STH :: Volume #1

#91: It's a small world

Chapter 91 it's a small world 第91章人生何处不相逢 Ye Fan runs fast, goes over hill and dale, vigorous such as spirit ape, like the cheetah, the mountainous region backs up rapidly fast. But, he is actually not able to throw off the following person truly thoroughly, several person's shadows still in tight is following, conceivable these person of cultivation base are not weak, perhaps is in Sea of Bitterness late stage cultivator. 叶凡飞快奔跑,翻山越岭,矫健如灵猿,迅疾如猎豹,山地飞快倒退。可是,他却无法真正彻底甩掉后面的人,几道人影依然在紧紧的跟随着,可以想象那些人修为不弱,恐怕已经是苦海后期修士 Suddenly, the Ye Fan facial expression concentrates, the front is a Grand Canyon, presented two person's shadows to block the way, not only behind had the pursuing troops, but also two outflanked ahead of time. 突然,叶凡神情一凝,前方是一条大峡谷,出现两道人影挡住了去路,不仅仅后面有追兵,还有两人提前包抄了上来。 At this moment, in wants to turn around to retreat without enough time, has stopped to say immediately: Two, we were still chatting some time ago together, how to stop my way now?” 此刻,在想掉头退走已经来不及,当下停下来道:“二位,不久前我们还在一起聊天,怎么现在阻拦住了我的去路?” Front, what stops up in the canyon exit is a man and a woman, the age all in the 25 or 26-year-old appearance. That female corners of the mouth hang one to sneer, said: You in Purple Yang Sanctuary, why escaped well, handled the shameful matter?” 前方,堵在峡谷出口处的是一男一女,年龄皆在二十五六岁的样子。那名女子嘴角挂着一丝冷笑,道:“你在紫阳洞天好好的,为什么逃了出来,难道做了见不得人的事情?” Obstructs day 91 遮天91 That man forwarded several strides, compelling is regarding Ye Fan, said: Should not steal anything, otherwise why fleeing hurriedly, is really begs thief nature not to change, to our Purple Yang Sanctuary sticky.” 那名男子向前走了几大步,『逼』视着叶凡,道:“该不会是偷盗了什么东西吧,不然为何急匆匆的奔逃,果然是乞儿贼『性』不改,到了我们紫阳洞天都手脚不干净。” I think that ’ perhaps on you thatsource, steals from our Purple Yang Sanctuary ill-gotten, how otherwise to have such precious thing depending on your young beggar.” That female compelling nearly comes forward. “我想你身上的那块‘源’也来路不正吧,说不定就是从我们紫阳洞天盗取的,不然凭你一个小乞丐怎么可能会拥有这么贵重的东西。”那名女子向前『逼』近而来。 But in this process, Ye Fan also in moves unceasingly forward, seems very natural, did not have the strategic place in the past the appearance, his body color tranquil, but in the heart is actually sneering, these two want to rob his source obviously, must display the fabricated charge to him. 而在这个过程中,叶凡也在不断向前移动,显得很自然,并没有要冲过去样子,他身『色』平静,但心中却在冷笑,这两人明明想抢夺他的源,偏偏还要给他罗列出莫须有的罪名。 How you can dirty me like this, this source obviously is my handed down in the family treasure, cannot throw filthy water during me like this......” speeches, Ye Fan had arrived at two people near. “你们怎么能这样埋汰我,这块‘源’明明是我家传之宝,不能这样向我身上泼脏水……”说话间,叶凡已经来到了两人的近前。 But at this moment, after the rear person sees both sides to be close, shouted: Be careful!” 而就在这时,后方的人看到双方接近后,大喊:“小心!” But is too late, Ye Fan decisive take action, prances, his movement as rapid as the extreme, both hands finds out as quick as a flash, hits two people heads layer on layer/heavily in the same place, two people fainted directly. 但为时已晚,叶凡果断出手,腾跃而起,他的动作迅疾到极点,双手快如闪电般探出,将两人的头颅重重撞在一起,二人直接昏死了过去。 Regardless of how these two cultivator cannot think, a 11 or 12-year-old young beggar, will have such fearful skill, simply has not guarded, in an instant fell down, dusk fan did not awake. 这两名修士无论如何也想不到,一个十一二岁的小乞丐,会有这样可怕的身手,根本没有防备,转眼间就倒在了地上,昏『迷』不醒。 Ye Fan has not used Gold Book, is mainly because the front two prevent, he has not grasped kills two people instantaneously. And, he wants to create the misconception to the following person, was mistaken that he killed the first person by this method, but does not understand the law of cultivation. 叶凡没有使用金书,主要是因为前方有两人阻挡,他没有把握瞬间袭杀二人。且,他想给后面的人造成错觉,误以为他是靠这种手段杀了第一个人,而并不懂得修炼之法。 In this moment, Ye Fan draws out a small sickle from that female, striking an attitude to chop to cut two people, transmitted immediately berated the sound. 在这一刻,叶凡从那名女子身上拔出一把小弯刀,作势要将两人劈斩,身后顿时传来了喝斥声。 Ye Fan has not divided to fall, corners of the mouth show(s) sneers saying: Hope can mislead you.” He feigns to do flustered , to continue to flee to go forward. 叶凡没有劈落下去,嘴角『露』出一丝冷笑道:“希望可以误导你们。”他佯作慌慌张张,继续向前奔逃而去。 Really, the direction transmits hates the sound, has humanity: This young animal is very deceitfully tricky 『』, and physique is tyrannical, Yang Senior Brother was definitely cut to kill by him like this in stone forest.” 果然,身后的方向传来恨声,有人道:“这个小崽子很刁『奸』,且体质强横,杨师兄肯定就是被他这样斩杀在石林中的。” Luckily we with tight, king Senior Brother also encountered the mishap with Junior Sister otherwise.” “幸亏我们跟的紧,不然的话王师兄与张师妹也遭遇不测了。” ...... …… Ye Fan talked to oneself: You cannot catch up, if really does not die the continuous entanglement, when the time comes gives you to be pleasantly surprised.” 叶凡自语道:“你们追不上也就罢了,如果真的不死不休的纠缠,到时候给你们惊喜。” He does not have the sufficient strength, if premature violent reveal trump card, if were encircled by several people, the consequence is dreadful, now succeeds to mislead several people, he was equal to a charm amulet. 他没有足够的实力,如果过早暴『露』底牌,万一被几人围上来,后果不堪设想,现在成功误导几人,他便等于多了一道护身符。 Also rush through more than ten li (0.5 km), three Dao Body shades outflanked forward finally, center that female sneers saying: After all is not Purple Yang Sanctuary disciple, quick that although runs, but actually circled many long routes, was intercepted by us.” 又向前奔行了十几里,三道身影终于包抄了上来,正中那个女子冷笑道:“毕竟不是紫阳洞天弟子,虽然跑的很快,但却绕了不少冤枉路,到底还是被我们截住了。” Another two male disciple complexion are cloudy, one of them voice dense/woods are cold, said: Pitiful Yang Senior Brother was killed by a young beggar unexpectedly, this young animal deceitful idea, hateful!” 另外两名男弟子脸『色』阴沉无比,其中一人声音森寒,道:“可怜杨师兄竟被一个小乞丐杀死了,中了这个小崽子的『奸』计,可恨啊!” „If not we rushes promptly, perhaps king Senior Brother also encountered the mishap with Junior Sister, unexpectedly was sneak attacked successfully by this young beggar.” Another male disciple is also expression ice-cold. “如果不是我们及时赶到,恐怕王师兄与张师妹也遭遇了不测,居然被这个小乞丐偷袭成功。”另一名男弟子也是神『色』冰冷。 Ye Fan feigns the fear, show(s) 11 or 12-year-old youngster proper expression, the stutter, said: Several...... this cannot blame me, is they want to kill me...... to win my source, I could not compel oneself...... to be unprepared while them, knocked down...... them.” 叶凡佯装害怕,『露』出一个十一二岁的少年应有的神『色』,结结巴巴,道:“几位……这不能怪我,是他们想杀我……要夺走我的‘源’,我迫不得己……趁他们不备,打晕了……他们。” Obstructs day 91 遮天91 Middle that female expression ice-cold, cold sound said: Yang Senior Brother was killed by you......” 当中那名女子神『色』冰冷,寒声道:“杨师兄被你杀了……” I...... think that knocked down him, never expected that he has not fainted, falls down held my leg, I...... the fear, draws out the blade, not careful...... divided on his neck.” Ye Fan show(s) child proper fear color. “我……以为将他打晕了,没有想到他没有昏过去,倒在地上后抓住了我的腿,我……害怕,拔出刀,不小心……劈在了他的脖子上。”叶凡『露』出孩子应有的恐惧之『色』。 Isn't careful?!” That female complexion is gloomy, the beautiful appearance covers entirely the cold frost, cold sound said: Did not kill Yang Senior Brother carefully, this is the joke, satirized?” “不小心?!”那名女子脸『色』阴森,姣好的容颜布满寒霜,冷声道:“不小心害死了杨师兄,这是笑话,还是讽刺?” Had nothing saying that source will take, killed him, revenged for Yang Senior Brother!” “没什么可多说的,将‘源’取走,杀了他,为杨师兄报仇!” Killed him directly too cheaply......” “直接杀他太便宜了……” In that two male disciple eyes is glittering the cold light, show(s) dense murderous intention. 那两名男弟子眼中全都闪烁着寒光,『露』出森然杀机 At this moment, Ye Fan moves the footsteps unceasingly, seems like trembling with fear, actually for is the adjustment direction, with that two male disciple 3.1, stands in the same straight line. 就在这时,叶凡不断挪动脚步,看似战战兢兢,实则是为了是调整方向,与那两名男弟子“三点一线”,站在同一条直线上。 "chī" “哧” In this moment, the blazing golden light departs from Ye Fan's within the body together, probably the golden lightning, lets Sun low-spirited pales of space together, Gold Book is dazzling, suddenly across the sky. 就在这一刻,一道炽烈的金光从叶凡的体内飞出,像是一道金『色』的闪电,让天上的太阳都黯然失『色』,金书璀璨夺目,眨眼横空而过。 "puff" and "puff" “噗”“噗” Two light sounds transmit, two men die with injustice unredressed, cut in two at the waist, the blood to/clashes to be very high, their on half body falls down, the blood unceasingly spout, the lower half body refuses to compromise for one second to pour in the pool of blood. 两声轻响传来,两名男子死不瞑目,先后被腰斩,鲜血冲起很高,他们的上半截躯体摔倒在地,鲜血不断喷涌,下半截躯体僵持一秒钟才倒在血泊中。 You......” that female is shocked, but responded amazingly quick, a took out purple god net, covered to go toward Ye Fan instantly. “你……”那名女子震惊,但反应神速,刹那祭出一张紫『色』的神网,向着叶凡笼罩而去。 Clang clang “锵锵” Gold Book such as round of golden Sun, has the golden roaring flame in flaming to burn probably, charges into that purple big net, both make the intermittent sonorous sound. 金书如一轮金『色』太阳,像是有金『色』的烈焰在熊熊燃烧,冲向那张紫『色』的大网,两者发出阵阵铿锵之音。 A god net cuns (2.5 cm) break of purple, crashes in the place, Gold Book to/clashes, a "shuà" spin cuts, but , a "puff" light sound, the head of that female tumbled. 紫『色』的神网寸寸断裂,坠落在地,金书一冲而过,“刷”的一声旋斩而至,“噗”的一声轻响,那名女子的头颅滚落了下来。 Ye Fan scratched cold sweat, if did not hide trump card, successfully misleads several people, was he pours in the pool of blood mostly. 叶凡擦了一把冷汗,如果不是隐藏了底牌,将几人成功误导,多半就是他倒在血泊中了。 „To kill me to seize source, your slain to make me produce guilty.” Processed in this place simply, Ye Fan such as flew to go, the moment does not dare to delay. “想杀我而夺‘源’,你们的死难以让我产生愧疚。”在此地简单的处理了一番,叶凡如飞而去,片刻也不敢耽搁。 Just the rush out more than hundred meters, latter the convenience transmitted drank the shout, several people, have pursued unexpectedly at this time quickly. Ye Fan then looked at one in a hurry, expression immediately one stiffly, because he saw Li Xiaoman! 刚刚冲出去百余米,后方便传来了喝喊声,竟然还有几人,此时已经快追上来了。叶凡匆匆回头望了一眼,神『色』顿时一僵,因为他看到了李小曼 What feeling he could not say is, past after all had had a friendship, although had finished, became as transient as fleeting clouds, but such scene was not as he expected. 他说不出是一种什么样的感觉,昔日毕竟有过一段情分,虽然早已结束,成为过眼云烟,但这样的场面还是出乎他的意料。 Can indifferent relative, can the shape with the stranger, but is actually such a scene...... 可以冷漠相对,可以形同陌路,但却是这样一番情景…… Actually must chase down me, follows to prevent her Senior Brother Senior Sister...... I to hope that is the latter.” Ye Fan talked to oneself, although that sentiment has put down, is impossible to make him produce the ripples again, but if is really the former, that was too rather bloody. “究竟是要追杀我,还是跟随下来阻止她的师兄师姐……我希望是后者。”叶凡自语,尽管那段感情早已放下,不可能再让他产生涟漪,但如果真是前者,那未免太血淋淋了。 Ye Fan runs in mountain ridge, going easily and freely, the speed is extremely fast, suddenly the rear area transmits intermittent bell cry, reverberates in the hills. 叶凡山岭间奔跑,如履平地,速度极快,突然后方传来阵阵钟鸣,在群山间回响。 Obstructs day 91 遮天91 „When this is Purple Yang Sanctuary sends out......” Ye Fan that then watches, discovered that several shadow marks after hearing the ding all stopped, then fast to returning runs. “这是紫阳洞天发出的……”叶凡回头观看时,发现几条影迹在听到钟声后全都停了下来,而后快速向回奔跑。 Sound passes on dozens li (0.5 km) ding...... they to hear that bell cry draws back, don't tell me is Purple Yang Sanctuary convening all disciple to return to the entrance?” Quick that the Ye Fan thoughts transfer, thinks instantly a possibility, Purple Yang Sanctuary presented certainly not the common matter, was most likely them to know the Jiang Family Knight status. “声传数十里的钟声……他们闻钟鸣而退,难道说紫阳洞天在召集所有弟子回返山门?”叶凡心思转的很快,刹那想到了一种可能,紫阳洞天一定出现了不一般的事情,最有可能是他们知晓了姜家骑士的身份。 „It is not good!” If he flies to escape. “不好!”他如飞远遁。 When passing by rivers, he source took that investment river bottom. 在路过一条河流时,他将那块“源”取了出来,投入河底。 Purple Yang Sanctuary second expert can induce to source the aura, other Powerhouse can also certainly perceive, cannot bring on the body, later takes.” Ye Fan feared that Purple Yang Sanctuary expert also chases down , helping one another Jiang Family's Knight, such words trouble was big. 紫阳洞天的第二高手可以感应到‘源’的气息,其他强者也一定可以觉察,不能带在身上了,以后再来取。”叶凡紫阳洞天高手也追杀下来,相助姜家的骑士,那样的话麻烦就大了。 Cannot escape to the mountain, wants the negative thinking, is not as they expected good.” Ye Fan fast to returning runs, then before arriving at a Grand Falls, flushed, pastes on stone wall, no matter what the water current attacks his body unceasingly. “不能向山外逃了,要逆向思维,出乎他们的意料才行。”叶凡快速向回奔跑,而后来到一条大瀑布前,冲了进去,贴在石壁上,任水流不断冲击他的身体。 Although his present cultivation base is not very profound, but can also long time stop air, really when cannot insist can poke head to inhale fresh air. 他如今的修为虽然不是很高深,但也可以长时间闭气,实在坚持不住时可以探出头去吸一口新鲜空气。 Then, Ye Fan hides is entire three days, in this period some people had flown from here, but has not actually paid attention to below waterfall. Afterward, Ye Fan changed several places to hide, hid half a month in this remote mountain, had not been detected. 就这样,叶凡一躲就是整整三天,期间有人曾经从这里飞过,但却没有注意下方的瀑布。随后,叶凡又换了几个地点藏身,在这片深山中足足躲了半个月,并没有被人发觉。 That night, Ye Fan leaves mountain range that Purple Yang Sanctuary is at quietly, went out of the mountainous region. 这一夜,叶凡悄悄离开紫阳洞天所在的山脉,走出了山地。 Several days later, he appears outside the thousand li (500 km), thoroughly was far away from there. 数天后,他出现在千里之外,彻底远离了那里。 Recalled that in the experience of Purple Yang Sanctuary, Ye Fan impression most profound is Li Xiaoman faint expression, urging him should not be impractical, accepted the reality, was an ordinary mortal, gives the feeling of keeping aloof. 回想起在紫阳洞天的经历,叶凡印象最深刻的便是李小曼淡漠的神『色』,劝他不要不切实际,接受现实,做一个普通的凡人,给人以高高在上的感觉。 Should get rid of Jiang Family's Knight, I must find a place to practice as soon as possible safely.” “应该摆脱姜家的骑士了吧,我要尽快找个地方安心修行。” However what makes Ye Fan not think, merely three days later, he in ancient city looked up to the sky discovered Jiang Family's Knight. 然而让叶凡万万没有想到的是,仅仅三天后,他在一座古城中仰望天空时又发现了姜家的骑士 Really is haunted by the ghost, the issue unexpectedly is not in that source on.” Ye Fan pulled out thing completely, white jade is Mr. Wu Qingfeng his, should not have the issue, lacked an corner/horn and like the rotten stone broken jade together, is unscrupulous Daoist Priest Duan De gives him, should not have the issue. “真是阴魂不散,问题竟不是出在那块‘源’上。”叶凡将身上的东西全部掏了出来,一块白玉佩是吴清风老人给他的,应该没有问题,还有一块缺了一角、如同烂石头般的破玉,是无良道士段德给他的,应该也没有问题。 Afterward, he pulls out walnut big Bodhi Seed, talked to oneself: Because of it?” 随后,他又掏出一颗核桃大的菩提子,自语道:“难道是因为它?” If this Bodhi Seed discards, was really a pity, because of it may helping other comprehending dao. Ye Fan has not treated as Spiritual Treasure him, always treated as the seed of Divine Tree him, now ponders, he detected the issue is possible here. 这枚菩提子若是丢掉,实在太可惜了,因为它可助人悟道叶凡从来没有将他当作灵宝,始终把他当作了神树的种子,现在细想来,他发觉问题可能出在这里。 „The heavy treasure that perhaps Jiang Yichen induces is this Bodhi Seed......” “也许姜逸晨感应到的重宝就是这枚菩提子……” Shortly, Ye Fan is on a restaurant, ordered some meals to prepare to eat food. 不久后,叶凡登上一座酒楼,点了一些饭菜准备进食。 Really is it's a small world......” suddenly, an old sound resounds in the Ye Fan's ear bank, the old person who skin and bones and white hair obstruct the surface, such as the spirit arrived at his near generally. “真是人生何处不相逢……”突然,一个苍老的声音在叶凡的耳畔响起,一个瘦骨嶙峋、白发遮面的老人,如幽灵一般来到了他的近前。 Elder Han!” Ye Fan startled almost throws off the table, is really the tile leaks the slant continually night rain, bumped into him in this moment unexpectedly. 韩长老!”叶凡惊的差点将桌子掀翻,真是瓦漏偏锋连夜雨,在这种关头居然碰上了他。 It seems like we are predestined friends very much, I am looking for you.” Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Elder Han sat in the opposite of table. “看来我们很有缘,我正在找你。”灵墟洞天韩长老在桌子的对面坐了下来。 What matter does Elder Han ask me to have?” 韩长老找我有何事?” Elder Han such as the withered firewood, the flesh is withered, merely one old skin is wrapping the bone, is adding on the white hair to obstruct the surface, looks very scary, his dark and cheerless say/way: I prepared endless Spirit Medicine for you, actually could not find you continuously, does not want a reunion in this.” 韩长老如干枯的木柴,血肉干瘪,仅仅一层老皮包着骨头,在加上白发遮面,看起来很吓人,他阴惨惨的道:“我为你准备了无尽的灵『药』,却一直找不到你,不想在此重逢了。” Prepared many Spirit Medicine for me?” “为我准备了很多灵『药』?” You are lord medicine, other Spirit Medicine succeed one another.” Elder Han not anxiously not slow saying. “你是主『药』,其他灵『药』相辅。”韩长老不急不缓的说道。 motherfucker, your old man!” Ye Fan pounded on the table directly, bore patiently by the present is also useless. 妈的,你个老梆子!”叶凡直接拍了桌子,到了现在隐忍也没有用。
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