STH :: Volume #1

#87: Meets by chance Li Xiaoman

Chapter 87 meets by chance Li Xiaoman 第87章相逢李小曼 Long ago, Ye Fan had had an idea, re-enters Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, he wants to gain the huge chance! 早在很久以前,叶凡就曾经有过一种想法,重回荒古禁地,他想要获取天大的机缘! Tyrannical creatures of other whether it is human races, do not dare to go down to that stretch of life-forbidden zone. Inside vegetation is prosperous, Spirit Medicine endless, after the long years baptism, many Spirit Medicine Jane/simple express trains turned into Divine Medicine, that restricted area was piece of priceless Divine Soil. 无论是人类还是其他种族的强横生物,都不敢深入那片生命禁区。里面草木繁盛,灵『药』无尽,历经漫长的岁月洗礼,许多灵『药』简直快变成神『药』了,那处禁地是一片无价的神土 Ye Fan has taken holy fruit and Divine Spring, he thought that can mostly in that danger zone survival some time, after he wants to achieve certain Realm, re-enters the life-forbidden zone. 叶凡服食过圣果神泉,他觉得多半能够在那片绝地生存一段时间,他想达到一定境界后重回生命禁区。 My present strength is very low, at this moment is not really suitable goes to there, but 』...... he did not have the means to choose to this situation bycompelling, can only brave death to go forward. “我现在实力还很低,此刻实在不宜前往那里,但是被『逼』到了这个地步……”他没有办法选择,只能冒死前进。 Obstructs day 87 遮天87 Roar......” “吼……” The mountain range deep place, the barbarian beast roar moves the day, such as the heavenly thunder is vibrating, in the mountain forest the fallen leaf flutters about. Ye Fan changes countenance, is very far from Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, the exterior region has presented extremely terrifying Mutant Beast, wants to go through to be as if difficult. 山脉深处,蛮兽吼声动天,如天雷在震动,山林中落叶纷飞。叶凡变『色』,距离荒古禁地还很远,外部地域就已经出现极其恐怖的异兽,想要穿行过去似乎非常难。 But if, does not go forward, how can get rid of chasing down of that Knight? This makes Ye Fan fall into difficult. 可是,如果不前进,怎么才能摆脱那名骑士的追杀呢?这让叶凡陷入两难中。 Jiang Yichen you are waiting, even if you are the Jiang Family's juniors, another day I must put to death you!” Ye Fan has not hated a person like this, the opposite party has seized his treasure corruptly, ruthless spicy brutal, wants to be ruthless him. 姜逸晨你等着,纵然你是姜家的子弟,他日我也要将你诛杀!”叶凡从来没有这样痛恨过一个人,对方贪夺他的宝物,狠辣无情,想要将他赶尽杀绝。 Suddenly, Ye Fan felt that danger, that Knight was also as if imminent, he quickly hid. 突然,叶凡感觉到了危险,那名骑士似乎又迫近了,他急忙躲藏了起来。 In the sky presents the azure shadow, Jiang Family that powerful Knight appears together again, that Mutant Beast that but he sits down suddenly received frightening probably, fled to clash generally, descended trembles after the place. 天空中出现一道青影,姜家那名强大的骑士再次出现,但是突然间他坐下的那头异兽像是受到了惊吓,亡命一般冲了下来,降落在地后瑟瑟发抖。 Not far away, Ye Fan the clarity that all these look, is startled, such powerful will Mutant Beast frighten this appearance? That Knight is extremely also shocking, turns into one wisp to flutter to hide in one piece chaotically in stone pile. 不远处,叶凡将这一切看的清清楚楚,不禁大吃一惊,那样强大的异兽怎么会吓成了这幅样子?那名骑士也非常震惊,化成一缕轻扬躲进一片『乱』石堆中。 At this moment, entire mountain side forest suddenly gloomy, strong winds have blown violently, many vegetation broke off, a huge shadow throws in the ground. 就在这时,整片山林突然暗淡了下来,一股狂风猛烈吹过,许多草木都折断了,一片巨大的阴影投在地面。 In the sky, the sun-blocking giant birds, its whole body golden light is across the sky shining, probably the golden casting, build big stunning being dumbfounded, such as piece of golden clouds broke through, blocked Sun, camouflaged the sky. 在天空上,有一头遮天蔽日的巨鸟横空而过,它浑身金光灿灿,像是黄金浇铸而成,体形大的让人瞠目结舌,如一片金『色』的云朵冲过,挡住了太阳,遮蔽了天空。 golden wings Péng bird!” Ye Fan deeply shocks. 金翅鹏鸟!”叶凡深深震撼不已。 Péng bird coercion in legend compels the person, let the entire mountain side lineage/vein instantaneous silent, all beast roars vanished, until it went far away in very long mountain forest to return to normal. 传说中的鹏鸟威压迫人,让整片山脉瞬间寂静了下来,所有兽吼声都消失了,直至它远去很久山林中才恢复正常。 Jiang Family's that Knight sits well Mutant Beast, soars to the heavens to go, powerful such as he can only avoid. 姜家的那名骑士重新端坐上异兽,冲天而去,强大如他都只能躲避。 In Ye Fan heart anxiety, if he continues to go forward on foot, does not know how many ominous bird barbarian beast will meet, really can enter the life-forbidden zone? 叶凡心中忧虑,如果他继续徒步前进的话,不知道会遇到多少凶禽蛮兽,真能走进生命禁区吗? Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land has Nine Holy Mountains, is connected is forming endless Abyss together, on legends say each Holy Mountain has holy fruit and Divine Spring, various......” Ye Fan encourages itself by such words. 荒古禁地九座圣山,相连在一起形成无尽深渊,相传每座圣山上都有一种圣果神泉,各不相同……”叶凡以这样的话语来激励自己。 I ate holy fruit, has drunk Divine Spring, had the change of shedding body, exchanging bones, if other touring eight Holy Mountain......”, although is encouraging itself unceasingly, but he is the heart dreaded, felt will continue to go forward will be perhaps more unfortunate than fortunate. “我不过吃了一种圣果,喝过一种神泉,就发生了脱胎换骨的变化,如果登临其他八座圣山……”虽然在不断激励自己,但他还是心有忌惮,感觉继续前进的话恐怕会凶多吉少。 Past, the Ye Fan's idea was shattered on the 1st, he discovers three powerful Knight continuously, has blocked in the front, circles sky over primitive mountain range unceasingly. 仅仅过去一日,叶凡的想法就破灭了,他连续发现三名强大的骑士,早已封锁在前方,在原始山脉上空不断盘旋。 Really wants to be ruthless me, unexpectedly sent so many powerful Knight!” “真想将我赶尽杀绝,居然派了这么多强大的骑士!” Roar......” “吼……” The far mountain, a deafening beast roar transmits, in the sky that three powerful Knight escapes instantly, then Ye Fan discovered barbarian beast that lives nine snake heads mounts the clouds and rides the mist, appears in the upper air. 远山,一声震耳欲聋的兽吼传来,天空中那三名强大的骑士刹那远遁,接着叶凡发现一条生有九个蛇头的蛮兽腾云驾雾,出现在高空中。 Obstructs day 87 遮天87 Its hill is so sufficiently giant, has extremely fearful constriction, the surroundings are winding around many black fog, the huge body is partly visible, physique Qilin, however actually lives nine giant snake heads, seems like especially fierce. 它足以小山那么巨大,具有极其可怕的压迫感,周围缭绕着很多黑雾,庞大的躯体若隐若现,形体似麒麟,然而却生有九个巨大的蛇头,看起来格外的狰狞。 A its great roar, frightened off Jiang Family three powerful Knight directly, is indistinct coercion that biography 『』 comes, making one have the intermittent fearful and apprehensive feeling. 它一声巨吼,直接吓走了姜家三名强大的骑士,隐约间传『荡』而来的威压,让人有阵阵心惊肉跳的感觉。 The Ye Fan's heart has one's heart sink with disappointment all of a sudden, but also without being close to Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, various terrifying Mutant Beast then appears one after another, walks again forward has not known that will meet anything. If cannot the line, the advance, this piece of primitive mountain range unable to pass merely on foot simply, no wonder Jiang Family's Knight only in specific region implementation blockade. 叶凡的心一下子凉了半截,还没有接近荒古禁地,各种恐怖的异兽便相继出现,再向前走还不知道会遇到什么呢。如果不能够而行,仅仅徒步前进,这片原始山脉简直无法通过,怪不得姜家的骑士仅在特定的区域实施封锁。 Ye Fan snuck cautiously for day, discovered that the relative security the region was all blocked by that three powerful Knight, is unable to pass. 叶凡又小心翼翼的潜行了一天,发现相对安全的地域全都被那三名强大的骑士封锁了,根本无法通过。 I was guessing that their thoughts, they are also pondering over my route of escape, concluded that I will be close to the Ancient Desolate forbidden area getting rid of them......” “我在猜测他们的心思,他们也在琢磨我的逃亡的路线,料定我会接近荒古禁区来摆脱他们……” Ye Fan hides in jungle, after careful thinking, he thought that cannot go forward again, otherwise there are not fresh. 叶凡躲在一片密林中,仔细思索后,他觉得不能再前进了,不然有死无生。 Cannot fly then cannot going far away that is close to the life-forbidden zone......” Ye Fan not returning, returns along the old route, has not responded while several Knight, he wants to escape from this primitive mountain forest, hides from into the boundless huge crowd. “不能飞行便不能接近生命禁区……”叶凡头也不回的远去,沿着原路回返,趁着几名骑士没有反应过来,他想逃出这片原始山林,躲入茫茫人海中去。 When Ye Fan escapes to the mountain range edge, suddenly discovered that powerful Knight controls barbarian beast that a whole body black ink scale is sparkling to circle sky over the mountain forest. 叶凡逃到山脉的边缘时,突然发现一名强大的骑士驾驭着一头浑身墨鳞闪闪的蛮兽正在山林上空盘旋。 Fifth powerful Knight......” Ye Fan is looking at the sky, talked to oneself: Is Jiang Yichen dispatches?” “第五名强大的骑士……”叶凡怔怔的望着天空,自语道:“都是姜逸晨派遣出来的吗?” They altogether brought more than ten Knight, now sets out five all of a sudden, Jiang Yifei and can't Jiang Caixuan see? Impossible not to have detected!” “他们总共带了十几名骑士,如今一下子出动五名,难道姜逸飞姜采萱看不到吗?不可能没有察觉!” don't tell me did they tacitly consent?” 难道说他们两人默许了?” Or they also sent out the person......” “或者说,他们两人也派出了人……” In the Ye Fan heart somewhat feels cold. 叶凡心中有些发冷。 Jiang Yifei, White Clothed wins snow, the scholarly and elegance, the abundant god like the jade, the ultra dust is it may be said that refined. Jiang Caixuan lithe is tall and graceful, simple and beautiful moving, although seems somewhat arrogant, but actually sympathizes about Little Tingting very much, made the good impression to Ye Fan. 姜逸飞,一身白衣雪,儒雅而又飘逸,丰神如玉,可谓超尘脱俗。姜采萱婀娜挺秀,清丽动人,虽然看似有些高傲,但对小婷婷却很同情,给叶凡留下了不错的印象。 At present but Ye Fan is actually hard to distinguish clearly, does not know that what kind of character these two acted in this matter. He does not know that is bad that like that such as he suspects, person nature is very complex, is hard to talk clearly. 可是眼下叶凡却难以辨明了,不知道这两人在这件事中扮演了怎样的角『色』。他不知道是不是如他猜想的那般糟糕,人『性』很复杂,难以说清。 Hope are not related with their two people, otherwise the Little Tingting life in such complex family, really does not know that is the luck or the calamity......” Ye Fan some are some Little Tingting Uncle Jiang was also worried. “希望与他们两人没有关系,不然小婷婷生活在那样复杂的家族,真不知道是福还是祸……”叶凡有些为小婷婷还有姜老伯担心。 At this night, Ye Fan returned to the Uncle Jiang small restaurant, at this moment he even can notice that two Mutant Beast circle in mountain range outside small town, but the most dangerous place is the safest place, he relaxes, rested safely for night. 在这个夜晚,叶凡神不知鬼不觉的回到了姜老伯的小饭馆,此刻他甚至能够看到两头异兽在小镇外的山脉中盘旋,但最危险的地方就是最安全的地方,他放松下来,安心的休息了一夜。 Until second approaches at night, Ye Fan dives the small town, runs away toward the distant place. 直到第二个夜晚来临,叶凡才潜出小镇,向着远方遁去。 After three days, when Ye Fan reveal sleeps in the wilderness, saw that Mutant Beast carries Jiang Family's Knight to clash, flies to the distant place. This lets in his heart with amazement, the opposite party pursued quickly, made his some unreadable, actually did they how discover the clue? 三日后,叶凡『露』宿于荒郊野外时,看到一头异兽载着姜家的骑士一冲而过,飞向远方。这让他心中骇然,对方这么快就追上来了,让他有些难以理解,他们究竟是如何发现线索的? Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family was too fearful, cannot enter that stretch of life-forbidden zone, how can I get rid of them?” In Ye Fan heart anxiety. 荒古世家太可怕了,不能进入那片生命禁区,我怎么才能摆脱他们?”叶凡心中忧虑。 Finally, Ye Fan enters a Yan Country great city, he thought that perhaps the boundless huge crowd can hide him. 最终,叶凡进入燕国的一座巨城,他觉得或许只有茫茫人海才能将他隐藏。 This is the second largest city outside Land of Yan abatement capital city, the population more than 1 million, is extremely lively, the street is broad, heavy traffic, the stream of people contact is restless, the street both sides shop stands in great numbers, hawking the sound of hawking is lingering on faintly. 这是燕地除却都城外的第二大城市,人口不下百万,极其繁华,街道宽阔,车水马龙,人流往来不息,街道两旁店铺林立,叫卖叫卖之声不绝于耳。 Obstructs day 87 遮天87 Ye Fan has been escaping for serveral days, is exhausted, until entering this city he grows the one breath, can't the Jiang Family's person control Mutant Beast to appear on the avenue? 叶凡这些天来一直在逃亡,疲惫不堪,直到进入这座城市他才长出一口气,姜家的人总不能驾驭异兽出现在大街上吧? At this moment to noon, Ye Fan has been big and hungry, when he touching to bosom actually sends out a forced smile, no money. This Life and Death escapes greatly, he is really distressed, exhaustedly to this grade of situation. 此刻已经到了中午,叶凡饥肠辘辘,然而他『摸』向怀中时却发出一声苦笑,没有一枚钱币。这次生死大逃亡,他实在狼狈,困顿到了这等地步。 First finds the way to eat to sate the appetite, cannot put in great inconvenience to own body, I must also save the strength to escape.” Ye Fan simply does not have the thoughts to tour this lively great city, he is seeking for the place that eats meal. “先想办法吃饱饭,不能委屈自己的身体,我要还积攒力量逃命呢。”叶凡根本没有心思游览这座繁华的巨城,他在寻找吃饭的地方。 Suddenly, Ye Fan expression concentrates, he saw familiar silhouette, unexpectedly is Li Xiaoman! 突然,叶凡神『色』一凝,他看到了一条熟悉的身影,竟然是李小曼 Her appearance is not old, has restored the youth, 170 cms in height, slim and graceful, a white women's clothing flutters with the wind gently, there is not eating the food of common mortals makings. 她的容颜并不苍老,已恢复青春,身高170公分,亭亭玉立,一身洁白的衣裙随风轻轻飘动,有一股不食人间烟火的气质。 whether it is in the past or now, Li Xiaoman is extremely attractive, the looks are simple and beautiful, does not know that is reason that because practices, her flesh is glittering the clear gloss, snow white delicate, resembling the cream beautiful jade is ordinary. 无论是过去还是现在,李小曼都极其漂亮,姿容清丽,不知道是不是由于修行的缘故,她的肌肤闪烁着晶莹的光泽,雪白细嫩,似凝脂美玉一般。 Li Xiaoman White Clothed dances in the breeze, the black hair naturally scatters, clearer, her eye that the flesh serves as contrast is very big, eyelash(es) is very long, seems has the spiritual energy very much, the neck is elegant like the white swan, the small waist is not full grasps, the both legs are slender, stature tall and graceful lithe, is perfect. 李小曼白衣飘舞,黑发自然飘散,将肌肤衬托的更加晶莹,她的眼睛很大,睫『毛』很长,显得很有灵气,颈项如白天鹅般秀美,小蛮腰不盈一握,双腿修长笔直,身材挺秀婀娜,非常完美。 Compared with the past, she was short for one point to make widely known, were many one point of nimble and resourceful, probably Moon Fairy descending to earth was ordinary, were many enter the world makings. 同过去相比,她少了一分张扬,多了一分灵动,像是广寒仙子临尘一般,多了一股出世的气质。 Ye Fan has not thought that here sees her, the nature remembers many past events inevitably, has the happy picture, there is an unfeeling bitter and astringent recollection, he has transferred the body, does not want to meet with her under this position. 叶凡万万没有想到在这里见到她,自然不可避免想起很多往事,有甜蜜的画面,也有绝情苦涩的回忆,他转过身躯,不想在这种境地下与她相遇。 Li Xiaoman has not seen Ye Fan obviously, if she like a crane among chickens general, is elegant and nimble and resourceful, the beautiful transcend worldly affairs looks cause many people then to watch, she naturally cannot notice a distant place face thin and pale and exhausted youngster. 李小曼显然没有看到叶凡,她如鹤立鸡群一般,飘逸而灵动,美丽出尘的姿容引得很多人回头观看,她自然不会注意到远处一个一脸憔悴与疲惫的少年。 Ye Fan turns around to walk, wants to leave here, but does not want under to hit a person in a hurry. 叶凡转身就走,想要离开这里,但不想匆匆之下撞了一个人。 How young beggar you walks, the street is so wide, hits to me!” Front is several young men and women, attractive female surface reveal not cheerful color, Ye Fan did not hit her a moment ago carefully. “小乞丐你怎么走路呢,街道这么宽,偏偏向我身上撞!”前面是几个年轻的男女,其中一个漂亮女子面『露』不愉之『色』,叶凡刚才不小心撞到了她。 Sorry!” Ye Fan quickly apologizes. “对不起!”叶凡急忙赔不是。 Junior Sister had a look to lose anything, now somewhat begs steals specially like this.” A young man reminded, and blocked Ye Fan, did not make him depart. 师妹看看是不是丢了什么东西,现在有些乞儿专门这样偷盗。”一个年轻男子提醒道,并且拦住叶凡,不让他离去。 Ye Fan escapes day after day, clothes are dirty and broken, on the face full is the stain, truly likely young beggar. 叶凡连日逃亡,身上的衣服又脏又破,脸上满是污痕,确实像个小乞丐。 Senior Brother, Senior Sister......” at this moment Li Xiaoman walks, on avenue pedestrian, although are many, but the people see her is so beautiful, cannot help but to let it operates a path, she arrived at the near quickly. 师兄,师姐……”就在这时李小曼走来,大街上行人虽然很多,但众人见她如此美丽,不由自主为让其开一条道路,她很快就来到了近前。 Puts him to walk, I have not lost anything.” A moment ago the hit that female is frowning to say. “放他走吧,我没有丢什么东西。”刚才被撞到的那个女子皱着眉头道。 Ye Fan wants to turn around to depart, but Li Xiaoman had arrived at present, happen to sees him. 叶凡想转身离去,但是李小曼已经到了眼前,正好见到他。 Is you!” “是你!” Ye Fan stopped the figure, has not thought that met with her eventually. 叶凡停住了身形,没有想到终究是与她相遇了。 Junior Sister do you know this young beggar?” Nearby several young male and female all show(s) surprised expression. 师妹你认识这个小乞丐?”旁边的几个年轻男女全都『露』出惊讶的神『色』 At this moment, Ye Fan, the whole body is the dust, expression is in rags thin and pale, is exhausted. Day after day escapes, his body and mind is all weary, in addition the ruined clothing, how sees seems like the character of social lowest level. 此刻,叶凡衣衫褴褛,浑身都是尘土,神『色』憔悴,疲惫不堪。连日逃亡,他身心皆疲,再加上破败的衣衫,怎么看都像是社会最底层的人物。
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