STH :: Volume #1

#83: Who may keep off

Chapter 83 who may keep off 第83章谁人可挡 The White Clothed man came from Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family Jiang Family, named Jiang Yifei, the style shows the man, the abundant god like the jade, White Clothed wins snow, the ultra dust is refined. 白衣男子来自荒古世家姜家,名为姜逸飞,人如其名,丰神如玉,白衣雪,超尘脱俗。 He to is not many, but can still know that many useful news that Sir Jiang Zhe the past said that Uncle Jiang father Jiang Zhe left Jiang Family in years past, has not returned again, has unknown past events, resembled to involve Family Lord that lineage/vein. 他对姜哲老太爷的过去说的并不多,但依然可以得知不少有用的消息,姜老伯的父亲姜哲昔年离开姜家,再也没有回返,有着一段不为人知的往事,似涉及到了家主那一脉。 „Will Sir Jiang Zhe can accomplish all the good fortune, how pass away in five ten years ago?” This is the Jiang Yifei somewhat puzzled place. 姜哲老太爷功参造化,怎么会在五十年前就去世了呢?”这是姜逸飞有些不解的地方。 „When he passed away coughed many blood.” Uncle Jiang mentioned again the past events, not moved, something with the lapse of time, slowly will be pale. “他去世时咳了不少血。”姜老伯重提往事,并没有过于伤感,有些事情会随着时间的推移,慢慢淡去。 Obstructs day 83 遮天83 so that's how it is.” Jiang Yifei has not said anything, but nods, he as if understood middle secret facts. 原来如此。”姜逸飞没有多说什么,只是点了点头,他似乎明白了当中的隐情。 In its side beautiful young girl named Jiang Caixuan, physique lithe, the neck is elegant, the appearance is simple and beautiful, as Jiang Family's Miss, flows the show(s) makings, gives an unattainable feeling. 在其旁边的美丽少女名为姜采萱,身姿婀娜,颈项纤秀,容颜清丽,身为姜家的小姐,流『露』出的气质,给人以一股高不可攀的感觉。 However she likes about Little Tingting very much, arrogant arrogance, has not held the hand of Little Tingting often to ask this and that the tone is very gentle. 不过她对小婷婷很喜欢,并没有一点高傲的架子,拉着小婷婷的手不时问这问那,语气很柔和。 That manner arrogant youngster named Jiang Yichen, although knew Uncle Jiang and Little Tingting status, but is not warm, still a very cool appearance. 那个神态倨傲的少年名为姜逸晨,虽然知道了姜老伯小婷婷的身份,但并不多么热情,依然一副酷酷的样子。 Jiang Caixuan goes forward, the sound is clear, said: Elderly man you and we return to Jiang Family together, my grandfather said that Jiang Family does not do right by your lineage/vein, how regardless of must seek, please go back you.” 姜采萱上前,声音清脆动听,道:“老人家您和我们一起回姜家吧,我爷爷说了,姜家对不住你们这一脉,无论如何也要寻到,将你们请回去。” Ok, these I who you said did not understand, your life leave me is too far, we are the people in two world. I have been familiar with here all......” Uncle Jiang am an ordinary old person, lived such big age, experienced many things, he thought that is unable to integrate such family, spoke to turn down. “算了,你说的那些我不了解,你们的生活离我太远,我们是两个世界的人。我已经习惯这里的一切……”姜老伯是一个普通的老人,活了这么大的年纪,经历了很多的事情,他觉得无法融入那样的家族,出言婉拒。 You do not think of yourself, must consider for Tingting, she is Little Princess on clouds, should not be humiliated, what she needs is another life.” Jiang Caixuan mentioned Little Tingting future, consoles the old person, said: You and we go back, in the family the old people hope that Sir Jiang Zhe this lineage/vein return to Jiang Family.” “您就是不为自己着想,也要为婷婷考虑一番,她是云端上的小公主,不应受人欺凌,她需要的是另一种生活。”姜采萱提到了小婷婷的未来,劝解老人,道:“您和我们回去吧,家族中老人们都非常希望姜哲老太爷这一脉重归姜家。” You carry off Tingting, I have been used to here life, does not want to go to other places again......” “你们将婷婷带走吧,我已经习惯了这里的生活,不想再去其他地方……” Little Tingting grasps old person's arm immediately, said: I and grandfather in the same place, grandfather where, Tingting where.” 小婷婷立刻抱住老人的手臂,道:“我和爷爷在一起,爷爷在哪里,婷婷就在哪里。” At this time, the Jiang Yifei show(s) temperate smile, he as if liked about Little Tingting very much, touching touching the head of Little Tingting, said: Here sky is too small......” 这时,姜逸飞『露』出温和的笑容,他对小婷婷似乎很喜欢,『摸』了『摸』小婷婷的头,道:“这里的天空太小……” Jiang Yifei is a smart person, he knows that like this consoles Uncle Jiang to do little, only has to make him see Jiang Family's to be aloof, can perhaps make the old person change the mind. He stands up, said: First goes to Li.” His words are very tranquil, but as if has strange demonic power, outside these Mutant Beast all roared, a blood baleful aura breath fills the air, all Knight erupt powerful fighting intent. 姜逸飞是一个聪明人,他知道这样劝解姜老伯作用不大,唯有让其看到姜家的超然,或许才能让老人改变主意。他站起身来,道:“先去李家。”他的话语很平静,但是却似乎有着一股奇异的魔力,外面的那些异兽全都咆哮了起来,一股血煞气息弥漫而出,所有骑士都爆发出一股强大的战意 Jiang Yifei expression is unflustered, that golden god closely follows in it behind, he slows down the footsteps, with Uncle Jiang the line, others sees that abreast in row all goes lower. 姜逸飞神『色』从容自若,那头黄金神紧紧跟随在其身后,他放缓脚步,与姜老伯并排而行,其他人见状全都靠后。 Everyone has not ridden Mutant Beast, but turns toward Li Jia to lead the way on foot, Little Tingting anxious is drawing the old person and Ye Fan's hand, was being protected by people many things around a center, making her many somewhat anxious. This moment Jiang Yifei and Jiang Caixuan post the vanguard with them, but stands about, but has not resided in the center. 所有人都没有骑上异兽,而是徒步向着李家前行,小婷婷紧张的拉着老人与叶凡的手,被众人众星捧月般的护着,让她多少有些不安。此刻姜逸飞姜采萱与他们并列前行,但只是站在左右,而没有居于中央。 The person on avenue is all surprised, saw that Uncle Jiang also has Little Tingting to be protected like this, all show(s) inconceivable expression, many trembling with fear, fear these barbarian beast, retreats to the street. 大街上的人全都非常吃惊,见到姜老伯还有小婷婷被这样守护,全都『露』出不可思议的神『色』,很多人战战兢兢,惧怕那些蛮兽,向街道两旁退去。 What's the matter, did Old Man Jiang know with these people?” “怎么回事,姜老头跟这些人认识?” You looked that these Mutant Beast all feet do not moisten, can perhaps escape, how does Old Man Jiang have happening together with these people?” “你们看那些异兽全都脚不沾地,恐怕都能够遁地,姜老头怎么和这些人有交集?” Old Man Jiang of cruel fate transported finally, the good person would the good report.” “苦命的姜老头终于转运了,好人总会有好报的。” Then Li Jia troubled in a big way, looked that they seemed like precisely to walk toward Li Jia.” “这下李家麻烦大了,看他们似乎正是向着李家走去。” Good, hopes that so many years, some people must receive finally “好啊,期盼这么多年了,终于有人要收 Obstructs day 83 遮天83 **** Li. ” ****李家了。” ...... …… By the street, the person more gathers, the people are afraid freely, does not dare to go near, but show(s) exciting and excited expression, distant followed, toward Li there movement. 街道两旁,人越聚越多,众人尽管都非常害怕,不敢靠前,但还是『露』出了兴奋与激动的神『色』,远远的跟随,向着李家那里移动。 Before Uncle Jiang arrives at the Li front door, he is somewhat weak. Jiang Yifei sees that holds him directly 姜老伯来到李家大门前时,他有些犹豫不定。姜逸飞见状,直接扶着他 **** The step on, said: Do not say that is a young Li, is the imperial palace in Eastern Wilderness strongest state, no one dares to keep off.” ****阶而上,道:“不要说是一个小小的李家,就是东荒最强国度的皇宫,也无人敢挡。” Bang “砰” Front, a pair of vermilion color front door suddenly collapsed flew away, had extremely heavy sledgehammer numerous pounding probably above. 前方,一对朱红『色』的大门突然崩飞,像是有一柄万钧大锤重重的砸在了上面。 Inside immediately startled chaotic, in the gatekeeper has the sound that drinks to scold to spread. 里面顿时一阵惊『乱』,门房中有喝骂的声音传出。 Who does?” “谁做的?” Dares Li Jia to act unruly, really courts death!” “竟敢来李家撒野,真是找死!” ...... …… To/Clashes more than ten people quickly, is one by one cut-throat, when saw when more than ten barbarian beast immediately these people all faded, the words of cursing at people all swallow back, are at a loss for words, the ominous light on face restrains completely, becomes terrified, fast to returning runs. 很快冲出来十几人,各个凶狠,但是当看到十几头蛮兽时顿时这些人全都蔫了,骂人的话语全都咽了回去,张口结舌,脸上的凶光全部收敛,变得惶恐不安,快速向回跑。 Looks at your pitiful looks, fears anything, person who our Li also has immortal cultivator.” After a manager obtains to report, being foul-mouthed walked, said: His motherfucker, who ate the great ambition leopard guts, dares to come Li Jia to stir up trouble, does not know that many immortal masters temporarily reside here.” “瞧你们那些熊样,怕什么,我们李家又不是没有修仙的人。”一个管事得到禀报后,骂骂咧咧的走了出来,道:“他妈的,谁吃了雄心豹子胆,敢来李家惹事,不知道有多位仙师暂住这里吗。” Unprincipled person!” That manager just walked, Little Tingting to retreat several steps, somewhat feared intent about this person immediately very much obviously. “坏人!”那个管事刚刚走出来,小婷婷顿时向后退了几步,很显然对这个人有些惧意。 „After you......” that are in charge, was afraid, the golden god, five color Mutant Beast, lives the vertical eye god deer, he hears something never heard of before to see what one never saw before, all of a sudden by subdued. “你们……”那个管事走出来后也害怕了,黄金神、五『色』异兽、生有竖眼的神鹿,他闻所未闻见所未见,一下子就被镇住了。 „Is this unprincipled person?” “这是一个坏人?” Yes, he leads the person to snatch our restaurant, spitting blood that the grandfather will hit.” This matter was said by the immature words by Little Tingting, makes people feel more indignantly. “是的,他带人抢过我们的酒楼,将爷爷打的吐血。”这种事情被小婷婷以稚嫩的话语说出,倍加让人感觉气愤。 The Jiang Yifei face waves, immediately Knight goes forward, compelling to that manager. 姜逸飞脸挥了挥手,顿时有一名骑士上前,『逼』向那名管事。 You...... you must do, here is Li, several immortal masters in inside, not being able to allow you to act unruly!” He color severe Neiren, loud is calling, unceasing retreat. “你……你要干什么,这里是李家,几位仙师在里面,容不得你们撒野!”他『色』厉内荏,大声的叫着,不断后退 Do not begin here, do not daunt the child.” The Jiang Yifei thoughts are exquisite, feared that the bloody scene daunts Little Tingting. “不要在这里动手,不要吓住孩子。”姜逸飞心思细腻,怕血淋淋的场面吓住小婷婷 Yes!” “是!” That whole body is mail-armor and helmet Knight, seizes that effective collar, threw him directly, green light flashes through together, another Knight controlled barbarian beast to soar, binds to have that to be in charge ran out of the small town instantly. 那名浑身都是甲胄的骑士,一把揪住那个管事的衣领,将他直接扔了出去,一道碧光闪过,另一名骑士驾驭一头蛮兽腾空而起,裹带着那名管事刹那冲出了小镇。 Obstructs day 83 遮天83 Heaven, will fly!” 天啊,会飞啊!” Really!” “真的可以!” That barbarian beast runs in the sky unexpectedly, was too inconceivable.” “那头蛮兽竟然在天空中奔跑,太不可思议了。” Common people show(s) that the distant place, these surround was all startled to allow, to open the mouth, whole face shocking expression. 远处,那些围观的百姓全都『露』出惊容,张大了嘴巴,满脸震惊的神『色』 Little Tingting mouth also stretch/open to become o, stood on tiptoes the foot to look far to spatial. 小婷婷的嘴巴也张成了“o”型,踮着脚望向远空。 The Jiang Caixuan show(s) smile, the squatting lower part of the body, said: „To have such a Jane|treasure beast, every day can fly round in the sky?” 姜采萱『露』出笑容,蹲下身来,道:“想不想拥有这样一头珍兽,每天都可以在天空中飞来飞去?” Little Tingting subconscious must nod, but thought of anything fast, makes an effort to enclasp old person's arm, shakes the head saying: I must with the grandfather in the same place.” 小婷婷下意识的就要点头,但快速想到了什么,用力抱紧老人的手臂,摇头道:“我要和爷爷在一起。” Jiang Caixuan without thinking of Little Tingting understood clearly her attitude unexpectedly , there would be no to continue to tempt being puzzled again and persuasion. 姜采萱没有想到小婷婷居然洞悉了她的意态,便没有再继续诱『惑』与劝说。 Soon, in the sky presents the green shadow, departure Knight controls Mutant Beast to clash together, the landing, in the hand twines one to send the silk, above a little selects the bloodstain. 不多时,天空中出现一道绿影,离去的骑士驾驭异兽冲回,降落而下,手上缠绕着一绺发丝,上面有点点血迹。 Side, Ye Fan is surprised, Jiang Family these Knight all seem powerful, the strength is hard to guess, he felt a rushing strength in these people. 旁边,叶凡非常吃惊,姜家这些骑士似乎全都非常强大,实力难以揣测,他在那些人身上感觉到了一股澎湃的战力。 The people continue toward in walk, the surrounded common people follow the advance in behind, wants to see with own eyes the evil people of Li were received 众人继续向里走去,围观的百姓在后面跟随前进,想亲眼见到李家的恶人们被收 ****. ****。 Who is intrudes me to leave home to create a disturbance?” At this moment, the Middle-Aged person also several old men of several wear silks and satins walked, on the face has the anger. “是谁闯入我离家搅闹?”就在这时,几个穿着绫罗绸缎的中年人还有几名老者走了出来,脸上带着怒火。 „Is Old Man Jiang you?!” Apparently they did not have the ravelling situation very much, after seeing Uncle Jiang in institute, immediately berated: Who makes you come, get lost!” “姜老头是你?!”很显然他们还没有弄明白情况,当看到院中的姜老伯后,顿时喝斥道:“谁让你进来的,滚出去!” „Do two masters you, what you look at the following these low voice are?” A servant reminded low voice. “二爷您小声点,你看后面那些是什么?”一个下人小声提醒道。 That person then notices, outside the front door that leader Mutant Beast, expression is flustered immediately, frightens retreat again and again, said: Goes to come out these immortal masters quickly.” 那个人这才注意到,大门外那一头头异兽,顿时神『色』慌张,吓得连连后退,道:“快去将那些仙师请出来。” In the Jiang Caixuan pretty appearance show(s) is cold color, said: „A little family, but only several understood person that's all that slightly practices, dares to use strength to bully the weak, preys upon the native place, really acts recklessly.” 姜采萱俏丽的容颜上『露』出冷『色』,道:“一个小小的家族,不过仅有几个稍微懂得修行的人而已,就敢恃强凌弱,鱼肉乡里,真是不知死活。” She waves gently, everyone looked like the fallen leaf to fly, hit on the wall, fell down cannot crawl again, these were the important personage of Li, the pitiful yell again and again. 她轻轻一挥手,所有人都像落叶般飞了出去,撞在了墙上,倒在地上再也爬不起来,这些都是李家的重要人物,惨叫连连。 light flashed, two person's shadows flushed fast, precisely Li that two understood person who practices, after they see at present this situation, all changed face color. 光芒一闪,两道人影快速冲了出来,正是李家那两个懂得修行的人,他们看到眼前这一情况后,全都变了颜『色』。 „Who friend you are, what place of offending we have, why intrudes my Li Jia to offend somebody?” These two all in 27 or 28-year-old about, startled and anger, but actually does not dare to manifest suddenly. “朋友你们是什么人,我们有什么得罪之处吗,为什么闯入我李家伤人?”这两人皆在二十七八岁左右,又惊又怒,但却不敢发作。 Has not matched to know depending on you.” Jiang Caixuan sneers. “凭你还不配知道。”姜采萱冷笑。 Jiang Yifei complexion tranquil asking: „Were the Tingting parents killed by you?” 姜逸飞面『色』平静的问道:“婷婷的父母可是被你们害死的?” You...... you are saying anything, do not make false accusations!” These two complexion big change, they saw immediately Uncle Jiang was crowded around in the center, in the heart an icy coldness. “你……你在说什么,不要血口喷人!”这两人顿时面『色』大变,他们见到姜老伯被拥簇在中心,心中一片冰凉。 You said that who made false accusations?” Knight goes out, the vision such as the blade is generally sharp, such as the light to at present, „” two resounding, pulled out to fly two people generally directly, on the Li two people of faces presents two clear fingerprints. “你说谁血口喷人?”一名骑士走出,目光如刀一般犀利,如光一般到了眼前,“啪啪”两声脆响,直接将两人抽飞了出去,李家二人的脸上出现两个清晰的指印。 They are startled the anger to happen simultaneously immediately, are covering face retreat, said: Friend, working cannot go too far, we are Red Mist Sanctuary disciple, several immortal master keeping watch in our your family place!” 他们顿时惊怒交加,捂着脸后退,道:“朋友,做事不能太过分,我们是烟霞洞天弟子,几位仙师正坐镇在我们府上!” Immortal master? Good tone! We are just about Red Mist Sanctuary to step onto, makes the immortal master in your mouth guide.” “仙师?好的的口气!我们正要去烟霞洞天走上一趟,就让你们口中的仙师带路吧。” Chapter 1, also two chapters, fellow book friends clicks with the member today also has under the recommendation vote support. 第一章到了,今天还有两章,各位书友用会员点击还有推荐票支持下吧。
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