STH :: Volume #1

#93: Refining up the artificial medicine

Chapter 93 refining up medicine artificially 第93章炼人为『药』 What pill do you want to refine?” Ye Fan wants to delay the time as far as possible, even if not want to give up to him at this moment. “你想炼什么丹?”叶凡想尽量拖延时间,纵然到了这一刻他也不想放弃。 Naturally can cross Sea of Bitterness and cross Divine Bridge, to reach Other Shore immortal pill.” Elder Han saw his thoughts probably, light sneering said: Does not need to think of every means to delay the time, some people will not save you, when you relieved preparation takes responsibility medicine to be boiled down.” “自然是可以渡苦海、跨神桥、达彼岸仙丹。”韩长老像是看出了他的心思,淡淡的冷笑道:“不必费尽心机拖延时间了,不会有人来救你,你就安心的准备当作主『药』被熬炼吧。” You did not fear that Knight does appear again?” Ye Fan not terrified, not alarmed and afraid, instead is tranquil, said: Perhaps you have not known the status of that person.” “你就不怕那名骑士再次出现?”叶凡没有惶恐,没有惊惧,反而非常平静,道:“或许你还不知道那个人的身份吧。” Elder Han expression is invariable, asks: What status does he have?” 韩长老神『色』不变,问道:“他有什么身份?” Obstructs day 93 遮天93 He came from Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family ---- Jiang Family.” At this point, Ye Fan sighs lightly, said: You annoyed the catastrophe for Spirit Ruins Sanctuary. Perhaps, you have not known that the Dao Self true status, I and in Jiang Family some people friendship, that Knight to seek me comes......” “他来自荒古世家————姜家。”说到这里,叶凡轻叹了一口气,道:“你为灵墟洞天惹了大祸。或许,你还不知道我真正的身份,我与姜家中人有些交情,那名骑士是为寻我而来……” Ye Fan said seldom, from attending to saying. 叶凡说的煞有其事,自顾的说了下去。 Elder Han motionless expression, static is listening, finally cold sound said: How depends on you possibly to climb up the friendship with Jiang Family.” 韩长老不动神『色』,静静的听着,最终冷声道:“就凭你怎么可能与姜家攀上交情。” I once rescued Jiang Family to wander about destitute young girl outside, had the greatest good reason with them. If you do not believe that can go to Red Mist Sanctuary to inquire, has a look at me whether lies, some time ago I altogether had once rushed to Red Mist Sanctuary with the Jiang Family's person.” “我曾经救下姜家流落在外的幼女,与他们结下了莫大的善缘。你如果不信,可以去烟霞洞天打探一番,看看我是否说谎,不久前我曾与姜家的人共闯过烟霞洞天。” This......” Elder Han complexion at that time changed, Spirit Ruins Sanctuary is one of the Land of Yan six schools, naturally knows Jiang Family to head into the Red Mist Sanctuary matter. “这……”韩长老脸『色』当时就变了,灵墟洞天燕地六派之一,自然知晓姜家闯入烟霞洞天的事情。 Elder Han clenches teeth, said: You, regardless of said anything, is hard to maintain a livelihood.” 韩长老咬了咬牙,道:“你无论说什么,都难以活命。” Ye Fan is serious, expression is serious, said: Elder Han you may , to offend Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family clearly is what fate, do not think you can do, must know you you have begun with Jiang Family's Knight today, they can certainly trace the clue.” 叶凡一本正经,神『色』严肃,道:“韩长老你可要想清楚得罪荒古世家是什么下场,不要以为你可以做的神不知鬼不觉,要知道你今天你已经与姜家的骑士动手,他们一定能够追查到线索。” Your this young animal person is not big, is actually very deceitful, thinks that this can deceive me, you also looked down on me.” Elder Han suddenly gloomy smiled, said: Too much talk leads to slips of tongue. I have anything now finally clearly, that Knight truly is the Jiang Family's person, some time ago had rushed to Purple Yang Sanctuary, he is certainly capturing you!” “你这个小崽子人不大,倒是很狡诈,以为这样就可以诓骗我吗,你也太小瞧我了。”韩长老突然阴森森的笑了起来,道:“言多必失。我现在终于明白发生了什么,那名骑士确实是姜家的人,不久前曾经闯过紫阳洞天,他一定是在追捕你!” Elder Han lived such big age, eye eyelash(es) is spatial, associates to the matter that recently has, almost speculates the general idea immediately. 韩长老活了这么大的年岁,眼睫『毛』都是空的,联想到近来发生的事情,几乎立刻推测出了大概。 The Ye Fan's heart was thoroughly cool, said: Han old man you thought oneself infallible, is waiting for disaster is imminent!” 叶凡的心彻底凉了,道:“韩老梆子你太自以为是了,等着大祸临头吧!” Young animal you are very actually calm, wants to deceive me by the present, waits for me to boil down you well.” Elder Han smiles is very gloomy, carries Ye Fan, said: You felt relieved, will not have the bystander to disturb, here was carved endless Dao Runes by me ‚’, after stepping into immortal residence, with the complete separation, no one can seek.” “小崽子你倒是很镇静,到现在了还想诓骗我,等着我好好的熬炼你吧。”韩长老笑的很阴森,一把将叶凡拎起,道:“你放心好了,绝不会有外人打扰,这里被我刻下无尽‘道纹’,自我踏入洞府后,将与外界完全隔离,没有人能够寻到。” Jiang Family's Knight is capturing Ye Fan, this makes Elder Han very puzzled, simultaneously many concealed worries, he robbed in others mouth after all „the meat, he searched for Ye Fan from top to bottom, 姜家的骑士在追捕叶凡,这让韩长老很不解,同时多少有些隐忧,毕竟他抢夺了别人口中的“肉”,他将叶凡浑身上下搜了个遍, Body is some useless things.” He first that piece of broken jade that lacked an corner/horn took, looked repeatedly looked, finally threw on the ground. “身上都是些无用的东西。”他首先将那块缺了一角的破玉拿了起来,反复看了又看,最后扔在了地上。 In the Ye Fan heart curses unscrupulous Daoist Priest, that damned fatty vowed solemnly at that time, said this jade pendant critical moment can rescue his life, finally useless anything uses radically. 叶凡心中大骂无良道士,那个死胖子当时信誓旦旦,说这块玉佩关键时刻能救他一命,结果根本没用什么用。 Duan De, Duan De, your grandfather, is really lacking virtue!” 段德,段德,你姥爷的,真缺德!” What is this?” Elder Han will grasp Bodhi Seed, carefully observes the above Buddha chart, said: „The design that natural texture interweaves how...... this bald person sees somewhat looks familiar, as if has this bald person outside Eastern Wilderness.” “这是什么?”韩长老将手持菩提子,仔细观察上面的佛陀图,道:“天然纹理交织成的图案……这秃子怎么看着有些眼熟,在东荒以外似乎有这种秃子。” Bald person......” Ye Fan speechless. “秃子……”叶凡一阵无语。 Elder Han Bodhi Seed put away, then facing Ye Fan, said: Ok, should send you to medicine cauldron.” 韩长老菩提子收起,而后面对叶凡,道:“好了,该送你进『药』鼎了。” „Shortly after Elder Han, I assign/life, whether one to sate the appetite?” 韩长老,我命不久矣,能否给一顿饱饭?” Obstructs day 93 遮天93 Do not make futile efforts, how even if delays the moment time to be able, hurries.” Elder Han is raising Ye Fan, before arriving at these medicine cauldron, said: Oneself choose one, this is your only right.” “不要白费心机了,纵然拖延片刻时间又能如何,还是赶紧进去吧。”韩长老提着叶凡,来到那些『药』鼎前,道:“自己选一口,这是你唯一的权利。” Ye Fan knows that did not have the opportunity, started to shout abuse: Han old man, I said that your Immortal Being board board, sent regards your generations, are intimate with your female nature relative 18 generations......” 叶凡知道没有机会了,开始破口大骂:“韩老梆子,我曰你个仙人板板,问候你个列祖列宗,亲近你女『性』亲属十八代……” Elder Han ancient well does not have the wave, turns a deaf ear, throws into medicine Ye Fan directly cauldron, then arrives in the corner of stone chamber, moved several big pottery jars, thump thump toward medicine in cauldron pours into inexplicably fluid body. 韩长老古井无波,充耳不闻,将叶凡直接丢进『药』鼎,而后走到石室的一个角落里,将几个大瓷罐搬了过来,“咕咚咕咚”向着『药』鼎中倒入莫名的『液』体。 What is this?” Ye Fan felt that has intermittently breaks in the oronasals fragrantly. “这是什么?”叶凡感觉有阵阵芬芳冲入口鼻间。 This isthick liquid that medicine in grass refines from various typesfluid, is the refining medicine essential thing, the words that continues to purify then can obtain all various grassy plants fluid.” During the speeches, 『』 fluid of Elder Han thick liquid in several big pottery jar all pours into medicine in cauldron. “这是从各种『药』草中提炼出来的浆『液』,是炼『药』必不可少的东西,继续提纯的话便能得到百草『液』。”说话间,韩长老将几个大瓷罐中的浆『液』全部倒入『药』鼎中。 Afterward, Elder Han medicine these rare Spirit Medicine in cabinet will move to the near, said: Finally collected all Spirit Medicine, hopes that can successfully refine spiritual pill Divine Medicine that I need.” 随后,韩长老将『药』柜中的那些稀世灵『药』搬到近前,道:“终于凑齐了所有灵『药』,希望可以成功炼成我所需要的灵丹神『药』。” At this point, he first takes out lotus seed that black jade divine lotus has, the pigeon egg big lotus seed black translucence, glittering and translucent, blooms black light, fragrance breaks in the five main internal organs (entrails) of person directly, is only this fragrance makes people feel refreshing. 说到这里,他首先将那枚乌玉神莲结出的莲子取出,鸽卵大的莲子黑的透亮,晶莹剔透,绽放出一道道乌光,馨香直接冲入人的五脏六腑,光是这种芬芳就让人感觉神清气爽。 Young animal you thinks does swallow down to me?” Elder Han stares at Ye Fan to sneer saying: Do not cherish the impractical fantasy.” At this point, he puts in medicine lotus seed in cauldron, simultaneously draws out a dagger, "puff" inserting enters the Ye Fan's left arm, drawn out instantly, blood gurgling flowed. “小崽子你是不是想一口给我吞下去?”韩长老盯着叶凡冷笑道:“不要抱不切实际的幻想。”说到这里,他将莲子放入『药』鼎中,同时拔出一把匕首,“噗”的一声『插』入叶凡的左臂,拔出的刹那,鲜血汩汩流了出来。 You......” “你……” refining medicine, refining medicine, you are lord medicine, the essence performs in the flesh, naturally must make your blood class/flow come out, in advance offers a sacrifice to the cauldron.” Elder Han displayed extremely cruel side in this moment, the hand was caressing own breaking arm, said: To seek you, today I lost an arm, naturally must the sacrifice refine you well, can only succeed, cannot be defeated!” 炼『药』,炼『药』,你是主『药』,精华尽在血肉中,自然要让你的鲜血流出来,先行祭鼎。”韩长老在这一刻表现出了极其残忍的一面,手抚着自己的断臂,道:“为了寻你,今日我失去了一条手臂,自然要好好的祭炼你,只能成功,不能失败!” "puff" “噗” The blood splash splash, Elder Han pierces the Ye Fan's right arm with the dagger, the blood surges, medicine cauldron the bloody water was incarnadine immediately. Elder Han show(s) fierce itself nature, no longer not death aura heavy, in the eyes shooting two dense rays, pierce the Ye Fan's both legs respectively. 血花飞溅,韩长老以匕首刺穿叶凡的右臂,鲜血涌动,『药』鼎顿时血水染红了。韩长老『露』出狰狞的本『性』,不再不死气沉沉,双目中『射』出两道森然的光芒,将叶凡的双腿也分别洞穿。 Ye Fan felt that the four limbs severe pain is incomparable, some complexion blanches. 叶凡感觉四肢剧痛无比,脸『色』都有些发白了。 Do not presumptuously think the miracle to happen!” Elder Han spoke these words, jabs into the Ye Fan's chest the dagger directly, dense say/way: Does not injure your heart, will not make you die immediately, there are these hundred straw pulp fluid immersion, wants to come you to live long time, I must make you keep sober, boiling down slowly becomes Divine Medicine that I need.” “不要妄想有奇迹发生!”韩长老说完这句话,直接将匕首刺进叶凡的胸膛,森然道:“不伤你的心脏,不会让你立刻死亡,有这些百草浆『液』浸泡,想来你可以活很长时间,我要让你保持清醒,慢慢的熬炼成我需要的神『药』。” Elder Han such as Malicious Ghost is ordinary, stretches out that withered tongue, licking licking the bloodstain on dagger, appeared fierce incomparable, said: Very pleasant and tasty flavor, I hope that moment that pill becomes.” 韩长老如一个厉鬼一般,伸出那干瘪的舌头,『舔』了『舔』匕首上的血迹,显得狰狞无比,道:“很甘美的味道,我非常期盼丹成的那一刻。” Old codger......” Ye Fan clenches teeth to look angrily, he feels the whole body severe pain, the life is passing slowly. “老不死的……”叶凡咬牙怒视,他感觉浑身剧痛,生命正在慢慢流逝。 At this time, Elder Han turned on a quality of material plain jade box, like the emerald clear radiant fruit takes out that the green jade snow lotus had, puts in medicine in cauldron, green color divine shine made inside thick liquid fluid one piece of light shining. 这时,韩长老打开一个质地古朴的玉盒,将青玉雪莲结出的那枚如绿玉般晶莹璀璨的果实取出,放入『药』鼎中,绿『色』的神华让里面的浆『液』都一片光灿灿。 Young animal you are content, can melt with so many Spirit Medicine in a furnace, is good fortune that you repair.” “小崽子你知足吧,能与这么多灵『药』熔于一炉,是你十世修来的福分。” Good fortune your grandfather, sent regards that your whole family female nature......” Ye Fan cursed, wishes one could to blow Elder Han exactly, the blood flows unceasingly, he felt that the life is drying up slowly. “福分你爷爷,问候你们全家女『性』……”叶凡大骂,恨不得将韩长老活刮,鲜血不断流淌,他感觉生命在慢慢枯竭。 At this time, Elder Han took up one like ruby nine divine herb, in the hand the scarlet rosy cloud twinkle, lived the splendor shiningly. legends say, only contaminates Pure Land of Phoenix Divine Blood to grow this rare Spirit Medicine. 这时,韩长老拿起一株如红玉般的九叶神草,手中赤霞闪烁,灿灿生辉。相传,唯有沾染过神血净土才能生长出这种稀世灵『药』 After he puts in medicine nine Phoenix divine herb in cauldron, suddenly frowns, talked to oneself: „It is not good, was too risky the words that these Spirit Medicine all put, if failed, fetched water to come to naught hesitant...... he bamboo basket, said: Not, if I will first advocate medicine to boil down, if successful, then joins other Spirit Medicine.” 他将九叶神草放入『药』鼎中后,忽然皱起了眉头,自语道:“不行,将这些灵『药』全都放进去的话太冒险了,万一失败,将竹篮子打水一场空……”他犹豫了起来,道:“不若我先将主『药』熬炼出来,若是成功,再加入其他灵『药』。” He only put three rare Spirit Medicine then to call a halt. 他只放进去三种稀世灵『药』便停手了。 Obstructs day 93 遮天93 Medicine in cabinet magnificent light is radiant, greets the nostrils fragrantly, various faces color strange Spirit Medicine all has Xia splendor to wind around, each type did not put in medicine three in cauldron medicine grass to be worse than him a moment ago. 『药』柜中光华璀璨,芬芳扑鼻,各种颜『色』的奇异灵『药』全都有霞辉缭绕,每一种都不比他刚才放入『药』鼎中的三种『药』草差。 First these three Spirit Medicine and lords medicine refining, together how has a look at the effect.” Elder Han decides, god splendor twinkle other Spirit Medicine completely put away. “先将这三种灵『药』与主『药』一起炼化,看看效果如何。”韩长老打定主意,将其他神辉闪烁的灵『药』全部收起 What last words does young animal have?” The Elder Han ridicule color, covered to raise from side the cauldron wear a look , the preparation covered. “小崽子还有什么遗言没有?”韩长老面带讥讽之『色』,将鼎盖从旁边提了起来,准备盖下去。 Ye Fan is weak, opens the mouth saying: Old man can you kill in this medicine in cauldron?” 叶凡虚弱无比,开口道:“老梆子你能不能一头撞死在这『药』鼎上?” Bang “砰” Elder Han presses the copper gland directly in medicine in cauldron, then he starts to ignite refining medicine. The common every fire is impossible to refine spiritual pill, he Baleflame that” from underground draws out, breast the silvery brilliance twinkle of white, beats steaming under large cauldron. 韩长老直接将铜盖压在『药』鼎上,而后他开始引火炼『药』。一般的凡火根本不可能炼出灵丹,他是从地下引出的“火煞”,『乳』白『色』的银辉闪烁,在大鼎下腾腾跳动起来。 He excavates here secret immortal residence , because underground has Baleflame reason, is strongest flame that his Realm can control. 他之所以在这里开凿出一个秘密的洞府,就是因为地下有“火煞”的缘故,是他这个境界所能够掌控的最强火焰。 Young animal, to seek you, I lost the left arm, I must refine you for seven days and seven nights, making you suffer greatly, turns into pill again medicine!” Elder Han caresses the arm, the words dense/woods are cold. “小崽子,为了寻你,我失去了左臂,我要炼你七天七夜,让你受尽折磨,再化成丹『药』!”韩长老手抚断臂,话语森寒无比。
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