STH :: Volume #1

#75: If body bottomless pit

If Chapter 75 body bottomless pit 第75章体若无底洞 After Ye Fan has had the dinner , to continue to comprehend «Dao Scripture», throughout entire evening he immerses in a mysterious condition, golden Sea of Bitterness sky expiration arrange/cloth change/transform, stemming from nihility, stars sparkle, Primal Chaos fan ignorant/veiled, ever changing. 叶凡吃过晚饭后继续参悟《道经》,整个晚上他都沉浸在一种玄而又玄的状态中,金『色』苦海上空吐气布化,出于虚无,星辰闪耀,混沌『迷』蒙,千变万化。 Until the 2nd day, he revived from this condition, no exhausted, in Sea of Bitterness life Essence Qi overflowed, making him feel refreshing. 直到第二日,他才从这种状态中苏醒过来,没有一点疲累,苦海中生命精气四溢,让他感觉神清气爽。 Big Brother eats to shout him who...... Little Tingting will jump sooner or later to eat meal, on the small face rippled completely the happy smile. Although clothes are not very fit, and is shabby, there are many patches, but is actually hard to cover her bright young face the unique brilliance. 大哥哥吃早晚了……”小婷婷蹦蹦跳跳的过来喊他吃饭,小脸上漾满了开心的笑容。虽然身上的衣服很不合体,且破旧不堪,有很多补丁,但是却难以掩盖她灿烂的童颜所特有的光辉。 A Ye Fan sigh, the child is a child, yesterday experienced such tragedy, received that big grievance, sadness of that crying, but a sleep/felt woke up no longer was sad, forgot quickly all was not happy. 叶凡一阵感叹,孩子就是孩子,昨天经历了那样的惨事,受了那么大的委屈,哭的那么伤心,但一觉醒来就不再悲伤了,很快忘记了所有的不愉快。 Obstructs day 75 遮天75 „Is Tingting very happy?” Ye Fan asked with a smile. 婷婷很开心吗?”叶凡笑着问道。 "Um! ” Tingting earnest nod, said: Now had food, the grandfather did not need not to hate to eat meal, remains to me, Tingting was certainly happy.” “嗯!”婷婷认真的点了点头,道:“现在有了食物,爷爷不用舍不得吃饭,给我留着了,婷婷当然开心了。” Ye Fan is startled, originally the happiness of some people are so simple, can eat to sate the appetite, made Little Tingting so satisfy, contrasted these to do everything possible, the person who competed for the academic honor benefits of rank and salary, this standard was too low, perhaps also precisely because of this simple happiness, had such pure true , the good and beautiful. 叶凡一怔,原来有些人的幸福如此简单,能够吃饱饭,就让小婷婷如此满足了,对比那些想尽办法,争夺功名利禄的人来说,这个标准实在太低了,或许也正是因为这种简朴的幸福,才产生了这样纯的真善美。 Looks on her ruddy small face full is the smiling face, so bright, Ye Fan deeply was infected, spoiled touching touching her head, then drew her to walk toward the room together. 看着她红扑扑的小脸上满是笑颜,如此的灿烂,叶凡被深深到底感染了,溺爱的『摸』了『摸』她的头,而后拉着她一起向屋外走去。 Toward noon, Li that yellow face Middle-Aged person came, saw that the small restaurant has been closed, he made an effort to trample several feet, was foul-mouthed, said: Opens the door, Sir ate meal......” 临近中午时,李家那个黄脸的中年人又来了,看到小饭馆已经关门,他用力踹了几脚,骂骂咧咧,道:“开门,大爷来吃饭了……” In the shop, Tingting is anxious, in the big eye full is frightened, tight by old person's bosom, for fear that these people rushes. Uncle Jiang gently is patting her back, low voice comfort. 小店里面,婷婷非常紧张,大眼中满是恐惧,紧紧的靠在老人的怀中,生怕那些人闯进来。姜老伯轻轻的拍着她的脊背,小声的安慰。 Ye Fan stands in the room, is listening to these coarse railing, he frowns gradually, the look is getting more and more cold. 叶凡站在屋中,听着那些难听的谩骂,他渐渐皱起了眉头,眼神越来越冷。 Ok, Old Man Jiang you do not do business, waits to starve to death, was old, I thought that you can also make anything!” “行,姜老头你不做生意,就等着饿死吧,都七老八十了,我看你还能做什么!” Outside person cursed, threw down and broke two basin flowers and plants heavy important location, then in the gate delimited to carve with of dagger, made looking awful, this swaggered away. 外面的人一阵咒骂,将门外的两盆花草重重地摔碎,而后用匕首在门上一阵划刻,弄的不成样子,这才扬长而去。 Grandfather......” was very long until the past, Little Tingting timid say/way: „Will these unprincipled people also come tomorrow?” “爷爷……”直至过去很久,小婷婷的才怯怯的道:“那些坏人明天还会来吗?” All right, Tingting do not fear, the grandfather will not make them injure your.” The old person comforts her unceasingly. “没事,婷婷不要怕,爷爷不会让他们伤害你的。”老人不断宽慰她。 Tingting small sound said: These unprincipled people do evil daily, why doesn't have the good person to renovate them?” 婷婷小声道:“那些坏人天天作恶,为什么没有好人来整治他们?” Ye Fan feels, in this world is really child's words most real, the uneven matter are many, but is impossible some people to manage. 叶凡感觉到,这个世上果然是孩子的话最真,不平的事很多,但不可能都有人管。 Tingting felt relieved, tomorrow they will definitely not come.” Ye Fan squats, is saying with a smile: Walks, eats meal, at noon today I make one to you vegetable/dish.” 婷婷放心,明天他们肯定不会来了。”叶凡蹲下来,笑着道:“走,去吃饭,今天中午我给你做一道好菜。” Big Brother will you prepare food?” In the eye of Little Tingting fills expression that does not believe. 大哥哥你会做菜?”小婷婷的眼中充满不相信的神『色』 Looks down on me, today gives you reveal, guarantees would-be you not to eat.” “小瞧我啊,今天给你『露』一手,保准你从来没吃过。” The little girls are flashing the big eye, does not believe, said: I do not believe, the grandfather anything vegetable/dish can do, in the past we also had the restaurant time, the grandfather does daily delicious to me.” 小女孩扑闪着大眼,一点也不相信,道:“我不相信,爷爷什么菜都会做,过去我们还有酒楼的时候,爷爷天天给我做好吃的。” „Have sweet and sour spareribs, eaten?” Although is a hometown very ordinary dish, but Ye Fan believes that here should not appear. “糖醋排骨,吃过吗?”虽然是故乡非常普通的一道菜,但是叶凡相信在这里应该还没有出现过。 Really, Little Tingting show(s) fan being puzzled expression, said: How sugar can with the spareribs put together?” Nearby old person is also full is puzzled color. 果然,小婷婷『露』出了『迷』『惑』的神『色』,道:“糖怎么能够与排骨放在一起?”就连旁边的老人也满是不解之『色』。 Obstructs day 75 遮天75 Finally Ye Fan can only only be able to be an armchair strategist, his cook is really rotten to the core, but after the old person knows the approach, begins personally, finally perfect carries the table the sweet and sour river deer spareribs, this food letting Little Tingting eats particularly fragrant, was full of the happy smile. 最终叶凡只能只能是纸上谈兵,他的厨艺实在糟糕透顶,不过老人知道做法后,亲自动手,总算完美的将糖醋獐子排骨端上桌子,这顿饭让让小婷婷吃的分外香甜,充满了开心的笑容。 Ye Fan likes this type of harmonious and happy atmosphere, making him have the feeling of family/home, was indistinct makes him find a sustenance. 叶凡非常喜欢这种和睦与欢乐的气氛,让他有了家的感觉,隐约间让他找到了一种寄托。 Has the lunch, the old person has made Little Tingting take an afternoon nap, he made pot thick tea, the end to the bright and clean table for eight on, asked that Ye Fan said: Child you must make anything, do not impulse......” 吃过中饭,老人让小婷婷去睡午觉,他泡了一壶粗茶,端到光洁的八仙桌上,问叶凡道:“孩子你是不是要做什么,千万不要冲动……” Ye Fan smiles, said: Uncle you do not need to worry, will not have any problem. Actually, the unprincipled person who can do, issue that's all that but wants to make.” 叶凡笑了笑,道:“老伯你不用担心,不会出任何问题的。其实,坏人谁都能做,只是想不想做的问题而已。” What do you want to make?” “你要做什么?” Words that „ really must ponder over thin, injuring someone is not difficult, I have 100 means to retaliate them. However, does not need such to do, was directly good with the simplest method, I will make them unable to take care of oneself, without the means looks for trouble again. After waiting, the leisure gets down, receiving well “真要细琢磨的话,害人并不难,我有一百种办法报复他们。但是,没有必要那样做,直接用最简单手段就行了,我会让他们自顾不暇,没有办法再来找麻烦。等以后,闲暇下来,再好好的收 **** They. ” ****他们。” Ye Fan this then left the small town in the afternoon directly, he does not want to plan to Li carefully, the person who so long as that several practice outside does not come back, does not absolutely need this. 叶凡这个下午便直接离开了小镇,他不想对李家精心算计,只要那几个在外修行的人不回来,根本没有必要这样做。 He has clarified, Li must go to the county to purchase the grain and cargo every month, they almost monopolized in the small town half of business, tomorrow precisely goes to the day of county big purchase. That yellow face Middle-Aged person, is a manager of Li, in the ordinary circumstances is he is responsible for this matter. 他已经弄清楚,李家每月都要去县城采购粮食与货物,他们几乎垄断了小镇上一半的生意,明天正是去县城大采购的日子。那个黄脸中年人,是李家的一个管事,一般情况下都是他来负责此事。 The county can be 70-80 li (0.5 km) from the small town, was livelier than the small town, the foot have several ten thousand population, the street both sides shop stood in great numbers, hawking the street vendors'cries was lingering on faintly. This distance regarding Ye Fan of physique far supernormal person, at all is not the issue, but 2 hours, he then rushed with ease. Will project on several prey that changes into money after the mountain forest, is Little Tingting bought many candies and snacks, then bought several small clothes and shoes for her, later he bought many other things. 县城距离小镇能有70-80里,比小镇繁华多了,足有数万人口,街道两旁店铺林立,叫卖叫卖声不绝于耳。这个距离对于体质远超常人的叶凡来说,根本不是问题,不过一个时辰,他便轻松赶到了。将在山林中打到的几头猎物换成钱币后,为小婷婷买了不少糖果与小吃,而后又为她买了几件小衣服与鞋子,随后他又买了不少其他的东西。 Color will be late until day, he to returning, the main purpose of today coming out is to examine the path between small town and county, where has a look to be bleak and secluded. 直到天『色』将晚,他才向回走,今天出来的主要目的是为了查看小镇与县城间的这条道路,看看哪里荒凉与僻静。 Ye Fan comes back until lighting the lamps, seeing him is safe and sound, the old person is hanging the heart puts finally. Little Tingting is happy and excited, took that each article pretty small clothes, on the face was being full of the happy smile. Opens these to be loaded with the paper-insulated of candy and snack, she first delicious highly talented to the old person and Ye Fan's mouth stopper, oneself is then popular ate. 叶凡直到掌灯时分才回来,见他安然无恙,老人悬着的心才终于放下来。小婷婷则非常高兴与兴奋,拿着那一件件漂亮的小衣服,脸上充满了开心的笑容。打开那些装有糖果与小吃的纸包,她先将好吃的向老人与叶凡的嘴里塞去,然后自己才高兴的吃了起来。 How won't Tingting change the clothes?” Ye Fan asked her. 婷婷怎么不会换衣服?”叶凡问她。 „After I must wait, puts on, the Tingting present clothes can also put on.” Her cautious new clothes package. “我要等以后再穿,婷婷现在的衣服还能穿。”她小心翼翼的将新衣服包起。 Looks that on her made up made up and sewed the seam worn-out small clothes, Ye Fan was somewhat sigh with emotion, the children of poor family made people feel somewhat feel sad, slightly was so so sensible, although was the nonchalant words, let his some difficult to be calm. 看着她身上补了又补、缝了又缝的破旧小衣,叶凡有些感慨,穷人家的孩子让人感觉有些心酸,这么小就如此懂事,虽然是不经意间的话语,却让他有些难以平静 Felt relieved, later Tingting will have the new clothes to put on daily, traded quickly.” Ye Fan feels the Tingting such lovable little girl, Uncle Jiang such good old person, if were bullied again, is really the natural justice is intolerable. “放心好了,以后婷婷天天会有新衣服穿,快去换吧。”叶凡觉得婷婷这样可爱的小女孩,还有姜老伯这样善良的老人,如果再被欺负的话,真是天理难容。 That night, Ye Fan continues to comprehend «Dao Scripture», he discovered when grasps Bodhi Seed, in his heart especially will be elusive, the understanding of Dao Scripture will be obviously more profound. 这一夜,叶凡继续参悟《道经》,他发现手握菩提子时,他心中会格外空灵,对道经的理解明显会深刻很多。 Worthily is Enlightenment Tree......” “不愧是悟道树……” Next afternoon, Ye Fan leaves the small town, goes through in the mountain forest, quick circled to lead to that path in county on, including a section of mountain road to go through a small canyon. 次日下午,叶凡离开小镇,在山林中穿行,很快就绕到了通向县城的那条道路上,其中有段山路要穿行过一个小峡谷。 Ye Fan climbed on the cliff wall quickly, here changed a black clothes, blocked from the face, on the tread pair of stilts, completed an appearance of adult, will then prepare the oil drum here to open yesterday completely, the person who static and other Li Jia purchased the cargo came back. 叶凡很快攀到了崖壁上,在这里换上一身黑衣,遮住面庞,又蹬上一对高跷,办成一个成年人的样子,而后将昨日就预备在这里的油桶全部打开,静等李家采购货物的人回来。 When day color dusk, on the mountain road transmits the intermittent bone common sound, more than ten large carts, all drew completely the cargo, from the silk-weaving cloth dress material to the daily use articles and grain, had everything expected to find. 直到天『色』擦黑时,山路上才传来阵阵骨碌碌的声响,足足有十几辆大车,全都拉满了货物,从丝织布匹衣料到日用百货以及粮食等,应有尽有。 Ye Fan stands up, throws downward the each and every one oil drum violent force, bang bang the sound transmits unceasingly, more than ten large carts were drenched the petroleum completely, below immediately nervous chaotically. 叶凡站起身来,将一个个油桶猛力向下扔去,“砰砰”的声响不断传来,十几辆大车全部被淋上了煤油,下面顿时一片慌『乱』。 Obstructs day 75 遮天75 Oil, is the petroleum, some people must set on fire to burn the car(riage)!” The person of Li yelled, many people run away startled , some people are looking for the person who must set on fire. At this time, finally some people discovered canyon above Ye Fan, seeing only him was tall, a black clothes, the flare in hand threw one after another. “油,是煤油,有人要放火烧车!”李家的人大叫,很多人惊慌逃遁,也有部分人在寻找要纵火的人。这个时候,终于有人发现了峡谷上方的叶凡,只见他身材高大,一身黑衣,手中的火把一根接着一根的扔了下来。 pū pū “噗噗噗” The flaming fire burnt immediately, more than ten large carts turned into the sea of fire in an instant, is impossible to suppress, the flame soars to the heavens. 熊熊大火顿时燃烧了起来,十几辆大车刹那间化成了火海,根本不可能扑灭,火光冲天。 Who you are, dares to burn down the commodity of Li, did not fear that cultivator's does chase down?” The yellow face Middle-Aged person is yelling startled, so many commodities were destroyed, he has thought after going back fearful fate. “你是谁,竟敢火烧李家的物资,难道就不怕修士的追杀吗?”黄脸中年人惊慌的大叫着,这么多的物资被毁,他已经想到了回去后的可怕下场。 Bang “砰” Another keg petroleum threw, almost pounds on his body, was splashed many oil marks, then a flame crashes, the yellow face Middle-Aged person called out pitifully immediately, flees charges into the mountain stream of distant place generally, the whole body was the flame. 又一小桶煤油扔了下来,差点砸在他的身上,被溅了不少油迹,接着一道火光坠落下来,黄脸中年人顿时惨叫,亡命一般冲向远处的山涧,浑身都是火光。 Ye Fan swept one, hidden goes to silhouette above mountain valley, then loosens the stilts fast, takes off the black clothes, is holding these things, such as flies to go. 叶凡扫了一眼,在山谷上方隐去身影,而后快速解下高跷,脱下黑衣,抱着这些东西,如飞而去。 This evening, the cool breeze small town vibrates, Li loses seriously, the commodities of more than ten large carts were burnt none, anything does not have remaining, but also is air/Qi 78 people burnt. 这个晚上,清风小镇震动,李家损失惨重,十几辆大车的物资被烧了个精光,什么也没有剩下,还气七八个人被烧伤。 Entire night, this small town difficult to be calm, the Li family likely was insane generally, was almost looking for the clue from house to house, this simply was Jupiter head breaking ground, the massive loss, making the Li family be furious. 整个夜里,这座小镇都难以平静,李家人像疯了一般,几乎是在挨家挨户寻找线索,这简直是太岁头上动土,巨大的损失,让李家人震怒。 Until the night, the small town is quiet, the Li family thought that this/Ben town/subdues person does not dare to do this, without such skill and courage, they guessed that is the enemy in distant place, Li high and low was anxious immediately, assigns/life the person to deliver a letter to Red Mist Sanctuary at the same night. 直到深夜,小镇才平静下来,李家人觉得本镇人不敢这样做,没有那样的身手与胆魄,他们猜测是远方的对头,李家上下顿时紧张了起来,命人连夜向烟霞洞天去送信。 That night, Ye Fan leaves the small restaurant quietly, arrives at the mountain range deep place, he must enhance the strength as soon as possible. Also does not know in the mountain forest penetrates many li (0.5 km), finally will seek Cave, Ye Fan will seal up by the giant stone in inside, then all took several types of Spirit Medicine. 这一夜,叶凡悄悄离开小饭馆,来到山脉深处,他必须要尽快提升实力。也不知道在山林中深入多少里,最后寻到一个石洞,叶凡以巨石将自己封闭在里面,而后将几样灵『药』全都取了出来。 Jade Serpent Orchid clear is gentle like the semi-transparent jade, overflows the refreshing fragrance. That golden tuber that the ancient wood essence leaves behind lives the splendor shiningly, splendid light passes. 玉蛇兰晶莹如羊脂玉般柔和,溢出沁人心脾的芳香。古木精留下的那块金『色』的块茎灿灿生辉,华光流转。 Ye Fan grasps Bodhi Seed, calms the mind to comprehend «Dao Scripture» with rapt attention, until feeling Sea of Bitterness vibrates, thought that can break through, took Jade Serpent Orchid. 叶凡手握菩提子,静心凝神参悟《道经》,直到感觉苦海震动,觉得可以突破了,才将玉蛇兰服用了下去。 After 1 hour, the cave was stopped up by the giant stone freely, but made the intermittent ocean waves sound, the golden light run out, probably the tsunami day after day, the roaring is unceasing, rumble makes noise. 半个时辰之后,山洞尽管被巨石堵住了,但还是发出了阵阵海浪般的声响,有一道道金光冲出,像是海啸连天,涛声不绝,隆隆作响。 Until late at night, all these is tranquil, in Ye Fan regards, discovered that golden Sea of Bitterness entire big one time, he moves things out of the way the giant stone, to the leave the mountain hole, the body is light, the strength and speed grew much, such as together light smoke generally fast rush through in mountain forest. 直到后半夜,这一切才平静下来,叶凡内视,发现金『色』苦海整整大了一倍有余,他搬开巨石,冲出山洞,身轻体健,力量与速度又增长了不少,如一道轻烟一般在山林中快速奔行 Finally, he returned to the cave, seals up cave entrance by the giant stone again, without hesitation takes the golden tuber that the ancient wood essence leaves behind, however contingency plan grasps Bodhi Seed, comprehends «Dao Scripture». 最终,他又回到了山洞,重新以巨石封住洞口,毫不犹豫的将古木精留下的金『色』块茎服了下去,然后手菩提子,参悟《道经》。 After midnight, in the cave erupts the deafening sound, stopped up in the giant stone all of a sudden disintegration of cave entrance, stone four shooting. 在下半夜,山洞中爆发出震耳欲聋的声响,堵在洞口的巨石一下子崩碎了,石块四『射』了出去。 Probably volcanic eruption, if the Nine Heavens Milky Way releases, in the cave is the dazzling ray, the tsunami is everywhere shocking, the startling thunderclap is unceasing, Ye Fan's Sea of Bitterness turns into the golden vastness, unceasing volume to high sky. 像是火山喷发,又如九天银河倒泄,山洞里面到处都是刺目的光芒,海啸震天,惊雷不断,叶凡的苦海化成金『色』的汪洋,不断卷向高天 This situation continued 2 hours, the scary sound slowly is tranquil, divine light gradually restrains, Ye Fan flushed fast. His behind that cave makes rumble the sound, crashed fast, previously had not collapsed is because the golden light is supporting. 这种情况足足持续了一个时辰,骇人的声响才慢慢平静下去,神光逐渐收敛,叶凡快速冲了出来。他身后的那座山洞发出“轰隆隆”的声响,快速崩塌了,早先没有倒塌是因为金光在支撑着。 At this moment, has been close to the daybreak, in the mountain forest is not special was dark, Ye Fan felt that within the body filled vigorous life-force, exuberant Essence Qi are pasting. 此刻,已经接近黎明,山林中不是特别的黑暗了,叶凡感觉体内充满了勃勃生机,有一股旺盛的精气在流转。 A golden Sea of Bitterness night has opened from the yellow pisolite to the pigeon egg greatly is big, increased several times. He is surprised, this is the golden tuber that the ancient wood essence leaves behind is all the result, wants many ten times compared with the life essence of Jade Serpent Orchid implication, is really the rare treasure. 金『色』苦海一夜间已经由黄豆粒大开辟到鸽卵大,足足变大了数倍。他非常吃惊,这全都是古木精留下的金『色』块茎所致,比玉蛇兰蕴含的生命精华还要多十倍,实在是稀世珍品。 In the Ye Fan heart difficult to be calm, he discovered that its body and spirit seems like the bottomless pit general, does not need to be worried that medicine strength is excessively fierce, so long as can provide enough life Essence Qi, he then can continually open Sea of Bitterness. 叶凡心中难以平静,他发现其体魄像是无底洞一般,根本不用担心『药』力过猛,只要能够提供足够的生命精气,他便可以不断开辟苦海 „Hasn't the Ancient Desolate Saint Physique's curse appeared on me? Said this cursed, every time went forward one step, needs the magnanimous life essence, this path more to walk is narrower, late stage was hard to open Sea of Bitterness......” “难道荒古圣体的诅咒没有在我身上出现?还是说这就是诅咒,每前进一步,都需要海量的生命精华,这样的话道路越走越窄,后期难以开辟苦海……” If were the average man absorbed so many life essence, perhaps has penetrated Sea of Bitterness, the body and spirit will have exploded broken. 如果是常人吸收了这么多的生命精华,恐怕早已击穿了苦海,体魄都将爆碎。 Average man, if, absorbs these life essence for a very long period of time completely, Sea of Bitterness that opens should compared with my big......” the Ye Fan ponder, he cultivates like this simply is luxurious spending freely, talked to oneself: Waste, I did not feel.” “常人如果在漫长的时间内,将这些生命精华全部吸收,开辟出的苦海应该比我的大……”叶凡沉思,他这样修炼简直是一种奢侈的挥霍,自语道:“浪费了吗,我并不觉得。” Because he discovered own Sea of Bitterness at this time particularly concise, although only then the pigeon egg was big, but accumulated had 19 divine marks, had extremely exuberant life-force. 因为在这个时候他发现自己的苦海分外的凝练,虽然只有鸽卵大,但却足足蕴有十九道“神纹”,具有极其旺盛的生机 „The when Sea of Bitterness pigeon egg of average man is big, perhaps is also hard to condense divine marks, my Golden Sea of Bitterness actually achieved early.” Ye Fan has not felt luxurious, instead has the sense of achievement very much, his Golden Sea of Bitterness to stand out from the masses . “常人的苦海鸽卵大时,恐怕还难以凝聚‘神纹’,我的金『色』苦海却早早的做到了。”叶凡并没有觉得奢侈,反而很有成就感,他的金『色』苦海与众不同 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 The Ye Fan light shell ten fingers, more than ten divine marks shooting, probably radiant sword glow are immediately ordinary, all pierced the front rock. 叶凡轻弹十指,顿时有十几道“神纹”『射』出,像是一道道璀璨的剑芒一般,将前方的山石全都洞穿了。 Opens similarly big Sea of Bitterness, divine force that I have, compared with others powerful many times.” This makes the Ye Fan train of thought fluctuate. “开辟同样大的苦海,我所具有的神力,将比别人强大很多倍。”这让叶凡思绪起伏。 „The words that but, my physique wants to cultivate, need the magnanimous life essence to be the backing.” Thinks after this issue, he frowns. “可是,我这种体质想要修炼有成的话,需要海量的生命精华做后盾。”想到这个问题后,他不禁皱起了眉头。 Not just limits to Spirit Medicine, if can seek source that the Wu Qingfeng elder said ‚’, in the spiritual energy extremely rich treasured land cultivation, should also be able to break through.” “不过并非仅仅局限于灵『药』,如果能够寻到吴清风长老说的‘源’,在灵气极其浓郁的宝地修炼,应该也可以突破。” According to old book record, Heaven and Earth about losing one's temper myriad things Era, Primal Chaos fan ignorant/veiled, the spiritual energy is dense, is thick, many spirit object can absorb Between Heaven and Earth source Essence Qi, has the amber crystal, inside the huge life essence. 据古籍记载,天地合气生万物的时代,混沌『迷』蒙,灵气氤氲,非常浓密,很多灵物可以吸收天地间的本源精气,结出琥珀般的晶体,里面封有庞大的生命精华。 Preserves the present, is called source, is extremely precious regarding cultivator, some top grade source, can be called pricelessly. 保存到现在的,便被称作“源”,对于修士来说极其珍贵,有些极品的“源”,称得上价值连城。 From myriad things newborn Era, to Immemorial Hong Huangnian, Heaven and Earth source Essence Qi is gradually thin, spirit object was then hard to have source very much. 自万物初生时代,到太古洪荒年间,天地本源精气渐渐稀薄,灵物便很难以结出“源”了。 However in the final that magnificent period, the myriad things is prosperous, the life is powerful, Spirit Medicine is numerous, therefore however has rare Divine Source much. The latter world had discovered in the amber crystal calcium fluoride body seals creatures, such „after Divine Source mines, can provide endless life Essence Qi. 不过在最后的那段辉煌时期里,万物繁盛,生灵强大,灵『药』众多,因此而结出不少稀世“神源”。后世人曾经发现过似琥珀般的晶莹石体中封有生物,这样的“神源”开采出来后,可以提供无尽生命精气 That is really Era that makes one yearn for......” “那真是一个让人向往的时代啊……”
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