STH :: Volume #1

#81: Looks for Jiang

Chapter 81 looks for Jiang 第81章寻找姜姓 Ye Fan saw when the old and young are sick and disabled no use, in the heart the association/will surges the bitter feeling, once saw that uses strength to bully the weak person who and does all kinds of evil things, he would becomes very brutal, in heart ice-cold. It seems like the contradiction, but is actually real nature sentiment makes it so, excessively abundant sympathy and unfeeling with saving, he does not know that which type is partial. 叶凡见到老幼病残无助时,心中总会涌起酸涩的感觉,可是一旦见到恃强凌弱、为非作歹的人,他总会变得很无情,心中冰冷。看似矛盾,但却是真实『性』情使然,过盛的同情心与冷酷无情同存,他不知道更偏向于哪一种。 For example now, he is absolutely brutal, does not have the slight pity, treads on Li seven young masters' faces, sound ice-cold, said: Words that does not want to suffer hardship, I asked that what you said anything, otherwise you will understand the consequence.” 比如现在,他绝对是无情的,无丝毫怜悯之心,踏在李家七少爷的脸上,声音冰冷,道:“不想受罪的话,我问什么你说什么,不然的话你会明白后果。” Young animal......” “小崽子……” Bang “砰” Obstructs day 81 遮天81 A Ye Fan foot kicks out him, the Li seven young masters' tooth complete pines fall, fair and delicate cheeks thoroughly swelling, the mouth and nose spurts the blood. 叶凡一脚将他踢了出去,李家七少爷的牙齿全部松落,白皙与细嫩的脸颊彻底肿胀了起来,口鼻喷血。 Looks at your soft and fair skin, just like a court eunuch, did not say, I help you, making you be worthy of the reputation.” Ye Fan took out Gold Book, the a streak of light glow of interception decides again probably in the darkness, brilliance brilliant. “看着你细皮嫩肉,活脱脱就是个太监,不说是吗,我成全你,让你名副其实。”叶凡再次祭出金书,像是截取的一道虹芒定在黑暗中,光辉绚烂。 What you...... do you want to dare?” The Li seven young masters are panic-stricken. “你……你要敢什么?”李家七少爷惊恐无比。 Makes you be the court eunuch!” “让你做太监!” Does not want, I said, I all said!” The Li seven young masters frightened the face to distort, regarding the man this was compared with dying the uncomfortable matter. “不要,我说,我全都说出来!”李家七少爷吓得脸都变形了,对于男人来说这是比死更让人难受的事情。 Unpromising thing.” “没出息的东西。” Ye Fan sits in the blue stone of not far away, static listens to him to mention the past events, the Tingting parents were killed by several cultivator of Li. They at not the poor price trades one type from other cultivator hands rarely and preciously medicine thing, can initiate powerful Mutant Beast to be wild, scattering when the Tingting parents' body, they go out finally collects Spirit Medicine by the smashing that the fearful lightning bird rips. 叶凡坐在不远处的一块青石上,静静的听他说起往事,婷婷的父母果真是被李家的几位修士害死的。他们以不菲的代价从其他修士手中换来一种珍稀的『药』物,可以引发强大的异兽狂暴,神不知鬼不觉的撒在婷婷父母的身上,结果他们外出采集灵『药』时被可怕的闪电鸟撕的粉碎。 Naturally, some inside also many dirty transactions and gloomy clever tricks, heard that it makes people angry. A Ye Fan sigh, said: Mediocre, is the cultivator's world, no difference, the places of some people will have complex person nature enmity, cultivator cannot be unconventional.” 当然,里面还有很多肮脏的交易与阴暗的诡计,闻之让人愤慨。叶凡一阵叹息,道:“不论是凡俗界,还是修士的世界,都没有什么区别,有人的地方就会有复杂的人『性』仇怨,就连修士也都不能免俗。” Ye Fan searches the hand to uncover a wooden box from his bosom, then a foot treads to open him, with the aid of the ray of star moon/month, turned on this somewhat heavy sandal wood box slowly. 叶凡探手从他的怀中搜出一个木盒,而后一脚将他蹬开,借助星月的光芒,缓缓打开了这个有些沉重的檀木盒。 Has light yellow in color the stone, can have the thumb to be thick, a knuckle is so long, although is very small one, but starts is very heavy, Ye Fan felt vigorous life-force. 在里面有一个淡黄『色』的石块,能有拇指粗,一个指节那么长,虽然是很小的一块,但入手却很重,叶凡感觉到了一股蓬勃的生机 According to old book record, Heaven and Earth about losing one's temper myriad things Era, the vegetation is prosperous, the life is powerful, Spirit Medicine endless, has many source, resembles the amber clear, inside actually seals massive life essence. Is this source?” “据古籍记载,天地合气生万物的时代,草木繁盛,生灵强大,灵『药』无尽,更是结出许多‘源’,似琥珀般晶莹,内里却封有大量生命精华。这就是‘源’吗?” Ye Fan observes under the moonlight repeatedly, discovered that this source interior filled the impurity, the clear part occupied three points of that's all, this many makes him somewhat regrettable, this is not the pure source. 叶凡在月光下反复观察,发现这块“源”内部充满了杂质,晶莹的部分不过占据了三分之一而已,这多少让他有些遗憾,这并不是纯净的源。 Even so, he is also satisfied. In this is similar to amber strange stone, contains extremely exuberant life Essence Qi, inside likes with the mist and multi-colored sunlight thing is pasting. 但即便如此,他也非常满足。在这如同琥珀般的奇石中,蕴藏着一股极其旺盛的生命精气,里面有如同雾气与霞光般的东西在流转。 Good thing, not to know that can help me open to a big way Sea of Bitterness!” “好东西啊,不知道能助我将苦海开辟到多大!” That is my......” not far away Li seven young masters chants recitation in the pool of blood, clenched jaws, was full of the hatred and anger. “那是我的……”不远处李家七少爷在血泊中呻『吟』,咬牙切齿,充满了怨毒与愤怒。 This source not in remote mountain ancient cave discovers, only this same place, without other?” “这块源不是在一座深山古洞中发现的吗,难道仅此一块,没有其他了吗?” Under the Ye Fan's torture, Li seven young master anything said that no conceals. In that ancient cave has died during meditation cultivator, the past was extremely remote, the skeleton made decent, only left behind this together source. 叶凡的酷刑下,李家七少爷什么都说了,没有一丝隐瞒。那座古洞中有一个坐化修士,年代太过久远,骨架都风化了,只留下这样一块源。 Really was too regrettable, I think that can harvest several.” Ye Fan felt some greed. “真是太遗憾了,我以为能够收获几块呢。”叶凡自己都觉得有些贪心了。 My what said that can you give my way out?” In the Li seven young master eyes a ray of show(s) hope, he knows certainly that this is only one type expects that's all, the opposite party is impossible to let off him. “我什么都说了,你能不能放我一条生路?”李家七少爷眼中『露』出一丝希冀的光芒,他当然知道这只是一种奢望而已,对方不可能放过他。 Obstructs day 81 遮天81 You when plotting to murder the Tingting parents, there is a pity? You when compelling compels Uncle Jiang and Little Tingting like this wretched old and young, has thought leaves their way out?” “你们在谋害婷婷的父母时,有没有过怜悯之心?你们在『逼』迫姜老伯小婷婷这样的孤苦老幼时,有没有想过留给他们一条生路?” A Ye Fan foot kicks out him, said: I give you an opportunity, oneself settle, so as to avoid suffers hardship. I have not killed people now, does not think in the hand bloodstained.” 叶凡一脚将他踢了出去,道:“我给你一个机会,自己了结吧,免得受罪。我现在还没有杀过人呢,不想手上染血。” You...... you have not killed people......” the Li seven young masters to be shivered by these words air/Qi whole body, said: You...... you must be hit to be struck by lightning by the day!” “你……你没杀过人……”李家七少爷被这句话气的浑身颤抖,道:“你……你要遭天打雷劈!” Before a Ye Fan foot treads to arrive at together the rock him, said: Oneself kill, if compelling I begin, first makes you turn into the court eunuch, after letting, wants your life.” 叶凡一脚将他蹬到一块山石前,道:“自己撞死吧,如果『逼』我动手的话,先让你变成太监,让后再要你的命。” In this moment, Li seven young masters aggrieved must go crazy, this cause of death too vexed, others actually disdain in take action, wants he himself to solve itself. 在这一刻,李家七少爷憋屈的要发狂,这种死法太窝囊了,别人竟然不屑于出手,要他自己解决掉自己。 Young animal your motherfucker real scoundrel! I...... I make trouble will not let off you!” Unceasing coughing up blood that the Li seven young masters are mad. “小崽子你妈的真混账!我……我做鬼也不会放过你!”李家七少爷气的不断咳血。 Ye Fan sits in the blue stone of not far away, said: Where some so many idle talk, oneself hurry to begin to start off, I may have no patience.” 叶凡坐在不远处的一块青石上,道:“哪里有那么多废话,自己赶紧动手上路,我可没什么耐心。” You...... I......” Li seven young master's aggrieved words even could not say, finally bellowed: You die like a dog!” “你……我……”李家七少爷憋屈的连话都说不出来了,最后大吼了一声:“你不得好死!” Bang “砰” His hits on the rock, dies a violent death. 他一头撞在山石上,死于非命。 You are kill, I have not killed people.” Ye Fan stands up, starts to clean the trace. Consumes 2 hours, erases all, then walks toward the small town. “你是自己撞死的,我可没有杀人。”叶凡站起身来,开始打扫痕迹。足足耗费一个时辰,才将一切抹除,然后向小镇走去。 Although he is seemingly quiet, but in the palm actually has actually perspired, since this has been his entire life first killing the enemy, even if seven young masters faces retribution for a life of crime, the principle must execute, makes him feel that some are not comfortable. 他虽然看似平静,但其实手心里却早已出汗,这是他生平以来第一次杀敌,纵然是七少爷恶贯满盈,理应当诛,还是让他感觉有些不自在。 After Ye Fan robs source, has not practiced eagerly, his deep awareness, source contains huge life Essence Qi, after destroying, will run out of source strength wave tide, will not be careful is detected by others, at present must carefully for wonderful. 叶凡抢夺到“源”后并没有急于修炼,他深深的知道,“源”蕴含着庞大的生命精气,打碎后会冲出源力浪『潮』,一个不小心就会被其他人发觉,眼下一切都要小心为妙。 In the following two days, the cool breeze town/subdues is very quiet, hurries back from Red Mist Sanctuary until 3rd day Li another two cultivator, big chaotic, affected the entire small town. 在接下来的两天里,清风镇很平静,直到第三日李家另外两名修士烟霞洞天赶回,才一片大『乱』,波及到了整座小镇。 „The Li seven young masters were missing.” “李家七少爷失踪了。” How a immortal cultivator person suddenly went away.” “一个修仙的人怎么说没就没了呢。” This is the retribution of Li!” “这是李家的报应!” Any retribution, definitely is the Wang Fam­ily's person does, besides the enemy of Li, who dares to do that who will have such strength.” “什么报应,肯定是王家的人做的,除了李家的对头外,谁敢这么做,谁还会有这样的实力。” Yes, listening to the servant of Li saying that mostly was ’ the root of trouble that a while ago thatsource triggered.” “是啊,听李家的下人说,多半是前段时间的那块‘源’引发的祸端。” ...... …… Even cool breeze small town on average people were discussing like this, it can be imagined this disturbance is big, Li got angry thoroughly, simultaneously somewhat fears. 连清风小镇的上的普通人都在这样议论,可想而知这件风波有多么大,李家上上下下彻底怒了,同时有些恐惧。 At first, Ye Fan does not care, two people who Li Jia comes back have not achieved Spring of Life Realm, was unable to control the god rainbow the line, is not fearful. However, less than several days. The development is somewhat not as he expected, the disturbance gradually makes in a big way. 起初,叶凡并不在意,李家回来的两个人并没有达到命泉境界,还不能驾驭神虹而行,并不是非常可怕。但是,没过几天。事情的发展有些出乎他的预料,风波逐渐闹大。 Obstructs day 81 遮天81 Red Mist Sanctuary came the person unexpectedly, several Spring of Life Realm's cultivator arrive in person, making the person of Li guide, went to discover source directly that ancient cave. Afterward, Wang Fam­ily's cultivator also invited the Sect person, enters the remote mountain to seek for that ancient cave, both sides nearly had the fierce conflict. 烟霞洞天竟然来人了,几位命泉境界的修士亲至,让李家的人带路,径直前往发现“源”的那座古洞。随后,王家的修士也将自己师门的人请来,进入深山寻找那座古洞,双方险些发生剧烈冲突。 „Did this place discover source vein?” On this day, the cool breeze town/subdues came more than ten mounts, is extremely mystical barbarian beast, each scales are dense, brilliant. “难道此地发现了源脉?”就在这一日,清风镇来了十几头坐骑,全都是极其神异蛮兽,各个鳞甲森森,头角峥嵘。 Center that mount is uncommon, the whole body is covering the scale of golden, the shining god splendor winds around, has probably the golden flame to burn. Taking the form of gold god, but on the head were many two corners/horns, the furcation lives, is winding around golden glow, unusual god steed and military might. Its four hooves have not stepped on the ground, the lift-off unexpectedly more than three cuns (2.5 cm) high, completely in step and walk in the sky, it can be imagined great strength and fearfulness of this Mutant Beast. 正中那头坐骑最是不凡,浑身覆盖着金『色』的鳞片,灿灿神辉缭绕,像是有金『色』的火焰在燃烧。形似黄金神,只是头颅上多了两根角,分叉而生,缭绕着金芒,非常的神骏与威武。它的四蹄没有踩在地面,离地竟有三寸多高,完全是在踏空而行,可想而知这头异兽的强大与可怕。 The golden god upper extreme sits a 24 or 25-year-old young man, wears White Clothed, seems like the scholarly, on the face has the temperate smile, very handsome, the double pupil like the water, has the divine shine circulation faintly, can be called the abundant god like the jade. 黄金神上端坐着一个二十四五岁的年轻男子,身穿一身白衣,看起来很儒雅,脸上带着温和的笑容,非常的俊朗,双眸如水,隐隐有神华流转,称得上丰神如玉。 Also two ride in his both sides with him posts the vanguard. The left is azure Mutant Beast, the taking the form of liger, the azure beast wool is very long, is pure, such as jade generally clear, clear splendor circulation, shining emit light, but lives a jade corner/horn on his head, is blooming unexpectedly five color divine light. This first five color Mutant Beast in step and walk in the sky, has not stepped on truly in the ground, the god steed is uncommon. Is sitting well a 16 or 17-year-old youngster above, a azure clothes, the heroic spirit compels the person, but actually a faintly arrogance, looks that all of small town as if disdain very much. 在他的两旁还有两骑与他并列前行。左边是一头青『色』异兽,形似狮虎,青『色』的兽『毛』很长,非常洁净,如玉一般晶莹,清辉流转,灿灿生光,而在其头颅上生有一只玉角,竟在绽放五『色』神光。这头五『色』异兽也在踏空而行,没有真正踩在地面,神骏不凡。在上面端坐着一个十六七岁的少年,一身青衣,英气迫人,但却隐隐有一种倨傲,看着小镇的一切似乎很不屑。 Another side, is strange beast that a silvery brilliance sparkles, the shape such as the god deer, the whole body covers the silvery scale, and forehead center lives vertical eye, has the holy brilliance to sparkle all over the body, step and walk in the sky, the fine dust does not dye. Is sitting well a 16 or 17-year-old young girl above, the skin, if the cream, the pupil such as autumn waters veiled mist, red lip, is really beautiful, but an unattainable feeling, leads proud intent. 另一边,是一头银辉闪闪的奇兽,形如神鹿,浑身覆盖银『色』鳞片,且额头中央生有一只竖眼,通体有圣洁的光辉在闪耀,踏空而行,纤尘不染。在上面端坐着一个十六七岁的少女,肤若凝脂,眸如秋水蒙雾,红唇点点,甚是美丽,但给人一种高不可攀的感觉,带着一丝傲意。 Several after these three people ride one by one is also uncommon, is very rare treasure Variation, or the scales are dense, either like the jade, all has the ray twinkle all over the body, the person on mount from 20 to 40 years old, regardless of the men and women bring the air/Qi of withering, is condensing powerful fighting intent in their surroundings. 在这三人身后的十几骑也各个不凡,全都是非常稀珍异种,或鳞甲森森,或通体如玉,皆有光芒闪烁,坐骑上的人从20岁到40岁不等,无论男女都带着肃杀之气,在他们的周围凝聚着一股强大的战意 The distant place, Ye Fan looks at all these in the eye, holds breath cold air, these person what backgrounds? It is not an average person! 远处,叶凡将这一切看在眼中,不禁倒吸一口凉气,这些人到底什么来头?绝非一般人! First did not say that is that three people, merely is their behind more than ten Knight, not compared in Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family and Holy Land's that person mounted messenger monster Emperor Tomb Tsukamae sees, powerful fighting intent and murderous aura front surface throws. 先不说为首那三人,仅仅是他们身后的十几名骑士,就不比在妖帝坟冢前见到的荒古世家圣地的人马差,一股强大的战意杀伐之气迎面扑来。 In may I ask this town/subdues has others surnamed Jiang?” At this moment, Knight follows orders to the person inquiry on town/subdues. 请问这个镇上有姓姜的人家吗?”就在这时,一名骑士奉命向镇上的人询问。 In the Ye Fan heart jumps immediately, do they look for person surnamed Jiang to do really? 叶凡心中顿时一跳,他们来寻找姓姜的人作甚? Fellow book friends please help, 12 : 00 pm to the list, Chapter 2 renewed at that time, at that time, needed the member click and recommendation ticket. Thank. 各位书友请帮忙,今晚十二点冲榜,第二章在那时更新,那时,需要会员点击与推荐票。感谢。
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