STH :: Volume #1

#74: Four Great Realm

Chapter 74 four Great Realm 第74章四大境界 This page of Gold Book mysterious immeasurable, the above dense and numerous small character, was not read, but turns into stars independently, charges into the Ye Fan's mind. 这页金书神秘莫测,上面的密密麻麻的小字,不是被读取出来的,而是自主化成一颗颗星辰,冲向叶凡的心神。 In this moment, Ye Fan felt that the day falls the auspicious color, wells up Divine Spring, Lotus Flower blooms, jade grass bud. Divine Red Clouds everywhere, flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes, the long-lived turtle spits auspicious, auspicious Qilin air intake, East-Rising Purple Qi, the golden light west, five color divine light shines, seven color god rainbows across the sky. 在这一刻,叶凡感觉天降瑞彩,地涌神泉,莲花朵朵绽放,瑶草根根抽芽。神霞漫天,龙飞凤舞,寿龟吐瑞,祥麟纳气,紫气东来,金光西至,五『色』神光照耀,七彩神虹横空。 Many wonderfully, the endless method, in abundance presents, mysterious, resembles the ethics god sound, such as the Great Dao hymn, rumble makes noise in the Ye Fan heart. 诸多妙相,无尽法门,纷纷呈现,玄而又玄,似天伦神音,又如大道圣歌,在叶凡心中隆隆作响。 He is in trance, deluded, probably the desert of prolonged drought encounters sweet reveal to fall all over the area, in the endless yellow sand life-force is gradually vigorous, Ye Fan felt that opened many windows all of a sudden, various divine light to him shooting. He tries hard to catch anything, but brilliance actually since he refers to the seams going through, is very difficult to grasp. 他神情恍惚,如痴如醉,像是久旱的沙漠逢遇甘『露』普降,漫漫黄沙中渐渐生机勃勃,叶凡感觉一下子打开了很多扇窗,各种神光向他『射』来。他努力想抓到什么,但光辉却从他指缝间穿行而过,很难把握住。 Obstructs day 74 遮天74 This is not leading a pious life, the short time no one is able to understand that such abstruse true meaning, this is one type major powers impact, «Dao Scripture» Wheel and Sea Volume seems like the Nine Heavens Milky Way to fall in torrents to come, silvery brilliance suddenly/violently Sa, with overpowering momentum. This volume spoke anything, crashes in the Ye Fan's inner world in a very general way, making him roughly understand must study anything, must achieve what kind of Realm. 这不是在修行,短时间谁也无法理解这么深奥的真义,这是一种“大势”的冲击,《道经轮海卷像是九天银河倾泻而来,银辉暴洒,气势磅礴。这一卷到底讲了些什么,以一种非常笼统的方式冲进叶凡的心海,让他大致明白了要修习什么,要达到何等的境界 Sea of Bitterness, Spring of Life, Divine Bridge and Other Shore these four Great Realm, explained «Dao Scripture» Wheel and Sea Volume scripture perfectly. 苦海命泉神桥彼岸这四大境界,完美的阐释了《道经轮海卷经义 cultivator must first open Sea of Bitterness, making him gradually expand, only in this way, can touching rope Wheel of Life, because both superpose together. 修士首先要开辟苦海,让其逐渐壮大起来,只有如此,才能『摸』索生命之轮,因为两者重合在一起。 Then, release endless life Essence Qi, winds around sky over Sea of Bitterness, overflows to various body places, moistens the flesh and internal organs and skeleton, the strong meat shell, the preliminary unique mortal, this is this Wheel and Sea Volume first Realm ---- Sea of Bitterness. 而后,释放无尽生命精气,缭绕苦海上空,溢向身体各处,滋润血肉与脏腑以及骨骼,强壮肉壳,初步超脱凡人,这便是这轮海卷的第一境界————苦海 Sea of Bitterness covers Wheel of Life, is up and down, overlaps to live, must leave behind a Dao Traces mark on Wheel of Life every year, until the theory of life covers entirely the scar, thorough collapse, was person life essence drained away and belonged to the time of death at that time. 苦海覆盖生命之轮,一上一下,重叠而生,每一年都要在生命之轮上留下一道痕迹,直至生命之论布满伤痕,彻底崩毁,那时便是一个人寿元流尽、归于死亡的时刻。 To change this condition, only has in Sea of Bitterness opens the path, goes directly to the seabed, communicates Wheel of Life, lets magnanimous life Essence Qi vigorously, preventing Sea of Bitterness to corrode, can continue life essence. 想要改变这一状况,唯有在苦海开辟通路,直达海底,沟通生命之轮,让海量生命精气蓬勃而出,阻止苦海侵蚀,才能延续寿元 The quantitative change results in the qualitative change, exuberant life Essence Qi is turbulent, finally will gather in together, will turn into fluid condition, will form life Divine Spring, will crash in Sea of Bitterness. 量变引发质变,旺盛的生命精气汹涌,最终汇聚在一起,会化成『液』态,形成生命神泉,冲进苦海 Excavates eye of the Spring of Life in dry lonesome Sea of Bitterness, connects Wheel of Life, making Divine Spring gurgling flow, this is Wheel and Sea Volume second Realm ---- Spring of Life. 在枯寂的苦海中开凿出一口命泉之眼,连通生命之轮,让神泉汩汩而流,这就是轮海卷的第二境界————命泉 So, cultivator had the source of strength, can display various profound laws and divine ability, has the immeasurable prestige energy, this is key one step that cultivator transforms, so long as the divine force source is unceasing, magical power is then inexhaustible. 如此,修士才有了力量的源泉,才能施展出各种玄法与神通,具有莫测的威能,这是修士蜕变的关键一步,只要神力源泉不绝,法力便无穷无尽。 Actually, god rainbow that cultivator controls, is divine light that Spring of Life gushes out. After cultivation base achieves Spring of Life Realm, then can the controlling rainbow the line, escape, various exquisite profound laws are innumerable. 其实,修士所驾驭的神虹,就是自身命泉涌出的神光修为达到命泉境界后,便可以驭虹而行,遁地,各种精妙玄法无数。 Human body mysterious endless, powerful cultivator does not want to be trapped in Sea of Bitterness, wants to explore other unknown human body Mystic Realm, therefore also then had course that forces a crossing Sea of Bitterness. 人体奥妙无尽,强大的修士都不想受困于苦海,想探索到其他未知的人体秘境,因此也便有了强渡苦海的历程。 The profound law that Dao Scripture records has the unprecedented imposing manner, even if Sea of Bitterness is boundless, does not need to turn head, must run metal into cracks to breaking restrictions by the strong strength. 道经所记载的玄法具有一往无前的气势,纵然苦海无边,也无需回头,需以自身强大的实力冲破禁锢。 In order to achieve the goal, cultivator needs to make the meat shell transform, gives birth to god lineage/vein in Sea of Bitterness , helping its breakthrough prevent, hoping to achieve Sea of Bitterness another end. 为了达到目标,修士需要让肉壳蜕变,在苦海中生出一段神脉,助其突破阻挡,以期达到苦海的另一端。 This is a difficult and long process, cultivator will more frustrate is stronger, finally makes Wheel and Sea sublimate, has the Heaven and Earth god lineage/vein, releases the endless potential, this is Wheel and Sea Volume third Realm ---- Divine Bridge. 这是一个艰辛而又漫长的过程,修士会越挫越强,最终让轮海升华,结出天地神脉,释放自身无尽潜能,这便是轮海卷的第三境界————神桥 Led a pious life here, cultivator must the will be firm, cannot vacillate, only in this way, can look through fabricatedly with fan fog, continued to seek for own Other Shore. 修行到了这里,修士必须心志坚定无比,绝不能动摇,只有如此,才能看破虚妄与『迷』雾,继续寻找自己的彼岸 In this process, not only the meat shell must transform, the spirit must sublimate, the god and shell unite, break through the shackles, unique, can return this/Ben returns the source, seeks fundamentally, Divine Bridge such as rainbow, but, forces a crossing Sea of Bitterness to succeed, this is Wheel and Sea Volume fourth Realm ---- Other Shore. 在这个过程中,不仅肉壳要蜕变,精神也要升华,神与壳合一,突破桎梏,超脱自我,才能返本还源,寻到根本,神桥如虹而至,强渡苦海成功,这便是轮海卷的第四境界————彼岸 Arrives at Other Shore, the cultivator's flesh and internal organs and skeleton dry lonesome, later will have alternative new life, the continual shedding body, exchanging bones nine times, complete the broken cocoon butterfly change. 到达彼岸,修士的血肉与脏腑以及骨骼都将枯寂,随后将发生另类的新生,连续脱胎换骨九次,完成破茧化蝶般的变化。 Sea of Bitterness, Spring of Life, Divine Bridge and Other Shore, these four Great Realm, the mutual isolation, each other such as the day, wants to break through, is difficult and difficult. Each Great Realm, has many details, needs to accumulate and precipitate, has the possibility of transformation. 苦海命泉神桥彼岸,这四大境界,相互隔绝,彼此如天,想要突破,难而又难。每一大境界,都有诸多细节,需要积累与沉淀,才有蜕变的可能。 Originally achieves second Great Realm ---- Spring of Life, can the controlling rainbow, but ok, such person killed Sea of Bitterness Realm's cultivator, looking like ground the ant insect is so easy.” Ye Fan startles shivers spirit, he thought of Elder Han, cultivation base at least is Spring of Life Realm. “原来达到第二大境界————命泉,就可以驭虹而行了,这样的人杀死苦海境界的修士,就像是碾碎蚁虫那么容易。”叶凡激灵灵打了个冷颤,他想到了韩长老,修为最起码已是命泉境界 Obstructs day 74 遮天74 Among four Great Realm, the power gap is huge, such as is away from the heavenly moat gap. 大境界之间,实力差距巨大,如隔着天堑鸿沟。 Converges Sea of Bitterness Realm's cultivator Ye Fan, really somewhat reluctantly, Golden Sea of Bitterness that because opens was too small, but yellow pisolite that big that's all. 叶凡归为苦海境界的修士,实在有些勉强,因为开辟出的金『色』苦海实在太小了,不过黄豆粒那么大而已 Ye Fan not depressed, after all he just started to practice that's all, the time is too short, can have such achievement is really not easy. And, his Sea of Bitterness to stand out from the masses , the light is shining, when no death aura, opens each time the sound moves Heaven and Earth, such as the golden vastness is turbulent. To come to be not ordinary. 叶凡并没有沮丧,毕竟他才刚刚开始修行而已,时间太短,能够有这样的成就实属不易。且,他的苦海与众不同,光灿灿,没有一点死气,每次开辟时都声动天地,如金『色』汪洋汹涌。想来不算平凡。 Afterward, Ye Fan thought of Elder Han grandson Han Feiyu, although its life Divine Spring was unable gurgling to well up, has not achieved second Great Realm ---- Spring of Life, but has been able to drive a horse to cause azure wood treasure seal, like this grasped the treasure Sea of Bitterness cultivator, poses the threat to him sufficiently. 随后,叶凡想到了韩长老的孙子韩飞羽,其生命神泉虽然还不能汩汩而涌,未达到第二大境界————命泉,但已经可以驭使青木宝印,这样掌握了宝物的“苦海修士”,对于他来说足以造成威胁。 Ye Fan accepted major powers impact, dreamlike, «Dao Scripture» Wheel and Sea such as a surging forward with great momentum historical picture scroll, shows in his hearts, then such as together splitting heaven and earth apart torrential Saint river, billowing, making him understand abstruse true meaning initially. 叶凡接受了“大势”的冲击,如梦似幻,《道经轮海篇如一幅波澜壮阔的历史画卷,展现在他的心间,而后又如一道开天辟地的滔滔圣河,滚滚而过,让他初步领略到了深奥的真义 Not concrete practicing, but this great baptism, making him benefit greatly, this is to one assurance that the whole practices, making him understand the direction, knows how the future path will walk. 并无具体的修行,但是这种宏大的洗礼,让他受益匪浅,这是对整体修行的一种把握,让他明白了方向,知道了今后的道路如何走。 After some «Dao Scripture» differences of studying......” Ye Fan grasps roughly great Ao Yunyi, starts to read from the beginning fine, discovered all of a sudden exceptionally. “与以前修习的《道经》有些出入……”叶凡把握住大体宏奥韵意后,开始从头精细研读,一下子发现了异常。 He discovered the profound law that this page of Gold Book record, unlike him in «Dao Scripture» that Spirit Ruins Sanctuary studies, introduction several lines of ancient character have some different places merely. 他发现这页金书所记载的玄法,与他在灵墟洞天所修习的《道经》不同,仅仅开篇的几行古字就有些许异处。 „After it seems like Dao Scripture Wheel and Sea Volume loses, although Inheritance gets down some remnant, but is not very accurate......” Ye Fan to rejoice secretly, if not obtain this page of Gold Book accidentally/surprisingly, perhaps he never knows before , Dao Scripture that studies has the deficiency. “看来道经轮海卷丢失后,虽然传承下来一些残篇,但都不够精准……”叶凡暗自庆幸,如果不是意外得到这页金书,他恐怕永远也不会知道以前修习的道经有不足之处。 Now can also rectify, making the profound law reach to...... Ye Fan perfectly lives up to one's words, immediately according to the profound law that true Dao Scripture records, starts to practice. “现在还可以矫正过来,让玄法臻至完满……”叶凡说到做到,当下按照真正的道经所记载的玄法,开始修行起来。 A mysterious feeling well ups, he feels an elusiveness, after the profound law was corrected, the gold thread that in Sea of Bitterness overflows were more, passes to all the limbs and bones, making him all over the body comfortable, the flesh and internal organs and skeleton were being moistened, in this moment, he has the strength of being able to use up probably. 一种玄而又玄的感觉涌上心头,他觉得心中一片空灵,玄法被纠正后,苦海中溢出的金丝更多了,流转向四肢百骸,让他通体舒泰,血肉与脏腑以及骨骼都在被滋润,在这一刻,他像是有着用不完的力量。 Meanwhile, sky over Ye Fan's golden Sea of Bitterness, had some strange changes, presents all sorts of vision, divine shine, first like the stars, latter like Primal Chaos, expiration arrange/cloth change/transform, stemming from the nihility, the misty mist winds around, said the Dao Spirit rosy cloud sparkle, the change surely, without einstellung. 与此同时,在叶凡的金『色』苦海上空,发生了一些奇异的变化,出现种种异相,神华点点,先如星辰,后如混沌,吐气布化,出于虚无,蒙蒙雾气缭绕,道道神霞闪耀,变化千万,没有定势。 Sky over golden vastness, ever changing, a while Star River everywhere, a while vault of heaven dry lonesome, the growth and deterioration, prosperously with perishing, start once again, takes turn the samsara unceasingly. 金『色』的汪洋上空,千变万化,一会儿星河漫天,一会儿天穹枯寂,生长与衰败,鼎盛与灭亡,周而复始,不断交替轮回。 „Is this change that true Dao Scripture has?” Ye Fan is surprised, he felt Heaven and Earth about losing one's temper myriad things vigorous life-force in this moment, understood the universe dry lonesome, Starry Sky death aura on the wane heavy. “这才是真正的道经所具有的变化吗?”叶凡非常吃惊,在这一刻他感觉到了天地合气生万物的勃勃生机,也领略到了宇宙枯寂、星空凋零的死气沉沉。 Until is after very long, all are tranquil, golden Sea of Bitterness was more concise, before bright like bright moonlight, now magnificent light such as fierce Yang, the gold thread of overflow was more blazing, were many extremely exuberant life-force. 直到很久后一切才平静下来,金『色』苦海更加的凝练了,以前皎洁如明月,现在光华如烈阳,溢出的金丝更加炽烈,多了一股极其旺盛的生机 True Dao Scripture is really uncommon!” A Ye Fan sigh, he believes can walk is farther, breaks the Ancient Desolate Saint Physique's curse. “真正的道经果然不凡!”叶凡一阵感叹,他相信可以走的更远,打破荒古圣体的诅咒。 However, he is not complacent and contented, because he knows, sufficiently compares favorably with «Dao Scripture» in Eastern Wilderness also have several section ancient scripture, all abstruse incomparable, and is the complete chapters, has not lost, now all grasps in these hand of Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family. 不过,他并没有自满与自得,因为他知道,在东荒有数古经足以与《道经》媲美,皆深奥无比,且都是完整的篇章,并没有遗失,如今全都掌握在那些圣地荒古世家的手中。 „The profound law that at present, I cultivation is not worse than anybody, the beginning does not lower compared with others.” Ye Fan in the eyes divine light deep and clear, said: I can certainly open Sea of Bitterness, making Divine Spring gurgling flow, has the Heaven and Earth bridge lineage/vein, arrives at Other Shore, the continual shedding body, exchanging bones nine times, complete the transformation of broken cocoon butterfly.” “目前,我所修炼的玄法并不比任何人差,起点不比别人低。”叶凡双目中神光湛湛,道:“我一定能够开辟苦海,让神泉汩汩而流,结出天地桥脉,到达彼岸,连续脱胎换骨九次,完成破茧化蝶的蜕变。”
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