STH :: Volume #1

#88: Indifferent relative

Chapter 88 indifferent relative 第88章淡然相对 Usually Li Xiaoman simple and beautiful transcend worldly affairs, encounters a difficulty not startled, is always very calm and calm, at this moment actually show(s) astonished color, this makes nearby several young men and women very curious, person cannot bear asks again: Junior Sister do you know this young beggar?” 平日间李小曼清丽出尘,遇事不惊,总是很从容与镇静,此刻却『露』出惊愕之『色』,这让旁边的几个年轻男女很好奇,其中人一人忍不住再次问道:“师妹你认识这个小乞丐?” Li Xiaoman quickly returns to normal, nods, said: Understanding.” 李小曼很快恢复平静,点了点头,道:“认识。” How Li Junior Sister can you know with him?” And a female full is puzzled color, Ye Fan such as in rags, the body and mind is at this moment thin and pale, how to see is the characters of social lowest level, with them is completely the people in two world. “李师妹你怎么会和他认识?”其中一个女子满是不解之『色』,叶凡如此刻衣衫褴褛,身心憔悴,怎么看都是社会最底层的人物,与他们完全是两个世界的人。 I and he come from the same place, before should be...... the neighbor.” Li Xiaoman expression is indifferent. “我和他来自同一个地方,以前应该算是……邻居。”李小曼神『色』淡然。 Obstructs day 88 遮天88 Ye Fan hears her to say neighbor this title, light smiling, only said hello/you good these two characters, anything had not then said again. 叶凡听到她说出“邻居”这个称谓,淡淡的笑了笑,只说了“你好”这两个字,便什么也没有再说。 Originally is the old knowledge. Your this young neighbor wool is really hot-tempered very much, the street was so wide does not hit carefully on my body, Yang Senior Brother also thinks a moment ago he must steal the thing.” “原来是旧识。你这个小邻居真的很『毛』躁,街道这么宽都不小心撞在了我的身上,刚才杨师兄还以为他要偷盗东西呢。” This youngster also is really pitiful, slightly reduced to beg.” “不过这个少年也真是可怜,这么小就沦落为乞儿了。” „The present beggars go begging while steal, Li Junior Sister you may probably urge him not to take the branch road.” “现在的乞丐都是一边乞讨一边偷盗,李师妹你可要叮嘱他千万别走上歧路。” cultivator and mortal and others, if the people in two world, the person beggar of mortal world lowest level, is difficult to have any happening together with them particularly, when several young men and women spoke did not evade Ye Fan. 修士与凡人等若两个世界的人,尤其是凡人世界最底层的人乞丐,更是难与他们产生任何交集,几个年轻男女说话时根本不避讳叶凡 Senior Brother Senior Sister on you rich, lends my some.” Li Xiaoman received some money from several young male and female hands, then handed in front of Ye Fan's, said: Changes the body clothes, do not work as the beggar, believes that you can support oneself.” “各位师兄师姐你们身上有钱吗,借给我一些。”李小曼从几个年轻男女手中接过一些钱币,然后递到了叶凡的面前,道:“去换身衣服吧,不要当乞丐,相信你能够自食其力。” Li Junior Sister is really good.” “李师妹真善良。” Yes, Li Junior Sister really has the sympathy very much. However is neighbor that's all, actually gave his so much money.” “是啊,李师妹真的很有同情心。不过是一个邻居而已,却给了他这么多钱。” „After young beggar you, must take the right way, cannot steal, otherwise is unfair to Li Junior Sister.” “小乞丐你以后要走正路,不能去偷盗,不然对不起李师妹。” Nearby several young men and women spoke. 旁边的几名年轻男女纷纷出言。 Ye Fan look clear, static looks at Li Xiaoman, has not put out a hand to meet money, said: Good intention thank you, but I do not need these.” 叶凡眼神清亮,静静的看着李小曼,没有伸手去接钱,道:“谢谢你的好意,不过我不需要这些。” Nearby young man frowns immediately, said: I said that young beggar what's the matter, Li Junior Sister gives your clean money not to want, can you really by stealing to live?” 旁边一个年轻的男子顿时皱起了眉头,道:“我说小乞丐你怎么回事,李师妹给你干净的钱不要,难道你真的要靠偷盗为生吗?” Li Xiaoman expression is tranquil, glances such as the tranquil lake water, no mighty waves, hand in money the Ye Fan's hand, said: Accepts, well is an average person.” 李小曼神『色』恬静,眼波如平静的湖水,没有一丝波澜,将钱币递到叶凡的手中,道:“收下吧,好好的做个普通人。” Ye Fan has not paid attention to nearby person, resisted money again, said: Relax, I can survive. Wish you more to walk on the path of practicing is farther, problem-free.” 叶凡没有理会旁边的人,将钱币再次推拒了回去,道:“放心吧,我能够生存下去。祝你在修行的道路上越走越远,一帆风顺。” This young beggar wants to save face at all costs, reduced to going begging such position, but also was so aloof from worldly affairs.” “这个小乞丐真是死要面子活受罪,都沦落到乞讨这样的境地了,还这么清高。” Does not want to be now aloof from worldly affairs, turns around then to snatch secretly well.” “不要现在清高,转身便去偷抢就好。” Nearby several young men and women are very unsatisfied. 旁边的几名年轻男女都很不满意。 Li Xiaoman stares at Ye Fan, the sound is gentle, does not have the billows without the wave, said: These are currently helpful to you, do not decline, hurries to accept, do you really want to go begging to live?” 李小曼凝视叶凡,声音平缓,无波无澜,道:“这些对你现在有帮助,就不要推辞了,赶紧收下吧,难道你真的要乞讨为生吗?” Ye Fan still does not meet money, said: Congratulated you to restore the youth.” He perceived that Li Xiaoman Sea of Bitterness Realm that's all, was unable to compare with him, but does not know why restored the life vigor. 叶凡依然不接钱币,道:“恭喜你恢复了青春。”他觉察到李小曼不过苦海境界而已,还不能与他相比,但不知道为何恢复了生命活力。 Obstructs day 88 遮天88 Thanks, lucky that's all.” Li Xiaoman had not insisted again, received money. “谢谢,侥幸而已。”李小曼没有再坚持,将钱币了收了回去。 Middle a young female smiles, said: „The matter that this young beggar knows are really many, even/including Li Junior Sister lost the young blood matter to know, it seems like also is really the old knowledge.” 当中一个年轻的女子笑了笑,道:“这个小乞丐知道的事情还真不少,连李师妹曾经失去过青春活力的事情都知晓,看来还真是旧识。” I with him am only a neighbor, is not understood, perhaps more than ten years of after past, again when meet was hard to recognize......” Li Xiaoman is very from beginning to end tranquil, the careless say/way, is saying one probably at the irrelevant matter. “我跟他只是邻居,并不是多么了解,也许十几年过去后,再相遇时便难以认出了……”李小曼自始至终都很平静,漫不经心的道来,像是在说着一件于己无关的事情。 Although Ye Fan whole face stain, but smiles is still very bright, a show(s) mouth snow white tooth, said: Yes, the memory association/will sheds color, some people and matters slowly will be eventually pale in the years.” 叶凡虽然满脸污迹,但笑起来依然很灿烂,『露』出一嘴雪白的牙齿,道:“是啊,记忆总会褪『色』,有些人与事终究会在岁月中慢慢淡去。” This young beggar is young, very has nature actually 『』 standard.” Nearby female looked at Ye Fan, then looks to Li Xiaoman, said: Pitifully Junior Sister you did not know about him very much, otherwise can bring back to Purple Yang Sanctuary him actually, keeps the entrance to do odd jobs, always goes begging from door to door to take the branch road to be better than him.” “这小乞丐年纪不大,倒是挺有『性』格。”旁边一个女子看了看叶凡,而后望向李小曼,道:“可惜师妹你对他不是很了解,不然的话倒是可以将他带回紫阳洞天,留在山门打杂,总比他沿街乞讨走上歧路好。” Male hearing this nods, said: In gate elects the person to be very strict, must know the whole story is good.” 一个男子闻言点了点头,道:“门中选人很严格,必须知根知底才行。” Li Xiaoman ancient well does not have the wave, expression is light, said to Ye Fan: Do not take the branch road, well is an average person, might as well be a happiness.” 李小曼古井无波,神『色』平淡无比,对叶凡道:“不要走上歧路,好好的做个普通人吧,未尝不是一种幸福。” Ye Fan smiles, has not said anything, waves, then departs with stride. 叶凡笑了笑,没有说什么,挥了挥手,而后大步离去。 This young beggar comes across...... side several young men and women to appraise very much specially consistently like this. “这个小乞丐给人的感觉很特别……”旁边的几个年轻男女一致这样评价。 The Ye Fan stride leaves, integrates in the continuous crowd, after 7½ minutes, he appears in a curiosity shop, with boss unceasing bargaining. 叶凡大步离开,融入川流不息的人群中,半刻钟后他出现在一个古玩店,跟老板不断的讲价。 What? 50 copper, cultivating the behavior are sincere, cannot be too greedy.” “什么?才五十个铜子,做人要厚道,不能太贪婪。” Few Toshiro, you want daylight robbery not, but is wooden box that's all, where value ten Gold Coin.” “少年郎,你莫要狮子大开口,不过是一个木盒而已,哪里值十个金币。” My this is the red sandalwood wooden box, if you do not want, I went to another home...... to say well, Ye Fan turned around to walk. “我这是紫檀木盒,你如果不要,我去另一家好了……”说罢,叶凡转身就走。 No rush, the price is open to discuss.” The boss in curiosity shop quickly blocks Ye Fan. “别急呀,价钱好商量。”古玩店的老板急忙拦住叶凡 Finally, Ye Fan was well satisfied, bringing ten Gold Coin to leave here. 最终,叶凡心满意足,带着十个金币离开了这里。 At this moment to noon, he has been big and hungry, but does not want the Tyrant meal, finally will put source that red sandalwood wooden box sells out, with another merely value copper ordinary wooden box source put away. 此刻已经到了中午,他饥肠辘辘,但又不想吃霸王餐,最终将盛放“源”的那个紫檀木盒卖掉,用另一个仅仅值一个铜子的普通木盒将“源”收起 Jiang Family's Knight!” When Ye Fan raises head looks to the sky, immediately one startled, has Mutant Beast to circle in the sky of this great city, shortly after flew to the distant place, he felt very puzzled, does not know why the opposite party can always seek his clue. 姜家的骑士!”叶凡抬头望向天空时,顿时一惊,在这座巨城的上空有一头异兽在盘旋,不久后飞向了远方,他感觉很不解,不知道对方为何总能够寻到他的线索。 Ye Fan is on a restaurant, ordered a table vegetable/dish, eats happily greatly, for the last few days escape, he has not eaten to take hot food, at this moment naturally wolfs down. 叶凡登上一座酒楼,点了一桌子菜,痛痛快快大吃起来,连日来的逃亡,他没有吃上过一顿热饭,此刻自然是狼吞虎咽。 Until after 1 hour, he satisfied standing up. The servants had waited there for some time, seeing his clothing is worn-out, is ordinary like a beggar, for fear that after he finished eating, sneaks off quietly. 直到半个时辰之后,他才满足的站起身来。店小二早已守候多时,见他衣衫破旧,如同一个要饭花子一般,生怕他吃完后悄悄溜走。 Ye Fan naturally cannot haggle over with him, abandons the board to turn around to go downstairs to go, finally just arrived on the avenue his in the heart is one startled, Jiang Family's Knight entered a city, sits well happen to vanishes on that Mutant Beast in the street corner. 叶凡自然不会跟他计较,扔下饭钱转身下楼而去,结果刚刚来到大街上他心中就是一惊,姜家的骑士进城了,端坐在那头异兽上正好消失在街道拐角处。 What's the matter? Why can always pursue, although cannot lock me, but actually as if can trace the approximate direction!” Ye Fan show(s) worried appearance, he felt that the important matter is not wonderful, this city cannot stay, will otherwise definitely have an accident. He has almost no stay, goes out of town directly, then dashes to go, throws into the mountain forest of distant place. “到底怎么回事?为什么总能够追下来,虽然不能够锁定我,但却似乎可以追查到大致方向!”叶凡『露』出一丝忧『色』,他感觉大事不妙,这座城市不能呆下去了,不然的话肯定会出事。他几乎没有任何停留,直接出城,而后飞奔而去,一头扎进远处的山林中。 Really is haunted by the ghost, how can I thoroughly get rid of them?” Ye Fan goes over hill and dale, has passed through endless mountain range, when until day color dusk stops. “真是阴魂不散,我到底怎样才能彻底摆脱他们?”叶凡翻山越岭,穿越过无尽山脉,直到天『色』擦黑时才停下来。 Obstructs day 88 遮天88 At this moment, Ye Fan felt that the mountain range deep place spiritual energy is dense, as if compared with other region rich many times. After before his again, number of lines ten li (0.5 km), show(s) surprised expression, he sees a big blue stone, above is carving four ancient character: Purple Yang Sanctuary. 就在这时,叶凡感觉山脉深处灵气氤氲,似乎比其他地域浓郁很多倍。当他再次前行数十里后,『露』出惊讶的神『色』,他看到一块大青石,上面刻着四个古字:紫阳洞天 How I arrived here......” “我怎么来到了这里……” Ye Fan detected that arrived at Purple Yang Sanctuary unexpectedly, that Sect that precisely Li Xiaoman is, this Sanctuary and Blessed Land was not very a moment ago remote from that city. 叶凡发觉竟来到了紫阳洞天,正是李小曼所在的那个门派,这处洞天福地距离刚才那座城市并不是很遥远。 Some very necessities said here, this book will definitely have the love, definitely will have the different leading lady's descriptions. 非常有必要在这里说一下,这本书肯定会有爱情,肯定会有不同女主角的描写。 Reason that on this/Ben book immortal does not have the explicit leading lady, is not suitable because of the big background of that book, if under that type of atmosphere writes deep love between man and woman, to/clashes with the subject seriously. 上本书长生界之所以没有明确的女主角,是因为那本书的大背景不适合,那种气氛下如果写儿女情长,严重与主题相冲。 But 《Shrouding the Heavens》 was different. Asked fellow book friends to feel relieved, how the lead possibly was a hoodlum. 《遮天》则不同了。请各位书友放心好了,主角怎么可能是光棍呢。 Some senior reader suggested to me, beautiful woman cannot few...... 某位资深读者对我建议说,美女一个都不能少…… I said that you felt relieved, the lead of this book was not an ascetic person. 我说你放心好了,这本书的主角不是苦行僧。
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