STH :: Volume #1

#73: Observes Dao Scripture taking advantage of the bodhi

Chapter 73 observes Dao Scripture taking advantage of the bodhi 第73章借菩提观道经 At this moment toward noon, small restaurant cold and cheerless, simply does not have the customer, inside only has the Little Tingting sobbing sound. 此刻已经临近中午,小饭馆冷冷清清,根本没有顾客,里面只有小婷婷的哽咽声。 Ye Fan drags the river deer, to raise the rice flour, opened the door of shop to walk. 叶凡拖着獐子、提着米面,推开小店的门走了进来。 The Little Tingting big eye is red, is using heat wool turban to clean the wound for the old person carefully, she loves dearly incomparably, cleaning while sad sob. 小婷婷大眼通红,正在用热『毛』巾为老人小心的擦拭伤口,她心疼无比,一边擦拭一边伤心的哭泣。 The old person piles up with on the face of wrinkle to have silt azure fingerprints, the blood mainly flows from the oronasals, on the hoary hair that hangs loose continually caught the bloodstain. 老人堆满皱纹的脸上有一道道淤青的指印,鲜血主要是从口鼻间流出来的,连披散的花白头发上都染上了血迹。 Obstructs day 73 遮天73 How under this group of domestic animals are cruel enough the hand of going......” Ye Fan to feel an anxiety, a good old person of last years of life encounters such violent treachery, really makes the person anger turbulent. Little Tingting is so lovable and sensible, 5 or 6-year-old that's all , a direction in the forehead, was fallen down, on the small face hung all over the sad tears at this moment, really makes people feel that loves dearly and takes pity on. “这帮畜生怎么忍心下的去的手……”叶凡感觉一阵揪心,一个风烛残年的善良老人遭遇这样的毒手,实在让人怒火汹涌。小婷婷如此可爱与懂事,才不过五六岁而已,也被人一指点在额头,摔倒在地,此刻小脸上挂满了伤心的泪水,实在让人感觉心疼与怜惜。 Big Brother......” sees Ye Fan to come back, the tears in Little Tingting eye tumbled immediately, wū wū cried. 大哥哥……”看到叶凡回来,小婷婷眼中的泪水顿时重新滚落了出来,呜呜的大哭了起来。 Tingting is clever, does not cry, the grandfather is all right.” The old person quickly spoke to comfort Tingting, to cover entirely the hand of callus to help her delete the tears, later his astonished looks at Ye Fan, said: This river deer also has these rice flour......” 婷婷乖,不哭,爷爷没事。”老人急忙出言安慰婷婷,以布满老茧的手帮她擦去泪水,随后他惊异的看着叶凡,道:“这只獐子还有这些米面……” River deer is I hits in the mountain forest, the rice flour trades with a roe deer.” Ye Fan puts down these things, then takes out small jade bottle from the bosom, pulls up the stopper, pours all various grassy plants fluid, then smudges in old person's wound place. “獐子是我在山林打的,米面是用一头狍子换回来的。”叶凡将这些东西放下,而后从怀中取出一个小玉瓶,拔起瓶塞,倒出一点百草『液』,而后涂抹在老人的伤口处。 You ate our food that's all, does not use such......” old person is bad the conversation, is very grateful, but could not say anything. “你不过吃了我们一顿饭而已,不用这样的……”老人并不善言谈,很是感激,但却说不出什么。 Uncle you were needless to say anything, food truly was not anything, but that divided the intention and friendship is very heavy.” At this point, the Ye Fan squatting lower part of the body, helping Little Tingting delete the teardrops on face, said: Tingting do not cry, later I stay here, will not make you put in great inconvenience.” “老伯你不用多说什么,一顿饭确实不算什么,但那分心意与情谊却很重。”说到这里,叶凡蹲下身来,帮小婷婷擦去脸上的泪珠,道:“婷婷不要哭,以后我留在这里,不会让你委屈了。” Big Brother......” the Little Tingting eye was also red, long eyelash(es) trembles gently has the tears rustle to fall, she looks down oneself have the shoes of patch, small sound said: But...... these unprincipled people will also come, will also bully us.” 大哥哥……”小婷婷眼睛又红了,长长的睫『毛』轻轻一颤就有眼泪簌簌落下,她低着头看自己有补丁的鞋子,小声道:“可是……那些坏人还会来的,还会欺负我们。” Does not need to fear, Big Brother will not make these unprincipled people bully Tingting again.” Ye Fan tender touching touching her head, such lovable and sensible little girl, was so actually humiliated, really lets person state of mind difficult to be calm. “不用怕,大哥哥不会再让那些坏人欺负婷婷了。”叶凡怜惜的『摸』了『摸』她的头,这样可爱与懂事的小女孩,却被人如此欺凌,实在让人心绪难以平静 Child, you do not want 『』 to come chaotically.” The old person experienced hardship to the full, felt that the Ye Fan's anger, he feared under this youngster impulses to annoy the catastrophe, builds his, said: We cannot stir up them, person who Li has immortal cultivator, at all is not our mortals can stir up.” “孩子,你不要『乱』来。”老人饱经风霜,感觉到了叶凡的怒意,他怕这个少年冲动之下惹出大祸,将其自己也搭进去,道:“我们惹不起他们,李家有修仙的人,根本不是我们凡人能够惹得起的。” The old person long sighs, said: My such big age, is not really willing to be forced to leave native place, after all here lived for dozens years, the person more arrives old more keeps old friendships in mind, has the sentiment that is hard to give up to here. However, now has to leave, for Tingting, I decides to put down here all, even if begs for food, is forced to leave native place, did not stay here.” 老人长叹了一口气,道:“我都这么大年岁了,实在不愿背井离乡,毕竟在这里生活了数十年,人越到老越念旧,对这里有着难以割舍的感情。但是,现在不得不离开了,为了婷婷,我决定放下这里的一切,就算是讨饭,背井离乡,也不在这里呆下去了。” Grandfather......” on the face of Little Tingting hung up two lines of tears immediately. “爷爷……”小婷婷的脸上顿时又挂上了两行泪水。 Tingting is clever, does not cry. The uncle first do not say that is forced to leave native place this words.” Ye Fan comforts Little Tingting, to old humanity: You could rest assured that I will not annoy anything, now first switches off this shop, then I try to find the solution, is really not good, I leave with you together.” 婷婷乖,不哭。老伯先不要说背井离乡这种话。”叶凡安慰完小婷婷,对老人道:“您放心,我不会惹出什么事情,现在先把这小店关掉,然后我来想想办法,实在不行,我跟你们一起离开。” Ye Fan deep awareness, the mortal has many unfortunate things, is the old age to lose a child and be forced to leave native place painfully, the old person had lost the son, at present by compelling, will be left this small town, the distress in heart can be imagined, he really does not want to notice that such pair of grandparent and grandchild encounter the misfortune. 叶凡深深的知道,凡人有很多不幸的事情,最痛苦莫过于晚年丧子与背井离乡,老人已经失去了儿子,眼下又被『逼』,将离开这座小镇,心中的苦楚可想而知,他实在不想看到这样一对祖孙遭遇不幸。 You told in detail me, what kind of background Li has.” “您跟我详细的说说,李家到底有着怎样的背景。” What child do you want to make? We will receive tomorrow] “孩子你要做什么?我们明天就收] **** **** The thing leaves here, will not come back, now do not annoy them. ” 东西离开这里,再也不会回来了,现在千万不要去惹他们。” I am not the rash person, should not be worried.” “我不是莽撞的人,您不要担心。” Finally, under Ye Fan unceasing questioning, the old person said something finally. 最终,在叶凡不断的追问下,老人终于说出了一些事情。 Obstructs day 73 遮天73 Li in this town/subdues is the wealthy and powerful family second to none, it is said in their families has 34 people to practice outside. immortal cultivator is to people mystical, usually could not see, therefore the people on town/subdues fear Li. 李家在这座镇上是首屈一指的大户,据说他们家族中有三四人都在外修行。修仙者对于常人来说非常神秘,平日间根本见不到,因此镇上的人都非常惧怕李家。 Ye Fan thought that some old person words had not said that before for example Jiang Family , the condition is very good, has a restaurant in the town/subdues, why his son passed away suddenly wait/etc., these have not said. 叶凡觉得老人还有些话没有说,比如姜家以前境况很好,在镇上有一座酒楼,还有他的儿子为什么突然去世等等,这些都没有讲。 Tingting goes to wool turban to use hot water temperature to the grandfather.” After the old person opens Tingting, said: little brother I know that you are not the ordinary child, such small age can project on the river deer, perhaps also understood that practices. But I urged you do not provoke Li......” 婷婷去将『毛』巾给爷爷用热水温一下。”老人将婷婷支开后,才道:“小哥我知道你不是普通的孩子,这么小的年龄就能够打到獐子,恐怕也懂得一些修行吧。但我还是劝你不要招惹李家……” The old person continued saying that his son and daughter-in-law unexpectedly were also cultivator, several years ago were regarded as important in some Immortal Gate, in Lijiadu on linkage tied with them, is not willing easily to offend. 老人继续讲了下去,他的儿子与儿媳竟也是修行者,几年前在某一仙门非常被看重,就连镇上的李家都与他们结好,不愿轻易得罪。 Red Mist Sanctuary......” Ye Fan is surprised, Sect that old person's son is at unexpectedly is one of the Yan Country six Sanctuary and Blessed Land, from small town more than 200 li (0.5 km). 烟霞洞天……”叶凡非常惊讶,老人的儿子所在的门派竟是燕国六座洞天福地之一,距离小镇不过二百余里。 Several people of Li also with cultivation in Red Mist Sanctuary, a person and old person's son almost also crosses the threshold, but achievement actually distant was flung in behind. 李家的几人也同在烟霞洞天修炼,其中一个人与老人的儿子几乎同时入门,但成就却远远的被甩在了后面。 Li that child not has one's heart in right place, is errant, did a wicked matter, my child was too honest, then cannot bear take action, finally had the big enmity......” “李家那孩子心术不正,行为不端,做了一件恶事,我那孩子太正直了,便忍不住出手,结果结下了大仇……” Tingting father aptitude is extraordinary, was thought highly in Red Mist Sanctuary especially, pours does not fear Li that and he simultaneously basic disciple. But the day has the unforeseen circumstances person to have the imminent fortune and misfortune, when two years ago Tingting parental leave the mountain collects Spirit Medicine, unfortunately died a tragic death under the lightning bird claw. 婷婷的父亲资质非凡,在烟霞洞天格外受器重,倒也不惧李家那个与他同时入门的弟子。但天有不测风云人有旦夕祸福,两年前婷婷的父母出山去采集灵『药』时,不幸惨死于闪电鸟爪下。 After the Tingting parents die, the person of Li is unscrupulous, first robbed old person's restaurant, then took away his inn, this pitiful grandfather and grandson compelling to present this paddies, has not been willing to let off. 婷婷的父母死后,李家的人再无顾忌,先是抢走了老人的酒楼,而后又夺去了他的客栈,把这可怜的祖孙二人『逼』到现在这步田地,还不肯放过。 At this moment, Little Tingting washed wool turban to walk warm, she seemed like the powder to carve the jade to carve, was ordinary like the porcelain doll, but said one with the words that she did not tally young extremely, said: In this world why the good person is always bullied, unprincipled person long life......” 就在这时,小婷婷温洗完『毛』巾走了回来,她看起来粉雕玉琢,如同瓷娃娃一般,但却说出了一句与她年轻极不相符的话语,道:“这个世上为什么总是好人受欺负,坏人长命百岁……” Is listening to her immature words, looks at her suffering expression, Ye Fan and old person looks at each other speechless, does not know how to comfort. 听着她稚嫩的话语,看着她委屈的神『色』,叶凡与老人相顾无言,不知道如何安慰。 In this world the good person are many, Tingting only sees, on the one hand that's all, later all will be good......” Ye Fan does not want to let in she small mind the premature production negative mood. “这个世上还是好人多,婷婷只看到一方面而已,以后一切都会好起来的……”叶凡不想让她小小的心灵中过早的产生负面的情绪。 Right, your Big Brother is a good person, like this helps us, he and Tingting can the long life.” The old person show(s) gentle smile, said: Today I cook the ripe river deer meat to eat to Tingting.” “对啊,你大哥哥就是好人,这样帮我们,他与婷婷都会长命百岁的。”老人『露』出慈祥的笑容,道:“今天我给婷婷炖熟獐子肉吃。” The old person suggested according to Ye Fan's, switched off the small restaurant, at noon three people had sumptuous feast, the small face of Little Tingting is ruddy, finally again show(s) smiling face. 老人按照叶凡的建议,关掉了小饭馆,中午三人吃了一顿丰盛的大餐,小婷婷的小脸红扑扑,终于重新『露』出笑颜。 In the afternoon, Ye Fan wandered several in the small town, clarified the industry of Li, as well as old person snatched restaurant and inn where, was then indirect from other population knew many situations. 下午,叶凡在小镇中转悠了几圈,弄清楚了李家的产业,以及老人被抢的酒楼与客栈在哪里,而后又间接从其他人口中得知了不少情况。 He does not want to act rashly, is very much afraid will implicate the old person and Little Tingting, helping the person instead injure someone inadequately, that is the most simple-minded sad matter. 他不想贸然行动,深恐会连累老人与小婷婷,帮人不成反害人,那是最愚悲的事情。 Li have several person practices...... the Ye Fan feeling not to grasp in Red Mist Sanctuary very much, after all he just now starts to practice that's all. But this is also not anything, the most troublesome matter is Li has a person's super Immortal Gate cultivation beside Land of Yan, as if the achievement is very uncommon. “李家有数人在烟霞洞天修行……”叶凡感觉很没把握,毕竟他才刚开始修行而已。而这还不算什么,最麻烦的事情是李家有一个人在燕地之外的超级仙门修炼,似乎成就很不凡。 Li also is really difficult to annoy, it seems like seperately tries to find some solutions.” This lets the faith that Ye Fan practices firmly, he must grow stronger, otherwise works timid and hesitant, wants to help Uncle Jiang and pitiful Little Tingting air vent, is hard to be happy conducts. “李家还真是难惹,看来得另外想些办法。”这让叶凡更加坚定修行的信念,他必须要变强,不然做事都束手束脚,想帮姜老伯与可怜的小婷婷出气,都难以痛快的进行。 That several bastards who today begin said that anything cannot let off.” Ye Fan has not been put into action eagerly, impulsive can only the misdemeanor. He very tranquil returns to the small restaurant, after own room starts to sit in meditation, after obtaining that page of Gold Book and mysterious green copper, he did not have well to examine, now he decides first to start from Gold Book. “今天动手的那几个混蛋说什么也不能放过。”叶凡并没有急于付诸行动,冲动只能坏事。他很平静的回到小饭馆,进入自己的房间后开始打坐,得到那页金书与神秘绿铜后,他还没有好好的查看过,现在他决定首先从金书入手。 He revolves " Dao Scripture » profound law, in starts to regard, yellow pisolite big Golden Sea of Bitterness such as round of Divine Moon decides in the darkness, plain, but atmospheric green copper lump resides in golden Sea of Bitterness central, motionless, steadily like the rock, is silent. 他运转《道经》玄法,开始内视,黄豆粒大的金『色』苦海如一轮神月定在黑暗中,古朴而大气的绿铜块居于金『色』苦海中央,一动不动,稳如磐石,寂静无声。 But that page of Gold Book were pushed to the Sea of Bitterness edge, splendid light passes, glitters the intermittent god splendor, the above dense and numerous small characters such as stars are common, Golden-Red Clouds four shooting, is sacred and indistinct. This page of Gold Book want to return to the Sea of Bitterness center, but, no matter what its divine shine ten thousand, brilliantly like rainbow, is hard to shake the green copper slightest, can only drift away in the Sea of Bitterness edge. 而那页金书被挤到苦海的边缘,华光流转,闪烁出阵阵神辉,上面密密麻麻的小字如一颗颗星辰一般,金霞四『射』,神圣而又飘渺。这页金书似想回到苦海的中央,但是,任它神华万道,绚烂如虹,也难以撼动绿铜分毫,只能游离在苦海边缘。 The Ye Fan's mind completely immerses to Gold Book in Sea of Bitterness on, but he met with the previous same trouble, shining Gold Book each small character shooting gold/metal Zhenban the ray, lets his mind severe pain, is unable to see clearly these handwriting. 叶凡的心神完全沉浸到苦海中的金书上,但是他遇到了与上次相同的麻烦,灿灿金书每一个小字都『射』出金针般的光芒,让他心神剧痛,无法看清那些字迹。 Obstructs day 73 遮天73 How like this, not to have the means to cultivate the profound methods on this page of Gold Book?” Ye Fan frowns, this is equal to having treasure mountain, but is actually not able to take out any wealth general, is unable to grasp including a copper coin. “怎么会这样,难道没有办法修炼这页金书上的玄法吗?”叶凡皱起了眉头,这等于拥有一座宝山,但却无法取出任何一点财富一般,连一枚铜币都无法抓到手中。 Unexpectedly, Ye Fan seemed like remembered anything suddenly, pulled out to the bosom. 蓦地,叶凡像是突然想起了什么,向怀中掏去。 Gloomy Bodhi Seed appears in his hands, has the walnut is so big fully, above has inborn runic patterns, is connected the design that forms together is being Buddha. 一枚灰暗的菩提子出现在他的手中,足有核桃那么大,上面有天生的纹络,相连在一起形成的图案是一尊佛陀 Buddha Fig. as if made by heaven, is completely the natural evolution, gloomy and plain, nature, the faintly Zen rhyme passes to send. 佛陀天成,完全是自然演化而成,灰暗、古朴、自然,隐隐有一股禅韵透发而出。 Bodhi tree can help person prove the Dao, I give a try with the aid of this Bodhi Seed!” Ye Fan precisely as a result of this Bodhi Seed reason, obtains mysterious ancient scripture in bronze ancient coffin, at this moment is unable to watch the profound law of Gold Book record, he then wants to give a try with the aid of this mystical Bodhi Seed. 菩提树可以帮人证道,我借助这枚菩提子来试试看!”叶凡正是由于这枚菩提子的缘故,在青铜古棺中得到一篇神秘的古经,此刻无法观看金书记载的玄法,他便想借助这枚神异菩提子试试看。 Bodhi tree, other name, is Wisdom Tree and consciousness tree and thought tree, the legend may open the god of person nature, comes to understand oneself body. 菩提树,还有另外的名字,为智慧树、觉悟树、思维树,传说可开启人之神『性』,觉悟己身。 Ye Fan grips Bodhi Seed instantly, starts the profound law of revolving «Dao Scripture» records, in Sea of Bitterness the gold threads overflows immediately, condenses to go toward that Bodhi Seed. 叶凡握住菩提子的刹那,开始运转《道经》所记载的玄法,苦海中顿时有一道道金丝溢出,向着那枚菩提子凝聚而去。 In this moment, does not know is the misconception, Bodhi Seed really had an effect, he felt that in heart an elusiveness, is tranquil. He starts to regard Sea of Bitterness again, watches that page of Gold Book. 在这一刻,不知道是错觉,还是菩提子真的起作用了,他感觉心中一片空灵,非常宁静。他开始重新内视苦海,观看那页金书 Really has the effect......” Ye Fan astonishedly, Bodhi Seed makes a he elusiveness, the mind not have the billows without the wave, easily by the golden light, saw clearly ancient character on golden paper, that such as gold/metal Zhenban dazzling golden light, as if all of a sudden gentle, no longer injures his eyes. “真的有效果……”叶凡惊异不已,菩提子让他内心一片空灵,心神无波无澜,轻易透过金光,看清了金『色』纸张上的古字,那如金针般刺目的一道道金光,似乎一下子柔和了起来,不再伤他的双眼 I opened Treasure Depository!” Even if the hand grasps Bodhi Seed, in the Ye Fan heart difficult to be calm, is also excited, he opened perfect «Dao Scripture» Wheel and Sea Volume. “我开启了一座宝藏!”纵然手握菩提子,叶凡心中也难以平静,非常激动,他打开了完满的《道经轮海卷 ancient character turns into divine shine, comes to his mind brand mark unceasingly, such as stars are sparkling. 古字化成神华,不断向他心神烙印而来,如一颗颗星辰在闪耀。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Helps the person make an advertisement: 帮人做个广告: Recommends crisp article «top grade witch Nan» 推荐一本爽文《极品巫男》 The story happened at a night, that night had the wind, had the dark cloud, the lamp also extinguishes...... 故事发生在一个夜晚,那一夜有风,有乌云,灯还熄了…… Is doomed extraordinary blood nature dwelling male, an ordinary instinct movement caused a 5 or 6-year-old lovable girl. 一位注定不平凡的血『性』宅男,一次平凡的本能“运动”弄出了一个五六岁的可爱女孩。 This is not her true shape, because this dwelling male personally sees, after this little girl violent walks the anger, unexpectedly will turn **. 这不是她的真正形态,因为此宅男亲眼所见,这妞暴走愤怒后,居然会变成**。 What is witch strength, what is the witchcraft? 什么是巫力,什么是巫术? This girl said: Does not practice the witchcraft, must die, un, she added, she came from the great antiquity. 这个女孩说:不修炼巫术,就得死,嗯,她还说,她来自洪荒。 Good, we read the profound imaginary novel often, can we not want to work as the good fork character? Study! The result...... another door of the world was shoved open, an incomparably splendid world show/unfolds reveal in this fellow at present...... 好吧,咱经常看玄幻小说的,咱能不想当牛叉人物?学!结果……世界的另一扇门被推开,一个无比精彩的世界展『露』在这个家伙的眼前…… e = «top grade Witch Male»] e=《极品巫男》]
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