STH :: Volume #1

#85: The crisis approaches

Chapter 85 crisis approaches 第85章危机来临 In Red Mist Sanctuary, fog clash, shook all of a sudden Purple Gold bottle gourd, and its imprisonment there, making it unable to continue to swallow to receive cultivator. 烟霞洞天内,有一片灰雾冲起,一下子将紫金葫芦震开了,并将其禁锢在那里,令其不能继续吞收修士 Together ash color the shadow mark flushed fast, this is an old person who is hard to see clearly the age, the beard and hair is all white, but complexion is ruddy, it may be said that white hair and ruddy complexion, he also brought Purple Gold bottle gourd, said: everyone please appease anger.” He pushed Purple Gold bottle gourd directly, Jiang Yichen cold snort/hum, put away own treasure. 一道灰『色』的影迹快速冲了过来,这是一个难以看清年岁的老人,须发皆白,但脸『色』非常红润,可谓鹤发童颜,他将紫金葫芦也带了过来,道:“诸位请息怒。”他直接将紫金葫芦推了过来,姜逸晨冷哼了一声,收起自己的宝物。 Who are you?” Jiang Yifei asked. “你是何人?”姜逸飞问道。 this Old Man is the Red Mist Sanctuary leader.” 老朽乃是烟霞洞天的掌门。” Obstructs day 85 遮天85 No wonder has such strength, can suppress Purple Gold bottle gourd.” Jiang Yifei nods, said: You are unlikely hard to prevent us.” “难怪有如此实力,可以压制紫金葫芦。”姜逸飞点了点头,道:“不过你恐怕还是难以阻挡我们。” Yes, this Old Man understands.” The Red Mist Sanctuary leader acknowledged confidently, then continues to open the mouth saying: Does not know that my Red Mist Sanctuary has what place of offending, making everyone so drag in lots of people, if really has the big crime, I am willing to dismiss Red Mist Sanctuary, all allow somebody to have his own way handling.” “是,老朽明白。”烟霞洞天的掌门坦然承认,而后继续开口道:“不知我烟霞洞天到底有何得罪之处,让诸位如此兴师动众,若真有大罪,我愿解散烟霞洞天,一切听凭处置。” This grey clothes old person is honest, in fact he also by compelling helpless, if really with Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family to, Red Mist Sanctuary will certainly vanishes in a puff of smoke rapidly, both at all are not a magnitude, once is hostile, no suspense. 这个灰衣老人非常坦诚,事实上他也是被『逼』无奈,如果真的跟一个荒古世家对上,烟霞洞天必将迅速灰飞烟灭,两者根本不是一个数量级的,一旦敌对,没有一点悬念。 Looked that you are so frank, I was not good to raise a disturbance.” “看你如此光明磊落,我倒不好大闹一场了。” The Jiang Yifei 24 or 25-year-old appearance, spoke with the Red Mist Sanctuary leader by this tone, this old person did not feel impolite, all were placed because of the strength there. 姜逸飞不过二十四五岁的样子,以这种口气同烟霞洞天的掌门说话,这个老人却并不觉得无礼,一切都因实力摆在那里。 Young Master is wise, but also please indicate clearly, because what reason sends a punitive expedition to come?” “公子英明,还请明示,到底因为什么缘故兴师问罪而来?” Two years ago your Red Mist Sanctuary whether died Jiang disciple?” “两年前你们烟霞洞天是否死了一名姜姓弟子?” Red Mist Sanctuary leader hearing this nods, said: „If others, perhaps I am hard to remember, but this aptitude uncommon youngster made the profound impression on me.” 烟霞洞天的掌门闻言点头,道:“如果是别人,我或许难以记住,但是这个资质不凡的年轻人给我留下了深刻的印象。” That is our Jiang Family's juniors, but was actually killed by your Red Mist Sanctuary person.” Jiang Yifei tranquil saying. “那是我们姜家的子弟,但却被你烟霞洞天的人害死了。”姜逸飞平静的说道。 What, was he killed?” The Red Mist Sanctuary leader is astonished, said: Who such big courage!” “什么,他是被人害死的?”烟霞洞天的掌门惊愕,道:“何人这么大的胆子!” Now you understand why I came.” “现在你明白我为何而来了吧。” The Red Mist Sanctuary leader a headache, how the Jiang Family's juniors will enter Red Mist Sanctuary immediately, moreover was killed, this to him truly is a very tricky matter. 烟霞洞天的掌门顿时一阵头痛,姜家的子弟怎么会进入烟霞洞天,而且被人害死了呢,这对于他来说确实是一件非常棘手的事情。 You do not need to worry, I do not create a scene to come.” “你也不必过于担心,我并不是无理取闹而来。” Asked Young Master Jiang to feel relieved, I punished certainly the murderer, did not appease!” “请姜公子放心,我一定严惩凶手,绝不姑息!” „The main murderer has submitted to punishment, but I thought that their division commanders have the suspicion of toleration, in addition provides medicine 』 the person of thing also to uncover for them 『......” “最主要的凶手已经伏法,但我觉得他们的师长有纵容的嫌疑,此外为他们提供『药』物的人也要揪出……” Young Master Jiang please take the trouble in Red Mist Sanctuary, this Old Man surely gives you a satisfactory confession, must cut to extinguish the wicked head.” “姜公子请移驾烟霞洞天内,老朽一定给你一个满意的交代,必斩灭恶首。” Jiang Yifei nods, said: The most important thing is to make this elderly man have this child to be satisfied.” 姜逸飞点了点头,道:“最重要的是让这位老人家还有这个孩子满意。” At this moment, Uncle Jiang and Little Tingting have been the tearful eyes are fuzzy. 此刻,姜老伯小婷婷早已是泪眼模糊。 I understand......” “我明白……” Obstructs day 85 遮天85 Jiang Yifei assigns/life Jiang Yichen to take out Purple Gold bottle gourd, the person who will receive put completely. Then, he brings Uncle Jiang and Little Tingting enters Red Mist Sanctuary with that old leader, others with, the people have not descended in the place, waits outside. 姜逸飞姜逸晨取出紫金葫芦,将收进去的人全部放了出来。而后,他带着姜老伯小婷婷同那位老掌门进入烟霞洞天,其他人没有跟去,众人降落在地,在外等候。 At this moment, Ye Fan some peeped at feeling, the discovery is still that arrogant youngster Jiang Yichen. What's the matter? He thinks has not offended this Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family juniors, thinks that did not understand opposite party what for to stare at him. 就在这时,叶凡又有了被窥视的感觉,发现依然是那倨傲的少年姜逸晨。到底怎么回事?他自认为没有得罪过这个荒古世家的子弟,想不明白对方何为盯上了他。 Jiang Caixuan walked, the lotus steps, lithe is leisurely varied, smiles faintly: „After little brother Ye matter, Tingting can return to Jiang Family with us, if you want also to accompany to go.” 姜采萱走了过来,莲步款款,婀娜多姿,浅笑道:“叶小弟此间事了后,婷婷会与我们回姜家,如果你愿意的话也随同前往吧。” „When this......” at first, Ye Fan really has such idea, Jiang Family is how aloof, is from the ancient powerful family that Ancient Desolate Era Inheritance gets down, could seek about the Saint Physique's secret. However, after careful consideration, he had also hesitated, what to do if were detected his secret? green copper lump of his within the body made Eastern Wilderness big in the past chaotically, if were detected by Jiang Family's matchless high Powerhouse, the consequence is dreadful. In addition, that «Dao Scripture» also triggers a big root of trouble sufficiently, once exposes, his situation is worrying. “这……”最初时,叶凡确实有这样的想法,姜家何其超然,乃是自荒古时代传承下来的古老门阀,说不定可以寻到关于圣体的秘密。但是,仔细思量后他有又犹豫了,万一被人发觉他的秘密怎么办?他体内的绿铜块当年令东荒大『乱』,若是被姜家的不世强者发觉,后果不堪设想。此外,那篇《道经》也足以引发不小的祸端,一旦泄『露』,他处境堪忧。 What's wrong, hasn't wanted?” Jiang Caixuan many are somewhat accidental, many cultivator sharpened the head to be going to enter Jiang Family unable, like this invited a youngster he unexpectedly still in sinking recitation and hesitant. “怎么了,还不愿意吗?”姜采萱多少有些意外,多少修士削尖了脑袋将要进入姜家都不能,这样邀请一个少年他居然还在沉『吟』与犹豫。 Ye Fan turns down, said: Many thanks Lady Jiang good intention, I from the thanks of sincerity. But I was used to wearily lazily, after entering Jiang Family, perhaps will make a mistake, I travel outside. When some day I live goes to Jiang Family exhaustedly, but also asks Lady Jiang to give shelter.” 叶凡婉拒,道:“多谢姜小姐的好意,我发自真心的感谢。但我疲懒惯了,进入姜家后恐怕会犯错误,我还是在外面游历吧。如果有一天我生活困顿去投奔姜家时,还请姜小姐收留。” At this time, another side Jiang Yichen sneered saying: You where, when Jiang Family was, was an inn? Jiang Family is not as you like the intention place that but comes and goes out freely, if you want to join, now let alone what idle talk.” 这时,另一边的姜逸晨冷笑道:“你当姜家是什么地方了,是客栈吗?姜家不是随你心意而自由出入的地方,如果你想加入的话,现在别说什么废话。” Jiang Yichen you shut up!” Jiang Caixuan reprimanded Jiang Yichen one, then turns around, says with a smile: little brother Ye you do not need to care, he is this appearance, was spoiled. You could rest assured that Jiang Family opens the front door for you momentarily, in the future will have what difficulty, although will go to Jiang Family to look for me.” 姜逸晨你闭嘴!”姜采萱斥了姜逸晨一句,然后转过身来,笑道:“叶小弟你不用在意,他就是这个样子,被宠坏了。你放心,姜家随时为你敞开大门,将来有什么困难尽管去姜家找我。” Many thanks Lady Jiang.” Ye Fan thanks said, in the heart is very simultaneously strange, he has not provoked this Young Master Jiang Family, why the opposite party like this, more is this even more makes Ye Fan firm, now cannot enter Jiang Family, Saint Physique, Dao Scripture and mysterious green copper these violates a taboo, he does not want to take risk. “多谢姜小姐。”叶凡感谢道,同时心中很奇怪,他并没有招惹这个姜家少爷,对方为什么会这样呢,越是这样就越发让叶凡坚定,现在不能进入姜家,圣体道经、神秘绿铜这些都犯忌,他可不想去冒险。 Boy you really some may probably know, wants to join our Jiang Family's people such as the multitude of people moving to and fro, lets go this opportunity you to regret life-long.” Jiang Yichen visits him to sneer. “小子你真有可要知道,想加入我们的姜家的人如过江之鲫,放弃这次机会的话你会后悔终生。”姜逸晨看着他冷笑。 In Ye Fan heart one cold, simultaneously was more astonished, this Young Master Jiang Family as if hopes that he joins Jiang Family immediately, what's the matter? 叶凡心中一凛,同时更加惊异了,这个姜家少爷似乎希望他立刻加入姜家,到底是怎么回事? Jiang Caixuan also reprimanded Jiang Yichen several, he no longer said anything, but stands in not far away often sizing up Ye Fan. 姜采萱又斥责了姜逸晨几句,他才不再多说什么,只是站在不远处不时的打量叶凡 This scoundrel isn't thing meeting a dead rabbit? His mother!” Ye Fan whispered in the heart. “这个混账的的东西该会不是个死兔子吧?他母亲的!”叶凡在心中直嘀咕。 Passed the moment, Jiang Yichen no longer took a look at him finally, started to revolve Red Mist Sanctuary to saunter, this made Ye Fan relax slightly. Quick, he thought of oneself schoolmate, should two in Red Mist Sanctuary, but actually is, he is not quite clear. 过了片刻,姜逸晨终于不再打量他,开始围绕着烟霞洞天转悠,这才让叶凡稍微松了一口气。很快,他想到了自己的同学,应该有两人在烟霞洞天内,但究竟是谁,他不太清楚。 Waited for 2 hours, Jiang Yifei to bring Uncle Jiang and Little Tingting goes out, the Red Mist Sanctuary leader as well as dry weight important person delivered personally. The old person and little girl eyes are all inflamed, has cried very much obviously. 足足等了一个时辰,姜逸飞才带着姜老伯小婷婷走出,烟霞洞天的掌门以及一干重要人物亲自送了出来。老人与小女孩全都眼睛红肿,很显然大哭过一场。 Old leader please return, does not need to see off, my Jiang Family is not mindless, the matter, you have not needed to worry again.” “老掌门你请回吧,不必相送了,我姜家并不是不讲理,此间事已了,你无需再担忧。” Red Mist Sanctuary old leader finally released a long breath, otherwise, no matter what who faces Jiang Family such colossus to be fearful and apprehensive, in Eastern Wilderness many major powers does not dare with it contending. 烟霞洞天的老掌门总算长出了一口气,不然的话,任谁面对姜家这样的庞然大物都要心惊胆颤,在东荒没有多少大势力敢与之抗衡。 The Red Mist Sanctuary person has gazed after them to go far away, until vanishing, returns to Sect. 烟霞洞天的人一直目送他们远去,直至消失,才返回门派中。 Jiang Yifei one group of return to the cool breeze small town directly, but to satisfy the old person has a look at the desire of this small town, Uncle Jiang for the Little Tingting future, will decide to enter Jiang Family, does not want to be wronged by own granddaughter again. 姜逸飞一行人直接回到清风小镇,只是为了满足老人重新看看这座小镇的愿望,姜老伯为了小婷婷的未来,决定进入姜家,不想让自己的孙女再受委屈了。 Big Brother you and we walk together.” Little Tingting is supine the small face to beg. 大哥哥你和我们一起走吧。”小婷婷仰着小脸央求道。 Ye Fan blows her small nose, said: Big Brother could not have helped, Jiang Family experts as common as the clouds, I was inferior in a there soldier, Tingting will live there is very good.” 叶凡刮了刮她的小鼻子,道:“大哥哥已经帮不上什么忙了,姜家高手如云,我在那里连个小兵都不如,婷婷会在那里生活的很好的。” Big Brother I really do not want to separate with you, you and we go together, otherwise Tingting will think of daily your.” Little Tingting pours down to sob. 大哥哥我真的不想和你分开,你和我们一起去吧,不然婷婷会天天想念你的。”小婷婷泫然欲泣。 Obstructs day 85 遮天85 Some of other I things, have not really been able to go now, I promise you, later sees certainly you.” Ye Fan comforts in a soft voice. “我还有些别的事情,现在真的不能去,我答应你,以后一定去看望你。”叶凡轻声安慰。 „It is not good, if Big Brother does not go, I do not walk.” Little Tingting must make such a decision unexpectedly. “不行,大哥哥要是不去的话,我也不走了。”小婷婷竟然要做出这样一个决定。 You are young, something have not understood, after you long until, naturally can understand. Goes to Jiang Family happily, do not want to play all the time there, well studies the law of practicing with them, perhaps in the future I will need Tingting to assist.” “你还小,有些事情还不懂,等你长到后自然会明白。开开心心去姜家吧,在那里不要贪玩,好好的跟他们学习修行之法,说不定将来我需要婷婷来相助呢。” Uncle Jiang is unable to understand, he hopes very much Ye Fan goes together with them, but is actually not able finally reluctantly. 姜老伯也无法理解,他很希望叶凡与他们同去,但最终却也无法勉强。 When outside the cool breeze small town distinguishes, Little Tingting loudly cries, holds the Ye Fan's leg saying that anything does not drop, tumbling that downward the tears form a pair. 在清风小镇外分别之际,小婷婷放声大哭,抱着叶凡的腿说什么也不放手,眼泪成双成对的往下滚落。 Ye Fan helps her dash away the tears, said: Does not cry, Tingting remembers the words that I spoke a moment ago, in the future we will also meet.” 叶凡帮她擦去眼泪,道:“不哭,婷婷记住我刚才说的话,将来我们还会见面的。” Finally Little Tingting Yiyi does not abandon, cries saying: My certain learned practices, in the future will look for Big Brother, if some people will bully Big Brother, Tingting will expel them.” 最终小婷婷依依不舍,哭道:“我一定学会修行,将来去找大哥哥,如果有人欺负大哥哥,婷婷把他们都打跑。” Ye Fan smiled immediately, said: Goes quickly, they in you.” 叶凡顿时笑了,道:“快去吧,他们都在等你呢。” At this moment, Ye Fan discovered when Young Master Jiang Family's Jiang Yichen looks to him, in the eye has flashed before together the cold light unexpectedly, this lets in his heart immediately thump. 就在这时,叶凡发现姜家的少爷姜逸晨望向他时,眼中竟然闪现过一道寒光,这让他心中顿时咯噔一下。 Jiang Yichen I thought that your look as if did not say one to......” Jiang Caixuan suddenly like this. 姜逸晨我看你的眼神似乎不对……”姜采萱突然这样说了一句。 How Sister Xuan will you say like this?” In the Jiang Yichen heart is startled. 萱姐你怎么会这样说呢?”姜逸晨心中一惊。 You little do the matter lacking virtue, do not have the bad mind. It seems like the grandfather really spoiled you.” Jiang Caixuan cold sound said: I have noticed you, you as if want to begin to little brother Ye, did he incur you to annoy you?” “你少做缺德事,不要起坏心眼。看来爷爷真的将你宠坏了。”姜采萱冷声道:“我早就注意到你了,你似乎想对叶小弟动手,他招你惹你了?” Jiang Yifei then looked at their one eyes, said: What's the matter?” 姜逸飞回头看了他们两人一眼,道:“怎么回事?” It’s nothing.” Jiang Yichen is somewhat afraid. “没什么。”姜逸晨有些心虚。 Said!” Although Jiang Yifei seems like the scholarly, but as if there is prestige very much, consanguineous Jiang Yichen fears him very much. “说!”姜逸飞虽然看似儒雅,但似乎很有威望,同族的姜逸晨很怕他。 I......” “我……” Said quickly!” “快说!” Jiang Yichen has to say the truth, said: On that boy has the heavy treasure, moreover is not the common heavy treasure. You know, my mount strangest place is not its strength, but is it lives a spiritual wisdom jade corner/horn, can induce divine object, today it glitters unceasingly five color ray, is exceptionally bright and radiant.” 姜逸晨不得不说出了实情,道:“那个小子身上有重宝,而且不是一般的重宝。你们知道,我的这头坐骑最奇异之处不是它的战力,而是它生有一只通灵玉角,可以感应神物,今日它不断闪烁五『色』光芒,异常的明亮与璀璨。” Its mount is azure Mutant Beast, the taking the form of liger, the azure beast wool is very long, is pure, but lives a jade corner/horn on his head, glittering and translucent, blooms five color divine light, may induce to existence of rare treasure. 它的坐骑是一头青『色』异兽,形似狮虎,青『色』的兽『毛』很长,非常洁净,而在其头颅上生有一只玉角,晶莹剔透,绽放五『色』神光,可感应到异宝的存在。 I probably met to trouble......” Ye Fan to see three people of distant place to look to here. “我可能遇到麻烦了……”叶凡见远处的三人向这边望来。 Child how?” Uncle Jiang asked. “孩子怎么了?”姜老伯问道。 Little Tingting also wiped tears, said: Big Brother met what troubled, I let pick the Sister Xuan elder sister to help you.” 小婷婷也抹了一把眼泪,道:“大哥哥遇到什么麻烦了,我让采萱姐姐帮你。” Ye Fan forced smile. 叶凡苦笑。 At this moment, Jiang Yichen is sneering to walk to here, Jiang Yifei and Jiang Caixuan also with. 此刻,姜逸晨正冷笑着向这边走来,姜逸飞姜采萱也跟了过来。 I am very curious, on you have what Zhongbao?” “我真的很好奇,你身上到底有何重宝?” In the Ye Fan heart shakes immediately, he has not thought that Jiang Yichen will say such words, really discovered what inadequate? 叶凡心中顿时一震,他万万没有想到姜逸晨会说出这样的话,难道真的发现了什么不成? Jiang Yifei said with a smile: little brother Ye does not need to be worried, we are well-meant, Jiang Family heavy treasure many like sand dust, will not seize your treasure corruptly.” 姜逸飞笑道:“叶小弟不用担心,我们没有恶意,姜家重宝多如沙尘,不会贪夺你的宝物。” Jiang Caixuan reminded: Body has the heavy treasure, from now on will are more careful......” 姜采萱提醒道:“身上有重宝,今后一定要小心一些……” Listens to her explanation, Ye Fan to understand that five color the mystery of Mutant Beast, may induce Spiritual Treasure unexpectedly, this makes his back break into sweat, if green copper lump and Dao Scripture violent show(s) comes, the consequence is dreadful. 听完她的解释,叶凡才明白那五『色』异兽的神奇,竟可感应到灵宝,这让他脊背直冒冷汗,如果绿铜块道经『露』出来,后果不堪设想。 Luckily has not complied to enter Jiang Family......” he to talk to oneself in the heart. “幸亏没有答应进入姜家……”他在心中自语。 Ok, we distinguished. You could rest assured that I have warned Jiang Yichen, he will not hit the evil idea again.” Jiang Caixuan said with a smile. “好了,我们就此分别吧。你放心,我已经警告姜逸晨,他不会再打歪主意了。”姜采萱笑道。 Finally, the group control Mutant Beast to soar, Little Tingting cries is very sad, unceasing is wielding the small hand, until vanishing in horizon. 最终,一行人驾驭异兽腾空而起,小婷婷哭的很伤心,不断的挥着小手,直至消失在天际。 Ye Fan had the intense sense of crisis, has not returned to the small town, rushes to the remote mountain directly, he thought that must be far away from this place as soon as possible. 叶凡有了强烈的危机感,没有回到小镇,直接奔向深山中,他觉得要尽快远离此地。 Chapter 3 finished. 第三章完毕。
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