STH :: Volume #1

#76: Bristling with anger

Chapter 76 bristles with anger 第76章怒发冲冠 Heaven and Earth initial, the universe about losing one's temper the myriad things, this Era that makes endless cultivator yearn for is gone forever, Ye Fan also can only sigh that's all. 天地初始,宇宙合气生万物,这个让无尽修士向往的时代一去不复返,叶凡也只能感叹而已 That night he harvests greatly, Sea of Bitterness opens from the yellow pisolite to the pigeon egg greatly is big, the most important thing is the golden Sea of Bitterness embodiment has ten nine Dao Spirit marks, he has the uncommon strength, becomes Sea of Bitterness Realm's cultivator, cast off reluctantly two characters. 这一夜他收获巨大,苦海从黄豆粒大开辟到鸽卵大,最重要的是金『色』苦海内蕴有十九道神纹,他已经有了不凡的战力,成为了苦海境界的修士,摘掉了“勉强”二字。 At this moment, skylight already greatly bright, Ye Fan hit two pheasants in the mountain forest with a hare, picked some wild fruits, this walks toward the small town. 此刻,天光已经大亮,叶凡在山林中打了两只山鸡与一只野兔,又采摘了一些野果,这才向小镇走去。 After returning to the small restaurant, the old person just the breakfast displays the table, Little Tingting knocks his door in to chip away at a task and not abandon it, urging him to get out of bed, Ye Fan smiles. 回到小饭馆后,老人刚好将早饭摆上桌,小婷婷正在锲而不舍的敲他的房门,催他起床,叶凡不禁莞尔。 Obstructs day 76 遮天76 Saw that he comes back from outside, Little Tingting is surprised, but Uncle Jiang starts to speak but hesitates, he lived such big age, naturally suspected that the arson case is related with Ye Fan. 看到他从外面回来,小婷婷非常惊讶,而姜老伯则是欲言又止,他活了这么大的年岁,自然猜想到纵火事件与叶凡有关。 At noon today, we eat up, the red-roast hare, curls the fighting cock block. Come, first tastes these wild fruit flavors to be good.” Ye Fan several glowing red fruits hand over to the little girl. “今天中午,我们加餐,红烧野兔,碧叶卷香鸡块。来,先尝尝这些野果子味道好不好。”叶凡几枚红彤彤的果实向小女孩递去。 "Oh, there are delicious. ” Little Tingting was happy. “哦哦哦,又有好吃的了。”小婷婷非常高兴。 After having eaten sooner or later, Ye Fan returned to own room , to continue to read «Dao Scripture», he felt that each stress Dao Scripture, will have the different feeling. 吃过早晚后,叶凡回到了自己的房间,继续研读《道经》,他感觉每一次重读道经,都会有不同的感受。 Well!” “咦!” Ye Fan one startled, he discovered that on Gold Book introduction dozens lines of ancient character blurred slowly, as if shortly after must vanish. 叶凡一惊,他发现金书上开篇的几十行古字慢慢模糊了下去,似乎不久后就要消失了。 Luckily, I already in heart, otherwise really will appear troublesome.” He does not understand why will have this situation. “幸好,我已经记在心中,不然真的会出现麻烦。”他不明白为什么会发生这种情况。 When to noon, a Ye Fan shouting in confusion sound awakens. 直至到了中午时,叶凡一阵吵嚷声惊醒。 Old codger, few idle talk, hurries to prepare some food and wine, otherwise tears down your shop!” “老不死的,少废话,赶紧去准备一些酒菜,不然将你这小店拆掉!” eight lifetime's bloody bad luck, that fire burns was too miserable, that this bastard of being cut to pieces, harming us is miserable!” 倒了八辈子血霉,那一把大火烧的太惨了,那个该千刀万剐的混蛋,害得我们这么惨!” Liu manager, what to do later we, was beaten mercilessly to go out by Li Jia, really did not say of pleasant to hear.” “刘管事,以后我们怎么办,被李家毒打出门,真是好说不好听啊。” You asked me, whom I asked to go, first walked one step is one step. Old Man Jiang, you stupidly is gawking doing, hurries to prepare one table of food and wine , helping get over a shock to us, otherwise you prepare the corpse!” “你问我,我问谁去,先走一步算一步。姜老头,你傻愣着干什么,赶紧去准备一桌酒菜,给我们压惊,不然的话你就准备挺尸吧!” Under the precisely yellow face Middle-Aged people and his several masters, are all entangling the bandage at this moment, some people loudly were said the burn by yesterday's that some people were beaten mercilessly one to catch up by Li Jia. 正是黄脸中年人与他的几名手下,此刻皆缠着绷带,有的人是被昨天那把大说烧伤的,有的人则是被李家毒打了一顿赶出来的。 Little Tingting stands before the table, timid say/way: Do not roar my grandfather, our family/home did not open the restaurant, elsewhere you went to eat meal.” 小婷婷站在桌前,怯怯的道:“你们不要吼我爷爷,我们家不开饭馆了,你们去别处吃饭吧。” Bang “砰” Liu manager layer on layer/heavily on the table patted slap, stares, said: Old Man Jiang you little dillydally, does not prepare the meal, I throw in your granddaughter the well.” 刘管事重重在的桌子上拍了一巴掌,瞪起眼睛,道:“姜老头你少磨蹭,再不准备饭菜,我将你孙女扔井里去。” Small girl is staying at the same time, here not your anything matter!” Nearby ferocious-looking fellow, the left hand entangles the bandage, the right hand is digging up to draw to Tingting, almost dials a big somersault the little girl. “小丫头一边呆着去,这里没有你什么事!”旁边一个满脸横肉的家伙,左手缠着绷带,右手向婷婷扒拉去,差点将小女孩拨一个大跟头。 Uncle Jiang quickly supports Tingting, keeps off her after behind, to several humanity: We really do not do business, this shop really cannot open, elsewhere you go.” 姜老伯急忙托住婷婷,将她挡在身后,对几人道:“我们真的不做生意了,这店实在开不下去了,你们还是去别处吧。” Yesterday's lesson did you forget? Today our is not so happy, do you also dare to contradict?!” Liu manager sneers, a yellow face wax yellow, looks somewhat gloomy and cold. “昨天的教训你忘了吗?今天我们心情这么不好,你也敢顶撞?!”刘管事冷笑,一张黄脸更加的蜡黄了,看起来有些阴冷。 Obstructs day 76 遮天76 He stands up fiercely, collar that seizes Uncle Jiang, cold sound said: Your this old codger, over the two days also was really more and more unyielding, our several people have bad luck, but also dares to contradict like this we, aggravated us, today gives to burn down your kennel, making you beg for food with this young animal!” 他猛地站起身来,一把揪住姜老伯的衣领子,寒声道:“你这个老不死的,这两天还真是越来越硬气了,我们几人都倒了大霉,还敢这样顶撞我们,惹火了我们,今天把你的狗窝给烧光,让你跟这个小崽子要饭去!” Do not hit my grandfather......” Little Tingting to bring the weeping voice, she is about five years old that's all, the stature is too short, cannot reach Liu manager arm, can only hold his leg, raises head to beg: Asked you to put my grandfather, his over 70 years old......” “你们不要打我爷爷……”小婷婷带着哭腔,她不过五岁而已,个子太矮,够不着刘管事的手臂,只能抱着他的一条腿,仰头央求道:“求求你放了我爷爷,他都七十多岁了……” Liu manager that hand makes an effort to seize Uncle Jiang collar, gripped is very tight, although he was burnt, but is not the old person of Uncle Jiang this last years of life may compare, neck forced turning green of somewhat old person, full is shamelessly suppressed red of wrinkle, coughed fiercely. 刘管事那只手用力揪住姜老伯的衣领子,攥的很紧,他虽然被烧伤,但也不是姜老伯这个风烛残年的老人可比的,老人的脖子被勒的有些发青,满是皱纹的老脸被憋的通红,剧烈咳嗽了起来。 Little Tingting in tears, is holding Liu manager thigh, anxious and pitiful cries to shout: Asked you, let loose my grandfather quickly, he could not gasp for breath quickly......” 小婷婷的眼中噙满泪水,抱着刘管事的大腿,焦急而又可怜的哭喊道:“求求你了,快放开我爷爷,他快喘不上气来了……” Wū wū...... my grandfather over 70 years old is, do not pinch him...... to let loose him quickly.” Little Tingting makes an effort to swing Liu manager thigh, but she can have the big strength, basic, no matter uses. “呜呜……我爷爷已经七十多岁了,你不要掐他……快放开他。”小婷婷使劲摇刘管事的大腿,但是她能有多大力气,根本不管用。 Small wool girl, at the same time is staying!” Liu manager makes an effort to raise legs, made Little Tingting come a cropper directly, then lifted the foot to kick. “小『毛』丫头,一边呆着去!”刘管事用力一抬腿,直接让小婷婷栽了一个跟头,而后抬脚就要踢。 When Ye Fan rushes to the small restaurant from the backyard, happen to sees this. He grasped the teapot on table to throw, on that leg that numerous pounding in Liu manager just lifted, then overran fast, drew Little Tingting. 叶凡从后院冲到小饭馆时,正好看到这一幕。他抓起桌上的茶壶就掷了出去,重重的砸在刘管事刚抬起的那只腿上,而后快速冲过去,将小婷婷拉了起来。 Big Brother......” Little Tingting is shrivelled the mouth, timid calling out, the big eye was red, on the face is hanging the tear stains, on the new clothes full was the dust, 大哥哥……”小婷婷瘪着嘴,怯怯的叫道,大眼通红,脸上挂着泪痕,新衣上满是灰尘, Ye Fan bristles with anger, within the body has a fire to burn probably, he opened out Liu manager hand all of a sudden, rescued Uncle Jiang, then gets angry: „Under such a widowed senior citizen, you are cruel enough the going hand, is a person?!” 叶凡怒发冲冠,体内像是有一股火在燃烧,他一下子拨开了刘管事的手,将姜老伯解救了出来,而后怒道:“这样一个孤寡老人,你都忍心下的去手,还是人吗?!” „Did the young tortoise bastard who where comes, how speak?” Nearby several people are not dry, all stood, very bad is staring at Ye Fan. “哪来的小王八崽子,怎么说话呢?”旁边的几人不干了,全都站了起来,非常不善的盯着叶凡 The Liu manager yellow face is gloomy, occupies a commanding position, overlooks at present Ye Fan, said: Young animal person is not big, wants to study the Sir to hug not to hit evenly, a while throws into the sewer you, I thought that you also do dare to call like this!” 刘管事的黄脸阴沉无比,居高临下,俯视眼前叶凡,道:“小崽子人不大,也想学大人抱打不平,一会儿将你扔进下水沟,我看你还敢不敢这样叫!” The Uncle Jiang neck silt is blue, red that complexion suppresses, squats on the ground, coughed got strength back good long while, Little Tingting was anxious, sobbed, while pounded the back for the old person gently, cried saying: Grandfather you are all right, do not frighten Tingting, Tingting was worried very much, Tingting is afraid very much......” 姜老伯脖子淤青,脸『色』憋的通红,蹲在地上,咳嗽了好半天才缓过劲来,小婷婷紧张无比,一边抽泣,一边为老人轻轻捶背,哭道:“爷爷你没事吧,别吓婷婷,婷婷很担心,婷婷很害怕……” Sees all these, the Ye Fan's anger was more abundant, but look actually gradually ice-cold, is staring at Liu manager, said: „Did you such big person, the age live on the dog to go?!” 见到这一切,叶凡的怒火更盛了,但眼神却逐渐冰冷了起来,盯着刘管事,道:“你这么大的人了,岁数都活到狗身上去了吗?!” „The urchin who his motherfucker, where comes, dares to speak to Liu manager unexpectedly, kills him!” “他妈的,哪来的野孩子,居然敢跟刘管事这么说话,打死他!” Yellow face Middle-Aged person have not taken a stand, side to/clashes a ferocious-looking fellow, brandished the palm of the hand to pull out on the face to Ye Fan's. 黄脸中年人自己还没有表态,旁边就冲过来一个满脸横肉的家伙,抡起巴掌对着叶凡的就脸抽了过来。 "Ah...... ”, but, this person called out pitifully at the scene. Because of Ye Fan first take action, pressed firmly between the fingers his only to hit the arm of bandage, the people on the scene were impossible to know that Ye Fan had how big strength, thinks that was that fellow is touched the wound the so rending pitiful yell. “啊……”但是,这个人自己却当场惨叫了起来。因为叶凡抢先出手,捏住了他那只打着绷带的胳膊,在场众人不可能知道叶凡有多么大的力气,都以为是那个家伙被触碰了伤口才如此撕心裂肺的惨叫。 Liu manager was expelled Li, all these are expected in Ye Fan's, but he is never so expected that domineering, falls also abuses power to here to so the paddies. 刘管事被赶出李家,这一切都在叶凡的预料中,但是没有想到他这么跋扈,落到这般田地还到这里来作威作福。 Young animal, the courage also is really big.” Liu manager is sneering, puts out a hand to turn toward the Ye Fan's face to pat, the movement is not quick, he wants to shame Ye Fan. “小崽子,胆子还真是不小。”刘管事冷笑着,伸手向着叶凡的脸拍去,动作并不快,他想羞辱叶凡 “pā” “啪” Ye Fan slap brandished, “pā”, is pulling out to fly Liu manager horizontally, hits all of a sudden on behind that table for eight, one string of blood splashes that in the mouth spouts have delimited 34 meters away, his strenuous crawled, opens mouth to put out 78 big teeth. 叶凡一巴掌抡了出去,“啪”的一声,将刘管事横着抽飞了出去,一下子撞在身后的那张八仙桌上,口中喷出的一串血花划过三四米远,他费力的的爬了起来,张嘴吐出七八颗大牙。 His motherfucker, butchered this tortoise bastard to me!” Liu manager is angry, yellow face nearly twists, the eye spouted the fire to come quickly. “他妈的,给我宰了这个王八崽子!”刘管事愤怒,一张黄脸近乎扭曲,眼睛都快喷出火来了。 These people simply had not realized that Ye Fan is at variance with the average man, hū lā all encircled, the Ye Fan vision is cold, one by one in they entangled in the wound of bandage to pinch, immediately heard a pitiful yell sound. 这些人根本没有意识到叶凡异于常人,“呼啦”一声全都围了上来,叶凡目光寒冷,挨个在他们缠有绷带的伤口上捏了一把,顿时传来一片惨叫声。 Obstructs day 76 遮天76 “pā”, “pā” and “pā”...... “啪”“啪”“啪”…… Several slap resound one after another, the Ye Fan left and right hands brandishes respectively, ruthlessly is pulling out the big mouth to them. 紧接着,十几记耳光接连响起,叶凡左右手分别抡起,狠狠的对着他们抽大嘴巴。 Your this group of domestic animals, are cruel enough to start to bully with such lovable children including such wretched old person, is really damn.” The Ye Fan's strength is how big, if not the control strength, he can pull out the crack the heads of these people directly. “你们这帮畜生,连这么孤苦的老人与这么可爱的孩子都忍心下手欺负,真是该死。”叶凡的劲力何其大,如果不是控制力道的话,他能够直接将这些人的头颅抽裂。 For all this , after is, molar chaotic flies, these whole bodies shackle the person of bandage, is spurted the blood by the mouth and nose that he pulls out, the tooth falls off, sways back and forth everywhere. 尽管如此,也是后槽牙『乱』飞,这几个满身缠缚绷带的人,被他抽的口鼻喷血,牙齿脱落,满地打滚。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” „Does small rabbit you dare to hit us in the bastard?” “小兔在崽子你敢打我们?” Pain died I, my wound......” “痛死我了,我的伤口……” These people are rolled everywhere, pitiful yell that the Ye Fan big mouth pulls out again and again. 这些人被叶凡大嘴巴抽的满地滚,惨叫连连。 Does not do right by Uncle Jiang, I forgot, this is in the shop, a while was also exhausted you to clean up, I throw now immediately them.” Ye Fan is saying, each and every one grasps them, threw completely. “对不住姜老伯,我忘记了,这是在小店中,一会儿又得劳烦您老打扫卫生了,我现在马上将他们扔出去。”叶凡说着,一个个将他们抓起,全部扔了出去。 Fierce that the Uncle Jiang mood fluctuates, suppressed two years of sulks in the heart as if to spit all of a sudden, the body is shivering, he used the hand to cover Tingting eyes, has not made her see all these, feared that frightened the little girl. 姜老伯情绪波动的很剧烈,憋在心中两年的闷气似乎一下子吐了出来,躯体都在颤抖,他用手捂着婷婷双眼,没有让她看到这一切,怕惊吓住小女孩。 Tingting was anxious, bringing the weeping voice to ask grandfather, how Big Brother he, are these unprincipled people fluctuating he?!” 婷婷焦急无比,带着哭腔问道“爷爷,大哥哥他怎么了,那些坏人在起伏他吗?!” Tingting does not need to be worried, your Big Brother he is all right, these unprincipled people were overthrown by him on the ground.” 婷婷不用担心,你大哥哥他没事,那些坏人都被他打倒在了地上。” Ye Fan threw on these people the street, but has not let off them, like the rubber ball that they kicked rolls, wept and wailed again and again, is skinned probably general, sent out to kill the pig pitiful yell. 叶凡将这些人扔到了街上,但并没有就此放过他们,将他们踢的像皮球一样滚来滚去,哭喊连连,像是被剥了皮一般,发出杀猪般的惨叫。 Liu manager naturally is the object of Ye Fan key attendance, the cheeks swollen, does not know that by many big mouths, the mouthful tooth almost all pulled out to fly. 刘管事自然是叶凡重点照顾的对象,脸颊浮肿,也不知道挨了多少个大嘴巴,满嘴的牙齿几乎全都被抽飞了出来。 Help......” “救命啊……” Killed people......” “杀人了……” These people called out pitifully again and again, call for help loudly, truly attracted many bystanders, but no one persuaded, even many people were eager to try, wanted to trample several feet. 这些人惨叫连连,大声呼救,确实引来不少围观者,但是没有一个人相劝,甚至不少人跃跃欲试,想要过去踹上几脚。 After Ye Fan sees this situation, said loudly: Countrymen, you also wait for anything, when these people make others dogs all day preys upon the native place, now had made a clean sweep by Li , hits, ruthlessly lesson there is nothing to be worried they!” 叶凡见到这一情况后,大声道:“乡亲们,你们还等什么,这些人做人家的狗时整天鱼肉乡里,如今已经被李家扫地出门,没什么可担心的了,上来打吧,狠狠的教训他们!” Such remarks, is above Ye Fan's to expect, hū lā, everyone encircled, everybody rip and pulls, beats ground these people crazily. 此言一出,超乎叶凡的预料,“呼啦”一声,所有人都围了上来,男女老少又撕又扯,狂殴地上这些人。 This morning heard, because the cargo burnt reason, were beaten mercilessly by Li Jia, it seems like real.” “今天早上就听说了,他们因为货物被烧的缘故,被李家毒打了出来,看来是真的。” no wonder this youngster can beat severely them, originally they are covered with cuts and bruises, had just been beaten mercilessly, otherwise this youngster must suffer a loss today.” 怪不得这个少年能够痛打他们,原来他们满身是伤,刚遭过毒打啊,要不然这少年今天非吃大亏不可。” Hits, kills this group of domestic animals!” “打啊,打死这帮畜生!” ...... …… The public sentiment anger, is fighting for going forward, beats the ground several people. It is not difficult to suspect, these people have how unpopular, now burns with rage, the anger erupted completely. 群情愤怒,争抢着上前,殴打地上的几人。不难猜想,这几人有多么的不得人心,现在群情激愤,怒火全部爆发了出来。 Several people of ground tumble unceasingly, the pitiful yell sound already not like, shouted evilly, the crying father who the person sends shouted mother, by size then incontinence that the people beat, stank to high heaven. 地上的几人不断翻滚,惨叫声都已经不像人发出来的了,嗷嗷邪叫,哭爹喊娘,被众人殴打的大小便失禁,臭气熏天。 Ye Fan prepared to take advantage that chaotic personally take action, pinches their bones, lets their honest one year or so, but detects that now did not need him to begin. 叶凡本来准备趁『乱』亲自出手,将他们的骨头捏断一些,让他们老实一年半载,但是现在发觉根本不用他动手了。 These fellow villagers, start that to call ruthless, several people of arms have the leg, all broke, perhaps then half a lifetime wanted disabled, it can be imagined they caused how big popular indignation. 那些乡里乡亲,下手那叫一个狠,几人的胳膊还有腿,全都断了,恐怕这下半生都要残废了,可想而知他们引发了多么大的民愤。 Forgave us, does not dare!” “饶了我们吧,再也不敢了!” "Ah, help, deceased person...... ” “啊,救命啊,死人了……”
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