STH :: Volume #1

#77: Nine Provinces treasure

Chapter 77 Nine Provinces treasure 第77章九州重器 Liu manager several people of hit air admission few air vents are many, lies down like damned dog on the avenue generally, in the past they did really went too far, had caused the popular indignation. If not several steady old people persuades, they were not killed while still alive, cause the human life is not possible. Finally, the people image carries damned dog to be common, threw respective main house gate them, this matter was exciting. 刘管事几人被打的进气少出气多,如同死狗一般躺在大街上,以往他们做的实在太过分了,早已引起民愤。如果不是几个稳重的老人相劝,他们非被活活打死,弄出人命不可。最后,众人像拎死狗一般,将他们扔到了各自的家门口,这件事可谓大快人心。 At noon, in the small restaurant happy talks and laughters, the Little Tingting smiling face is particularly bright, is no longer worried and is afraid. The sulks in Uncle Jiang heart also spit, the wrinkle on face as if melted much, turns the type to make several dishes, circles the rabbit meat and consomme rabbit meatball, the sweet and sour rabbit spareribs and to curl the fighting cock and diced chicken sauteed with green peppers red, vegetarian dish that in addition some green vegetables and wild fruits make. 中午,小饭馆内一片欢声笑语,小婷婷的笑颜分外灿烂,不再担心与害怕。姜老伯心中的闷气也一吐而出,脸上的皱纹似乎都化开了不少,翻着样做出好几道菜,红绕兔肉、清汤兔丸子、糖醋兔排骨、碧叶卷香鸡、辣子鸡丁,此外还有一些青菜以及野果做成的素菜。 This food ate long time, often is mixing with the joke, this type of harmonious atmosphere makes Ye Fan have an misconception, feels like goes home. 这顿饭吃了很长时间,不时夹杂着笑语,这种和睦的气氛让叶凡有一种错觉,感觉像是回到了家中。 After the lunch, Ye Fan directly entered in the remote mountain, he starts to attempt to control divine marks, because this is essential to the cultivation of late stage and important. 午饭后,叶凡直接进入了深山中,他开始尝试控制“神纹”,因为这对后期的修炼非常关键与重要。 Obstructs day 77 遮天77 Each divine marks seems like a Dao Spirit iron chain, winds around sky over golden Sea of Bitterness, this is the primitive shape of being condensed becomes by life Essence Qi. 每一道“神纹”都像是一道神铁链,缭绕在金『色』苦海上空,这是由生命精气凝聚而成的原始形态。 cultivator can offer a sacrifice to various shapes divine marks, such as the throwing knife, dagger, can emit outside the body to kill the enemy, is more effective than divine marks. Some people will spend a lot of time and thoughts, primitive divine marks offers a sacrifice to flying sword, the small shield, the god halberd, when this will be easy in a big way to control, will oppose the enemy the might on many. 修士可以将“神纹”祭成各种形状,如飞刀、匕首等,可以放出体外杀敌,比“神纹”更有效。有些人会花费不少时间与心思,将原始的“神纹”祭成飞剑、小盾、神戟等,这样更易于控制,对敌时威力会大上不少。 Some people did not fear that is complex and mysterious, repeatedly tempers divine marks, offers a sacrifice to cauldron and bell or Tajikistan, can display all sorts of mysterious strengths. 更有个别人不怕复杂与玄奥,反复锤炼“神纹”,祭成“鼎”与“钟”或“塔”等,可以发挥出种种神秘的力量。 The legend, extremely individual cultivator by “Artifact” that divine marks sacrifice refining up, will likely have the unexpected change to late stage, interweaves „a path in the “Artifact” interior, has might that cannot be guessed. 传说,极个别的修士以“神纹”祭炼成的“器”,到后期可能会发生意想不到的变化,在“器”的内部交织出“道的轨迹”,具有不可揣测的威力。 Naturally, this probability is low, only then these innately gifted, extremely powerful cultivator may have this luck. 当然,这种概率非常低,只有那些天赋异禀、极其强大的修士才可能会有这种际遇 From the past experience, by “Artifact” that primitive divine marks sacrifice refine is complicated and mysterious, the might was bigger, cauldron and bell or Tajikistan, on the other hand, the interior interwove „a path, hope possibly greatly. 从以往的经验来看,以原始“神纹”祭炼出的“器”越是繁复与玄奥,威力越大,“鼎”与“钟”或“塔”等,相对来说,内部交织出“道的轨迹”,希望可能会大一点。 Naturally, more complex “Artifact” more is hard to take shape, spends the endless energy and time, not necessarily tempers an outline to come, idles one's time away in vain. 当然,越复杂的“器”越难以成型,花费无尽精力与时间,都不见得锤炼出一个轮廓来,白白蹉跎了岁月。 And, even if lucking out, painstaking cultivation to late stage, is hard to be returned. After all, presents „a path the hope was too uncertain, regarding numerous cultivator that is only a legend, is only extremely individually startled certainly the colorful character specially. 且,纵然是侥幸成功,苦修后期,也难以得到回报。毕竟,出现“道的轨迹”的希望太渺茫了,对于众多修士来说那只是一个传说,只专属于极个别惊才绝艳的人物。 Will be primitive divine marks to temper “Artifact”, is important regarding cultivator, everyone will seriously treat, because after this is them, governing thing the basis is. 将原始“神纹”锤炼成“器”,对于修士来说非常重要,每一个人都会认真对待,因为这是他们以后“御物”的根本所在。 If Han Feiyu governing causes azure wood treasure seal, Elder Han controls 12 green singlesticks, unscrupulous Daoist Priest controls many spiritual wisdom weapons, the premise will be primitive divine marks to temper “Artifact”, controls and controls various types of weapons by “Artifact”. 韩飞羽御使青木宝印,韩长老控制十二把绿木剑,无良道士驾驭多种通灵武器,前提都是早已将原始“神纹”锤炼成“器”,以“器”来控制与驾驭各种武器。 Most people after divine marks will temper “Artifact”, will choose with it shape same Spiritual Treasure, only then both are consistent, can play the maximum might. 绝大多数人在将“神纹”锤炼成“器”后,都会挑选与之形状相同的灵宝,只有两者一致,才能发挥出最大的威力。 Naturally, is variously shaped, is not cannot control other weapons, but many dozen of discount that's all. 当然,形状不同,也不是不能驾驭其他武器,不过多少打些折扣而已 Also some cultivator condense divine marks unceasingly, the sacrifice refining up own “Artifact” repeatedly, but does not need to control other entity weapons, “Artifact” that tempers is their Spiritual Treasure. 也有部分修士不断凝聚“神纹”,反复祭炼自己的“器”,而不需要驾驭其他实体武器,锤炼出的“器”就是他们的灵宝 According to the record of «Dao Scripture» Wheel and Sea Volume, Sea of Bitterness, Spring of Life, Divine Bridge and Other Shore these four Great Realm, each Realm can temper “Artifact”. 按照《道经轮海卷的记载,苦海命泉神桥彼岸这四大境界,每一个境界都可以锤炼出一个“器” Ye Fan is Sea of Bitterness Realm's cultivator, now will temper own first “Artifact”, he chooses anything in the earnest thinking, because this is important, once refining up the formation the “Artifact” sacrifice, was very difficult to change. 叶凡已经是苦海境界的修士,现在将锤炼自己的第一个“器”,他在认真的思索到底选择什么,因为这事关重大,一旦将“器”祭炼成型,就很难改变了。 And, first “Artifact” is the future foundation is, affect to be bigger than “Artifact” that other Realm temper. 且,第一个“器”是今后的根基所在,要比其他境界锤炼出的“器”作用大很多。 Since chose the path of practicing, all the long-term perspective, Ye Fan first removed flying sword, shield, lance and other common weapons. 既然选择了修行的道路,一切都将长远考虑,叶凡首先排除了飞剑、盾牌、长矛等寻常的武器。 Although knows the hope to be uncertain, but he hopes oneself “Artifact” can interweave in the future „a path, therefore he decided that chooses in these complicated mysterious “Artifact”. 尽管知道希望渺茫,但他还是希望自己的“器”将来可以交织出“道的轨迹”,因此他决定在那些繁复玄奥的“器”中选择。 Chose anything......” Ye Fan earnestly and considered long time carefully, finally look bright. “到底选择什么……”叶凡认真而又仔细的考虑了很长时间,最后眼神明亮了起来。 Obstructs day 77 遮天77 Finally, he had the explicit choice, decides own divine marks tempers cauldron. 最终,他有了明确的选择,决定将自己的“神纹”锤炼成“鼎”。 It is not the temporary impulsion, this is the Ye Fan process thinks, because not only he likes cauldron subjectively very much, what is more important is cauldron in ancient China is most mystical Object. 并不是一时的冲动,这是叶凡经过深思熟虑的,不仅因为他主观上很喜欢“鼎”,更重要的是“鼎”在古中国是最为神秘的器物 The cauldron, passes through in entire Chinese ancient history, Mountains and Rivers cracks, the dynasty alternates, the feudal lord rises together simultaneously, a Nine Provinces series...... cannot separate with the cauldron, is Nine Provinces Divine Artifact, sacred relic of country. 鼎,贯穿于整部中国古史,山河崩裂,王朝更迭,诸侯并起,九州一统……都与鼎分不开,乃是九州神器,国之圣物 Aspires to seize the Central Plain, the prime of life...... the innumerable idioms are related with the cauldron, is none who does not majestic, the cauldron is remote in the ancient Chinese origin, is most mystical country, even can say, cauldron can represent ancient China. 问鼎中原,春秋鼎盛……无数的成语都与鼎有关,莫不大气磅礴,鼎在古中国来历久远,是最神秘的“国器”,甚至可以说,“鼎”可以代表古中国。 Actually Huaxia has how remote history, is very difficult to talk clearly, something have not recorded with Inheritance get down, Ye Fan thought that therefore chose cauldron. 华夏究竟有多么久远的历史,很难说清,有些东西并没有记载与传承下来,叶凡想到了很多,故此选择了“鼎”。 The pre-Qin period, many Saint Sovereign and Ancient Emperor once at the Mount Tai ancient rite of making sacrifices, included Fu Xi, Shennong, Yellow Emperor 72 Ancient kings. Now looks like in Ye Fan, has too many mysticalness, guessed from his own experience, is not difficult to discover, the Ancient China covered endless fan fog. 先秦时期,诸多圣皇古帝曾在泰山封禅,包括了伏羲、神农、黄帝等七十二位上古的帝王。如今在叶凡看来,有着太多的神秘,从他自己的经历来推想,不难发现,上古的中国笼罩了无尽的『迷』雾。 Ancient China as if has an extremely mysterious period, that years annihilation in the vast river of history, can perceive that from all sorts of traces some situations, Ancient forebears grasps the extraordinary strength. 古中国似乎存在着一段极其神秘的时期,那段岁月湮灭在了浩瀚的历史长河中,从种种蛛丝马迹能够觉察到一些情况,上古先民似掌握有非凡的力量。 But cauldron as most mystical Object that period Inheritance got down, the nature by Ye Fan is regarded as important especially, passed through most important Holy Artifact of ancient Chinese history, natural was chosen by him for treasure. 而“鼎”作为那个时期传承下来的最为神秘的器物,自然被叶凡格外看重,贯穿了古中国史的最为重要的圣器,理所当然的被他选择为“重器”。 Regarding this choice, Ye Fan is confident, this is the crystallization of ancient China, as his first “Artifact” with foundation, is most suitable. 对于这个选择,叶凡信心十足,这是古中国的结晶,作为他的第一个“器”与“根基”,最适合不过。 Some cauldron also many shapes, what is most famous is three foot round cauldrons and four foot Fang Ding, choice which type? Ye Fan considers again carefully. 鼎也有多种形态,最负盛名的是三足圆鼎与四足方鼎,到底选择哪一种?叶凡再次细细思量起来。 „The round cauldrons of three foot two ears appear earlier......” in his heart had the decision gradually. “三足两耳的圆鼎出现的更早……”他心中渐渐有了决定。 Besides a earlier this reason, other reasons, the cultivator's status ponder by him at present, thought three foot round cauldrons contained certain inexplicable truth. 除了更早这个缘故外,还有其他原因,以他目前修士的身份来思考,觉得三足圆鼎包含了某些莫名的道理。 Three fully be stabler than four feet, is a stablest shape, but the say/way and Italy of round analogy implication are broader are deeper. 三足要比四足稳固,是一种最稳定的形态,而圆比方蕴含的道与义更广更深。 Three feet, steady and firm, decide solidly ! 三足,稳、坚、定、固! The circle, represented the Heaven and Earth universe stars, legend Pangu opens Heaven and Earth, broke open a circle, destroyed a sphere space, was the Primal Chaos initial evolutionary process, the circle represented the source. 圆,代表了天地宇宙星辰,传说盘古开天地,就是破开了一个圆,打碎了一个球形空间,是混沌初始的演化过程,圆代表了本源。 Right, chooses three foot round cauldrons!” After earnest consideration and consideration, Ye Fan made this important decision. “没错,就选三足圆鼎!”经过认真的考虑与思量后,叶凡做出了这个重要的决定。 To be primitive divine marks temperance to become a useful person, is not that easy, this is a difficult and long process, is impossible to get it done in one action. 想要将原始“神纹”锤炼成器,不是那么容易的,这是一个艰辛而漫长的过程,不可能一蹴而就。 First must determine that the “Artifact” shape, brand mark firmly in the inner world, will take it to temper as the frame of reference from now on, does not contain a slight defect. 首先要确定“器”的形态,牢牢的烙印在心海中,今后以它为参照物进行锤炼,不容有一丝瑕疵。 Ye Fan grasps Bodhi Seed, immerses to elusive Realm, the scribing in the heart, simulates 19 by Divine Consciousness divine marks, then starts to temper them, first finalizes in the inner world. 叶凡手握菩提子,沉浸到一种空灵的境界,在心中刻图,以神识模拟出十九道“神纹”,然后开始锤炼它们,先在心海中定型。 After the unremitting effort, 19 divine marks melting, condenses pisolite big golden small cauldron finally, lives the splendor shiningly, is perfect. 经过不懈的努力,十九道“神纹”熔化,最终凝聚成一个豆粒大的金『色』小鼎,灿灿生辉,非常完美。 However, Ye Fan is not really satisfied, he always thought that also missed anything, the shape is perfect, but lacks Dao charm. 但是,叶凡却不甚满意,他总觉得还差了点什么,形态完美,但缺少道韵 Was, but also lacked the cauldron ear.” “是了,还缺少鼎耳。” Obstructs day 77 遮天77 Ye Fan starts to temper again, pisolite big golden small cauldron, was tempered a pair of cauldron ear slowly. 叶凡再次开始锤炼,豆粒大的金『色』小鼎,慢慢被锤炼出一对鼎耳。 When this golden small cauldron offers a sacrifice to his heart instantly, Ye Fan felt immediately natural flavor, he thought suitable satisfaction, cannot bear talk to oneself: „A cauldron, two ears, three feet. Was, Dao gave birth to One, One gave birth to Two, Two gave birth to Three, Three gives birth to all living things, the myriad things hugged negative Yang, thought to the air/Qi with......” 当这尊金『色』小鼎在他心中祭成的刹那,叶凡顿时感觉到了一股自然的韵味,他觉得相当的满意,忍不住自语道:“一尊鼎,两个耳,三只足。是了,道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物,万物负阴而抱阳,冲气以为和……” Ye Fan more looks more feels satisfied, pisolite big golden small cauldron, even more is in his eyes mysterious, finally occupied to fill his inner world all of a sudden, became plain and atmosphere and nature. 叶凡越看越感觉满意,豆粒大的金『色』小鼎,在他眼中越发的玄奥起来,最后一下子占据满了他的心海,变得古朴而又大气与自然。 Was, was it!” “是了,就是它!” The Ye Fan stereotypia finished, three foot round cauldron forever engraving in his hearts, he will then start in the future in Sea of Bitterness really tempers such a cauldron. 叶凡定型完毕,三足圆鼎永远的刻印在了他的心间,在今后他便将开始在苦海中锤炼出这样一尊真实的“鼎”。 Passed through entire Chinese ancient history most mystical Object......” in the Ye Fan heart to fill with the anticipation. “贯穿了整部中国古史的最为神秘的器物……”叶凡心中充满了期待。
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