STH :: Volume #1

#92: Main medicine

Chapter 92 lord medicine 第92章主『药』 Elder Han does not lose one's temper, calm incomparable, from attending to upside-down one cup of tea, lifted to hang loose the white hair on face, carries the teacup to drink lightly. 韩长老并不动怒,沉稳无比,自顾倒了一杯茶,掀开披散在脸上的白发,端起茶杯轻饮。 In this moment, Ye Fan has one wool bone terrified feeling. 在这一刻,叶凡有一股『毛』骨悚然的感觉。 The finger of Elder Han is common with the iron bar, withered, only has old skin to wrap finger bone. But after he obstructs the surface white hair was raised, the lower jaw of show(s) makes one have the goosebumps, probably one group of scrap papers by rubbing looking awful, unusual fold, without gloss. Most makes people feel what scared is, in his withered lips the gum and tooth of show(s) all assume black black, no blood color and vigor, even the tongue withered. 韩长老的手指跟铁条一般,根根干枯,只有一层老皮包着指骨。而他遮面的白发被掀起后,『露』出的下颌直让人起鸡皮疙瘩,像是一团废纸被『揉』的不成样子,非常褶皱,没有光泽。最让人感觉发『毛』的是,他那干瘪的双唇内『露』出的牙床与牙齿全都呈乌黑『色』,没有一点血『色』与活力,连舌头都萎缩了。 Starts off with me.” Elder Han drank tea, puts down the teacup gently, at a moderate pace saying, a sound not vigor. “跟我上路吧。”韩长老喝了一口茶水,轻轻放下茶杯,不紧不慢的说道,声音没有一丝活力。 Obstructs day 92 遮天92 Ye Fan thinks took out Gold Book very much, but he does not dare to act rashly, because of his deep awareness, not same Realm's cultivator power gap was too big. 叶凡很想祭出金书,但是他没有敢轻举妄动,因为他深深的知道,不同境界的修士实力差距太大了。 Elder Han you do this do not fear by Heaven's Wrath, living person, when medicine refining up, perhaps even if were your same side can also not allow you......” Ye Fan saying that while thought the countermeasure, if fell in the opposite party hand, was really the ratio dies is fearful. 韩长老你这样做就不怕遭天谴吗,把活人当『药』炼,纵然是你的同门恐怕也会不容你……”叶凡一边说一边想对策,若是落在对方手里,真是比死还要可怕。 I am prepared early, no one will know all these.” Elder Han such as a section of dead wood is ordinary, static sitting opposite of the table, he is this tranquil appears gloomy fearful. “我早有准备,没有人会知道这一切。”韩长老如一截枯木一般,静静的坐在桌对面,他越是这样的平静越显得阴沉可怕。 Ye Fan gives his jade pendant to take out the Wu Qingfeng elder, said: You, if kills me, the Wu Qingfeng elder assembly knows.” 叶凡吴清风长老送给他的玉佩取出,道:“你如果杀我,吴清风长老会知晓的。” Elder Han selected one finger/refers gently, gloomy aura compelling compels to come, that jade pendant bang a disintegration, the ice-cold piercing chill in the air is not loose for a very long time. 韩长老轻轻点了一指,一股阴森森的气息『逼』迫而来,那块玉佩“砰”的一声崩碎,冰冷刺骨的寒意久久不散。 The Elder Han light opens the mouth said: Here from the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary enough more than thousand li (0.5 km), I crushes the jade pendant face to face, Wu Qingfeng will not have any induction.” At this point, his gloomy saying with a smile: Said, your boy actually very vigilant, on the same day in ruins I patted your one blow gently, leaves behind the mark in secret, wants then to seize you. Does not think that you actually first step made a getaway, were separated from my induction range, seeks you until today.” 韩长老淡淡的开口道:“这里距离灵墟洞天足足千余里,我当面将玉佩击碎,吴清风根本不会有任何感应。”说到这里,他阴森森的笑道:“说起来,你这个小子倒是很机警,当日在废墟中我轻轻拍了你一记,暗中留下印记,本想回头捉你。不想你却先一步逃之夭夭,脱离了我的感应范围,直到今日才寻到你。” Your this old codger......” “你这个老不死的……” We should start off.” Elder Han stands up, if the person in building evades Malicious Ghost, allows to pass through for him. “我们该上路了。”韩长老站起身来,楼的人如避厉鬼,纷纷为他让路。 Ye Fan like the cheetah, wants to run away from the window agilely. 叶凡敏捷如猎豹,想从窗口逃走。 Why to do these useless matters.” Elder Han stretches out the withered palm, detained him, draws him to go downstairs to go at an enormous strength. “何必做这些无用的事呢。”韩长老伸出干枯的手掌,一把将他拘禁了回来,以一股极大的力量拉着他下楼而去。 Different Realm like being away from the heavenly moat gap, are unable to overstep, the Ye Fan's heart has one's heart sink with disappointment all of a sudden, the enemy imprisoned him, cannot use a strength. 不同的境界有如隔着天堑鸿沟,根本无法逾越,叶凡的心一下子凉了半截,对方将他禁锢了,使不出一丝的力气。 After arriving at outside the city, Elder Han talked to oneself: First visits an old friend, he once complied to collect some Spirit Medicine for me, calculates that the date and time was similar, now lord medicine seeks, then can offer a sacrifice to cauldron refining medicine.” 来到城外后,韩长老自语道:“先去拜访一位老友,他曾答应为我收集某种灵『药』,算算时日差不多了,如今主『药』寻到,回头便可祭鼎炼『药』了。” Ye Fan motionless sound color looking to the sky, he is seeking for Jiang Family Knight silhouette, he was rather struck to kill by Jiang Family, does not want dead refining medicine while still alive. 叶凡不动声『色』的望向天空,他在寻找姜家骑士身影,他宁愿被姜家击杀,也不想被人活活炼『药』而死。 In the past the big half day, Sun will set, Elder Han brings Ye Fan to appear in mountain side lineage/vein, will soon reach the destination. 足足过去大半日,太阳将落山时,韩长老带着叶凡出现在一片山脉中,即将到达目的地。 How Jiang Family's Knight has not presented......” Ye Fan to be somewhat anxious. 姜家的骑士怎么还不出现……”叶凡有些焦急了。 Old friend comes visiting......” Elder Han to front mountain valley loud sound transmission, the billowing sound wave stirs up 『』, reverberates in the hills. “故人来访……”韩长老冲着前方的一座山谷大声传音,滚滚音波激『荡』,在群山中回响。 At this moment, the horizon presents together the shadow mark, to/clashes fast toward here, Jiang Family's Knight in the surrounding region search, has been attracted by the sound, finally appeared. 就在这时,天际出现一道影迹,快速向着这里冲来,姜家的骑士一直在周围的地域搜寻,被声音吸引,终于出现了。 That Knight is powerful, passes to send out fearful murderous aura and fighting intent, the whole body is covered by the mail-armor and helmet, controls barbarian beast to dive, 『』 strong winds, surrounding vegetation blown disjunction. 那名骑士非常强大,透发出可怕的杀气战意,全身都被甲胄覆盖,驾驭蛮兽俯冲下来,『荡』起一股狂风,周围的草木都被吹的折断了。 What person?” Elder Han is drawing Ye Fan retreat. “什么人?”韩长老拉着叶凡后退 Obstructs day 92 遮天92 At the same time, in mountain valley goes out of one gray-haired, the old man of complexion sinister and vicious, looks does not seem like what good kind. 同一时间,山谷中走出一个头发花白、面『色』阴鸷的老者,一看就不像是什么善类。 Leaves behind this youngster!” The Jiang Family's Knight sound is indifferent, takes a fast look around Elder Han also to have from that old man who in mountain valley goes out. “将这个少年留下!”姜家的骑士声音冷漠无比,扫视韩长老还有自山谷中走出的那名老者。 Elder Han felt the great strength of opposite party, but he was impossible to give up Ye Fan, shouted to Taniguchi's old man: Helps me quickly!” 韩长老感觉到了对方的强大,但是他决不可能放弃叶凡,冲着谷口的老者喊道:“快来助我!” "chī" “哧” Jiang Family's Knight decisive take action, blood glow delimited the expansive sky to divide together, that was blood color iron spear, split the bloodletting light, does not know that drank many cultivator's blood, passed is sending the fluctuation of energy of terrifying. 姜家的骑士果断出手,一道血芒划过长空劈了下来,那是一把血『色』铁戈,绽放血光,也不知道饮了多少修士的鲜血,透发着恐怖的能量波动。 "dāng" “当” A Elder Han took out green wood rule, the green light twinkle, moves forward to meet somebody, but was actually struck to fly all of a sudden, his whole person one shakes, is drawing Ye Fan extremely fast retreat, charges into valley entrance. 韩长老祭出一把绿木尺,碧光闪烁,迎了上去,但是却一下子被击飞了,他整个人都一阵摇颤,拉着叶凡极速后退,冲向谷口。 At this moment, Taniguchi's old man also take action, took out copper mirror, the photo to the front, the mirror surface ran out of the radiant ray at the same time, shooting to Jiang Family's Knight. 就在这时,谷口的老者也出手了,祭出一面铜镜,照向前方,镜面冲出璀璨的光芒,『射』向姜家的骑士 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 Meanwhile, the Elder Han took out 12 green singlesticks, put the mysterious path, the blockade four directions, is stranded that Knight in middle. 与此同时,韩长老祭出十二把绿木剑,划出玄奥的轨迹,封锁四方,将那名骑士困在当中。 Carves the insect small technique!” That Knight not fears color, the stimulation of movement sits down Mutant Beast to shoot up to the sky, has avoided the copper mirror photo shooting, blood color iron spear sweeps away 12 green singlesticks. “雕虫小技!”那名骑士毫无惧『色』,催动坐下异兽冲天而起,躲避过铜镜的照『射』,血『色』铁戈更是横扫十二把绿木剑。 This person is too powerful, do not keep contingency plan, finding the way to remove him!” Elder Han yelled anxiously, at the same time seals up Ye Fan, throws in him towards the mountain valley. “这个人实在太强大,不要留后手,想办法除掉他!”韩长老焦急大叫,与此同时封住叶凡,将他扔向山谷中。 Bang “砰” Ye Fan crashes in the place, does not dare to delay, the profound law of fast turn-around «Dao Scripture» recording, attacks restrictions. Luckily Elder Han in a hurry take action, and does not know the Ye Fan's details, the seal technique is really simple, " Dao Scripture » profound law revolves shortly, then broke open restrictions thoroughly. 叶凡坠落在地,一刻也不敢耽搁,快速运转《道经》所记载的玄法,冲击禁制。幸好韩长老匆匆出手,且不知道叶凡的底细,封印手法实在简单,《道经》玄法运转起来不久,便彻底破开了禁制 You hit to live to kill, best mutually wounded!” Ye Fan arrives at mountain valley most deep place, climbed the sheer precipice to leave here. He runs out of mountain range fast, after seeing a torrential river, nothing hesitant, direct dive gripped. “你们打生打死吧,最好两败俱伤!”叶凡来到山谷最深处,攀登悬崖峭壁离开了这里。他快速冲出山脉,当看到一条滔滔大河后,没有任何犹豫,直接一个猛子扎了进去。 Sinks to the river, does not know that the rush out many li (0.5 km), until inundating the Heavenly Star fight appears, Ye Fan comes ashore. The wilderness, without the habitation, he takes a break, then the stride walks toward the distant place. 沉入大河中,也不知道冲出去多少里,直到漫天星斗浮现,叶凡才上岸。荒郊野外,没有人烟,他休息片刻,而后大步向远方走去。 After 1 hour, the front is brilliantly illuminated, is not too far from cities. 半个时辰后,前方灯火通明,距离一座城镇已不算太远。 Hehehe......” suddenly, transmits one wool bone terrified gloomy laughter. “嘿嘿嘿……”突然,身后传来一阵让人『毛』骨悚然的阴森笑声。 In Ye Fan heart one startled, does not return, dashes directly forward. However, gloomy sneering suddenly suddenly near, probably a night of owlet is crying aloud, throughout winds around around him. 叶凡心中一惊,头都不回,直接向前飞奔。然而,阴森的冷笑忽远忽近,像是夜枭在啼哭,始终缭绕在他周围。 Old man you assign/life really in a big way!” Ye Fan stopped, he discovered that did not run away. “老梆子你命真大!”叶凡停了下来,他发现根本逃不了。 In the darkness, Elder Han that skinny silhouette foot does not moisten, such as the spirit appears generally, his left arm cut off, having hair dishevelled, the whole body is the bloodstain, seems like Malicious Ghost general in the night. 黑暗中,韩长老那枯瘦的身影脚不沾地,如幽灵一般出现,他的左臂被斩断,披头散发,浑身都是血迹,在黑夜中像是厉鬼一般。 Ye Fan felt that cool to the foot, the whole body braved the cold air from the beginning, this old bastard had not been killed by Jiang Family's Knight, now he falls into the hopeless situation thoroughly! 叶凡感觉从头凉到了脚,浑身冒寒气,这个老东西没有被姜家的骑士杀死,现在他彻底陷入了绝境! Obstructs day 92 遮天92 Feels sorry for my old friend to be cut meat paste, I make completely the method escape......” the Elder Han sound dense/woods to be cold, probably Malicious Ghost is clenching jaws. “可怜我那位老友被斩成肉泥,我使尽手段才逃过一劫……”韩长老的声音森寒无比,像是厉鬼在咬牙切齿。 He has not left behind your life, was really regrettable.” Ye Fan ridicules. “他没有将你的命留下,真是太遗憾了。”叶凡揶揄。 Elder Han in the eyes shooting two cold lightning, silent floating forward, the withered body passed is sending aura of death. 韩长老双目中『射』出两道冷电,无声的向前飘来,干枯的身体透发着一股死亡的气息。 When Ye Fan thinks the equidistance to be enough, took out Gold Book, at risk of life strikes, however he simply does not have the opportunity, the green light outshines the nighttime sky together, such as Ghost Fire covered him generally, prohibited him. In the darkness, Elder Han that such as punt-pole wooden body compelling to the near, the white hair flew upwards, a show(s) withered face, seeming like fierce and scary, in two eye holes the dim light is dense. 叶凡想等距离足够时,祭出金书,拼死一击,然而他根本没有机会,一道绿光照亮夜空,如鬼火一般将他笼罩,封禁了他。黑暗中,韩长老那如槁木般的躯体『逼』到了近前,白发飞扬,『露』出一张干瘪的脸,看起来非常狰狞与吓人,两个眼洞中幽光森森。 I like the colorful life, your body is full of vigor and vitality, I think that the blood certainly is very pleasant and tasty......” Elder Han to hold the Ye Fan's arm, leading him to shoot up to the sky. “我喜欢鲜活的生命,你的身体朝气蓬勃,我想鲜血一定很甘美……”韩长老一把抓住叶凡的手臂,带着他冲天而起。 The Ye Fan's heart was thoroughly cool, uses energy the difficult ten thousand pain, escaped so many days, is finally difficult to escape dies. 叶凡的心彻底凉了,费劲艰辛万苦,逃了这么多天,最终还是难逃一死。 I left behind the mark on you, you cannot escape!” Elder Han within the body runs out of together the green and glossy ray, binds to bring Ye Fan to vanish in the horizon instantly. “我在你身上留下了印记,你逃不掉!”韩长老体内冲出一道绿油油的光芒,裹带着叶凡刹那消失在天际。 He has not returned to Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, but brings Ye Fan to arrive in Land of Yan barren mountains and wild hills, Cave from cliff penetrates into the mid-hill. 他没有返回灵墟洞天,而是带着叶凡来到燕地一处荒山野岭中,从悬崖上的一个石洞深入到山腹中。 Do not be afraid, the death not painful......” in the eye of Elder Han is glittering the fearful ray. “不要害怕,死亡并不痛苦……”韩长老的眼中闪烁着可怕的光芒。 immortal residence in mid-hill is profound, inlays pearls along the way, is not dark. Elder Han raised Ye Fan to come to an open stone chamber quickly, transmitted medicine intermittently the flavor of grass, inside placed has more than ten big medicine cauldron, all more than one meter high, is carving complicated runic patterns, was plain. 山腹内的洞府非常幽深,沿途嵌有一颗颗明珠,并不黑暗。韩长老提着叶凡很快就来到了一间开阔的石室,传来阵阵『药』草的味道,里面摆放着有十几个大『药』鼎,全都一米多高,雕刻着繁复的纹络,非常古朴。 Finally collected Spirit Medicine, ha haha......” Elder Han laughs, the sound is extremely coarse, probably Malicious Ghost is sobbing, making the person scalp tingle with numbness. “终于凑齐了灵『药』,哈哈哈……”韩长老大笑,声音极其难听,像是厉鬼在哭泣,让人头皮都发麻。 In stone chamber abatement medicine outside cauldron, but also is placing more than ten medicine cabinet, Elder Han one by one opens, immediately has intermittence medicine to greet the nostrils fragrant. 石室中除却『药』鼎外,还摆放着十几口『药』柜,韩长老一一打开,顿时有阵阵『药』香扑鼻。 Had a look at me to prepare anything for you, was Spirit Medicine of valuable no city!” He turns on a wooden box, immediately show(s) has pigeon egg big lotus seed fully, the black translucence, black jade carves probably, a rich fragrance front surface throws, drills to the bone of person. “看看我为你准备了什么,都是有价无市的灵『药』啊!”他打开一个木盒,顿时『露』出一颗足有鸽卵大的莲子,黑的透亮,像是乌玉雕琢而成,一股浓郁的香气迎面扑来,钻到人的骨子里。 Knows that this is anything, this is lotus seed that black jade divine lotus gives birth, 500 years have such a grain, its precious value is inconceivable, contains endless life Essence Qi.” “知道这是什么吗,此乃乌玉神莲生出的莲子,五百年才结出这样一粒,其珍贵价值难以想象,蕴含无尽生命精气。” Elder Han puts down the wooden box, turns on a quality of material plain jade box, immediately one wiped the shining sight of green to past, an egg big green color fruit, green jade carved probably, is pasting the gentle ray, clear twinkle. 韩长老放下木盒,打开一个质地古朴的玉盒,顿时有一抹灿灿的绿意流转了出来,一个鸡蛋大的绿『色』果实,像是翠玉雕刻出来的,流转着柔和的光芒,晶莹闪烁。 Knows that what this is? This is the fruit that the green jade snow lotus in legend has, grows on several tens of thousands meters snowy mountain, the millenniums do not see the sunlight, the surroundings have the powerful evil spirit protection, consumes my eight years of time, picks to one by luck.” “知道这是什么吗?此乃传说中的青玉雪莲结出的果实,生长在数万米的雪山上,千年不见阳光,周围有强大的妖物守护,耗费我八年光阴,才侥幸采摘到一枚。” These things all contain to have extremely powerful life essence, if Ye Fan takes, can definitely open golden Sea of Bitterness is very big. 这些东西皆蕴含有极其强大的生命精华,若是叶凡服用下去,肯定可以将金『色』苦海开辟很大。 Elder Han continues stand forth, takes up a wooden box, after opening, immediately has light red light shooting, nine mutated grass such as the ruby carves all over the body, clear sparkles, the intermittent special grass fragrance is filling the air. 韩长老继续向前走去,又拿起一个木盒,打开后顿时有淡淡的红光『射』出,一株九叶奇草通体如红玉雕琢而成,晶莹闪闪,阵阵特别的草香在弥漫。 Knows that what this is? Nine phoenix grass in legend!” Elder Han seems very excited, said: legends say, only contaminates the land of phoenix blood to grow this divine herb. I consume more than ten years of time, far away from Land of Yan, goes all over endless ancient land and vestige, seeks such a, priceless, rare spirit object!” “知道这是什么吗?传说中的九叶凤凰草!”韩长老显得很激动,道:“相传,唯有沾染过凤凰鲜血的土地才能生长出这种神草。我耗费十几年光阴,远离燕地,走遍无尽古地与遗迹,才寻到这样一株,价值连城,稀世灵物啊!” Elder Han opens these boxes unceasingly, exhibits more than ten Spirit Medicine, each type is extremely precious, world rare, the value is unable to estimate! 韩长老不断打开那些盒子,足足摆出十几种灵『药』,每一种都极其珍贵,世所罕见,价值无法估量! In immortal residence, magnificent light is shining, various Spirit Medicine past different faces color the color light, passes sends out the intermittent refreshing fragrance. 洞府中,光华灿灿,各种灵『药』流转出不同颜『色』的彩光,透发出阵阵沁人心脾的芬芳。 Even if under this position, Ye Fan one turns one's thoughts toward a loved one dizzily, these rare Spirit Medicine were too precious, if he can take, cultivation base can certainly progress by leaps and bounds. 纵然是在这种境地下,叶凡都一阵神驰目眩,这些稀世灵『药』太珍贵了,他若是能够服用下去,修为一定可以突飞猛进。 Elder Han dark and cheerless smiling, said: Does not need to envy and be jealous, when the time comes will place same place medicinein cauldron to boil down you 『, they with you in.” 韩长老阴惨惨的笑着,道:“不用嫉妒与眼红,到时候会将你们放在同一座『药』鼎中熬炼,它们将与你同在。” You collected so many Spirit Medicine, wants to continue the life-force words to be enough, why must catch me.” “你采集了这么多灵『药』,想延续生机的话足够了,为什么还要将我抓来。” If only refines to return from the grave pill, truly already enough, since knows that you have taken holy fruit and Divine Spring in legend, my request naturally must enhance.” “如果只炼制还阳丹的话,确实已经够了,但是既然知道你服食过传说中的圣果神泉,我的要求自然要提高。” Helps the person make an advertisement: 帮人做个广告: Athletics novel, the book title is «Grass Bole» introduces as follows: 竞技小说,书名为《绿茵伯乐》简介如下: Life like dream! stone Tianlei a dream wakes up, the head coach who under the accident of sorts the football coach, and became by the soccer hooligan is famous the iron hammer that helps! Depends upon own excellent talent, heart that the flexible mind, the unyielding fighting spirit and progress young, in the process that in goes on an expedition with the opponent constantly studies and unceasingly progresses, becomes one generation of well-known coaches finally! 人生如梦!石天磊一梦醒来,机缘巧合下成了足球教练,并成为以足球流氓著称的铁锤帮的主教练!依靠自己的过人天赋,灵活头脑,不屈斗志和一颗年轻上进的心,在与对手征战的过程中不断学习、不断进步,终成一代名帅!
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