莲结出的那枚莲子抓了过来。 lotus seed is gigantic, shape such as pigeon egg, all over the body clear, probably black jade carves, the magnificent light twinkle, passes fan the brilliance of ignorant/veiled, well-illuminated that the Ye Fan's palm complements. 莲子硕大,形如鸽卵,通体晶莹,像是乌玉雕琢而成,光华闪烁,流转出『迷』蒙的光彩,将叶凡的手掌都映衬的一片通明。 This and other rare Spirit Medicine is impossible to be melted in a short time, otherwise Elder Han will not say that must boil down for seven days and seven nights. 这等稀世灵『药』不可能短时间内就被化开,不然韩长老也就不会说要熬炼七天七夜了。 Ye Fan integrates in lotus seed the mouth, chewing slowly, swallowing slowly, whether there is in his mouth seems like performs the disruption divine jade to sparkle, powerful life Essence Qi overflows, in the mouth holds divine object probably, magnificent light is brilliant. 叶凡莲子纳入口中,缓缓的嘴嚼,慢慢的吞咽,他的口中像是有无尽碎裂的神玉在闪耀,强大的生命精气四溢,嘴内像是含着神物,光华绚烂无比。 Bronze medicine by cauldron, Elder Han heard a sound, he sits cross-legged there is motionless, corners of the mouth show(s) brutal sneering, said: Could not insist that soaked in the life original fluid, even if temperature raising, bruised and lacerated, suffered greatly, in a short time could not swallow the air/Qi.” 青铜『药』鼎旁,韩长老似是听到了一点声音,他盘坐在那里一动不动,嘴角『露』出无情的冷笑,道:“坚持不住了吗,浸泡在生命原『液』中,纵然温度升高,皮开肉绽,受尽折磨,短时间内也咽不了气。” Elder Han has not pitied and sympathized, he closed both eyes, dry lonesome silent. 韩长老没有丝毫怜悯与同情,他闭上了双目,又枯寂无声了。 Bronze medicine in cauldron, Ye Fan is unemotional, during the enunciations Essence Qi surges, the black light twinkle, lotus seed was bitten, was swallowed completely. Then, he closes both eyes, starts to revolve the profound law of silently «Dao Scripture» recording, his body surface glitters immediately the clear gloss. 青铜『药』鼎中,叶凡面无表情,口齿间精气涌动,乌光闪烁,莲子被咬碎,全部被咽了下去。而后,他闭上双目,开始默默运转《道经》所记载的玄法,他的体表顿时闪烁出晶莹的光泽。 The vitality that in the past 2 hours, Ye Fan's Sea of Bitterness sudden golden light a big magnificence burst, he lost money restored, Essence Qi rushes. At the same time, golden Sea of Bitterness turbulent, will soon have the tsunami, presents fearful visions! 足足过去一个时辰,叶凡的苦海突然金光大盛,他亏损的气血全部恢复了过来,精气澎湃。同一时间,金『色』苦海汹涌了起来,即将发生海啸,出现可怕的异象 Ye Fan suppresses with the big will, preventing Sea of Bitterness to open, at the same time, he causes a faint trace sound intentionally, wants to bring to the attention of Elder Han, opens the cauldron lid, his good took out Gold Book, to implement the thunder to strike. 叶凡以大毅力压制,阻止苦海开辟,同一时间,他故意弄出一丝丝声响,想引起韩长老的注意,打开鼎盖,他好祭出金书,实施雷霆一击。 What sound, how has the spray to surge probably?” Elder Han opens the eye, show(s) surprise look, talked to oneself: „Before top grade spiritual pill comes out, will have vision to happen, don't tell me my furnace pill will not only succeed, but can also be top grade?” “什么声响,怎么像是有浪花在涌动?”韩长老睁开眼睛,『露』出异『色』,自语道:“极品灵丹出炉前会有异相发生,难道说我这炉丹不仅会成功,还有可能是极品?” Ye Fan bites the jaw tightly, he earnestly hopes that Elder Han lifts the cauldron lid, but actually heard such words, he has to withdraw some strengths again, if hidden the roaring that if no spreads bronze large cauldron. 叶凡紧咬牙关,他迫切希望韩长老来掀开鼎盖,但是却听到了这样的话语,他只好再撤去部分力量,若隐若无的涛声传出青铜大鼎 Really is the roaring......” Elder Han show(s) one excited color, said: „When predecessor pill concocting has presented this vision, it is said when the sound is loudest, deafening, probably is really facing the sea of surging forward, don't tell me I will build up peerless good pill?” “真的是涛声……”韩长老『露』出一丝激动之『色』,道:“前人炼丹时出现过这种异相,据说声音最大时,震耳欲聋,像是真的在面对汹涌澎湃的大海,难道说我将炼出绝世好丹?” Your grandfather!” Ye Fan wishes one could to curse, Elder Han simply had not opened the meaning that the cauldron covers, his must kill striking unable to cause. “你爷爷的!”叶凡恨不得大骂,韩长老根本没有揭开鼎盖的意思,他的必杀一击使不出来。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” Obstructs day 94 遮天94 At this moment, Ye Fan was bigger, the intermittent tsunami that the sound made welled up crazily, his golden light a big magnificence burst, Sea of Bitterness is opening all over the body slowly. 就在这时,叶凡将动静弄的更大了一些,阵阵海啸狂涌,他通体金光大盛,苦海在缓缓开辟。 Ancient honest I do not bully!” Bronze medicine by cauldron, Elder Han sighed again and again, said: „The this Han pill concocting life, really met this grade of vision, this certainly is a furnace absolute grade good pill.” “古人诚不我欺!”青铜『药』鼎旁边,韩长老连连感叹,道:“韩某炼丹一生,真的遇到了这等异相,这一定是一炉绝品好丹。” Ye Fan could not insist that again, is unable to suppress wild Essence Qi in Sea of Bitterness, in this moment, the golden Sea of Bitterness anger wave overturns the heavens, the fearful tsunami erupted thoroughly. 叶凡再也坚持不住了,无法压制苦海内的狂暴精气,在这一刻,金『色』苦海怒浪翻天,可怕的海啸彻底的爆发了。 In an instant, divine light is blazing, raging waves ten thousand heavy, the wild waves are dreadful, deafening! 刹那间,神光炽烈,惊涛万重,骇浪滔天,震耳欲聋! Probably has the mighty force to gallop, if the endless meteorite concussions burst the land. 像是有千军万马在奔腾,又如无尽陨石撞裂大地。 Also has rumble thunderously in the fearful tsunami sound, the lightning tearing sky, interweaves above golden Sea of Bitterness, the momentum is scary. 在可怕的海啸声中还有隆隆雷鸣,闪电撕裂天空,交织在金『色』苦海上方,声势骇人。 In this moment, Ye Fan is extremely anxious, the Gold Book twinkle, prepares took out outside the body at any time, kills the rival! 在这一刻,叶凡极度紧张,金书闪烁,随时准备祭出体外,袭杀敌手! However, Han Chang at this moment excited looking awful, had said: Ancient honest I do not bully...... the legend unexpectedly real!” 然而,此刻的韩长早已激动的不成样子,道:“古人诚不我欺……传说竟然是真的!” He has stood, medicine cauldron walks back and forth regarding bronze, must dance with joy simply. 他早已站了起来,围绕着青铜『药』鼎走来走去,简直要手舞足蹈了。 Has the tsunami sound, has the thunderous sound, with not the slightest difference that in the old book records. Legend, this is top grade precious pill before the indication that building up to have!” “有海啸声,有雷鸣声,与古籍上记载的一般无二。传说,这是极品宝丹在炼成前所具有的征兆!” Ye Fan does not know that is this/should anger or should smile, the careful preparation, wants to strike to kill, but Elder Han is actually not willing to remove the cauldron lid, but also discovers the reason that made his believe like this. 叶凡不知道是该怒还是该笑,精心准备,想要一击必杀,但是韩长老却不肯揭开鼎盖,还找出了这样让其自己信服的理由。 Your grandfather!” Ye Fan criticized one, calms the mind, starts wholly absorbed opens golden Sea of Bitterness. “你爷爷的!”叶凡暗骂了一句,静下心来,开始专心致志的开辟金『色』苦海 Ancient honest I do not bully......” the Elder Han excited ceaselessness to dance with joy. “古人诚不我欺……”韩长老激动的不断手舞足蹈。
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