STH :: Volume #1

#82: Ancient Desolate Jiang Family

Chapter 82 Ancient Desolate Jiang Family 第82章荒古姜家 Why such a crowd of do Powerhouse arrive at the small town to look for Jiang?” In the Ye Fan heart difficult to be calm, he fears related to Uncle Jiang and Little Tingting. “这样一群强者来到小镇寻找姜姓干吗?”叶凡心中难以平静,他怕涉及到姜老伯小婷婷 The cool breeze town/subdues has not presented so many Mutant Beast, more than ten mount scales twinkles, the god splendor winds around, making the person on avenue alarmed and afraid, moves aside fast backward. 清风镇从来没有出现过这么多异兽,十几头坐骑鳞甲闪烁,神辉缭绕,让大街上的人惊惧无比,快速向后躲闪。 One about 30 -year-old Middle-Aged Knight, sits on Mutant Beast of whole body duplicate Gaibi scale, show(s) kind expression, said as far as possible: You do not need to be afraid, we are well-meant, but inquired whether this/Ben town/subdues has Jiang that's all.” 一名三十岁左右的中年骑士,坐在一头浑身覆盖碧鳞的异兽上,尽量『露』出和蔼的神『色』,道:“你们不用害怕,我们没有恶意,只是打听本镇是否有姜姓而已。” Although he sets the gentle appearance diligently, but these people obviously are experienced Knight, has experienced the tempering of blade and blood, naturally is released externally murderous aura, the common person is fearful and apprehensive. 他虽然努力做出平和的样子,但是这些人明显都是身经百战的骑士,是经历过刀与血的磨砺,自然外放出一股杀伐之气,寻常人心惊胆颤。 Obstructs day 82 遮天82 An old farmer aims at West Avenue, the lip trembles, does not enunciate clear, said: That avenue...... the biggest dwelling...... is.” 一个老农指向西大街,嘴唇发抖,吐字不清,道:“那条大街……最大的宅院……就是。” Many thanks.” This team of people control barbarian beast, leads the way toward West Avenue in small town slowly. “多谢了。”这队人驾驭蛮兽,缓缓向着小镇的西大街前行。 Not far away, in the Ye Fan heart a loosen, in this town/subdues also had other Jiang, he flushes away toward East Avenue fast, when are not many returned to the small restaurant. 不远处,叶凡心中一松,原来这个镇上还有其他姜姓人家,他快速向着东大街冲去,不多时就回到了小饭馆。 Uncle Jiang......” 姜老伯……” Child how?” The old person walked from the kitchen. “孩子怎么了?”老人从厨房走了出来。 Little Tingting washes a glowing red wild fruit, clever carrying, the sparkling big eye winked, glittered the curious ray, asked: Big Brother how?” 小婷婷洗出一盘红彤彤的野果,乖巧的端了过来,乌溜溜的大眼睛眨动着,闪烁出好奇的光芒,问道:“大哥哥怎么了?” Is this......” “是这样……” Ye Fan heard to see a moment ago, said to Uncle Jiang, then asked: Elderly man you whether has had happening together with these people?” 叶凡刚才所闻所见,对姜老伯讲了一遍,而后问道:“老人家您是否与这些人有过交集?” Uncle Jiang shakes the head, said: I lived over 70 years old, has almost not been far away from the small town, is impossible to know such person.” 姜老伯摇了摇头,道:“我活了七十多岁,几乎从来没有远离过小镇,不可能认识那样的人。” Many Mutant Beast, I want to take a look at what appearance......” in the Little Tingting juicy big eye to spill over many small stars, runs the small restaurant to look curiously to the street end. “好多异兽吗,我想看看什么样子……”小婷婷水灵灵的大眼中泛出很多小星星,跑出小饭馆好奇向街道尽头望去。 Ye Fan sees Little Tingting not in the near, small sound said: Can be related with the Tingting parents?” 叶凡小婷婷不在近前,小声道:“会不会与婷婷的父母有关?” Should unable.” In the old person eyes flashes before moved, said: He has practiced in Red Mist Sanctuary, has not taken a long journey, the friends who knows are in the same side the person.” “应该不会。”老人眼中闪现出一丝伤感,道:“他一直在烟霞洞天修炼,从来没有远行过,所认识的朋友都是同门中人。” Many Mutant Beast, their foot does not moisten...... Little Tingting to stand in the small restaurant entrance unexpectedly, on ruddy small face both excited and surprised, shouts: Grandfather comes out to look that quickly, they flushed to here.” “好多异兽,它们居然脚不沾地……”小婷婷站在小饭馆门口,红扑扑的小脸上既兴奋又吃惊,喊道:“爷爷快出来看呀,他们向我们这里冲来了。” Ye Fan and old person quickly walked, saw only more than ten to ride to clash fast, not the dust flew, all Mutant Beast all takeoffed three cuns (2.5 cm) high, step and walk in the sky. 叶凡与老人急忙走了出来,只见十几骑快速冲了过来,并无尘土飞起,所有异兽全都离地三寸高,踏空而行 They are quite ominous.” Little Tingting was somewhat afraid, because besides the center three people, all Knight naturally is released externally air/Qi of powerful withering, inherent fighting intent are filling the air. “它们好凶哦。”小婷婷有些害怕了,因为除了正中的三人外,所有骑士都自然外放出一股强大的肃杀之气,有一股与生俱来的战意在弥漫。 Ye Fan quickly held on the hand of Little Tingting, then supported Uncle Jiang, the average person was truly hard to withstand this coercion, if the common person long time faces will be fearful and apprehensive. 叶凡急忙拉住了小婷婷的手,而后又扶住了姜老伯,普通人确实难以承受这种威压,寻常人如果长时间面对的话会心惊胆战。 Several barbarian beast stopped before the small restaurant, is pleased as punch, the scales twinkle, blooms various rays, unusual god steed, but the god splendor is also hard to cover the air/Qi of their blood ghost, all undergoes after the bloody battle very much obviously, does not rear in a pen the favoring beast in greenhouse. 十几头蛮兽在小饭馆前停了下来,摇头摆尾,鳞甲闪烁,绽放出各种光芒,非常神骏,不过神辉也难以掩盖它们身上的血煞之气,很显然全都历经过血战,不是圈养在温室中的宠兽。 „Is may I ask this Jiang Family?” Midpoint that seems like the scholarly and handsome youngster opens the mouth to ask, his White Clothed wins snow, the eye pupil like the water, passes occasionally a brilliance, sits well has transcend worldly affairs makings on the golden god, is entirely different from Knight that these murderous aura fill. 请问这是姜家吗?”正中央那个看起来很儒雅与俊朗的年轻人开口问道,他一身白衣雪,眼眸如水,偶尔流转出点点光辉,端坐在黄金神上别有一股出尘的气质,与那些杀气弥漫的骑士大不相同。 Uncle Jiang full is on the face of wrinkle fills to doubt being puzzled expression, said: Yes, does not know that what matter everyone does have?” 姜老伯满是皱纹的脸上充满疑『惑』的神『色』,道:“是,不知道各位有什么事?” Obstructs day 82 遮天82 The old person has over 70 years old, on the face engraved to fill the wind and frost of years, has presented to pleat, pair of old eyes some pollution. 老人已经有七十多岁,脸上镌刻满了岁月的风霜,早已出现一道道褶子,一双老眼都有些浑浊了。 Seeing him is like this aged, an appearance of last years of life, sits well in five color 16 or 17-year- old youngster on Mutant Beast, immediately knits the brows, said: This is only life essence completely the ordinary countryside old person, possibly is not the person who we must find.” 见他这样老迈,一副风烛残年的样子,端坐在五『色』异兽上的十六七岁的少年,顿时皱眉,道:“这只是一个寿元将尽的普通乡下老人,不可能是我们要找的人。” The young man on golden god swept his one eyes, five color some youngster scruples on Mutant Beast, stop the words, no longer said anything. 黄金神上的年轻男子扫了他一眼,五『色』异兽上的少年似有些顾忌,止住话语,不再说什么。 „Has uncle you lived in the cool breeze town/subdues?” “老伯您一直在清风镇生活吗?” Yes, has almost not gone far.” The old person replied truthfully. “是的,几乎从来没有出过远门。”老人如实答道。 Your ancestor resides here, moved to this town/subdues afterward?” youngster on golden god continues to ask. “您祖上就居于这里,还是后来搬到此镇的?”黄金神上的年轻人继续问道。 Is my father that generation moves to here, did I in this place birth, what matter you...... have?” Uncle Jiang full is puzzled expression. “是我父亲那一代搬到这里的,我是在此地出生的,你们……有什么事吗?”姜老伯满是不解的神『色』 Hears these words, youngster of golden god jumps down immediately, his White Clothed flutters with the wind, does not dye the boots fine dust, seemingly handsome uncommon, can be called the rare handsome man, by the abundant god such as the jade described that is not overrated. 听到这些话语,黄金神的年轻人立时跳了下来,他一身白衣随风飘动,连长靴都纤尘不染,看起来俊朗不凡,称得上少有的美男子,以丰神如玉来形容根本不为过。 Uncle I wants to consult your some issues, looks at you to reply.” “老伯我想请教您一些问题,望您能够回答。” „It is not at all, if I know, certain reply.” Uncle Jiang is only an ordinary old person, rides cultivator that Mutant Beast is coming regarding these, the heart has the awe. “不敢当,如果我知道,一定回答。”姜老伯只是一个普通的老人,对于这些骑着异兽而来的修士,心有敬畏。 Little Tingting somewhat is anxious, makes an effort to grab Ye Fan's, tight dependence between him and old person, some fears and curious sizes up these barbarian beast also to have these Knight. 小婷婷则有些紧张,用力抓着叶凡的手,紧紧的相依在他与老人之间,有些害怕与好奇的打量着那些蛮兽还有那些骑士 First please forgive, I want to ask, your father now whether also in the world?” White Clothed man anxious asking. “先请您恕罪,我想问,您的父亲如今是否还在世上?”白衣男子略带紧张的问道。 Uncle Jiang first doubts being puzzled, then replied: Had passed away for more than 50 years.” 姜老伯先是疑『惑』,而后答道:“早已去世五十多年了。” What......” the White Clothed man immediately, such as on the face of jade show(s) startled accommodates, then sighs. “什么……”白衣男子顿时,如玉的脸上『露』出一丝惊容,而后叹了一口气。 I had said that this is only ordinary bad old man that's all......” five color youngster show(s) impatient expression on Mutant Beast, as to leave here as soon as possible. “我早就说了,这只是一个普通的糟老头而已……”五『色』异兽上的少年『露』出不耐烦的神『色』,似乎想要尽快离开这里。 You shut up!” The handsome White Clothed man, then stared his one eyes, later turns around , to continue to ask: Elderly man also please forgive, whether your father did call Jiang Zhe?” “你闭嘴!”英俊的白衣男子,回头瞪了他一眼,随后转过身来,继续问道:“老人家还请恕罪,您的父亲是否叫姜哲?” How do you...... you know?” Uncle Jiang show(s) startled color. “你……你怎么知道?”姜老伯『露』出惊『色』。 Sits well in silvery brilliance twinkle young girl show(s) surprised expression on god deer, said: It seems like we really sought.” Her figure is slim, skin color snow white exquisite, the appearance is beautiful, is beautiful, in the foreheads has one to wipe proud intent, to actually unattainable feelings. 端坐在银辉闪烁的神鹿上的少女『露』出惊讶的神『色』的,道:“看来我们真的寻到了。”她身材修长,肤『色』雪白细腻,容颜姣好,非常美丽,眉宇间有一抹傲意,给却有一股高不可攀的感觉。 Five color the youngster on Mutant Beast knits the brows, said: Such an ordinary countryside old person, how the class/flow may have our Jiang Family's blood fluid. If is really Grandpa Jiang Zhe descendant, how possibly not to understand that the law of cultivation, definitely is the duplicate has the same surname......” 五『色』异兽上的少年皱眉,道:“这样一个普通的乡下老人,怎么可能会流有我们姜家的血『液』。如果真是姜哲太爷的后代,怎么可能不懂得修炼之法,肯定是重名重姓……” Elderly man you can careful said with me?” The White Clothed young man, the attitude is very throughout temperate, goes forward to support Uncle Jiang, said: „Can we go to speak in detail?” “老人家您能仔细的和我说说吗?”白衣年轻男子,态度始终很温和,上前扶住姜老伯,道:“我们可以进去详谈吗?” These Knight defended outside completely, the White Clothed man held Uncle Jiang to turn back the small restaurant, that arrogant youngster also had that very attractive moving young girl also with. 那些骑士全部守在了外面,白衣男子扶着姜老伯走回小饭馆,那个倨傲的少年还有那个非常漂亮动人的少女也跟了进来。 Ye Fan sees the opposite party and without any malicious intent, draws Little Tingting to sit in one side, has not spoken any words. 叶凡见对方并没有恶意,拉着小婷婷坐在一边,没有说任何话语。 Obstructs day 82 遮天82 On Sir Jiang Zhe left hand arm whether has several birthmarks?” 姜哲老太爷的左手臂上是否有几颗红痣?” Altogether has five. How you know these.” Uncle Jiang show(s) astonished expression. “共有五颗。你怎么连这些都知道。”姜老伯『露』出惊异的神『色』 Sir Jiang Zhe really lives in seclusion in Land of Yan unexpectedly, does not want to pass away...... the White Clothed man to sigh in more than 50 years ago gently, said: Elderly man, perhaps I should call you a great uncle.” 姜哲老太爷竟真的隐居在燕地,不想在五十多年前就去世了……”白衣男子轻轻叹了一口气,道:“老人家,或许我该叫您一声叔公。” Does not dare, does not dare!” Uncle Jiang sees the opposite party to do obeisance to him unexpectedly, quickly pulls up the White Clothed man. “不敢,不敢!”姜老伯见对方竟对他一拜,急忙将白衣男子拉起。 You two have not come to pay a visit!” This appearance 23-year-old young man, then to behind two humanity. “你们两个还不过来拜见!”这容貌23岁的年轻男子,回头对身后的两人道。 Pays a visit the great uncle.” The 687-year-old beautiful young girl, does obeisance gracefully, the same time casts a sidelong glance Ye Fan and Little Tingting. “拜见叔公。”687岁的美丽少女,盈盈一拜,同时间瞟了一眼叶凡小婷婷 That youngster somewhat is reluctant, mutters: Pays a visit the great uncle.” Salutes in a hurry, is perfunctory very much. 那个少年则有些不情不愿,咕哝道:“拜见叔公。”匆匆施了一礼,很是敷衍。 This is......” Uncle Jiang full is puzzled expression, why does not understand them to be able like this. “这是……”姜老伯满是不解的神『色』,不明白他们为什么会这样。 Big Brother, big Elder Sister, do you know my grandfather?” Little Tingting also doubts being puzzled very much, long eyelash(es) winks unceasingly, in the smart big eye doubts being puzzled completely brilliance. 大哥哥,大姐姐,你们认识我爷爷吗?”小婷婷也很疑『惑』,长长的睫『毛』不断眨动,充满灵气的大眼中满是疑『惑』的光彩。 Sees like this naively lovable, the White Clothed man spoils touching touching her head, said: We come from the same family.” 见到这样天真可爱,白衣男子溺爱的『摸』了『摸』她的头,道:“我们来自同一个家族。” What family?” Little Tingting puzzled is winking the big eye. “什么家族呀?”小婷婷不解的眨着大眼。 From ancient aristocratic family Jiang Family that Ancient Desolate Era Inheritance gets down. Later, you understand slowly, our families have uncommonly how in Eastern Wilderness.” “自荒古时代传承下来的古老世家姜家。以后,你会慢慢明白,我们的家族在东荒有多么的不凡。” In the Ye Fan heart vibrates, Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family absolutely with aloof existence that Holy Land are treated equally, is unattainable in the Eastern Wilderness' position. 叶凡心中震动,荒古世家绝对是与圣地平起平坐的超然存在,在东荒的地位高不可攀。 According to Ye Fan knows, Jiang and Ji are common, is Chinese most ancient surname surname. According to the history book record, Jiang is the Flame Emperor descendant, because of the Flame Emperor place of birth, but must be surnamed, Shennong occupies Jiang water, because of thinking.” 叶凡所知,姜姓与姬姓一般,是中国最古老的姓氏姓。据史书记载,姜姓是炎帝的后代,因炎帝的出生地而得姓,“神农居姜水,因以为氏。” Ye Fan is startled, does not want in this Starry Sky Other Shore, Jiang still so aloof, is really not as he expected. 叶凡吃惊,不曾想在这星空彼岸,姜姓依然如此的超然,实在出乎他的意料。 Sir Jiang Zhe in the past startled certainly colorful, the age of capping ceremony has then moved a side. Afterward overawes Eastern Wilderness, stamped stamps the feet, Clouds rising in the eight directions, earthshaking, cannot think that......” the White Clothed man seemed to be sigh with emotion, he had seen, the life of old person was not very good, could not think of bloodlines of one generation of Powerhouse, will reduce to until now this Banta place. 姜哲老太爷当年惊才绝艳,弱冠之龄便已名动一方。后来更是威震东荒,跺一跺脚,八方云动,叱咤风云,想不到……”白衣男子似乎非常感慨,他已经看出,老人的生活并不是很好,怎么也想不到一代强者的血脉,会沦落到到如今这番田地。 Side that young girl is completely also puzzled, asks: In the past hadn't Sir Jiang Zhe passed on you to cultivate the law?” 旁边那个少女也满是不解,问道:“当年姜哲老太爷没有传您修炼之法吗?” What cultivated......” Uncle Jiang to be said by them was muddled, talked to oneself: I do not know that you are saying anything.” “什么修炼……”姜老伯被他们说的糊涂了,自语道:“我根本不知道你们在说什么。” In the past had many matter, for a while is hard to talk clearly, is the elderly man you willing to follow us?” At this point, the White Clothed man looks to Ye Fan, then looks to Little Tingting. “当年发生了很多的事情,一时难以说清,老人家您愿意跟我们走吗?”说到这里,白衣男子看向叶凡,而后又望向小婷婷 I am not surnamed Jiang, Tingting is the Uncle Jiang only granddaughter.” Ye Fan quickly answered. “我不姓姜,婷婷姜老伯唯一的孙女。”叶凡急忙解释道。 Family Lord that lineage/vein have a deficit Sir Jiang Zhe is too many, but the dust-laden past events come to light finally, I want to take you also to have Tingting to return to Jiang Family.” 家主那一脉亏欠姜哲老太爷太多,但尘封的往事终是水落石出,我想接您还有婷婷姜家。” The old person is somewhat in a daze dull, although does not have to understand completely, but also listened to the general idea, he was hard to accept. 老人有些呆呆发愣,虽然没有全部明白,但也听出了大概,他难以接受。 Side that young girl sees Little Tingting to be very lovable, said with a smile to her: What desire Tingting do you have? Elder Sister can help you realize immediately.” 旁边那个少女见小婷婷很可爱,对她笑道:“婷婷你有什么愿望吗?姐姐可以立刻帮你实现。” Does not have any desire, so long as has also had Big Brother because to be together good with the grandfather.” “没有什么愿望呀,只要一直跟爷爷还有大哥哥在一起就好了。” Other desires?” “还有其他的愿望吗?” Little Tingting the head, earnest thinking, was saying: Daily can eat to sate the appetite, does not starve. Does not need the grandfather not to hate to eat, remains to me....... No one bullies the grandfather also to have me......” 小婷婷偏着头,认真的想了想,道:“天天能够吃饱饭,不挨饿。不用爷爷舍不得吃,给我留着。还有……没有人欺负爷爷还有我……” Hears these words, the youngster stares immediately. 听到这些话,少年顿时一愣。 But White Clothed young man, that handsome with the face of scholarly on, immediately presents mighty waves, his sinking sound asked: Usually your was humiliated?” 白衣年轻男子,那俊朗与儒雅的脸上,顿时出现一丝波澜,他沉声问道:“平日间你们被人欺凌吗?” „When yes, Big Brother has not come, daily has the unprincipled person to bully us.” The Little Tingting naive words, let these person all changes countenance. “是呀,大哥哥没来时,天天有坏人来欺负我们。”小婷婷天真的话语,让这些人全都变『色』 Elderly man I forgot to ask, Tingting parents?” “老人家我忘记问了,婷婷的父母呢?” Uncle Jiang show(s) moved expression, said immediately: My old age, the elderly senior delivers the junior......” 姜老伯顿时『露』出伤感的神『色』,道:“我晚年得子,白发人送黑发人……” How can like this?!” That young girl opened the eye immediately. “怎么会这样?!”那个少女顿时睁大了眼睛。 I do not know that was killed, really died accidentally/surprisingly......” “我也不知道是被人害死的,还是真的意外身亡……” Side, Little Tingting hears these words, the big eye was red immediately. 旁边,小婷婷听到这些话,大眼睛顿时红了。 You believe that mentioned!” The look of White Clothed man flashes not to have in this moment two Dao Spirit magnificent. “您相信说来!”白衣男子的眼神在这一刻有两道神华一闪而没。 The old person only proposed one simply, the White Clothed man stood up immediately, said: Red Mist Sanctuary, has not heard, a while we step onto, if dares some people to stop, I did not mind that makes them vanish!” 老人只简简单单的提了一句,白衣男子顿时站起身来,道:“烟霞洞天,没听说过,一会儿我们去走上一趟,如果敢有人阻拦,我不介意让他们消失!” Nearby beautiful young girl also sneers, said: Also dares to humiliate our Jiang Family's person, before Red Mist Sanctuary, first goes to Li Jia to step onto one time!” 旁边的美丽少女也冷笑,道:“将我们姜家的人也敢欺凌,在去烟霞洞天之前,先去李家走上一遭!” Defends hears this word outside these Knight, immediately erupts astonishing murderous aura and fighting intent, covers in this moment entire cool breeze town/subdues in fearful aura. 守在外面的那些骑士闻听此言,顿时爆发出一股惊人的杀气战意,在这一刻整座清风镇都笼罩在一股可怕的气息中。 Fellow book friends, I need the member to click, needs to recommend the ticket, under asking everyone to support. The new week started, jacks 《Shrouding the Heavens》. 各位书友,我需要会员点击,需要推荐票,请各位支持下。新的一周开始了,将《遮天》顶起。 It is not this chapter, on Monday also has three chapters. Asked everyone to give me the power, clicked and votes for under. 不算这章,周一还有三章。请大家给我动力,点击与投票支持下。 Obstructs day in December the on the shelf, final twice flushed the list. 遮天十二月上架,最后的两次冲榜了。
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