STH :: Volume #1

#78: Solution

Chapter 78 solves 第78章解决 Ye Fan has engraved the next three foot two ear round cauldrons in the heart, but tempers divine marks when Sea of Bitterness truly, is difficult and difficult, light/only divine marks condenses 19 in the same place, spent long time. 叶凡已经在心田刻印下三足两耳圆鼎,但是真正在苦海内锤炼“神纹”时,却难而又难,光是将十九道“神纹”凝聚在一起,就花费了很长时间。 Finally, he divine marks smelts 19 slowly, offers a sacrifice to pisolite big one group, is only actually being hard casting, cannot change form, how see and cauldron no least bit connection. 最终,他将十九道“神纹”慢慢熔炼,祭成豆粒大的一团,只是却难以铸造,不能化形,怎么看都与“鼎”无半点关联。 Ye Fan attempts repeatedly, do not say that tempers the shape of cauldron, is engraves some patterns is not good, offering a sacrifice to the cauldron is really difficult and difficult. 叶凡多次尝试,不要说锤炼成鼎的形状,就是刻上一些花纹都不行,祭鼎果然难而又难。 However, he pours is not anxious, after all then just started, later some are the time polishes, this will be a long difficult process, will continue he so, others perhaps. 不过,他倒也不焦急,毕竟这才刚刚开始,以后有的是时间打磨,这将是一个漫长艰难的过程,不止他如此,其他人恐怕更甚。 Obstructs day 78 遮天78 Day color dusk, Ye Fan hit a badger, to returning walks. Returned to the small restaurant just to sit, the old person displayed a table food and wine, the fragrance aroused. 天『色』擦黑,叶凡打了一只獾,向回走去。回到小饭馆刚刚坐下来,老人就摆上了一桌子酒菜,香气撩人。 Little Tingting changed a new clothes, on the ruddy small face ripples full Tiantian the smile, the show(s) two lovable small dimples, the little girl is very low to the happy definition, so long as can eat to sate the appetite, was not bullied, was satisfied. Currently also has the new clothes to put on. 小婷婷换上了一身新衣,红扑扑的小脸上漾满甜甜的笑容,『露』出两个可爱的小酒窝,小女孩对幸福的定义很低,只要能够吃饱饭,不被欺负,就非常满足了。况且,现在还有新衣穿。 Today, the Li extreme nervousness, built up many recruits, seems guarding against anything.” Uncle Jiang said on the dining table like this. “今天,李家草木皆兵,集结了不少壮丁,似乎在防备着什么。”姜老伯在饭桌上这样说道。 What's the matter?” Ye Fan asked. “怎么回事?”叶凡问道。 Li has an enemy, resides in beyond dozens li (0.5 km), in the family also some people outside immortal cultivator, are the strong clans on place, two always disagree/not with. Li Jia suspected that was the opposite party sets on fire to burn their more than ten car(riage) cargos, today sends people to inquire the news, finally was deducted a manager, the remainders all hit half dead, hurries back.” “李家有一个对头,居于数十里之外,家族中也有人在外修仙,同是地方上的强族,两家向来不和。李家怀疑是对方纵火烧了他们十几车货物,今日派人去打探消息,结果被扣下一个管事,余者全都被打的半死,赶了回来。” Ye Fan the chuckle, said immediately: Originally I also want to toss about their one, now is more convenient, this time guarantees would-be them unable to take care of oneself, does not have the thoughts to suspect other again, making two fish native places' families be suspicious of each other.” 叶凡顿时轻笑,道:“本来我还想折腾他们一番呢,现在更省事了,这次保准他们自顾不暇,再也没有心思再怀疑其他,让两个鱼肉乡里的家族互相猜忌吧。” After Ye Fan finds out the situation in detail, at night dives quietly the small town, at the same night directly soars inside and outside dozens a mountain village. 叶凡详细问明情况后,夜间悄悄潜出小镇,连夜直奔数十里外的一处山庄。 His silent touching, in this family, although some people outside immortal cultivator, but in this moment family/home such person keeping watch, has not been equal to regarding Ye Fan nominally general. He spent multi- 1 hour, discovered a bundled solid person in firewood room. 他无声无息的『摸』了进去,这个家族中虽然有人在外修仙,但此刻家中并没有这样的人坐镇,对于叶凡来说等于虚设一般。他花费了多半个时辰,在一个柴房内发现了一个被捆的结结实实的人。 Opens the manager?” “是张管事吗?” The person sound in firewood room high-pitched and fine, with similar of Uncle Jiang description, replied immediately: Is I, who are you?” 柴房中的人声音尖细,与姜老伯描述的差不多,立时答道:“是我,你是谁?” Opens the manager, I saved you to come.” Ye Fan walks, wrenched apart his string, said: Your family young master descends the mountain from Red Mist Sanctuary, this time must extinguish Wang Family thoroughly.” “张管事,我救你来了。”叶凡走过去,一把扭断了他身上的绳子,道:“你们家少爷从烟霞洞天下山,这次要彻底灭了王家。” What......” a manager seems to be surprised, said: Who are you?” “什么……”张管事似乎非常吃惊,道:“你是谁?” The Ye Fan's sound was cold immediately, said: Your calm, your family young master invited several Senior Brother younger brothers, my precisely one of them.” 叶凡的声音顿时冷了起来,道:“你镇定一下,你们家少爷请来了几位师兄弟,我正是其中之一。” Small see Immortal Being big master.” stretch/open manager listens to the opposite party to be young freely, but knew after the opposite party is immortal cultivator, immediately knocks the cephalont to pay respect likely generally. “小的参见仙人大老爷。”张管事尽管听出对方年龄不大,但是得知对方是修仙者后,立刻像个磕头虫一般参拜。 Does not need to do obeisance, now something tell you, you listen carefully.” “不需要拜,现在有事情吩咐你,你仔细听好。” „The Immortal Being big master you please say.” 仙人大老爷您请说。” Here has several barrels of oil, outside you go to set on fire everywhere, after the fire point gets up shouted, said your family young master will extinguish their whole families.” “这里有几桶油,你去外面四处放火,等火点起来后大喊,就说你家少爷将灭他们满门。” "Ah, this can I be held to kill by them? ” At this moment, where opens to be in charge to think of other, thinks is completely own nature can life preserve. “啊,这样的话我会不会被他们抓住杀死?”此时此刻,张管事哪里会想到其他,所想的完全是自己的『性』命能不能保住。 You felt relieved, your security was under the charge to us, our several people want to suffer them slowly, making the Wang Fam­ily's person die in the fear.” “你放心好了,你的安全由我们负责,我们几人是想慢慢的折磨他们,让王家的人在恐惧中死亡。” Obstructs day 78 遮天78 Good, I set on fire now, when the time comes rushes ahead with the Immortal Being big masters together.” “好,我现在就去放火,到时候跟仙人大老爷们一起冲杀。” Ye Fan patted his shoulder, meaningful say/way: You contributed to the great merit!” 叶凡拍了拍他的肩头,意味深长的道:“你立大功了!” In Immortal Being by his eye was commended like this, opens the manager immediately warm-blooded boiling, usually bullied the neighboring hate offense to display him completely, carried several barrels of oil strides to clash. 被他眼中的仙人这样称赞,张管事顿时热血沸腾,将他平日欺负相邻的恨戾全部发挥了出来,拎起几桶油大步冲了出去。 Ye Fan picks up the string of ground break, then turns around to vanish in the darkness. 叶凡将地上断裂的绳子捡起,而后转身消失在黑暗中。 Soon, the mountain village flame soars to the heavens, 45 places ignite the fire simultaneously. At this moment opens manager that high-pitched and fine voice to resound, is especially grating in the night, said: „The Wang Fam­ily's Kameji child, your tortoise nests were ignited by me, you are waiting, my family young master will extinguish your whole families.” 不多时,山庄火光冲天,足足有四五处地点同时燃起大火。就在这时张管事那尖细的声音响起,在深夜格外刺耳,道:“王家的龟儿子,你们的王八窝被我点着了,你们等着,我家少爷会灭你们满门的。” Wang Family is big immediately chaotically, has the weeping and wailing sound of woman, there is a cursing angrily sound of man, some quick people hold the shining sword toward opening manager there flush away. 王家顿时大『乱』,有女人的哭喊声,也有男人的怒骂声,很快就有人持着明晃晃的刀剑向着张管事那里冲去。 At this moment, opening the manager is extremely excited, has Immortal Being to support in the back, he has nothing to fear intent, selected 45 fire. 此刻,张管事极度兴奋,有仙人在背后撑腰,他没有任何惧意,又点了四五处大火。 The Wang Fam­ily's person sees all these, the eye was at that time red, is roaring rushing over, brandishes a sword cuts, bright as snow long blade under the complementing of flame, especially dazzling. 王家的人见到这一切,当时眼睛就红了,怒吼着冲了过去,挥刀就砍,雪亮的长刀在火光的映衬下,格外的刺目。 Until opened the manager to feel the fear at this time, because Immortal Being has not appeared in his side, at this moment he wants to escape again radically already without enough time, in the mouth sends out panic-stricken yelling, just turned around to step one step, was cut the neck directly, blood gurgling welled up, he dies with injustice unredressed. 直到这时张管事才感觉恐惧,因为仙人并没有出现在他的身边,此刻他再想逃根本已经来不及,口中发出惊恐的叫喊,刚转身迈出去一步,就直接被人砍中了脖子,鲜血汩汩而涌,他死不瞑目。 Sees stretch/open manager to be killed, Ye Fan from retreats quietly in secret, but has not left, he while chaotic lit more than ten fire, the roaring flame flaming combustion, half sky one red. 见张管事被杀死,叶凡悄悄从暗中退走,不过并没有离开,他趁『乱』点燃了十几处大火,烈焰熊熊燃烧,半边天空都一片通红。 Until at this time, Ye Fan such as flew to go, suddenly submerges in the darkness. 直到这时,叶凡才如飞而去,眨眼没入黑暗中。 The 2nd day, the news passed to the cool breeze town/subdues, Li high and low immediately a vibration. 第二日,消息传到清风镇,李家上下顿时一片震动。 „Was Wang Family burnt down half mountain village?!” 王家被烧掉了半个山庄?!” What, is Zhang Shun does?” “什么,是张顺干的?” bastard, Zhang Shun I must kill your entire family!” 王八蛋,张顺我要杀了你全家!” Li high and low all flustered, such as like ants on a heated pan is ordinary, assembles all recruits, prepares to deal with the Wang Fam­ily's retaliation. 李家上下全都慌了,如热锅上的蚂蚁一般,集结所有壮丁,准备应付王家的报复。 Wang Family half mountain village turn into ashes, they left left the anger, when the Heavenly General Li's the shop in county burnt down the light, robbed as for gold and silver completely, and set male servant toward cool breeze suppress and kill. 王家半个山庄化成灰烬,他们出离了愤怒,当天将李家在县城的店铺一把火烧光,至于金银等全部抢走,且集合家丁向着清风镇杀来。 On this day, outside the cool breeze town/subdues, two families had the fierce bloody conflicts, the both sides casualty many people, have nothing to explain that now, can only solves with the blade and blood. 这一日,在清风镇外,两个家族发生了剧烈的流血冲突,双方都死伤了不少人,现在没有什么可解释的,只能用刀与血解决。 Until the toward evening, both sides return temporarily remove, obviously the matter is very impossible to terminate like this, will definitely have the bloody conflicts in the following several days. 直到黄昏时分,双方才暂时回撤,很显然事情不可能这样完结,接下来的几天里肯定还会有流血冲突。 In that night, the Wang Fam­ily's person then came, crashes in the cool breeze town/subdues, directly soars Li Jia to set on fire. If no protection early, Li may possibly turn into the flying ash thoroughly, even so , the fever collapsed many rooms, the entire night can not be peaceful. 就在当夜,王家的人便又来了,冲进清风镇,直奔李家放火。如果不是早有防备,李家可能可能会彻底化成飞灰,即便这样,也烧塌了不少房间,整整一夜都不得安宁。 The resident on cool breeze town/subdues claps and cheers all, Li the fish native place, has usually stirred up the popular resentment, but no one dares to stand that's all, now the matter, is they can think matter that does not dare to handle. 清风镇上的居民无不拍手称快,李家平日间鱼肉乡里,早已惹起了民怨,只是没有人敢站出来而已,现在发生的这事情,是他们敢想不敢做的事情。 Uncle Jiang sees with one's own eyes all these, show(s) worried appearance, Ye Fan sees that to say with a smile: Do not worry, these two families are not the good kind, a dog-eat-dog mouth wool that's all.” 姜老伯亲眼看到这一切,不禁『露』出忧『色』,叶凡见状笑道:“您不要担心,这两个家族都不是善类,狗咬狗一嘴『毛』而已。” Obstructs day 78 遮天78 The old person nods, said: Child later try not to be...... him somewhat to be worried about Ye Fan like this, feels a 11 or 12-year-old youngster, the casual two methods shoulder such big disturbance, feared from now on his thoughts will be deeper takes the evil ways. 老人点了点头,道:“孩子以后尽量不要这样做……”他是有些担心叶凡,觉得一个十一二岁的少年,随便两个手段就挑起这么大的风波,怕今后他心思更深时走上邪路。 Ye Fan the chuckle, said immediately: Uncle you felt relieved, heart that I have not injured someone, only then to their such talents so.” 叶凡顿时轻笑了起来,道:“老伯你放心好了,我从来没有害人的心,只有对他们这样的人才如此。” Li immortal cultivator person, it is estimated that must come back outside.” Old person show(s) moved expression, he remembered oneself son. “李家在外修仙的人,估计要回来了。”老人『露』出伤感的神『色』,他想起了自己的儿子。 I want also is so, Li had such matter, definitely went to Red Mist Sanctuary to deliver a letter.” “我想也是如此,李家发生了这样的事情,肯定去烟霞洞天送信了。” Without having such matter, Li the person of immortal cultivator should also come back.” “纵然没有发生这样的事情,李家的修仙的人也该回来了。” Why?” Ye Fan is somewhat puzzled. “为什么?”叶凡有些不解。 Li usually spends greatly, mainly to collect Spirit Medicine, gives them in the family/home immortal cultivator several people to send. A while ago, as if collected anything source, it is said was one picks medicine person to discover that in remote mountain ancient cave, had the greatest advantage to cultivator probably.” “李家平日间花费巨大,主要是为了收集灵『药』,给他们家中修仙的几人送去。前阵子,似乎采集到了什么‘源’,据说是一个采『药』人在深山古洞中发现的,好像对修士有莫大的好处。” In the Ye Fan heart shook at that time! 叶凡心中当时就是一震! According to old book record, Heaven and Earth about losing one's temper myriad things Era, the vegetation is prosperous, the life is powerful, Spirit Medicine endless, has many source, resembles the amber clear, inside actually seals massive life essence. 据古籍记载,天地合气生万物的时代,草木繁盛,生灵强大,灵『药』无尽,更是结出许多“源”,似琥珀般晶莹,内里却封有大量生命精华。 Even somewhat is rare Divine Source, the interior seals Heaven and Earth initial Era tyrannical creatures, such „after source was mined, can provide magnanimous life Essence Qi. 甚至有些稀世“神源”,内部封有天地初始时代的强横生物,这样的“源”被开采出来后,可以提供海量的生命精气 Discovered in remote mountain ancient cave source, Li delivered gift to me really!” On Ye Fan face show(s) bright happy expression. “在深山古洞发现了‘源’,李家真是给我送了一份大礼啊!”叶凡脸上『露』出灿烂的笑意。
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