STH :: Volume #1

#80: Ye Fan walks, foot treads, in that also calculates that on smooth face, said: „Person is making the day to look, the wicked matter does certainly, do you think to be able free and unfettered for a lifetime?”

Chapter 80 seizes the source 第80章夺源 Noontime, Ye Fan returns to the small restaurant, he likes also having Little Tingting with Uncle Jiang very much that atmosphere that eats meal together. 午时,叶凡回到小饭馆,他很喜欢与姜老伯还有小婷婷在一起吃饭的那种气氛。 After the food, Little Tingting very clever washes dishes, Ye Fan sees all these, felt that suitable blushing with shame, he does not seem to help make anything. 饭后,小婷婷很乖的去洗碗,叶凡看到这一切,感觉相当的汗颜,他似乎没有帮着做过什么。 I come, you are young, now has not served as these, takes an afternoon nap quickly, good long stature.” “我来吧,你还小,现在还不用做这些,快去睡午觉,好长个子。” Does not need Big Brother to do, I will wash dishes, washed is very clean.” The little girls overthrew Ye Fan actually one side. “不用大哥哥来做,我会洗碗,洗的很干净的。”小女孩硬是将叶凡推倒了一边。 Obstructs day 80 遮天80 On the Uncle Jiang face full is the smile, received the one side 姜老伯脸上满是笑容,在一旁收 **** The dishes, looked when to own granddaughter filled spoiling. ****碗碟,看向自己的孙女时充满了溺爱。 A towering sound broke this type of warm atmosphere, said: Two years do not see, this small girl will grow up, will handle something.” 一个突兀的声音打断了这种温馨的气氛,道:“两年不见,这个小丫头长大了一些,会做些事情了。” A 25 or 26-year-old young man took a step, on the face has the light happy expression, contemptuously swept Uncle Jiang also to have Ye Fan, then observed closely Little Tingting. 一个二十五六岁的年轻男子迈步走了进来,脸上带着淡淡的笑意,轻蔑的扫了一眼姜老伯还有叶凡,而后盯住了小婷婷 Who uncle you are, knows me?” The Little Tingting mouth is very sweet, although felt some bad, but was very clever called an uncle. “叔叔你是谁呀,认识我吗?”小婷婷嘴巴很甜,尽管感觉到了一些不善,但是还是很乖的叫了一声叔叔。 Naturally knew, your parents living time, I have known you.” Young male complexion is fair, the lip is very thin, a feeling of sinister and vicious, he does not evade, raises the Little Tingting parents to perish directly. “当然认识,你父母活着的时候,我就已经认识你了。”年轻的男子面『色』白皙,嘴唇很薄,给人一种阴鸷的感觉,他毫不避讳,直接提小婷婷的父母已亡。 The little girl big eyes were red immediately, she still remembers that vaguely parents' appearance, cried to awake in the sleep in the past frequently, afterward was bound by a common destiny with Uncle Jiang, with the lapse of time, no longer in the dream sobbed finally. 小女孩大眼睛顿时红了,她还依稀记得父母的样子,过去经常在睡梦中哭醒,后来与姜老伯相依为命,随着时间的推移,总算不再梦中哭泣了。 At this moment, was mentioned again the parents, she cannot bear cry, turns away the too small body, the washing tobacco mosaic bowl slowly, the small shoulder pulls out unceasingly * moves. 此刻,被人重提父母,她忍不住落泪,背转过小小的身躯,慢慢的洗青花碗,小肩头不断抽*动。 Seeing Little Tingting is sad, Uncle Jiang changed face color, said: Seven young masters of Li do you have the matter?” 小婷婷伤心,姜老伯变了颜『色』,道:“李家的七少爷您有事吗?” The young man pulled a chair, from attending to sitting, said: Nothing, I compare to keep old friendships in mind that's all, has a look at your grandfather and grandson to live how.” 年轻的男子拉了一把椅子,自顾坐了下来,道:“没什么事情,我这个人比较念旧而已,过来看看你们祖孙俩生活的怎么样。” Uncle Jiang cannot see the joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, replied: Thanks to seven young masters, we can get by to go on living reluctantly.” 姜老伯看不出喜怒哀乐,答道:“托七少爷的福,我们勉强能够度日活下去。” Ye Fan has not said anything in side, he has recognized this person, precisely in the morning that youth who rides Dragon Scaled Horse. 叶凡在旁没有说什么,他已经认出此人,正是早晨那个骑龙鳞马的青年。 How I felt that a resentment, Old Man Jiang are you the envious hatred I?” The young man occupies a commanding position, brings light sneering. “我怎么感觉到一股怨气,姜老头你是不是很嫉恨我?”年轻的男子居高临下,带着淡淡的冷笑。 This person in the past and Little Tingting father entered Red Mist Sanctuary simultaneously, limited to the aptitude reason, by father distant flinging of Tingting in behind. And, he has had the evil conduct, had been taught by the Tingting father ruthlessly, finally envious hatred in heart. After the Tingting parents passed away, was he makes the person of Li seize the Uncle Jiang restaurant and inn, the grandfather and grandson who compelling compelled were almost about not to have the means of livelihood. 此人当年与小婷婷的父亲同时进入烟霞洞天,限于资质的缘故,被婷婷的父亲远远的甩在了后面。且,他有过恶行,被婷婷的父亲狠狠的教训过,结果嫉恨在心。当婷婷的父母亡故后,就是他让李家的人夺了姜老伯的酒楼与客栈,『逼』迫的祖孙二人几乎快没有了活路。 How I dare the envious hatred seven young masters, nothing.” “我怎么敢嫉恨七少爷,没有的事情。” The young male lip is very thin, a very unkind feeling, said: Some things do not need to suppress at heart, the envious hatred words, were inferior happy spits, otherwise the air/Qi bursts oneself greatly, you already over 70 years old are, but few year good work.” 年轻的男子嘴唇很薄,给人一种非常刻薄的感觉,道:“有些事情没有必要憋在心里,嫉恨的话,不如痛痛快快的吐出来,不然气大伤身,你已经七十多岁了,可没有几个年头好活了。” The Uncle Jiang body shivered several, but also was finally tranquil, said: Seven young masters I only want to ask your a few words, otherwise I die with injustice unredressed.” 姜老伯的身躯颤抖了几下,但最终却又平静了下来,道:“七少爷我只想问你一句话,不然的话我死不瞑目。” You forget br > “你忘br> **** Umbrella! Jumping intimate cape which ominous seal banana plant completely barium pouch reed? Band? Scholartree? qian decayed tooth? Are the mei x swans towering? Huan Beimi? Is the rhyme mirror difficult? seal ****伞!蹦昵岬哪凶印芭尽钡囊簧?箍?槐?凵龋?嵋x似鹄矗?桓焙谜?韵镜难?印 …… …… Obstructs day 80 遮天80 I only want to know, the Tingting parents really did die accidentally/surprisingly?” Old person's mood seems like some out-of-control, makes an effort to grip the fist, the knuckle has been turning green, body in slight is shivering. “我只想知道,婷婷的父母真的是意外身亡吗?”老人的情绪似乎有些失控,用力攥着拳头,指节都已经发青,躯体在轻微的颤抖着。 Ye Fan quickly walks, supported him. Another side, Little Tingting silent sobbing, the small body turns away from several people, the shoulders is shivering unceasingly, the small hand is scrubbing a small china bowl slowly. 叶凡急忙走过去,扶住了他。另一边,小婷婷无声的抽泣,小小的身躯背对着几人,双肩不断颤抖,小手慢慢的搓洗着一个小瓷碗。 Old Man Jiang looks like in your heart to suppress a soaring to the heavens resentment, but how can this, your such big age, want to be desperately inadequate? If you died, your attractive little granddaughter life may really not have the whereabouts.” “姜老头看来你心中憋着一股冲天的怨气啊,不过这又能如何,你这么大年岁了,难道还想拼命不成?你要是死掉,你这漂亮的小孙女生活可就真的没有着落了。” How do the Tingting parents die?” The Uncle Jiang breathing rapidly, the chest fluctuates unceasingly, on the face covered entirely sadly. 婷婷的父母到底怎么死的?”姜老伯呼吸急促,胸膛不断起伏,脸上布满了悲伤。 Guesses as you like.” Young male “pā” closed the folding fan, looks to Ye Fan, said: Heard that you did get people to make into the disabled person Liu manager?” “随你去猜吧。”年轻的男子“啪”的一声合上了折扇,看向叶凡,道:“听说你领人将刘管事打成了残废?” Ye Fan has not responded, supports by the arm Uncle Jiang to stand on one side. The young man swept his one eyes, has not continued anything, stands up, walks toward Little Tingting. 叶凡没有回应,搀扶着姜老伯站在一边。年轻男子扫了他一眼,没有继续说什么,站起身来,向着小婷婷走去。 What do you want to make?!” In Uncle Jiang eyes show(s) frightened expression, such as the old mother hen outstretches both hands generally, blocked his way, protects Little Tingting behind. “你要做什么?!”姜老伯双眼『露』出恐惧的神『色』,如老母鸡一般伸开双手,挡住了他的去路,将小婷婷护在身后。 What Old Man Jiang you are anxious, difficult Dao Self also to begin inadequately to a small girl?” Young man careful sizing up Little Tingting , the unceasing nod, talked to oneself: Like, looked like. What a pity Fairy Haze, being unworthy of dying. Two years passed by, cannot think that your daughter has looked like with you.” “姜老头你紧张什么,难道我还会向一个小丫头动手不成?”年轻的男子仔细的打量小婷婷,不断的点头,自语道:“像,太像了。可惜了烟霞仙子,死的不值啊。两年过去了,想不到你女儿已经跟你这么像。” Little Tingting is biting the lip, although is sobbing, but has not cried, does not seem to want to be in front of Li seven young masters to cry. 小婷婷咬着嘴唇,虽然在抽泣,但没有大哭出来,似乎不想当着李家七少爷的面哭。 The young man, the right hand holds the folding fan, strikes own left hand gently, said: Ok, after Old Man Jiang, you did not need to suffer hardships, later I will take away this small girl, you enjoyed old age in peace in this small town.” 年轻的男子,右手持折扇,轻轻的敲打自己的左手,道:“行了,姜老头以后你不用受苦了,以后我会把这个小丫头带走,你在这个小镇上安享晚年吧。” Your what meaning?!” Uncle Jiang whistling gasps for breath immediately, protects Little Tingting after behind, stubbornly is staring at the Li seven young masters. “你什么意思?!”姜老伯顿时呼呼喘气,将小婷婷护在身后,死死的盯着李家七少爷。 This small girl, clever and deft, I prepare to lead to Red Mist Sanctuary to go her, making her follow to handle something in my side, always compares to live on the brink of starvation with you.” “这个小丫头,心灵手巧,我准备把她带到烟霞洞天去,让她跟在我身边做些事情,总比跟着你有上顿没下顿好吧。” „It is not good, only if I died, the Li seven young masters you cannot bully the person!” The Uncle Jiang anxious anger launches a psychological attack, the breath is somewhat difficult, the eye was red, body sways. “不行,除非我死了,李家七少爷你不能这么欺负人!”姜老伯急怒攻心,呼吸有些困难,眼睛都红了,身体一阵摇晃。 Ye Fan quickly to support him. 叶凡急忙为扶住了他。 Grandfather you are all right, do not frighten Tingting......” Little Tingting to hold old person's thigh, is supine the small face, filled the worry and frightened expression, unceasing crying. “爷爷你没事吧,不要吓婷婷……”小婷婷抱着老人的大腿,仰着小脸,充满了担心而又恐惧的神『色』,不断的落泪。 The young man satirized: Old Man Jiang you as for moving such atmosphere, you are clear, after leaving you, she crosses will be another life, in the future will perhaps blossom in radiant splendor in Red Mist Sanctuary.” 年轻的男子讽刺道:“姜老头你至于动这么大气吗,你要明白,离开你后,她过的将是另一种生活,将来说不定会在烟霞洞天大放异彩。” Uncle Jiang unceasing puffing, is for a long time tranquil, begged: Seven young masters you let off us.” 姜老伯不断的喘粗气,好久才平静下来,央求道:“七少爷你就放过我们吧。” This is what words!” Young male complexion sank, seems very gloomy and cold, said: Makes you enjoy old age in peace does not want, really does not know the good and evil.” “这是什么话!”年轻的男子脸『色』沉了下来,显得很阴冷,道:“让你安享晚年都不愿意,真是不识好歹。” I forever with grandfather in the same place!” The Little Tingting eye is inflamed, tight is holding the thigh of Uncle Jiang. “我永远和爷爷在一起!”小婷婷眼睛红肿,紧紧的抱着姜老伯的大腿。 This time I have the important matter to do, tomorrow must return to Red Mist Sanctuary, crosses several days I to take away her personally.” Seven young masters of Li said that these words, have transferred the body, looked at Ye Fan one, said: Beats a dog must look at Master, although is the dog of driving out, but cannot allow the bystander to insult.” At this point, his gently patted two on the Ye Fan shoulder, said: Impulsive person, the life is very difficult to be long-time.” “这次我还有重要的事情要做,明天必须返回烟霞洞天,过几日我亲自来带走她。”李家的七少爷说完这些话,转过身躯,看了叶凡一眼,道:“打狗还要看主人呢,虽然是赶出去的狗,但也不能容外人欺辱。”说到这里,他轻轻的在叶凡肩头上拍了两下,道:“冲动的人,命很难长久。” Bang “砰” Ye Fan sat on the ground all of a sudden, the corners of the mouth overflow faint trace bloodstain, chair hit breaking. 叶凡一下子坐在了地上,嘴角溢出丝丝血迹,身后的椅子都被撞的散架了。 Obstructs day 80 遮天80 Young male coldly shot a look at one, coldly smiled, swaggers away. 年轻的男子冷冷的瞥了一眼,冷冷一笑,扬长而去。 Child you how?!” The Uncle Jiang startled anger, quickly holds Ye Fan. “孩子你怎么了?!”姜老伯惊怒,急忙去扶叶凡 Big Brother......” on the face of Little Tingting also show(s) panic-stricken expression , helping Ye Fan scratch the blood of corners of the mouth with the small hand. 大哥哥……”小婷婷的脸上也『露』出惊恐的神『色』,用小手帮叶凡擦嘴角的鲜血。 Ye Fan sees seven young masters of Li to go far away, stands up fast, said: I am all right.” 叶凡见李家的七少爷远去,快速站起身来,道:“我没事。” Is really all right?” The old person is half believing and half doubting. “真的没事?”老人将信将疑。 An anxiety of Little Tingting also face, asked: Big Brother you are really all right, your mouth bled.” 小婷婷也一脸的紧张,问道:“大哥哥你真的没事吗,你的嘴里都流血了。” Almost has an accident.” “差点出事。” Is unimportant?” Uncle Jiang show(s) worried appearance. “不要紧吧?”姜老伯『露』出忧『色』 You misunderstood my meaning, I meant that almost cannot bear take action, I am all right. However this person is very mean, if the average man, suffered a moment ago that two, could not live half a month to die.” “您误会了我的意思,我是说差点忍不住出手,我自己没什么事。不过这个人真的很阴狠,如果是常人的话,挨了刚才那两下,活不了半个月就得死。” Was our grandfather and grandchild implicated you, if were you, will not receive this type of air/Qi.” Uncle Jiang rebukes oneself. “是我们爷俩连累了你,如果是你自己的话,不会受这种气。”姜老伯自责。 Uncle do not say like this, the blood was I spits hardly.” The Ye Fan chuckle, said: Said, I must thank seven young masters of this Li, because he will deliver me a big chance, when rushed to here to tell me to depart personally.” “老伯不要这样说,刚才的血是我自己硬吐出来的。”叶凡轻笑了起来,道:“说起来,我还要感谢这个李家的七少爷,因为他将送我一场大机缘,跑到这里亲自告诉了我何时离去。” You......” Uncle Jiang show(s) doubt being puzzled expression. “你……”姜老伯『露』出疑『惑』的神『色』 He mean person does not need to keep in this world like this, unexpectedly also wants to carry off Tingting, the next generation is not good!” “他这样的阴狠的人没有必要留在这个世上了,居然还想把婷婷带走,下辈子都不行!” That night, Ye Fan closely is paying attention to the sound of Li, after night, he left the small town, defends inside and outside twenty on the mountain road, this is the road which must be taken of cool breeze town/subdues to outside world. 这一夜,叶凡始终在关注着李家的动静,夜深后他离开了小镇,守在二十几里外的山路上,这是清风镇通往外界的必经之路。 Moon/Month color dim, dark cloud has fluttered, in wooded mountains instantaneous dark, not the well-known wild animal roar is unceasing, the night mountain forest appears is somewhat gloomy and terrifying. 月『色』朦胧,一朵乌云飘过,山林间瞬间黑暗了下来,不知名的野兽吼声不绝,深夜的山林显得有些阴森与恐怖。 After midnight, a mountain road vibration, the numerous horse's hoof sounds get up, under the gloomy star light, Dragon Scaled Horse that a whole body azure scale sparkles such as the azure light to/clashes together generally fast. 下半夜,山路一阵震动,重重的马蹄声响起,在暗淡的星光下,一头浑身青鳞闪闪的龙鳞马如一道青光一般快速冲来。 The Ye Fan static waiting, rushes to the near until Dragon Scaled Horse, his body to/clashes together the blazing golden light suddenly, in darkness especially radiant, such as fierce Yang across the sky. 叶凡静静的等待,直到龙鳞马奔到近前,他的身上才突然冲起一道炽烈的金光,在黑暗中格外的璀璨,如烈阳横空。 "puff" “噗” The blood light spatters in all directions, on Dragon Scaled Horse transmits a pitiful yell, but that person has not crashed dismount. 血光迸溅,龙鳞马上传来一声惨叫,但那个人并没有坠落下马。 In Ye Fan heart one startled, transfers Gold Book fast, flies to cut to go. A "puff" light sound, that Dragon Scaled Horse was divided as two halves, the corpse throws down layer on layer/heavily on the ground, the above person flies horizontally twenty meters away, crashes in the place. 叶凡心中一惊,快速调转金书,飞斩而去。“噗”的一声轻响,那头龙鳞马被劈为两半,死尸重重摔倒在地上,上面的人横飞出去二十几米远,坠落在地。 "chī" “哧” silver glow shines together, -and-a-half foot silver lances, clash fast toward Ye Fan here, such as the silvery lightning is together ordinary. 一道银芒亮起,一根半尺长的银矛,快速向着叶凡这里冲来,如一道银『色』的闪电一般。 Clang “锵” golden light flashes, Ye Fan took out Gold Book cuts on the silver lance, half foot small lance breaks immediately is two sections, crashes in the place. 金光一闪,叶凡祭出金书斩在银矛上,半尺长的小矛顿时断为两截,坠落在地。 Not far away, falls the person who falls to prance from Dragon Scaled Horse fast, must fire into the mountain forest. 不远处,从龙鳞马上摔落出去的人快速腾跃而起,就要冲向山林中。 At this time Ye Fan launched an attack again, Gold Book turned into lightning glow, cut dark Void, suddenly cut the near, the potential like the bolt of white silk, destroyed the hardest defenses, "puff", its left leg interruption. 这个时候叶凡再次发难,金书化成电芒,划破黑暗的虚空,眨眼斩到了近前,势如匹练,无坚不摧,“噗”的一声,将其左腿截断。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” That person called out pitifully to make noise finally, tumbled on the ground. 那个人终于惨叫出声,在地上翻滚了起来。 Until at this time, Ye Fan grew the one breath, alerts compelling nearly to go forward, this is his first ambush enemy, initially when unavoidably was somewhat anxious, lost some accurate aim. 直到这时,叶凡才长出一口气,戒备着向前『逼』近而去,这是他第一次伏杀敌人,初时不免有些紧张,失了一些准头。 „The Li seven young masters we met.” “李家七少爷我们又见面了。” Ground that tumbles unceasingly, youngster complexion of blood crossflow is pale, after seeing clearly is Ye Fan, expression that his show(s) hardly can believe that startled called out: How is you?” 地上那个不断翻滚,鲜血横流的年轻人脸『色』苍白,当看清是叶凡后,他『露』出几乎不敢相信的神『色』,惊叫道:“怎么是你?” What having isn't right?” Ye Fan expression is light, is away from a distance to visit him. “有什么不对吗?”叶凡神『色』平淡,隔着一段距离看着他。 Cannot think that is your young animal, I am really mistaken!” Seven young master whole faces of Li fierce color, painful and angry incomparable, looks very scary. “想不到是你这个小崽子,我真的走了眼了!”李家的七少爷满脸狰狞之『色』,痛苦与愤怒无比,看起来非常吓人。 Thanks seven young masters to deliver me a big chance.” Ye Fan stands in the distant place, on the face brings light sneering. “谢谢七少爷送我一场大机缘。”叶凡站在远处,脸上带着淡淡的冷笑。 The body that you...... you......” the Li seven young masters are mad pit-a-pat shivers, he desperate and chokes with rage in this moment, is very angry. “你……你……”李家七少爷气的身躯突突颤抖,在这一刻他绝望而又窝火,更是非常愤怒。 How do the Tingting parents die?” At this point, the Ye Fan tone transfers coldly, golden light flashes, Gold Book flushed fast. 婷婷的父母到底怎么死的?”说到这里,叶凡语气转寒,金光一闪,金书快速冲了出去。 Puff two light sounds, the Li seven young masters' both arms broke to fall completely, Ye Fan some did not feel relieved, again took out golden rainbow, gently a stroke on his Sea of Bitterness. “噗噗”两声轻响,李家七少爷的双臂全部断落了下来,叶凡还是有些不放心,再次祭出金虹,在他的苦海上轻轻一划。 "Ah...... the young animal I makes trouble will not let off you! ” “啊……小崽子我做鬼也不会放过你!” Why person always speaks this useless words.” Ye Fan arrives at his near, said: Your this domestic animal, perpetrates every kind of villainy, heartless, today is completely your retribution, I will serve you slowly.” “人为什么总是说这种无用的话呢。”叶凡走到他的近前,道:“你这个畜生,坏事做绝,丧尽天良,今天完全是你的报应,我会慢慢的伺候你。” “pā” “啪” Ye Fan slap pulled out, flies 45 meters away his fan. 叶凡一巴掌抽了过去,将他扇飞出去四五米远。 You......” Li seven young masters' both eyes are torching. “你……”李家七少爷的双目在喷火。
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