STH :: Volume #1

#72: Hope in heart

Hope in Chapter 72 heart 第72章心中的希望 The old person turned down several times, does not need Ye Fan to remain, the word said, passed by here, makes up this board. 老人数次婉拒,不用叶凡留下来,言称以后路过这里,补上这顿饭钱就可以。 Elderly man, I am now homeless, no destination, you make me stay behind, I will be able to help.” “老人家,我现在无家可归,没有什么去处,你就让我留下吧,我会帮上忙的。” Big Brother, don't you have the family/home?” The sister-in-law/little aunt is naive, the tears on face also not dry, raises head to look at him, on immature small face show(s) sympathy expression. 大哥哥,你没有家?”小姑天真可爱,脸上的泪水还没有干涸,仰头看他,稚嫩的小脸上『露』出同情的神『色』 Finally, the old person made Ye Fan remain, received for him in the backyard] 最终,老人让叶凡留了下来,在后院为他收] Obstructs day 72 遮天72 **** **** Has a room, told him momentarily to depart. 出一个房间,告诉他随时可以离去。 Night, Ye Fan is tossed, finally sets out, on the arriving roof lightly, lies down looks up to the sky here. At this moment, the clouds have dispersed, the bright moonlight is hanging in the sky, sprinkles like the light smoke moonlight, in the vault of heaven stars, such as diamonds are sparkling. 夜里,叶凡辗转难眠,最后起身,轻悄悄的来到屋顶上,躺在这里仰望天空。此刻,云朵已经散开,明月当空悬挂,洒下如薄烟般的月华,苍穹中星辰点点,如一颗颗钻石在闪耀。 The kinship between old person and little miss, touched him to hide in the thing of heart most deep place unknowingly, parents' gentle appearance often appears in his hearts. 老人与小姑娘间的亲情,不经意间触动了他藏在心底最深处的东西,父母的慈祥容颜不时浮现在他的心间。 You are good......” “你们还好吗……” Ye Fan looks up to Starry Sky, resembling to pass through endless Star Domain, arrives at that Starry Sky other end, returns to parents' side. Whenever thinks of the parents, his heart difficult to be calm, suddenly the accident/surprise is then missing, the old parents are very certainly sad. 叶凡仰望星空,似要穿过无尽星域,到达那星空的彼端,回到父母的身边。每当想到父母,他的心便难以平静,突然意外失踪,年迈的父母一定很伤心。 Regarding the parents, the old age loses the only son, will be one type is unable to withstand the pain, thinks that parents in sad, Ye Fan then felt that annoyed intent chaotic, wishes one could to return to their sides immediately, making their hearts tranquil, show(s) smiling face. 对于父母来说,晚年失去独子,将是一种无法承受之痛,想到父母在伤心,叶凡便感觉心烦意『乱』,恨不得立刻回到他们的身边,让他们的心宁静下来,『露』出笑颜。 But great distance endless Star Domain, from so remote, how can go back? In his heart felt the powerless feeling, can only dull looking up to Starry Sky. 可是相隔无尽星域,距离如此遥远,怎么才能回去?他心中充满了无力感,只能呆呆的仰望星空 Whenever thinks that this moment parents' mood, Ye Fan then very anxious, to this world, he will always miss originally deeply hides, does not dare easily to touch and recall, was touched each time, can difficult to be calm. 每当想到此刻父母的心情,叶凡便非常的揪心,自来到这个世界,他始终将思念深深掩藏,不敢轻易触碰与回想,每次被触动,都会难以平静 „It is not good, if I certainly want the means to go back, cannot let live me to raise my parents old age to cry......” Ye Fan to sit all of a sudden, talked to oneself: Certainly has the means that must go back.” “不行,我一定要想办法回去,不能让生我养我的父母晚年以泪洗面……”叶凡一下子坐了起来,自语道:“一定有办法的,一定要回去。” When the primitive ruins saw that these cultivator escape, saw that five great person divine might are unparalleled, making him feel cultivator's was powerful, someday he will be strong enough, can span the endless star space, will return the hometown, will return to parents' side. 在原始废墟看到那些修士遁地,见到五位大人物神威盖世,让他感觉到了修士的强大,也许有一天他足够强时,可以跨越无尽的星宇,重新回到家乡,回到父母的身旁。 Experienced cultivator's to be fearful with own eyes, in the Ye Fan heart raised a hope, he felt the road that went home has not cut off completely, perhaps also hopeful. 亲眼见识了修士的可怕,叶凡心中升起一股希望,他觉得回家的路并没有完全斩断,也许还有希望。 I must grow stronger, I must run out of this piece of Starry Sky, I must go home, no longer makes the parents burst into tears sadly, I must make their old ages fill the smiling face......” the Ye Fan's words to be getting more and more firm, he for oneself confidence building, was saying: I can certainly achieve, I must achieve, I must return to their sides!” “我要变强,我要冲出这片星空,我要回家,不再让父母伤心流泪,我要让他们的晚年充满笑颜……”叶凡的话语越来越坚定,他在为自己树立信心,道:“我一定能够做到,我必须做到,我要回到他们的身边!” Moved and anxiously useless, Ye Fan adjusts own state of mind slowly, making the heart gradually tranquil, today by the kinship between old person and little miss touched, making his final point fan vast and trapped/sleepy being puzzled to vanish thoroughly, he sought oneself goal and direction. 伤感与忧虑没有用,叶凡慢慢调整自己的心绪,让心渐渐平静了下来,今日被老人与小姑娘间的亲情触动,让他最后的一点『迷』茫与困『惑』彻底消失了,他寻到了自己的目标与方向。 nine dragons pulling a coffin, passes through Star Domain, arrives at this space, they, I, I must become enough powerful, sooner or later, I can also cross Void, returns to the hometown.” The Ye Fan's look is getting more and more bright, he must grow stronger, whether it is must retrieve Pang Bo, wants to return to the hometown, needs the strong strength is the backing. 九龙拉棺,穿越星域,来到这片空间,它们可以,我也可以,我要变得足够强大,早晚有一天,我也能横渡虚空,回到家乡。”叶凡的眼神越来越明亮,他必须要变强,无论是要救回庞博,还是想回到故乡,都需要强大的实力为后盾。 He had one to be stranded intent, heavy went off in the room. Until the 2nd day early morning, old person's voice conveyed, made him open eyes. 不知不觉间,他有了一丝困意,在房上沉沉睡去。直到第二日清晨,老人的声音传来,才让他睁开双眼 How child you came up to the room, is more careful, do not fall.” “孩子你怎么到房上去了,小心一些,别摔下来。” The little misses have a drowsy look, goes out from the room, saw that Ye Fan sits up from the room, immediately startled opened the eye, said: Big Brother you in why?” 小姑娘睡眼惺忪,从房间内走出,看到叶凡从房上坐起,顿时惊的睁大了眼睛,道:“大哥哥你在干吗?” Facing old small suspecting being puzzled, Ye Fan feels somewhat awkwardly, said: Last night was too hot, I come to the room to enjoy the cool air, did not fall asleep carefully.” 面对一老一小的疑『惑』,叶凡感觉有些尴尬,道:“昨晚太热了,我来房上乘凉,不小心睡着了。” Obstructs day 72 遮天72 Ye Fan washes, the old person asked him to eat meal, small basin white rice gruel, one plate of brined vegetables, very simple, because their conditions were really limited. The little misses are sensible, has suspended the tableware, was Ye Fan abundant one bowl of rice congees, for own grandfather abundant full one bowl, when was to her own actually only abundant little, originally she used was the small bowl, result abundant such few, several finished eating, then put down the tableware. 叶凡洗漱完毕,老人叫他去吃饭,一小盆白米粥,还有一碟咸菜,非常的简单,因为他们的条件实在有限。小姑娘非常懂事,早已摆好碗筷,然后为叶凡盛了一碗白粥,又为自己的爷爷盛了满满一碗,可是到她自己时却只盛了一点点,本来她用的就是小碗,结果盛的如此之少,几口就吃完了,而后放下了碗筷。 How to eat are so few?” The old person asked her. “怎么吃的这么少?”老人问她。 Although the little misses put on dozen of patches the clothes, but likely a fine porcelain doll generally is attractive, she is patting oneself abdomen, said: I ate to the full.” 小姑娘虽然穿着打补丁的衣服,但却像个精致的瓷娃娃一般漂亮,她拍着自己的小肚子,道:“我吃饱了。” Nonsense, ate several, to be how full.” “胡说,才吃了几口,怎么会饱呢。” Really ate to the full. Last night, I ate the grandfather to the chicken nugget that I left behind, half steamed bun, is not hungry by the present.” The little misses are saying, carries own small bowl, the preparation flushes. “真的吃饱了。昨天夜里,我吃了爷爷给我留下的鸡块,还有半个馒头,到现在都不饿呢。”小姑娘说着,端起自己的小碗,准备去冲洗。 The old person pulls back her, her small bowl is filled with the rice congee, said: Good child, you are the long body time, must eat the thing, should not be worried, in our family/home also has the grain.” 老人把她拉了回来,将她的小碗里盛满白粥,道:“好孩子,你是长身体的时候,要多吃东西,不要担心,咱们家里还有粮食。” I had not worried, I really ate to the full, the grandfather you must eat some......” in girl's small bowl rice congee to the large bowl of old person's but actually. “我没有担心,我真的吃饱了,爷爷你要多吃一些……”小姑娘将自己小碗里的白粥向老人的大碗里倒了很多。 The old person prevents, no longer said anything, but sighs. 老人阻止不及,不再说什么,只是叹了一口气。 Grandfather, will these unprincipled people also come today?” On the little miss ruddy small face of expression of show(s) fear, the sound is very immature, said: They have robbed our restaurant, now also comes to here to pound daily chaotically, we simply do not have the means to do business, now cannot eat quickly the food, how haven't they let off us?” “爷爷,那些坏人今天还会来吗?”小姑娘红扑扑的小脸上『露』出一丝害怕的神『色』,声音很稚嫩,道:“他们已经抢走了咱们的酒楼,现在还天天来这里捣『乱』,我们根本没办法做生意,现在连饭都快吃不上了,他们怎么还不放过我们?” All right, you do not need to worry, so long as there are grandfather, hungry you.” Old person touching touching her head, then to bowl Riga of little miss some rice congees. “没事的,你不用担心,只要有爷爷在,就饿不着你。”老人『摸』了『摸』她的头,然后向小姑娘的碗里加了一些白粥。 Ye Fan had not said in side anything, finished eating this simple breakfast silently, but in his heart actually difficult to be calm. 叶凡在旁边什么也没有说,默默吃完这顿简单的早饭,但他的心中却难以平静 The old person is surnamed Jiang, this is a very ancient surname, the words background that traces is really big, but the old person is very ordinary, but is one in all living things, now lives is difficult. The sensible and attractive little girl called Tingting, her parents to pass away in two years ago, left behind her and old person is bound by a common destiny. 老人姓姜,这是一个非常古老的姓氏,追溯起来的话来头甚大,不过老人却很普通,不过是芸芸众生中的一个,如今生活非常困难。懂事而又漂亮的小女孩叫婷婷,她的父母在两年前去世了,留下她和老人相依为命。 Ye Fan has not said anything, after having eaten sooner or later, to old humanity: Uncle I go out to transfer the revolutions.” 叶凡没有多说什么,吃过早晚后对老人道:“老伯我出去转转。” You are unfamiliar with the people and place here, are more careful.” The old person urged. “你在这里人生地不熟,要小心一些。”老人叮嘱道。 This town/subdues said that greatly loudly says slightly big, can have more than 1000 families, close to 5000 people. In liveliest intersection, several restaurants and inn, the general store mostly is also centralized there, other places are the inhabited areas. 这个镇说大不大说小不小,能有一千多户人家,接近五千人。在最繁华的十字路口,有几家酒楼与客栈,杂货铺等也大多集中在那里,其他地方多是居民区。 Ye Fan relayed in the small town, then walks toward the town/subdues, many paddies close neighbor small town, walked to the distant place again is the mountain forest, every day had the hunting household to walk into the mountain to go hunting. 叶凡在小镇中转了一圈,然后向镇外走去,很多田地紧邻小镇,再向远处走便是山林了,每天都有猎户进山打猎。 Ye Fan enters the mountain forest, more walks him more surprised to, stands looks out into the distance on a mountain, discovered that the distant place mountain range fluctuates, continuous, mist fan ignorant/veiled, primitive virgin forest does not have the end. 叶凡走进山林,越向里走他越惊讶,站在一座高山上远眺,发现远处山峦起伏,绵绵不绝,雾气『迷』蒙,原始老林似没有尽头。 Roar......” “吼……” The mountain forest deep place, hears the intermittent roaring sound, the Ye Fan anxiety, instead show(s) is unhappy color, the small town truly can make him calm the mind to cultivate, is not only peaceful, but also the neighbor remote mountain, definitely has Mutant Beast and Spirit Medicine, these are his unusual need things. 山林深处,传来阵阵咆哮声,叶凡并没有忧虑,反而『露』出喜『色』,小镇确实可以让他静心修炼,不仅安宁,还紧邻深山,肯定有异兽灵『药』,这些都是他非常需要的东西。 Ye Fan relayed few half day when the mountain, but not thorough far, later some are the time, not eagerly for a while, toward noon walks outward, discovered some hunting household also some picking on the road medicine person. 叶凡在山中转了少半日,不过并没有深入多远,以后有的是时间,不急于一时,临近中午时才向外走,在路上发现了一些猎户还有一些采『药』人。 Average person lives is not really easy......” Ye Fan somewhat to sigh, he discovered several hunting households bring some prey, simultaneously is lifting a whole body dripping with blood corpse, walks toward the small town, was definitely killed by the large-scale beast of prey when the hunting. “普通人生活真的不易啊……”叶凡有些感叹,他发现几名猎户带着一些猎物,同时抬着一具浑身鲜血淋漓的尸体,向着小镇走去,肯定是在狩猎时被大型猛兽扑杀的。 The distant place, several roe deer drink water in the mountain stream, Ye Fan circled silently, then shoots a rock violent force in hand, bang, pounds to pour a roe deer in the mountain streams. Afterward, he hit a river deer in the mountain forest, this to returning walks. 远处,几头狍子在山涧喝水,叶凡无声无息的绕了过去,而后将手中的一块山石猛力掷出,“砰”的一声,将一头狍子砸倒在溪水间。随后,他又在山林中打了一只獐子,这才向回走去。 Obstructs day 72 遮天72 On the road, some hunting households saw that a 11 or 12-year-old youngster is dragging a roe deer also river deer, all show(s) astonished expression, Ye Fan does not care, he must live in this small town for a long time, these are unavoidable. 路上,有些猎户见到一个十一二岁的少年拖着一头狍子还有一只獐子,全都『露』出惊异的神『色』,叶凡并不在意,他要在这个小镇长期生活,这些是无法避免的。 Toward noon, Ye Fan returned to the town/subdues, sold to a butcher the roe deer, then bought some rice flour, bringing that river deer to walk toward the Uncle Jiang small restaurant. 临近中午时,叶凡回到了镇上,将狍子卖给了一个屠户,而后去买了一些米面,带着那只獐子向姜老伯的小饭馆走去。 Distant saw there to encircle many people, the Tingting weeping sound no use transmitted by the crowd, the Ye Fan's heart thump, rushes over immediately fast. 远远的就看到那里围了很多人,婷婷无助的哭声透过人群传来,叶凡的心顿时“咯噔”一下,快速冲了过去。 Old person's gray hair hung loose, on the face has many bloodstains, weak sitting on the ground, full was the clothing of patch moistened many dust. Little Tingting is sobbing sadly, wipes the face on bloodstain for the old person with the small sleeve, the person who to the front several evil report slander, the sob said: You are the unprincipled people, snatched grandfather's restaurant, now we do not have the food to eat, has not let off us......” 老人花白的头发披散了下来,脸上有不少血迹,无力的坐在地上,满是补丁的衣衫沾了不少灰尘。小婷婷伤心的哭泣着,用小小的袖子为老人擦脸上的血迹,对着前方的几个恶声恶语的人,哭泣道:“你们是坏人,抢了爷爷的酒楼,现在我们都没有饭吃了,还不放过我们……” yellow face a Middle-Aged person squatting lower part of the body, made an effort to select a Little Tingting forehead, made her fall on the ground all of a sudden, said: You wool girl understand anything!” 一个黄脸的中年人蹲下身来,用力点了一下小婷婷的额头,一下子让她跌坐在了地上,道:“你『毛』丫头懂什么!” Has anything to come to me,...... Uncle Jiang do not protect Tingting to the child like this after behind, scratched bloodstain on a face, said: How do you actually want?” “有什么事冲我来,不要这样对孩子……”姜老伯婷婷护在身后,擦了一把脸上的血迹,道:“你们到底想怎样?” How we do not want, coming to here to eat meal, you said unexpectedly do not have the meal, what do you open the restaurant to make? Such being the case, closes to consider as finished directly.” “我们不想怎样,来这里吃饭,你居然说没有饭菜,你开饭馆是做什么的?既然如此,直接关门算了。” Unprincipled person, you eat without paying daily, where we have money to provide for you......” Little Tingting after behind sob of Uncle Jiang. “坏人,你们天天来吃白食,我们哪里有钱供养你们……”小婷婷姜老伯的身后哭泣。 In the surrounded crowd has many people unable to continue watching, but actually does not dare to go forward, must urge Uncle Jiang, said: Jiang, switches off to consider as finished this shop, leading your granddaughter to leave here.” 围观的人群中有不少人看不下去,但却不敢上前,只得劝姜老伯,道:“姜老,把这小店关掉算了,带着你孙女离开这里吧。” Person who yes, in the families has immortal cultivator, where our mortals annoy, you hurry.” “是啊,人家家族中有修仙的人,我们凡人哪里惹的起,你还是赶紧走吧。” Although is forced to leave native place, but leaves.” “尽管背井离乡,但还是离开好。” ...... …… What did you say?” The yellow face Middle-Aged person stood up, swept a surrounding person, these sounds were silent immediately. “你们说什么呢?”黄脸中年人站起身来,扫了一眼周围的人,那些声音顿时沉默了下去。 The Ye Fan anger is turbulent, person but who take action, in the opposite party family has not had immortal cultivator immediately, he fears by some chance the clash, instead harmed this grandfather and grandson. Naturally, he is impossible to let off these people, now not take action, does not represent cannot do accounts afterward. 叶凡怒火汹涌,不过并没有立刻出手,对方家族中有修仙的人,他怕万一猛撞,反而害了这祖孙两人。当然,他决不可能放过这些人,现在不出手,不代表事后不能算账。 At this time, the yellow face Middle-Aged person departed with several other people swaggering, the surrounded person went forward, persuades Uncle Jiang, in this period was mixing with the Little Tingting sad wail. 这个时候,黄脸中年人与另外几人大摇大摆的离去了,围观的人纷纷上前,相劝姜老伯,其间夹杂着小婷婷伤心的哭泣声。 Until was very long in the past, the people diverge gradually, the Little Tingting big eye is red, holds the old person to stand up, walks toward the small restaurant. 直至过去很久,众人才渐渐散去,小婷婷大眼通红,扶着老人站起,向着小饭馆中走去。 Saw that such a good old person of last years of life was so humiliated, saw again the whole body patch Little Tingting cries such sad, Ye Fan felt that left left the anger, he looked to vanishing in street end several people, made an effort to grip tightened the fist. 看到这样一个风烛残年的善良老人被如此欺凌,再看到满身补丁的小婷婷哭的这样伤心,叶凡感觉出离了愤怒,他看向消失在街道尽头的几人,用力攥紧了拳头。
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