STH :: Volume #1

#79: Carves Dao Runes

Chapter 79 carves Dao Runes 第79章摹刻道纹 First in the remote mountain ancient cave discovery source picking medicine where did person go to?” Ye Fan asked. “最先在深山古洞发现‘源’的采『药』人去了哪里?”叶凡问道。 In the old book has the record, source area under normal conditions can mine several source, and even more, if seeks that ancient cave, perhaps will have other discoveries. 古籍上有记载,一处“源地”通常情况下可以开采出数块“源”,甚至更多,如果寻到那座古洞,说不定还会有其他发现。 Uncle Jiang sighs, said: „After he returns to the town/subdues, sourcesells a Li that anything ‚, vanished in a day, many people guessed that Li is not willing to pay a bill, handled the dishonorable matter in secret.” 姜老伯叹了一口气,道:“他回到镇上后,将那块什么‘源’卖个李家,没过一天就消失了,不少人猜测李家不愿付账,暗中做了伤天害理的事情。” Ye Fan understood immediately, Li definitely silenced a witness of crime, source is quite important to cultivator, their ignores person chaotic will not say everywhere. 叶凡顿时明白了,李家肯定是杀人灭口了,“源”对修士极为重要,他们不会放任这个人四处『乱』说。 Obstructs day 79 遮天79 It seems like a little troublesome......” “看来有点麻烦……” Big Brother, has anything to trouble, Tingting helps you.” Little Tingting the head, is winking the bright big eye, naive saying. 大哥哥,有什么麻烦,婷婷帮你。”小婷婷偏着头,眨动着明亮的大眼,天真的说道。 Ye Fan smiles, blows her delicate small nose, said: Tingting is really clever......” 叶凡笑了笑,刮了刮她秀气的小鼻子,道:“婷婷真乖……” After having had the breakfast, Ye Fan goes out of the small restaurant, distant transferred two around Li, inside remnant of destroyed building, thirty houses were burnt collapse. 吃过早饭后,叶凡走出小饭馆,远远的绕着李家转了两圈,里面断壁残垣,足足有三十几间房屋被烧塌了。 At this moment, outside the small town transmits the intermittent beast roar, when are not many dust flies upwards, a big mount breaks in the small town, the physique horse, but is actually covering the scale of azure, the speed is extremely fast, suddenly before arrived at the front door of Li . 就在这时,小镇外传来阵阵兽吼,不多时尘土飞扬,一头高大的坐骑冲入小镇,形体似马,但却覆盖着青『色』的鳞片,速度极快,眨眼间就来到了李家的大门前。 Dragon Scaled Horse!” In Ye Fan heart one startled, he knows that this Mutant Beast, the body duplicate azure scale, the physique horse, the strength is greatly infinite, runs on many times compared with the common mounted constable, day line of 4,000-5,000 li (0.5 km) do not have the issue, is not aware of fatigue, the midway does not need to stand still. 龙鳞马!”叶凡心中一惊,他知道这种异兽,身覆青鳞,形体似马,力大无穷,奔跑起来比寻常的马快上很多倍,日行4,000-5,000里没有问题,不知疲倦,中途不用停歇。 The mortals are very difficult to have such Mutant Beast, is Sea of Bitterness Realm's cultivator is very difficult to subdue it, the Dragon Scaled Horse strength is uncommon, usually after is Spring of Life Realm's cultivator it surrenders, grants was unable to control the god rainbow, but good younger generation. 凡人很难拥有这样的异兽,就是苦海境界的修士都很难将它收服,龙鳞马实力不凡,通常都是命泉境界的修士将其降服后,赐予还不能驾驭神虹而行的晚辈。 The Dragon Scaled Horse azure scale sparkles, is pleased as punch, face upwards to shout, is really the god steed, sits a 25 or 26-year-old young man in the saddle upper extreme, complexion is fair, the lip is very thin, look somewhat gloomy and cold. 龙鳞马青鳞闪闪,摇头摆尾,仰天嘶吼,甚是神骏,在马鞍上端坐着一个二十五六岁的年轻男子,脸『色』白皙,嘴唇很薄,眼神有些阴冷。 Li was alarmed immediately, the front door was opened, some people yelled, runs delivers a letter to inside: Young master came back......” 李家顿时被惊动了,大门被打开,有人大叫了起来,跑向里面去送信:“少爷回来了……” In the Ye Fan heart relaxes, thought that Li this immortal cultivator mostly is only Sea of Bitterness Realm's cultivator, otherwise controlled the god rainbow to fly directly. 叶凡心中放松下来,觉得李家这个修仙者多半只是一个苦海境界的修士,不然的话就直接驾驭神虹飞回来了。 This source I must decide!” “这个‘源’我要定了!” Now is not begins, shortly after Ye Fan enters in the remote mountain, in this time regards Gold Book in Sea of Bitterness, he discovered that the character of introduction is fuzzier, seems really going to vanish thoroughly. 现在不是动手的时候,不久后叶凡进入深山中,这一次内视苦海中的金书,他发现开篇的字更加模糊,似乎真的将要彻底消失了。 Why...... Ye Fan has been thinking deeply about this issue like this, talked to oneself: „The part that I will have vanished luckily thoroughly comprehends completely.” “为什么会这样……”叶凡一直在思索这个问题,自语道:“幸好我已经将消失的部分完全悟透。” Afterward, he continues to comprehend «Dao Scripture», has the different feeling each time, after for a long time, stops, starts to temper cauldron sky over Sea of Bitterness. 随后,他继续参悟《道经》,每次都有不同的感受,很长时间后才停下来,开始在苦海上空锤炼“鼎”。 19 divine marks smelts in together, probably together the divine iron lump, lives the splendor shiningly, no matter what Ye Fan thoroughly tempered, actually turns into the cauldron difficultly. 十九道“神纹”熔炼在一起,像是一块神铁疙瘩,灿灿生辉,任叶凡千锤百炼,却总难化成鼎。 During this period, Ye Fan once attempted to cast flying sword, although finally does not have the perfect success, but had the appearance of sword embryo, according to this tempers slowly, sooner or later will succeed. 在此期间,叶凡曾经尝试铸了一把飞剑,结果虽然没有完满成功,但却大致有了剑胚的模样,照此慢慢锤炼下去,早晚有一天会成功。 Why cauldron so difficult sacrifice?” “为什么鼎如此难祭?” Ye Fan the embrionic smelting of golden sword, restarts casting the cauldron, but attempts, failure, can only temper one lump it, is not always able to take shape, even/including Cupei are hard to turn into. 叶凡金『色』剑的胚熔炼,重新开始铸鼎,但是一次次尝试,一次次失败,只能将其锤炼成一坨,总是无法成型,连粗胚都难以化成。 When this way must to what day be able to cast to fill the Dao charm cauldron, if idles one's time away in vain, but is really bamboo basket fetches water to come to naught.” “这样下去要到何年何月何日才能铸出充满道韵的鼎,若是白白蹉跎了岁月,可真是竹篮子打水一场空。” Obstructs day 79 遮天79 The process of temperance cauldron not only need transfer life Essence Qi, but also wants high degree of concentration Divine Consciousness, finally the Ye Fan mind is exhausted, has to stop. 锤炼鼎的过程不仅要调动生命精气,还要高度集中神识,最后叶凡心神疲惫,不得不停了下来。 Sky over Sea of Bitterness, that pisolite big „the divine iron lump shining god splendor, hundred refine hard to bring about. 苦海上空,那块豆粒大的“神铁疙瘩”灿灿神辉,百炼难成型。 This together divine iron, is half waste 'Artifact', does not know that can control azure wood treasure seal such weapon.” “这样一块‘神铁’,已经算是一个半废的‘器’,不知道能不能控制青木宝印那样的武器。” Ye Fan is very regrettable, he has no treasure, does not know that now can be preliminary governing thing, otherwise he really wants to give a try. Unexpectedly, he noticed that was pushed by green copper in Gold Book of Sea of Bitterness edge, in the heart moves immediately, said: Govern it gives a try.” 叶凡很遗憾,他没有任何宝物,不知道现在能不能初步“御物”,不然的话他真想试试看。蓦地,他看到被绿铜挤在苦海边缘的金书,心中顿时一动,道:“御它试试看。” Pisolite big „the divine iron lump sinks to Sea of Bitterness fast, in an instant melts in Gold Book, as the Ye Fan intention moves, the blazing golden light runs out of his outside the body together, probably a lightning delimits to empty generally. 豆粒大的“神铁疙瘩”快速沉入苦海,刹那间融进金书中,随着叶凡心念一动,一道炽烈的金光冲出他的体外,像是一道闪电一般划空而过。 The brilliant ray to/clashes, several ancient wood have not blocked it with both giant stones. Ye Fan stand forth, pushes gently, towering ancient wood but actually, the fracture was immediately smooth, the golden light delimited a moment ago obsolete, sets up tiny bit not to move greatly, but had actually cut off. 绚烂的光芒一冲而过,数株古木与两块巨石都没有挡住它。叶凡向前走去,轻轻一推,一株参天古木顿时倒了下去,断口非常平滑,刚才金光划过时,巨树纹丝未动,但却已经被斩断了。 In Ye Fan heart really one startled, several ancient wood all are so. But that two giant stones, push with the hand, is divided into two halves instantly, levelled incision. 叶凡心中着实一惊,数株古木皆是如此。而那两块巨石,用手一推,也都刹那分成两半,早已被平整的切开。 Gold Book flies to be more than ten meters away fully, round of shining Sun decides probably generally in the midair, as the Ye Fan intention moves, golden light flashes, flew instantaneously, re-enters in his Sea of Bitterness. 金书飞出去足有十几米远,像是一轮金灿灿的太阳一般定在半空中,随着叶凡心念一动,金光一闪,瞬间飞了回来,重回他的苦海内。 Really is sharp......” Ye Fan is surprised, he is holding attitude that's all that gives a try, has not thought that really offered a sacrifice to Gold Book, moreover its point is swift and fierce. “真是锋锐……”叶凡非常惊讶,他不过是抱着试试看的态度而已,没有想到真的将金书祭了出去,而且其锋芒凌厉无匹。 This golden paper not only recorded «Dao Scripture», can treat as the weapon to use?” Had such idea, he starts to attempt again, the golden light like the rainbow, such as has delimited Void like lightning unceasingly. “这金『色』的纸张不仅记载了《道经》,难道还可以当做武器来用?”有了这样的想法,他再次开始尝试,金光如虹,如闪电般不断划过虚空 Ye Fan discovered, can only go to more than ten meters away Gold Book took out, exceeds this range, he was then hard to control. 叶凡发现,只能将金书祭出去十几米远,超过这个范围,他便难以控制了。 Dao Scripture is one of the Eastern Wilderness most mystical ancient scripture, this page of golden paper is definitely extraordinary, when my also weapon, the potential like the bolt of white silk, opposed the enemy definitely sharp incomparable.” Ye Fan energy gradually foot. 道经东荒最神秘的古经之一,这页金『色』的纸张肯定非凡,我也有一件武器了,势如匹练,对敌时肯定犀利无比。”叶凡底气渐足。 Including one page of paper so, that green copper definitely is more fearful, it should be the genuine weapon, does not know how the might......” thinks of here, in the Ye Fan heart difficult to be calm, in regards Sea of Bitterness, wants to control green copper. “连一页纸张都如此,那块绿铜肯定更加可怕,它应该是真正的武器,不知道威力如何……”想到这里,叶凡心中难以平静,内视苦海,想驾驭绿铜 However, the golden Sea of Bitterness center, that green copper is silent, such as the rock decides generally there. 然而,金『色』苦海中央,那块绿铜寂静无声,如磐石一般定在那里。 I feel like am pushing a great mountain.” Ye Fan is sweating profusely, exhausted, is hard to shake the green copper slightest radically, the Sea of Bitterness center is covering one group plain and great changes aura, a boundless pressure. “我感觉像是在推一座巨山。”叶凡满头大汗,精疲力竭,根本难以撼动绿铜分毫,苦海中央笼罩着一团古朴与沧桑的气息,还有一种磅礴的压力。 no wonder «Dao Scripture» compelling arrives at the edge, this green copper was too mystical and uncommon, probably is facing the immeasurable sea and Immemorial stars is ordinary, vast endless, coercion such as day.” 怪不得将《道经》都生生『逼』到边缘,这块绿铜太神秘与不凡了,像是在面对无量的大海与太古的星辰一般,浩瀚无尽,威压如天。” green copper is not complete, seems like one that some Object disrupts, the fragment, complete Object has terrifying how it can be imagined. 绿铜绝不是完整的,很像是某种器物碎裂下来的一块,残片都如此,可想而知完整的器物有多么的恐怖。 Is unquantifiable, unable to estimate!” In the Ye Fan heart filled shock, more wants more to think that is fearful and surprised, talks to oneself: Ends the whole anything appearance......” “难以估量,根本无法揣度!”叶凡心中充满了震撼,越想越觉得可怕与吃惊,自语道:“完整体到底什么样子……” At this moment, his look shone suddenly, he saw on green copper Dao Runes, these runic patterns have not being able to say Dao charm. 就在这时,他的眼神突然亮了起来,他看到了绿铜上的“道纹”,那些纹络有着一股说不出的道韵 „It is not able to shake green copper, I first copy it Dao Runes!” “无法撼动绿铜,我先摹下它的‘道纹’!” The mysterious green copper surface Dao Runes, has not only had in the fracture place is dense and numerous, Dao Runes densely covered, is complex, abstruse immeasurable, is unable to understand, but one Daoist magic nature and feeling of Heaven and Earth dun normalizing, making one look was touched deeply. 神秘的绿铜表面并没有“道纹”,唯有在断口处密密麻麻,“道纹”密布,纷繁复杂,深奥莫测,根本无法让人理解,但却有一种道法自然、天地沌归一的感觉,让人一看就深受触动。 Ye Fan has not achieved under the matter that Realm that can research in thorough detail Dao Runes, he wants to handle „the divine iron lump in the green copper fracture place smelts, carves all mysterious Dao Runes that is unable to cast cauldron repeatedly. 叶凡还没有达到可以精研“道纹”的那种境界,他想做的事情是将那块无法铸成“鼎”的“神铁疙瘩”在绿铜断口处反复熔炼,摹刻下所有神秘的“道纹”。 Obstructs day 79 遮天79 These dense and numerous and mysterious immeasurable Dao Runes have certainly the huge background, is very likely in the legend that type inborn texture, unique.” “这些密密麻麻、神秘莫测道纹一定有着天大的来头,很有可能是传说中那种天生的‘纹理’,独一无二。” After Ye Fan takes a break, starts to smelt that grain „the divine iron lump, melts it, attaches tempers on green copper unceasingly, is similar to the mortal hammering general, hits the repeated hammer, above is dense and numerous, in brand mark many runic patterns. 叶凡休息片刻后,开始熔炼那粒“神铁疙瘩”,将其化开,附着在绿铜上不断锤炼,就如同凡人打铁一般,将其反反复复的锤打,上面密密麻麻,烙印上很多纹络 His unceasing sacrifice refining up and carves, until having a feeling, this „the divine iron lump as if gradually were many an inexplicable flavor. When he goes to induce earnestly, discovered that is so ordinary, and no change, so-called Dao charm does not exist. 他不断的祭炼与摹刻,直至生出一种感觉,这块“神铁疙瘩”似乎渐渐多了一种莫名的韵味。只是,当他去认真感应时,发现还是那样普通,并无任何变化,所谓的道韵并不存在。 Is the misconception?” Ye Fan talked to oneself. “是错觉吗?”叶凡自语。 In the following time, he „the divine iron lump melts that grain unceasingly, the sacrifice refining up repeatedly, carved Dao Runes on green copper inside and outside, it may be said that thoroughly tempered. 在接下来的时间里,他将那粒“神铁疙瘩”不断熔化,反复祭炼,里里外外都摹刻上了绿铜上的道纹,可谓千锤百炼 As if was more concise than much before, whether or not the misconception, carves green copper Dao Runes, definitely only has the advantage, without fault.” “似乎比以前凝练了不少,不管是不是错觉,摹刻绿铜道纹,肯定只有好处,没有坏处。” Finally, Ye Fan starts to offer a sacrifice to cauldron, whether after under wants to have a look at „the divine iron lump carves Dao Runes, really occurrence the change. 最后,叶凡开始重新祭“鼎”,想看看“神铁疙瘩”摹刻下道纹后是否真的发生了变化。 Above his Sea of Bitterness, that grain „the divine iron lump unceasing distortion, the edges and corners are gradually clear, the gloss restrained much, were many one type to congeal the solid feeling. 在他的苦海上方,那粒“神铁疙瘩”不断的变形,棱角渐渐圆润,光泽收敛了不少,多了一种凝实的感觉。 Finally, although even/including Cupei have not offered a sacrifice to refine, but Ye Fan feels is very inspired, he perceived exceptionally, in temperance divine iron lump in the process, he found a mysterious feeling. 最终,虽然连粗胚都没有祭炼出来,但叶凡还是感觉很振奋,他觉察到了异常,在锤炼“神铁疙瘩”的过程中,他找到了一种玄妙的感觉。 Dao Runes on green copper is really mystical, later every day must smelt and carve repeatedly, success took out cauldron will not be the issue.” 绿铜上的道纹果然神秘,以后每日都要反复熔炼与摹刻,成功祭出‘鼎’不会是问题。” The book friend Haiyun day united other book friends about writing an immortal sequel immortal war, everyone interested. 书友海云天联合一些其他的书友合写了一本长生界续集长生战,大家有兴趣的可以。 Link:. /book/3.aspx 链接:./book/3.aspx Synopsis: An immortal, a legend. We of having not given full expression, make up for all regrets with our pen. The wind and cloud begins, and looks at the immortal to continue, new heroic story, new legend! 简介:一部长生,一曲传奇。意犹未尽的我们,用自己的笔来弥补一切遗憾。风云再起,且看长生续中,新的英雄故事,新的神话传说! [ Bookid = 3 , bookname = «Immortal War»] [bookid=3,bookname=《长生战》]
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