STH :: Volume #1

#84: Domineering

Big tone!” Two cultivator complexion of Li are ugly, said: „Do you...... you want to initiate great war between Sect?” “好大的口气!”李家的两名修士脸『色』难看,道:“你……你们想引发门派间的大战吗?” Sect great war, are you competent? Perhaps is not popular.” That whole body covers the mail-armor and helmet the Knight sound to be indifferent. 门派大战,你们够资格吗?恐怕根本不入流吧。”那名全身覆盖甲胄的骑士声音冷漠。 Good! Good! Good! You have imposing attitude, does not know that can go out of Land of Yan!” Two cultivator complexion of Li are cloudy, in the eye the cold light flashes before, their thoughts revolve like lightning, will prepare to shoulder the anger of Red Mist Sanctuary elders. “好!好!好!你们有气魄,就是不知道能不能走出燕地!”李家的两位修士面『色』阴沉,眼中寒光闪现,他们心思电转,准备将挑起烟霞洞天长老们的怒火。 Also wants to keep Land of Yan to be inadequate us depending on you?” That Knight sneers, said: Depends on your like this mixed fish, coming on 180,000 insufficiently to look.” “难道凭你们还想将我们留在燕地不成?”那名骑士冷笑,道:“就凭你们这样的杂鱼,来上十万八万都不够看。” You......” cultivator of Li feel the shame, but is very shocking, felt that the opposite party as if real background is really big, how otherwise dares so to talk. But they do not have the escape route, must Li and Red Mist Sanctuary binds together, has the booklet to extinguish the possibility of opposite party, clenches teeth saying: Since you do not place in Red Mist Sanctuary the eye, my to report, in the gate the elder naturally can make you understand the immensity of heaven and earth truthfully!” “你……”李家的修士倍感羞辱,但同时很震惊,感觉对方似乎真的来头甚大,不然怎么敢如此狂言。但他们已经没有退路,必须将李家与烟霞洞天绑在一起,才有折灭对方的可能,咬牙道:“既然你们不将烟霞洞天放在眼中,我会如实禀报,门中长老自然会让你们明白天高地厚!” Obstructs day 84 遮天84 You do not match!” That Knight violent force trod merely forward one step, simply did not have true take action, the Li two people then such as the scarecrow to fly generally, numerous collisions on the wall, the whole body skeleton ka-beng ka-beng made noise, the mouth and nose and both ears approached the overflow blood simultaneously. “你们不配!”那名骑士仅仅向前猛力踏了一步,根本没有真正出手,李家二人便如稻草人一般飞了出去,重重的撞在墙上,浑身骨骼嘎嘣嘎嘣作响,口鼻与双耳同时向外溢血。 You......” the bones of two people whole body had disrupted most probably, such as the mud pasted generally on the wall, in the eye was full of the fear. “你……”两人全身的骨头有大半都碎裂了,如烂泥一般贴在了墙上,眼中充满了恐惧。 Under Jiang Yifei hints, this Knight under killer, the words do not ask these two. 姜逸飞示意下,这名骑士并没有下杀手,还有话要问这两人。 „Were the Tingting parents killed by you?” The Jiang Yifei words are still very light, but hears in the Li two people of ears at this moment, such as the startling thunderclap is actually vibrating generally, at present this tranquil White Clothed man makes them feel firm as a mountain, needs to look up. 婷婷的父母可是被你们害死的?”姜逸飞话语依然很平淡,但是此刻听到李家二人耳中,却如惊雷一般在震动,眼前这个平静的白衣男子让他们感觉如山似岳,需要仰视。 We said......” “我们说……” Who is so extremely arrogant, my doesn't Red Mist Sanctuary place in the eye?” At this moment, a Middle-Aged man stride enters the front courtyard, after seeing more than ten Mutant Beast, changed face color, said: everyone has what instructing me, why devastates my clouds and mist disciple?” “是谁如此狂妄,连我烟霞洞天都不放在眼中?”就在这时,一个中年男子大步走进前院,当看到十几头异兽后,不禁变了颜『色』,道:“诸位有何见教,为何摧残我烟霞弟子?” Except wicked that's all.” Knight went forward, blocked his way. “除恶而已。”一名骑士上前,挡住了他的去路。 Your what meanings, difficult Dao Self Red Mist Sanctuary is so-called wicked?” The Middle-Aged man shouts a question. “你们什么意思,难道我烟霞洞天是所谓的‘恶’吗?”中年男子喝问。 That Knight indifferent response: „Is Red Mist Sanctuary greatly wicked I do not know, but these two are actually injure someone nature the evil person of life is not fake.” 那名骑士冷漠的回应道:“烟霞洞天是不是大恶我不知道,但是这两人却是害人『性』命的恶徒不假。” This is only your statement of only one of the parties that's all, before the matter does not have the investigation is clear, you how can so arbitrary begin. Furthermore, this is my Red Mist Sanctuary disciple, if there is a mistake, the nature is handled by us, but also is not one's turn your bystanders.” “这只是你们一面之词而已,在事情没有调查清楚前,你们怎能如此武断动手。再有,这是我烟霞洞天弟子,如果有错,自然由我们处置,还轮不到你们这些外人。” Jiang Yifei expression is light, but the words somewhat are cold, said: They for wicked many years, has not seen your Red Mist Sanctuary handling, now actually also wants to get free, tries to harbor, it seems like I really need to go to Red Mist Sanctuary to step onto, asks for an explanation.” 姜逸飞神『色』平淡,但话语却有些寒冷,道:“他们为恶多年,也未见你们烟霞洞天处置,如今却还想开脱,设法包庇,看来我真的有必要去烟霞洞天走上一趟,讨个说法。” Big tone, where regarded my Red Mist Sanctuary, don't you pat cannot go out of Land of Yan?” Middle-Aged man coldly is staring at the front person. “好大的口气,将我烟霞洞天当成了什么地方,你们就不拍走不出燕地吗?”中年男子冷冷的盯着前方的人。 Jiang Yifei light sneering said: „Is Red Mist Sanctuary very powerful? What a pity I have not heard, a while must go surely well asked for advice.” 姜逸飞淡淡的冷笑道:“烟霞洞天很强大吗?可惜我从来没有听说过,一会儿定要去好好的领教一番。” Your unexpectedly so in the eye no one.” Middle-Aged men's cold sound said: Red Mist Sanctuary is one of the Land of Yan six schools, if you must make trouble, will have great war between Sect inevitably!” “你竟然如此目中无人。”中年男子寒声道:“烟霞洞天乃是燕地六派之一,如果你们非要生事,将不可避免发生门派间的大战!” Jiang Yifei shakes the head saying: Eastern Wilderness is vast, some actually many states, being hard number is clear, trivial Yan Country is a very tiny area, here Sect I have not truly heard.” 姜逸飞摇头道:“东荒浩瀚无垠,究竟有多少国度,难以数清,区区燕国不过是弹丸之地,这里的门派我确实未曾听说过。” So extremely arrogant, I must ask for advice but actually give a try you are powerful.” “如此狂妄,我倒要来领教试试看你有多么强大。” The Middle-Aged man controlling rainbow the line, rushes to the midair, the opens the mouth puts out at the same time the Purple Gold shield and a blood color lance. 中年男子驭虹而行,冲到半空中,张口吐出一面紫金盾牌与一杆血『色』的长矛。 A barbarian beast roaring sound gets up, Knight controls Mutant Beast to soar on, probably the green light to/clashes together generally. 一声蛮兽的咆哮声响起,一名骑士驾驭异兽腾空而上,像是一道绿光一般一冲而过。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Obstructs day 84 遮天84 Red Mist Sanctuary that Middle-Aged cultivator sends out a pitiful yell at the scene, the purple golden shield had been cut open instantaneously, then blood red color the lance has also broken is two sections, his chest and belly was almost cut open thoroughly, crashed at the scene, blood gurgling flows. 烟霞洞天的那名中年修士当场发出一声惨叫,紫金『色』的盾牌瞬间已经被切开,而那把血红『色』的长矛也已断为两截,其胸腹几乎被彻底剖开,当场坠落了下来,鲜血汩汩而流。 If the average person has died a violent death at this moment, the cultivator's body and spirit is especially powerful, he stopped bleeding fast, stood firm the injury, one side complexion was pale, falls back on. 如果是一般人此刻已经死于非命,修士的体魄格外强大,他快速止血,稳住了伤势,脸『色』惨白无比,退到一边。 In the Ye Fan heart deeply vibrates, he felt that these more than ten Knight are one by one uncommon, compared with monster Emperor Tomb Tsukami arrives at also wants powerful in Ji Family and Flickering Light Holy Land that person many. 叶凡心中深深震动,他感觉这十几名骑士各个不凡,比在妖帝坟冢见到的姬家摇光圣地的人还要强大不少。 At this moment, hears several immortal masters of sound unable to bear again, walked from the backyard. 就在这时,听到动静的几位仙师再也忍不住,自后院走了出来。 „Who are you?” And an old man frowns, a moment ago the words that he had heard the front courtyard people, these people have not placed in Red Mist Sanctuary the eye quite the same as, making his heart Central Africa annoyed and is uncomfortable. “你们是什么人?”其中一个老者皱起了眉头,他刚才已经听到前院众人的话语,这些人浑然未将烟霞洞天放在眼中,让他心中非恼火与不舒服。 Exhausted several guide, getting us to go to Red Mist Sanctuary to step onto one time.” On the Jiang Caixuan beautiful cheeks has one to sneer, said: Several invited.” “劳烦几位带路,领我们去烟霞洞天走上一遭。”姜采萱美丽的脸颊上带着一丝冷笑,道:“几位请吧。” Red Mist Sanctuary several people of all excitedly changes countenance, a humanity: Small age, is so extremely arrogant, your family Teacher had not taught you do want to honor the teacher and respect his teachings?” 烟霞洞天的几人皆勃然变『色』,其中一人道:“小小年纪,却如此狂妄,你家师长没有教导过你要尊师重道吗?” Jiang Caixuan cold sound said: You taught disciple that injures someone nature life, bullies the orphans and widows, compelling compels the 70-year- old person to have no way out, why you discussed that the master said two characters, you did not have such qualifications!” 姜采萱寒声道:“你们教导出来的弟子害人『性』命,欺负孤寡,『逼』迫70多岁的老人走投无路,你们凭什么谈师道二字,你们没有那样的资格!” „Do you have what evidence?” “你有何证据?” They have acknowledged.” “他们自己都已经承认了。” Middle that old man knits the brows saying: First did not say that was confessed under torture by you, even if really has the evil conduct, is not one's turn you to process, my Red Mist Sanctuary has the sect rule to handle.” 当中的那位老者皱了皱眉头道:“先不说是不是被你们屈打成招,就算真的有恶行,也轮不到你们来处理,我烟霞洞天自有门规来处置。” Good to handle, more than two years, the dead does not die content, outside the murderer free and unfettered method , to continue to persecute the orphans and widows old and young, is this your sect rule?” Jiang Caixuan sympathizes with Little Tingting very much, at this point, on the elegant face covered entirely the cold frost, said: By the present, you are still finding the way to get free and harbor, you also really worthily are their division commanders, is really the birds of a feather flock together.” “好一个自行处置,两年多来,死者不瞑目,凶手逍遥法外,继续迫害孤寡老幼,这就是你们的门规?”姜采萱很同情小婷婷,说到这里,俏脸上布满了寒霜,道:“到现在,你们还在想办法开脱与包庇,你们还真不愧是他们二人的师长,果然是物以类聚。” You......” were that old man frown of head stood immediately, but actually does not dare to manifest suddenly at the scene, because the battle formation of opposite party was really scary, was only that golden god makes him incomparably dread. “你……”为首的那名老者双眉顿时立了起来,可是却并未敢当场发作,因为对方的阵势实在骇人,光是那头黄金神就让他无比忌惮。 At this moment, Jiang Yifei opened the mouth, said: All takes them!” Several Knight heard that the sound also goes forward. 就在这时,姜逸飞开口了,道:“将他们全都拿下!”数名骑士闻声同时上前。 That old man shouted: Walks!” His first shooting up to the sky, the controlling rainbow escapes, he had seen, these person of backgrounds are really big, is not they can cope. Several other people, charges into all around, rainbow glow shooting to horizon. 那名老者喝道:“走!”他第一个冲天而起,驭虹而遁,他已经看出,这些人来头甚大,不是他们所能够对付的。另外几人,也都冲向四面八方,一道道虹芒『射』向天际。 barbarian beast roared, in the sky transmitted the vibration, several Mutant Beast carried several Knight to charge into a side respectively, pursued instantaneously. 蛮兽咆哮,天空中传来震动,数头异兽载着几名骑士各自冲向一方,瞬间就追了上去。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” The pitiful yell sound transmits one after another, later several Knight fast rotations, drag damned dog to seize probably generally everyone, including that old man, everyone's body has the fearsome wound. 惨叫声相继传来,随后几名骑士快速回转,像是拖死狗一般将所有人擒回,包括那名老者在内,所有人的身上都有可怖的伤口。 Side, Ye Fan is extremely shocking, Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family is really the colossus, these Knight were too fearful. 旁边,叶凡非常震惊,荒古世家果然是庞然大物,这些骑士太可怕了。 Jiang Yifei selects two Knight, making them stay behind processes the person of Li, simultaneously the warning do not slaughter innocents, only puts to death several wicked heads. 姜逸飞点出两名骑士,让他们留下处理李家的人,同时告诫不要滥杀无辜,只诛杀几名恶首。 We go to Red Mist Sanctuary!” “我们去烟霞洞天!” Jiang Yifei holds the golden god Uncle Jiang personally, rides with him. Jiang Caixuan holds the god deer Little Tingting, sits before her body. But Ye Fan rides with Knight rides, soars. 姜逸飞亲自将姜老伯扶上黄金神,与他同骑。姜采萱则将小婷婷抱上神鹿,坐在她的身前。而叶凡则与一名骑士共乘一骑,腾空而起。 Obstructs day 84 遮天84 Did not use Red Mist Sanctuary, that two domestic animals have died, the big enmity must report......” Uncle Jiang to know that the son was killed, the old eyes pollution, could not bear cry. “不用去烟霞洞天了,那两个畜生已死,大仇已经得报……”姜老伯得知儿子是被人害死的,老眼浑浊,忍不住落泪。 Another side, Little Tingting also sobbed. 另一边,小婷婷也哭泣了起来。 Goes, must go, who our Jiang Family's person is not wants to kill can kill!” Jiang Yifei expression is tranquil, but the words are powerful. “去,一定要去,我们姜家的人不是谁想杀就能杀的!”姜逸飞神『色』平静,但话语却非常有力。 The road that in the Ye Fan heart a sigh, he must take is very long, compared with Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family such colossus, he was too tiny. 叶凡心中一阵感叹,他要走的路还很长,与荒古世家这样的庞然大物相比,他实在太渺小了。 The people in small town are dumbfounded, after being very long, burst into the cheers, the malignant tumor on town/subdues draws out finally. 小镇上的人目瞪口呆,很久之后才爆发出欢呼声,镇上的毒瘤终于被人拔出了。 Red Mist Sanctuary several captives, in the face of the life and death, have to submit, shows the way before. 烟霞洞天的几名俘虏,在生与死面前,不得不屈服,在前指路。 Several Mutant Beast mount the clouds and ride the mist, runs in the sky, sends out rumble the sound, resembles the mighty force to gallop, if the tsunami has welled up the upper air. 十几头异兽腾云驾雾,在天空中奔跑,发出隆隆之响,似千军万马在奔腾,又如海啸涌过高空。 At this moment, Ye Fan felt that some people are peeping at him, then the discovery unexpectedly is that arrogant youngster Jiang Yichen. 就在这时,叶凡感觉有人在窥视他,回头发现竟然是那个倨傲的少年姜逸晨 Sees him to look, Jiang Yichen puts aside the vision, corners of the mouth show(s) sneers. 见他望来,姜逸晨移开目光,嘴角『露』出一丝冷笑。 In the Ye Fan heart moves immediately, why will the opposite party like this, discover what inadequate? 叶凡心中顿时一动,对方为何会这样,难道发现了什么不成? The quick people arrived at Red Mist Sanctuary, front peak azure valley emerald, the smog is indistinct, the multi-colored sunlight appears intermittently, truly tallies with its name. 很快众人就来到了烟霞洞天,前方峰青谷翠,烟雾飘渺,霞光隐现,确实与其名字相符。 Who rushes to me to send important location?” The front hears the shouts out sound. “何人闯我派重地?”前方传来大喝声。 Bang bang bang “砰砰砰” These captives who were caught, were all thrown, immediately makes the front hear the screams. 被抓来的那些俘虏,全都被扔了出去,顿时让前方传来惊呼声。 Archenemy invades one's territory!” Red Mist Sanctuary big chaotic. “大敌来犯!”烟霞洞天一阵大『乱』。 In an instant, clouds and mist soar to the heavens, carve Dao Runes in mountains land to play the might, to blazing god splendors, prevented the way of people. 刹那间,烟霞冲天,雕刻在山川大地上的道纹发挥出威力,冲起一道道炽烈的神辉,阻挡住了众人的去路。 only this much that's all, I break open it.” At this time, that expression arrogant youngster Jiang Yichen take action, within the body departed Purple Gold bottle gourd suddenly, the purple light was shining, fast enlargement in sky, probably the whale attracted drinks like a fish general, turned toward in the bottle gourd mouth to blot all clouds and mist. Suddenly then suppressed that Dao Runes strength. 不过如此而已,我来破开它。”这时,那个神『色』倨傲的少年姜逸晨突然出手,体内飞出一个紫金葫芦,紫光灿灿,在天空中快速放大,像是鲸吸牛饮一般,将所有烟霞都向着葫芦嘴内吸去。眨眼间便将那道纹的力量压制了下去。 Then, Purple Gold bottle gourd seems like a hill pressure on fall to go generally forward, passes the misty purple fog, immediately hears intermittent screams, many 's shadow flying upside down go, took in Purple Gold bottle gourd. 接着,紫金葫芦像是一座小山一般向前压落而去,流转出蒙蒙紫雾,顿时传来一阵阵惊呼声,很多条人影倒飞而去,被收进紫金葫芦内。 In the Ye Fan heart is startled, cannot think that Ancient Desolate this Purple Gold bottle gourd might is so powerful, easily eradicated Red Mist Sanctuary mountain protecting Dao Runes, received many cultivator, somewhat is really fearful. 叶凡心中吃惊,想不到荒古这件紫金葫芦威力如此强大,将烟霞洞天护山道纹都轻易破除了,更是将不少修士收了进去,实在有些可怕。 Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family background was too powerful, this merely is a 77 youngster, got down the so terrifying heavy treasure...... in the Ye Fan heart to become doubtful on bestowing. 荒古世家底蕴太强大了,这仅仅是一个十六七的少年啊,就赐下了如此恐怖的重宝……”叶凡心中直犯嘀咕。 Does not use such...” Uncle Jiang advises in side unceasingly. “不用这样的…”姜老伯在旁不断劝阻。 Jiang Yifei shakes the head, said: „The Tingting parents have not done evil, was actually persecuted, must ask for an explanation, our Jiang Family is never afraid of getting into trouble!” 姜逸飞摇了摇头,道:“婷婷的父母没有作恶,却被人迫害,要讨个说法,我们姜家从来不怕事!” Bang “砰” At this moment, in Red Mist Sanctuary a powerful undulatory motion to the four directions, 『』 opened Purple Gold bottle gourd, an old sound conveys: Originally is the Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family person, does not know that my Red Mist Sanctuary does have what place of offending?” 就在这时,烟霞洞天内一股强大的波动震向四方,『荡』开了紫金葫芦,一个苍老的声音传来:“原来是荒古世家的人,不知我烟霞洞天有何得罪之处?”
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