STH :: Volume #1

#86: Life and Death dangerous situation

Around the cool breeze town/subdues is completely the mountain, ancient wood is towering, the primitive jungle proliferates, in the remote mountain multi- Mutant Beast, the common person does not dare to penetrate. 清风镇周围尽是大山,古木参天,原始密林遍布,深山中多异兽,寻常人不敢深入。 Ye Fan in the cool breeze town/subdues housing after a period of time, knows this endless mountain range is the Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land's surrounding region. 叶凡在清风镇居住过一段时间后,才知晓这无尽山脉乃是荒古禁地的外围区域。 North and south Yan Country long two thousand li (500 km), thing long three thousand li (500 km), Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land situated in this/should country, by the endless mountain encirclement and surrounding, this piece of primitive region circumference is more than 800 li (0.5 km) fully. 燕国南北长两千里,东西长三千里,荒古禁地位于该国中部,被无尽大山环绕与包围,这片原始区域方圆足有八百余里。 Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, Red Mist Sanctuary, Jade Cauldron sanctuary and other Sanctuary and Blessed Land all revolve around the outside of this primitive region. 灵墟洞天烟霞洞天玉鼎洞天等六处洞天福地全都围绕在这片原始区域的外部。 At this moment, Ye Fan throws into the remote mountain, runs in the jungle unceasingly, wishes one could to crash in Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land immediately, he felt that the life was threaten, wants to be far away after behind small town. 此刻,叶凡一头扎进深山中,在密林中不断奔跑,恨不得立刻冲进荒古禁地,他感觉生命受到了威胁,想要远离身后的小镇。 Obstructs day 86 遮天86 Hopes that my premonition made a mistake......” enough rush through more than double-hour, does not know that crossed many mountains, he stops the respite in piece of mountain region. “希望我的预感错了……”足足奔行了一个多时辰,也不知道翻过了多少座大山,他才在一片山地间停下来喘息。 Suddenly, he heard roaring of barbarian beast, big of sound is deafening, probably the startling thunderclap cuts the expansive sky, stirs up 『』 rolling. 突然,他听到了一声蛮兽的咆哮,声音之大震耳欲聋,像是惊雷划破长空,滚滚激『荡』而来。 Is the cool breeze town/subdues direction......” Ye Fan such as the spirit ape is ordinary, climbs fast to a cliff, lifts the vine, enters in secret Cave. He turns very quiet, suppresses to lowly own life-force, body ice-cold, no vigor. “是清风镇方向……”叶凡如灵猿一般,飞快攀向一座山崖,掀开藤蔓,进入一个隐秘的石洞中。他屏住呼吸,将自己的生机压制到最低,躯体一片冰冷,没有一点活力。 Soon, he by the vine noticed that in the sky presents a whole body to cover Mutant Beast of azure scale to carry Jiang Family's Knight to clash. 不久,他透过藤蔓看到天空中出现一头浑身覆盖青『色』鳞片的异兽载着姜家的一名骑士一冲而过。 Really pursued......” a Ye Fan pupil contraction, in his heart ice-cold, Jiang Family's Knight had how fearfully, he once witnessed, if were discovered certain death without doubt. “真的来追下来了……”叶凡瞳孔一阵收缩,他心中一片冰冷,姜家的骑士有多么的可怕,他曾经亲眼目睹,如果被发现的话必死无疑。 After the moment, that powerful Knight controls Mutant Beast to clash, in mountain range as well as this regional unceasing circling of distant place. 片刻后,那名强大的骑士驾驭异兽冲回,在远处的山脉以及这片区域间不断的盘旋。 He locked this region, discovered me?” Ye Fan whole body ice-cold, felt that left the death to be very near. “他锁定了这片区域,难道发现了我?”叶凡浑身冰冷,感觉离死亡很近。 Meanwhile, in his heart angry incomparable, the opposite party definitely on the heavy treasure to him comes, if were discovered simply does not have the means of livelihood. At this moment but he actually does not dare to be excited, he moves does not dare to move, life-force falls the freezing point, the whole person such as a section of punt-pole wood hides in Cave generally. 同时,他心中愤怒无比,对方肯定是冲着他身上的重宝而来,若被发现根本没有活路。可是此刻他却不敢过于激动,他一动不敢动,生机降到冰点,整个人如一截槁木一般藏在石洞中。 The past two double-hour, in the sky that azure Mutant Beast went far away, vanished in the horizon gradually. But Ye Fan actually does not dare to move, color thorough is dark until day, he climbs Cave cleverly, flushes away toward another mountain side lineage/vein in fast. 足足过去两个时辰,天空中那头青『色』异兽才远去,渐渐消失在天际。但叶凡却未敢动,直到天『色』彻底黑暗下来,他才灵巧的攀出石洞,快速向着另一片山脉中冲去。 Jiang Family......” Ye Fan clenches teeth. 姜家……”叶凡咬了咬牙。 This night, Ye Fan has not lit a fire, only picked some wild fruits to appease hunger, then hid in the prosperous thorn clump. 这个夜晚,叶凡没有生火,只采摘了一些野果充饥,而后便躲进了繁盛的荆棘丛中。 Night, not well-known wild animal roar continuously, especially is not tranquil, the star moon/month is gloomy, Yin Qi fills the air, in the barren mountains and wild hills the trees shake, such as Malicious Ghost is making threatening gestures. 夜里,不知名的野兽吼声此起彼伏,格外的不平静,星月暗淡,阴气弥漫,荒山野岭间树木摇动,如厉鬼在张牙舞爪。 Suddenly, the shouting sound of this piece of region wild animal vanished, mountain forest all of a sudden peaceful. In Ye Fan heart immediately one tight, the physical body is nearly dry lonesome, moves does not dare to move. 突然,这片区域野兽的嘶吼声消失了,山林一下子安静了下来。叶凡心中顿时一紧,肉体近乎枯寂,一动不敢动。 In the sky does not know when presented Mutant Beast, carries a person to circle, another below beasts felt the danger. 天空中不知何时出现了一头异兽,载着一个人在盘旋,另下方的兽类都感觉到了危险。 Until after midnight, that Knight vanishes from this region, Ye Fan felt that the whole body cold sweat drippings, this way is not the means that perhaps sooner or later will be tracked down. 直到下半夜,那名骑士才从这片区域消失,叶凡感觉浑身冷汗淋淋,这样下去不是办法,恐怕早晚会被追寻出来。 Frontage conflict certain death, how can get rid of him......” the Ye Fan discovery to have no means that can only first escape. “正面冲突必死,怎么才能摆脱他……”叶凡发现没有任何办法,只能先逃下去了。 In following in two days, Ye Fan goes through and avoids in mountain range unceasingly, were nearly discovered by the opposite party several times, can say brushed past with the death unceasingly. 在接下来的两日里,叶凡山脉中不断穿行与躲避,几次险些被对方发现,可以说不断与死亡擦肩而过。 Until third day, he came across the biggest crisis, the opposite party as if perceived that he possibly hides in this region, ruthless offense take action, a took out spiritual wisdom weapon, separates several stone cliff, crushes the large expanse of mountain forest, destroys a large area of thorn, lets this mountain side bareness. 直到第三天,他遇到了最大的危机,对方似乎觉察到他可能躲在这片区域,狠戾出手,祭出一把通灵武器,割裂数座石崖,粉碎成片的山林,摧毁大面积的荆棘,让这片山地一片光秃秃。 Ye Fan hides in the swamp of not far away, moves does not dare to move, the whole body is wrapping by the silt and rotten withered leaf, his closes/obstructs dwell breathes, static and other Knight depart. 叶凡躲在不远处的沼泽中,一动不敢动,浑身都被淤泥与腐烂的枯叶包裹着,他闭住呼吸,静等那名骑士离去。 Obstructs day 86 遮天86 But, the opposite party has not let off the swamp, then the spiritual wisdom weapon such as the blue lightning, has delimited in the swampy ground together, giant gullies appear, split the swampy ground completely. 可是,对方连沼泽也没有放过,那把通灵武器如一道蓝『色』的闪电,在沼泽地中划过,一道道巨大的沟壑出现,完全将沼泽地分裂了。 "puff" “噗” Suddenly, such as the blue spiritual wisdom weapon like lightning has delimited beyond one meter, separates the mud, although has not cut his body, but a blue light actually scratched his abdomen, Ye Fan felt that a severe pain, actually suppressed has not been daring chaotically to move. If not his physique is super, trades to make the general cultivator's words, that say/way fearful blue light cut in two at the waist it a moment ago sufficiently! 突然,如蓝『色』闪电般的通灵武器在一米外划过,将烂泥割裂,虽然没有斩到他的躯体,但是一点蓝光去却擦中了他的腹部,叶凡感觉到一阵剧痛,却强忍着未敢『乱』动。如果不是他体质超级强横,换作一般的修士的话,刚才那道可怕的蓝光足以将其腰斩! Until after 1 hour, all finally are tranquil, Ye Fan is clenching teeth to struggle from the mire, his abdomen blood gurgling flows, bright red that the mud is contaminated. 直到半个时辰之后,一切才终于平静下来,叶凡咬着牙自泥沼中挣扎而出,他的腹部鲜血汩汩而流,将烂泥都浸染的一片鲜红。 Jiang Yichen I must butcher you sooner or later, even if were Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family cannot protect you!” 姜逸晨早晚我要宰了你,纵然是荒古世家也护不了你!” Ye Fan feels a dizziness, his excessive loss of blood, the abdomen was nearly cut open completely, if not the mud stops up outside, he motionlessly for a long time, has been the blood completely perishes. 叶凡感觉一阵天旋地转,他失血过多,腹部险些被完全剖开,如果不是烂泥堵在外面,他一动不动这么长时间,早已是血尽而亡。 He hurried to find a mountain spring clean wound, will be then full is the coat of sludge takes off, inside also calculates that the clean clothes tore strip, entangled to bind own wound. But, the wound of abdomen was too serious, nearly can see inside intestines, the blood cannot stop. 他赶紧找到一处山泉清洗伤口,而后将满是污泥的外衣脱掉,将里面还算干净的衣服撕裂成条状,缠裹自己的伤口。可是,腹部的伤口太严重了,近乎可以看到里面的肠子,鲜血根本止不住。 The excessive loss of blood, Ye Fan feels the whole body to be incapable, both hands dyed completely the bloody water, he clean clothes will all rip open, stops up to that fearsome wound. However, the bloody water is still hard to stop, his lower part was been incarnadine, the skin seemed somewhat pale. 失血过多,叶凡感觉浑身无力,双手染满了血水,他将干净的衣服全都撕开,堵向那可怖的伤口。不过,血水依然难以止住,他下半身都被染红了,皮肤都显得有些苍白了。 Ye Fan is stopping up own wound by both hands, refers to the seams the blood overflowing unceasingly, he is nipping oneself lips, diligently keeps sober by oneself, did not faint fan in the past. Revolves silently «Dao Scripture», transfers life-force of whole body, attempts to stand firm the injury. 叶凡以双手堵着自己的伤口,指缝间鲜血不断溢出,他咬着自己的双唇,努力让自己保持清醒,不昏『迷』过去。默默运转《道经》,调动全身的生机,尝试稳住伤势。 „The say/way of day damages to make up insufficient......” “天之道损有余而补不足……” In he soon will faint in the past fan instantly, inner world most deep place remembers such sound suddenly, several hundred ancient character probably trickles flowed in his heart, making intelligent absent-minded him sober gradually. 就在他即将昏『迷』过去的刹那,心海最深处突然想起这样的声音,数百个古字像是涓涓细流在他心田中流淌,让神智恍惚的他又渐渐清醒了过来。 Ye Fan belongs to gradually tranquilly, the intelligence recovers, is no longer murky, at the same time «Dao Scripture» is revolving silently, life Essence Qi turns toward the wound to well up unceasingly. Finally, that is whirling around the fearful wound runs out of the faint trace blue light, passes fearful murderous intention that the body enters by compelling, the life Essence Qi circulation, the blood stops finally. 叶凡渐渐归于平静,神智复苏,不再昏沉,与此同时《道经》在默默运转,生命精气不断向着伤口涌去。最终,那翻卷着的可怕伤口冲出丝丝蓝光,透体而入的可怕杀机被『逼』了出来,生命精气流转,鲜血终于止住。 Ye Fan cannot withstand weakly, but is actually clenching teeth to stand up, swayed moves the body toward the mountain forest, he must find a secret place to hide, the injury is serious, cannot run. 叶凡虚弱不堪,但却咬着牙站起身来,摇摇晃晃的向着山林中挪动躯体,他必须要找个隐秘的地方躲藏起来,伤势非常严重,再也不能奔跑了。 Originally, Ye Fan wants to run into Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land in this several days, only has so can make that Knight heart have the scruples, does not dare to penetrate. But, he did not have the strength, thought deeply about the moment carefully, he staggered along, returned along the old route. 原本,叶凡想在这几日间逃进荒古禁地,唯有如此才能让那名骑士心有顾忌,不敢深入。可是,他没有力量了,仔细思索了片刻,他跌跌撞撞,沿着原路回返。 Finally, he chaotic stone forest is stopped by that Knight has destroyed wantonly in one, hides in together the pinnacles. 最终,他在一处被那名骑士大肆破坏过的『乱』石林中停了下来,躲在一道石峰间。 This region had been searched, Ye Fan estimates that Knight thoughts, thought that in a short time here will be a blind spot. 这片区域已经已经被搜索过,叶凡揣摩那名骑士的心思,觉得短时间内这里将会是一个盲点。 Ye Fan does not eat and drink, hid fully two days two nights in this pinnacle, the injury controlled thoroughly, but still being hard strenuous exercise. 叶凡不吃不喝,在这道石峰中整整躲了两日两夜,伤势才彻底控制下来,但依然难以剧烈运动。 These two days, that Knight circles sky over the remote mountain unceasingly, many wooded mountains were thoroughly destroyed by him. 这两日来,那名骑士不断在深山上空盘旋,很多山林都被他彻底摧毁了。 At this night, Ye Fan crawls the crevice, picked many wild fruits, changed a place to hide, the new region had just wreaked havoc by that Knight, the forest broke off, the rock cracked, everywhere in confusion. 就在这个夜晚,叶凡爬出石缝,采摘了不少野果,又换了一个地方躲藏,新的区域刚刚被那名骑士肆虐过,林木折断,山石崩裂,满地的狼藉。 I follow slowly in your behind, you have searched for there, I then hide to where.” Under this dangerous situation, the life does not guarantee momentarily, Ye Fan can only consider earnestly, the cautious avoidance, chooses that Knight blind spot to hide. “我慢慢跟在你的后面,你搜过那里,我便躲向哪里。”在这种危险境地下,生命随时不保,叶凡只能认真思虑,小心翼翼的躲避,选择那名骑士的盲点藏身。 On this enough past on the 56 th, he restores gradually, can say that this is a suffering, several days later, as a result of the suffering of deficiency as well as pain of food, he fully were thin. 就这样足足过去五六日,他才渐渐恢复过来,可以说这是一种煎熬,几天下来,由于食物的匮乏以及病痛的折磨,他整整瘦了一圈。 „If not my physique far ultra general cultivator, perhaps had become extinct life-force by that blue light.” Ye Fan is looking at the horizon, talked to oneself: Must escape this tribulation, cannot die here.” “如果不是我的体质远超一般的修士,恐怕早已被那道蓝光绝灭了生机。”叶凡望着天际,自语道:“一定要逃过这一劫,不能死在这里。” Obstructs day 86 遮天86 Jiang Family......” Ye Fan clenches teeth. 姜家……”叶凡咬了咬牙。 His present strength is insufficient, at present perhaps only then braves death to hide in Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, can get rid of that Knight. Ye Fan recovers almost, he starts the detouring vanguard, wants to be close to Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land. 他现在实力不够,眼下也许只有冒死躲进荒古禁地,才能摆脱那名骑士叶凡身体恢复的差不多后,他开始绕路前行,想要接近荒古禁地 I take holy fruit to could resist there curse, entering the life-forbidden zone to me perhaps is an opportunity!” “我服食过圣果也许可以抵制那里的诅咒,进入生命禁区对于我来说或许是一种机遇!”
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