STH :: Volume #1

#89: Purple Yang Sanctuary

Chapter 89 Purple Yang Sanctuary 第89章紫阳洞天 Purple Yang Sanctuary......” hence he understands finally, met by chance with Li Xiaoman and the others is not accidental, their Sect in nearby. 紫阳洞天……”至此他终于明白,与李小曼等人相逢并不是偶然,他们的门派就在附近。 Ye Fan turns around to walk, he does not want the relations with Sect that Li Xiaoman is, today meets by chance, Li Xiaoman is calm, that tranquility nearly indifferent, although disburses money to give him, but actually gives to keep aloof and seem like in the feeling of bestowment. 叶凡转身就想走,他不想与李小曼所在的门派扯上关系,今日相逢,李小曼波澜不惊,那种平静近乎冷漠,虽然出钱给他,但却给人以高高在上、像是在施舍的感觉。 Makes me be an average person well, do not take the branch road, difficult Dao Self really so unable to withstand smiling of......” he self-ridicules, he is not moved , the hatred, serene, all had not challenged traceless. Ye Fan felt, if can meet by chance again, smiles, but has been able, not to need to worry about anything, sometimes brushed past to might as well be a better choice gently. “让我好好的做个普通人,不要走歧路,难道我真的如此不堪吗……”他自嘲的笑了笑,他并不伤感,也没有仇恨,云淡风轻而过,一切都将了无痕迹。叶凡觉得,若能再相逢,一笑而过便可,无需记挂什么,有时候轻轻擦肩而过未尝不是一种更好的选择。 Ye Fan has walked dozens meters, suddenly he halted, how he has been thinking gets rid of chasing down of Jiang Family Knight, at this moment suddenly thinks can relieve the crisis using Purple Yang Sanctuary? 叶凡已经走去数十米,突然他又站住了,他一直在思索如何摆脱姜家骑士的追杀,此刻忽然想到是不是可以利用紫阳洞天解除危局呢? Obstructs day 89 遮天89 Now, his strength is not very powerful, at all impossible to resist directly, at present can only think attentively, he talked to oneself: I am unable to get rid of them, certainly has the reason, is impossible to have such keen spiritual awareness in the powerful person, can trace the clue......” 如今,他的实力不够强大,根本不可能与人正面对抗,眼下只能用心思索,他自语道:“我始终无法摆脱他们,一定是有原因的,在强大的人也不可能有这样敏锐的灵觉,可以一直追查到线索……” Ye Fan felt, Purple Yang Sanctuary as one of the Yan Country six Sanctuary and Blessed Land, in its surrounding mountains land definitely inscribes Dao Runes, condenses has the mysterious strength, making here become side Heaven and Earth, if he penetrates, could cut off the contact with outside world. 叶凡觉得,紫阳洞天身为燕国六处洞天福地之一,其周围的山川大地上肯定刻有“道纹”,凝聚有神秘的力量,让这里自成一方天地,如果他深入进去,说不定可以切断与外界的联系。 Good, can draw support from this place!” Thinks carefully, Ye Fan has walked toward the mountain range deep place. “不错,可以借助此地!”仔细思索过一番,叶凡向着山脉深处走去。 Good rich spiritual energy, worthily is Sanctuary and Blessed Land.” “好浓郁的灵气,不愧为洞天福地。” This moment day color already dusk, but can still see that in the mountain ranges has Purple Qi to wind around, Purple Yang Sanctuary such as its general, surges in region purple fog, occasionally has the fierce Yang light to delimit to empty. 此刻天『色』已经擦黑,但依然可以见到山峦间有一道道紫气缭绕,紫阳洞天如其名一般,所在地域紫雾涌动,偶尔有烈阳之光划空而过。 Even if the exterior region, can feel uncommonly, peak azure valley emerald, clear spring gurgling, the vegetation is green, many vegetation seemed like spiritual wisdom generally, on the leaf blade a little selected the gloss to glitter. 纵然是外部地域,也可以感觉到不凡,峰青谷翠,清泉汩汩,植被葱郁,很多草木像是通灵了一般,叶片上有点点光泽闪烁。 Ye Fan arrives at the Purple Yang Sanctuary near, the careful observation, has a look whether to sneak to slip in directly, but actually the discovery very hard to bring about line, some entrance place not only people inspect, barbarian beast protection. 叶凡来到紫阳洞天近前,仔细观察,看看能否直接溜进去,不过却发现很难成行,山门处不仅有人巡视,还有蛮兽守护。 Two Mutant Beast whole body lumps, seemingly great alligator, but actually lives the pair of meat wing, such as two hills lie there generally, the face shape big blue eyes, open and close are correct the ray of light magnificent to appear intermittently. 两头异兽浑身疙疙瘩瘩,看似巨鳄,但却生有一对肉翼,如两座小山一般卧在那里,脸盘大的碧眼,开阖间有道道光华隐现。 Well, there knelt several youngster, what's all this about?” Ye Fan surprised detecting, goes down on hands and knees in the visit first several 16 or 17-year-old youngster. “咦,那里跪了几个少年,这是怎么回事?”叶凡惊讶的发觉,在上门前几个十六七岁的少年长跪不起。 cultivator of patrolling mountain passed by there, said: You walk, aptitude is ordinary, even if diligently is not again good.” 一个巡山的修士路过那里,道:“你们还是走吧,资质过于平凡,纵然是再努力也不行。” Immortal master, gives us again an opportunity.” “仙师,再给我们一次机会吧。” That cultivator sighs, said: You knelt for several days, I am not the brutal person, but your aptitude really peaceful common, is not really able through the inspection, hurries to descend the mountain.” 那名修士叹了一口气,道:“你们跪了数天,我也不是无情的人,但你们的资质实在太平庸,真的无法通过考核,还是赶紧下山去吧。” Immortal master, we do not request other, only sought the last time opportunity.” That several youngster go down on hands and knees, implored urgently. “仙师,我们不要求别的,只求最后一次机会。”那几个少年长跪不起,苦苦哀求。 Good, gives you again an opportunity, half a month later will screen disciple, can seize the opportunity to remain, looked at you.” “好吧,再给你们一次机会,半个月后将重新筛选弟子,能不能把握住机会重新留下来,就看你们自己了。” Many thanks immortal master!” These youngster worshipped on bended knees. “多谢仙师!”那些少年一齐跪拜了下去。 Hears here, the Ye Fan stride walked. 听到这里,叶凡大步走了出来。 What person?” That cultivator then watches. “什么人?”那名修士回头观看。 Immortal master, I acknowledged as teacher.” Ye Fan shouts loudly. “仙师,我拜师来了。”叶凡大声喊道。 Half a month later started, you come too early.” “半个月后才开始,你来的太早了。” Obstructs day 89 遮天89 My family leaves is too far, I walk to come, walked for a half year, for fear that delays, but also asked the immortal master to feel sorry.” Ye Fan observed some time a moment ago, thought that this cultivator feelings are not very hard, can stretch the rules mostly. “我家离的太远,我一路步行而来,足足走了半年,生怕耽搁,还请仙师可怜。”叶凡刚才观察了一段时间,觉得这名修士心肠并不是很硬,多半可以通融。 This does not gather the custom.” “这不合规矩。” A Ye Fan face absolute sincerity, told how to collect money, even goes begging, climbs mountains and crosses rivers, passes through several thousand li (0.5 km), walks for a half year, difficult seeking to this place. 叶凡一脸赤诚,讲述如何筹集钱币,甚至乞讨,跋山涉水,走过数千里,步行半年有余,才艰难的寻到此地。 This so-called immortal master age is not big, the 27 or 28-year-old appearance, the feelings are truly soft, see Ye Fan in rags, the whole face dirt, sighs finally, nods, said: You and they go in together.” 这个所谓的仙师年岁并不大,不过二十七八岁的样子,心肠确实很软,看到叶凡衣衫褴褛,满脸污垢,最终叹了一口气,点了点头,道:“你和他们一起进去吧。” Ye Fan thanked hastily, entered in Purple Yang Sanctuary with these youngster together, all celestial mountain Purple Qi wound around, was seemingly dim, palaces were located in the summit, was indistinct, had the flavor of fairyland very much. 叶凡连忙感谢,同那些少年一起进入紫阳洞天内,所有仙山都紫气缭绕,看起来朦朦胧胧,一座座殿宇座落在山巅,非常飘渺,很有仙境的韵味。 This Purple Yang Sanctuary also wants...... in the Ye Fan heart to talk to oneself compared with the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary spiritual energy richly, the nod, here truly is secretly uncommon. “这紫阳洞天灵墟洞天的灵气还要浓郁……”叶凡心中自语,暗自点头,这里确实不凡。 Walks into the celestial mountain deep place, the vegetation is prosperous, Spirit Medicine is numerous, a clear aura front surface throws, this is piece of very beautiful and tranquil Sanctuary and Blessed Land. 走入仙山深处,草木繁盛,灵『药』众多,一股清晰的气息迎面扑来,这是一片非常美丽与宁静的洞天福地 Ye Fan was settled with these youngster, lives near a bamboo grove, here some log cabins, leave the janitor to live specially, practicing disciple rarely comes to here generally. 叶凡与那些少年被安顿了下来,居住在一片竹林附近,这里有一些木屋,专门留给杂役居住,修行的弟子一般很少来这里。 After here, Ye Fan gradually tranquil, if this were also sought, then he can only fight to the last ditch, does not have other means again. 到了这里后,叶凡渐渐平静了下来,如果这样还被寻到,那么他只能死拼了,再无其他办法。 Is on me has anything mostly, can by their sensation with tracing.” “多半是我身上有什么东西,能够被他们感知与追查。” Ye Fan first removed green copper lump, this mysterious most precious object, many cultivator with cannot distinguish in the hand in the past, do not say quietly now in his Golden Sea of Bitterness. 叶凡首先排除了绿铜块,这宗神秘至宝,当年很多修士拿在手中都不能识别,更不要说如今沉寂在他的金『色』苦海中了。 Is «Dao Scripture»? Also is unlikely, so long as his not revolution profound law, his Golden Sea of Bitterness one silence, such as divine iron does not have the billows without the wave generally, the bystander is very difficult to induce. 是《道经》吗?也不太可能,只要他不运转玄法,他的金『色』苦海就一片寂静,如神铁一般无波无澜,外人很难感应到。 Can it be that this source exposes my whereabouts? Also should not.” Ye Fan is puzzling, talked to oneself: No matter first so many, first sourcerefining fell this ‚.” “莫不是这块‘源’泄『露』了我的行踪?也不应该啊。”叶凡百思不得其解,自语道:“先不管那么多了,先将这块‘源’炼化掉。” In the following several days, this bamboo grove is quiet, without the bystander disturbs, is one place that is suitable to practice, Jiang Family these powerful Knight has not sought. 在接下来的几天里,这片竹林非常平静,没有外人来打扰,是一个非常适合修行的地方,姜家那些强大的骑士并没有寻来。 Ye Fan starts refining that source, grasping firmly in the palm, the cautious smelting, melts each time every day merely little, he fears violently, source in huge life Essence Qi all runs out, initiates source strength wave tide, was detected. 叶凡开始炼化那块“源”,每次都牢牢的握在掌心中,小心翼翼的熔炼,每天仅仅化开一点点,他怕过于猛烈,“源”内庞大的生命精气全部冲出,引发源力浪『潮』,被人发觉。 Sixth day, bright moonlight in the sky, Ye Fan refining few source, golden Sea of Bitterness sends out the intermittent tsunami at this moment suddenly, the momentum is scary, he quickly stopped, source will hide. 第六天,明月当空,叶凡炼化了少量的“源”,就在这时金『色』苦海突然发出阵阵海啸,声势骇人,他急忙停了下来,将“源”藏好。 Really is troublesome......” his special physique, making him somewhat helpless, he thinks that can control. When result breakthrough, still made the terrifying sound, Sea of Bitterness visions is really astonishing, if had been detected, will certainly stir the great unrest. “真是麻烦……”他的特殊体质,让他有些无奈,他以为可以控制住。结果突破时,依然发出了恐怖的声响,苦海异象实在惊人,若过被人察觉,必将引发轩然大波。 This source seems like unable refining to fall completely, only when can wait to leave here continued again.” “这块‘源’看来无法完全炼化掉,只能等离开这里时再继续了。” However his harvest is big, this moment golden Sea of Bitterness was also big, inside were many eight divine marks, wound around sky over Sea of Bitterness. Ye Fan will smelt previously that „the divine iron lump, in copper billet unceasing temperance in green color, carves Dao Runes repeatedly. 不过他的收获不小,此刻金『色』苦海又大了一圈,里面多出八道“神纹”,缭绕在苦海上空。叶凡将之熔炼进早先那块“神铁疙瘩”中,在绿『色』铜块上不断的锤炼,反复摹刻“道纹”。 Next day, was broken tranquilly, several young cultivator come here, discovered Ye Fan. 次日,宁静被打破,几名年轻的修士来到这里,发现了叶凡 Is you...... that young beggar!” Astonishments of several people of faces, before precisely, several days meet that several Purple Yang Sanctuary disciple, but during Li Xiaoman has not been. “是你……那个小乞丐!”几人一脸的惊愕,正是几日相遇的那几个紫阳洞天弟子,不过李小曼并未在当中。 Yesterday, Ye Fan made very big move, some cultivator once investigated, at night has not discovered anything, these people are also out of curiosity, come to have a look in the morning. 昨天,叶凡弄出了很大的动静,一些修士曾经来探查,夜间并没有发现什么,这几人也是出于好奇,清晨过来看看。 Obstructs day 89 遮天89 How you entered our Purple Yang Sanctuary, was seeks Li Junior Sister?” That several people very surprised, has not thought that here sees Ye Fan. “你怎么进入我们紫阳洞天了,难道是来寻李师妹的?”那几人都非常的惊讶,没有想到在这里见到叶凡 Your Purple Yang Sanctuary leader and my chance encounter, said that my natural talent is uncommon, must receive me is not possible...... Ye Fan to read smoothly for the disciple to make up wild stories. “你们紫阳洞天的掌门与我巧遇,说我天资不凡,非要收我为徒不可……”叶凡顺嘴胡诌。 Several people naturally cannot believe, all complexion is bad, female said solemnly: „The small beggar your facial skin true thickness of!” 几人自然不会相信,全都脸『色』不善,其中一个女子沉声道:“小乞丐你的脸皮可真厚!” At this moment, a Middle-Aged man appears in the bamboo grove, here detoured several, then stopped, said: I felt source aura.” 就在这时,一个中年男子出现在竹林中,在这里绕行了几圈,而后停了下来,道:“我感觉到了‘源’的气息。” Has seen the Martial Uncle ancestor!” Several young disciple quickly salute. “见过师叔祖!”几个年轻弟子急忙行礼。 Ye Fan immediately one startled, this person spiritual awareness was too keen, that source had been sealed by him, but was induced. 叶凡顿时一惊,这个人灵觉太敏锐了,那块源已经被他密封,但还是被感应到了。 Does not need to be overly courteous.” This Middle-Aged person complexion is ruddy, sends the silk pitch-black, but double pupil actually great changes, does not tally with age some of his semblance very much. “不必多礼。”这个中年脸『色』红润,发丝乌黑,但是双眸却很沧桑,与他外表的年龄有些不相符。 „The real age of this person perhaps over 70-80 years old......” the Ye Fan secret speculation, had thought that this is fearful Powerhouse. “这个人的真实年龄恐怕早已70-80岁以上……”叶凡暗暗推测,觉得这是一个可怕的强者 „...... His eyes observed closely Ye Fan on your body. “在你的身上……”他一眼盯住了叶凡 Has seen the senior.” Ye Fan salutes. “见过前辈。”叶凡施了一礼。 „Aren't you my Purple Yang Sanctuary disciple?” “你不是我紫阳洞天弟子?” „It is not.” “不是。” The Middle-Aged person has not seen the movement, appears before the Ye Fan body instantly, as if went through a space, grasps the Ye Fan's wrist/skill. 中年人未见移动,刹那出现在叶凡身前,仿佛穿行了一段空间,一把握住叶凡的手腕。 Senior you are......” Ye Fan are startled, thinks that he must begin. “前辈你这是……”叶凡大吃一惊,以为他要动手。 Your physique......” this Middle-Aged man show(s) surprised expression, then shakes the head to sigh, obviously he is very experienced, in an instant made the judgment. “你的体质……”这个中年男子『露』出吃惊的神『色』,而后摇头叹了一口气,很显然他见多识广,刹那间就做出了判断。 When flash, in Ye Fan heart anxious incomparable, he made a Sea of Bitterness deathly stillness, dark frozen golden Sea of Bitterness, such as turned into place of deathly stillness, the Middle-Aged person explored there, has not discovered exceptionally. 就在刚才的一瞬间,叶凡心中紧张无比,他令苦海一片死寂,黑暗冰封了金『色』苦海,如化成了一片死寂之地,中年人探索到那里时,并没有发现异常。 This lets in the Ye Fan heart astonished, in the situation in having a mind hiding, unexpectedly even this expert probes personally, was concealed the truth. 这让叶凡心中惊异,在有心掩藏的情况下,居然连这种高手亲自试探,都被瞒了过去。 On you whether has together source?” The Middle-Aged man asked. “你身上是否有一块‘源’?”中年男子问道。 Ye Fan sees unable to conceal, pulls out the small wooden box, said: I do not know that this issource, is thing that my family ancestor hands down from generation to generation. ” 叶凡见无法隐瞒,将小木盒掏出,道:“我不知道这是不是“源”,是我家祖传下来的东西。” The Middle-Aged man turns on the wooden box, looked at one, said: Good, precisely source, although is not pure, but was also very rare, does not know whether you are willing to give up what one treasures?” 中年男子打开木盒,看了一眼,道:“不错,正是源,虽然不纯净,但也很难得了,不知你是否愿意割爱?” This......” “这……” You cannot cultivation, this source to you and useless, you could rest assured that I will not make you suffer a loss, if you are willing to exchange, you will have the wealth that tenth cannot all spend.” “你不能修炼,这块‘源’对于你来说并无用,你放心,我绝不会让你吃亏,如果你愿意交换,你将会拥有十世都花不完的财富。” But, I do not want to trade......” Ye Fan show(s) awkward expression. Enters Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, although got rid of Jiang Family's Knight temporarily, but has not thought that actually source violent reveal, this makes him feel very helpless, actually does not have any means. “可是,我并不想换出去……”叶凡『露』出为难的神『色』。进入灵墟洞天,虽然暂时摆脱了姜家的骑士,但是没有想到却将“源”暴『露』了出来,这让他感觉很无奈,却没有任何办法。 „Aren't you really willing to exchange?” The Middle-Aged man asked that expression was very tranquil, has not oppressed others by the potential. “你真的不愿交换?”中年男子问道,神『色』很平静,并没有以势压人。 I...... do not want to exchange.” “我……不想交换。” Ok, such being the case, I will not force someone to do something against his will, source that's all, to me is together dispensable.” Then, he turned around then to depart, took merely several steps, then vanished in the people thoroughly at present. “算了,既然如此,我不会强人所难,一块源而已,对我来说可有可无。”说罢,他转身便离去了,仅仅迈出几步,便彻底消失在众人的眼前。 In Ye Fan heart one cold, this absolutely is expert. 叶凡心中一凛,这绝对是个高手 Young beggar cannot think that on you really has source, even not a pure scrap source is still more precious than Spirit Medicine.” “小乞丐想不到你身上竟然有‘源’,即便是不纯净的一小块‘源’也比灵『药』珍贵。” Several young male and female show(s) surprise look, have not all thought that on Ye Fan really has the treasure, some people naturally give birth to the heart of coveting unavoidably. 几名年轻的男女全都『露』出异『色』,万万没有想到叶凡身上竟然有宝,有些人自然不免生出觊觎之心。 Young beggar you may really not understand to seize the opportunity, knows that who that person was, was Purple Yang Sanctuary second expert, practice for more than hundred years, actually compared several founders to be powerful. If you source will give to him a moment ago, has the good reason with this grade of character, the advantage can endless......” “小乞丐你可真不懂得把握机会,知道刚才的那个人是谁吗,乃是紫阳洞天的第二高手,修行不过百余年,却比几位祖师都要强大。如果你刚才将‘源’送给他,与这等人物结下善缘,好处将会无尽……” Several young men and women pledge the condition in abundance, wants this source, Ye Fan is impossible to comply. 几名年轻男女纷纷开出条件,想要得到这块“源”,叶凡不可能答应。 Until several people go far away, Ye Fan talked to oneself, said: Although has avoided Jiang Family's Knight temporarily, but actuallysource violent reveal, does not know that can have the trouble. ” 直到几人远去,叶凡才自语,道:“虽然暂时躲避过了姜家的骑士,但是却将“源”暴『露』了出来,不知道会不会有麻烦。” After 1 hour, Li Xiaoman appears in the bamboo grove, that several young men and women who departed a moment ago accompany about. 半个时辰之后,李小曼出现在竹林中,刚才离去的那几名年轻男女陪在左右。 Li Xiaoman had not asked why Ye Fan presents here, very tranquil opens the mouth said: Ye Fan you cannot practice, have this source also uselessly, not, if received exchange for the tenth good fortune by this......” 李小曼没有问叶凡为何出现在这里,很平静的开口道:“叶凡你不能修行,持有这块‘源’也无用,不若以此换取十世福泽……” Ye Fan shakes the head directly the rejection, said: I do not trade!” 叶凡直接摇头拒绝,道:“我不换!”
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