STH :: Volume #1

#90: Going far away that does not return to

Chapter 90 第90章 Going far away that does not return to 头也不回的远去 Here is tranquil places, disciple that usually has almost not led a pious life comes this, in the green bamboo forests is embellishing some small log cabins, lives to the janitor. 这里是一片宁静之地,平日几乎没有修行的弟子来此,翠竹林间点缀着一些小木屋,都是给杂役居住的。 The cool breeze sways, the trim bamboo grove drags gently, the emerald green bamboo leaves make rustle the sound, the fresh air front surface blows. 清风拂动,整片竹林轻轻摇曳,翠绿的竹叶发出沙沙的声响,清新的空气迎面吹来。 Li Xiaoman White Clothed flutters with the wind gently, whole person seemingly elegant transcend worldly affairs, beautiful hair pitch-black and thick, the flesh like the jade, the double pupil like the water, stares at Ye Fan, said: You is a mortal, source in your hands does not have any use.” 李小曼一身白衣随风轻轻飘动,整个人看起来飘逸出尘,秀发乌黑而又浓密,肌肤如玉,双眸如水,凝视叶凡,道:“你是一个凡人,‘源’在你手中没有任何用处。” I, although is only a mortal, but also knows that this type of thing value, you are immortal cultivator, so regards as important it, how saying that this thing is useless in me.” Ye Fan source hefted hefting in the hand that said with a smile lightly: In it contains massive life Essence Qi, I want regarding a mortal, prolonging the life am not the issue.” “我虽然只是一个凡人,但也知道这种东西的价值,你们是修仙者,都如此看重它,怎么会说此物于我无用呢。”叶凡将那块“源”在手中掂了掂,轻笑道:“它里面蕴含大量的生命精气,我想对于一个凡人来说,延年益寿不是问题吧。” Obstructs day 90 遮天90 You...... a mortal prolongs life with the source, is really the waste!” Nearby several young male and female all show(s) not cheerful color. “你……一个凡人用源来延寿,真是浪费!”旁边的几个年轻男女全都『露』出不愉之『色』。 You , to increase life essence, making the body strong, actually had many means that can definitely sourceexchange some all various grassy plants fluid to take with this ‚.” “你如果想增加寿元,令身体强健,其实有很多办法,完全可以用这块‘源’交换一些百草『液』服用。” Good, if you are willing sourceto give away this ‚, we naturally can make you satisfy.” “不错,你若肯将这块‘源’让出,我们自然会让你满意。” That several young men and women said like this, this source 『』 being puzzled to their tempting was too big, wants to exchange urgently. 那几名年轻的男女都这样说道,这块“源”对他们的诱『惑』太大了,都迫切想要交换过来。 Sorry, I do not want to exchange, these that you said that I am not interested.” Regardless of Ye Fan is how impossible source to exchange, rejects directly with stern words. “对不起,我不想交换,你们说的那些,我不感兴趣。”叶凡无论如何也不可能将“源”交换出去,直接严词拒绝。 That several young men and women all changed face color, to them, source the significance is great, grasps in a mortal hand, waits, if the pearl flees the capital, is really a waste, they want to appropriate to oneself. 那几名年轻男女全都变了颜『色』,对于他们来说,“源”的意义重大无比,掌握在一个凡人手中,等若明珠蒙尘,实在是一种浪费,他们都想据为己有。 Li Xiaoman static standing there, White Clothed is floating, beautiful hair Qingwu, said with the wind: You do not know that a mortal has source to mean anything, that is not a wealth, it will only bring the disaster for you, you merely are an average person, is unable to preserve it.” 李小曼静静的站在那里,白衣飘飘,秀发随风轻舞,道:“你不知道一个凡人拥有‘源’意味着什么,那并不是财富,它只会为你带来灾难,你仅仅是一个普通人,根本无法保住它。” „Do you also want to rob inadequately?” Ye Fan source put away, will look to the front several people. “难道你们还要抢夺不成?”叶凡将“源”收起,望向前方几人。 Abatement Li Xiaoman expression indifferent outside, several other people of complexion are all bad, flickers is staring at Ye Fan. 除却李小曼神『色』淡然外,其他几人全都面『色』不善,一瞬不瞬的盯着叶凡 Purple Yang Sanctuary second expert had not oppressed others by the potential a moment ago, does everyone also want to seize inadequately?” “刚才紫阳洞天的第二高手都没有以势压人,难道各位还想强抢不成?” The Li Xi­aoman's words mighty waves, had not said slightly: You have together source are not the secret, after the news disclosed that even if for a while may guarantee well, but the future safety will be very difficult to say.” 李小曼的话语没有丝毫波澜,道:“你有一块‘源’已经不是什么秘密,消息走漏出去后,纵然一时可保无恙,但今后的安危就很难说了。” You meant, I can only choose the exchange?” “你的意思是说,我只能选择交换?” Li Xiaoman nods, said: It with the immortal cultivator exchange, latter you will enjoy from now on life-long infinitely, does not need to rush about again, can be a wealthy man safely, the high position and great wealth life.” 李小曼点了点头,道:“将它与修仙者交换,自此后你将终生受用无穷,再也不必奔波,可以安心做一个富家翁,荣华富贵一生。” Your strengths are not how profound, this source embodiment contains life Essence Qi that perhaps is not you can refining.” “你们的实力不是多么高深,这块‘源’内蕴含的的生命精气恐怕不是你们所能够炼化的。” Saw the Ye Fan's rumor as if to become less crowded, nearby several people spoke. 叶凡的口风似乎松动了,旁边的几人纷纷出言。 I and others, although cannot direct refining, but can actually give in the Teacher.” “我等虽然不能直接炼化,但却可以交给门中师长。” A moment ago that senior can accomplish all the good fortune, was my Purple Yang Sanctuary second expert, once helped Li Junior Sister restore the youth, if today Li Junior Sister can sourcedeliver to this ‚, definitely will be recognized, I and others may also be close to that senior, listened respectfully to the instruction.” “刚才那位前辈功参造化,乃是我紫阳洞天第二高手,曾经帮助李师妹恢复青春,今天李师妹若是能够将这块‘源’呈送上去,必然会更受赏识,我等亦可接近那位前辈,聆听教诲。” Ye Fan smiles, anything had not said, looks to Li Xiaoman. 叶凡笑了笑,什么也没有说,望向李小曼 Good, I truly want sourceto give that senior this ‚.” Li Xiaoman expression is tranquil, gathered together to keep off beautiful hair before volume gently, static looks at Ye Fan, said: I will not have a deficit your anything, will make you feel satisfied.” “不错,我确实想将这块‘源’送给那位前辈。”李小曼神『色』恬静,轻轻地拢了拢挡在额前的秀发,静静的看着叶凡,道:“我不会亏欠你什么,会让你觉得满意的。” Obstructs day 90 遮天90 Ye Fan shakes the head, light smiling, said: One such as past you......” 叶凡摇了摇头,平淡的笑了笑,道:“一如过去的你……” Li Xiaoman has not refuted, forwards several steps, stares at Ye Fan, said: I know that you are very self-confident, is able, is not glad to be a mortal, but the fact is so, your physique is unable to practice, can only be an average person. I hope that you can be a mortal safely, do not want is too many, is more sober, puts down these impractical fantasies. Source really does not have the use to you. Accepts the reality, being an average person might as well be a happiness.” 李小曼并没有反驳,向前走了几步,凝视叶凡,道:“我知道你很自信,也有能力,不甘于做一个凡人,但事实就是如此,你的体质无法修行,只能做一个普通人。我希望你能够安心的做一个凡人,不要想太多,清醒一些,放下那些不切实际的幻想。‘源’对你真的没有用处。接受现实,做一个普通人未尝不是一种幸福。” It seems like, we each other are not really understood.” Ye Fan has not said anything again. “看来,我们彼此并不是真的了解。”叶凡没有再多说什么。 Person always exerts to struggle...... Li Xiaoman slightly upwardly, said: Immortals and every two world.” “人总是向上奋争……”李小曼微微一顿,道:“仙与凡是两个世界。” Immortals and every two world?” Ye Fan smiles, the careless opens the mouth, said: clear that future matter who can say perhaps, I will also appear on your paths, when the time comes leaves is surpassed by my average person carefully.” “仙与凡是两个世界?”叶凡笑了笑,漫不经心的开口,道:“将来的事情谁能说的清,说不定我也会出现在你们的道路上,到时候别不小心被我这个普通人超过。” Side, Purple Yang Sanctuary several young disciple all show(s) surprise look, they thought that the dialogue somewhat special flavor of these two, is not simple like the neighbor, particularly Ye Fan does not seem like a 11 or 12-year-old child. 旁边,紫阳洞天的几名年轻弟子『露』出异『色』,他们觉得这两人的对话有些特别的味道,并不像邻居那么简单,尤其是叶凡根本不像是一个十一二岁的孩子。 In any event, I sourcewill not give away this ‚, please return.” Ye Fan puts out a hand the hand signal that makes to invite, sees a visitor out directly. “无论如何,我都不会将这块‘源’让出,你们请回吧。”叶凡伸手做出请的手势,直接送客。 You......” “你……” Purple Yang Sanctuary several disciple complexion are not very attractive, before Li Xiaoman turns around to depart, looked at Ye Fan, said: Earlier accepts the reality, is an average person.” 紫阳洞天的几名弟子脸『色』都不是很好看,李小曼转身离去前看了看叶凡,道:“早点接受现实,做一个普通人吧。” Suddenly, outside Purple Yang Sanctuary big chaotic, transmits berates the sound intermittently, later had the scarlet rosy cloud to cut the expansive sky, the distant place has cultivator great war. 突然,紫阳洞天外一阵大『乱』,传来阵阵喝斥声,随后有赤霞划破长空,远处有修士大战了起来。 Walks, has a look!” In the green bamboo forest several young disciple flushed fast. “走,去看看!”翠竹林中几名年轻弟子快速冲了出去。 In the Ye Fan heart jumps immediately, some people are rushing to the entrance, he thinks instantaneously Jiang Family's Knight, he decided hides looks in the crowd, good to prepare early. 叶凡心中顿时一跳,有人在闯山门,他瞬间就想到了姜家的骑士,他决定躲在人群中去看一看,好早做准备。 At this moment, Purple Yang Sanctuary show chaotic, many cultivator flush away toward the entrance, when Ye Fan rushes to here the discovery the have several person severe wound, had been lifted. 此刻,紫阳洞天一阵『骚』『乱』,不少修士向着山门冲去,当叶凡赶到这里时发现已经有数人重伤,被人抬了回来。 What person is so bold, dares to submerge my Purple Yang Sanctuary, was detected, also hits take action greatly?” “什么人这么大胆,敢潜入我紫阳洞天,被发觉后还大打出手?” Is powerful Knight, rides to sit on fearful Mutant Beast, the successive defeats our Purple Yang Sanctuary five expert, almost break through to go, now was blocked by our Martial Uncle ancestors.” “是一个强大的骑士,骑坐在一头可怕的异兽上,连败我们紫阳洞天五位高手,差一点就突围而去,现在被我们的师叔祖拦住了。” Listens to people's discussion, Ye Fan almost to determine, Jiang Family's Knight sought here. 听着众人的议论,叶凡几乎可以确定,姜家的骑士寻到了这里。 Really is haunted by the ghost!” This makes him frown. “真是阴魂不散!”这让他皱起了眉头。 At this moment, the front hears cheers, some people shout: „The Martial Uncle ancestor is really powerful, captured that fearful Knight.” 就在这时,前方传来一阵欢呼声,有人喊道:“师叔祖果然强大,将那个可怕的骑士擒拿住了。” A 36 or 37-year-old Middle-Aged person takes a step in Void, walked in an unhurried manner, precisely Purple Yang Sanctuary second expert, Ye Fan had seen him some time ago, at this moment he a barbarian beast also dusk fan Knight raised, numerous throwing on the ground, said: First detains into stone prison/firm him.” 一个三十六七岁的中年人在虚空中迈步,从容不迫的走了回来,正是紫阳洞天的第二高手,不久前叶凡曾经见到过他,此刻他将一头蛮兽还有一名昏『迷』的骑士提了回来,重重的扔在地上,道:“先将他押入石牢。” Was the time left, Purple Yang Sanctuary helped my busy, best close several days...... Ye Fan to be able this hot sweet potato to imagine, after the Purple Yang Sanctuary person knew Knight status, certainly will regret constantly. “是时候离开了,紫阳洞天帮了我一个大忙,最好将这个烫手的山芋多关几天……”叶凡能够想象,当紫阳洞天的人得知骑士的身份后,一定会后悔不迭。 Ye Fan goes out of the Purple Yang Sanctuary entrance, fast rush through gets up, flushes away toward the hills outside. But at this moment, several people noticed his departure, each other looked at one mutually, simultaneously pursued. 叶凡走出紫阳洞天的山门,快速奔行起来,向着群山外冲去。可是就在这时,有几人注意到了他的离去,彼此相互看了一眼,同时追了下去。 If can avoid this disaster, I must look for a peaceful place cultivation well!” Ye Fan encounters sequences of events, earnestly hopes to grow stronger, he longs for the strength beyond comparison. “如果能够躲避过这次劫难,我要找一个安静的地方好好的修炼!”叶凡遭遇一系列事件,迫切希望变强,他渴望无以伦比的力量。 Obstructs day 90 遮天90 When rush through goes out dozens li (0.5 km), Ye Fan feeling some gradually are not right, some behind people follow he, the speed is not slower than him, soon must pursue. In his heart one cold, crashes in one piece instantly chaotically in stone forest, hides after a giant stone, sizes up backward. 奔行出去数十里,叶凡渐渐的感觉有些不对劲,后面有人跟着他,速度一点也不比他慢,即将要追上来了。他心中一凛,刹那冲进一片『乱』石林中,躲在一块巨石后,向后打量。 Is he......” “是他……” Comes the person age to have 26 or 27-year-old, one of the precisely Li Xi­aoman's Senior Brother, some time ago was still keeping thinking about his source, its speed is quick, suddenly entered stone forest. 来人年龄能有二十六七岁,正是李小曼的师兄之一,不久前还在惦记他的‘源’,其速度很快,眨眼间进入了石林 I saw you, came out. Source will stay behind, I give you a road.” “我看到你了,出来吧。将‘源’留下,我给你一条路。” Really wants to rob my source......” Ye Fan to hide after the giant stone has not acted rashly, the strength of this person is not weak, otherwise is impossible to pursue on him. “果然想抢夺我的‘源’……”叶凡躲在巨石后没有妄动,这个人的实力不弱,不然的话不可能追的上他。 Even if he obtains source, will not definitely let off me, such being the case, not , if preemptive!” Ye Fan made the decision. “即便他得到‘源’,肯定也不会放过我,既然如此,不若先发制人!”叶凡做出了决定。 Does not come out, after I discovered, do not blame me not to give you way out.” This person is very discrete, he thought that the Ye Fan's speed was too fast, almost gets rid of him, is not normal as mortal obvious some. “再不出来,被我发现后,别怪我不给你生路。”这个人很谨慎,他觉得叶凡的速度太快了,差点将他摆脱,作为一个凡人这明显有些不正常。 When this person changes to the giant stone , the golden light to/clashes together suddenly, cuts Void instantly, a "shuà" spin cuts. 当这个人转到巨石附近时,一道金光突然冲起,刹那划破虚空,“刷”的一声旋斩而过。 "puff" “噗” The blood light spatters in all directions, a head tumbles , the blood splash that the headless corpse to/clashes is more than two meters fully high, then pū tōng throws down on the ground. 血光迸溅,一颗头颅滚落而下,无头尸体冲起的血花足有两米多高,而后“噗通”一声摔倒在地上。 Ye Fan takes back Gold Book, at this moment his expression changes, the rear area presented several person's shadows, is close fast. He shot a look at one in a hurry, if then flies to go, he does not know that in the middle of that several people have Li Xiaoman, in the mountainous regions the plant is prosperous, is hard to see clearly. 叶凡金书收回,就在这时他神『色』一变,后方又出现了几道人影,正在飞快接近。他匆匆瞥了一眼,而后如飞而去,他不知道那几人当中有没有李小曼,山地间植物繁盛,难以看清。 Hopes that you not in going far away that behind......” Ye Fan does not return. “希望你没有在后面……”叶凡头也不回的远去。
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